Serai -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and PublUher. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono Year by Mail In ndvanco $125 One Year by Carries In advance $1.00 Entered at North Platte, Nebraska, Post office as Second Class Matter, FRIDAY JULY 8, 1910. Omaha has had two automobiles fatalities within two weeks the latest being the death of a newsboy, who was struck by n car and the driver sped on 'without stopping to loam the result. The financial Btntcmcnt of the gov ernment for the year just ended shows a total deficit of about twenty-five mil lions, in round numbers, which Is vfcry Btnall considering the drain on the treasury made by the Panama canal. Tho deficit one year ago was $118,705, 000. r From many of tho largo cities of tho country comes tho announcement that tho pictures of the Jelfries-Johnson fight will not bo allowed to go on exhibition. This will bo "gloom" for tho fellows who paid n couple hundred thousand dollars for tho privilege of exhibiting the, pictures. Last Monday was tho first Fourth of July we have had under the anti dynamlto law a law prohibiting tho ubo of giant fire-crackers and so far as learned there woro few casualties. It was the nearest to a sane Fourth wo have ever had, and the result is Huch that should make us favor feolj that tho anti-dynamite law is a good measure. Now that tho negro has again shown hlB supremacy In the prize ring, it is probable that ho will bo allowed to retain it uncontested. To some, who have a prejudice against the black race, this will be somewhat galling, but to the majority of people It makes little difference whether tho champion ship rests with a whito man or a black. William Jennings Bryan is out with a long pronunciamento in which he insists that the great issue in Nebraska at the coming campaign must bo county option. He will not consent to its being set aside for any other issue. Ho says he is not a candidate for any offico, but does not say he will not run for the United States senatorship. As a result of Johnson "licking" Jeffries race riots have been reported from many sections of tho country. These riots have not been altogether due to negro "chestiness," but of course have to somo extent. To the average colored men an Instance of superiority of black over whito natur ally causes him to swell up to an nb normal degree. A Spokane pastor hns inaugurated Father's Day in his church. Thanks There Ib no denying that while Father has, his hands full in doing his levelest for Mother and the Kids, he may be a long timo dead before peans of praiso nre sounded to his memory. It will cer tainly not do nnyono else any harm to give Father tho glad hand once In a while: Kearney Hub. Congressman Klnkaid has returned from Washington' to his homo at O'Neill, and will spend part of the summor and fall visiting different sections of his district looking after things political and learning of the noeds of his constituents as thoy relate to departmental work at Washington. Judgo Klnkaid has proven himsolf very obliging in looking after pensions and other work oflike nature, and this in part accounts for his popularity. Reports from 437 western bankers show that farmers doing businoss with thorn havo drawn out fifteen million dollars' and invested the Bum in auto mobiles. Apropos to this is a state ment that a Kansas City bank holds fifty mortgages on farms for money that went into motor cars, but tho Kansas City Star has mado an in- vcstlgatlon of this Btntcmcnt nnd finds it untrue. Tho fact is that in practically nlWcuscs tho western farmer who buys an automobilo has tho cash in tho bank topayforit; ho does not need mort- gago his lnnd. There aro perhaps a fow exceptions, but very few. The western farmer Is nearer a plutocrat than Is the business man of tho smnllor western towns. Democratic County Convention Call. Pursuant to tho call issued by tho State Democratic Committee a muBs convention of Lincoln County Demo crats is hereby called to meet at the county court house in North Plutte, on Saturday, July 0, 1910, at 2:30 o'clock p. m, for tho purpose of selecting nino delegates to tho democratic State Convention to bo held at G-rand Island pn July 26, 1910, and for tho purposo of electing a county contral committoo and for such other business as may come boforo" tho convention. It is de sired tliat every precinct bo represented. Dated this 2nd