j DR. H. C. BROCK, jj J DENTIST. 5 Ovor First National. Phono 148 K -. R. M. Dean was called to Ogden last week by a telegram announcing the illness of Mrs. Dean. Hard Knock Overalls for Men and Boys. The Hub Clothing Dept. As tho result of a near-accident at .Tulcsburg a few days ago, Engineer John Dick is taking a vacation. W. H. McDonald Is among tho latest to invest in an automobile. Certainly cars are popular in North Platte. Wanted Girl to do general house work. Top wages. Call on Mrs. N. McCabo, 820 W. 6th street Tho Presbyterian ladies aid society of Herehey will give an ice cream social in Beeler's hall Friday evening, July 1st. Gus Rosentctter, living on the flats south of Maxwell, who was in town yesterday, says the rain of Friday came too late to help out small grain to any extent. Wanted A housekeeper about 40 or 45 years of age, No objection to one or two children. John Kostick, Well fleet. The board of county commissioners convened in Bcssion yesterday and began sitting as a board of equalization today. They will remain in session as Buch a board until and including Saturday. On account of the rain tho preceding day, the races announced at the new track for Saturday afternoon could not bo held. Arrangements will bo made to have the races pulled .off at a later date. Monarch Malleable Ranges 'best on tho market at Hershey'B. Guy Pitt, who is homesteading in McPherson county, camo down yes terday to visit friends. He says there has been plenty rain in that section and that grass is in fine shapo in the lake country. Tho cowboy band has been engoged to play six evenings during tho Chau tauqua assembly. They will play several selections on the streets, than march to the grounds and play a selec tion or two. Got your boys dressed for the Fourth of July. Tho Leader is offering a dis count of twenty per cent on all men's and boys' clothing, Tho North Platte Telephone Co. has completed the setting of poles on its line to Julesburg and has tho wire strung almost the entire distance. The line will be in working condition in a few days. Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Lowell expect to leave tho latter pait of next week for a visit at Mr. Lowell's old homo in Pottsdam N. Y. They will be absent about two months if they don't get homesick. For Sale Two horse power gasoline engine, four revolving fans and belting. Inquire at Enterprise Bakery. The ladies of the Presbyterian aid society will meet Friday afternoon with Mrs. Clara Newton instead of Thurs-. day afternoon in order that those de siring to attend tho Farmer's Picnic Thursday may do so. The Hard Knock (Union Made) Over alls. Garments equal to the best made for $1.00 por pair at The Hub Clothing Dept. Tho wrecking crew was called to Jules bnrg Sunday by a derailment of cars, but when they reached Ogalalla they were notified that the cars had been placed on the rail and -their services' were not needed. Tho Buchanan-Sitton bridal party were entertained at a 8:30 course din ner last evening in W. L. Park'B pri vate car, in which Mrs. Park and child ren m'ude the trip to this city. Plates werfl laid for twelve. DR. F. W. MILLER, Dentist. 4 Over Dixon's. Phone 358. Additional Prizes. Tho following prizes wero . omitted from tho Fourth of July program: For best business float, $10.00. For best society or lodge float, $10.00. One hundred and twentv-fivo dollars worth of Japanese day and night fire works will bo fired from mortars and will be ono of tho most interesting fea tures of tho day. Hail Insurance. Friend Farmer: Aro your crops in sured against hail? If not, sco Bratt & Goodman. For Sale. Just listed for quick salo a cosy homo of 4 rooms on South Locust. Prico only $1025.00. The cottage west of the Strcitz resi dence. Ideal location. Can bo bought right. Other largo and small homes below actual cosh value. We aro also offer ing some good vacant lots (see our sign boards) very cheap. See Bratt & Good man before you buy. Will Let Contract in August. John E. Evans received a letter from Congressman Klnkaid in which tho lat ter stated that prior to his departuro for home last Saturday ho called at tho treasury department and learned that the contract for tho erection of tho North Platte federal building