ANOTHER SKEPTIC CONVERTED 2KFf$liEN The United Doctors Dally Convince CABINET Hundreds of Their Great Power In Curing Disease. AIU 3 UU II Hni'DlIU iiua UIOUUOU o- oomo to the conclusion that npno of Mhcm know how to euro a real dla- case? If so, you arc In n bad way. Hut H THIS n tlmo to bo cloudy rind end, When our Mother Nature laughs nroilml. don't let your doubts keep "you from When even tlio deep blue heavens look mine tn thnun ronllv nrnni. nnnelnllRtH I Is tlio advlco of all who know of tho great work being ddno by tho United Doctors In their Omnha Instttuto on tho second floor of tho Ncvlllo Dlook, cor nor of Sixteenth and Harney streets. Hero Is a lcttor from Mr. John N'off of 1018 Vinton street, Omaha, Nehr., who nnd glvcH up nil hppo of over And KlnrtnosK breathes from the bios somlng ground 7 A Tew Salads. ' A salad la ono of thd most nppo tlzlng of dishes nnd ono should novor consider tho preparation of a satad na too much trouble. Aiantn.l .t...l.l 1. - l - I MnM being well, but ho cast nsldo doubU "1" uu ""v "T ,! ,h TTni.,i nMn ,T Prepared In n very fow moments. Ono of these dishes Is: nnd went to tho United Doctors and now ho writes: Omaha, Nebr., March 27, 1910. Dear Doctors:- "When I camo to tho United Doctors I was n complcto wreck from asthma. For yenrs I had been so that I could not rest at night, and If I walked a short distance against a modornto wind I wouldTttm-o to sit down nnd rest to regain 'my breath. I was synopsis. 1 1 n ' ' i ' i Strawberry Salad. Tako tho heart leaves of lettuce, heap a fow rlpo strawberries In each, dust with powdered sugar. On ench portion plnco a tcaspoonful of mnyon nalBo and a piece of lemon. Grope Fruit and Cherry Salad. Cut tho grapo fruit through tho con- Tho story opons with tho Introduction ot John KtcplioiiH, adventurer, a .Mnssa rliiinutts man marooned by authorities (it Valtmralfto, Clillo. TIcIiik Interested In mining operation! In Bolivia, tin won de nounced by Clillo as nn Insurrectionist and ns.n fotmoiiucnrn was hiding. At his notei ins attention was attracted ay an KiiKllshman and a young woman. Stephens revelled the young woman from a drunken oflleer. Ilo wus thanKed by hpr. Ailmlrnl of th Peruvian navv con fronted Stephens, told him that war had been rieclnrod botweon Chllo and Peru scarcely ever nblo to breatho without tcr. romovlng tho sections and free- SPiirrdlmt'timt right UiSersJda1 n great labor, and llfo was a burden to !ng thorn of tho white fiber. Marin- Chilean vessel, should bo captured. mo. I have been under treatment now with tho United Doctors for flvo months nnd I must say thoy havo dona., ma worlds of good. It will bo some tlmo beforo I can regain my en tiro strength, although I can do a fair day's work, right now nt (ho car- tractive salad ponter'a trade, and cat and sloop good every day. As for tho asthma, that Is entirely gono, and I feel that with treat ment for n llttlo while longor it will novor return, I am always ready to toll what I know about tho United Doctors and tholr method?, and there Is nothing I would not do to help any othor suf ferer from tho nfDIctlon of asthma to And, the right plnco for rollef." JOHN NEFF. Jf you nro a skeptic, how nro you to bo convinced? If testimonials from your friends nnd neighbors won't nn in n iin i. . I tuenhens accented tho commlsnlon. ... r.uuu u:HB.,,K o, uireo Htephon(, met u ,notey crew. to which ho tablospoonfuls of oil, ono of vinegar was assigned. Ho gavo them tinal In- and salt and uenner to taste Plnco structlons. They boarded tho vessel. They " "s-,Per4lowlasl0' i-aco successfully capturol the vessel supposed somo of tho grapo fruit on heart to be tho KHincralda. through strategy. uo- leaves of head lettuce, on theso nests ndd enough cherries to mako an at- Spanish 8alad. Cut In halves eoveral hard cookod eggs, and place them at Intervals on tho lettuce In a salad' bowl or plato. netweon tho eggs lay stuffed olives and halves of tomatoes. Covor each egg with mayonnaise, and servo each guost wllh each of tho ingredients of the salad. Hnnt. Rtnnhnnn cava direction for the farturo or me crati. no eiucrea ina cud n and discovered tho English woman nnd her maid. Stephens quickly