UNDEFEATED CHAMPION OF THB NORTHWEST. T. A. Ireland, Rifle Shot, of Colfax, Wash., Telia a Story. 1 Mr. Ireland 1b tho holdor of four frotCL records and has yot to loso Iila first match says ho: "KIdnoy trouble so affected my vision as to Inter fere with my shoot Ing. I beoamo so nervous I could hard, ly hold a gun. Thero was sovcro pain in my back and head and my kidneys were terribly disordered. Doan'a Kidney Pills cured mo after I had dqctored and takon nearly every rome'dy lmaglnablo without relief. I will nlvo further details of my case to anyone enclosing stamp." Remember, tho name Doan's. For salo by nil dealers. 60 cents a box. Foster-MUburn Co., Duff alo, N. Y. In tho Way. "You haven't much of a memory for dates," said tho conversational board er. "Nopo," replied Farmor CorntosBol. 1 usod to have. Dut It Interferes with business when you'ro sollln' spring chickens." Important to Mothoro Exnmlno carefully every bottlo of CASTOIIIA, a safo and suro remedy for Infants and children, and See that It Ttnnra (Tin Slgnaturo of CdayJl In XJso For Over 30 Yoars. Tho Kind You Ilavo Always Bought, ; A Teacher In the Making. Sho was popular young normal stu dent, who had been to a party tbq night beforo, nnd as a consequence, was "not prepared" in tho geogpraphy class. Tho -voman Instructor, truo to her method of drawing upon tho genoraV knowledgo of a student rather than to permit a failure, nttor eliciting two or three Inconsequential "stabs" from her fair ut Jaded dlsclplo, asked for tho products of China. Tho victim brightened. "Tea," sho asserted, preparing to sit down. "Yes, and what elso?" encouraged tho Instructor. Tho young woman smiled with ewcet hopelessness. "Now you can mention others, I nm Buro. Just think about It." "T".a," drawled tho fluto-llko volco t tho pretty girl, "and," puckering her forehead with an Intellectual tour sfio ' force, "and laundry work. Voutii's Companion. Get After the Files. With tho warm days flies multiply Amazingly. Now Is the tlmo to at Nick thom and provent tho breeding of millions from tho few hundreds that already exist. Perhaps tho most effective method ot destroying flies is by burning pyrethrum In each room. This stuns tho flies and thoy can bo swept up and burned. Flies aro dangerous carriers of dls easo and an enemy ot humankind. Do your part toward keeping down tho yest and Improving tho health of your pommunity. A Hibernian Verdict. A Now Yorker Is tho happy employ pr of an aged Irishman, who growa eloquent ovor tno woes or tno isni crald Islo. Said tho boss: "Pat, tho king of England is dead." Tho old man was silent for a mo pent. Then ho took off his hat. "Woll," ho said slowly, "a3 a man ho was a flno bit of a boy. As Eng lishmen go, ho was as good as yez can make them. As a king, thoro was nobody on earth as could boat him. But still, I'll keep mo eyo on Qeorgo." Somo peoplo would accomplish a lot moro If thoy didn't wasto so much time tolling others what they urn go ing to do. A "Corner In Comfort For those vho know tho pleasure nnd sntisfaction there is in a. plass of ICED Make it as usual, dnrk nnd rich boil it thoroughly Y) bring out the distinctive flavour nnd food value. Cool with cracked ice, nnd ndd sugar and lemon; also a ' little cream if desired. Postum is really n food-drinlr with the nutritive elements of the field grains. Ice it, and you have a pleasant, safe, cooling drink for summer days an agrqeable surprise for those who have never tried it. "There's a Reason" for POSTUM Postnm