day of July, 1910, at North Platte, Nebraska. William Beatty, Chairman. . Dr, J. W1 Morris, Methodist pastor 1 at Gothenburg iqeYit WcUnUidtiy with 1 finite In tbVn, ! Weddings This Week. Loy E. Ebrlght and Miss Eva Comp ton were united In marriage at noon Wednesday at tho homo of Mr. nnd Mrs. F. R. Ginn, the ceremony being performed by Rev. W. S. Porter In the presence of relatives and intimate friends. Following tho ceremony a wedding dinner was served, nnd later the couple went to tho Ebrlght ranch, south of town, where they will reside. The brido has made hor homo with Mr. and Mrs. Ginn for seven years, attending tho city schools, and later teaching in the Bostwlck district. Sho is a very bright and nmiablo young woman. Tho groom is a well known young man who pnsBcd tho greater part of his llfo in or near tho city and Is Industrious, pro gressive and of highly esteemed. Wednesday forenoon Chas. O. Fred oricy and Miss May Echleborry woro married at tho bride's home on west Sixth street, Rev. Porter officiating in tho presence of a number of guests composed of relatives and close friends. Following the corcmony a wedding meal was served, and later tho couple left on a wedding trip to Hoi ton, Knn., the former homo of tho groom. The bride has made her homo In this city for sev eral years, and by hor sweet and pleas ant ways has won the friendship of many. Mr. Frcdericoy has boon a trusted employ of tho Vienna cafe for a numbor of years, and is a popular young man. Christian Church. Choir practice Friday evening. "The Model Christian Endeavor Socie ty" is tho C. E. topic for Sunday even ing. Let all members bo present on time. The Biblo, School has selected Aug. 2lBt as its annual "Rally Day"and the aim for this year is to havo not less than 200 present. All members of tho church are urged to be present next Sunday morning. Tho sermon on "What wo do" will bo for you. Evening Bubject, "Tho Four fold Gospel." Strangers and friends arc cordially invited. The "WIdo Awako" class was pleas antly entertained by its president Mrs. J. H. Morrow, last Tuesday evening. This class is making a splendid record, tho average attendance last quarter was ovor twenty-five. The ladles aid society plan a social and bazaar for July 28th. The Bible School was tho only relig- ous organization represented in the par ade tho 4th. They had tho two floats, one for tho primary and ono for the junior departments. They were awarded $10.00 by tho committee and they ap preciate tho action very much. Mrs. Johnson loft for Chicago Tues day evening to attend tho funeral of hor father. Commissioners Proceedings. July 2, 1910. Tho board of county commissioners adjourn as such board to July 5th, 1910, and meets as a full board of cqualiza tion. I Western Union Telegraph Co. and Postal Telegraph Co. are notified to appear beforo the board of equalization to Bhow causo why their assessment should not be raised. A. S. Coates notified to appear be fore tho board of equalization at 1 p m. July 6th, 1910, to show cau:o why his assessment on his new house should not bo raised. President of McDonald State Bank notified to appear beforo tho board of equalization and show causa why their assessment should not bo raised. Board of equalization takes n recess until July 6th, 1910. July 5th, 1910. Board of county commissioners mot agreeable to adjournment, present Springer, Waltor and Strojtz, county commissioners and county clerk. Recess taken until 9 o'clock July Cth, 1910. July Cth. 1910 Board met same as yesterday, full board and county clerk. Claim of Geo. E. French, county attorney, allowed on general fund for $200.00. C. A. Lowell, deputy sheriff, salary lor may, zb.uu. f Napoleon's Grit ! waB of unconquornble, nevor-say-die I kind, tho kind that you need most when s L" hacAH:i0ULl,u"fL! ! I onso. sunnoso troches, couch svruns. cod livor oil or doctors hnvo ull failed, don't loso heart or hopo. Take Dr. 1 King's New Discovery. Satisfaction is guaranteed whon used lor throat or lung troublo. It has saved thousands of ButTorors. It mastors stubborn colds, obstinate couchs. hemorrhages. In- grlnpe, croup, asthma, hay fever, and whooping cough and is tho most snfo and certain romcdy for nil bronchial niFeetions. 