The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 28, 1910, Image 2

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"My motto la 'Tho truth, tho whole
truth and nothing but tho truth.' "
"Yes; but you'd rather have soma
body eleo tell It."
For Proper Cam of Tuberculoid.
According to tho National Associa
tion for the Study and Prevention of
Tuberculosis, Now York stato leads
In the number of beds for consump
tives provided up to May 1, with 5,470
beds; Massachusetts is second with
2,403 boditt Pennsylvania third, with
2347 beds; Colorado fourth, wltbM.489
beds, and New Mexico fifth, with
1,104 beds. As yet, not ono stato In
tho country has mado adequato pro
vision for its consumptives. New
York has set itself tho tnuU of having
"No uncared-for Tuberculosis In 191D,M
and sovoral cities in other parts ol
tho country have adopted similar pro
grams. Tho national association
saya that tuberculosis will not be
stamped 'out' until Vail cases of this
disease are cared for' either In their
homos or In Institutions, with this
end in view, efforts will be made to
Increase tho number of hospital beds
in this country to at least 35,000 by
May 1, 1911.
An Embryo Emancipator,
A little miss riding on a Urookl.
trolley car the other day tendered
tho conductor half faro. "How old
aro you, little girl?" ho queried, gin
gorly handling her fare.
Sho pursed her lips for n moment,
then calmly opened her nurso, dropped
two mora pcnnlOB Into tho conductor's
extondod palm, snapped hor purse
and demurely replied: "You have
your faro; sir; my statistics aro my
Circumstance's aro' beyond tho con
trol of man, but his conduct Is In hla
own power. uoauroont.
Medicine Not Needed In This Cots.
It la hard to convince somo people
that coffee dos them nn injury 1 Thoy
lay tholr bad footings to almost every
cause but tho truo and unsuspected
But the doctor knows. Ills wldo ex
perience has 'proven, to, tilm .that.toj'paliv Js, gpno, lanOneu. 'laugh somo
ume systems, coneo is an insidious
PqIboo that underiaWig' tlie Health'."
Ask the doctor If coffee Is tho causa
ot constipation, stomach and nervous
"I have, been & coffeo drlnkor all
nervous prostration, the doctor said
that my Hervoua system was broken
down and that I would have to give
up coffee. ,
"I got so weak and shaky 1 could
aot work, and reading your advortlso
went of PoBtuin, I asked my grocer It
ha bad any of it Ho said: 'Yes,' an'd
that he used .It in his family, and It
waa all It claimed to be
"So I quit coffee and commenced to
use Postura oteadlly and found In
about two weeks' time I could sloop
mm,Hv nt nlcht and cot uu In tho
- '
morning feeling fresh. In about two
months I began, to gam flesh. I
weighed only 146 pounds when I com
menced on Postum, and now I weigh
107 and feel better 'than I did at 20
years uf age.
"I am working every day and sleep
well at night My two chlldron wore
great coffee drlnkors, but thoy har
not drank any since Postum camo Into
the houso, and are far more healthy
than thoy woro beforo."
Read "Tho Road to Wollvllle," found
ia pkga. ''Thero's a reason."
Kt'cr rruil the nbove lettert A nrn
em Hppenm from time tn time. Thrj
nrr icrmilue, (rue, aud full of BUtuaa
i inrrrc
Co-eds Fail in a Test By Munsterberg
BOSTON- Prof. Huro Minister
berg savo n domonHtratlon of his
psychological method of dotoctl.lg
crlmo before tho clasa of philosophy
in Hndcllffo college, tho fetnlnlno nn-
nor or Harvard, inicinfr tnrco gin
voluntccra ns subjects, tho professor
Proved that no matter bow t iey at-
tempica to uvuuu nun, no cuuiu rcuu
tholr minds, or rnther their actions,
ns manlfcalatlous of what was in
their minds.
Dcsldcs demonstrating his own
theory Professor Munstorborg proved
that ho has solved tho problem of
reading a woman's mind, and that in
future tho thoughts of tho wlfo will
bo uu open book to tho husband.
