The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 21, 1910, Image 4

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    DR. F. W. MILLER,
Over Dixon's. Phone 358.
1 Graduate Northwestern Univcrsltv.
Chautauqua Week
A Onice ovor McDonald State Bank
m R. wallace
Yj Silver plate that H
H y resists wear
H that does not give H
H T latiifactory service jH
'n Bn ',ou,c K
Clinton, Jeweler and Optician
Graduate Dcnlisl.
Oillco ovor tho McDonald
Stato Dank.
Mr. and Mrs. John Thomas, of Suth
erland, visited friends in town yester
day. If you want a GOOD CAR buy a
Mitchell or Rambler of LeMasters.
Miss Myrtle Martin, of Sutherland,
is spending this week with friends in
Olaf Johnson and family, of Brady,
are visiting at the homo of Harry John
son. Monarch Mallcablo Ranges best
on the inarket at Horshoy's.
The MisseH Erickson, of Brady, spent
yesterday in town us the guests of Miss
Jennie Carlson. .
Mrs. Jos. Donegnn and daughter
Florence havo returned from a pleasant
visit in Southern Iowa.
Miss Antoinette Landgraf, of Ogden,
will arrive tho early part of next month
for a visit with her parents in this city.
Attention Ladies All wash suits and
street dresses at one-third less than
regular prico. Th6 Hub Clothing Dept.
Mr. and Mrs. J. M. iierkoy and son
Earl, of Davenport, Neb., uro spending
this week with their daughtor, Mrs. M.
E. Crosby.
Miss Myrtle Borkoy, superintendent
of the Deaconess' hospital at Spokane,
Wash., is tho guest of her sister, Mru.
M. E. Crosby.
John Deero Implements and Weber
& Stoughton wgdns at Hershoy's,
,"' Tho Misses Brown, of Kearney,
dnughtorn of Senator Norris Brown,
arrived nt noon today and will bo tho
iruoHts of Miss Fcnnn Beeier for
several days.
Special Oxford Sale.
Small, The Big Shoe Man.
The stork visited tho homo of Mr.
nnd Mrs. J. Q. Wilcox k Wednesday
mornlmr nnd left a girl baby. Mother
daughter iro reported to bo doing
J. J, Freidman, of Duhith, Minn., nr
rived. Wednesday night and will visit
for a. short time at tho homo of his
BiateiyMra. Julius Pizor.
Wo have u few light weight ladies
woolen BUita to close out at just one
half regular price. They are a snap
Act nuick before they are picked over,
llmi Clothing Dbit.
Deputy Grand Master Workman Tur
ner, of tho A. 0. U. W., has spending
the past few days in town nnd will re
. main over until .next week. Ho has
been doing lodge yqrk in the west part
. pf tho Btato.
Wo have tho new attachments for
tho Edison talking machlnesv Play two
nnd four minuto records. Ten four
minute records free.
RincKeu's Book Stoke.
. Harry Walrath, lino maintainor for
tho Postal Tolegraph Co., has been noti
fled of his transfer to Burlington, Iowa
and with Mrs. Walrat)) will loavo for
that place next week, Thoy uro popular
people and their departure will bore
grctted by many
' For Quick Sale of Your Property
; List it with tho.Templo Real Estate
. & Ins. Agpncy. Wo sell a pleco of
property every week.
- Miss Alice Fitzpntrick has accepted
a position nt tho Crystal Theatre.
Weather forecast: Generally fair to
night and Saturday. Tho maximum
tempcraturo yesterday was 87; a year
aco 81: minimum this moraine 58: a
yenrago C-l.
An exchnngo tells of a newspaper
reporter who interviewed thirty sue
cessful business men and found that all
of them when boys had been governed
strictly nnd frequently thrashed; Ho
also interviewed thirty loafers nnd
learned thnt twenty-seven of them had
been "mamma's darling," nnd the
other three had been reared by
their grandmothers.
Mrs. John McGraw entertained a
dozen young ladies at a morning party
yesterday in favor of her siflter Miss
Maud Recs. Tho hours were from nine
to eleven. Pink nnd white sweet peas
were the house decorations and this
color scheme wns carried out in tho
very palatable refreshments served.
Tho function was a pronounced social
Lost On Dewey St., nbunch of keys
on solid silver ring. Finder will be re
warded by returning them to this office.
The attraction at tho Chautauqua
grounds yesterday afternoon whs a
mnnologuo recital of "Seven Oaks," by
Everett Kemp, which is pronounced to
havo been ono of tho most enjoyable
numbers yet given. This story by Hol
land Is n most interesting one, and in
the hands of Mr. Kemp it proved
doubly so. In the evening the Eureka
maid quartctto entertained tho crowd.
Special Oxford Sale.
Small, The Big Shoe Man.
Tho state board of irrigation in
structed tho stnto secretary to sec that
the North Platto irrigation ditch ro
ceived tho wntor to which it was en
titled under its filing, but this order
as not been complied with. ' For two
weeks past there has not been enough
water coming down tho North Platto to
supply tho needs of that particular ditch,
in fact there has practially been nono.