will be let some time in August. This is cartainly good news for tho people of North Platte, who have been somewhat impatient to have the con tract let and tho building started. With the contract let in August part of the work will to bo done this fall. Notice to Water Consumers. For tho accommodation of our con sumers, commencing July 1st, 1910, bills will be 'collected three months in ad vance instead of six months, as hereto fore. Service will bo discontinued where bills have not been paid at the office of the water company on or be fore July 22th, 1910. North Platte Water Works Company. F. A. Slocum, Receiver. Interest in Boxing Contest. Great interest is evinced in the fif teen round boxing contest which will be held at Lloyd'S opera house on tho evening of July 4th between Jack Fitz gerald, of Omaha, and Jimmlo Gabby, of Milwaukee. Gabby lays claim to tho welter weight championship of the world, and that ho is entitled to this standing is evidenced by tho long string of victorious encounters in which he has been engaged. Ho comes recom mended as a clean, scientific glove man, who wins his contests by fair methods. Fitzgerald needs -no introduction to North Platte people. He has been seen in the ring here several times, and is known as a shifty, game and clean boxer. TmTtr this con test will be tho best ever seen in North Platte, thcro is no room to doubt, and it will bo worthy an audience that will fill every seat in the house. Money to Loan. On real estate. Can assist you in buvlncr. buildintr or imnrovinc your homo or farm or paying off tho old mortgage. See Bratt & Goodman. Ed Hostetter, living south of Max well, is in town today and in reply to the interrogation "How are crops?," smiled and said," first rate. That rain helped out things amazingly." Weather forecast: Generally fair to night and Wednesday, warmer Wednes day. Maximum temperature yester day 83: oiio year aco D2. Minimum temperature this morning 59; ono year ago w. Copyright 1909, br C. E. Zimmerman Co.-No. 13 Are You Proud of Your Shoes? You may justly be proud of your foot-wear if you use the proper care in getting- the right shoe dealer. No matter what the quality of a shoe, it must be . nttea to your leet properly to answer the purpose for which it was intended. In making1 shoes the leather is stretched over the last, which is a wooden foot; and just like the different shaped feet there are different shaped lasts. We have shoes made over a last shaped like your feet. It doesn't cost you any more. Now, let us prove this; and it won't cost you any extra for a stylish, satisfactory and long wearing shoe. Small, The Big Shoe Man, 521 DeVey NoVth PWe, Neb. Dedication of the Presbyterian Church. Sunday was tho red letter day for the Presbyterian church in this city. It witnesssd tho series of events, arranged by tho pastor nnd committee, for tho setting apart and dedication of their beautiful now house of worship., Last Friday's issuo contained a do cription and cut of the church. But as the pastor, under whoso adminis tration the work has been completed, was not mentioned, ho may bo mentioned in this connection. Rev. George Franklin Williams, M. A., wna raised in this state, and received his education in Bellcvuo Col lego and Princeton Theological Seminary. He also did post graduate work in Princeton University. He was ordained by tho Presbytery of Omaha, in September, 1899, at Bancroft. Mr. Williams is a son of the manse, his father, Rev. Geo. Williams, D, D., laving been an early and aggressive lomo missionary in this Synod. The building of churches seems to give him satisfaction. During h!sfour years pastorate in Lexington a beau tiful church was erected and dedicated. Mr. Williams has been five years in the Kearney presbytery, of which ho is tho stated clerk. Having spent all his ministry in this state ho has become one of the best known of tho younger min isters of his denominations, and has held mportant trusts therein. He is a man of positive convictions and in tho work of tho church stands for progress. Ho is a young man between thirty-five and forty. In his eloven yoara in tho pas torate he has helped three congregations improve old or build new houses to a total value of $50,000. While through ly loyal