The Ladies of the Maccabees of the World is the Original Woman's Order on Adequate Rates Has $4,3000,000 on Hand in Reserves. 14Kj IT IS Solid Gold Fountain Pens GUARANTEED With Silver and Rolled Plate Trimmings. v AT MANUFACTURER'S PRICES: $1.25, $1.50 and $2.50, worth up to $8. See them in our Show Windows. V DIXON, The Jeweler. jj DR. H. C. BROCK, j$ DENTIST. jj Over First National. Phone 148 jj Local membors of the Ladles of tho Maccabees of tho World linvo called attention to tho confusion which Becrns to exist in some quarters regarding the Ladles of tho Maccabees of tho World. The Ladies of the Maccabees of tlio World was established in Port Huron, Mich., in 1892. It was no connection with any other Order of woman, being associated only with tho Knights of tho Maccabees of the World, a men's order on adequato rates, to which order it is co-ordinate. Its management ii and has always been wholly by women and its funds have always been entirely separate from thoso of any other ordor. It is a voluntary association, incor porated under the laws of the stato of Michigan, and is licensed and doing business in fifty-four states and prov inces of the United States and Canada, of which cloven absolutely require tho collection of National Fraternal Con gross rates by each society seeking Look at These Bargains. New 6 room houso with bath, cellar, cement walk, trees, etc. A snap at $2200.00. 4 room houso, barn, etc. A good renter, Cheapest offered $1050.00. 5 room houso. Another snap for only $1150.00. 5 room house and two good lots, trees, cement walk. Cut to $2000.00 for quick Bale. Other bargains in nice homes and cheap lots. See Bratt & Goodman. Albert Muldoon is transacting busi ness in Cozad today. Miss Ethel Woods, of Ogalalla, came down this morningandwill visit friends for a few days. Mrs. T. J. Brown and daughter Lucy returned this morning from a visit with Mrs. A. Lee at Paxton. Mrs. .A J. Frazier and daughter re turned this morning from a brief visit with relatives at Sutherland. Children's and Misses tub dresses at one-fourth less than regular price at tho Hub Clothing Dept. Engineer Charley Roache left this morning for a thirty-day visit at his old home near Grand Rapids, Mich. Miss Anna Von Goetz went to Cozad this morning where she will be the guest of Mr. and Mrs. D. P. Wilcox. Miss Von'Goetz, who hasbeen spending her vacation with her parents in this city, will return to her work in Omaha Sunday. Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. Dr. Fred W. Miller is the one really happy man in town today, a ten pound girl having put in an appearance at his home last evening. Doc has been a little tardy in boosting the population of North Platte, but criticism is now removed. Mother and daughter are re ported to bo doing nicely. 14k Solid gold fountain pens at manu facturer's prices. These are real live bargains. When they arc gone we can not offer more at these prices. $1.25, 1.50, 2.00, 2.50 see them in our show windows. DIXON, The Jeweler. Mr. and Mrs. C. E. Cook, Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Handly, Mrs. Effie Savits, Misses Ethel and Carrie Frye and Wm. Booth will leave tonight for Rock River, Wyo. From there they will go north to a noint on tho Laramie river where they will enjoy two weeks fish ing. For rent, two furnished rooms at 221 E.. Fourth street. Inquire of Mrs! Lemon at Palace Cafe. Considerable delay and inconvenience was experienced at the ice houses when tho force of Jap laborers employed in icing tho trains decided that their hours had been too steady and only a small number of the working force reportpd for work in answer to a call early this morning. Tho section crews were called and a gang of laborers from the bridge gang were put to work at the ice houses. Imnroved Train Service to Chicago. Six trains daily in each direction be tween North Platte, Lexington and r.Mpntrn. via tho Chicago. Union Pa cific and Northwestern line including Riinnrhlv electric lichtcd Denver, bpec ial which leaves North Platte at 5:35 every evening, reaching Chicago at 1:30 p. m. tho next day. A solid through train with conven innt. schedules and all travel