m r. wallaceY M j Silver plate that H H that does not give H M IJ atifnctory service jH Clinton, Jeweler and Optician J .. St UK. n. t. dKULK, .. rvPMTlPT t; UE.11 1131. Jt H Ovor first National, l'hono MB Master Chna. Rinckcr is visiting tho McGovorn family in Denver. Mr. and Mrs. John Dratt returned Sunday from a week's visit in Omaha. Mrs.W. T. Beery was hostess at a meeting of the A. B. Club yesterday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. P. J. Norton have re turned from Omaha whoro thoy visited friends forsovornl days. Miss Alice Albco left this morning for Kearney to attend tho summer school of the statu normal. C. A. Dill left this morning for the farm occupied by George Scharmun where ho will spend a week or so. Hogs have boon on the toboggan slido for neveral davit, the bulk in South Omuha selling yesterday at $9.00. , Otto Stevio is visiting relatives in town, having arrived from Shoridan, Wyo., tho latter part of last week. Miss Anna Ericsson left yesterday for Denvor. whoro she will spend tho summer with relatives. Mlsu Ruth Stroitz. who has been attending tho Brownell Hall school at Omuha, will roturn homo tonight. Ingrain Carpets, all grades, at Wil cox Department Storo. Mrs. W. C. Elder, Mrs. Thos. Duko nnd Mrq Lottie Gronen went to Grand Island today to attend a mooting of tho Dogrco of Honor, 1 A government pension of ?12 por month has been granted Dr. Agnes H. V. Siwotlund, of Brady, whoso hus- bund was a veteran of tho civil war. .... The Hershey unso ball team una n bunch of enthusiasts drove to Wallaco Sunday in autos and defeated the Wal laco team by a score of soven to one, Mrs. Wm. Killlan. of Rock Springs, Wyo., is tho guest of her Bister Mrs. Hail IstHrance. Be sure to nee .that It is written in tho old reliable St. PauL Buatt & Goodman. wyo.,, Is tho guest oi her Bister Mrs. Sylvester Friend. Mrs. Killlan was ono -5 .1.- I.. t.l-. - XTH. T1I..H.. Ul inu uuriy iumuumn ui iiuiwi i iuiiu. 9x12 Rugs from $10 up at Wilcox Do partment Store. Mr. and Mrs. D. J. Grcqloy, of North Platte, spent tho nlcht in tho city and left this morning for Orleans whore thoy will visit with friends nnd relatives for a few weeks. Kearney Hub. Tho Junior Endeavorors of tho Pres byterlan church, under tho direction of Miss Gallaway. guvo a crcditablo enter tainment at tho church last evening, Tho program consisted of recitations, Bongs, and scarf and Hag drills. Comnllmentnrv to M'ss Mabel Done bower, Mrs. Geo. A. Saint nnd Miss Kato Oilman gavo an "nfternoon" at the Gilman residence yesterday. About thirty young ladles wore present. An elaborato two courso luncheon was sor ved. For Sale. Baled buy at $7.00 por ton. John Biutt. Miss Anna Gibbon is visiting friends in Omaha. Miss Amy Longford went to Lexing ton this morning to visit the Misses Morris. Wanted--ADprcnticc girls for dress making. Mrs. Mary Dunn, cast Fifth street. Mrs. Minor Hlnman returned tho lat ter part of last week from a visit in Denver. M. L. Parker was taken to tho Cun ningham hospital last night for treat ment. Dr. P. W. Miller, Dentist, offlco ovor Dixon's jewelry store. Mrs. Mary Dunn and Mrs. Martha Graham wero guests of friends in Max well Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. John Voseipka are re joicing over the arrival of a baby girl, which arrived last Thursday. Mrs. Ed Connera was discharged from tho Cunningham hospital yester day after two weeks' treatment. A class of seventeen boys and girls received their first communion nt St. Patrick's church Sunday morning. E. C. Ringer leaves tomorrow for Knnsas whoro ho will for a week or so visit his father, who has been in ill health. Alfulfa. cane and millet, corn and all kinds of gaiden seeds at Hershey's. Misses Mabel nnd Maude Turpic, who have been attending school at Denver, arrived homo today to spend tho sum mer vacation. Is this coo), damn weather duo to existence of the Halley comet? If do. plooso hike, Mr' Comet, for we need warm weather to start corn a-growing. Wo have 8 per cent money to loan to help you build or buy a home. Buatt & Goodman. Chief Lowell arrested two Japs Sat urrlnv evenincr nn thn ehnrcn nf nhnnt- ing craps. Thoy were arraigned before' Juatro u der vesterdav and lined live dollars each and costs. Mrs. Wood White, in comnanv with her narcnts. Mr. and Mra. T. M. Hain- line, of Grand Island, leaves this week on a pleasure trip to Washington, D. C, and other eastern cities. Tho N. A. P. club of the Catholic church wero the guests of Miss Lem- mer last evening atakensington. Thero was a largo attendance and the even ing proved a dellghtfuly one. Bratt & Goodman nre offeririir errant bargains today in improved farms, un improved