learned the wrong vessel had been captured. It was Iord DarlUjgton's private yacht, tho lord's wlfo ana maid being aboard. Ho explained tho situation to her lady shin. Then First Mate Tuttlo laid bare the plot, saying that tho flea Queen had l taxon in oraer ta go to tno J circle. Tuttlo explained that ncr voyage ho had learned th been tla former voyace Donna Inabol was lost In 1763, Antarc- on a that the He had found It frozon In a huge caso of Ico on nn Island and contained much gold. Stephens consented to ba tho cantntn of the expedition. Ho told Udy Darlington. Bho was greatly alarmed, but expressed confidence In him. Tho Sea Queen encountered a vessel In tho foe. Bteohens attempted to communicate. This caused a tlerco strugKlo and ho was ovorcome. Tuttlo nnally squaring tho sit uation. Then the Sea Queen honded south Fish Filets. Cut tho largo fllots Into threo small fir nnnn. din in flnnr nnnenn ...i.i. I ni-iiln Ttnilrr Tuttle'n culdnnce tho VOS' , . . ... . w u , avaun tViLil OUIW I . . , . - i " " " " i i i 4. .i nhi mniin nroirreBH lowur i lis kuhi. convinco you, what will? Would you nuu rcu P0l'Por' '"co a nest In tho do Nova, tho mate, told Stephens that he mnvinrn.i If vnn n,tf i,n nP. mat and on this plnco strlnH of salt bolloved Tuttle. now acung as skipper. v.-. j nnpl. j nninn ii i .. insane oocauso 01 nis queer neuono. fill nnrnM mndrv onw If wllb vnnr nwn PorK Rna SllCOd Onion, thon lay on tho Htnhnn nn awnkened bv crnsli nc of aves7 If so uotolhn TTnlloil nnptorn fllot8, 0n cach VlMO n bit of pork Blass. Ho saw Tuttle In the grip of a oyeaf it bo, go to mo unucu UOCtors, . . , .,, , spasm ot rellclous mania and overcame whoso Omnha Instituto Is on tho boo- an? nion. and covor closely and bake hm, The sailor upon regaining his senses ond floor of tho Novillo Block, corner """IT" dn- Serve with a white wa taken m. f,11 00.0"" of Sixteenth and Hnrnoy streets, and Bnuce ,wh.,ah P10? parley and ep?,;SSUi5StimWho7oador soo 1L Their waiting rooms aro al ways crowded with patients from all over tho country, who nro being quickly cured. A visit to tho Instituto will convinco any skoptlc sour pickle is added. Grape Juice 8oup. men decided to continue tho treasure hunt, tho Islands being supposed to be nnlv tea mllen dlatant. Tuttlo was burled In tho sea, lAdy Darlington pronouncing the service. Stcnhons awaking rrom Cook half a cupful of tapioca until sleep saw the ghost, supposed to have rormou tne onuin ior imuun i.-nsiuun Pa's Conclusion, "What is an old adago, pa?" "Generally speaking, an old chost nut, my aon." Don't Risk Your Llfo By neglectlne Constipation. It leads to autotoxcmla. Thcro Is just ono right rem edy for Constipation, that Is NATURE'S HI71IK17Y (Nit tablets). It's dllferent from nil others' becauso It Is thorough, it corrects tho entire digestive system and tho kidneys, cures Dyspe.pila and Rheu matism. Its ensy and sure tn act. Tako one tonight you'll feci bottor In tho .morning. Oct a 2Co Ho. All Druggists. Tho A. 1L Low! a Medicine Co., SL Louts. Shameful. Extract from n young lady's letter from Venice: "baBt night I lay -in a gondola in soft, with a pint of water. Add thrco pieces of stick cinnamon. Strain and add ono cupful of grapo Julco. Sweet en to taste and Bcrvo hot mania. Upon advice of Lady DorltnKton, Stephens started fo probe tho ghost. Tin rnmn unnn I J nut. Sanchez, the drunk en ntneer ho had humbled In Chile. Ho fnunit Ihnt nt Sanchez' Insnlrntlnn. Kn- irlnecr MoKnlght played "ghost" .to scaro the men Into giving up tho quest. Steph ens announced tnnt tne aca viucen won ai tho spot whero Tuttlo's quest was sup posed to bo. Tho crew wan anxious to ko nn in further ami rrh. Db Novn nnd Btcnh- ens conquered them In ft list liKtit. iauy 1 1 I unrunRion inunKi:u imu. xnu o h' 8 nil. door turneth upon his I fog. Stephens. Do Nova, lAdy Darlington his hinges, bo doth tho snd her maid bolng among thoso to set siotrtrui upon his bod." out in a. lire noat. -ion were mucuru. Stephens saw only ono chanco In a thou- "Traln up a child In, th. way he should; 'So'fltenend' ldldkowfse a. jvnd( when ho 1. old he will not depart KTarlCto'n Bho had been bartered ror a tine, tier yearning