conven iences. Full information on application to.the Ticket Agent Union Pacllic u. k. HAH. INSURANCE. Insure your grain before thn ha 1 strikes it. Best com panies and lowest rates. Do it to day betore it is too late. Buchanan & Patterson. The Chautauqua Assembly, Tho second assembly of tho North Platto Chautauqua opened Sunday under most favorable conditions, and if the attendance on the opening day is a guage for tho days to follow tho as sembly will prove a financial success of its success as an educntional and entertaining feature there is no ques tion. The attendance at the after noon session was 545, at the evening session 961, a total of over 1,500 for tho day. The afternoon Bession opened with a half hour concert by Lipski's Hun garian orchestra, an organization that is a most excellent one, and the selec tions were enthusiastically received by the audience. Following the concert, President Neville, of the Chautauqua directory, made brief remarks concern ing the financial experience of last year, and tho prospects oi tho present assembly, which he declared wore brighter than tliosu of 1009, inasmuch as nearly double the number of season tickets had been sold. Ho then introduced Arthur McMurray, of Ames, Iowa, the platform manager, who briefly stated that to bo a success ho must have the co-operation of the public and tiis he felt nssurcd would be given him. The remarks by Mr. McMurray yere such as to win tho kindly feeling of the audience. Ho then introduced tho lecturer of the afternoon, L. J. Beauchamp, whoso subject "Tho Sunny Side of Life," proved one of tho most enjoyable ever given on the local platform. For an hour and a half ho mixed wit, philo sophy and pathos together, dealing with the live problems of the day, with particular stress on divorce and in temperance, and wonderful increase in crime and in the number of murders, in both of the latter, he declared, the United States led all other countries The speaker handled the different sub jects without gloves and sent some pretty hot shots into tho ranks of tho professed Christians who shunned their duty. Father Daly, head of a boys' home in Milwaukee, was tho lecturer at the evening session, and Jhe subject on which he spoke, "The Homeless Boy and the Juvenile Court," proved intensely interesting and pathetic. He related his personal experience with the outcasts and the unfortu nates, the conditions which ho had found in tho tenement districts of the large cities, and the part which liquor played in tho miserable condi tions which existed. He mado a plea for the more careful training of the boy, so that ho would not err and go astray. The speaker's statistics as to the number of boys of tender age in tho penal institutions were certainly sur prising to many of his hearers. The lecture was a most interesting ono throughout. Yesterday afternoon L. B. Wicker- sham delivered his lecture on "Day Dreams," beforo a large audience, this subiect beine substituted for "When Chickens Come Homo to Roost." In tho course of his remarks tho speaker gave much good advice as to parents, and especially fathers, taking their bovs into their confidence to treat them as chums, and to encourage them in their work. At the close of this lecture Miss Norton, of Chicago, gave a lecture and demonstration on "GoodjCookery'This took place in one of tho smaller tents which proved entirely inadequate, as so many ladies were in attendance that they could not get within hearing distance of the demonstrator. Today and thereafter Miss Norton will give her lecture and demonstration in tho big tent. Last evening the attraction was the grand concert by the Lipski orchestra and it certainly proved a treat to tho big audience present. The forenoon at the grounds is taken ud bv tho teachers' institute, which is proving a pleasant place for the exor cises. Tho program for each day covers a largo scope of school work nnd the 300 teachers and nroapectiv teachers in attendance are evincing great interest. If you want a GOOD CAR buy a Mitchell or Rambler of LeMasters, to be admitted to the $tates. Tho states making this requirement aro Iowa, Oklahoma, North Dakota, Ver