land, houses and lots. See tnem before you buy. Miss Alico Davis, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Warren Davis of South Om aha, former North Platto residents. will sail tomorrow for Paris, whoro sho goes to take up a two years' courso in music. Claude Dclany returned Sunday from Omaha, where no spent several days, and whilo there consulted a physician who advised absolute rest. lie will go to Gothenburg tomorrow to remain m deflnitoly. A letter received by Mrs. L. W. Walker from Mrs. Isaac Dillon veater- day stated that a specialist had made a partial examination of Mr. Dillon, but further tests wero necessary before a pronouncement of his trouble could bo made. If you have idlomonov and want it to earn a good rate of interest in first mortgage loans on good income prop erty, can on urate & uooaman. vv. 11. (J. woodhurst and two sons loft Saturduy night for a visit in Omaha and Glonwood, Iowa. Mr. Woodhurst may decide to go to Excelsior Springs uoioro roturning homo. Ho has been Buffering with rheumatism for some time. John Deero Implements and Weber & Stoughton wagons at Herehey's. Will Rector, whn lino Vinon nn fVm cruiser Takoma, has been transferred to tno battleship Massachusetts, which lott Wow York vesterdav for Plvmnnth. TV . I 1 I . ' ungiunu, nnving on board a large num- uur ui ino Annapous cadets. For Sac Rubber tired Rfnnhnnn iinjuuu ui uu west courin street. The federal' arbitration board, which has been taking testimony in the wage controversy between 27,000 enginemen and lorty-nino railroads west 'of Chi cngo. handed down a decision in favor of the encinemcn. Tho nrhltrnttnn board granted tho employes GO per cent ui meir uumunu xor a izj per cent in crease. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of Flint National Hank Timmerman Gafe Opens Saturday, Though not all the furnishings have arrived, tho Hotel Timmerman enfo will open for the patronage of the public next Saturday. Tho cafe is provided with dining tables no well as a lunch counter, all the furniture being of the mission style. Mr. Timmerman invites the public to call next Saturday and give his cafe a trial. For Rent. Houses and unfnrnished rooms. Bhatt & Goodman. Weather forcast: Showers tonight or Wednesday. Warmer tonight. Maxi mum temperature yesterday 66; one year ago 74, minimum temperature this morning 52; one yenr ago G5. Two nice properties on W. Otli street for sale. Priceu $2,000 and $2,250. Let us show them to you. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. Since publishing the map of the Trustee's and Rivcrdalo Additions in last Friday's issue of the Tribune, four lots in Riverdale Addition on Fourth street havo been sold to two parties, each of whom will erect modern homes thereon In the near future. These were the first lots to be sold in River dale Addition. Furnished rooms to second floor, modern 523 west Fourth streot. Mrs. C. D. Wolfinger, rent, first or conveniences. wrlfn nt Clinf Wolfinger of the Rio Grand Southorn and suiter Miss Marie Phillips, of Rldsewav. Colo., are guests at the J H. Fonda residence whilo enrouto to their homo from Grand Island where Miss Phillips has been attending school. 1 mm 1 ace Leiuastcr tor Kamblcr or Mitchell caribeit on earth. A' card received by H. N. Smith this morning stated that Lew Farrlngton had been taken from Excelsior Springs to Omaha yesterday where an operation will be performed as soon as he has sufficient strength. He was put on a stretcher and placed in a baggage car and had tho constant attendance of a physician while enroute. Hail Insurance. This month is the month for hail. however, wo will hope that we miss it, but in order to be safe, insure your crops in tho Central National Fire in surance company. Represented by Tem ple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. A Dreadful Wound from a knlfo, a gun, a tin can, rusty nail, flro arms, or wound of any other nature, demands prompt treatment with uucklen s Arnica Halve to prevent blood poison or gangrene. It's the quickest, surest healer for all such wounds as also for Burns, Boils, Sores. Skin Eruptions, Ecezema, Chapped Hands, Corn or Piles. 