Evidently tho ditches in Scotts Bluff
county havo been taking all tho river
water regardless of tho order of the
stato board. Stato Engineer Simmons
arrived in town yesterday and nftor
nvestignting conditions here expects to
go to Scotta Bluff county to make
further investigations.
Mr. Builder: Do you know that thero
is nothing mora importpant to bo figured
on. when llguringon that new building,
than your insurance. Wo write for tho
best of companies at the lowest possi-
biu rates, and can give you export ser
Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency.
C. F. Temple, Mgr.
Charles Joromc, tho two nnd one-
hnlf year old son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W.
Ottcnstein, of Salt Lake, died at the
Cunningham hospital In this city Wed
nesday evening nteight o'clock. Mrs.
Ottcnstein, in company with hor sister
Miss Cricker, had been in tho east visit
ing nnd shortly after leaving Chicago
enroute to this city tho child was taken
II, nnd though careful attention wns
given, when tho mother arrived hero
Wednesday afternoon the condition was
so sorlous that Dr. Quigley recom
mended tho child being placed in charge
of a nurso at the hospital. This was
done, nnd tho best medical skill given,
but tho spirit of th little one took its
flight n few hours later. Occurlng in
the manner it did, the death is a par
ticularly heavy blow to tho parents
and relatives In this city, and to them
tho slncoro sympathy of our people Ib
extended. Tho funeral will take place
Friday nftornoon at three o'clock from
tho homo of his grandparents, Mr. and
Mrs. J. K. Ottcnstein.
Scott Keith Will Return.
Scott Keith, ono of North Plntte's
former business men and an old timer,
will return to this city. P. W. Sitton
informs us that ho has been notified
that Mr. Keith on August 1st will be
checked In as cashier at th.o Pacific
Hotel. The old town has changed since
Mr. Keith left, as has also tho people,
but he will still find many old friends
who will give him the glad hand of I
City Property Selling Fast.
Yesterday the Temple Real Estate
& Ins. Agency closed a, deal for the
sale of tho Leo. F. Simon'B property
on east Gth St. to Dr. J. R. McKlrahan
of the Physicians & Surgeons Hospital.
This makes the fourth pclce of city
property sold by this firm this month.
We are Now Bigger.
Governor Shallenberger last Monday
issued n proclamation declaring North
Platte to be a city of tho first class
having more than 5,000 and less than
25.000 and subject to tho provisions of
tho law governing cities of that class.
This passing of North rlntto from a
city of the second class to the first
class gives tho mayor and council
greater privileges tnan lormerly: nono
of which, however, will be abused.
Mrs. Lydia Lincoln.
Mrs. Lydia Lincoln, mother, of J. D.
W. Lincoln, of this city, died at tile
homo of her daughter Mrs. L. E.
Garrison on west Third street Wed
nesday after an illness of but two
Mrs. Lincoln was born in New York
in 1835 but for the past eight years has
made her home in this city and during
that timo has shown herself to be a
woman of strong character, devout in
her religion and enjoying the esteem
and respect of her many friends nnd
Three daughters, Mrs. L. E. Garrison,
of this city, Mrs. J. E. House, of
Chamberlain, S. Dak., and Mrs. C. C.
Clnrk, of Maxwell, and ono Bon J. D.
Lincoln, survive her. Thero are also
eight grandchildren nnd four great
Funeral Berviccs will be held at ttie
Garrison residence this evening In
charce of Rev. R. B. Favoright, of
the Baptist church, and the remains,
accompanied by J. D. Lincoln will be
taken to Britt, Iowa, for interment.
1 ii
F. L. Farmer, of Arapahoe, is spend-
inc this week In town with his son
Frank Farmer.
Avellne Gates has accepted u posi
tion as messenger boy and is succeeded
by Jay Smith in the Stono Drug Storo,
Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Peters returned4
Inst evening from Wisconsin, where
they hnd been called by the death of
Mrs. Peters' father.
Butler Miltonberger underwent an
operation for appendicitis at the Cun
ningham hospital yesterday. His con
dition is reported very favorable.
Miss Kathryn McCusker, of Oga-
lalln, who had hncn spending several
days with friends in town, left this
morning for Keystone.
The Hub
extends n cordial welcome to all Chau
tauqua visitors and all teachers. Come
in and make yourselves at home. The
Block of merchandise wo carry will
command your attention, while nt this
time we havo many lots to close out nt
grently reduced prices in dry goods,
notions, shoes, millinery, Indies' wool
and wash suits, children and misses'
wash dresses, carpets, matting, rugs
of all sizes and quality, men nnd boys'
clothing and furnishings, trunks and va
lises. Remember this, thnt we do not
mark up goods and then como down
one-fourth or one-third, but wo give
you all reduction from regular pricos.
Yours for Business,
The HuB.
13 City Blocks for Sale.
All of the City Blocks of Plattevicw
Subdivision have been sold except the
thirteen mentioned below.
