The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1910, Image 5

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    JJC ysja KAAM
& ,
All our Leather Goods will be
sold next week at just half
price in order to make room
for our fall stock. Now is your
chance to get a fine hand bag
, at half price
1 $22.50 Walrus Handbag at
1 Lot $15 real Sealskin Handbags at
1 Lot $12 Real Seal -and Walrus Handbags at
1 Lot $8 Thibet Calf Handbags at
1 Lot $6 Morocco Handbags at
1 Lot $4 Goat Seal Handbags at
And all other leather goods at the same reductions
This is a genuine Half Price Sale. All
goods are marked in plain figures. You
pay just hall.
See Our Bargain Window
The Jeweler
Over First National. Phone 148
Mrs. P. A. Norton visited friends in
Omaha several days this week .
Mrs. A. M. Lock has been spending
this week with friends in Sutherland.
All the regular services may be ex
pected at the Baptist church next Sun
day. S
Mrs. J. P. Norton and sister Miss
McBride left Wednesday for Davenport,
Harry Goodall, an attorney of Ogal
alla, transacted business in the district
court yesterday.
Miss Florence Stack and Miss Mary
Tighe have returned from a visit with
friends in Sidney.
Dr. Mario Ames returned yesterday
from Cheyenne, where she hnd been
called on a professional visit.
Master Ben Johnson left Wednesday
night for Seattle, Wash., where he will
visit his uncle for a couple of months.
Judge Elder reported for duty at his
office yesterday, his heel being so im
proved as to permit him to mako the
w I 11 f 1 J.
i Mrs. rreaencK warren anu iwo
daughters and Miss Hattio Warren ar
rived from Atlanta, Ga., Wednesday
evening and are guests at the Dullard
and Walker residences.
The young ladies Bociety of St. Pat
rick's church were guests of the Misses
Ottenstein Wednesday evening and
with games and contests passed sev
eral hours very pleasantly.
An opportunity never before offered
to buy a fine leather1 hand bag at 50
cents on the dollar. That is our leader
all next week.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
L. M. Clay, of Laramie, will arrive
the early part of next week and accept
a bosition with W. It. Powell as a
watch repairer. Mr. Powell's work has
grown to such an extent that an assist
ant is necessary,
At a congregational meeting of the
Baptist church Wednesday evening it
was decided to place the two lots now
occupied by the parsonnge and the
church on tho market. The two build
ings will bo reserved. The plan of
Hie congrcKUiiuu in uu ami menu juiauuu
thus secure funds toward the future
erection of a church building on thu
Unitarian .hall .corner toufeb: is now
owned by that cHureh.
Mrs. M. J. Walsh and children left
yesterday morning for a visit in Omaha
and Beatrice
Chas. E. Fisher has sold to W. H.
Marshall section 5-10-2G, for a con
sideration of $8,000.
II. It. Royer has purchased of Mrs.
Sarah Laing the house on west Fourth
street in which he lives.
Wanted At Once Good woman or
girl at Enterprise Bakery.
Mr. C. E. Perkins was thrown out of
a carriage while out driving Wednesday
evening and considerably bruised.
All Wash Goods, Silks and Dress
Goods are being sold at n discount of
twenty per cent at The Leader.
At ono time yesterday afternoon
there were ono hundred and eleven cars
of California fruit in the railroad yards.
These cars wore all iced at the local
For Sale. Low price. Easy terms.
920 W. Gth St Modern. C rooms and
bath. S. Goozer.
Tho North Platte Telephone Co. has
completed its line to Julesburg and it
is in fine working order. The building
of this line gives North Platte direct
telephone connection with Denver.
Miss Genevieve Ottenstein, who had
been attending a Catholic academy at
Notre Dame, Ind., returned homo last
evening. Enroute home she visited
friends at Rock Island and Davenport
for two weeks.
A dozen or more coal shovelers were
sent down from Denver yesterday
morning, but after working during the
afternoon, quit and returned to Denver
last night. The pay for unloading coal
is nineteen and one-half cents per hour.
Ladies' Shirts, in china silk, black
and white, just the cool garments for
hot weather, have just arrived at Tho
Leader and are being sold at a discount
of twenty per cent.
Weidmann Bros. Wild West Show
exhibited in town yesterday afternoon.
and evening. The attendance in the
afternoon was small, but there was a
big crowd in the evening. Tho per
formance was said to be fair; the eight
or ten Indians creating much interest
for too young people.
Ernest Brownell lost control of his
automobile while crossing tho south
river bridge the last part of the week
and the machine broke through tho
banisters and hung so far over the edge
that it had to be let into tho river.
There was only slight damage to tho
car and the occupants, Brownell and
R. W. Bruce, got out of tho accident
without &ritfuU hurt. -SuUfeYloiiU Freo
Prescription Druggists
First Door North of
drat National Hank
John Ennis, an athlete, sixty-nine
years of age, is expected to arrive in
town tonight on his tramp across the
continent. He is out to beat Weston's
record of 105 days. He has been on tho
road thirty- six days and is now eleven
days ahead of Weston's record.
