The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, June 14, 1910, Image 3

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Evaporated Milk
Contains double the nu
triment and none of the
impurities so often found
in so-called fresh or raw
The use of LibVa in
sures pure, rich, whole
some, healthful milk that
is superior in flavor and
economical in cost.
Libby's Evaporated Milk is
the purest, freshest high
grade milk, obtained
from selected, carefully
fed cows. It is pasteur
ized and then evaporat
ed (the water taken out),
filled into bright, new
tins, sterilized and sealed
airtightuntilyou need it.
Use Libby's and tell
your friends how good
it is.
HBby, McNeill
& lobby
Choice quality; red nnd roans,
bought on orders. Tens of Thou
winds to select from. Satisfaction
Guaranteed. Correspondence Inrl
ted. Oomo and nee (or yourself.
National Live Stock Com. Co.
A! either
Kansas Gty .Mo. St. Joseph, Mo. S. Omaha. Neb.
nxicv n v v-it t t?o .rr..t.
LSmJ A SUA A-WA .1 .1 .IV Lr.tla A k
hrtt.clrsvn, uTDtUtn
Ul ,000 tv ftica t.thc p.
LtiU III HaftiflM.
nnitAilsr injur uy
thine. daraDitHltr
foilv?. Ufalldotlrn
lftU IfeKtlbAto.
Your Liver
Ss Clogged up
That's Why You're Tired Out el
Sorts Haro No Appetite.
will pot you right
r a Id h days.
They do
Ihttr duty.
tsatntii, IndlgtiHoB, and Sick tladscBe.
GENUINE mutt bear itgnaturct
SSi electrotypes
tr for sals at tho lowest prices br I
I In (Trent Tarlet;
hkhtkhs sshsi
Nebraska Directory
m.00amlup. AlleUniUtd tiafcee, lohlor rioltsl. Ileal
appllullf youpiirchato. Marhlnen shipped anywhere
onappmral. Noilrpoltmiuirnl. Write for I.rjtti lit L
122 north llth Street Lincoln, Neb.
T V Ea tm U 1 i V O this process all broken,
parts of machinery mido good ss new. Welds
ca':iron. cast steel, aluminum, copper, brats or
any other metal. Expert automobile repairing.
BPHT8CHY MOTOR CO., Counoll Bluffs.
br mall at cat prices. Fend for free catalogcs,
nttentlou. All (.applies for tho Amateur strictly
frrsli. Send for catalogue and finishing price.
Box 1107. Omaha. Nob.
Iloomii from tl.lW tip alngle, 7ft cents up double.
Utb 114
OiUUi Stt.
AmrlonS2.oo per day end upwards.
niillll tk Doove sir
UMJIiin at Union Depot.
Take Docl Street Oar
NOWLKDOK itm) timber
nhouliln't ho rrtuch lined
till they nre acnionoil."
. "Knowlcdifo In nn uncnmmnn degree la
what tho world cnlla wisdom."
Some More About Rice.
Rico Is n cheap food nnd should bo
served often In tho homo. There nro
any number of ways of serving It so
that ono need never tiro of monotony.
Served plain, scnBoncd with butter
nnd snlt, It takes tho plnco of n vege
table at dinner, nnd If woll cooked is
most ncceptnblo thts way.
A dainty dessert of rlco and cream
is nmdo an follows:
Rice and Almond Cream,
Illanch one-hair cupful of almonds,
cut In strips or chop Ann. Put them
Into n double boiler with thrco cups
of milk, one-fourth cup of Btigar, one
half teaspoonful of salt and when
hot add ono cup. of well-washed, rlco.
Cook until tho rlco Is tendor. When
ready to serve fill shorbot glasses half
full of tho rlco, add a teaspoonful of
apple Jelly, then fill with thick
whipped cream and another bit of
Jelly on tho top.
Rice gems nro very nlco nnd eco
nomical for ono enn uso tho cold
cooked rlco left over. Heat ono egg,
add ono cupful of flour, ono-half tea
spoonful of snlt and ono teaspoonful
of baking powder, and ono cupful
milk, and ono cupful of cooked rjco.
Dako as gems.
Chicken and Rice, Spanish Style.
Cut up a chicken as for frlcassco. In
a deep frying pan put half a cup of
ollvo oil and heat, gradually adding
two bruised cloves of garllo. When tho
garlic begins to color lay In tho
chicken nnd turn several times until
a golden brown all over: add two
sweet red poppers cut In strips, two
white onions sliced. When tho onions
nro yellow add four largo tomatoes,
peele'd nnd qunrtored, and one-half
cup of well-washed rlco, and sulllclent
stock or water to cover. Simmer un
til tho rlco Is tender, nddlng salt and
moro stock bb needed. Servo very
Scrambled Egg3 With Rice.
