Ira L. Hare, Editor and fuWiilier. SUBSCRIPTION HATES. Ono yarifaf! lit advance $I.2fj unoixcar oy tarries m advance ViW hr - . "fifrf.'! nfllcs ni 8ooad Clan Matter. r " ' "Tuesday JUNE 28, 1910. Taft Triumphs, Tho OmalOccBitrorrcspondcnt Boh'dft the fdllbwing'frffrri Washington: ' With every ' TrV)'poiftirnt plcdgo of thu republican ''V&fiy 'a platform ro tleomed by IcglsIHtldn, wltfi ft list of 'jftWfl for1 the1 rellfcf 6 th(J pobplo and 'the lieltirm6nfc bf social conditions Ul tn.'(iu dnell Ify hny congress fa history, 'MIS' firMlfjjnItHMuld second Session of then8lky.'flrat congress ehded Satur day night'. 'It ta regarded oh all hands fhiiVltig been rtldst important In its $V&y'tfj)6et and ideally! revolutionary iffWariyi The revolt" hi the licki'so, wht'cli' culminated In the virtual bvfcr tilrVilhg of tins speaker lis the mltberat bt 'tliiit b6dy, Was ilit most sensational f1iai3a'or tho session, and irt a 'large Wiiy' ovorshadewed its acttial abc6W jWahment. tut' the congrebs, Under liluplWttion nrM gul'dancd' of Prosiidnt tort; nH'hfch'levld r&IUlta that thtiat lie 'oV. the-good of1 th6"podj)lo of tiio trnttci stfiien: ' ' ' I'rcs'jdeHVTafl set his heart upon the nctompflshmbnt of a tlellnlto eglslatlva pftig?iiti k ho lias nctiltiveii It. Hb tfeVrallrtfA'df faw, most coihi rdficnBlVo arid awe'elilng' in its jirdvlMblls1, oven ertlied'tfrilstic ih ilir ptovlslMs", bveh called drastic Irt its rcgdlatliohs; thb pos'thl avlntf bill, 'thd lipriimerce court, thdflirrdtoflrl,"th,l"naMHMrti of two Auw'aVuioS-Arizbna anil NoW Mexico ilro 1U't'the'lii'gh shots in the1 rdcdrd,. Tte'preyfd&t hair fully1 cstubllshcqhlrrt self da1 'an energetic ahd capable leader af'loglalatibh; 'tia'weU'aa art executive1 btfnrHiheaa' dhd. ability. Hd stands W f oW lltd'AmerluW pu6plo today stronger &id'mbre,compldlly established in hl 5ffi5dn,Uian oVen h!s' tiiosJt' arclont a'dV)cates"llad expected. " ' Mnr Pari AImmiI NoLrntlra NobrHikaVdi adfoMWritii " liia un ion tfcl'Morch'l.'lBtiT.' "On ihatdAto th'o state eo'n tUmed" Ma thah 1S6, Wk)' WRa ito!tS 'hriU thbso :Wer6'c6ttfifiytrti? a'com liaBUvelilferrdW1' UtHp" li8rc!(Jrlritf1,6h the'Missdbn river, 'then Ih'fcrHtory iioV kWn"M Nebraska Svall lchoV.-ii'tts 'TKo'Grdht AhAddcart bdsdr.t.'1 tf&raikli has 1,230,000 Vrihabtant, tiie HSrWaC'Atridrlcan McHla'afHS't fttd ln&'iiti?&ioy, ana "irohbro 'iri, rair iU vJJHd ta"trusontda such H spddtaclb 'df proyerity arid ' dbvelopirient aK that' lirsentwl by tho ' giant young1 stAtb caWW 6ut of tlie hear'6i tho "doserlw' Wm shdr't spado tif -to-lAxdi y'eurs tlftrhaS'bderi'bUtiacd Wltliitl Ko con-(fne-Bttf NobMsikW ftndgriefiltUrU ihd lndristrialxdnplrb;tHa't is at bnco1 tho itBflUel ulld'th'd'aUinlVa'Uo'n of tHd1 Worfd. vUhd'" huffdred "tffiff thodaid fnrlnV lnv." 1 ami M' t',i Thd'8lilnd largest smelter in the worfd'.'""'' "''' '"' rTlti 'largest creamery In the world. ,r'Ktj'liirg''0!jt pehria'ndrit sjfclio'61 ifiitid of anyathtd In thd union. ' U "Tho Seventh Wgest stato university, lifted nr6 omb'6f tho hWlHrmVASuAi sesSea ty Nebl'aska-a'atate ldsi' than u nun vemury uiu, anuwmen I0S3 man thoWfpa' Of tho World as'' ;,'Tho ' (irtat flid'total igridultural, dairy and in dUBtflftFpfOaacb of Kebraaka in 1900 Wjtuhdaril 'frcigHt'c'Ara'tho tiroductaof NdbrtAWiTti I90t wottld iriako ti freight tAlii-WwiCOW ihlldd long.'"' ','dnc fitawov tovtitdy "in" thu' union )rd-ddfcdB'iir-lwA enough tiold ' iind ' sill Vor' to bfly thfa'bultdr that -was made Irt No- bmka'in 'the lsiuttcj ydat4. Nq dho'atau' or'ttirrltory in the union inv;lS)09 prd dneeU'enoU'gb. golll to buy tho cigg 'crop oNobVadktt ih tho sunie yb'ar.Nr'' Thv tdtul gdldahd ttllvok1 outjmt of tho nd tifift'in 1900 Would searcdly ptiy for the UUttiip, 'egg and poultry loutpdtof Nv0 ThVtbW tbbacdo crdp uf tho nation in la lacked OOO'dfleln'g Worth aflttm uNebfaaWslOOO" e6rri"cron ebtaskVs i960 dr'opbf iibVn; ivhdiit 0,aWanUr'hay was wdrth' $$U,O00tOOO mOrfr tlfuh1 Pennsylvania's ioo9 crop of attthrttcito cdal. Thc' IVatib'h'tf output of crude petrol dum' 'iti 'Jin)9' va. Worth' $97:000,000 NeliPABk'A'i k'?;mrAeorn crbp was Wb'r'tl a lillcltWllurniote. prac feW heVtf'nnii'ihorf, bJt lhby',hfforaed,;ho in"tlio"laliIi,t iiifl.i(-n WUir'VlS.' dofol6mdnt of1'in6ddh 'mothdds'Ne brAaka btdna'int'o lhe front tank ot da'iryliig utates. ' In 1909 thoto were oVeV 8l',600 liand separators In Ne braska, ilepa'rutiiig ihottllk frotn 64Q, OObmllch eows.' 'FfnV'tlld'crdam thi sopardUU was mand'fmlufed upWiVjds' ijw, uw vw 1JUWJU5 ot nueai' uut tot-! fFUr thousand Industrial plants. sVthotisand timd ' b'f 4alroa'd! the tUlrd fargast patTitng' 'center in theworldlva 1 " Flftwri" yeUra ' Kg6 dairying was tld&UT unknown " Irt Nisbrkn'a. A Nibrakaisoroatost ujfolfa jlcld jo tffe""Komeseokor Nebraska Qlfora uAyaraioRST'WnUttoi fl'iid $Hp6r llbii!flrea:1",Pfllaf farm landa IrTfha 'vhV-centtkrm notthwdstdfn'' parts oi tno stawj may no nougni jor ,jrom 20 to i?50' iin aero, dh t moijt 'liberal terms bf payment. Latijf Irt the 'iilder Sdtt'fdd parts of thd 'lfyt soils for more, o courso, but' It is a bargftln a any price. Tills 'land wjlf raise corn, wheat, oatai rye, barley, jilittlfa, potatoes, ' sugar beota-or' any diUidr crb tlftt can b'o nllaod Irt" tlfti lomtler--atd 'whd nkd produeo an avbVago yield greater 'than thd averad yield of tiie Urittdd mtut. 'r r' Nebriik'a walta with a wqlcomo or all who cbmd' to licr1 to make homo Within hdr borflert. ITio bdst gffa that any state can besbw alio walt & 'bos'tdw ujS'on t)i6bo Wio "confe' to ior file (lliest cllin'ftto In' tlio world, the finest school Bys'tdm ifn 'the world, die most proandrous'nhd't'hd hap'pjdst poo- pld In tho'WbrJd to' Aysodlrtt'6 wjtli, a ?illuro that jft' as unbbuntJe't) as spaed, tuiu 'u -muiiiiuB liiui. iiu iiiiiiu oi fi nite trtaii'dkn'not IreaSiiro. ' ' ' 'Aiid'Natha'nlej'ilaia' unto him. "Can any good tlim'g'eomddlitbf Naiitretnf and PKIlip salth unto hm, -tjMahd To every ono tjiat doubtcfji, to ov ory oho tliat '(ositJb to fcnbw, Wollrh kn silys, 'Pomo Unij Beer Jasud Jijr the Nebraska' tfuroaii' of LalidV a'ntl ytatistlW:1 ' ' ' ' Marvelous Dijcovcrici mark k waiddra,pM,;rd33yC, tho ago. riiRhtfi ti liL'Avy mathinea; ttljfc iny Without ivlod, funflVVwar h- gVAinlJ venlldns fd kifl mrt, add Af 'ttotltlorb I)r. Kin'MWi thht wdn( 6r ov u acovery it - cougha. colds,1 ftgrihnd, asth'ma'ttWife.' oroncnuiB, nomorrnagos, nay lover ntm whoojllug cough' dV Idng trouble.' Fdv all ISrmi'hifil nrfctlntiii if lmd v.i ..,iil,.r It i'UevsU8tatiUy. Its fhdSnrdSt'CUro. .Ihiiios K. V.ldcV of Aslidvllld, N. G, R. R. No- 4, wrltcil it cutM him of dn dbatlnato cough aTtdi-kU'titlibr Vdmddles frt'e. Guiirarttded byston'o Driib CdV Wnlltpr PrrJnrf Adolph GdvyCio ra4e(Uusinc