The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1910, Image 7

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(From Chicago Dally News.)
Mr. Griffin Replies.
I desire to call attention to an edito
rial printed In The Dally Nows, May
II, headed "Back Fire on tho Shippers,"
In which you make the following state
ments: First, that my representation
of tho case is not candid; second, that
what I did havo to say was based upon
tho action of tho shippers' conference
and, third, that I had no right to poso
as a business man having Interests In
common with tho shippers.
Tho circulation for signatures of a
statement relating to freight rates was,
as far as I was concerned, confined to
follow nombcrs of tho Hallway Busi
ness association, and no referenco was
made to tho shippers' conference. I
personally attended this conferenco
and havo no criticism to mako on any
thing that was dono thero nnd nono
was made or Intended by me, but what
I "deprecated" was contained in nn ar
ticle sent out by tho Illinois Manufac
turers' Association, dated May 7, and,
as a member of that Association, I
personally wrote a lotter to each of Its
Individual members, dated May 17. In
thU I referred to tho misleading and
unfair statements contained in the
circular of May 7 mentioned abovo, and
in doing so I was "candid." t said
that the statoment "that railroads are
rapidly Increasing their not earnings"
was not truo and as to the correctness
of ray statoment I beg to refer to the
Tho latest Interstatc-commcrco com
mission reports show that during the
month of March eleven systems, repre
senting overy railroad north and west
on a line drawn through Chicago and
St. Louis, show an lncreaso In gross
earnings for tho month of March, of
nearly $7,000,000 compared with March,
1909, whilo tho net earnings for tho
same roads In tho samo period show
a decrease of $965,000; and tho Inter
etato commerce commission figures for
tho ten months, July to March 31, In
1910, as compared with 1909, show an
increase in gross of over $30,000,000,
while tho net earnings of theso samo
systems in tho samo period of compari
son, show a falling off of over $3,500,
000. And, as comparatively little of
tho Increases in wages had even gone
into effect during March, tho railroads
must provide some means to increase
a revenuo that is already decreasing
on an increased amount of business,
and thero Is no way for railroads to
provide this except by increasing their
rates, and suroly thero is "reason for
tho need of It."
In tho third paragraph on tho sec
ond pago of this Illinois Manufac
turers' Association circular of May 7
l Is stated that 7.99 per cent was
earned on tho dividend-paying stock,
making no allowance for tho 3) per
cent of stock on which no dividends
wero paid. I might, with equal propri
ety, mako tho statement that there
was no dividend paid on the non-dlvl-
denn paying stock. For a cloarur den
nltlon, tho nvorago earnings should bo
based upon tho entire stock, and tot
upon tho best paying portion of it, un
less thero is somo reason why tho
$2,500,000,000 representing tho 34 per
cent should not have received any divi
dends nt all.
In tho final paragraph of tho edito
rial it 1b stated that I should not bo
allowed to poso as a business man,
"having no Interest In common with
thd shippers." Inasmuch as my con
cern Bhlppcd an average of 350,000 tons
of finished product during 190G and
1907, and wo wero obtlged to receive
more than 350,000 tons of Iron to fur
nish this, plus enormouB quantities of
coko, coal and other supplies, I can
safely claim to havo shipped In and
out 750,000 tons n year, and as thero
aro no railroads who can afford to haul
this material, or any part of It, without
having a revenuo from It, an Increase
of 10 cents a ton on my hauling chargo
would amount to $75,000 and, there
foro, I havo "business" Interests In com
mon with other shippers." The 350,000
tons of finished product shipped repre
sented In tho neighborhood of $10,000,
000. This $10,000,000 represented most
ly labor, with the exception of the
cost of tho ore nnd coal In the mines.
All tho bnlance wns made up of wages
and profit on the different conditions
of tho raw material until It was tin
Ished product.
My Illinois plants produced CO per
cent of this amount, or $6,000,000 a
year. For threo years our Chicago
plants havo not run moro than half
capnclty. Therefore, thero was $3,000,-
000 n year less In distribution because
of a corresponding shrinkage In sales.