Block No. Acres Price
7 2.98 225
marked with the number upon a 2x4
stake, painted white. Parties desiring
may examine the different blocks and
make selection. If preferred, the under
signed will go and show these blocks.
Terms five per cent discount for
cash or one tenth of purchase price
down and one tenth every three
months. For sale by
Wm. E. Shumnn.
....3.16 250
3.24 250
3.45 275
2.69 225
2.69 220
v..3.90 ...275
X..4.44 ....300
...N2.69 250
2L69 350
.. 23?. ...... .275
2.71 320
2.55 .315
of these blocks are plainly
Saturday, July 23d, we will have on special sale,
one day only, all our celebrated Geo. P. Ide & Co.
"Silver Brand" Dress SKirts at $1.00.
These shirts have never been sold for less than $1.25. Yu
will regret not taking1 advantage of this price. One day onl7
Wash Suits,
White Dresses
and Parasols
LOT 1 All Wash Suits that
have retailed from $5.00 to (t I A Q
$7.50, your choice l)4-TrO
LOT 2 All WasK Suits that
retailed from $ 1 o to $ 1 2. 50 i Q
your choice J) J 4'0
LOT 3 All White Dresses .
that have sold up to $6. 50 QQ
your choice for O.O
LOT 4 All White-Dresses
that have sold to $10 and QQ
$12, your choice 3)UU
LOT 5 All Fancy Parasols
that have sold up to $1.25 A Of
your choice O,
LOT 6 All Fancy Parasols
that sold at $1.75, yourfljj jQ
choice Jj I lis
LOT 7 All Fancy Parasols
that have sold at $2.00, tfW in
your choice. . . .)....... !)ia40
LOT 8 All Fancy Parasols
that have sold at $3.00, 'lA
your choice fruiuJ
This is an unusual opportunity to buy goods you need to wear for the
next two months.
Sale begins Saturday, July 16th, and closes Saturday, July 23d.
Wilcox Department Store.
Tho Flying Dutchman.
Tho Flying Dutchman wns a sulp
which wns sometimes visible from vn-
rlotts points of )nnd. but more partic
ularly from tho Cnpo of Good Hope
In very stormy wenthcy. Tho storj
runs thnt her captain onco sworo so
tearful nn oath that as a punishment
for his blasphemy ho was condemned
to beat about the oceans until tho day
of Judgment. The l-'lylng Dutchmnn
wns never known to get Into port nnd
wns generally seen sailing under full
canvas before a strong wind. The
myth Is generally understood to havo
had its origin In thoj waterspout, which
in the distanco resembles a sailing
Very Fortunate.
Ono evening Just after dinner a
young husband of Indianapolis wns,
In accordance with his custom, giving
his better half the gist of the news
when suddenly he laid down tho puper
with this exclumationf
"By George! Here's an account tell
ing how during the recent storm off
the New Huglnnd coast a ship loaded
with passengers went nshorc. Why,
that vessel bolonged to my undo Tom
in Portland!"
"How fortunate!" returned the young
wife. "And Just think how glad thoso
passengers were to get to dry Inndl"
Cincinnati Commercial Tribune.
The Poor Milkman.
A family living in nn eastern city
found n good deal of cream on a bot
tle of milk which hurl been standing
overnlghr. and when tho-drlver called
In the morning the pleased servant
held It up to the light and snid. "Look
here, I have never seen anything like
this before on your milk."
Tho man looked nt It for a moment,
scratched his head aud replied, "Well,
I don't know what's tho matter, but
you can throw it out. nnd I'll glvo you
a fresh bottlo in its plnce."
Ulgglna-IIow Is It you are always
idling about? I never see you when
you havo anything to do. Wlggius
The fact Is It takes so much of my
timo looking nftcr other folks' business
I havo nono left for looklug after my
own. Don't you And something like
tho same troublo yourself? Boston
Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302
A full lino of furniture, all kinds of
stoves ami stove repairs, wagons, har
ness. Baddlea. bicycles, cuns and snort
Irtg goods, clocks, watches, musical
(roods, sewing machines either cash
or payments. Evervthine vou ubq
bought and sold hore. Top pr icb fo
I iron metal and rubber.
Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife?
' Then save her strength, her health and possibly her life, by
getting her a SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER Quick for 3 1-10
cents a day for Ten Months.
stration will be
at our
miss it.
let the
So E-Z
Ginn, White & Schatz.
Mis3 Grace Owens, of Cozad, is the
guest of Miss Alice Fitzpatrick. She
will also visit other friends in town be
fore returning to hor homo.
Hot Weather
. Comfort
Secured by the use of good
Talcum Powder. It-absorbs
the perspiration and makes
the skin smooth and cool.
We have all the leading
varieties, also a splendid
line of chamois skins.
Family Druggists,
mil mi'.mw i
A Pretty Center Table
adds much to the appearance
of your parlor. Some of the
late styles are exceptionally
good. Our tables will surely
please you. Tables from
$1.25 to $1.0.00.
Howe & Maloney.