msiness 103- Mr. Waunaka, of Qhi.own. la visiting dha fnmijv.',('f Sh' x x 'nioMVlnda, which swept tho en tird cbrriniuhlty, wgVoaWeahcdu- Wjii. DoLapp ip at presont breaking -praltW SpecW." Tl b'8torVvitod;'th:o homo of. Air. nd Mrs; Benvl,del,,TuVis,anO: "jfi,a-2i&. Chappy' ' and WmV THr'cfltlfflfc ' MRV Odtgo Griflls i8 working for Jphn Thd Children's day exercise triven bv tho'ShaW Su'riaay flhoMlVdren were well attended, ' T.hc' bfiftdrth'' rcnddreil nn excellent prdcrahV 'to' whftK tho nudiertcd listened1' attdntVo" Tho uxdrciao' was lindor atjjjo'rWsement 'of lMri r' tf 'WmM, '' . '"',' ' ' Hays wl frJhd8"aVid(ro)aliVeil returned ,tolier'hpmd ut Gotli;erttur l-ist.Fy. upv. u t bii,ane,nuerger waa in Farn'am VvaneSd'tiy mdfrilng calling on frlSntln'foi W'rtWla 'A fifn fia governor. - trndm iqho. , F';Ii: Wdodgatb M Waa' ci called near IfiRfl (if Sllvla'in"we'okJ."k,',': ' ' CarT-'LHrs lipu'nd the1 fdro part of the Week,7 ' WiUi bickneaii. All. yash Goodti, Silks indJ I)t Goods' arV'binr''soid at duiolii( Iresa t df Notico is horabv'Wlvnn Hint T A Upbcrts, David E, Martin' amf "Ve3lev U.... '..IH1 t.''.'. 1 together as a'bVay' eSrpfirHt'q unr'tho iianio 'tirtd Stylo of the" ItoTftfaM Tel' phond Company." The principal placo pf trari'sactln'g tho blislriess of saTd (Jompany 'shall ho nt Irsh'ey, LrtcoIn CiOunty, Nebraska. Thd gendraV future of tho buaiuoBs to bo 'trdrtsttctea by this corporation iihW V 'tRV dcihsfrucHHn, bibctipn, p, uPchase; salt;' operatidh, lrtalntnce, qontrtl'h'nd Ibase df a Uldpllone' Wtvi df linos, dnd a telephone bkchungo or oxch'art'rrcs. " f,",lM" ,N Tlid Inibunt of capital stock au Uiorl2cd la' SS.'oVlo.'fth AMtiUA i-n'H shares of the par value 6f RCtpMachi Und shall bo fully paid. lp vrhelV u'(J Tfid highest Hnioiint' orindobtednosa qr liablIi tb;Whl,cK tho 'coriiBFatronis n,t arty tltrt'ii tV8dct 'KBpffaSnVot' ttfeeed twd-thirds of Unpaid capital stock. ' "' ' ' ' i' '' Tho data of tlin rninmnnpumnnf W onld qorpbr'dtibn snail bor Yfie " firUt day juy, jmy, unu euiii continue lor a Wrlod' of twfcrityflvo ybahi, ""'Sinless Bbbndr'dissolvtd 'by law: '' ' ' Tli'q aiTalra of ald cdrjioration are to bo m'ailairetl bv h " b'b'aril ' bf "ylVtctfth prisistlnglbf ndt Idss than throe nor inbrd tliaVf'fivd, Aiia H prekWeht aha k BlgllddaU lA&'HMft'lOlQ, David BfijaXhTiN. Insure your nrnm ibeforo .thejiAil stnKes it. it o ,dy ibqfe jit ;i8 too late. BHMBsag. fist!?- police to,ll,csPjjblic. You are hereby notlftod that th' IJoard of Equalization IhjOBslon at the County Cornmis&Iiri.crd' tftttce at jwortn riatw, xmbu., imhi Jujio 27th, 1910, uf My 2d. 1910, irtc M$a? 'to hoar & Pretftr Cenr Me W ?fyics .ire eppijupnai y (TRft! Wir taUlps surely p.lsRsp yciif' Tnklss. ' frwi HpW&Majpney. Tho above is tho character, miulitg wo malritalh at all, iimes in the Manu facture df our IJnkdry Goods,' r' Koai, bxcellenco" is onjy secured by III" 1 Mktm ill ih' biudVhl'g, ia oviuenco uuy a ioi ot our i ll) I MNT HIlMlir M A lKr nlf RA 1 i The Uavbr is-diflbrent! fron! what you jjhaVo been Ufeing.' " ' ' ' '" ' v ,n AHORSETHLTHADAFlTv In harness from our flno Btock will bo comfdrtdblij ahd easy whjlq he Wd'ara it; A good fit la guhrantQc), as w carry1 all slzeu of the best h;ml rHaift dhlt leather harness in stuck at'jll tlmea fbr lighf, arid' heavy use "VYb have many -now and handsome styldS to shoW ydh jtlse