The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 08, 1910, Image 2

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IRA lm BAUD, Publisher.
Former Official .Among Them Testifies
to Their Possession of 8omo
Fine Qualities.
Tbo fnthor-ln-lnw of 300 Indian chll-1
drenl This Is tho rcmnrknblo tnsk
which Davo Ouyotto, n former Iownn,
but now n resident of Muskogee, Okln.,
has faced. J
Prior to tho granting of statehood,
to tbo comblnod territories of Oklai
homo and Indian torrltory under tho
namo of Oklahoma It was necessary
under tho law for nil minor Indians to
havo a guardian who could glvo bond,'
tnako contracts, lenses, etc.
Mr. Guyotto, nftor falling to obtnln
r farm at tho opening of tho Chore-'
koo Outlet, Bottled .at Tahloqunh. tho,
capital of tho Chcrokoo Nation, In.
1893. Acting ns tho fiduciary officer
of n trust company, Mr. Ouyotto was
appointed by tho federal court tho
guardian of moro than 300 Cherokee
Speaking of his experiences In his,
parental capacity, Mr. Guyotto, who Is
visiting In Dos Moinos, sold: "Until
tbo advent of statehood I was about
tho busiest individual In thoso United
States. A family of 300 children with
their mothers can lend a 'porson a
rather strenuous lifo. I was noccs
narily often In tho homes of theso poo-
file and must commend ono fenturo of
bo life of tbo Indian woman to hor
rwhlto ulster, and that Is tho fact tbnt
children nro novor glvon corporal pun
ishment "I nover saw a Chorokco mother
jBtrlko hor child, scold or punish It In
pny way. Sho might negloct tho child,
but uLubg It novor. Sho couldn't pos
U'Liy swear nt tho child, whatovor tho
provocation, rb thero aro no swear
words In tho Indlnn language Even
(When they learn English, Indians don't
woar." Des Moines Register and
, Evidently Unused to Traveling,.
At tho Pennsylvania railroad sta
tion In Philadelphia n tall, raw-boned
(youth created consldorablo merriment
Ho tried to pbbb through tbo gato to
'reach his train and was stopped and
jhls ticket demanded. It took blra some
jtlmo to search hla clothes and find
his ticket, bu ho flnnlly succeeded,
'whllo tho crowd behind him prow
wrgor and moro Irapntlont. Whon bo
banded tho ticket to tho goto keeper
ho WOlkod nwnv. "Coma hark nnil
jeot your tlckotl" was nhoutod. "Oh,
I RUOBB I don't want It," ho replied.
"Yea, you do I" crlod tho gnto kcopor.
jBut th6 youth smiled sheepishly and
Ikept on walking. Tho crowd had now
Ibccomo Intoroated and Joined their
(voices In an entreaty to return. IJut
'ho Insisted that bo dldn' really caro
'for tho ticket, until two ttrnln officials
seized him and marched, him back to
(the gato. "neally," ho stammorod. "I
lata to glvo you all this troublol"
Increase In Allen Convlcte.
One prisoner lit every four prisoners
in tho stato prisons of Now York to
day la nn nlion, nnd tho situation hna
boon growing moro nnd moro serious
for Bovoral years past. From 1000 to
1909 tho population of theso prisons
increased 039, nnd over ono-half of tho
tncreaso woro foreign born. Paren
thetically It may bo stated that Italy
contributes 473 of tho 1,901 aliens
now confined u those prisons,
IJut this Is not tbo problem of Now
York stato nlono. In tho 1908 roport
of tho United States commissioner
gcnoral of Immigration Is to bo found,
tho Interesting fact that In tho ponnl
Institutions of tho United States thero
woro, according to this latost census,
15,323 criminals not naturalized.
Metropolitan Magazlno.
The First Threshing Machine. '
Tho throshlng machine Is bo fa
mlllnr a feature of country lifo that It!
comes as n Burprlao to know that thaj
Inventor, John K. Mofflt, who flrat pud
the Instrument beforo tho world whilq
living on biB father's farm near Cam
ton, 0., hnB Just died. It wob exhibited;
at various cities in tho oast and pro-'
nouncod successful. This emboldonod
the young Inventor to tnko It over to
England, whoro It, was Bhown nt tho
IWorld'B Fair In London In 1851. Tho
qucon was much IntoroBted in tho
machlno, nnd roquostod that tho In
ventor should bo presented to hor.
iSucccss wna thereupon assured, and
tho thresher noon beenmo tbo sup
planter of tho old-fashioned flail,
which today Ib almost extinct.
v The Result.