Cereal Co., Limited, Battle Creek, Mich. POSTUM H4pp Sorrowful Face Due NEW YORK. A small, quiet, but sor rowful If not disgusted looking man sat by tho side of a medium-sized automobilo that was drawn out of the road as a large touring car enmo along, driven by a man with an Inter rogatory aspect. Tho man In tho touring car had seen that auto every tlmo he passed that day, so ho Blowed up and leaned over: "How long have you been hero?" "Sovoral hours." "Can't you find out what tho mat- tor Is?" "No," "Inlet valvo all right?" "Yes." "Troublo with spark plug?" "Think not." "How aro your battorles?" "O. K." "Haven't got a short circuit, havo you?" "Oh, no." "How's your commutator?" "Great." How a Bride's Roses KANSAS CITY, MO. Whon WIllIo Boy got married he bought his wlfo flowers, of course. And after tho wedding Mr. Wllllo Boy naturally de cided to preserve tho flowers to look at for all tlmo by pickling thom In alcohol. That was all right It didn't cost much, Just $2 or $3 but there was a 700-mIlo trip beforo Mr. nud Mrs. Willie Boy got homo. At first thoy decided they'd pack tho treasure In tho brass Jardiniere "Art" sent nnd bring It homo In tho bottom of ono of tho trunks. Then Emallnc that's her first name ro momborcd that among other things It might explodo and ruin her perfectly good roso-coldred clrcBS that "Doc" went crazy over before she was mar ried, and that there was a 2GIncli wil low plumo In tho samo trunk, not to speak of a pretty coat, a lavender gown, a few moro hats, a couple of hundred doodads or sonio moro clothes. So tho natural consequence camo. Willie Boy carried tho remains. " Mosquito Gets Credit for a Runaway NEW YORK. A mosquito which ap parently was a cross of the famous or notorious families of Jersey well borers and Staten Island rock-drlllors, saw George Gordon's nose, buzzed a llttlo cong about "Oh, for a pasture now!" and swept down upon tho noso. Tho noso nnd Georgo were at that moment behind a horse that Georgo was driving. Now, Gordon had had all ho could do to manago that skittish steed bo fore tho advent of tho Insect. Whon ho felt tho first Jab of the skeeter's surgical scissors George started to knock tho squatter off his nasal terri tory. But ho restrained his hand, for In that Instant he remembered that ho needed both hands to handlo the frac tions horso. And there was Georgo In a dilemma equal to that ancient ono that con corned a devil und n deep sea. If ho didn't knock that mosquito off his noso ho'd loso his llfo blood, but If he took a hand from tho reins to deliver Eat Muskrat, Mayb CHICAGO. "Loin of Chicago Grown Muskrat with Rullrush Sauce." mils of faro In Chicago restaurants will carry tho foregoing Item as a "special, fresh today" ontreo If the plans of threo pioneer "muskrat farm orB" culminate In succoss. Tho first muskrat farm has been started. Its products nro to ho food nnd fur. Its market will bo Chicago, as a beginning at least, but success may broaden Its Bcopo. Mark Goldor, loan morchant, 1732 South Stato street; Jack Eck, painter, 348 Twenty sixth street, and,John Horan, Willow Springs, nro tho pr6prletors of tho farm. Its location Is In tho, "Sag" In tho towns of Worth nnd Pnlos, 20 inilos routhwest of Chicago. It com crises 190 acres, Is more than a mile to Other Troubles "Perhaps your worm gear . Is clogged." "No; nil clear." "Got any gnsoltno In your tnnk?" "Plenty." "How about your circulation? Cylin der Isn't bound, 1b It?" "No, sir." "Tires Boom all right?" "Never bettor." "Wei, ninybo