The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 28, 1910, Image 1

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NO 45.
North Platte, Neb
Salute at Sunrise.
9:00 a. m. Parade, Band, Mayor and City Council, Fire De
partment, G. A. R., Floats, Autos, Motorcycles, Vehicles.
10:00 a. m. Hook and Ladder Climbing Contest Prize $15
10:20 a. m. One hundred Yard Wet Hose Race. Prize
$30, $20 and $10.
10:40 a. m. One Hundred Yard Dry Coupling Contest. Prizes
$10 and $5.
11:00 a. m.
11:30 a. m.
Water Fight. Prize $15.
Reading Declaration of
m. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop.
m. Motorcycle Race. Free for all. Prizes $25, $15
1:30 p,
2:15 p.
and $10.
3 p. m.
Automobile Race.
4:30 p.
Base Ball at Park.
7:00 p. m. Balloon Ascension and Parachute Drop.
Grand Display of Fireworks at Dusk.
Athletic Carnival, Lloyd Opera House.
J. H. STONE, Chairman,
iUww USfcJ5V m
Mrs. T. C. Patterson will entertain
the Tuesday Bridge Club tomorrow
Mrs. F. II. Garlow will entertain
Wednesday afternoon in honor of her
daughter's first birth anniversary.
Watermelons mode their first ap
pearance in tho local market Saturday
anchrotailed at sixty-five and seventy
cents each.
T. T. Cramer, of Colton, S. D is
shearing 4,500 head of sheep for Mehl
man & Walter on a ranch- north of the
Mary Harrington has sold to F. J.
Diener lots 1,2,3 and 4, block 10, Town
Lot Co's Addition, for a consideration
of $1,000.
Charley Trovillo, living west of town,
savs his corn is as far advanced as it
was this time last year and that tho
stand is better. .
At a meeting of tho Mutual building
and Loan association directors Saturday
evening loans aggregating $8,800 were
approved and granted.
The material for the superstructure
of tho Elks' buildinghas been received,
and the construction work will begin
tho latter part of this week.
W. H. Ryan, who was brought down
from Northport a few days ago on ac
count of sickness, is said to be in a
rather critical condition.
Fanners in town Saturday were in a
cheerful mood', for which the rain of
tho previous day was responsible. Prior
to the rain there were many "long
John Deero Implements und Weber
& Stoughton wagons at Hershey's.
0.W. Brown has been appointed tor
minal foreman for tho Union Pacific at
Northport, a position that pays $100 per
month. Mr. Brown left for Northport
Saturday to assume his duties.
John Nugent,, of Maxwell, who re
centlv met with a accident in the local
yards, was in town Saturday evening,
The three fincors and three toes which
wore amputated are healing nicely.
For Rent Furnished room at 221
enst Fourth street. Call at 2 p, m.
or 8 p. m.
Tho ball game Saturday afternoon be
tween tho U. P. shop and Maxwell
teams resulted in a score of five to
nothing in favor of tho shop team. The
visitors wero outclassed at all joints
Independence and
Free for all.- Prizes $50, $30
C. K. MARTINI, Sec'y,
C. M. NEWTON, Treas.
Lost Sunday, Juno 19th, on tho road
between North Platte and the Trovillo
farm, a man's coat, salt and popper
mixture. Return to this office and re
ceive roward.
Isaac Dillon has been removed to tho
Cunningham hospital, this movo being
necessary on the account of the worn
out condition of Mrs. Dillon, who for
a few days past has required the
services of a nurse.
For lient An 8-room houBe on west
Sixth, bath and electric light. Inquire
at this oITice or at 1123 West Sixth.
Fred Wright, an attorney of Scotts
Bluff, was in town yestprday transact
ing legal business. Mr. Wright says it is
very dry in that section of tho state,
and there is no water In tho North
Platte rivor for irrigating purposes.