Gladys noautlful Wo girls of tho
Lotus cotorlo discussed Hamlot last
night. 1
Maud Brisk Vhat wns tho result?
Oladya Doautlful Oh, after a
spirited dobato lasting an hour nnd
a half, It was unanimously decided
that a chaperon Is not a necessary ad
junct to u motor car, Puck.
Measuring Hla Abilities.
"Does your husband play cards on
a wngor?"
"For hours at a time," rcpllod tho
woman with rt tlrod expression. "I
fancy he might win eomqthnc If tho
game coum uo payou as an ondur
ance test."
College Stylo,
"Sometimes a man haB to be sen
Bible In spite of himself."
"How now?'
"Someof us old-tlmors haven'
enough hair to brush back.'" '"
"It Isn't bo!" declared the man.
"You'ro Just saying It to try to get a
rise out of mol You really don't bo-,
llevo It!"
"Indeed I do!" asserted the girl In
the green foulard gown. "It Is, as I
Bay, perfectly truo that all a man
cares about Is bolng entertained and
amuBed. What dlfferenco docs It
mnko to him If a girl baa a kind heart
and Is angelic to her mother? AH,
that appeals to him Is her ability toi
mnko an ldlo hour paBB pleasantly! ;
"Do you Buppoflo," Hho domandod,
"that ho cares at all If uho gives up ,a
brldgo party to visit tho sick? Is ho
possessed of passionate admiration for,
her If sho can broil a beefsteak or Ifj
sho always keeps her clothes mendod
neatly and tho buttons sewed on hor
shirtwaists? Not hot Ho would walk
straight past her In his eagerness to'
get to Lottld Glgglcr under the willow
plumo hat which shades hor sparkling
yea I"
'Fiddlesticks!" scoffed tho man,
"How absurd! Don't you glvo men
credit for nny scnBo?"
"Not much," admitted tho girl, with
calm frankncBB. "If you men had any
senso you wouldn't bo so taken in asj
you nro nlno times out of ten.
"1 know n man onco who was per
fectly crazy about a girl because sho,
always was In such bubbling good
Rplrits and simply effervesced wlthj
fun and life," went on tho girl In tbo
green foulnrd. "So bo married her. Iti
took him nbout a year to discover that
Hetty had been bo carofroo becauso
sho absolutely rofused to bo bothered
with anything. Sho kept her good
spirits becauso Hho shoveled responsi
bility off on nnybody who hnpp'cncd to
bo handy, nnd sho effervesced because
sho wasn't capablo of a serious
thought. It Is kind of wearing on a
mnn when ha comes homo nnd says
that tho bank hns failed and thoy aro
penniless If hla wlfo yawns languidly
nud says, 'Dear mol Woll, lot's not
think nbout It. Lot's go to tho theater
and cheer up. And, darling, get box
scats, becauso I llko them hotter I'
"This mnn stood It till his wlfo gavo
a big card party when ho was sick
with pnc'umonln, becauso sho said sho
positively could not stand tbo dullness
of tho houBo. What did bo do? Oh,
ho Just died. Evidently ho thought
that was tbo quickest way out"
"All girls who aro cheerful and
amusing aro not heartless," Insisted
tho mnn. "Wo rncn can toll tho roal
thing! Wo apprcclato .real worthi-"
"Dosbl" lntrruptod tbo girl in tho
green foulard gown shortly. "Excuso
my rudeness, but I couldn't help It
Roal worth, you know, Is terribly
tiring, bocnUBo It Is generally quiet
and serious, and nowadays everybody
runs from seriousness. When you nro
picking out a girl on whom to call you
don t chooso ono becauso sho has col
lected moro money for tho heathen
than anyono clso or can manngo a
downtown business, do you? I should
say not! You run ovor tho list of your
acquaintances nnd murmur, 'Grnclol
I'll go boo her becauso she's such a
Jolly girl and a fellow doesn't havo to
think I Sho Just rattles on nnd all I
havo to do Is murmur 'Yes' nnd 'No'
nnd bo comfortnblo, I'll go and bco
"Meanwhile tho young person of
sterling worth Bits at homo nlono with
n book which Hho has bought herself
and If sho eats candy It is sure to
bo fudgo that sho boa mado herself,
for nobody ever squanders money
Bonding her vlolot-trlmmed boxeB of
chocolates from tho confectionery
Btores. Hut I'll warrant that Graclo
could build a falr-slzod cottago out of
her discarded candy boxes I "
"Woll, a fellow doesn't like a
Btlok," protested tho man. "You nro
unfair. It qulto Irrltatoa me! You
know It Isn't sol Why, Just lot mo
toll you "
"I know precisely what you nro go
ing to Bay," interrupted tho girl In tho
groon foulard gown. "You nro going
to burst into a rhapsody on tho in.