50c. $1.00. Trial bottle free ut Stone Drug Co. Hershey Land. I olfer the 200 aero tract nf land thnt adjoins tho town of Hershey on the sonth in 50 aero tracts, at from $45.00 per aero up. busy termsi write. D. C. Patterson. Omaha, Ncbr. rr.V 0 k 9 P k p p f ( A. J. AMES. MAHIE AMES. ;J .... ' odors Ames ItAmes, Physicians and Surgeons, Olllco over Stono Drug Co. . Pbonnt. lOmco278 i hones i0i,i- om A Defeated Conscience. Tho secretary of the Kaunas Stato Historical society tolls a story about an curly day Kansas Justice of the pence who will be nameless here; "This J. I'.." mild the secretary. "would marry a couple one day ue Justlco of the peace a'nd divorce them tho next as notary public." Ono time,' as the story ran, a muii surrendered himself to this J. P. 'An phwnt's tho matter?" naked the Judge. "I killed a man out hero on tho pral- rlo In a light," wns the reply. "1 want to give myself up." 'You did kill him, sor?" asked the J. P. "Yes, sir," wns tho reply. 'Who saw you?" asked tho J. l Nobody," "An" nobody saw you kill 'lm?" 'No, sir. Just wo two wore there." "An' you're shuro nobody saw you?" rcltoratcd the J. I. "Of course I'm sure," was tho reply. 'Thin yotrre discharged," said the J. I, bringing his list down on tuc table. "You're discharged. You can't 'criminate yourself. Fifty dollars, plcnsol" Kansas City Journal. Trouble For Hubby. At a recent tea party where tho faro provided could not by any means lie termed palatable a guessing game was Instituted, and the lady who won It was asked to say what she would havo as a prize, alio greatly nattered ner young hostess by requesting a sllco of tho enko with which Home of them had desperately struggled at tea time. "Why did you ask for that shut?" n disappointed and still hungry youth asked her. "iou know very well It Isn't lit to cat." '1 have a dellnlto purpose In view." answered the young lady, carefully placing tho piece of cako where there would bts no possibility of her forget ting It, "I mean to mako my husband cat It If nccesary, to force It down his throat crumb by crumb and thus con vince him that nonit-wliero In the wide. wide world there is an even worse cook than he imagines his inexperi enced young wife to bo." Pearson's Weekly. Success. Tho llowcr of true success may bo gathered only by discerning persons who want It nioro than they want any other thing nnd who seeli It through nil the days of nil the years. It hns no Imitation, Is of but ono variety and may not be pressed and dried between tho leaves of any book, even the Bi blo. Its name Is character. It Is not a rare Uower. accessible to only the few, but It Is modest, of quiet mien and hue nnd Is often hidden by tho follngo nnd gorgeous blossoms of moro spcctaclar plants, bv thnt tho merely casual eyes of thoso who hurry along tho lfo path seem to miss It altogeth er. It grows Indoors nnd out, In nil seasons nnd weathers, and may bo plucked by the black bauds of the miner ns well ns by tho hands of thoso whoso tlmo Is given to less rug ged nnd daintier tasks. Tho man who gathers character gathers success, no matter how ho may be rated by tho commercial agencies. Itlchnrd Wight- man In Metropolitan Magazine. Locked In With a Maniac. The writer wns once closeted with a put Ion t whom lie had no suspicion of being mad until the latter got out of bed. turned the key of tho door and preferred mild request to the writer to have his throat cut. handing lilm at the same time an open pocketkuifc, which ho produced from underneath his pillow. I objected to the knife ns being too small for the purpose and begged to be nllowoil to go for my cuso of amputating knives, with which, I explained, the operation could be per formed with greater neatness and dis patch. . Ho unlocked the door at once, binding mo ovor to secrecy and urging mo to loso no time In returning. I drove home, reported the case to the authorities nnd enmo back with as sistance. Ho was secured with great dltliculty and sent to the asylum.- London Tlt-Hlts. African Snakes. Tho African cobra Is regarded some' what reverently by tho natives of that country, who onco a year kill a cobra do capcllo and hang Us skin to tho branch of a tree, tall downward. Then nil tho children born during tho last year nre brought out and mado to touch tho skin. This, tho parents thluk, puts them under the serpent's proteC' tlon. The cobra de capcllo divides with the horned viper of Africa tho ques. tlonablo honor of bolng tho "worm of tho Nle," to whoso venomous tooth Cleopatra's death was due. The Kaf (Irs use tbo venom of this snake's cousin, tho puff adder, to poison tholr arrows, and when they have any Bmall quautlty left thoy swallow It, UavUig a theory that It will protect them from tho bad effects of future bltos. Tho Suako trlbo of tho Puujab say that thn bites of snakes do not hurt them, and If they And a dead serpent thoy dress It In clothes and glvo It a superb fu noral. Rain and the Soot. Dr. John Watson (Inn Mnelaren) says: "Never asic a Scotchman u u i raining. 