As most of our iron nnd coal comes
from Illinois, this $3,000,000 a year was
not distributed In Chicago, as would
havo boon tho caso had we worked on
tho isnmo output that wo did In 1906
nnd 1907. And a great deal of that
$3,000,000 which was not paid was
taken out of the business firms situ
ated in or nenr Chicago by the non
purchases from their varied business
on the part of tho community that
would have received tho $3,000,000
yenr for thieo years. That Is tho rea
son why I havo a right, as a business
man, to deprccnte any unfair or tin
callcd-for obstacles that are placed In
tho way of my business and the nun
drcd other varieties of business In thin
country that are affected by the mono
put Into circulation by tho railroads.
When It Is further considered that 'my
buslnoss constitutes but 10 per cent
of tho cost of n car nnd thnt thero
wero nine other units similarly affect
ed, most of which would havo been
tributary to Chicago, anyone can see
how Important It Is to his Individual
interests that tho railroad companies
should have ample funds to make theso
Improvements nnd purchases, and will
realize, how comparatively easy It will
bo to stand n reasonable advance on
the freight for any material he will
need, If he Is receiving increased
Chicago. T. A. GRIFFIN.
ISSSIabinet I
runs w linr &
lit KSOLVHD. That 1 won't bur-
KSOLVKD. That 1 won't bur
ry myself, nor try to
mnko other people hurry.
nor lot other people hurry mo.' .
It t not tho yearn that age ub: It la
how v.u llvo tlicm." '
Combinations for Meals.
Thero nro no fixed laws regarding
the vchoIco of certain vegetables to
servo with certain meats, but ctiBtom
has arranged certain combinations be
cause thoy undoubtedly harmonize.
The composition of foods should
bo studied by nil intelligent
housekeepers as wo all want
to servo well balanced meals.
Wo would not want nt ono meal, pota
toes, rice, macaroni, tapioca or corn
starch, becauso any two Is plenty of
starch for a meal, and ono Is enough.
When fish tnkes tho plnqo of meat
wo feel tho need of rich sauces and
n dessert of moro nutriment, as fish
docs not contain ns much as ment
In the simple, everyday life of most
homes, the dinner comes at noun, nnd
tho majority of homes nro satisfied
with two courses.
If a rich soup Is served, one needs
a very little for tho main course, and
a heavy dessert of pudding steamed
or baked with a sauce, makes u good
Durng the summer months the
heavy puddings give way to fruits,
salads, gelatine desserts, nnd Ices of
all kinds, which may or, not, be largo
In food value. A salad with an oil
dressing with snndwlches, and a cup
of tea or cocoa, Is a good meal.
When ono Is sorvlng n heavy roast
like pork with accompanying vege
tables, a very light dessert should bo
When rich cream or hard sauce Is
served with a light dessert, it adds
greatly to tho food value of tho dish
Raisins and nuts are an Ideal des
sert, and one that may always bo
ready In nn emergoncy.
BT8 look up nnd ntnllo na we
Journey a wlille."
'If you wotilit
not tlio bloosom.'
have the fruit, pluck
Hints for tho Laundry.
Clothes carefully folded
sprinkled aro half ironed.
An apron worn whilo hnnglng .the
clothes helps keep thorn clean.
lllnck cotton hose should bo dried
ami ironed (If nt all), on tho wrong
Ride, to prevent fading. Ulack and
whito calicoes nre benefited by having
u handful of salt added to tho rinsing
DlBh towels can bo Ironed Just ns
well in hnlf tho tlmo If folded together
onco ns If Ironed singly.
Iron clothing lengthwise, not across,
nnd keep tho garment or linen without
Clothes when brought In, should bo
MJpnrated and folded at onco; If al
lowed to lie In a hoap many wrinkles
are inndo.
Scorch Stains. Wet tho scorchod
place, rub with soap and bleach In tho
sun. If only slightly scorchod, JuBt
hnng In the sun and tlio spot will soon
Grass Stains. nub with lard and
lonvo an hour before washing.
Ink Stains. Eonk In sohr milk for
somo time, When fresh stain can bo
trentcd at once, dip In hot tallow
which will absorb tho taln.