for absont love. Sho revealed herself as tho school chum of Stcphcna Milter. She expressed a wish to die In tho ft ism" iiik- nam,i Jrm. from It Eggs aro now becoming reasonable kVgWckW In nrlco nn tnnt tho fntfrnl liimcniuii.. I .invini tw. i-md nrnvnl tn bn a derelict. tho Grand canal, drinking it all in, fool that ehe can ubo them moro hftoT Sred. r"years oMco?Th "IK and lito novor eeqmcd bo foro." Llppincott's. full bo- Old Men In Responsibility, Tho American business system, which gives moro boys responsible po Hltiono beforo thoy havo ncoutrod prac tical oxporlonco, is to an Englishman rnilto unaccountnble, Ho wondora whothor it docs not causo reckless trading and wild speculation, in other countries they prefer to keep eldorly men In responsible positions becauso they enn bo depended upon. Messrs. Dyko & Sons, Somerset, England, om ploy GO men. Moro than half havo com pleted 30 years' service, 20 havo been ttiero 4f years, nlno over CO yenrs nnd ono 70 years. i Willing to Pay for Rammer. Whon tlio nrltlsh squaro at tho bat tle of Abu en, in tho Nubian doa o'rt, was penetraieu by tho ilorvlshos, ono of thom attempted to spear a gun nvcr who was in tho act of ramming aiomu n change Tho Ilrlton bralnod tho Sudanese, but tho rammer bond ifipllt on thq mnn'a hnrd skull, Noxt day rtho gunner was sent for. Mistaking tthe renson, and knowing from oxporl enco that soldiers nro cliargod for (government property which thoy Uircak, lie led off with: "I'leaso, air, VVX Ycry sorry I broko tho rammer, but I noVor , thought tho follpw'8hoad could bo so hard. I'll pay for the rammer bo aB to hear no moro af tho case." r." wtw r iv i . . l . kWny orapc-JLNUis oocs correct A weak, physical, or a Sluggish mental condition. The food is highly nutritious And is partially pre-digested, So that" it helps the organs of the stomach To digest other food. It is also rich ki the Vital phosphates that go r Directly to make up The" delicate gray matter "of1 brain and nerve centres. Read "The Road toWellville" In pkgs. "There's a Reason." rwTUM OOTIBAL COMl'ANT, Ltd, jjjuU Ctk, Mlob. plentifully. They may often tako tho set was the Donna Isabel, lost In 1753, 124 place ot moat in a meal, especially for ycara Prevl0U8 a brcakiast, luncheon or suppor dish. When maklnir anirel food tho vniw CHAPTER XXIII. Continued. may bo used for any number of aisnus. a salaa dressing, or a gold clonched my hands, my nerves cako will ubo most of tho yolks. Boat thmhhlnc. tramnlnc from rail to rail tho yolkB left from tho angel cako, add n excltomcnt aa tho men hacked, yet n llttlo croam or milk and Bait, then- i-was first to grasp tho'oxposod latch, turn into a not buttered omelot pan nnd forco tho rolcnscd wood back and stir constantly until nil cookod. ward In its grovos. Through tho nnr- uorvu as a Btipper or breakfast dish, how oponlng thus attained thoro camo 'If moro cream is added tho egg may whistling a blast bo frigid as to drive ue served on loast UB hoadlong back, gasping for breath. For a simple llttlo luncheon dossort Cold aB It wnB without thero on tho thoro Is nothing daintier than a plain opon deck, that cabin roTcalod a torn- omelot spread with applo Jelly, which peraturo so awful in Intensity na to has been heated In hot water to soft- mako ub recoil beforo It, our hands to en. i-oia and cut in slices. It tastes our facos. A hundred years of win- very goou nnu iooks oven prettier tor tho blnck eternal winter of tho tnnn it tnstes. B0Uth poin amoto ub with icy bronth, 'K BHiioiist wasning tno Kooming fairly to aonr tho nesli wun ,ogg bororo breaking), nnd uso thorn jt8 frozen touch. Dado dropped un to some mo coneo. ., , n,i wo dragged him nsldo. sob blng llko a baby. It was several mln Breakfast Eons. utoa boforo wo could even draw near Put six eggs Into n vessel which enough to hnck away moro of tho loo will hold flvo pints. Pour over boiling and, with tho ax. drive tho door inr water to fill tho dish, covor closely thor back Into ub grooves. and set on tho back part of tho stove or tho rack to cook. Leavo sovcu min utes for a soft cooked egg, ton tor a .medium cooked, fifteen for a firm and thirty for a hard cookod egg. Nothing Except the