your vibrator Isn't ad justed." "Thnt's alt right." "Havo you looked at your carbure tor?" "Yes." "How about tho cam shaft?" r "Grnnd." "Havo you tightened your connect ing rods, examined your clutches nnd gono over tho differentials?" "Yes, yes." Tho man In tho touring car paused a momont and then, looking nt tho stranger by tho roadsldo, Bald 'at last: "What's tho matter with that machine of yours?" "Thero Isn't anything tho matter with this machlno; but olnco noon my wife has been In that houso ovor thoro kissing her sister's first baby good-by. When alio gets through, If you aro not more thnn a thousand miles away and will ,loavo our address, 1 will tele graph or cablo tho glad nows." Led Her to Tears Tho Pullman was hot and Wllllo Boy thought of tho explosion. No uso leaving tho Jar out on tho vestibule. It might break thero. Ho wanted to stay In tho Pullman, but ho couldn't. He had to 6tay outsldo and hold tho pickled roses. Night camo and Wllllo Boy was sleepy. Ho went to bod, but he didn't Bleep; ho 'wns too busy hang ing tho roses out of tho window to keep tho alcohol cool. Kansas City camo, and then homo; Emallno walked into tho houso nnd Wllllo Boy followed with tho pickled once-wero roses. "Whnt'll wo do with 'om?" he nskod. "Why, put thom In tho attic, of course," Emallno answered. Wllllo Boy hadn't boon married very long and ho wasn't Independent Still there surged Into his fnco tho blood of battlo and his volco splut tered as ho spoke. "A-at-tlc?" ho asked. "Will weT Wo won't. I- carried those things 700' miles, and If they're worth carrying that far thoy'ro worth looking at, ovon If I don't think they nmount to much Attic nothing. Mantel, that's where thoy'ro going, understand mantel Hoar mo?" And that's tho reason Emallno cried the first dny she hud got to her now homo. that knockout swing nwny would go his bad-tempered horse! Gordon shook his head violently and blew his breath toward tho mos quito to dlslodgo It, but all to no pur pose. Tho Insect held on nnd Just bored and bored. Gordon gritted his teeth and remembered tho story ho had read In school about tho Spartan But what was a mero fox gnawing nt a boy's vltnls to a roal, war-size Jorsoy mosquito sinking an artesian well In n man's noso! Georgo could stand It no longer. Up went ono hand In a savago sweep. It missed tho mosquito. Forgetting nil except his deslro for vengeance George swung with tho other hand, And ns the skootor buzzed 'Ha, ha! tho horso, freed from control, bolted Perhaps tho wind created by the speed blow the mosquito off Gordon's nose At any rate tho pest vanished. Just ns Gordon grabbed tho reins and started to saw on the bit a wheel struck a stono and out ho shot. Ho landed bruised and stunned at tho sido of tho road. Dr. Frederick T. Witto. who was passing in his auto, got out, revived Gordon nnd took him homo In his ma chine. Whon they arrived nt tho Gor don domlcllo, lo! thoro was the runa way horso standing quietly at tho sta ble door. e; Farm in Chicago long and consists of tho fairest stretch of Bwanips nnd shallow, llttlo lakes to bo found In this soctlon of tho coun try. It already has a largo mugkrat population. The birth of tho farm camo whon Goldor signed a lease for tho lan with Mrs. Cntherino Rawllngs. Its owner, for a term of 15 years, start lng on April 1C, at a rental of $200 n year In lulyanco. Tho fnrm may flgtiro as a worthy chnmplon In tho fight against tho high cost of living. Secretary of Agrlcul turo Wilson recently recommended tho