Mildew. Soak In n weak solution of
chloride of llmo; after ecsMrnl hours
rinse In cold wntor.
. in
Avertable Preparation Tor As
similating llicFoodnnd Hctjul.v
ling Ihe Stomachs and Bowel
For Infanta and Children.
iThe Kind You Have
Always Bought
Promotes Dislion,Chccrful
nessanclRcst.Contalns neither
Opium.Morphine nor Mineral
Pumpkin Sfd
iWmkrfftt Zttnen
AnrrfrelRcmcdv CorConstlpa
lion , Sour Stomach.Diarrhoea,
Worms .Convulsions .Fever i an
ness and LOSS OF SLEEP.
Tae Simile Signature f
Tin: Centaur Company
Bears tlio A,
Signature J3
of Ayr
Guaranteed under tho Foodnnf,
Exact Copy of Wrapper.
Thirty Years
TMiatKTauauir, mwYoaaarrr.
8pellmg Contests Held In New Orleans
Prove Girls Superior to Their
The result of tho spelling contests
in tho Now Orleans public schools
again demonstrates the superior pro
ficiency of tho girls, practically all of
tho victors being mombers of tho
gentler sex. Lnst year tho samo thing
was truo and the matter was quite
generally commented on in the press
and, at gatherings whero educational
subjects wore discussed.
So far as our Information goes thoro
havo been no contests to determine
the pupils in other branches of study,
but it would be Interesting to know
if this feminlno superiority is found
to exist Iifall studies, or If they are
confined only to particular branches.
Doubtless this result is duo in pnrt to
tho fact that tho female mind ripens
at an earlier ago than is the case with
tho masculino mind, although thero is
llttlo doubt that tho feminine intel
lect along certain lines is moro acuto
than th masculine, which would seen,
to Justify tho conclusion that certain
branches of study nro more readily
mastered by girls and women.
In view of tho growing number of
young women that aro going Into po
sitions as ntenographors, typewrlttsts
and other positions requiring nn ac
curate knowledge of spelling, this dem
onstrated proficiency Is most gratify
ing. Tho public school administra
tion is to be commended upon tho ef
forts It has made to Improve the
spelling of tho public school pupils
and the triumphant girls to be con
gratulated upon their easy victory
over tho boys.
Long Walt.
"Why don't you watt on a sport
llko mo?" domnuded tho patron who
had mado tho tenth unsuccessful at-
tempt to glvo his order for "ham
"Sport!" laughed tho sarcastic
waiter, "you look llko a sport. Why,
vyou need u Bhavo!"
"Well, that's your fault if I do. I
didn't need it when I came In."
Invitation Accepted.
It is told that a certain liyly of a
western Kansas town desired to show
kindness to tho captain of tho local
state militia company and wroto tho
the following, invitation; "''Mrs. r-
requests tho pleasuro of Captain 'b
company at a reception on Friday eve
ning." A prompt reply carao: "With tho
exception of three men who are sick
with measles, Captain 'b company
accepta your kind invitation nnd will
como with pleasuro to your reception
Friday evening."
The Outing Spirit.
If you want to havo a good time
on. your outings you must, make up
your mind to help along by acquiring
the outing spirit. This means:
Learn to put up with whatever
turns up.
Don't grumble, fidget or expect Im
possibilities. Don't pose. Thnt Is, pretend you
llko roughing It and outdoor life when
all you crave Is a crowded board walk
and tho glitter of a summer hotel.
Don't attempt more than you havo
strength for.
Do a good sport without being reck
less. Look after your 'health. Remem
ber tho worker's outing must hnve
rest and Btrongth building for tho un
derlying motive. Therefore, don't
overtlro yourself or trifle with bad wa
ter and messy foods.
Make your outing come well within
your menns. It Is foolish to "blow
In" lu two weeks the savings of
Season nil with a determination to
have a good tlmo, keop happy and
nover lot your temper run away with
Pocket Wireless.