Friends of Miko Foster, a former
resident of North Platte, will regret to
learn that ho Is confined in tho asylum
nt Evanston, Wyo. It is said his
insanity is of a hopeless nature, but
what brought it about wo have not been
able to learn.
Secretary McAbeo and his boy travel
ors spent Sunday in Lexington, and
went eastward on tho tramp yesterday
morning. It is doubtful if they will
continue the walk as far as Hastings,
as it will require longer time than they
A ball game between the U. P, shop
team and tho Originals will be played
next Monday afternoon beginning at
four o'clock. These teams are evenly
divided as to experienced ball players,
and a strong game is expected. This
game will bo another feature of the.
Fourth of July celebration.
For Salo Rubber tired Stanhope.
inquire oi uzu wesi r our in street.
Miss Mario Lowo and Beechor Pierce
Parker, of Rawlins, will bo united in
marriago Thursday evening at tho
homo of tho bride's parents lnthiscity.
They will be nt homo after August 1st
nt Rock Springs. Mr. Parker wa3 at
one time employed as engineer at the
local water worKs.
Messrs. Klein and Neely, of tho
Equitable Assurance Co., wore in town
Saturday finishing up business leftover
from a previous trip. They informed
us that tho people of North Platte nro
carrying Equitnule life policies aggre
gating $250,000. North Plntte, they
say, is tho best iifo insurance toyn
of its size in the state.
Lake Ice.
I am prepnrcd to furnished pure lake
ice nt 40 cents per hundred pounds.
Orders may be left at Sehillors' drug
tore. LuVi Edis.
People You Know.
Mrs, W. W. Cumminga visited frionds
in Sidney last week.
E. R. Goodman transacted business
in Omaha and Lincoln tho latter part
of last week,
Mrs. Ralph Garman left yesterday
I mnrnlnff fnr n tnnnl hfa vfutt with frinmla
at Malvern, Iowa, j
Mrs. Guy Swope loft yesterday morn
ing for a visit with her sister, Mrs. II .
C. Hansen, at Callaway.
Mrs. Wilson Tout and children re
turned Saturday evening from a month's
visit with friends at York.
"Bob" Waldo time-keeper at the
shops, returned yesterday from a visit
with friends at Cheyenne.
Dispatcher Brant has been trans
ferred to Ogdcn and left for that place
Sunday. Dispatcher Jones takes first
trick in the office. -
Mrs. W. L. Park and children ar
rived from Chicago Sunday to visit
friends and attend the Buchanan-Si tton
wedding this evening.
Mrs. Geo. A. Saint, who had Iiccn
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.
J. Gilman, for six weeks, returned to
her home in Chicago Saturday.
Our former townsman, E. W. Zicbort,
will re-engago in tho restaurant busi
ness in Sidney, having associated him
self with John Clark for that purpose.
Carl Hohlman, who is taking the law
course nt the Iowa University, arrived
home the latter part of last week and
will spend the summer vacation with
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Horshey. '
Dr. H. C. Brock has been in Lincoln
for Bovoral days attending a meeting
of tho state board of dental examiners,
of which ho is secretary. He will re
turn home tomorrow or Thursday. '
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Cordes leave
next month for a protracted visit with
their son Will in San Francisco. They
had intended making a trip to Germany
this summer, but Mrs. Cordes con
cluded she would not like the ocean
voyage. :
Personal Paragraphs.
Miss Laura Campbell, of Omaha, is
tho guest of Mrs. J. J. Halligan.
Miss Elms, of Omaha, is the guest of
her parents, Dr. and Mrs. J. K. Elms.
Mrs. Hill, of Council BluiTs, is the
guest of her daughter, Mrs. Grace
Mrs. O. W. Brandt leaves in a . few
days for Kansas City, where she will
visit friends for a couple of months.
Mrs. Agnes Ickes and daughtor of
Salt Lake are tho guestB of Mrs.