meat of muskrnts as n food. Ho emphasized Its cheapness nnd Its good qualities, Including flavor and nutritious valuo. Tho farm may on able many peoplo to follow his advlco. "Our first Idea was Just to trap for tho furs," said Goldor, "but knowing muskrats were good to eat, wo decided to luvcstlgato conditions and try to promoto muskrats as a popular article of diet. Wo hnvo Btrong hopes of suc cocb, for a trial will convince people that the, meat of tho muskrat Is good." HIS HOPES. Jinks Do you expect to movo thlB iprlng? Fickle I expect to, yes; but hope my wlfo may decldo to grant mo a reprieve ' Try This, This Summer. Tho very next tlmo you'ro hot, tired or thirsty, step up to a soda fountain and get a glass of Coca-Cola. It will cool you off, relievo your bodily and mental fatlguo and quench your thirst delightfully. At soda fountains or carbonated In bottles Bo overywhero. Delicious, refreshing and wholesome Send to tho Coca-Cola Co., Atlanta, Ga., for their froo booklet "The Truth About Coca-Cola." Tells what Coca Cola is and why It Is so delicious, re freshing nnd thlrst-quonchlng. And end 2c stamp for tho Coca-Cola Baso- ball Record Book for 1910 contains tho famous poem "Caaoy At Tho Bat," records, schedules for both leagues and other vnluablo baseball informa tion compiled by authorities. Wrong Angle. "There's a bright sido to every thing." "A bright sldet. Bah!" "Woll, thero Is." "Do you mean to' tell mo, doctor, that thero Is a bright sido to my hav ing hnd my leg amputated?" "Indeed, thero Is; and if you could. put yourself in my plnco you could really boo It." The Secret. "Miss Bright," whlsporcd Miss GausBlp, "can you keep a secret?" "Yes," repllod Miss Bright, also whispering, "I can kocp ono as woll aB you can." Lewis' Simile Binder, the famous straight Cc cigar annual trnlo U.OUO.UOU, Somo mon nro llko eggs too full of themselves for anything oIbo. A PACKAGE MAILED FREE OH REQUEST OF MUNYON'S PAW-PAW PILLS Tho best Stomach and Liver Pills known and a posltlvo nnd speedy euro for Con stipation, Indigestion, Jnundlco, UlllouBncss, Sour Stomnch, Iload nchc, and all bailments arising from a disor dered stomach or slug gish liver. They con tain In concentrated fnrm n it thn virtues and values of Mun- yon's Paw-Paw Tonlo and are made 1 .. . M 11. -n . Tin... ..!. rOtn UIO JU1CO Ul WIU xw-iuw nun. I unhesitatingly recommend thoso pills as bolng tho best laxatlvo and cnthartla ever compounded. Send us n postal or letter requesting n froo packngo of Munyon'a Colobrated Paw-raw Laxa tlvo Pills, and wo will mall same froo of charge MUNYON'S HOMOEO PATHIC IIOMK HI3MBDY CO., C3d and Jefferson Sts., Philadelphia, Va. . mmm oahada What Prof. Shaw, tho Woll-ltnown Agri culturist, Say About Hi "I would trailer ralo cnttlo In Western Ounotltt tlt'in tn tlie earn tM.lt nf the Unlteil ttt(i. i' ecu li clicaiwr end climate liettor Xor tlio turioi. Your market will lm. prove faiter than year fanner will produeothe uppllca. Whi-Hl ran he grown tin totlieffHh pur rllrl I1 it mill a north of thn Iut"mntlnnnl hound nr . Vour vacant land will tm tnken lit a rate Iwond pront concep tion. Wo )mw Bnnusli Keoptej In thn llnlti-d fati'M elnnn who want homes to tnko up thla Und." Ntlr 70.000 tar.csns tlllniiterfiiiliiinkullMlrlioinra In We-tnni tamulii ttil 'nr luuu iirimHci'u miwurr iutkto rroii of wheat, orUs und harlrr in nu num. in wnit'ii iimi cm wo exnortrt wim mi lininoiiitu item Luulu rr. ihlnu. .dsirrtua. fnrunn eud arnln nrowiiifl In lrovtiii of