Tho Italian savant, Mgr. CcrebotnnI,
pnpnl nuncio nt Munich, Is the in
ventor of an Instrument llko a largo
watch, which enables a person to re
celvo messages transmitted from
"wireless" stations. Tho apparatus Is
merely a pocket receiver, and the only
accessories aro a bobbin of wire nnd
a metnlllc encased cano. A person
thus equipped can at a given moment
receive communications from n station
within a radius of twenty to thirty
Midas had como to thnt point In his
career whero everything ho touched
turned to gold.
"What shall you ever do with tho
stuff?" asked hla entourage In vlslblo
Midas affected not to bo uneasy,
"Just wait till the boys begin to
touch me!" quoth he, displaying nn
ncqunlntanco with economic tenden
cles far In ndvnnco of his age. Puck,
Truly Wonderful Climate.
Hyperbole Qassaway went from hero
to a llttlo town In southern California
for his health. In two weeks ho wroto
homo that ho Mt ton yenrs younger.
Somo days later ho wroto again that
ho felt 20 yoars younger. Then his
family heard no more from him. They
telegraphed tho mayor of the Call
fornia town for Information about
their Hyperbole Gassaway and got
this answor; "I regret to inform you
that your boloved husbatid and father,
after q month's rosldcnco here, dl'd
from cholera infantum."
Delicious Fruit Dessert.
This Is a dcBsert which may be
made at any senson for we find the
fruit always In tho mnrkct. Take a
slice of pineapple, either fresh or
canned, and heap on It a banana that
has been put through a potato rlcer.
Add a half teaspoonful of lemon Juice,
and sprinklo with powdered sugar.
This Is a simple dessert quickly prepared:
Victor Hugo.
Iautlful ts just us
ful as tlio UHOful,
BoimHImes more
unil o.
'Let nppctlto wear reason's eolden
And And In due restraint Its luxury."
Summer Hints.
During the warm weather, corns be
come very troublesome Try rubbing
them with a piece of dandelion root,
when full of milk. Apply twlco n day.
This Is a remedy which will bo easily
procureti, anu win also benefit tho np-
pearanco of tho lawn.
The linings of shoes so soon be
come sotted. If ptecos of white cam
bric are pasted Into tho shoes thov aro
cooler and cleanor, nnd nro oaslly Re
Summer Dishes.
Every housewlfo' 'who hns the
three meals a day to prepare is glad
to learn of now dishes, especially tf
they are economical nnd e'asy of
preparation. Economy always should
come first In most homes.
ULHNKH8, atnndltiK In thfi
midst of unattcmptcd
tasks la Mwni'H proud.
Wprlt In always tcndlnn to humility.
Phillips Brooks.
Ways of Serving Ham.
Iinm Is such a good meat to add
flavor to dishes that a scrap of It
should novor bo thrown away. It
gives character to croquettes, bash
and other made dishes.
Vlam tonst Is made by using halt a
cupful of cooked ham finely minced,
half a teaspoonful of anchovy paste, a
bit of cayenne and mnce. Add half a
cupful of milk, an egg, well beaten.
Stir over the fire until thick, then
spread on buttered toast. A ponched
egg may be placed on each slice.
Ham Ualla. Tako one cupful of
cooked ham, finely chopped, one cup
ful of broad crumbs, two cupfuls of
cooked potatoes, mashed, two tuble
spoonfuls of butter, two eggs, beaten,
mix all together, shape In small balls,
dip In egg and crumbs and fry brown.
Pineapple Mousse.
To one cup of pineapple sirup,
heated, add ono tablespoon of gclntln
softened'in one-fourth cup of cold wa
ter, a cup of sugar and two table
spoons of lemon Julco. Strain and
cool. As the mixture thickens, fold In
a quart of whipped cream. Mold, pack
in ice and salt, and stnnd four hours.
A cornstarch pudding with tho whites
of three eggs and half a can of pine
apple, makes a flno dessert.
In a salad this dellcato fluvored
fruit Is always enjoyed.
Hashed Brown Potatoes.
Hero is n potato dish thut the boy
from school will enjoy:
Chop cold boiled new potatoes Into
pieces the slzo of a bean, Season with
salt and popper, and put Into a hot
dish with three tablcspoonfuls of but
ter to a quart of potatoes. Toss until
well browned thon add hulf a cup of
cream and place In tho oven to fin
ish. Servo In the baking dish.