Ickes' parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. J,
Miss Ora Flint, of Los Angeles, Cnl.,
arrived last night and will be the guest
of Mr. and Mrs. Garlow for two
Miss Sara Clabaugh, of Pittsburg,
Pa., arrived Friday morning and will
spend tho summer ns tho guest of her
brother, John Clabaugh.
Word received by Mr. and Mrs.
Murray Saturday announced tho Bafe
arrival of their daughter Laura and
Miss Mollyneaux at Liverpool, Eng.
Harry Fleishman wont to Omaha
Saturday night and returned yesterday
with his wife and daughter who had
been visiting in that city for a week
Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Hart, of Paxton,
are the guests of friends in town, com
ing hero to attend tho dedication of the
Presbyterian church and tho Buchanan
Sitton wedding.
Mr. Jind Mrs. Clyde Drow, who had
been guests at tho VonGoetz homo for
several days, started on their return
trip to Omaha Friday. They travel In
Mr. Drew's car.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Allen left Satur
day for Omaha where they will again
moke their homo. While here Mr. Al
len was employed In the Rebhausen and
Landgrnf barber shops.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Newman, who
had been visiting relatives in town for
a few days, returned to Hanover, Knn.,
where Frank is employed as a con
ductor on tho St. Joo and Grand Island
Mr. Mrs. E. R. Smith, of Gandy, re
turned from Omaha with their daugh
ter, who submitted to two serious oper
ations in that city. Tho young lady re
turns home in excellent condition, not
withstanding both operations were
Men's, Ladies' and Children's Oxfords
nro being sold at a discount of twenty
per cent at Tho Leader. Great op
portunity to save monoy on these
ine Aiotnouist aid society will moot
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Richard
Owens, 305 W. 0th street. Refres
mentb will be Served.
Fourth of July Features.
As the Fourth of July approaches it
is apparent that the celebration in
North Platte will bo moro elaborate
than any given in recent yonrB. Sovornl
now features will be introduced, ono of
which is displays of Japaneso fire
works. Thoro will bo two exhibitions
of these fireworks, ono about five
o'clock-immcdiately following tho
races tho other at night. Another
feature not new, but not seen hero for
a number of years, will be the balloon
ascensions and, parachuto drops, of
which there will bo two, one in tho
forenoon and ono in the evening.
Tho nutomobilo races promise to be
ono of the big events of the day.
Several inquiries havo been received
from parties at Ognlalln and Brndy
relativo to the races and it is probable
tthcro will be entries from those places.
Tho exact course over which tho cars
will run will be announced in a day or
two. There promises to be a good list
of entries in tho motorcycle races.
.One feature of tho parndo will bo
tho fioats, of which there promises to
bo moro than tho uaunl numbor. In
addition to those representing business
houses, thcro will bo several by tho
fraternal sociotics.
Tho several contests by the firo de
partment will bo warmly contested,
practice work for tho raceH having
started several days ago.
There will be tho usunl number of
minor races for men, boys and girls.
Bryan No Longer An Idol.
Mr. McCune, of Omahn, Bpent Sat
urday in town ostensibly in tho inter
ests of tho World-Herald, but in reality
to feel tho pulse of the democrats ns
to their preference for United StateB
senator, as between Hitchcook and
Bryan. His visit hero developed the
fact that somo of those who "make"
democratic politics in Lincoln county
do not idolize Brynn as they did in
former years; in fnct Bomi of the
former Bryan worshippers are now
Hitchcock boomers, and to find thnt
4lhis condition exited .proved plen'sing.
to Mr. McCune. Incidentally u loading
democrat asserted that petitions nomi
nating Brynn for senator had been
received here for signatures, but they
hnd been returned without a signor.
Entertains at Cards.