Take ono cupful of cold cooked rlco.
put in a saucepan with two table
spoonfuls of water, cook very slowly,
stirring constantly. Sonson with salt,
peppor and a teaspoonful of Worcester
shire sauco. Servo on toast.
m ALWAYS think ahe muat
JK. hnvo n wonderfully ac
tive liver," nald a clever
woman, apeaklnrj of a friend, "for sho Is
never Riven to reproachful apella. Sho
never to my knowledge, .tins Imagined
herself to bo wronned."
Tasty Dishes Easily Prepared.
Roast the rump end of a loin of
mutton nnd cover It with two sheets
of buttered papor; roast two hours.
Havo ready some French beans,
boiled tender nnd well drainod. After
the mutton has been removed hent
them in tho gravy and -servo as a bed
for tho meat
Italian Stew.
Fry a bIIco of salt pork, brown In
tho fat threo pounds of bcof for a pot
roast. Add to tho meat four onions,
six tomatoes, a bunch of sweot herbs
nnd parsley, and a tablospoonful of
salt, cover and stew four or five
hours on tho back of tho stovo. Tho
cover should bo tight and never allow
the contents to got above tho simmer
ing point
Banana Snow.
Tako six rlpo bananas, slico and
rnnsh as flno as possiblo. Add tho
Julco of a lemon, tho whlto of ono
egg and whip to a cream. The longer
you whip tho more banana snow you
have. After a thorough beating add
two tablospoonfuls of sugar and boat
until the sugar Is dissolved. When
ready to sorvo decorato with English
walnuts. Raspberries, strawberries or
any kind of fruit may bo used.
Household Hints.
Keep a couple of pairs of old Block
ing legs to draw on ovor the sleeves
while bnklng nnd frying. Thoy will
snvo burns and blisters if pulled down
over tho hand when reaching Into the
oven. Holders made of old stocking
legs are very satisfactory
rled Potatoes, New Style.
Put tho potatoes peoled, through
tho coarse cutter of tho meat chop
per, or chop about the size of n large
pea. ScuFon well nnd turn Into n
smoking hot frying pan, in which
there is sufllclent hot fat to grease
tho bottom genorously. Do not stir
until well-browned, then cover and
set on the back part of tho stovo to
finish cooking, nnd roll out on tho
plqttur as an omelet when serving.
This Is ono of tho nicest ami mast at
tractive ways of serving fried pota
toes. Garnish witb parsloy If desired
A perfectly delicious breakfast dish
Is baked mackerel. If tho fresh can
not bo obtained sco that It Is well
freshened. Put In tho oven with a lit
tlo water In tho pan to parboil. Ton
minutes before serving pour over a
cupful of good thick, sweat cream and
you havo a dish "fit for tho godH."
OY conies, Krlf Roes, wo
r know not how;
KvcrythlnR la Ituppy now,
Rvorvthlnn; la upward striving;
TIh na easy now for the heart to ho true
Aa for the Kruaa to bu cretin or aklca to
bo blur
Tla tho nutiirn) wny of living.
Some Company Dishes.
A very nppctlzlng way to Borvo
cheeso for any meal Ib to uso tho fol
lowing rule: Tal:o ono cako of croam
choose, ono cup of grated Now York
cheese, mix woll wfth thick cream nnd
linlf n cup of stuffed olives, season
with salt and cayenne pepper and
lorm In n roll Decorate with thin
slices of tho olives and serve on a
dainty plate on n dolly, each guest
serving himself by cutting n sllcn
with a small butter spreader laid on
tho plate.
A dainty dessert, easy to preparo
for the unexpected guestt Is prepared
by adding mnrshmullows cut In quar
ters with shears, n few blanched,
shredded or chopped almonds stirred
into Kwcotened whipped croam. Dec
orato with candied cherries, ginger or
cubes of bright Jolly. Sorvc In shor
hot glasses.
A delicious sandwich Is made by
mixing chopped almonds (blanched)
with n bojled salad dressing, Just
enough to spread nicely. Nutter tho
bread, then add tho tilling. For a
swoot sandwich nothing Is daintier
than grated maple sugar and walnuts
chopped and browned In a very little
butter, adding enough cream to mix
HIS awecteat honey Ih Rath
JHL ired out of the hive of n
buay, unselfish, useful
nnd holy life.'
Onion and Bean Puree.