Remembrance of the Women Afforded Me Strength' and Courage to Remain. " It wa3 intensely dark within, every window and portholo shrouded, only tho narrow door-oponlng permitting tho alight gllmmor ot the moon to touoh tho odgo of tho black lntorlor, I wrannod my muffler to tho very eyes and Btoppod acrosa tho threwhold, feel ing na if tho Icy air grasped mo with actual fingers, yet rcsoluto to learn Qualifications of Maids of Honor. all, and confident no otner thero woum A girl who aspires to become n maid over venture it. I touched nn over of houor Intimates, usually through her turned bench' with my knoo; my An parents, to tho mlstresB of tho robes gora explored tho back ot a heavy that sho would llko to servo her maj- chair having a carven top, and thon esty in thla capacity, and If Bho la a camo into contact with a bara tablo, suitable candldato her uamo Is put heavily ridged along tho edgo. Boom down and submitted to tho queen ingly this stood crosswajB of tho cab whon a vacancy among tho maids of in; and I folt cautiously along It, a honnr occurs, or In tho ovirnt nf hnr dconor cowardlco gripping mo with majesty wishing to Increase tho num- every hesitating stop forward In tho bar, which Is ut present limited to dark. Suddenly I touched hajr and throe. tho golld coldness of frozon flosb, and A maid of honor must of course oo na Instantly leaped backward, mad nnnif ti Mr oil not n ntirwl arvMril friu iir.n with natnnlnss terror. The ovorturnod t n uti h uismmwu wilt t 'vu viuti " - - , - though it is now now necessary, as it bonch tripped mo, and I foil, grasping was onco, that thoy should bo of titled at tho door casements, and thua rank-. A maid must bo able to speak dragged roysou out oi mat nou-uoio uy l'Yench fluently and should bo ablo to my arms convorso In German; sho must bo n good pianist, and bo ublo to rend ac companiments nt sight, and she must. It ia scarcely necessary to Bay, bo thoroughly woll educated and - havo travoled on tho continent. A good woll tratned volco is a uuallucatlon. Gen tlewoman. CHAPTER XXIV. In Which I Explore the Cabin. Do Nova assisted mo to my feet, the othor men crowding about, their faces filled with wondormonu "For God'a sako, v'at Is it monsIeur7" "Thoro aro dead men In thoro," I ex-! platncd, already ashamod of ray display of terror. "I I touched onu In tho dark." Thoy drow back from the open door, gazing with now horror Into tho blackness of tho Interior; but my own courage was rapidly returning, as I realized that I must load and control. "Well, lads, It startled me, all right, but we cannot afford to give, up this ship to dead mon. Do Novn, tako Kolly with you, and try to discover something on board with which to mnko a flaro. Thoro ought to bo plenty of dry stuff In tho galley. Not a word to tho women about what I found aft." Tho rest of us hacked away, while thoy wore gono, at tho ico concealing the front window shutters, nnd partly uncovered one. But wo could get no purchnso upon It from tho outsldo and no ono volunteered to venture within. I kept thorn all busy, however, tho hnrd work and senso of command combining to rostoro my own nerves to n normnl condition. Tho mate de spairing of dolug better, finally brought back a table-leg of pitch plno which wo contrived to Ignlto aftor sovcral unsuccessful experiments, tho yollowlsh-red llnmes circling tho heavy end llko so many colling sorpents, and sondlng forth a weird reflection through snlrals of black smolco. It was a poor glim enough, yot It would serve; and I boro It Inside, holding tho torch woll boforo me, tho mon clus toting nbout tho door. Tho mottled flaro cast mlnglod light and shadow over tho . horrors thus dimly rovealod, rondorlng tho ghastly sight ono to chill tho blood ot any man. Tho cabin was a long one, ex tending aft clear to tho storn, the immense butt of tho mlzzon-mast al most separating it into two apart ments. About this was arranged great arm-rack compfotoly filled with a variety of weapons, many of them flashing back tho glittering rays of tho torch. At ono timo that had been rare sea-parlor, but now it was a wreck, tho walls and colling dingy with smoke, tho gilt dofacod and bat- tored. Overturned funilturo was every where; piles of clothing, nnd a porfoct riffraff of articles Btrowed tho dock floor; n violin lay almost at my foet. all but ono string snapped; nnd some sort of an odd music-box rested against tho bench ovor which I had fallen. A groat squnro box-atovo stood Just beforo tho mast-butt, a hugo pile of ashes nil about. An Immense lantorn. an strnngo a looking contrlv anco as ovor I saw, swung solomnly from n dock-beam, and Just beyond, Btispendod by wlros, whb a gorgooualy colorod plcturo of tho "Madonna nnd Ghlld." 