1 have nover heard a 'ot admit that tho rain Is falling. What I havo heard hltn say Is thnt if it goes on as It is uow It will turn out wot, Mutual Surprise. She Whon 1 mnrrled you I had no Idea that you would stay away from linrno so much I.-Lir.t, iiii vn neither bad ue-well, neituoi mm Snrcnitic. Husband-After all. civilization ha Us drawbacks. People In tho savngo state seldom get 111. Wife (sweetlyir I woiulW if that's tho reason you'ru ho healthy GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, ? Office over McDonald Bank. Phones lOfncc iaO uesiuenco no PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical nnd Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night. Special accommodations for confinement cases. 721-23 North Locus t. Telephone No. G42. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE Cor Sixth and Locust Sts. Phone 302 A full line of furniture, all kinds of stoves and stove repairs, wagons, hnr ness. saddles, bicycles, guns and snort ing goods, clocks, watches, musical goods, sewing machines cither cash or payments. iwerytning you uBe bought and sold here. Top pr ice fo iron metal and rubber. THE SMOKE FROM OUR CIGARS will nover offend the ladvof tho house. The fragrance Is so agreeable that ynu can smoke in any room without rebuke. it even women line tno odor ot our cignrs so well how much moro will you enjoy their fragrance and exquisite llavor. Try a lew tonight. Both your who anu yourscit win agree that thoy are tne nest cigars you ever smoked. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should bo hitched a stylish looking enrnage. At this repository you can sue a variety oi vehicles whoso stylo is undeniable. They ranco from tho nhne ton to tho family coach and are tho equal of any in appearance and build. They are less thi.n equnl in pneo to most carriages ot their character. A. M. Lock. NOTICE KOU PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02 180 Ilenarttnent of the interior. II. S. Land Olllco at North l'latte. Neb June nth. iuiu Notice Is herobv trlvon that IIiil'Ii Sonirer. Ul III IHllL'i ilUI, fttbll, V...l. lltn.... ...I... .. iwn. matlo llomostoad Entry No. xuai. Serial No. tt'inu, for lot 4. and southeast quarter Noutltwest nuartur. rcctloo so. towuslilit it. N itanKOiii. w. or tno sixtn principa meridian. has llled notice of Intention to mako dual live year proof, to establish claim to tbo land aliove described, lit! tore the Iteelster and ltecelvor at North Pintle. Nebraska. on the 10th day of Ancust. 1910. Claimant names as witnesses; Kobert Kiln- Kol. liort Donaldson, uarl llroederantl wil nam 11. Tiirnle. allot North rratto. Neb, J:il-N 1. R l'"vNH. UftfUtPr OHPER OV HEAUINO ON PETITION I'OU Bt MMAKY AUSUiNISt'llATION State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In the county court. May tlth. 1910. In tilt) mattnr of the estatu of .7amis Woolwortu. tlt'cease(l On readltnr and lllliii? the netltlon of Hurler II. l.ooUwotnl. iiruyluir that the regular ad ministration of said estate mav bedlstiensed with as prov ded by sect ous U-row and 1. uontioy'HPlatutQ imi. ordered. Tiiat.iu v satii. iuiu. at v o'clock a. m.. Is af&lcnod for liuarlntr said netltlon when all persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county court to bo held In and forsald county and show cause why the prayeror petitioner mould not to cranted, Mils order to tie nrluted for hx successive Usues In the North Platte Tribune, a lcaal newspaper published In Lincoln County, prior to.iuiy satu, iv hi. W. C. Ki.m:u. County .ludiro Ily ICathbimnr I', ('i.ahk. Cleric of thn Coun ty lourt. j a-u OltDEIt OK MKAUINO ON I'ltOllATE l)V WIIjU State of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ts: in tho county court. Juno iM. 1910. In tho of matter of tho cstato of Luther O. 1 arriiiL'ton. deceased. On read I ni: and flllntr the putttton of Ilattln FarrliiL'ton. nraylnir that the Instrument Hied on tho XJd day of Juno, 1UI0, and purporting