tonso feeling a mnn hns for tho splen
did girl who does things, who Is
capable and sensible nnd how ho al
wayB picks her out to marryl It Is
awfully funny, but do you know I b?
llevo men actually think thoy do pick
out senBlblo girls to marry. Even
when a man Is marching down tho
church aisle with tho organ plnylng
Mendelssohn and n girl on his nrm
who doesn't know enough to como In
out of tho rain, but wIiobo eyelashes
curl In n distracting wnyl Oh, you
can't blamn a mnn for being bo fool
ish. Curling Inshes nro lots nicer to
bnvo thnn tho straight; thin kind."
"If you'll keep still a minute," Bald
the man, "I'll demolish nil your nrgu
ntonts and show you that you aro en
tirely wrong and"
"Don't bother," said tho girl In tho
green foulard gown. "I'm through I
havo Just demonstrated my point!
lloro I've kept you chained to my sldo
for a wholo threo-quarterB of an hour
when you Bhould bnvo boon across tho
room talking to tho guoat.of honor.
She's such a cnpablo glrl-sbo hna In
vented a patent door bingo and has
brought up a family of nlno brothers
and BlsterH and I never did anything
In my lifo oxcont nmusu noanint"
"You wln" said tho man after ho
hnd glared nt hor a mlnuto. t(n i
up! Anyhow, I never was much Inter-
obico in door ningcsl"
The number of wireless stntlona nn
tho coasts of the mnrltlmo nations nf
thn world Is placed at 416.
"Practical" Queries
KANSAB CITY, Mo. Waa education
mora practical a generation ago,
or did John's fathor study hla books
moro thoroughly than John does?
John Is n seventh grado student In
tho public schools. Ho naked his
father ono day to holp him solvo tho
following problem:
A, asked how much money bo has
In tho bank, replied: "If I had $10
moro I would havo $1,000 moro than
half what I now have." How much
inonoy had A?
"Such n fool problem," said tho
fathor. "Tell that toachor to nsk tho
cashier. Ypu havo been pestering mo
with problems llko tbnt for a weckl
Supposo your teacher asked you how
old you aro. Would you toll hor:
" 'If I wcro ton times ns old ns I
nm, diminished by 42, I would bo 30
years older than dad, and If dad wcro
one-fourth aa old as ho now Is he
would bo my ago?'"
"What would your teacher do If you
answered In such a manner? In my
dnys wo had practical problems In
our nrlthmctlc"
In ordor to Invcntlgato his fnthcr'a
statement John went to tho public li
brary nnd nBked for nn old arithmetic.
Tho librarian gavo him "Richard's
Natural Arlthmotlc." Ho turned to
tho pago marked "Practical Exercises"
nnd read:
A pots his wholo flock of sheep Into
thrco pastures; half go into ono pas
ture, one-third Into anothor nnd 32
Into a third. How many In tho flock?
"That's quoor," said John. "Prac
tical exercises, too. Hero Is a man
who wants to find how many sheep ho
Partners for Years
IHirt up on
1" " ' . - . .... .
NEW YORK. In ono of tho largo
wholesalo houses In this city
there aro flvo partners. Two of thorn
bnvo not spoken to each other except
over tho telephono for twenty years.
Their prlvato ofllcea aro not moro
than twonty foot apart and thoy soo
each othor a scoro of tlmca a day, but
thoy moot and pass without tho slight
est algn of recognition. If It becomes
necessary In tho course of business
for them to communlcato with each
othor they do so either by calling n
stenographer nnd dictating a memo
randum or clso by bolng connected
on tho tolophono ovor their prlvato
line. They novor speak faco to face.