Tho thirty members of the Harmony
Club and several invited guests passed
a delightful evening Friday nt tho well
appointed homo of Mrs. J. C. Feder-
hoof, who was assisted by her daughter
Mrs. G. S. Huffman. The, entertaining
feature was high five, eight tables boing
in use and a dozen or more games
played. Miss O'Connor won tho ladies'
prize and Mrs. Fred Waltemath the
ladies' consolation. Fortunate in hav
ing partners who wore better card
players than themselves, Fred Wfclte
mnto and Mr. Bare won tho same num
ber of games and in cutting cards to
decido tho tie, tho latter won. The
gentlemen's consolation emblem went
to C. S. Clinton.
At midnight an enjoyable two course
lunch was served, Misses Irma Huff
man, Helen Waltemath and Mnyme
Pizer assisting.
Drouth is Broken. ,
The protracted drouth which covered
this Bection of Nebraska was broken
Friday afternoon by a heavy rain which
continued for about twenty minutes nnd
during which six-tenths of an inch of
crop roviver foil. This was .followed by
another rain nt nine in the evening,
when fivo-tenths of un inch fell.
This rain will havo a very bencficiul
effect on corn, pasture fields and hay
land, ami will probably help out somo
of tho small grain. In most cases, how
over, tho rain came too luto to save the
small grain crop, especially oats and
In tho county court Saturday the
case of tho state against Mrs. Eliza
Nation was neard. Tnis was n caso
wherein Walter Recard filed a complaint
that Mrs. Nation be placed under peaco
bonds. In tho complaint Recard nald
that on May 15th Mrs. Nation threat
ened to run a pitchfork through him,
and on tho following !day said she
would kill him if it took a Iifo time.
Mrs. Nation is n woman weighing
about 300 pounds, and seems to havo a
temper commensurate with her weight.
The evidence in tho case shojved that
both tho plainliff and defendant were'
quarrelsome each with tho other and
both wero bound over to keep the
A Friendly Warning.
Motorcyclist must reduce their speed
on tho streets to tho limit provided by
ordinnnco and keep their lamps lighted,
or arrests will follow, There Is no de
sire to cause anyone trouble, but this
warning must bo heeded. This also
applies to drivers of automobiles. By
order of The Police.
The Farmers' Picnic.
Should the weather provo plcsant a
large crowd is expected to bo present
at the third annunl picnic to bo held at
tho oxporimental sub-station next Thurs
day. The picnic has been well ndver
tlscd in tho section between Lexington
and Sidney, and It Is believed that
many farmers will como for tho pur
poso of seeing tho experiments In dry
farming which havo been conducted on
tho farm. To see whathas been accom
plished in this line is certainly worth
tho while. Tho cowboy band will bo in
attendance nnd State Senator Brown
will delivor an address on dry forming.
So The People May Know
What a real luxury is after dinner,
just try a Platto Vnlloy or Amorn
Cigar. Glvo it a fair and impartial
test Don't think becnuso it Is made
In North Plntte that It is not good. Wo
will guarantee our goods to bo made of
tho very highost grade of Domestic and
Havana tobocco on tho market. Our
output this month is 10,000 cigars moro
than last month, tho lnrgost month yet.
Why? Because wo deliver tho goods.
Quality tells. .
Local Mention,
Tho Indian Card Club will meet to
morrow nttornoon Willi Mrs. J. A.
Andy Liddcll hns been appointed
night foreman at tho Union Pacific ice
houses, a position he will acceptably
Tho Hotel Timmcrmnn served a
splendid table d' hoto dinner Sunday
and was accorded u generous patron
age, tho dining room being tilled irom
12:30 until two o'clock.
A sneak thief entered tho Y. M. C.
A. rooms nfter tho closing hour Fridny
night and relieved tho cash drawer of
four dollars. Suspicion attaches to a
certain young man in town.
Five head of horses and four mules
were burned to death in a lire wnicn
destroyed tho barn of Sigol Melton
Bouthwest of Wallace. JOno thousand
uusncis oi grain, several sets oi Har
ness, three saddles and other property
were burned.