to be tlm last wuiuutl tegument or the haln decvascd- may bo provuil. uppruved, probated ano wen anu rt cornt ii as mo last, win ana tottaniunt of the said Luther O. Karrlnirtou. deceased, and that the execution of said In htrunient may bo committed unit tho admin istration nf vald ctMte may lx granted to llattio rarrinifton. iu executrix. Ordered. Thnt .lull- lUth. 11110. at Uo'cltvlt A. l asslirnod for huarlmr said pet tlon wlu,n nU .)0rhOI)H mterostrd In said matter may appear at a county court. to tut hem in ana ror saia county and show causo why thn prayer of nu- tloner should not ln Krantvd, This notlco to bu published In the North l'lutle Tribune, a ictrai uuwspapor published in said county for six successive Issue prior to July lOth iv in. w v, roomy .move. U)' Kalliurluu l CIutW, cruru CUuuty Court Wills J Redfiold, MI) J It McKlrihan, M D Drs. Redfield & McKirahan Phiiciani and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones 642-644 Office at P. and S. Hospital. John S. Twinem, M, D., Homcopalhic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonnld State Bank Building, Corner 6th & Dowcy Sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF floor, Feed, Orain or Hay Having recently purchased the B. A. Wilson feed store at the corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully Invite a share of tho patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Go to SORENSONS FOH Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. NOTICE. Lizzie J. Richev and William Richev will take notice thnt on tho 17th day of November. 1909. Laura IS. 1'orter, plaintiff herein, llled her petition in the district court ot Ltincom uoumy, JNe braska. aprainst said defendants im- Beaded with Robert Wilson jr., and Farmers Bank of Chester. Thayer coun ty, Nebraska, the object and prayer of which said petition are, ior a aecreo adjudging tijat an nflidavit for service bv nublicatlon mode by Jnmes M. Ray, attorney for tho plaintiff, on the 23rd day of May. 1B99, in an action then pending in the uismct uourr. or Lttn coin County. Nebraskn. to foreclose morttrotre on tho west half of the south east nuarter and tho east half of the southwest Quarter oi section u. town ship 10, range 32, in Lincoln County, Nebraska, wherein David Cunningham executor of tho estate of Jnmes Porter, deceased, was nlaititiif. arid Lizzie J Richoy and William Klchey," et ai, were defendants and filed in said court nnd sworn to on said dato by tho said James . . . . . . , . . M. Ray, waB duly and legally executed and sworn to. And for a decree that W. C. Elder, Clerk of the District Court of Lincoln County. Nebraska, be renuired to ufilx his sicnaturo to said aflidavit ns of that date and to attest tho same with the seal of his said ofiice and for a further decree findincr the amount now duo on a certain mortcratro heretotore placed in decree in said action aforesaid in the District Court of Lincoln County. Ne braska. in tho case of David uunning' ham, executor of tho estate of James Forter, deceased, vs. Lizzie J. Kicney and others, on the 7th day of December, 1899, and that the said defendants bo renuired to redeem said land trom saia decree within a short day to bo fixed by the court, and that in therovent that no such redemption is made, that tho title of the plaintiffyin and to said land bo lorever quietcu as against any- ngnt, title, lien or interest of said defen dants in nnd to said premises, and that said defendants be enjoined from claiming any right, title or in terest in said premises or interferring with plaintiff's possession of the same and that tho spid defendants be wholly exc uded from anv nterest in said land nnd for general equitable relief. You nre required to answer sniu pe tition on or before the 15th day of August. 