Brain Pates,
nrown a tnblespoon of butter nnd
ono of flour. Add ono pint of .hot wa
ter, ono ieaspoon of Worcestershire
eali co and half a teaspoon of onion
Juice. Cut tho brains In dice shaped
pieces nnd let simmer for 15 minutes
In the snuco. Serve In pato shells.
Russian Tea.
Prepare tea In n hot pot and pour
over two lumps of sugar and u slice
of lemon in onch cup. This Is u de
lightful way to serve afternoon ten
The addition of a few clovos th the
tea gives a splclnens liked by many
Household Hints.
A convenient Btrnlncr or Jelly bag
Is mado by cutting n circular piece of
cheesecloth tho desired size and sew
ing It upon an embroidery hoop.
Fasten a stout cord at two opposlto
points of tho hoop. When strntnlng
Jelly, nttacii tnesu cords in biicu n
wny that the bag will hang free from
any convenient place.
Tho best of wayB to rcmovogrcaso
spots from carpets la to dissolve a
llttlo soap In n gallon of water, then
add half an ounce of borax; wash tho
spot with a clean cloth, and tho grenso
will disappear.
All canned vegetables should bo
opened- and aired well boforo using.
To glvo n stove a brilliant polish,
add n teaspoonful of powdered alum
to tho stove polish.
A little lemon Jdlco ndded to rlco
while cooking, will keep tho grains
sepnrnto and mnkes It whiter.
Test a good nutmeg by piercing It
with n needle; If fresh the oil will fol
low tho needlo.
Think of Last Summer-
You can remember days when the heat Inside your
kitchen was so great you could hardly bear it. With tho
right stove you would have made a better hostess. Savo
your health. Don't put up with the drudgery of a coal
range. You can have a clean, cool, pleasant kitchen. Tho
"fU IT J'f J
Oil Cook-stove
does away with all drudgery of
cooking. Why should you be a
slave to a coal range when yon
can have nn OH Cook-Stove that if
cheaper than coal, cleaner than coal,
doesn't "cmell," doesn't moke, l!ght
Instantly, can be put out Instantly, leave
no ashes, and doesn't best the ldtchta.
With one of these stoves you can bolL
bake or roast the most elaborate dinner,
You can chango from n slow to a quick
flre, or the other way about, by simply
turning n wtck. Apply a match, and in
stantly the heat from nn intense blu
flame shoots upward through the tut
quotse-blue enamel chimneys to the
bottom of pot, kettle or oven but no
where else. The stove has every conve
nience that can be thought of t Cabinet
Top with shelf for keeping food and
dishes hot, drop shelves to hold cofTco
or teapots, towel rack; In fact every
convenience possible.
The nickel finish, with th bright blu of
the chimneys, makes the slovs ornaratntal
nil attractive.
Unit with 1, i and S burntrs j tha I and S-burner atovea caa b had with of without 1
Xnrj detr trajir'Mn. If not at jourt, nrlU for De-r!ptlT Circular to th neamt astucf ot U
' Standard Oil Company
vou ec i una iiuva sea m
that tha name -pinto
read. ''New Perfection."
Little Economies.
Did you ever use nn old tennis
racket to beat rugs? It is as good
and easy to handle, as tho regulation
Old rackets may be rosining with
entgut when the frnme ts In good con
dition, nt little expense.
Oronso the cream pltchor around
tho spout with a little butter, and
avoid the drops of cream that will run
oown on tuo cioui wunoui tins pre
Nebraska Directory
WW d L. U I Im ICt tli) proce.s all broken
parts of waelilnurr mads good ai new. Welda
can Iron, can tee), aluminum, coppor, brata or
anr otiirr tnatal. Kipert automobile repairing,
BERT8CIIY MOTOR CO., Oounoll Bluffs.
JVJ. Splesbergor & Son Co.
Wholesale Millinery
The Beit In tte Wett OMAHA, NEB.
314-10 South 12th Street Omaha, Neb.
Household Hints.