now!. A1' At aula primary election candiiJ 1111; ivjHiwmg omcos snail ie rti nare,u. to oe votiid ' ort'at tu r NpvVrtbtJr A. Df, I'Jirftspt.on. , OneGoverndrj'' ?I' Ohd Lioutujiatit Qavernui . UiiW Sdcrotivry of Statt!, One' Audito.1' of public At. o.uita; One Treasurer; ' one bupcrint;iawt vf I'm bvHp. uuo AUorney Uuneral, Oho CdmmlloniiPW Pul.u UUlt' I . Oho CongreSsmfe Sixth sional Dia'trftt;' ' ' '' tonal Dwtncti vf . une tnomuo,r or tue legialaiura for tho 81th reiirciBentiitivis dfltiitVuVo county omenta. (IColiil Diatrtnt- Pfoelnct dllke'rslb nil vamM"? flcdrS tb,l An oxnreSa 0 1 of 'ur6fertn.-n fflWtifnr. ted SffltiiH Snmitftf ' fof bo , Also fojr or against apropoU amun lagnt to aoctimi 1 of Artlqle?, ofJ consiuuiiqti ot tna atato 01 Nu uuinun compiamuf with rorerorico .tb.tho enunl tttion of personal propdrty:- ZZZ F. R. ElliotI', C'oiuvty Clorkvg I,Pl"n!ErtmRmnj1 Colrt County, Nubraska, do heveby Ml ect that a Pf Wary Ejobtion he Wu! .tft' thd rtgular polttnsf pWces In oacWTHro- itnst. A; D.. l6l0. 1 ir uiu (iu mines i ion ni o sftjtrii" u'ciuvk . win ,naiaiii ytMn nnnL irrp orclodk n thu dv'euinc. fl"iA iffolice pf (BLfd wood Irrigation, ' Dulrjct. Notcfl Is hiiil) ,gVon, tot tho asseswHn ijnd fof Ujo JTlrdppd rIrri gaHort DTstrUt, in jlio. County of Lin coln, StftU of Nbr4ka, JillsrfolhfjMidd hiH MMaltnjint book, alid.deliwrWi thtt amf toi?fiev9CfoMry, apfl the (Roard of Dirflifrii Of nid district 1b I)oreby called .,tb jnt at .the ofllc of .tho SecritlTryat tho home of W. . MoNetil on Ui 6(h day of July, 19l0. ftt2'jD,aloq.k p. m. oh mu day, to sit ah a llparjl of EHia!uHtlon and will receive jifid Jjtiar tiie nssdssments, 'and yA remain In IdBSion as long its 'iniiy .lie nocesRry, iiot to dceefl on (10) days, during Whil ,t(md all pbjadtldnB will WlteHf June, MM goccotary. 1 1Hkf$ ft-4 44-4'' S ,ocp, DENT, r uiooe over McJJonaJij Uanlt. is ' )omfej4iao' f.mflw ptdWdoiico ni? P.ULSI.CP AND 8 A MpjJprn IiistjtHjiRn for r!l! fFPHHTI.cnt flf fc!p!ical n(j jrilipiil Cnses. Grnfj- IHflUennce ilfiy nr night. ??l-23 NBTth Lppn' t.. VY - -n . - t . - - J , J, AUBS. SmtB j jj ?lXsfel?ns ana Surgeons, g j son ; urniturte. Rerjairing and Gamine!; Vol?, AJiY,op4j Turflng Iiclure4iramin( Room. Mouldipg, and' W.jnPW Screens, Specialty, Su.p 107 EasIJjftj!, THE; SB10KE FRQM QUR CjQARS. wiJUbvcr offtiftd the lady of the house, iHd fragrance is .-o agtceablo that yu can smoke In any roqm without rebuko, Ifcvenwomei like thq odor of our eiga,r,n so well how.much mora will you enjoy their fragrance and exquiaite flavor. Try f?w tuniglit. Bptfi your Wlro and yum-nelf will agrep that they fcrothu best inai- ou oyer sutoUed, I F. SCHMAI.ZRIKIV BEHIND A. FINE PAIR OF HORSES ""t"'. -fn i'up ii t.outtry can T!rr ,'T. 'Jr vvun,tc wtg8e stylo ts usawjuuuie, inuy uu.ji.' from tiio phao it", '"'"rty ach ami am thq (Ml of any in appoanuicq and buiii), 'm'?.!0" t,,h'1 eUal. in prlco to Pfflu ,v wng3 ot uipre fijtiraoof, AMftLpcJc; NgTius i'ua asm'1"- inula; u., P. l.' ,., , , , . JOW. .. r;.i.. UlHt (luarL.T. umiinn ii imtCTt..; ri v'1 a8l. W. nf .IV, am uop- Oi nu. "WOlY-ir North iTOtB-TNlab: 1. It. i?M ItPlstPj wwtaarn)tiaian! IMHrJUM: IWfflrVf tMIti.-Ul.1r at N6ttb Iliit-UL ffS.A'Sinr It. i lfflll, .7 . . k L..aXT fh.