mont, Washington, Wisconsin, Maine, Massachusetts, Louisiana, Ohio, and Tennessee, The Ladies of tho Maccabees of tho World receives the respect and confi dence of every member nnd of tho public for it is a sound financial in stitution with funds deposited in the Commercial Bank of Port Huron amounting to nearly four and one-half millons of dollars. These funds aro in the form of high grade interest-bearing municipal bonds. Tho Association is widely known among business men trom const 10 coast as a responsible business institu tion with a high standing as to financial tability, fair dealing, and honesty in all of its relations. A letter recently written by Hon. James V. Barry, In surance Commissioner for Michigan, in response to an inquiry with regard to the Order, is a Btrong endorsement of tho society's reliablity: Dear Madam: -Answering your in quiry of tho 3rd inst. permit mo to say that Tho Ladies of tho Maccabees of the World is financially ono of the strongest fraternal sociotics doing busi ness in this state. On December 31st last, this society had admitted assets of $4,310,911, and liabilities of $130,022. The larger portton of tho society's in vested assets Is in high grade municipnl bonds. Very respectfully, James V. Baiuiy, Michigan Commissioner of Insurance. Mrs. Lillian M. Hollistor, of Detroit, and Miss BInn M. West of Port Huron, Mich., aro respectively Supremo Com mander nnd Supremo Record Keeper of The Ladles of tho Maccabees of thef World, and to their leadership may bo ascribed much of tho success which has come to tho Association. As early as 1895 only three years after tho society was organized, theso olllcors began to instruct their members on tho danger of "cheap rates" and the campaign of education was kept up without inter ruption thereafter, making it clear to all why the collection of adequato rates was necessary forlho pcrpotuity of any Bocioty offering life protection. In 1897, the accumulation of a reserve be gan, and bteps were taken from time to time after that to increase tho reserve so that it should bo sufilccnt to care for tho "promises to pay" of tho order. As above stated, this reserve now amounts to $4,300,000 and is rolling up interest at tho rate of ovor $170,000 annually. In other words, just the in terest on this reserve brings in each year $50,000 more than ono assessment on the whole membership. This order stands by itself at tho head of all orders for women, and is a tho original woman's order to adopt adequato rates and build up a reserve to protect its contracts. It is first in fraternity, first in stability, first in tho hearts of its members. LOCAL MENTION. F. M. Herminghausen shipped two cars of hogs to tho Denvor market Sun day morning. Fred W. Graddey, of Minden, Neb., arrived Sunday and is tho guest of Dr. McKirahan. Special sale on Box Papotries for the next ten days. Fine paper from ten to thirty cents per box. Rincker's book store. Electric street signs have been re ceived by the Yellow Front shoo store and tho Vienna cafo, thus adding more bril liancy to the streets at night. John Deero Implements and Weber & Stoughton wagons at Horehoy's. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Stono who pur chased the Commercial Hotel of Jess Grable some time ago, came down from Sutherland Friday took possession. Mr. Stone is making considerable changes n tho building and when theso are com pleted it will be among tho first class hotels of tho town and deserving of a fair share of tho patronage of the pub lic. Harry Worrell, of Sutherland trans acted business in town Saturday. Mrs. G. M. Babbitt is quite ill at tho home of hor daughter Mrs. Wm. Hup fer. Mr. and Mrs. Marion Carrier of the Birdwood country were visitors in town yesterday. Mrs. Will Soffkor has entered tho Physician & Surgeons hospital for med ical treatment. Mr. and Mrs. Alex Meston returned yesterday from a six weeks trip Pacific coast points. Mrs. Jud Chapman, of Grand Island, who was operated on laBt week at tho P. & S. hospital is improved and she will return to her homo in a short time. Special Oxford Sale. Small, The Big Shoe Man. to to to to to to to to to to to to m to to