Tho possibilities of tho professor's
demonstration- can hardly bo esti
Tho three girls who submitted to
tho test aro Helen Thayer of tho
class of 1911, Ruby Hobb, a senior,
and Miss Doaton of tho class of 1912.
Tho professor told tho class that ho
had Bovoral clippings from a morn
ing paper on everyday subjects. Ho
would havo tho thrco girls each draw
a clipping in such a way that ho
would not Beo tho drawing. Then
ho would find out from them what
clippings they had.
Tho condition the professor lm-
Bulldog Meets His
CHICAGO. Crib, a bull terrier
owned by Charles Ayros, an archi
tect of Evanston, and tho caulno
scourge of tho neighborhood, Is In
mourning, nnd all becauso of n rac
coon that Is supposed to havo como
from tho sylvan solitude around
Gross point and wandered Into tho
university town ono morning.
Crib Is "somo lighter," according to
Evnnston chronicles. All the other
dogs in tho neighborhood curl tholr
tails between their, legs and
silently slink Into the nearest
placo of refugo when ho strolls
majestically down tho sidewalk. And
as for cats he cats 'em nllvo.
With tho courngo born of many vic
tories and no defeats Crib was prowl
Ing about the Ayres homestead about
two o'clock In tho morning. Suddenly
around tho cornor of tho back fenco
thero crept across n patch of moon
Hearty Laughter Death to Pill Trade
ill laugh nm
a a v iin .it
CHICAGO, Threatening tho very
llvollbood of the physician, tho
health dopartmont continues to dis
close professional Bccrets In Its week
ly bulletin of "HoaUhograms," which
recently contained freo advlco for tho
prevention and euro of dyspopsla
without pills or doctor. It you feel a
sharp, agonizing series of pains that
you suspect might bo duo to dyspep
sia, just laugh.
Keep right on laughing until thu
j.; f - ' .'. ; 1
moro to Kcop it away. auuco a prac
tlso" far laughing ' for n fow' mlnutos
every day, selecting witty companions
that tho laughter may bo hcartfolt
and therefore moro ofucaclous, for
Would Doff the "Pigtail" and Robes
u wearing of tho queue, certain Chi
nese of the Pacific const aro asking tho
emporor to be allowed to discard thu
trailing nppondango nnd coif tholr
I ii l A
brunetto locks n la American.
Also would thoy desire to discard
tho flowing robes of tho-' tlowery
kingdom" atid oortform-thoir 'dress ex
clusively to tho nttiro of their adopt
ed land.
Traditional rospoct, however, for
the ruler of their country roatralns
these moderns from hasty action and
thoy await an hnporlal rescript on thu
To socuro tho royal permission n
mumorlnl has been Intrusted to Prince
Teal Tao, tho Chluesu minister of
war nnd uncle of tho emperor, for
presentation to tho throne.
Tho momorlnl, it is said, contained
theso passages: . 1 s-
posed was that when ho said n word
tho girl spoKcn to should within a
second say somo other word brought
into her mind. Professor Munstor-
berg asked each of tho thrco girls
to try to dccclvo him as to which
clipping they had, just as a criminal
would try to mislead him In trying
to dotcct what crlmo ho had com
Tho professor shot several words.
nt random at tho first girl, and sha
answered back as quickly with any
word that camo Into her head. When
a word connected prominently with
tho clipping was sprung, however,
thero was a significant pauso, for tho
first thought Injected Into tho girl's
mind was tho clipping and sho In
stantly oxposed that beforo oho was,
able to think up something with,
which to mislead Munstorberg.
Ono of tho clippings drawn by tho
girls told of cx-Prcsidcnt Itoosevelt'q
reception by tho emperor of Ger
many. When Professor Munsterberg
sprung tho word emperor on tho girl
who hold tho clipping, she could not
answer without a pauso. Tho pauso
In tho first test was 18 seconds, In
tho last two tests about half that
This Itadcllffo college test wob ro
gurded as tho most successful demon
stration Professor Munstorberg' has so
far mado of tho psychologic meth
od of detecting crime. A short tlmo
ago, howover, ho experimented with
a man BUspcctedof forging a check,
and his plan worked perfectly. A sig
nificant naiiBo followed both tho
word "bank" and "check" wlien ad
dressed to tho suspected man.