1 beheld nil theso details at a glance, although ut tho tlmo I scarcely realized uny of thorn, my ontlro horrified atton tlon being rlvoted upon tho sceno of death rovealod. Tho tablo, which 1 had provlously touched, extending crpssways of tho cabin, was uncovered but contained plates, cups, a largo bottlo half-flllcd, and some scraps of frozen food. Tho bodies of two mon, ono with a cloak over his shoulders, occupied tho bench within threo feet of mo. Tho ono nearest had fallen sldoways, and hung Uioro, his arm hooked across tho back of tho bench, his long, black hair dangling ovor his face; tho other sat with hoad bowod on tho tablo, his features hidden by his arms, but tho gold rings in bis ears plainly showing. Directly oppp Bito theso two, sitting bolt upright In a chair, oyos wide open, staring straight at mo, was a third: My God! it was Do Nova! Tho Barao oyos, tho same dark curly hair, tho samo llttlo black mustacho, tho samo atnlle curling, tho thin lips. I could havo Bworn It was tho mate, ondoavorlng to frlghton nnd mock mo, I oven wheeled nbout angrily, flashing tho light of my torch over that cluster of faces In tho doorway. No! by hoavons, 'the creolo stood behind, aud this, this counterpart, wob a dead man dead for a hundred years. No words can over rotell the struggle I made to con trol myself, tho smoking torch aha king In my hnnd and casting Its mis ornblo flicker over that cbarnol house, overy limb trembling llko aspens, my eyes staring Into tho shadows. My very violence of fear angorod mo; what had 1 to bo nfrald of? How could these poor frozen bodies lujtiro me? Nerved to tho endonvor I stepped forward around tho ond of tho tablo, throwing tho faint glaro of tho torch luto the after space concealed by tho hugo riaM-butt. A tall, thin man sat on tho dock, braced against tho wall, his long, gray beard almost concoalltig his face: on a wldo dlvau, nearly op poslto, lay a woman, hor dark hair looscnml, a largo diamond gllttorlng on tho hand which hung rigid ovor tho odgo of. the couch. Just below hor lingers, ae If dropped thoro' in final wnaknef-B, lay a baby's woll-worn shoo. I scarcely comprehend how t over conquered tho sfckly horror that smote mo as I gazed about upon- tnis scene of death, rendered even moro torrlblo bv tho silence nnd tho lllcKoring, smoking torch that furnished, the only light. Nothing except the bouso oi command, tho remembrance of thoso wnmLti waiting outside in tno cooks uallev. ever affordod mo strength anti courago to remain. Tne iosk iuubi be done: by some ono It must no ac comnllshed. and that Bomo ono, of ne cessity, was myself. With clenched teeth, my face as white as thoso ot tho frozen dcr.d nbout mo, I advancod from door to door down ono sldo of that cabin, and up the other."" Out from tho Btatorooms that had romalnod closed thcro came tho same awful broath ot tho (rigid Bcuth, rondorlng ovsn tho Icy air of tho main cabin ten times colder, nnd causing mo to breathe with rtlfllculty as I peered hastily within, Theso staterooms wore all ot fair slzo, tho two situated farthest aft being unusually largo and comfortably ono only did I discover a body, that of n child of threo or four yenrtr, llax-on-hnlrod and bonny oven in death. Ution tho deck at tho foot of tho maBt I discovered tho vessel's log-book ly ing wldo open, a quill pen bcsldo it. exactly ns It had been dropped. I did not tftko tlmo to decipher tho spnnisn. Inscribed In a scrawling hand, but my glancu caught tho dato ot that last outry "Scptomber 11, 1703." The dato rang In my head crazlly, as f itobd thoro staring at them, totally unable to grasp or apprehend tho truth, One