to GOOD INSURANCE To keep valuable pnpere, jotoclry and silverware that you use but occasionally in a SAFETY VAULT. Let us show you our vault and the various sizes of private boxes which rent for TWO DOLLARS PER YEAR and up, according to size. American Investment & Trust Co., Bratt & Goodman's Office. IV to m to to to to to to to to to m to to m to to to SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First NatlonM IUnlc Miss Helen Swarthout of Plattsmouth is spending this week in town at the home of her aunt Mrs. R. D. Thompson. Walt Beam roturned yesterday from a month's trip which included Billings, Sheridan, and other cities of tho north west. With tho serving of suppor Friday tho cafo at tho Hotel Timmerman was closed. This was not so much duo to lack of patronago as it was inability to secure tho right kind of employes, nnd this caused Mr. Timmerman more griof than he cared to shoulder. It is prob able that some arrangements will ho mndo to re-open the cafe, negotiations now being mndo to that end. Mr. Builder: Do you know that there is nothing more importpant to bo figured on, when figuring on that new building, than your insurance. Wo writo for tho best of compnnics at tlio "lowest possi ble rates, and can givo you export ser vice. Tkmplb Reaij Estate & Ins. Agency. . C. F. Tkmplb, Mgr. Tho Catholic Young Ladies Club wan entertained Friday evening at tlio homo of Miss Mary Elias. Tho affair was of a farowcll nature for Misses Dyo and Lemmer, two members of tho club who will soon leavo North Platto. While tho departuro of these two young ladies is very much regretted,, tho evening proved a most cnjoynblo ono for thoso present. The entertaining feature of tho evening was a hunt for travelling articles which wero hidden about the rooms. These articles whon found by tho guests wero presented in miniature suit cases as favors to tho guests of honor and in behalf of the club, Miss Hannah Kelihcr presented each with a souvenir spoon. At the close of tho evening seasonablo refreshments wero served by tho hostesses. A. business Jjneeting relative to the social held laBt week followed and Miss Edna Sullivan was presented with a hand painted phi to Ed Bellamy, of Horshey, was a visitor in town yestorday. Dr. J. A. Boattie, principal of tho Junior Normal, Bpcnt Sunday in Lex ington. Mrs. Gcp. B. Dent will bo hostess at tho sesuton of tho Indian Card Club tomorrow afternoon, Miss Bartholomew, of Gothenburg, is aponding this week in town as tho guest of Miss Beth Cunningham. Tho meoting of tho Club Novitn, to have been held 'this week, has been postponed on occount of Chautauqua. Mrs. A. S. Coates and children ro turned yestorday from a violt with Mr. and Mrs. Hansen at Callaway, Mrs. Will Cary and daughter arrived' from Omaha yestorday morning and will mnke this city her homo. Mr. Cary who is emplopcd in tho Carson & Landgrnf barber shop has been hero for Bomo time. i For tho noxt ten dnya wo will sell a few choice hammocks wo have in stock nt a discount of ten per cent. ltiNOKEit'8 Book Stoue. Mrs. Voorhees Lucns, who soon goes to Colorado to mako her future home, was tendered a 'Xarowell party by tho P. E. O. chapter Saturday qftcrnoon at tho homo of Mrs. I. L. Miltonborger. General regret was expressed that the chapter is to lose so valued a mcmbor and friend, nnd as a mcmonto of pleas ant associations of tho past, Mrs. Lu cas was presented with n handsome souvenir spoon. Refreshments wero sorved. for selling the most tickets, oho haying disposed of about two hundred and fifty. Those Pies Of Boyhood. How delicious wero tlio pies of boy hood. No pics ever tnsto bo good, what's changed? tho pies? No its you. You've lost tho strong, healthy stomach, tho vigorous llvor, the activo kidneys, tho regular bowels of boyhood. Your digestion is poor and you blamo the food. What's needed? A comploto ton ing up by Electric Bitters of all organs of digestion--Stomach, Liver, Kidneys, Bowels- Try them. They'll restore your boyhood appetite and appreciation of food and fairly Baturnto your body with nev health, strength and vigor. 