Tnkc a cup of cooked beans of nnj
kind, baked will do; pour n pint o(
cold water or macaroni, or rlco water
bvor thorn. Minco a good sized onion
fine, ndd salt and tho onion to tho
soup, nnd simmer until smooth; rub
through a slcvo, then add a tablo
spoonful of butter nnd half a tablo
Bpoonful of flour and n cupful of milk,
cook together, pour In, the pureo, add
a dash of paprika nnd a little minced
parsley, In tho bottom of each Boup
plate lay a thin sltco of lomon. Servo
with croutons mndo by buttering n
slice of bread, cut in cubes and brown
In tho oven, or without using butter,
fry In deep fnt until brown.
Such a soup is sufllclent with a lit
tle brend and butter and some pro
serves or fruit for nn evening meal.
Cheap and nourishing soups uro
worth spending tlmo looking up.
Grlddled Eggs. i
Heat the crlddle. butter liirlitlv nnd
1 range small buttered muffin rings on
It. Drop an egg in each and tdrn ns
Boon ns lightly browned. They re
semble fried eggs, but nro moro deli
cate Veal and Sweet Potatoes.
Got tho Inexpensive cut of veal
from tho breast Havo tho ribs
cracked and a , pocket tnado In tho
tlssuo which lies between thorn and
tho fleshy covering. Fill tho pocket
with stuinng mndo of two cups of
breadcrumbs, two minced onions and
salt nnd cayenne. Dredge tho meat
with flour and pack around It n suf
flclont number of sweet or Irish pota
toes. Haste during tho roasting, add
lng a pint of water to tho pan.
Armenian Rice Pilau.
Cook one-half cup of rlco until ten
der, salt and pour ovor tho rice two ta
WespoonfulB or melted butter In
which ono tablospoonful of oulon has
been cooked, add half a pound of
chopped meat nnd cook. When nearly
dono add a fow walnut ments. Servo
Problem of Coat nf I lulnn
In diBCUBsing tho problom of the
assistant profossor In American unl
versltlos, in science. Prof. Guldo
I f.
Marx of Stanford university snyH
"Tho rapid Increase In tho cost of llv
lng in tho past, 20 years has mailt
tho situation acute; for there has beet
no general lncroaso of salaries com
mensurato with this, and an u cnnn
quenco these men find themselves
driven to a lower and lower standard
of living. This Is a grnvo mcnacer to
tho ofllclency of tho Institution both
presont nnd future, for it must not bu
forgotten that tho highest ranks must
bo recruited from .Inw time from
men whoso development haa neces
sarily been limited by tho conditions
surrounding this rank."
A Speedy Fault.
Mr. Agilo (to Mr. Stoutmnn, run
ning for a car) "Hallo, old boy!
thought you wore too buy to run like
that." Mr. Stoutman ilaiimilillvi
J "Easily explained, my dear boy; lazl-
iittm runs in our iamuy. ' blppln-cott'u,
Many women who Buffor with back
ache, bcarlng-down pain, headachen
and nervousness do not know thnt
theso ailments nro usually duo to
troublo with tho
kidneys. Doan's
Kidney Pills ro
movo tho cnuso.
Mrs. JoBoph
Cross, Church St.,
Morrllton, Ark.,
sayss "For wooks
I was bont doublo
by pain in my back
nnd tho kidney bo
crotions wero pro
fuse. My for.t and
ankles wero lmdly swollon nnd I had
headaches nnd dizr.y spoils. Six doc
tors trcatod mo without relief nnd I
Anally began taking Doan'a Kldnoy
Pills. They cured mo."
Remember tho nnmfj Donn'e.
For salo by all dealers. GO cents a
box. Fo8tor-MUburn Co., Buffalo, N. Y.
Hero Is a story about a diplomatic
negro waiter; also about two well-
known Kansas men, who can go by
the nnmefl of Smith nnd Jones, Just to
tell the ynrn.
Smith nnd Jones look much nllko
And uro frequently taken for each
other. Ono day Smith was In a cer
tain big hotel not u thousand miles
from KanBati City nnd went Into tho
dining room for dlnnor. Tho nogro
waiter busily brushed off tho crumbs
and said: "Why, how Ib you, Mr.
Jones, huw Is you? I's glad to sco you.
1 hasn't seen you slnco I waited on
your tablo when you nil used to havo
o little gamo upstaihs."
"I'm frald yoti aro mistaken," Bald
Smith, very quickly, "My name isn't
Jones. You havo tho wrong man."
"Nuff said; ntiff Bald," smiled tho no
gro, with much bowing nnd scraping.