One of tho most satisfactory ways
of dry cleaning not curtains Is to rub
and fill them with dry cornmeal. Lot
thorn He In It for a day or two, then
put out to air. After pressing thoy
will look so well that ono feels repaid
lor tno errori. if tno curtains nro
white use whito cornmeal; If ecru,
tiso the yellow, Hither cleans nlcoly,
Raisin and Celery Salad.
Cut two cupfuls of celory, flno. Seed
n ud halve two-thirds of a cupful of
largo raisins, ndd ono cupful of gra
ted appio, two oranges cut flno and
one-fourth of a cupful of niayonnalsB.
Euroncan Plan
Room, from tl.00 up alnj(lf 7Sbeut up double.
bf mall at cut prlrra. P'nd for froe catalogue.
niienuun. mi uppiica rur mo Amateur ktrlctly
fre.h. Kend for CMnloRiin nml niilulilnv nrlcea.
TYPEWRITERS tut up. AllnUndard nr rrntMl. ltrnt
I'PIIchI If J mi iurth.B. .rhln tllml .nTwli.r.
on 'prol. No d. required. Writ, ror r.t.loit.
122 North llth Strnat Lincoln, Neb.
Veal Relish.
Slice oranges and place half a tea
spoonful of preserved pear chips In the
center of each sllco.
Get tho best. Your dealer can supply
you with our brand. Your lou of buy
will mora than pay.
N. W. Cor. 11th & Harney Sti. Omaha, Nab.
tart.. rh - iMlMnll
WVIINfc WUTOI IIU, f oiivan, VI lllllivi
says About It I
-Oovarnor Dnn, of Illinois ova.
lion or
Mia ib
imd la
nadi. II. hu
Ian intern!
"A an Amrle 1 an to ... to. ra-
Itntrkabia proar.i. ot
I W'MUrn Canada. Our
pie r uocting aero.,
hound. rv lb thon.
I aand., and 1 baft not itt
n.t on iw aaraiii.a
l bad mad a
h.r ara all dnlua w.ll.
fb.r 1. M.roe If a oora
Ipiunll; la th Middl or
WMt.rn HUlM th.t n.e
not rapr.ntatlf In M.ultoua.
BMkatcbawan or Allwrta."
125 Million Bushels ef
Whoa, in 1909
.'..P Canada flaU crop. tr
lwl will o.illrTl.M toih. farm
er 170.000.6no.OO In (,
rrMlfoumteaitfur IHOnrraa,
ami pre-emption, of 100 acre.
1 S3.00 miacra. Lllw.r and
and Oompanle. bar land for ial
at r.aion.tiln nrlna- fv.i.
IjVi ra liars pnlil for thrlr land out
vm ..... u. u, uu rriilt.
Bplnmllil cllmata, a-ood erhooU,
eicflleut rnllWHT farllltlM.low
frelant rntr. wood, wutcr aiul
lurulier M.Ur
Xnr p.mpltll"Iat Hiit Weit,"
particular, a. to .ulubl. loratloa
Snd. low. .ettl.tV r.u, ar pi t
up't of lramlgrntlnn. Ottawa,
Uao., or to Caiiadlau Gov't Aaaat,
(UaddrfnriiToa.)' (1)
Chotca (jtmlltyj red and ruana,
white facta or lingua bmiptit nn
order. Tru of Thou-uuo. io
.elect from. BatMitollun Oimr
anteed. Corre aiiondrnre luttird.
Como and ac fur yuurcelf.
National Live Stocli Com. Co
At allher
KaaaaCily,Mo. SI, Joseph, Ma. S.
l.l.,lM r.tati
Uil all k.ik,
Mu. .1 u..iA
Ul.f, 0..ri.uH.a
Mum. Ii.itlr
mnuir- unit a
110 WlUi ih,
Srklj, T.ra
XI Taiuaoio worn Jut publlaned,
i8, 60.1)00 word , Artuiti fJixr-
Lnco In Twin Pall. (Viumr,
lttvik wnrlhllftl. HnA irn m. r.f flw
rrnorofrlnndilutaretted In Irrigation aii rrralr
book iBEli. U. U lt.lU.Ur A U., t L.BUI. ku, IUu
W. N. OMAHA, NO. 27-19)0