A quartor of a contury ago theso
flvo partners woro young mon with
small capital. All of them had been
employes of tho samo concern, but
thoy had tholr own Ideas and bcllovcd
In thorn. So thoy put tholr money to
gether nnd formed a partnership. Tho
now business waa successful from tho
very start Each man had his own
particular branch to look nfter and
thud nuitHvri
"Old Rags, Old Iron" Set to Music
BOSTON, An outdoor school for
making musical rag mon, hawkers
and Btroot venders la tho latest educa
tional novelty established in this city.
Miss Caroline E. Wcnzcl, a fair set
tlement worker and n graduato of
Vassar, la tho originator of tho Idea
and solo Instructor. Miss Wenzol bo-
Hovcs that If tho volco of tho rag man
and peddler must bo toleratod It
should issue forth from tho tbroata In
flutc-llko tonos. Sho confidently bo
llcves that onco hor method becomes
a flxturo a person, instead of feeling
obliged to slam down tho window on
Expected Twin Babies But He Found
CHICAGO. "Como homo twlnsl"
A mandatory order to a police
man of tho Hydo Park station Unshod
from his homo to tho stutlon nt mid
night Tho policeman obeyed, Just aa
ha has done each year at tho sum
mons to "como homo" upon tho ar
rival of now mombera of tho family
ton of them during tho last ton years.
Sorgt Hartholomow Cronln, tho
father, left hla dosk duties at tho pc
llco station and rushed to his houso
at 7019 Indiana avenue. Within woro
signs, of activity; lights flashed and
abovo tho din of excitement could be
That Puzzled Dad
has. Ho counts them no ho will know
when ho has half of thorn. This half
ho puts Into a pasture. Then he
counts out n third nnd puts It In an
other peri. Next ho counts what's loft
and finds ho has 32. After a little
figuring bo finds how mnny In the
wholo flock. Very practical. I guess
dad didn't study that book."
Tho next book ho examined was
"Mllno's Inductlvo Arithmetic," odl
tion of 1879. In miscellaneous exam
ples ho found tho following:
Two ladders will together Just
roach tho top of a building Bovcnty
flvo feet high. If tho shorter ladder Is
two-thirds tho length of tho other,
what Is tho length of each?
'"Why didn't ho measure each lad
dor separately?" John nsked himself.
"That problem Is not practical. I
guess dad Is older than I thought. I
want an oldor book."
Tho text book written In 18G8 was
handed to him. Tho book was evi
dently influenced by the Civil war, for
it was filled with problems dealing
wth battering down fortifications
and tho sustennnco of soldiers. Ono
problem wns:
"If twclvo pieces of cannon, eighteen
pounders, can batter down a fortress
in threo hours, how long will It take
for nineteen twenty-four pounders to
batter down tbo samo fortress?"
""That's flno for a general," John re
flected, "but dad saya that I am going
to bo a captain of industry."
Another arithmetic of tho samo data
had tho famous flsh problem, with
which John's teacher had troubled him
for six wecka beforo ho himself Anally
explained It to tho class. The fish
problem Is.
"Tho head of a flsh 1b ten
long. Its tall Is aa long as Its head
and one-half tho body. Tho body la
ns long as tbo head and tall both.
How. long Is tho flah7"
Very handy problem for a butcher.
But Never Speak
oach was a specialist who did his part
to perfection. Their separate inter
ests In tho Arm so interlocked nnd
thoy worked together so harmonious
ly that within flvo years they woro on
tho high road to fortune. It wns Just
i at bis tlmo that theso two partners
fcU out. It aroso from a trifling dlf
forenco their wives had. Naturally
each partner, through loyalty to his
spouso, took hor side, nnd tho quarrel
grow bo blttor that It culminated. In
blows being exchanged. Then thoy
vowed thoy nover would apeak to each
other again. Tho other thrco partners
saw that If this courso woro pursued
it would spell ruin. After a lengthy
conference, In which tho two dis
putants woro called In separately, tho
proposition was put to them that thoy
should agreo to remain with tho firm,
of which thoy wcro essentially Im
portant parts, and should hold com
munication with each other only on
business matters and then elthor In
writing or by telophone.