Match in a Coon
light a stocky figure, with bushy, up
raised tall.
A wild yelp of delight shattered tho
clasBlc sllenco of Evanston, nnd Crib,
tho champion, "mixed It" with tho pro-
sumptuous Intruder. In a moment tho
air resounded with other yelps, but
Mr. Ayres was dreaming peacefully I
when tho sounds, of fierce combat-1
sinoto upon his ear. In his pajamas,
ho dashed down the stairs and Into
tho yard,, where ho behold the visiting
combatant rapidly reducing tho hith
erto unlacerated hide of Crib, tho ter
ror of Itinerant cats, to the prover
bial shreds.
An empty crackor box happened to
bo standing on tho porch, and Mr.
Ayres grabbed It nnd placed it firm
ly over Mr. Coon' and then planted
himself upon it and added his -voice
to tho lamentations of Crib.
Tho coon Is now on exhibition In
a hastily constructed case on tho
Ayres back porch, but the valiant
Crib will not bo ou exhibition for a
week or moro.
When Interviewed ho said In
cunlno languago that ho was glad to
bo alive.
tho new honlthogrnm Is: "First aid to
tho dyspeptic a good laugh."
Scctlngly bent on "bearing" tho
pill market, tho lltcrary-sclontKlc wri
ter of tho hcalthograms goes on to
admonish Chlcagoans, ns follows:
"Tight lacing ia a narrow practise.
"Hygiene is humanity's hope.
"Too much fresh air Is Just enough.
"Tho proper appreciation of health
will delay Its depreciation.
"it our worst enemy tue common
houselly. Tho typhoid fly.' Swat
"Smallpox 1b a disgrace Save youi
reputation and your face by vaccina
"Whllo mothers nro working In fac
tories, Infants may be wasting In the
uaugnter is mo sunsnino or ex
istence: Hood yourself with it, lot It
overllow to othors.
"Seats for women employees and op
portunity to uso them would leave
many hospital beds vacant."
"As wo look around at tho various
nations ot tho world, we observe all
tho strong nations aro without thV
queue. The queuo 1b not necessary to
tho well-being of man, and It Is ox-
coeulugly Inconvenient,
"It is tho custom In China to wear
long robes with wldo bIoovos. maklnit
tho men of our nation look like the
women of other landB. Tho costume
is llko thut of the Annnmeso and the
Koreans, two uatlons that havo per
"mrtnormoro, our whole costume
makes us tho laughing Block of every
Must Deliver the' Ooorin
"StntOBmtuiBhfp has Its cares," said
ono omlnent citizen,
"Yes," roplled the other; "whon a
statesman travols, ho has to got u
apoecucs lor mo peopio to read. In.
stead of morely Bending homo poBt
Needed Now,
Mrs. HiubD (roauing) In ancient
cltlos tho walls between the houses
woro often CO feet high.
Mr. Stubb What n grand schem
to prevent back-yard gossiping."
(Photograph by Underwood & UndcrwooU,
AI'auabuli or paun nuor irnina) maue in mo auuring lorm or. a small
square tent; with a natural fringe of tho woven fibers, canopy top
Innn nt fnflln - rtn . nn r t-t Tfr la notiAnlnllu nilnni rt at nnn VtrMA
uvjf ui uiuu iu i,ui j ju tit sii iw to uouumiij iitii' iui dvii auuiv
and outing, as tho material is Indestructible nnd water repellent
Simple But Attractive Furnishings
That Make the Apartment
a Delight.
Summer furnishings havo a charm
that is quite foreign to tho moro pre
tentious appointments of winter, and
every Benson they seem to bo moro at
tractive. Tho new toilet china shown
is extremely decorative. Tho quaintly
shaped little bowls aro adorned with
equally quaint, conventional designs,
and there aro lovely foreign looking
carrylng tho morning hofwatSr. 'cbf
nred and white tiles or squares of
glass mounted on a flowered material
matching tho room hangings are pro
vided to sot tho pitcher of Ice water
upon, and If a room is to havo two
occupants nil theso fittings are to be
duplicated. For fastening back the
window hangings tho old-fashioned
brass rosetto has been rovlved.
