Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Stare, Hiker aad Pablkker. jBUBHOBIPTION BATE9I One Year, cub In advance ...tlJB Months, cub In advance 66 eta iKnteied at North Platte. Nebraska, PoatoSee ' as second clos matter. TUESDAY MAY 24, 1910. Democratic Hamesy. Tho game of "four old cat" juat now in progress inside the democratic party in Nebraska deserves filled bleachers and a packed grand Btand. Governor Shallenbcrger, Mayor Dahlrnan and Congressman Hitchcock, playing each for himself, keen scared eyes on the fourth corner. There Mr. Bryan is in position to bat out whomsoever ho will, one or two or all three. If it were cards instead of ball we could say that Mr. Bryan holds nil the trumps. So long as he is not a candidate for anything he can hold the balance of power as tho independent voter always does. And bo cause it' would play havoc with cortain ambitions and fntetests for him to be come a candidate ho holds hero a kill ing card. In his Commoner this week Mr. Bryan says that corporation demo crats running for oftlco against pro gressive republicans ought to bo beaten. Visions here of Mr. Bryan bolting a brewery tcandidate for. Bay, senator or govenor.' What politician could sleep tindor such a dream? Tho republican party in Nebraska isn't exactly a pcaco congress, but compared with tho dem ocratic embroglio it is a love feast. Lincoln Journal. The Villian Still Pursues It Some Weeks ago, some lumber deal ers met ia a western city and said they must regretfully raise jtho prico of com mon boards on account of the Payne tar IfT says tho Guthrie (Okla.) State Capital. Think of itl They must raise the prico from CO cents to $1 a thousand on account of tho tariff- i Vhcn the samo law reduced tho tar iff on common boards 75 cents a thous and. And theso men meet in conventiou and attempt to deceive and bunko and hoodwink tno people. It was the Bame way in reference to hides. Hides were put on tho free list, but an Ktnas oi snoes nave gone up the wholesale mancet, anu not a singio re duction is given Don's Review. Then tho woolen dealers got together anu saiu they must raise tno prico on wool on account of the Pavne tariff. butthero is not in the Payne act one change made in the wool or woolen schedule, except two minor ones, and Dotn oc tnese were reductions. .These Instances sound like the tricks that wero'attempted under the McKin lay bill in the' same way. and show men who have pecuniary self-interests at stake are coinc to attempt to dis credit the' Payne tariff law for selfish pecuniary gain. Norwalk (Ohio) Re-, ficctor. , It was officially announced at Union Pacific headquarters at Omaha Satur day that the Los Angeles limited, pas-, sengor train No. 7, which has been sus pended for sovoral months on account of extensive washouts Bouthwust of Salt Lake will be resumed Sunday, June 12th. Tho first train will leave Chicago nt 10 o'clock a. in., of that day arriving at Salt Lake city at 4:40 p. m. Tuesday and at Los Angeles at 4:30 p. m. Wednesday, The cast bound train No. 8, will leave Los Anqoles at 11 o'clock Sunday morning, reaching Chi cago Wednesday at 11:30 a. m. Tho brewers, both inaido nnd outside of Nebraska, nro not consistent. They insist that snloonless communities con sume more beer thnn do those which have' saloons, and yet they are using every endeavor to defeat county option. If their first contention is right, why do they opposo prohibitory measures? Tho decision of Congressman Norris not to be a candidate lor United States senator practically gives Senator Bur kptt a clear field. As Senator Bur nett's record in tho senato has been clean and consistent, ho desorveo a re election. It's great to be great. For Instanco Caruso, tho grand opora singer, re ceives $50,000 this year for occasional ly singing nt a record phonograph fac tory to an audience of black mouthed funnels, COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. Mny 19th, 1910. Board of county commissioners met pursuant to adjournment, present apringor, waiter anu btroitz ana coun tv cleric. Claim of Wm. Peterson, cash for road work to be performed in Road Dist. 18. 150.00. Claim of N. Brattion, cash to used in district 34. 150.00. ,-Louis Refior, cash to bo used in dis trict 10, 50.00. Fred Marquette, cash to bo used in district 9. 100.00. f Ai Kaln, cash to bo used in district 25. 150.00. wm. Smith, caeh to be used in di ttiet.22. 100.00. P. H, Burmood, cash to be used in aiainct ob. iou.uu, 'f Nprth Platte Gas & Electric Co., sor. olnud 0.41 All district 58. 