Ladies' Hats at your own prico, to
close out, at The Leader.
Rev. T. B. Greenlee, of Omaha, who
assisted at tho dedicatory services at
the Presbyterian church Sunday, left
today for Colorado, whoro ho will
spend a month's vacation. Mrs.
Greenlee will remnin in town for n fow
days and thon return to Omaha.
Ladies' Shirts, in china silk, black
and white, just tho cool garments for
hot weather, havo just urrived at Tho
Leader and are being sold nt a discount
of twenty per cent.
Mrs. O. R. Robinson very pleasantly
entertnined sixteen young Indies nt a
pre-nuptinl china Bhower in favor of
Miss Vera Sitton on Friday afternoon
After an amusing guessing contest
each guest was given material out of
which sho was to make sntchot bags
for tho brido's trousseau, and these
proved to be pretty as well as iiBeful.
Miss Sitton was tho recipient of many
beautiful pieces . of china and nt the
close of tho afternoon enjoynblo re
freshment wero served.
The Only Double Track
Line Between North
Improved Train Service
to Chicago
The electric -lighted Denver Special
leaves every evening, arrives at Chicago
next day at 1:30 p. m,; a solid through
train with convenient schedules and
all travel conveniences.
Direct connection at Chicago
eighteen-hour trains to the east. : '
That is What They Say About
Them in North Platte, and It Is
Therefore, Reliable.
Another proof, moro evidence, North
Platto testimony to swell tho long list of
locnl people who endorso tho old Quaker
remedy, Donn's Kidney Pills. Read
this convincing endorsement of that re-
markablo preparation:
H. G. Brooks, North Tlatte, Nebr.-r
says: "Early last fall I had occasion to
use Doan'B Kidney Pills when suffering
from 'piercing pains nnd a stiffness.
through tho small of my back and kid-
noys nnd I received great benefit. Tho
kidney secretions wero too frequent
nnd painful in passago and during tho
night .1 was obliged to got up many
times. I always felt tired and miserable
and 1 was failing rnpidly in health when
procured Doan'B Kidney Pills at Mcj
Donell & GrnveB' Drug Store. They
helped me from tho first and after I
had taken tho contents of two boxes,
I was cured. I am glad to recommend
this remedy to other kidnoy Bufforors."
For salo by all dealers. Prico GO
cents. FoBtcr-Milburn Co. . Buffalo.
Now York, aolo agents for tho United
Remember tho name Doan'B and
tnko no others. '
Close in Property for Sale.
Wo havo listed for salo nn eight room
housp on W. 4th St., only three houses
west of tho court house. This tironortv
'is in good repair, and one of tho best lo
cations in tno city, it interested, see
us quick.
Tehi'le Real, Estate & Ins. Agency.
1 & 2 McDonald Block
Twenty Boys Wanted to work for
a Shetland pony, cart and harness.
Liberal pay to bright boys, besides tho
chance to earn a pony. Successful boys
will be given pormanentpositions which
will not interfere with school duties.
Hershey Land.
I offer tho 200 ucro tract, of Jand,.that
adjoins tho town of Hcrshoy oh tho
sonth In 50 aero trnctaf at from $45.00
per aero up. Easy torms'writo.,..
" r ' D. O. Patterson, a
Omaha, Nebr.
Railroad Men
Attention . .
We have just received a ship
ment of
. . SOAP PASTE . .
It is a new preparation from the
famous Colgate factories and will
remove grease and grime quickly
leaving the skin smooth .and
clean. It differs from other soap
paste in that it is made with
glycerine and contains, no free
10c per can, 3 for 25 cents.
Family Druggists,
Automatic Safety Sigtial:yf-s
Platte and Chicago.
Seven trains daily between
North Platte and Chicago. Be sure ,-;
your tickets read via the -f
Chicago, Union Pacific
& North Western Line
Full information on application to
Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R.