-TK ' FT-"! a' ll Tunift. afloT (W)Us J J5tpdaM.,M V 4 McKIrUn.M.I ir. (RedfijJld -inqKiralian jPJuicians and 'Surgeons. ; All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones .tMB -14 Ql)vc fit,P.fand S. Hospital. John S. ITwinem, M. iJG)., Homcopalliiq .physician .anil Snrflcpn. Special nttcntiqn .to Obrttotrics and Children's iDiGonaefl. Ofllce: MqDpnald Stnto Bank iBujldirtB, .Cornor uth & J3owov SIb. fhonea: OUice 1BU. Jtesidqncc 288. Pjbione 268 FQR AJ KINDS OI'1 flour, tut, (iriii jf fiij Having recently purcliaecd tho u. A. 'Vilson jfeca store .at tho ,c,omur of SixUi and liciiBt Ste. ireswe.ctfully invite a chare of 10 patronage of the bubJlc. Prompt delivery. J, n, mmm. Notice for fiidf. Notice is herehv oriven that lim Hitv Coiincil will rece v lids for Hie con. Struction of cement cross-walks and tinnroaches and sidewalks in be laid v the oi'ty for the fiscal year of 1010. Ii ids innst bo bused unon tlin fliinnU ficatmns of tho pity engineer, Wjlich are on tie it) na ptnee ot Hip city hocitv clarlf All likjs must he it he in 5:00 o'clock tL m., on thoms,tdy rtf .fMno, 11 Ifio Council rosorvos tia right iiirI nuv nr nlf liifTn. 1010, V n 10 rpjo NpMcc of Formaljon of Lateral Sewer PUtrirt. To sl porsons intorpstedi. , Ndtjcis is hprdtiy gtvon that on Juno W!. J?10. theve was filed with the dity council r North Platto. Nebraskn. a pptUjw proving that r lateral sewer district bo (ormed frow the following tlaacrihail hlnp.ks. In.wit! HiopWa 1 nml ot , vank'a addition, aad blook (I pf aoum x-avK awuudn, PPtrt w tno city of North Platte, Unwlu County Nebf. Said, lateral sower to be cpustwctifd or n-io)cA sewer pipe wrt proper uusn tanks. EQan-hole3 aud aimlianeea. com-. rueucitig at renter lm of lota 2 and & cUy, ia,tors.e(jtin with, tho. mato sewer taat' Is to ba constructed on, West Ali street, extending; thence, soutoernly on. tho cantor li.n.o p)C said. lota. and. alloy,. t,nrougn. too. abovo ucscr,ipeu. property to. tho, north lino of West '-'D,''- atreet. iThat the cquinI has. sot said, tnatte? l-VJ? neaxingtjn i,neouioay oj; juiy, Wiv, iata:00,o'cTdck . m. ofRdialtimo. atth iQlPiQe of tho mayor andi qfty qQunciJ,, in noufiedi to bo nrosont ufc tho above liamcditmo and(pjice, andiajjpw, Qadso iuiiy, wny hio inrm' mpu'iqr snquiu not be formed, aa Droved, nnd Bnocinl assessmchita. tjiqrertftr. Ipviqd' a mq vujed by law, upon thq real estate, con stituting, saiil district, for Uiq con struction aud mainton.'Vrtdd Qf th same. Dated Junq 13th, lPlO. TilOS, C. PAJTTfinsON, Mayor.. Attest: CHAS.F. l!uipi, City Clerk. JNoJlSC of Formation; oft LaterUj Sjeyyer, To all persona interested: Notice Is hereby given tlat on Juno 11th, 11H0, there was ftied with thedty council of North Plattp, Nebraska, a peutjon praymg mat a lateral sewr district lie formed from the followine described blocks, to wit: blocks-1,4 and 7 of South Park Addition to the city of North Platie. Lincoln, County, Nebraska. Said lateral sewer to ti constructed of tfji-inch sewer pipe, with tiropcr flush tanks, manholes and aonlii nnces(i cpmmencing at the center fine pf said block 1, Intersecting with th Ipain, sewer thatr)S tp bo, construgted pn.wcat' A atrept extepumg, thence, tiopthemly on, the. center line of. Baid piock apu in thp, center lme of thq alleva in blocks 4 and 7 of said addition through tho above described property to, thq npr,th line, of west "D' streets That .thq council, hps. sot said matter lor iiQarmg on. tiu, utp, Pay oJuy, 