Jltnniliiba, buI a the ciienuu linn Aincnii. tlun nroii. ne well Unda hriM lijr rAllifHy finil land com paniea, will lTfO Ufiiurati'iKl und tro--nn linn lil" tioini' for nillMiina. A.li.iilnlkl.. .nil. Iif.illlir,,! rll. IMiklu, aplt'iullit MiliwiU mid cliurclii'x. nint troiMt rnllvvnja, For Mittlrra rnUn, deacrjptlra HUirnturo "lat Heat v'wt." linw to rcaoli the rountrr nnd othnr pur. tlruUra, nrtta to Hun t ot Jmiiil. iiratlnn, Ultima, (tannda. or to tue Uaoudlan UoterQinent Asent. W. V. DENNETT Room 4 Bss Blrta;. Orcatii.Xib. (IJu .ilri-nsnonrcMyon.) (J) Wanted Confidential Correspondents i In the UNlTlilJ HTATK8. Kx ilVcSI y W lltil U perlrnco liniicccHHitry, Ndiool TenclierH.Sti-noirrnplif rH.TvlfKruiili (Iperutora, Clerk ivnd 1'rofenuloiml muii or womi'ii ell Klblu. An iiniiMmlolilortiinltf tnlnrreiito roiirln. cuine. 1'urtlcuUis. llox 1)71, Los Aiiuulu" C'ul E E I " FOR M ATI 0 N SSi .!. rumeuto Vnllcy, Col. Ideal vllmnte. Itlch Roll, Hlx and aevou cuttlnira of nlfulfu. KlrM claas poultrr and dalrr country, Alt tho f rulta. Uasr tonus. U. U ll.lll.l.r A Co., SO) USall. SI.. itt,t mm III THEWONDERS 0F01.D OCEAN Pine colors, odd forms. 24 shells, eaoh a different Tarleljr, for2fc. HUunustaken. JJirifo aliowy thrlla and eurlos for fairs, chureii baar. on com in I talon, Wrttome, J. IM'OWII. I.. AViiuUokii, Illinois VLW Thompson's Eyo Watir Remedies are Needed Were wo perfect, which wo nro not, medicines would not often be needed. But since our systems havo be come weakened, impaired and broken down through indiscretions which have gone on from the early age, through counties generations, remedies art needed to aid Nature in correcting our Inherited and otherwise acquired weaknesses. To reach tho seat of stomach weakness and consequent digestive troubles, there is nothing so good as Dr. Pierce's Golden Medical Dlscov arv. a rflveerla rnmnntind. extracted frnm native medio insl roots sold for over forty years with great satisfaction to nil users. For Weak Stomach, Biliousness, Liver Complaint, Pain in the Stomach after eating. Heartburn, Bad Breath, Belching of food, Chronic Diarrhea and other Intestinal Derangements, the "Discovery" is a time-proven and most efficient remedy. Tho tfcnulno has on Its outsldo wrapper thm Signature Yon can't afford to accept a secret nostrum as a substitute for this non-alco-liollo, medicine or- known coMrosmoN, not even though tho urgent dealer may thereby mako a little bigger profit. Dr. Pierce's Pleasant Pellets regulate and Invigorate stomach, liver d bowels. Sugar-coated, liny granules, easy to take as candy. Lightning Rods on the White House. Tho Whlto Houso Is going to havo lightning rods. They will bo put on eomo tlmo this summon Tho distin guished occupants of tho mansion pnat and presont havo nover been pro tected against Jupiter's bolts. The rods will bo put on ovory part of tho build ing, oxcopt tho low ofllccs whero tho president transacts his ofllclnl busi ness. Col. Spencer S. Cosby, United Stntcs suporlntondcnt of public grounds and buildings, persuaded Mr. Taft that tho Whlto Houso ought to bo equipped with tho rods and oxecu tlvo npproval won given. Tho cost will bo botwoon $500 nnd $G00. Phila delphia North American. Diplomacy is tho art of making oth ers boliovo you nro Interested In thom, whon in reality thoy mako you weary. FREE Send postal for Frco Pncknge of Pnxtino. Better and more economical than liquid antiseptics FOR AIX TOILET USES. Gives one a sweet breath; clean, white, (term-free teeth tmtisepticallr clean 1 mouth and throat purifies the breath after smoking dispels all disagreeable nersniration and body odors much an- I predated by dainty Women. A quid remody for soro eyes and catarrh. solrcd in a cists of hot water makes a delightful antiieptic so lution, poiteuing extraordinary cleansing. Germicidal and heal ing power, and absolutely harm. leu. fry a Sample. 