Lost. Black cat with strap around
neck. Suitable reward will bo paid for
the return of same to 222 W. Gth St.
Major A. White.
Chief Sandall of tho firo deparment,
returned from Lexington yesterday
where he went to untangle a dispute
in regard to the allowance of prizes in
the Fourth of July races. North Platte
secured second prize in both the wot
coupling race and tho Btraight away
race, but owing to tho irregularities
on tho part of other teams should really
have had first prizo in tho wot coupling.
If you want a GOOD CAR buy a
Mitchell or Rambler of LeMasters.
A Chicago dispatch dated yesterday
says: It yas nnnounced here today that
25,000 locomotivo engineers, employed
on forty-nine railroad systems west of
Chicago are formulating demands for
increased wages which will bo pre
sented to the managers before August
1st. The schedules, so far as thoy
have been prepared, call for a complete
readjustment of wages for all classes
of engineers, the men on tho far
western divisions demanding a higher
advance than is asked by tho men
running into Chicago.
Terminal Tax Value.
Tho real value .of railroad property
at tho several towns in the county
which is assessed under the terminal
tax law is as follows:
North Platte $427,350
Brady 31,985
Maxwell 29,470
Nichols : 22,140
Sutherland 21,250
Wallaco ..... 27,930
A Frightful Wreck
of train, automobile or buggy may
causo cuts, bruises, abrasions, sprains
or wounds that demand Bucklen's
Arnica Salve - earth'a greatest lieulor.
Quick relief and prompt cure result.
For burns, boils, sores of all kinds,
eczema, chapped hands and lips, sore
byea or corns, ita supreme. Surest pile
dure. 25c'. at Stirab Dnfg Cd.
Graduato Northwestern University. L
Oillce over McDonald Stato Bank
To the General Public.
In answer to tho editorial from the
Sioux City Tribune and published in
tho Omaha Bee under date of July 1st
1910, headed "Lost in tho Shuffle,"
will say that in justice to ourselves as
conl dealers of North Plntto wo wish
to correct tho statement made in this
This editorial states that about two
years ago the freight rates from Hanna
and Rock Springs woro reduced $1.00
per ton on Hanna and Rock Springs conl
to this point, which is correct.
This change in freight rates went in
to effect Juno 1st, 1908.
The statement made in this editorial
thnt the price of coal was not reduced
at this time is Aiisolutkivy False.
Eight days Inter, on tho first arrival
of coal under the new rate, tho full re
duction wns put In effect to consumers
and they hnve to this day received tho
full benefits of all reductions made.
Our books nre open to tho inspection
of any interested parties.
W. W. BlKGK.
Tho C. F. Iddings Co.
Authorize Sewer District.
At a meeting of tho city council Tues
day evening tho principal business
transacted was the passage of ordinan
ces, tour of theso ordinances
woro for the creation of sower dis
tricts. Two of theso Gl and G3 are
in the Banks' and South Pnrk additions,
District F, is in tho Miller's addition
and District P. is between Seventh and
Eight streets in tho Third Ward.
Ordinances wore also passed direct
ing the construction of sidewalks on tho
east side of South Chesnut street, and
on the north sido of' block 8 in the
TownjLot Co's addition.
Preliminary steps were also taken to
place the city in a different class so
that it may have tho privileges of a
city of the second class having over 5,000
Was Johnson "Skeered."
Jack Johoson, who knocked ont Jeff
ries at Reno last Monday, passed
through Wednesday evening in tho
special car Redondo attached to the
Overland Limited. Fivo hundred men,
women and children assembled at the
depot to get a glirnso at the black
champion, but they were disappointed
for ho did not make an nppearnnco,
not even at tho car window. A pass
enger on tho train said Johnson had
gotten oir for a walk at ench station,
and wliilo at Ognlnlla had received
word not to get off nt North Platte be
cause thoy were "laying for him."
Whether this story had nnything to do
with his failure to appear is not known.
So People May Know
What a real luxury is an after din
ner, just try a Platte Valley or Amora
Cigar. Give it a fair and impaitinl
test. Don't think because it is mado
in Nortli Platto lhnt,it is not good. Wo
will gauranteo our goods to bo the high
est grade of Domestic and Havana
tobacco on the market. Our output
this month is 10,000 cigars more than
last month, tho largest month yet.
Why? Because we deliver tho goods.
Quulity tells.
Those Pies Of Boyhood.
Hqw delicious wero tho pies of boy
hood. No pies over tasto so good,
what's changed? the pies? No its you.
You've lost tho strong, healthy stomaeh,
the vigorous liver, tho activo kidneys,
the reinilar bowels of bovhood. Your
digestion is poor nnd you blnme the
ioou. wnat s neecieiu A complete ton
ing up by Electric Bitters of all orrruns
of digestion--Stomach, Liver, Kidneys,
Bowels Try them. They'll restore
your boyhood appetite and appreciation
of food and fairly saturate your body
with new health, strengthund vigor.
50c. at Stone Drug Company.