1910, at 8:00 o'c belt d. rn.. oflicial tima at. thq oJTice, of thp mayor and city councp, ip uiq cpurvnousa of saul ci.ty. All parties interested are hereby notified , to be present at tho above namGU,iipiti ana place, ami uiiow cause If, any, why .Baid lateral district should pop Dp, iqrnma ns prayed, apu ppeciai ausessmpnta. there, after Iqvied aaprp vidod by law. unon thu. nml, atni constituting sttu district,, for the cptw airusivum inuuuqnwnco oi ipft saipe. IWQU Jlipo jqtll, WU, Twos. C Pattbkon, Mpyor. Attest: CjiA3.,F TtpMPLtf, City Clerk, Notice of.Ferraatiparof Lateral Spwer To oil perspns, interested;1 Nqtico 1 hetaby given that on. May 21st, 11110, there was filed with the. city council of North Platto. Nebraska, a ppUtiounrayjnjK that u latprnl. sqwor iiMiti. ue immoii tmrn me t'Hiowing; describwi blocks, to-wit: Blocks 2.. 7. lit unit is nf Millut-' A )!;;. , . .1. , I .... ...... v iuuLV!VH w mv city oi, worm riatto, incpin County, Nebruska,, baid lateral sowar ta bp I'opatructed of ten.iuch sewer pijjq with prpjiur flush tanks, man-holes and appliances, commencing a. the center lino ot, sapl UlocU 2, intersecting with uiu main sewer ump is constructed on Wpat "A" streqt, extending thence southornly on the center Unu of said lots, and alloy, tprpugh thq above dqT. scrioeu propowy to tup nqrtti lino nf West "D" atreot. That tho counml hna ttMaii I nmtter ;. for.hqpriiig, on thq 6th, day ot July, 1910,. nt,8 .o'cldck p. m,, unujuii pwu, at jiw oiucp oi (no mpypri and.fliJ.y;pompi,,jn tho, court. Jiquse of said city. AUpartiqs(intoreptedprehprehy noti llad to b present at tho, ,abye nipped time and nluce. and ahow cnusA if nnu 'wliy Mid lateral district should not bt as prajed, and nicial asriess. wpnta tbexjaxter levied iu provided, by law, unon ipu real, wstatO' Const Lllt ntr I ' iu rvw iniraaei rot rour jveeua aaid.dfct, for tlift x-omtruptiqb . pffi"!witf8",llwljr prlue to-Urt-u- " bttmiqniioAf.Oi. tnp wime, uaieujiinevviiuni iuiuj. i Attest; CUA8, P. Tiajpi city clprk NOTIon FOIt.t'tlllJilOATION. Serial No. oS7. 'Department of tli Interior. V-6. Uaa OlUoo At rJorlli Utatto.Neli . May Mtb. mb. NotlCHlnliHrelir alvtn lht Arthur M'u1pii- bqrt,pf NorUi I'Utr. .Nclx. rbp. ouMarcli BlbjJUoS.mado H. E No JlW. Serial No. i;aa(f(rt),Wet f tli6lli I'rliKJlual lerKllan. Jiom filed ootlcflii Intention lo niakollnaUlv. .Tear uruof to u.Lihllli lnlm to tlin .Innrl aUtviiiltworlUii. bofure the Itcnlstor anuilte ? IabllS'rtl1 ''laUc' Nob" m "JO,ttllrtay uiainiatit namua aa mtneason: Harry ;oal- londur. 1). N Onllelidnr nntl llnnrr Illf.lJlnr ol a.'ripn..Nob .nod.E. Mayfioltl. ot Nel)lt, .NOTIOE. npijco Uiatoii tiio 1.1th tiny trf May. iniC. lio Mclar1nn w Iato Ooiniiany. Dlaliitlff boro- .... luvu M l MV Tinblll. UllllTb 1J, J.lncqln county. Noliranko. nKaliwtsnlUiyarrlo ArjU(iif!lmm and Oliarioa Hritttiiuliam. tiio ,&kviu puii v"".i'ut ititu mini in KSU.H' -niHl llltltPOMl. f.1llr.Wkl. rtf. .lllit n. ....... ,u.m.I.u l.i Ac,,,w)n a .enrtain jiromlKBory jioto tor WJp.tA) oxuoutQtl SoulomlHir 1. 1W. by nnia uuwuvuuui w mio viuuitui y no amount luo vpun hnld nolo at fcblstimo J tm.w. fou aiofurttiur liotlllud tbat on ordwof A.I.I.ftihlili,. wna luuii.i1 In ll... ..(. ... iilalutlir u (.aid action, and atd order fJ ll.itliliitini m nH . 