"Ah knowB nil right when to keop
mnh motif shet; Ah knows nil right,
Mr. Jones." Kansas City Journal.
$100 Reward, 100.
Tbe rradtri ot this paper nr.l be pleased to lfarn
that there Is nt least one dreaded duraso that seieare
has been able to cure In all Us stacrs. and thst Is
Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh Cure ti tho only positive
cure now known to the medical fraternity. Catarrh
being a onMltutlonal disease, requires a conMitu
tlonat trratraciit. Hall's Catarrh Cure Is taken In
ternally, actlnff Ulmtly npon the blood and raucous
surfaces ol the sratrm, thrrrby drstroytns the
foundatloi ot the dlwaar. and nlvlni the patient
strength by ImllUlnn up the constitution and BMbU
Ins; nature In dome Its work. The proprietors have
so much faith In lu curative powers that they oltef
One Hundred Dollars tor any raso that It. (alia to
cure. Honrt lor Hat of tntlmnnlals
Addrres K. J. CHUNKY A CO., Toledo, a
Hold by nil Drurcltt. JSe.
Taxo Hall's Family I'lUa for coaittD&Uon.
Perspiring Vegetation.
Tho oyes of a llttlo Washington
iiiIbb were attracted by tho sparklo of
dew at early morning. ' "Mamma,". sho
exclaimed: "It's hottcr'n I thought it
'What do you moan?"
"Look hero, tho grnss Is all covered
with perspiration." Daptlst Common
wealth. , All Tired Out.
Do you feel dull, occasionally out of
sorts?' Headaches and Dizziness? Tho
fault. Ib cither with your atotnaUh or your
liver. The HUfc, siiro tmtl easy way to cot
rid of ulther trouble Ih to tnke NATURE'S
REMEDY. Tako nn NU Tablet to nlRht
It will sweeten tho stomach and rcRulato
tho liver, kldneyn nnd bowels. Knsy-suro
to net. Get a 23c llox. The A. II. LowU
Medicine Co., St. Louln, Mo.
Not Exactly What She Meant.
She Wo've bin very busy at tho
mothers' mcotin' gettln' ready for tho
solo of work.
Ho Oh! I 'opes It will bo a success.
She Yes, I think so; yer soo tho
vicar Is goln' to tako most of our
clothes off of us. Tatler.
Not In the Agreement.
Daniel had been ciiBt into tho lions'
"My main objection," ho said, as ho
playfully tweaked a lion's mane, "is
that I get no movlng-plcturo royal
ties." Puck.
Important to Mothora
Examino carefully every bottlo of
CASTORIA, a snfo and euro remedy for
Infants und children, and sco that it
tlnnra 4in
Signature of C&affi&CM
In Uso For Over 80 Years.
Tho Kind You llavo Always Bought
Such n Difference)
"Your daughter plays very Bwoctly
on thn piano."
"That's my wife nlaylnc
"I know It." Rlrmlngham Age
Herald. fled, AVcnk, AVrnrr. Watery Eyra.
Relieved Uy M til l no J jye Remedy. Try
Murine For Your Kye Troubles. You Will
l.lko Murine. It Soothes. 50c at Your
DruRRlats. AVrite l'or Kye Rooks. Free.
Murtno lyo Remedy Co., Chlcaeo.
Hearsay Evidence.
Mrs. Frost How's your husband?
Mrs. Snow Tho members of his
club any ho is looking splendid. Life.
The vntikfyinR quality in Lewis' Sin
gle Hinders found in no other Co cigar.
Those who nre untruo to themselves
nro false to others.
When You Think
Of the pain which many women experience with every
month it Ynakes the gentleness and kindness always associ
ated with womanhood seem to be almost a miracle.
While in general no woman rebels against what she re
gards a a natural necessity thero is no woman who would
not gladly be free from this recurring period of pain.
Dr. Pierce' a Favorite Prescription makes
viea!t women atronji and sick women
well, and Uvea them freedom from pain.
It establishes rc&alarlty, mubduea lntlam
nation, heals ulceration and cures te
male weakness,
Siok women are invited to consult Dr. Tierce by letter,
frtt. All corrcaDondenco strictly nrivate and sneredlv
confidential. Write without fear and without fee to World's Dispensary Med
leal Association, R. V. Pierce, M. D., President, Buffalo, N. Y.
If you want a book that tells all about woman's diseases, and how to ctiro
them at lion., send-21 ono-cent stamps to Dr. Plerco to pay cost of mailing
only, and he will send you a fret copy of hit great thousand-page illustrated
Common Sense Medical Adviser revised, up-to-date edition, in paper covers.