hundred and twenty-Blx yt-nrsl Merplfnl OodV And: all that time "those njen had' been there at that table; all through thoso dayB anil nights, thoso- months- nnd years, that frozon Imago of Do Nova had been smiling, hla cold' fingers clutching: the glass; all through' thoso decades that woman had boon lying on tho couch,. that llaxen-halrod baby In thq, bunkl Theio, exactly aa we found thom,. durlur a century of Inky blackness, tostfd about by the sen, cradled Intbo pltlless Ico, smitten, by tho awful breath of etornal Winter, thoso bodies1 had remained rigid, motionless, ovem as ihq soula left thom, for 12G yoarsl' It was unthinkable, Inconceivable, miraculous, boyontl all my power of npprohonslon. Blessed Mary! what changes tho world had' witnessed' since theso died! What wonders or discovery; what growth In faith; what widening of human knowledge; what generations of mon and women had been born, lived', lovod, and died, slnco the deadly Ico locked those Into' this floating tomb! Not until aftor I had oxplorod' the last empty room and. returned to tho group at tho door did I regain my senses and feci myself again a living, roBponsiblo being upon whoso strength of will depended tho futuro of all on board. A glanco into thoso horrified faces told me Instantly tlinb they, wore ready for a mad retreat to the boat; that tlio slightest exhibition' of weak ness on my part would Bet them into a panic. I stiffened' into resistance, all memory of tho, past blotted out utter ly by the demands of the present. "Men, wo'vo como Into a. hard Job, hero, but It 1b ono which must bo at tended to," I said, gravely. "Howover, we'll wait until after breakfast before' tackling tho worst of it. Day is be ginning now, and wo will need nil tho light It gives us.. Dado, get out Bomo provisions from the boat, start a fire in the galloy, and' prepare' a; hotmeaI. Sanchez, go along nnd help; yon will probably havo- to cut' away Bomo ice beforo the flro will draw. Not a word to the womom nbout what you havo seen aft, my lads." Tho two started forward willingly enough, and I Immediately turned vto the othors, marking their uneasy glances, and fully nssurcd that I must keep thom also busily emplbyod,, or else lose control .altogether. "Wo havo too much to accomplish here to waste any tlmo while thoso fellows aro getting a menl ready," L contlnuod, quickly. ''McKnlght. youi tackle theso front shutters. Kelly, climb up on tho poop and dig tho Ice off tho Bkyllght nnd nut of tho funnel. Wo'vo got to havo daylight and a flro. Now, Do Novn, I want you and John son to help mo. Como on, men; what nro you two afraid of? Thoso aro all dead." I fairly drove Uiem to It, but It did. them both good, although tho mannor In which thoy advanced down tho cabin, their faces blanched under tho torch glnro, their bodies snaking as with aguo, made me nervous nnd Irri table. I put thom at tho after-ports. Johnson with tho cleaver, and De Nova with his Hheath-knlfc, and botweon tho three of us wo Anally succeeded la wrenching both Btcrn-portB free of tholr Icy fetters. Ab wo burst them open, through the wide apertures wo looked forth Into tho gray dreariness of the dawn. Satisfied with what had thus been accomplished, we retraced our steps back through the cabin, ob serving, that Kelly had made some progress above, tho faint daylight al ready beginning to tinge that grim in-torlor- (TO BE CONTINUED.) A Legal Triumph. A seasoned old lawyer was cross ex amining a recalcitrant witness. The question at lssuo was tho Identification of an individual chargod with assault and battory. For somo tlmo tho law yer endeavored to broak down tho at tempt on tho part of tho witness to de scrlbo the guilty party, and nt last, bocomlng irritated, he put tho follow ing question: "You say the assailant bad black hair?" "I did,' almly replied tho witness. "What is tho color of my tnlr?" continued the attorney. "It is brown, was the answer. Thcroupon tho lawyer rose to his foot.and snatching off his wig, which disclosed a pnto as bald as on egg, bel lowed out as ho glanced in triumph toward the Jury box, '(What Is th flttou. rltboush tn great disorder, lu J color of It no?" Harper's WeaWj.