1 ...111 t j . . Brlttlnirbanj. to-wit: A .uudlvidod one-tbli'd Jiituruttt in and U tho uortbwiwt Quarter tif section i. and tbeuortbvaatuuartcKif soctlon ana all of btHJtion V, In toweblilp v. rarujen. aiu ioi iu uyrt.uwti quarter, and tb icafct balf t bovtlon t'l, lu tcwatbly IV. plaluUff pray that said proierty be sold to .fy amount duo oo nald wote, Vou are rwjiilrtsd to anuwer aid petition on ortetortt tbo Jltb day of July, ivia i, i, . ,WUIAB WMJ'AKT. y Uoair)ai)d & Uoairland it Attornrya. NOTICE TO OltKDITOHfC ? Ii? State of Nubraaka, Lincoln County, aa. In tbe County Court. In manor of Hio eatatu of Jacob Itlchl ffnr, DooeaaiKl . Tji ihu ciudltora of aald cutatoi You am Jiornby notlllod that I will not at Ilia county court room In North l'latto in salrt county, on Monday. Juno sotb. lino, and op TiH'sday. Uocntnbor VOth, ltfio, atuo'clock a- in, of uaiiji day u rucolvo and nxatnlno all nlalnia avalnat aald oatato, with a view to llitilr adltiatinunt anil allowanr.). Tiio tlmo llinitcn for tlin nrcaontatlon Of claims axalnat said uatato a ll montlia from tiio third day of May A. 11, 1010, and tho tlmo limited for pay ment of .miUta Ih ono year from aald Hd'day nf May, lUlq. Thu notu'i) to Im imlillahoil olebt auccoss lyeMmniei In tlin North j'latto Trlbuno. a leaal nowaiutmr imblUhoil in aald countj-. Prior to Jmiu loth. mill. Wltncsa my haiul and thu seal of aald county court, thlaSlatilay of May. 1010. .. . J. 2i K'Jir.a, County Judso. Uy KaUiatlnu l Olark. Qlcrk County Court. NOTIOR VOW rUUMCATlON. ytiai No, otrri. .. ..t'fPartment of the interior, VI. 8. Und OMv" at North Vlatto. Neb, Notjw 1 tiervtiy , telwn that Mary .''WKV1W.. (ortuerly Mary A James Pt Maxwell. NwU wbo, ou Nor. U. iwt. niadu lwn8tert entry No, aiftu. serial No. sear vwof, to., establish claln to tho land above- described, before tb Keaibter and Ke cetvwat Ivortb. Vlattefc Nebraska, ontbe rud day q J,0yl,"i0. Claimant) names as, witnesses: Joha O, rvystrvw., Mir sx ijuitrawor Maxwell, Neb.. Oenry Uldbiifer., John, Maitbt o North. North. ?latte. Nob., nj.Hr I J. T. Evias. KeiriHter. OWSU OBv llRAttlNCON. PfCTlTtON IfOlt SUMMARY AUMiN.15TliA.TlON. . SLat.yotNubraaUa. Lincoln, County sa. f, tho county court. Max HUi, Bitu.,ot tho otato oc Mary .Vnno. proolta. cjeqeawid. 'Oil readlnuandinilptf Uni' uutltlon of Uunry .Oi.Brotilm, nraylnif'tliatjthu retrains adminis tration of sal (lest a tu may bedlBnoiibed, wltli iaa nrovridod, by seetlona Bam-sus aml'-fiuuii CoblKiy'HBUtute umvi Onlorodi Thab.liiiio,!tli, lpiPvaU 2 o'otoclt, i). inlB aaslKnodrforr hoarinif aald uutltloii whun all perMiim Interested In said mattur in)aynmieanatacounty, courtto be hulil In 'and fpriald county anil. show, cause wlir thu (prayer.QtpotltlonorHltuuld not lw crnntodv Tllla.OPlwto lwiirJntoU,for-slx suocesslyn In tho North ltlattu Tribune. a Hal nowMiaiieruubllsbodln Llncoln.County. nrlor to.Tune2Stb.l)'io. , W. O.KtiDwu County Jtidto. II j- Katiihiuhh 1'. Oi.aiik. ClorK of the Oount ty Qouri 1T& Serial No OMIJ. ; NOTIGB l'Oll lUnijIUATJON Department of the Interior i If. S. liaud. Otttce at North Watte. Neb. ! June fltb. 1810. ' Notice, ivbereby (riven that Daniel U. Slc Neal. of North. Platte., Nebraska, who ou February 2a. 1. rrade. Homestead Entry No, WW. Serial No. Oi3U4. for veHt half, north, palf iiortheaat auarterr soutb bait southeaat. uuarterof section ii, .township 13 north, rauKo lil.went ot tho nth Urloclpal Meridian, baa HlqU