TweiltV BoVS Wnntnrl In wnvlf -fnr
a Shetland pony, cart and harness.
Liberal pay to bright boys, besides tho
chanco to earn n nonv. Snpcnssful Iwiva
will bo given pcrmancntpositions which
will not interfere with school duties.
in harness from our lino stock will bo
comfortublo and easy while ho wenrs
it. A good fit is guaranteed, ns wo
carry all sizes of tho bust hand mako
onk leather harness in stock nt all
times for light and heavy use Wo
have many now and handsome styles
to show you just now
Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife?
Then save her strength, her health and possibly her life, by
getting her n SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER Quick for 3 1-10
cents a day for Ten Months.
stration will be
at our
miss it.
let the
So E-Z
Ginn, White & Schatz.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $135,000.
E. F. SEEDERGER, Vice-President,
M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vlcc-Prcsiucnl,
F. L. M00NEY, Cashier.
Notice to Water Consumers.
For tho accommodation of our con
sumers, commencing July 1st, 1910, bills
will be collected three months in ad
vance instead of six months, as hereto
fore. Service will be discontinued
where bills have not been paid at tho
ofllce of tho water company on or bo-
lore juiy zzm, iiuu.
wortn 1'lntto water vvorKs company.
P. A. Slocum, Receiver.
$1.25 to $10.00
a pair. Sec our window.
Wilcox Department Store
A Pretty Center Table
adds much to the appearance
of your parlor. Some of the
late styles are exceptionally
good. Our tables will surely
please you. Tables from
$1.25 to $10.00.
Howe & Maloney.
An Ordinance.
Providing for tho construction of a
lateral sower district, to bo known as
lateral sower district "P", to consist
of blocks 88, 87, 8G, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81,
of North Platto, Nebraska, according
to tho recorded plat thereof; said
lateral sower commencing where tho
center lino of tho alloy in block 88
intnrRPOtH thn tnntn nnurnr In nnl1 ItlnnL-
running thenco in a westorly direction
1 1. i 11 . i 1 t 1 1 . I .
un mo cuiuurunu 01 mo nuoy inuiocKs,
88, 87, 8G, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78
nnd 77. to whnrn tlwt rnntnr linn nt on 1,1
------ - t -. w v duiu
nlley intersects with tho west lino of
uiuck i; 10 uo constructed 01 sewer
pipes 10 inch in diameter with propor
ilush tanks. rnnn linlns nml nmnn
appliances providing for nn estimate of
uiu coat inercoi anu ior uius anu for
111 lilt I IH' II enntrnot fnr nnld InfAml
newer; also providing for tho lovying
ngainat tho abutting lots according to
tho front footago thereof, along tho
line of said sewor, special assessments
to pay tho cost of constructing tho
Bu it Ordained liv (lin M
City, Council of tho city of North
none, jNeorasKa.
bection 1. 1 hat a lateral sewer dis
trict, to bo known ns lateral sewer dis
trict "P" bo formed from l.lnrlra on
87. 8(5. 85. 81. R3. 82. R1 Rn 70 70
77, of tho original plat of the city of
iiuii.i inum, jjincoin uounty, Ne
braska. Section 2. Thnt 11 Infornl .mum.. i.
constructed of 10 inch sewer pipes at
uiu inuper uopm nnu on n grade re
quired by tho present aewer system of
said city, commencing where the center
lino of tho alley in block 88 intersects
tho main sewer in said block, running
thenco in a westerly direction on tho
centei line of the nlley in said blocks
88, 87. 8G, 85, 8l, 83, 82, 81, 80, 79, 78
and 77, to where the center line of said
alley intersects with tho west line of
block 77, togothor with tho necessary '
man holes, ilush tanks, and necessary
appliances, along tho lino of said
proposed lateral sewor.
Section 3. That the engineer of Baid
city, at once prepnro and file with the
Clerk thereof, an estimate of the total
cost of said proposed lateral sower.
. Section 4. Thnt after said estimnto
is mndo and filed bb heroin
thnt thn f limit nf until nltw ....J ..!
onco to advortiBQ in manner nnd form
required oy law, ior bids for tho con
struction of said latoral sower and
appliances, reserving to Baid city the
right to reject any and all bids there
for. Section 5. If un approved bid bo
mado for Baid work, that a contract
therefor be entered into by tho Mayor,
of said city, attested by the Clerk,
with tho necessary provisions protect
ing tho interests of said city, upon the
contractor furnishing a bond-in suf-'
jlcient a.mount for tho faithfgl per
formance of thu said contract.
Section 0. To pay tho costs of con
struction of said latoral sewor. flush
tanks, man holes und npplinnces. n
special assessment Bhall bo lovied ac
cording to tho law, aguinst tho lots
abutting upon tho lino of said lateral
sewor, according to tho foot frontajfo
thereof. h
b.'ction 7. lhis ordinnnco. shall take,
ellect and bo forced from and, after its
passago, approval and publication.
1 1 8imnnd nI)l,rove(l this Gth day of
Thos. O. Pattokson, Mayor.
j11AB. . TEMPLE,
City Clerk.