This is tho plan that has boon fol
lowed to this day and Is llkoly to be
pursued to tho end. When these two
onomlos tnlk over tho tolophono thoy
convcrso with nil tho polite nmlnblllty
of old business associates; they dis
cuss prices, business proposltionu nnd
tho various nrobloms with which they
nro mutually concerned.
a hot Bummer day or fret and fumo
ovor tho gutteral erica of tho mer
chants of tho thoroughfares, will
throw open tho window and bo lulled
into peaceful sluinbor through tlio
melodious strains of "Rags and Hot
ties," "Olo Iron." "Soap Grease" and
"Juicy Lomons."
Miss Wenzol hna established her
outdoor school nt Washington street
nnd Massachusetts avenuo and ban
nearly a scoro of pupils. Tho young
woman Is popular with tho vendors.
Sho got her Idoa from a trip abroad
last year. Hor mothod Is simple. Sho
finds out n man's business and in
structs him nccordlngly. Sho sug
goats expression to fit his wnres nnd
teaches tho correct pronunciation of
thoso expressions.
Her musical Instruction Is similar
to what tho musical teachora advo
cato for tho production of n good
ringing "head tone."
hoard tho wall of several of tho small
Cronlns. Even Polly, tho red Durhnm
cow, which furnishes milk for the
group, scorned nffoctod nnd mooed In
unison with tho crying chlldron.
Tho polico sorgeant hesitated at the
threshold thon doffed his helmet and
entered. Ho Bought first tho physi
cians, two of them, who talked disin
terestedly with Bomo of tho chlldron,
Ono of thom Bald:
"Sorgoant, this case Is onq most un
usual. It Bhould bo brought to the
attention of dairyman throughout tho
country. A full-sized molo and fo
malo. Mother and offspring doing
nicoly. You might drop a word to
tho farm Journals."
Then a veterinary surgeon ap
peared and Joined in tho congratula
tions. roily, tho red Durham cow, had
glvon birth to twin calves.
Sick kidneys eivi unmistakable sig
nals of distress. Tuo f roqucnt or scanty
urinary passages, backache,, headache
and dizzy spells tell of disordered kid
neys. Neglect of theso warnings may
prove fatal. Begin using Doan's Kid
ney Pills. They euro Elck kidneys.
Airs. m. A. Gam
b 1 1 n , Russcllvlllo,
Ark., Bays: "I was
In such bad shapo
from kidney dlseaso
that I gavo up hopo
of my recovery. I
could rest neithor
night or day, tho
pains in my back
nearly driving mo
frnnHfV Thni-n nmrn
decided dropsical symptoms such aa
swelling of my feet and nnkles nnd my
heart palpitated violently. After doc
toring without benefit, I began with
Doan's Kidney Pills and when I had
used two boxes I was as well as ovor."
Remember tho name Dpan's.
For salo by all dealers. CO cents a
box. Fostor-Mllburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Swelllngton Who did Miss Careless
havo In hor auto party?
Wellington A lawyer, a Burgeon, a
nurso and a doctor.
"Cutlcura did wonders for me. For"
twenty-flvo years I suffered agony
from n torrlblo humor, completely cov
ering my head, nook nnd shoulders, so
even to my wlfo, I became an object
of dread. At largo oxpenso I consult
ed tho most ablo doctors far and near.
Their treatment was of no avail, nor
was that of tho Hospital, during
Blx months' efforts. I suffered on
nnd concluded thero was no help for
mo this sldo of tbo gravo. Then I
heard of somo'ono who had been cured
by Cuticura Remedies nnd thought
that a trial could do no harm. In a
surprisingly short tlmo I was com
pletely cured. S. P. Keyes, 147 Con
gress St, Boston, Mass., Oct 12, '09."
Face Covered with Pimples
"I congratulate Cutlcura upon my
speedy recovery from pimples "which
covered my faco. I used Cutlcura Soap,
Ointment nnd Resolvent for ten days
nnd my faco clear.ed and I am perfect
ly well. I had tried doctors for sev
eral months but got no results. Win. J.
Sadller, 1014 Susquohanna Avo., Phila
delphia, May L 1909."
The Juvenile Buster.
The famous Champ Clark, nt a din
ner at Bowling Green, said of the
"Tho feeling against monopolies has
reached oven to tho nursery. 1 saw a
little girl tho othor day slip something
beneath hor plato. Then she mur
mured angrily;
"'I wish thoro wns nn anti-crust
law.' "
Casey at" the Bat.