Is handsome cloth-binding, 31 stamps.
asssss Ik? M&l mm Wm rWaeirsfilHTI
original and
Syrup of Figs
Senna, known
world as the best
for men, women and
has the full name
every package. It
leading druggists
size only, regular
per bottle. The
times offered arc
and do not
Why Have an Overheated
Kitchen in Summer?
When the sultry days come and the coal range
makes the kitchen almost unbearable and cooking a
dreaded task, put out the range fire and try the
newest method of cooking in hot weather use a
.New Perectioit
Oil Cook-stove
-What a contrast! The kitchen no longer is
stifling hot, the work is now done with comfort, and
the housewife is not worn out with the heat.
reads "Hew Perfection."
Standard Oil Company
Description or a Mountain.
"Jimmy," said tho toucher, "what Ib
a capc7"
"A capo Is land extending Into tho
"Correct. William, define n gulf."
"A gulf is water cxtonding Into tho
"Good. Christopher," to a Bmall,
eager-looking boy, "what Is a moun
tain?" Christopher shot up from his scat
so suddenly ns to startlo tho teacher,
nnd promptly rosponded: "A mountain
is land extending into tho nlr."
Limit to Woman's Suffrage.
Women have obtnlned tho right to
vote in Krntn, n provlnco of Austria.
They will bo allowed to cast their
ballots in person nnd not by proxy.
There Is, however, ono limitation Im
posed on them. A special tlmo of tho
day has been allotted to thorn for tho
excrnlso of this right.
This I tho rmiinlof I'tilnktlltrt i'ttrv ItuvU), A ro
liable mnrdr for rthirr lien, dyiu-ntorr uml all bowol
complaints. (Intthovnnulno, i5o, lio and Wo.
Many n man falls to mnko good be
cause ho spends most of his tlmo try
ing to prove thnt luck Is against hlnr.
Sirs. IVInstow'a Sootlilnjr Bynip.
Fnr children tnciblnx. uifli-ns llio kuiiik, reuurmln
tUiuuiailun,allay luln, vuru wind nolle, &hj u UjIUo.
Toll, says tho provorb, is tho Biro of
fame. Hiirlpldos.
and Elixir of
throughout tho
of family laxatives,
children, always
of the California Fig
13 for sale by all
everywhere, one
price 50 cents
Imitations some
of Inferior quality
give satisfaction;
should be
She save3 her strength, keeps
her health and is better able to
enjoy the summer.
The New Perfection does everything
that any other stove can do all the fam
ily cooking, baking, washing and Iron
ing. Mo smoke, no dust, no odor. Heal
is applied directly nnd not wasted A
turn, and tho flame is out.
Tho New Perfection stove has a
Cabinet Top with shelf for keepinf
plates and food hot, drop shelves' foi
the colTec pot or saucepans, and nickeled
towel racks.
It lias long; turquolsc-bluo enamel
chimneyo. Tho nickel finish, with the
bright blue of the. chimneys, makes the
Btovo very attractive and invites clean
liness. Made with -1, 2 and 3 burners
the 2 and 3-bumer stoves can be bad
with or without Cabinet.
nTcrTdi'alM'rTfrTwrifrsi If not atyonrs.wrltBfoi ,
Itescrlptlvt Circular to llis iicatut agcocr ot lbs
An Unusual Attribute.
Llttlo Johnnie, who cannot pro
nounco S, has boon frightened Into
keeping out of tho nttle by talcs told
by his nurse ot a dreadful ghost thnt
llvos In tho dim recesses under tho
eaves. Tho other day ho was over
hoard to Bay confidentially to a small
"Wo'vo got nn old gho't up In our
To which his friend, much inter
oBtcd, responded: "Do ho butt?"
A omllo that won't come off soon be
comes monotonous.
Vntan K. no1rman,Waaik.
liiiUi),ll,U llooknirw" Ulib.
cat refaranoca. iitt rMulia,
or Morphine Habit Trtated.
rice trial. Laxa where other
remedies have Ulled, iiwcullt
Dr. a 0. COrITI.HA.SaiU m, 40SW.SIall.,)(tTis
Sticky Sweating
nftor taking Baits or cathartlo
waters did you ever notice thai
woury all poiiti feeling tho palms
of your hands sweat and rotten
tasto in your mouth Cathartics
only movo by sweating your bowels
Do a lot of hurt Try a OASCA
RET and soo how much easier the
job Is dono how much better
you fool. tut
CASCARRTfl loc a box foT a week
treatment, all druRirUts. Mfcgtat
la the Mid. UUiloa boxta taostlv