Speaking of bedrooms suggests
broakfast, tor it Is becoming moro and
moro tho custom to havo the first
TOenl of tho dny one.a Wn rooni(
and thoughtful hostesses always pro
vide- ono of tho charming llttlo break
fast sots which aro now bo common
in tho shops for the guest room, along
with a tray of wicker, brass or wood.
High-Necked Gowns Passe for Evening
Illgh-nccked gowns aro very much
out of fashion for any evening nffalr,
although whlto ones with laco yokes
were acceptable for the theator and
informal dinners, and restaurant
wear; but one doeB not Beo them any
raoro among women who dross well.
This Is ar stylo sultablo to bo mado
up In zophyr or casoment cloth; the
skirt has a llttlo fulness nt waist, and
Is trimmed below with two folds.
Tho bodice- Is tr'mmed with box
plaits Btttched at each edgo. Tho Po
tor Pan collar nnd cuffs aro of lawn
edged with a narrow plaiting.
Chip hat with full crown of spoHed
muslin, Burrounded by a wreath of
Materials roqulred; Eight yards 28
Inches wide.
Now York,)
Black Is a Color Little Seen This Sea
son, Tints Being Given tho
Tho new gloves show a good many,
innovations over products of a year
ago. Except for black costumes,
whor- an nll-blnck scheme Is dcslrod,
black gloves nro little used. Plalq
whlto gloves also aro less In ovldenco
than for somo tlmo, tints having taken,
their placo. All tho soft pastol shades
such as pigeon gray.-fawn. biscuit and..
jphampagnd aro especially popular.
Just now suedes aro liked far bettor,
than glace kids. This Is a whim ot
the Parlslonnes, who always go In tor,
tho smartest fit for everything, and
suedo certainly comes under that
clasa In tho matter of gloves. With
tho continued shortening of alcoves.
Mnore 12-button .lengths than any other
style nro being sold. Whlto gloves
with block stitching are popular with
black nnd white combination cos
tumes. For tho street with the plain
tailor-made broad four-row stlfchlngs
In self tones aro considered tho cor
rect thing.
A Lingerie Hat
If you get a lingerie hat this year,
bo sure to choose tho mob cap Btyle,
with large, high crown and double ruf
fles around the face.
This may bo quite simple or of em
broidery and lace. A pretty ono In
sneer Persian lawn has tho crowi out
lined, with three rows of oval eyelets,
l no uppor rufllo Is edged with embroid
ereu scallop, whllo tho under rufllo
has a row of eyelets abovo scallops.
ineso mils fall far down over tho
faco and around tho high crown nro
drawn folds of soft rlUbon. ending in
a hugo' six-looped bow without ends at
tho left sldo.
Where ono does not wish to em
brolder, tho crown can bo outlined in
three rowB of German Valenciennes In
sertion, nnd tho two ruflles flnlshod
with a row of Insertion and edging of
Odd Names to New Shades.
Somo of the now Bhadea havo ex
ceedingly odd nnraoB. There Ja.pUeua
ant displayed In a number" of tones,
from pale-reddish brown to a brown
so deep it Is almost black. Ashes of
violet, a color of dull, faded purplo:
kings blue, a cold Japanese-looking
Bhade, toning to brown; argent, a gray
like dull silver; drake, a bluish green
that Is attractive, and a palo green
called almond that blondes of n dell
cato (not colorless) type find becom
ing, Chairtecler Is a rich, deep pink,
almost red.
A Shining Nose.
Summer la a sorry tlmo for tho
woman with nose shlnos. Sho usual
ly resorts to powder, which cdarsens
the pores, or sho mops with alcohols
which dr,les up the skin.
Instead of these, try bathing the
nose with hot water, In which a tea
spoonful ot powdered borax has boon
dissolved to each pint.
Wiping tho snrfaco of noso with o
soft flannel or ploco of silk keeps
down the shlno. Do not rub hard or
redness results.
Rubbers in Fanoy Dag.