25c. nt qtone Drug Co. Horse Sale. baturday, Juno 11th, at 2 n. m., at tho stockyards. Thirty head of heavy norses, good ucsn nnu good bono, TermB cash or equivalent. Nutter. & Booard. T. F. Watts, Auctioneer. For Rent. Wo have a nice seven room house on West Fourth Streot for rent. Temple Real Estate & Ins. Agency. S SEE S S THAT y 5 FIT' ' Miller-Made "Princeton" MAKE US PROVE IT. WHEN WE SAY TO YOU in an advertisement that we can, and will sell you better clothing for the money than you can get elsewhere MAKE US PROVE IT, Make us "shoiv you" When any dealer claims to give you better values than someone else, make him show you what he will give you for a certain amount, then come here, and see the quality of the goods that we give for the same amount. ' We like to have you compare our goods with ivhat you can get elsewhere. We say to you "Take this suit, match it in value if you can, at the same figure," We expect every man of good judgment to buy Ixis clothes where he can get the most actual value for the money that he pays. If we can show you that our clothing, at our prices, is the best for you to buy, we expect to clothe you. On the other hand, if you can find anybody, any where, who will give you more actual value for your money, we expect you to get your clothes there. ' We wish that we could show every critical, discriminating clothes buyer in North Platte, this spring the unusual values we have to offer. If we could, we would do all the clothes business in town. , WeWe ready to "show you." we Boy's Shoes. Sometimes it is difficult, know, for parents to get ust what thev want tn the way or shoes tor the ooys, but if you will try this store hese difficulties will cease to bother you. Our shoes for boys are made by makers whose sole efforts are given over to produce the most practical and lasting shoes possible for the crrowing feet of the boy. Wilcox Department Store. Lit ffl i lUrHBHWIrllllillEILLH Hi 111 nHrBHBflHlllfPH IH We are Offering the Announcement! For Men, Women and Children ArfflOr Plate HOSiery The Hosiery possessing wearing qualities, fit and and appearance fur superior to any hosiery ever berore offered at anything like this price PRICE PER PAIR 25 CENTS. If you want to cut your hosiery bill in half, buy Armor Piute Hosiery for the, entire family. Let us show you hosiery satisfaction and economy. SMAX.JL, The Big Shoe Man. Lees Insect Powder is the round package in red and yellow entiroly different in ap pearance, and equally different in effectiveness from other insect poisons offered In powder form. It itm't difficult to make a poison for insects. What requires skill and knowledge is in making a prepa ration that will actually destroy vermin on nn animal and with no injury to the nnimal itself. Herein is where Leo's product is different. Ours is thoroughly effec tive as a destroyor'of vermin and absolutely harmless to tho chick. Watch for tho yellow packages. sPropared in largo U-lb sprinkler top cans and sells at 25 Ctt. Each Exclusive Agents, SCHILLER & CO., Family Druggists, North Platte, Nebraska. What Does the Edison Say? Go to Rincker'a and buy Commence mont Presents, Books, Hammocks Fountain Pens, Talking Machines DREBERT CLOTHING CO., NORTH PLATTE AND McCOOK, NEB. WHAT PERFECT LINES! Every woman has heard the exclamation; what perfect lines. She has ad mired the type of figure that has elicited it Glory or despair has been hers, according to her own figure's endowment Yot inherent in from the svelte point are na tiful lines that sized one way made thn most by the corset Coraetry is a able as the fern- THE f f -wussarn CORSETS every figure to the embon ture'sown beau may be empha or the other or tho worst of right or wrong, fine art. as flex- inine form itself Flexible because it must overcome every unnatural condition and bring out the beauty. Such is the art of Gossard Corsetry, as individual to you as is your form. That is why -women of true discrimination aro seeking Gossard Corsets, and find in them a ransom from corset cares after years of needless worry and fruitless experiment. WIIiGOX DEPARTMENT STORE. WHEAT FLOUR CHEAPEST AND BEST FOOD U. S. GOVERNMENT TESTS PROVE IT. ARTICLES. ENERGY 10 CENTS WILL BUY. Eggs ....385 wm Beef, sirloin 410 wmm ; . . . Mutton, leg.. .: .....446 r- Milk.'. 1030 wmm t , Pork, loin 1035 mmmm , Cheese 1185 mmmm ! Butter 1365 hmhbi . t . 4 : " Whnnt Hronkfaqr Fnnrin 11fiH t 1 mm w mr vww a vvum - - t m, w W Rice : 2025 Potatoes '. 2950 Beans, dried 3040 WHEAT FLOUR 6540 (U. S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 142.) Energy Muscle and Strength Giving Qualities. One pound of Flour costing 2li to 3 Cents, will go as far as two pounds of Meat costing 15 to 20 cents per pound. The above table should prove to you beyond a doubt that the value of Wheat Bread as a food is away up; also that its cost, compared with other food, is away down. There is no better flour on the market than Best XXXX and Gold - Crown, manufactured by the North Platte Mill fit Grain Co. It is the flour of the classes and within the reach of the pocket book of the masses. FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS. I North Platte Mill & Grain Co, Kodak Novelties.