1910. Dated this 1st day or July, vjw. Laura E. Pouter. By Wilcox & Halligan, Attorneys for Primary Election Notice 1910. I. F. R. Elliott. County Clerk of Lin coln County, Nebraska, do hereby di rect that a Primary Election bo held at the regular polling places in each pre cinct throughout tho county, us by law provided, on the Third Tucsoay in Au gust, A. D., 1910. At said primary election candidates for tho following offices shall be nomi nated, to be voted on nt tho regular November A. D., 1910 election. STATE OFFICERS. One Governor; One Lieutenant Governor; One Secretary of State; Ono Auditor of Public Accounts; Ono Treasurer; Ono Superintendent of Public Instruc tion; Ono Attorney uenorai; Ono Commissioner of Public Lands' and'Buildings; . une uajiway commissioner; One Conirressmim Sixth Congres sional District; Ono Ktato Senator tor tne Mm sena torial District; Ono member of tho legislature for tho 54th representative district; COUNTY OFFICERS. Ono County Attorney; Ono Commissioner, Second District; Precinct officers to fill Vncancy; An expression of preforonco for Uni ted States Senator. Also for or against a proposed nmend. iiAwt to section 1 of Article 7, of tho constitution of the Stato of Nebraska, defining tho qualification of electors. Which election will bo opened nt 12 o'clock M. and remain open until 9 o'clo in tho evening. Dated North Platte, NelL, Juno 17th, A; 1"J Will. Pi Ic. Eorr. CtAmty Ctork, NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION Serial No. 02487. Department ot ttio Interior. U. 8. Land onico at North I'lattci, Nob. May 13th. ltio. Notice Is hereby given that Arthur Tntlnn hott. of North l'latte, N ob:. who. on Marc). Mb. UW. mado II. K. No- 210M. Serial No. 02187. tor all of section 4, Township 10 N.. Kango w West of thoiith Principal Meridian as nicu noucnor intention to maKa nnai llvo yearproor to establish claim to-tho land abovo described, boforo tho Register and Ito celvcr at North I'latto, Nob., on tho 16th day of July, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Harry Cal Icndor. I). N. Gallentler and llrnrr Hlo.Ulnr. of Tryon, Neb , and K. Mayflcld. of Nesblt, is on. ,i, Kvans, Resistor. NOTICE. Carrlo Drlttlnchani. defendant, will Ultn notlco thaton tho 13th day of .May, 11)10. tho McFarlan Carr'airo Company, plain till horo In. (lied Its petition In tho District Court of Lincoln comity. Nebraska, against said Carrlo Ilrlttlngbatn and Charles llrlttlnshatn. thn object and prayer of which am to collect rrom said (icrcnri ant tno sum orsms and Interest thorcon nt eight per cent from May IB. 1010. UIHin a curtain tiromlsxnrv nntn for itt&.m executed Soptcmlicr 1. WW, by said defendants to tho plalnttlT. Tho amount duo ninm said note at tins tlmo isjjsu.w. von aro runner notincu that an order or attachment was Issued In thn stilt if tlm plalntlir In said action, and said ordor ct ottaenmont was on May is. mo, lovlcd upon certain real est a to of tho defendant. Carrie Ilrlttlngham. to-wlt: An undivided one-third Interest 111 and tA tho northwest nuartnr nf section 4. and thenorthoast quarter of section 0, and all of section 0, In township V, rangoST, aim mo casi uau 01 mo noruiwresr quarter. and tlm cast half of section 32, In township 10, rango -7. In Lincoln county, Nebraska, and plalntlir prars that said nrouerty bo sold to satisfy amount duo on said note. you aro remilrcu to answer salt not 1 lion on or boforo the lltli day of July,. 1910. MOf AHI,AN UAllltlAtin COMPANY, ll.v Hoagland & Hoagland Its Attorneys. NOTIOK rott PURIFICATION. Serial No. 02274. Department of tho interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platte. Nob. May 'M, 1910. Notlco Is hereby given that Mttrv A. Hawkins, formerly Mary A. James of Maxwell, Neb., who, on Nov, II. 1901, mado homcstoad entry No. 20021. serial No. 0227 for nwW section 20. township 14. N. ranee 28, Wof tho 0th Principal Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final llvo year uroof. to establish claim to tlm land abovo described, boforo tho Keglstorand Ro cclvor at North I'latto. Nebraska, on tho 22tl day of July. 1910. uiaimant names as witnesses: .loan u. Nrstrom. Mary N. Sukraw. of Maxwell. Neb.. uenry Kiumgor. John Martin ot North I'latto. Nob. mzi-o .1 K. Evans. Register. Serial No 04I3. NOTICE FOR l'UULIOATION. Department of tbo Inturlor U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob. Juno Bth. 1010. Notlco Is hereby clvcn that Daniel II. Mc- Ncol, of North I'latto, Nebraska, who on I'obrnary 23, 1M. rrado Homestead Entry No. UHKK). Serial No. (Kit III. for vest half, north half northeast uuartcr. south half southeast duarter of section u, township 15 north, range .11, west of tho tlth Principal Meridian, has llled notlco or intention to mane final llvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land noovo tiescriDeu. neroro tno itceistor and Itecolvcr at North I'latto. Nebraska, on the .mi day of July, iuio Claimant names as witnesses: David YV Macomlier, James llechan, Jr.. Charles K. Kvans, William