Tho traveler may not know that
rubbers can be fitted Into gay little
plaid Bilk bugs that are lined with
rubber and fastened over with a pearl
clomp. Thoy aro only about five
Inches long and take up bo llttlo room
In a bag or a trunk that It Is not
worth measuring. A woman will not
hcBltato to travel around with hor
rubbers even In n dress suitcase
when they aro done up In such an at
tractive form.
Aroused Sporting Instinct
An Irish policeman who was also
something of a sportsman, had been
posted on n road near Dublin to catcb
the scorching motorist. Proscntly ono
camo along at 20 miles an hour, and
tho policeman saw It pass without a
Bign. Next came n largo motor travel
ing at 40 miles an hour, nnd tho cyea
of tho gunrdlan of the public bright
ened. And then ono passed at tho rato
of a mllo a minute. "Dcgorrah," said
Pat, slapping his thigh, "that's the
best of tho lot"
"My mother used to havo a very ba
humor on her head which tho doctor
called an eczoma, and for it I had two
different doctors. Hor head was very
soro and her hnlr nearly all foil out
In splto of what thoy both did. Ono
day her nlcco camo In and they worr
speaking of how her hair was falling
out nnd tho doctors did It no good,
Sho says, 'Aunt, -why don't you try
Cutlcura Soap nnd Cutlcura Oint
ment?' Mother did and thoy hclncd
her. In six months' tlmo tho Itching,
burning and scaling ot her head wns
ovor and hor hair began growing. To
day she feels much in debt to Cutl
cura Soap and Ointment for tho fine
head of hair sho has for nn old lady
of Bovonty-four.
"My own caso was an eczema in my
feet As soon as tho cold weather
camo my feet would Itch and burn and
then thoy would crack opon nnd bleed.
Thon I thought I would flco to my
mother's friends, Cutlcura Soap and
Cutlcura Ointment I did for four or
fivo winters, and now my feot aro ns
smooth as any ono's. Ellsworth Dun
ham, Hiram, Me., Sopt 30, 1909."
TVin't nnat no nn nnrtlillr antral tin.
loss you want to attract suspicion
your way.
Restore Your Health
It is the privilege of most
men and women to be
B strong and healthy and if
you are suftenng from any
weakness of the Stomach,
Liver or Bowels take the
Bitters Just now. It is
for Poor 4ppetUe, Head
ache, Indigestion, Dys
pepsia Ccstivencas, Ma
laria, Fever and Afiue.
Try a bottle today, but be sure
and get the genuine with Pri
vate Stamp on neck.
Four hundred thousand oeoolo
take a CASCARET everv nicht
and rise up in the morning and call
them blessed, liyoudon tbclonerto
this ereat crowd of CASCARET
takers you are missing the greatest
asset of your hie.
CASCARRT3 ioc a box for a week'
treatment, all druralst. Dlggest teller
In tbe world. Million boxes a mouth.
Nebraska Directory
John Deere Cultivators
NIL I HA I UU Europea
European Plan
ents up double.
Rooms from 11.00 up atuzle, 75 cents up
br mall at cut prices. Send (or Irea catalogue.
MYERS-DILLON Dnua co., omino, nd.
attention. All supplies (or tbe Amateur strictly
fresh. Bend for catalogue and ffuljililnfr prices.
Box 1107. Omaha, Neb.
814-18 South 12th Street Omaha, Nth.
pat I of machinery msds rood as new. Waldi
salt Iron, cait slssl, aluminum, coppsr. brats o
anr other tnetml. Bipsrt sufimoblle repairing.
BERT8CHV MOTOR CO., Courioll Bluffa.
Mall orders siren special attention. . All alnfli
amateur auppllet strictly fresb. Bend (or catalog.
lta.Mandup, All btandard IUVm.soM or runted,
applied If yeu lurchaa. )lachlnea shipped anywhtrt
on approval. No diott raulr1.
uirei. wril. lor cainios
norm inn eirat
Amrlon--l2.00 par day and upwards.
European il.OO par day and upward
nuilll Taks Doilua Straat Car
UMAI1A at Union Depot.