This famous poem is contained in tho
Coca-Cola Baseball Record Book for
1910, togothor with records, schedules
for both leagues and other valuablo
baseball information compiled by au
thorities. This Interesting book sent
by tho Coca-Cola Co., of Atlanta, Ga
on receipt of 2c stamp for postago.
Also copy of their booklot "Tho Truth
About Coca-Cola" which tells all about
thlB delicious boverago and why It la
bo pure, wholeBomo and refreshing.
Aro you over hot tired thirsty?
Drink Coca-Cola It is cooling, re
lievos fatlguo and quenches tho
thirst. At soda fountains and car
bonated in bottlcB Go everywhere.
The Modern Youth.
Undo Henry So you nro going to
echool now, Willie. Do you lovo your
Willie (aged seven) I should any
not Sbo's too old for mo.
Valued A,oscncus.
"Always spank kindly of tho absent"
snld young Mr. Primly.
"I would," replied Wlan Cayenne, "If
I thought It would bo an inducement to
vome tiresome peoplo to lumnln bo."
Not Sisters
Now and again you see two women past
Ing down tho street whfc look liko sisters.
You ore astonished to learn that they aro
tnqthcr and daughter, rij you rcalizo that
a woman at forty or foriy-fivo ought to be
at her finest and fairest. Why isn't It soP
The general health ol woman is to in
tlmstely associated with the local health
of the essentially fcinltilno organs that
there esn be no red Cheeks and round
form where there is fejnalo weakness.
Women who havo Suffered frona
. this trouble hvo , found, prompt
relief and euro In 'the use of Dr.
PJoroo's Favorito .Prescription.
organs of womanhood. It clears
yea and reddens tho cheeks.
No alcohol, or habit-forming drugs Is leoatalned in " Fared to Prescription."
Any tick woman, may consult Dr. Pierce by letter, free. Every letter te
beld as saoredly confidential, and answered In a plain envelope. Address!
World's DispensaryMedical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Pres., Buffalo, N.Y.
Tho only unfavorable element In the
situation Is tho unfavorable attltudo of
federal lawmakers and stato officials
towards tho railways nnd tho spirit
which would prevent tho corapnnlcs
from moderately advancing tholr
charges to offset tho Increased cost of
operation. When tho manufacturer
la obliged to pay higher prices for raw
material and Increased w gea ho doea
tho only possible thing I- the circum
stances and correspondingly raises the
charge for his product Tho railways
are obliged to pay Increased prices foi
supplies and higher wngos, and it Is
only reasonable that they should get
moro for what thoy sell, namely, tran
portatlon. That thoy aro ImpellM to ralso tbe'lr
charges is plain from current traffic
returns showing Increased groas ta
kings, while costs of operation tavo In
creased in still greater ratio, with re
sulting docreaso In not earnings. Un
less the greatest of all industries Is
permitted to prosper tho country can
not bo prosperous. (New York IltraMJ
After dlpsolvlng one or two Alten'n Foot
Tabs (Antlsepllo tablets for the foot-bath)
In tho water. It will take out all sorenefts,
nmnrtlnj? nnd tenderness, remove foot
odors nnd freshen tho feet. Allen's root
Tabu Instantly relievo weariness nn
sweating or Inflamed feet and hot nerv
ouiincM of tho feet nt night. Then for
comfort throughout the day shake Allen's-Koot-Knso
the nntlspptlo powder Into your
Shoes. Sold everywhere 25e. Avoid HUb
stlttites. Samples of Allnn's Foot-Tab-mailed
FHRE or our regular size sent by
mnll for 2tr. Address Allen S. Olmsted
LcTloy, N. Y.
"l-'ootsTaba for Foot-Tubs."
Let your recreation bo manly, mod
erate, scasonablo and lawful. Tho uso
of recreation Is to strengthen your
labor, not to sweeten your rest
Steolo. i
Are Best For Your Table
Because they are made
of the choicest materials
and guaranteed to be
absolutely pure.
Libby's Veal Loaf makes a
delightful dish for lunch
eon, and you will find
Vienna Sausage
Corned Beef
Pork and Beans
Evaporated Milk
equally tempting for any
Have a supply of Libby'
in the house and you
will always be prepared
for an extra guest.
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ubuuu Um, ud
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Sick IWcW uJ UkuU., u uISom Uow.
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gives vigor and vitality to th
the complexion, brigbtena th
ammmmmmr m w r tt