u roves, all ot North I'latto. Nebraska. JTtf J. E- Evawh. KcKlstor. Sorlal No. 0102:1-02102 NOTICE FOR l'UULIOATION. Department ot tho Interior. U. S. Land Olllco at North l'latte. Neb . Juno tlth. 1910. Notlco Is horoby clvcn that Joseph H Hhaw. of North l'latte, Nebraska, who on March 1, ll)W, mado 11. No. iwa. beriai wo mva, ror oust half southwest uuartcr. northwest quarter southeast quarter and lots, and on July ID, lffll. mado II. E. No. 203W). Serial No. U21Q2, for south half southeast uuartcr, north cast auartor southeast quartor and lot 4, all In section is. township J, m.. rango SO. West of tho Oth Principal Meridian. has llled notlco of lntontion to make tinai live yoar proof, to establish claim to the land i abovo described, before tho Register and Re ceiver, at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 7th day July. 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Jacob L. Harden, George It. Slnclo. William W. Huntor, Arthur Connors, allot North I'latto. Nob. f7-S J. K KvANH. Register ORDER OK HEARING ON PETITION FOR SUMMARY ADMINISTRATION. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In tho matter of tho cstato of Carrie L. Searle, deceased. On reading and filing tho petition of Elizabeth Hratt, praying that the regular administration ot said cstato may bo dis pensed with as provided by sections 6202, 6203. 5201. 5205 and 5200, of Oobboy's annotated Statutes ot tho Stato ot Nebraska, for tho year IIW. Ordered. That July th, A. 1). 1910. at 10 o'clock a. in., Is assigned for hearing said petition, whon nil persons Interested In said matter may appear at a county-court to bo hold In and for said county, and show causo why tho prayer of tho petitioner should not bo granted: and that notlco of tho pendency of said potltlon and tho hearing thereof bo given to all persons Interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of tills ordor lathe North I'latto Tribune, a Semi-Weekly news paper printed In said county, for six succes sive Issues prior to said day of hearing. Dated Juno 10th. 1010. JU-H W O Ki.nicn. County Judge. TROIIATE NOTICE TO CREDITORS Iu tho County Court of Lincoln county, Ne braska. . In the matter of tho cstato of Georgo Stevens, docoased. Notice is horoby given, that tho credl tors ot said deceased will meet tho Administrator with tho will annexed of said estate, beforo me County Judge of Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county court room In said county, on tho lsth day of July, 1010, and on the 1st ti day of January, 1011, at 0 o'clock a. m. oach day. for tho pur poso of presenting their claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to present tholr claims and ono year for tho adminis trator with the will annexed to sottlo said estate, from tho 21st day ot Juno, 1U10. This notlco to bo published In tho North I'latto Tribune, for four weeks successively prior to tho 18th day of July, 101U. Witness my hand and seal of nald court, this 2ist day of June. A. D. 1010. J21-4 W. O. ELDEU. County Judge, by Katberlno F. Clark, Clerk of the County Court. Notice. Notice is hereby given that T. A. Roberts, David E. Martin and Wesley J. Shinklo havo 'associated themselves together ns a body corporate under tho name and style of tho "Rosedole Tele phone Company." The princlpol place of transacting the business of said company shall be at Horshey, Lincoln county, Nebraska. The general nature of the business to be transacted by this corporation shall bo tho construction, erection, purchnse, sale, operation, maintenance, control and lease of n telephono line or lines, and a telephone exchnngo or exchanges. Tho amount of capital stock.. au- thorized is $5,000.00, divided into 500 shares of the par value 6Y ?lo:00 each, and shnll bo fully paid up when issued and shall bo non-assessable. Tho highest amount of indebtedness or liability to which the corporation is at any time to subject itself shall not oxceefl two-thirds of the paid up capital stock. Tho dato of tho commencement of said corporation shall bo tho first day of Jtily 1910, nnd shall. continue for a period of twcnty-fivo years, unless sooner dissolved by law. ' Tho atTair8 of said corporation nre to bo managed by a board of directors consisting of not less than three nor more than five, and a president and n secrotary-treasumr. Signed Juno 10th, 1910. T. A. Roberts, Davjd E. Martin, WESIiEY J. S1HNKLE.