50c. at Stono Drug Company. Nebraska Women Have the Choice of the Finest Flour In the World NO FLOUR that you can buy makes more haves oj bread per sack by actual baking tests ami better, whiter, lighter loaves titan Nebraska s quality riour PURITAN. Bread made from averaue flour is part waste, part impurity and only part food. Bread made from Puritan Flour is every ounce good pure, blood-making food because Puritan Flour is made from the choicest hard wheat selected and cleaned actually steamed, scoured and scrubbed, till not an atom of dirt remains in the crease of the kernel. We use not only the best wheat but only the best part of wheat the really nutritious, huliRer-satisfyinu mcnts. After Grinding, wc separate our flour that cle- ilito it to iet in twenty different ' stocks" or streams, then blent every sad the scientifically right combination of nutritious bread-making qualities. This is done by actual chemi cal and baking tests part of our unexcelled milling system. Your baking can't fail with Puritan Flour for it is the product of the finest wheat grown, the best milling machinery, most skilled millers and the most scientific milling methods known. Children's Puritan Doll The little tots can't enjoy the Puritan Flour Sack Contest, so we have prepared for them a consola tion prize. In every sack of Puritan Flour is a coupon good on a Puritan Boy Doll, eigh teen inches tall, with rosy checks and Puritan clothes. Mail the coupons you find in the flour sacks to us and wc will send you back the doll. His name is Little Puritan Mtllcr. rcouR &V3 1V1 I." PURITAN 2 Grand Contest THK WOMKN of Nebraska have discovered the results of baking with Puritan Flour if they haven't known why it made the 1km bread, cake, biscuits and pie-crust for Puri tan is now used exclusively in the best Nebraska homes and once used it is always used for the distinct flavor the wholesome taste of The Bi,;u VWliiter, Lighter Loaves" that Puritan Flo '.r always makes is altogether too good too satisfying to ever give up. So great is the demand for Nebraska's Quality Flour that we have grown in a few years from a 200-barrel mill to our present output of 2,000 barrels a day. Think what that means the highest grade flour milled for the almost exclusive use of Nebraska homes. Your Security Guarantee So absolutely unfailing is the uniform high standard of every sack of Puritan Flour milled that we give you a Himtiiig Guarantee of Satis- action or money rejuiutea with every kick. Use lialf or more- test itit not entirely isatuiactory torimy reason whatsoever take the balance of the sack back ami your grocer will cheerfully rt fund your u.mey. Uon't he catisheit with average (lour or just good flow. When you spend money anil time buying flour, baking bread, lining fuel, then taxing your entire system to con vert tnat looii into Wood you want the finest the You can BAKE the bent bread from Puritan Floy What can you MAKE from Puritan Flour Sacci V.ntiT vmir nuine in the ercatest contest ever held in Nebraska THE PURITAN FLO UK SACK CONTEST. We oiler 240 tacks of Puritan Flour Free. ' Four Sack for Each of tho 20 Moit Utofut Article Four Sack for Ecli of tho 20 M att Atlruclivo Artlclei Four Sack for Each of llio 20 Most Comical Articles Md From Poritm Flour WJ Prim ef Four ScU Ecb Contest Open July 1st Clones September lot, 1010 purest the most nourishing you can buy- 1UKHV1N t bra ska s Quality Hour. -you want Send This Coupon Today .1910. Tlio Purilun Mill.. Puritan Flour Sack Contcit Schuyler, Nebratka A ercat otmortuuitv for 60 families to cct their winter supply of flour Free. I he fairest, suuarest. most cntertainintr. fun makincr contest ever held in Nebraska, l.veryone will enjoy Sarlc the tircttiL'St (if ill! t ic flour KICK 111 USt', Oil nne voti tlnu't have to luiv a new wck j1,...k ,tu .lw. Pnnti.ct.iico flu Pnritnn Knrlr von Ilia'l. Lilt) the COUDUH. fill UUt UlUl JUatl tO US today for full particulars of the Great Nebraska Contest. Awards will be made nnd prue Sucks delivered by your grocers not later man sepiemner jsi, ivtu. Scn.l ms lull lurtlcuUri uf ilie Turhin Flour tack C'uMc-.t. Name. AuMrrti I buy my llour ol AilJrm, Wells-Abbptt-Nieman Company The Puritan Millers Schuyler, Nebraska,