iwtlCH. of, Intention, to make, final IWe year proof, to cutabltsb clalot to the land . nbmo debcrlbniU txifoj' tho HecLster and. Itecplrer at North l'latte, Nebraska, on the, Sli day ol July, JDliK Ulalmaut, namea aa wltuooai llavld W. Macoinber, Jauitm ltuchau., ,Ir Obarlea li KvauH, Wtulaui Oroea, all of Nortb llatte. Ncbrat)kah . i'li- .1. R. KvABHr lttfirlater SorlarNo. Otiril-tttlfB NQT1CK l'"O0i I'll ULIOATIOX Department, of thn Interior. U. Si Laud Oillco at North L'latte. Neb , ... . .lunu tithi 101U. Notice la bureby Klven that Joseph H Shaw, of Norlh l'latte, Nehraaka.i who on MarchJ. 10CMHpiado lU Et No. Mm!3. Serial. No i outia. for eakt halt southwest (iiiarter, northwent OiiarUirhouUieastdiiarteraiid lota, and on 4u(y JI. HWl.riiada IL JJ. No. ioaim. Serial No. forsouUi half eoutheavtuuartur. north-' east Quarter outbeaat auarter and lot 4, , al- In section 1. township 1 N., ranco 30. West of the 0th rrlnclnal Murltllau. bw Uled notice of Intention to make final, five year proof, to establish claim to above deacrlhU. befum the Ituirlstor and 1 te en tver. at MurUi l'lavto. Nebraska, on the iJth day July-1010. (.'Ia.1 main namea aa wltneasest Jacob r,. jlnrtlea fioorK ll, SImruv William W. lluuter. Arthur Conuorn. allot North l'latte. Nub. f7-rt .1 K,BVAWM-IttfUUir.r OltUKHOHIIKAUINt) ON 1'ETITION KOIf fiUMMAKV ADMINIHTUATION. Statpot Nebraska. JUUicoba County, as. In tho county court. In th matter o tlio estate ot Varrle L, Searle,. decuaseil. On roadlmr aud. flUnu- the. petition of ElUaboth itratt, lirayitnr that, tho reular uuiiilnlritrKLlnii. f hnlil nuiftti. mnv I... ilLd. pniitietl with us, provided by Aeutloua 8102, fiW.i6SiM. VMS aud Wot), of (lobboy's annotaud Statutffiqtthti State1 of Nebraska for the aeac IIM.. Ordered. That JuLr nli. A. 1 ItllO. nt. lu d'olmik a. ml( is ankitfiiud for hoarlmr said uuutlon.! When all peinoua lnterented lu aalil matter may appear at a county eourt'to ba held lir aud fur paid county, and show cause Wtl tho nravi.r nf flm niitIilniirMln,iilH nni. thl trrailUid: and llml. nnifcn iiflMni nnniliiinitr ut Maid petition anil the heurlnit tboreof be Klven to-all purmma inujreated laaatd mat 'iTi.ypuniii.uiim acopy of tlda order lmtliu north pintle Tribune, a SraiWeekly nown. liailttr orlulml in .nlil rfitmttt .1. .iijMM. fclye Issue prior to aatd day of bearim:. -.lieu jmui (.nu. i.uiu. jH'J W. C Br,nBii.CoaiitT.Jadi;e. I'UOJJATIf NOTICE TO OKEDITOlZa braiao. vu", vuurs HI J.I11CWIU couniyi, In thu matter of tho estate of Oeorao Stevens, deccasitd. Notice, Is liexubyi ulvtn. tbat'tha. erodl- torn of bald rincaaaud will mm... .hi. . T .. . . 1 . , . -....... .. , r i... , ... AdmluUtrator wiui thu Will &nmn.f1 , of said tblaie. before- me- County Ju(U-o..of. T.ltictwu wuuty, Netiraxka. at. thefcoontyi ci?Kl,t Wa Wjaaldcountri on the. ISth dajtof. f Jjjty lHt0.anU.on the .lhUi daji of Jotiuaryr lVlt, at (t o'clock a m. each day. for theputf. lipsoof nresentlnir tlirlrcialnm for cxamlnai Hon, adjustment and alluwanco. six month are. allowed fur creditor to t,tM,n ,i,ri. elalum and oiu year for thO' admlnUr trator with ihc will aimoxed.. to. aettlu paid ivstate. tram the 21st dayi. of June, lttiuj. This, notico to be pnbllaheib Ri" . tue iNorth wattu Trtbunei Tor four weaka TOmuray, hand andi aeal M .nald courU- lus?. wuwjai juno. . s.iv iv t'ountt, Court. v,crK " w'e