to his own he- is fraternal and catholic in spirit. Tho printed program of dedication events contained the fol- owing items which'aro of interest to many. At a meeting held in the Baptist Church, of North Platte, on Juno 5, 1873, this church was organized by the Rev. N. C. Robinson, Superintendent of Missions for southwestern Iowa and Nebraska. There were ten charter members. The congregation continued to worship in tho Baptist Church until tho autumn of 1877. It then worshipped in tho Court House until the summer of 1878 when it moved into its new church on Spruce, now Dewey Street. Tho old building was moved in 1905 to the Bite of the present edifice and was torn down this spring. Tho following ministers have served tho Church: Rovcrcnds Geo. A. Hutchison, James A. Gerhard, G. M. Darley, John H. Burlinson, H. C. Baskerville, John F. Hopkins, C. C. Hart, John C. Irwin, A. W. Vernor and Thomas B. Greenlee, Ph. D., who closed his labors September, 1908. Large audiences greeted tho speakers at each service. Dr. Thomas B. Greenlee, a former pastor, preached the dedicatory sormon, which was ap propriate and eloquent. Dr. Willinms of Lincoln, who was to have rendered that service being unablo to bo present. Following the simple ceremony of dedication Dr. W. H. Kearns offered n beautiful prayer in which the building was sot apart to tho service of God. The afternoon fellowship service wbb participated in by all thepaslors of tho city. Their addresses wore short but full of the spirit of christian fellowship. Letters of greeting wero read from Dr T. L. Sexton and Rov. J. C. Irwin, tho latter being a former pastor. Much re- grot waB expressed that Dr. George Williams, of Llincoln, could not be present. Tho evening sorvico was one of in spiration and power. Dr. Turner is an eloquent and forceful speaker, a scho lar and thinker. His ''Layman's Mes sago" dealt with the "Citizen in tho Making" and emphasized tho need of broad and deep culture as an equip ment for right living in civilized socie ty. He viewed the man in relation to society, business, politics and religion. His nblo address called out many words of appreciation. Tho church choir of twenty-four voices, led by Mrs. Lcininger and Mrs. Schiller sang special numbers at each of th6 three services, delighting the congregations that filled the house to overflowing. The big organ skillfully handled by Mrs. E. A. Cary added much to the joy of tho occasion in the worship of praise. As an evidence of appreciation by tho congregation tho following items appeared in tho souvenir program and should bo -noted here. Tho corner atono was prepared and presented by W. C. Ritner. The following committee selected the organ: Miss Belton, Mrs. E. A. Cary, Mrs. Ora DeFord, Mrs. W. H. McDonald, Miss Mary Strahorn. 4Mr. Perry SItton acted as superintendent during tho entire period of construction. The beautiful individual communion service is tho gift of the Philathea girls. The piano given some years ago by Eva S. Baldwin is in the assembly room down stairs. Tho organ and a part of the furniture of tho old church aro used in tho Sunday school room. By action of the congregation tnoro aro no memorial or presentation windows. A Dreadful Wound from a knifo. n gun. a tin can. rusty nail, fire arms, or wound of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with Bucklen's Arnica Salvo to prevont blood poison or gangrene. It's tho quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils. Sores, Skin Eruptions, Ecezema, Chapped Hands. Corn or Piles. 25c. ut Stwno Drug. Crf. The Big Sale AT THE LEADER NOW IN FULL BLAST Hundreds of customers are now securing some of the many bargains offered. DON'T DEIjAY. ale Closes July Fourth. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door Nortli of First National Hank Republican County Convention. Chairman Davis, of tho Republican county central committee has Issued a cull for a county convention to be held on Saturday, July 10th , at 2:30 p. in. for tho purpose of selecting ten delegates to tho state convention. Tho convention will have 107 delegates. Tho cull will bo published in full in our next issue. One of Dr. Halo's Jokes. When ho was quite it .vouuk man tho Into Dr. I'M ward Everett Ilnle played a practical Jol;o on some Kills who wero ni6lribers of n party with whom he was suminerini; on tlit Massachusetts coast. All these girls were rcnillii,' tho same oxclthiR novel, nnd ono day at dinner It was-a lending topic. Knowing that nono of them had (IuIhIkhI It. Hale, un known to them, curried It away with him the next morning when ho wont to tho city On the train ho wrote an absurd conclusion to (ho novel, laying the filial scene nt the summer resort. Carrying this bogus conclusion to n publisher, a friend qf his, ho Imd It put In type, and then, carefully remov ing tho bona tide conclusion, ho parted lu his own. On his return lie placed the book on tho piazza and waited. The look which spread ovor n girl's face ns she read that hist chapter was, Dr. Halo declared, worth going far to see. houiiw b Homo companion. What Struck Him. "Did anything about tho defendant strike- you ua being out of tho ordi nary?" nuked tho judge of tho plaintiff lu a case of tiKsuult and buttery. ' "Yes, your honor," wuh the reply. "What was It?" queried thu Judge. "Ills list," answered tho plulntlff. Chicago News. A Woman's Great Idea. is how to make her self attractive. But with out hculth, it is hard for her to be lovely in face, form or temper. A weak, sickly woman will bo nervous and irri ablo Constipation nnd Kidney poisons show in plmnles. blotches, skin eruptions and a wretched complexion. But Elec tric Bitters always prove a godsend to women who want health, beauty and friends. They reguluto Stomach, Liver and Kidneys, nurifv tho blood: give Btrong nerves, bright eyes, pure breath, smooth, velvety skin lovely comnloct- ion, good health. Try them. 50c. at Stono Drug Company Co. Mr. Man Do You Love Your Wife? YES Then save her strength, her health nnd possibly her life, by getting" her a SO E-Z VACUUM CLEANER Quick -for 3 1-10 cents a day for Ten Months. A Demon stration will be given at our stored Don't miss it. Only $10.00 Don't let the children breathe germs and dirt The So E-Z saves Doctors' bills. Ginn, White & Schatz. ECHELBERY'S NEW AND SECOND HAND STORE1 Cor Sixth and Locust Sis. Phone 302 A full line of furniture, all kinds of stoves and stove repairs, wagons, har ness, saddles, bicycles, guns and sport ing goods, clocks, watches, musical goods, sewing machines either cash or payments. Kvorything you uho bought and sold hore. Top prico for i ron motal and rubber. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $135,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, - M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vicc-Proslucnl, I . L. M00NEY, Cashier. ON I'KOHATR OltDICK OK UEAIUNO o if wiur .state of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss In lUo county court. Juno S3d. m0. In tlio of matter of tho estate) of Luthor O. I- arrlnifton, deceased. On reading and llllinr tho petition of TIattle Farrliitfum, pruylnir that tint Instrument Wed on tuo kl day of Jumt, IU1U, and purporting to be thu lust will and testament of thu nuld deceased, may lxi proved, approved, probated allowed and recorded hh thu lust will and testament of tho said Luther O. Karrlntrujii. deceased, and that tho execution of said in Ktrument may bo committed and tho admin istration of said estate may bu grantod to Hattlo KarrlnKton, an executrix. Ordoied. That July Ulth, M0, at Oo'cloclt A. M., In assigned for hoarlm; bald petition, when all persons interested In mid matter may appear at a county court, U) , bo held In and for Bald county and showcauso why the prayer of do- Honor Hhould not bo granted. This notlcj to bo published In tho North I'latto Trlbuiu. a legal , newspaper published lu said county for six successive lssuo prior to July Wtu . , . V. C. Emikii. County Judiru. Uyhathurluo 1 Olork, CtOrU County Court. Stands Like a Stone Wall Turns CaUlo, Horsis, Higs Is Prtstleally Indesfrustlbls (,i.aj'j AMERICAN FENCE Buy your new fence for years to come. Get the big, heavy wires, the hinge joint, the good galvanizing, the exactly proportioned quality of steel that is not too hard nor too soft. We can show you this fence in our stockand explain its merits and super iority, not only in the roll but hi the field. Come and see us and get our prices. ' FOB SALE BY GINN, WHITE St SGHKTZ,