3Uc largo box at druggiA or Ly mail. THE PAXTON TOILET CO.. BOSTON. MASS. S PR0&F in the Wo toll you about how pood you'll fool nftor tiiklnrr a CASOARE11 that mllllona of people buy, uso and roommond tlicin But tlint'a talk you buy a box now tnlto as directed fo-nfaif and got tho proof In tho morning Aftor you know 0ASCARET3 you'll novor bo without thom. out CASCARltTS ioc a box for a week's treatment, all dniReliln. IllKRot seller In the world. Million lioxca a uioutb. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM SClranwi tod brautlfltl tha hair. lronoUa a toiurlant cruwui. INarer j"lie to jireioro iray ICiuai aealp ili.-i.ei ill hair lalllnf. i liair is lia louiniui ioior. 41m. aim am.fai uniyyitii Wnteonl!.(!olrinBD,War liiKton, ll.li llookalrui. lllvn t references. Dent rwulta. if i mm r f? PATENTS Iff cfc WaMH-nmHKi-MMnwfl &iRmtiwi-fi r DAISY FLY KILLER rukifiuu ol.at.al.al,4b. I.tt. ill Beeaaa. m. i.tm.ui.ttBD.t plil tr tip.T.r, mil a.i Mil at lajart aaj. Ihlnf. Oattaut if. trllu,llllldl. r i.at pl4 rarlOa. lUROtD "OIISS 110 l.K.ll.fc Brv.lla. Saw Tart Try Glllctto Shaving no stooiting no honing KNOWN 1HR . WORLD pVER STOCKERS & FEEDER Chnlca quality) rota and roun. white faces or untrue bought on ordera. Triis ot Thousands to fleet from. Satisfaction Guar anteed. Correepondence- Invited. Come and see for yourself. National Live Stock Com. CoJ At either Kana.aaClly.Mo. St. Joseph, M. 8. Omaha. Nehv Nebraska Directory WELDING fm"Troo.M.usbrok parts of machinery- made good as new. Welds eait iron, east steel, aluminum, copper, brats or any other metal, ltjport automobile repalrlnsv BGHT80HV MOTOR CO., Oounoll Bluff., TYPEWRITERS lla.Ma.ndup, AIIHUndard Itakea. aold or rented. Rent applied If jcra nurcbeao. Machine ehlpped anywhere ou approval, o depo.lt renutre.1. Write for rmtAloav . LINCOLN TYPEWRITER EXCHANGE 122 North II tli 8trit Lincoln, Hob. HIVAIinnll T taja I fl 1 Tiro Itepalra nnd AUIUMUHILtllHWM CENTRAL TIRE & RUBBER CO. Ole lllbaer, President Both Fhones. iltl Fnruam St., Omaha.. THE GREAT DAIN HAY TOOLS ARE THE DEST. ASK YOUR DEALER OR JOHN DEERE PLOW COMPANY, OMAHA, NEB. M. Splesbergcr & Son Co. inery Ihs Dait In the Wait OMAHA, NEB. S TAP If COVERS, AWNINGS I Ayl TENTS 6C0TT TENT & AWNINGS COMPANY 314.18 South 12th Street Omaha, Neb. The Old Line Banker's Life ot Lincoln, No'brnskn, wnnta n tnaua' whole tlmo In your netgbboruood. Good pny.wrlto lie. WD TAFT'S DENTAL ROOMS 1517 Douglas St., OMAHA, NED. Reliable Dent'tlnr atHodoraU Prtoe RUBBER GOODS bf mall nt out prices. Bend for free catalogue, M Y tno-DILuOM uiiuu co., umnno, neo. MILLARD HOTEL 1Sth tlt Doo(lis tttu Amorloan 92.00 per Uar end upward. European 81. OO par day end upwards. rtUAIIA TH" oouae sir UrnnilA at Union Depot. Take Doiia Street Oar B LLEFS Get tho best. Your dealer can supply you with our brand. Your loss of bay will more than pay. OMAHA TENT & AWNING CO. N. W. Cor. 11th & Harney Sts. Omaha, Neb. W. N. U OMAHA, NO. 28-1010. AXLE GREASE is the turning-point to economy in wear and tear of wagons. Try a box. Every dealer, everywhere STANDARD OIL CO.1 (liu-orporatou; 8 1 mKll BO M E M