150.00, I. Li. Miltonuorgor, a montna salary, 300.00. ' I. Li, MNtonberger, ofllco expenses, 96.01. I. L. Miltenborger, cash to cpnstablo Diamond 2.00 1 W. M. Diamond, cash to be used in district 4,300.00, - Isaac Futman claim jn CRM O.OO. Wollingford Mrs. I. Futman claim in wauingioru case, y.uu. Chas. McDonald, rent surveyors ollice, 30.00. O. A, Lowell, doputy sheriff 5 months, 125.00. S. B. Newmeyer, 4.00. Sophia Anderson, care of Emma An derson, 27.00. J. D. W. Lincoln, digging grave 0 00. H. .Cj Lindsay, clerk supremo court, 26.UQ. .... ' J. E. Oilman, serving subpoenas, 10.00. Ginn & White casket, 35.00. Howe & Maloney, two caskets, 00.00 Loyal, Mystic Legion; hall' rent, COO. A. B. Davidson,' hall rent, 8.00. J. J. Ginapp, cash to be used on road Disk 16, 100.00. Mck. Brosins, cash for road work DIst. 40, 100.00. J. H. Knorr, cash road Dist. 36, GO.'OO. J. M. Wilson, trees, 8.85. The matter of forming a new pre cinct to be called Payne precinct comes up before the board and the board here by erants tho petition as fo'lows: Com mencing on section lino between sec tions 17 and 18, town 13, range 29, where said soction lino intersects the south branch of the Platte river, runn ing south four miles to southwest cor ner of section 82-13-29, thence cast two. miles to the northwest comer of Bee line five miles to southwest corner of section 28-12-29, thence east on sec tion line five rhiles to, southeast corner of section 30-12-28 thence north on sec tion line to bouth bank of the south branch of tho Platte river, thence in a northwesterly direction alang the south bank of the said branch of the Platte river, beginning, the above precinct from this date to be Payne precinct, Lin coln county, Neb. Fred Simants, cash to bo used in Dist. 80, 20.00. II. D. Lewis, cash to be used in Dist. 32, 100.00. G. G, Schick, road work, balance for year 1909, allowed on road district No. 20 for 57.60. Continental Compound Co.. mdso. 5.92. Ira L. Bare, printing, 299.22. A. P. Kelly, printing, 317.97. Bond of H. D. Lewis, overseer dis trict 32, hereby approved. Bond of M. A. Carrier, road over seer Dist. 26, Is hereby approved. Claim of Wm. Ebright, salary first quarter 1910 and ' office expenses, 404,43. Adjourned until tomorrow. May 20th, 1910. Board met pursuant to adjournment. present full board and county clerk. Claim of E. C. Hostetter, bridge work allowed on bridge fund . for 30.25. a. U. ilostetter, same 23.75. E. C. Hostetter, biidgo work G9.25. E. C. Hostetter. bridge work 12.75. W. T. Woods has turned into the board of county commissioners tho Bum of $37.83, being the amount of damage done to bridge south of Max well by his engine, which sum has been turned over to the county treasurer. Tho county surveyor is hereby di rected to survey Road No. 325 at Well fleet. Road No. 330 is hereby disallowed. Road Np., 3301 is hereby allowed as a copsent road, "all parties owning the land agreeing with tho' county as to lo cation .and. damage;, said road to be forty feet. The deposit made is to be returned to'tho-depositor. The county surveyor is ordered to survey Said road according to law. Claim of H. G. Brooks, damage road No. 314 foe $45 disallowed for $35 nnd anowea ioe iu.uu. b. souerman same, dllnttrnrl f rv MO r! 1anllrnrAr1 ftt CQft. Union Realty and. Trust Co. allowed for 98, and disallowed. for $52, same to be drawn on commissioner district No. 3. North Platte Telenhone Co.. tele phone service 123.75. ' Ray C. Langford, refunding tax is 42.75. Rav C. Lantrford. county treasurer: You are horebv authorized to refund-to Sarah Buchanan $6.75 on account or error having, been made in assessment or ivuu on valuation or $ieo. Rav CJ. Laneford. county treasurer You aro hereby authorized to cancel tax on southeast quarter section 12. town 12, range 27, for 1909, samo being government land. Tho board adjourned until June 14th 1910. HAPPY RESULTS Have Made Many North Platte Rcsi deals EBtkuiiastic. No wonder scores of North Platte citizens crow enthusiastic. It is enouch to make anyono happy to find relief after years of suffering. Public state ments into tne following aro but truth ful representations of tho daily work done in North Platte by Doan's Kidney rm. Mrs. G. Smith, North Platte, Nebr., says: "Alter recovering irom an at tack of typhoid fever, our little boy suffered for about a year from pains through his back, caused by disordered kidneys. Ho had a constant feeling of weakness and at timea was bo laneuld that ho could hardly drag himself around. Tho kldnoy secretions were too frequent in passage and there was a dull, heavy ache through his back and sides. Although we consulted doctors about his case. tho medicine thev prescribed did not bring any permanent reuer. a. row months ago we learned oi Doan's Kidney Pills and procured a box at McDonol& Graves' Drue Store. The prompt relief our son received from their use was cratifvlncr and am glad to say that ho is now in good health." For Balo by all dealers. Price 60 cents. Fostor-Milburn Co. Buffalo. New York, sole agents for the United States. Remember the name Doan's and take no other. Eathaatt ef Expenses. I, Chas. F. Temple. City Clerk, here 'Dy ceriuy war, me ioiiowing estimate , of expenses was made by the Mayor : nml Pitt, nunill l U t natto, Nebraska, tho 18th day of May, 1910. 1 Salaries for City Offlcials. . . .$3100.00 I Expense for Fire Dop't inc..,. sorvlco of Chief ........1800.00 Streota. Culverts, etc.. 4500.00 Sidewalks. Crossings and 1 Annroaches Ifinnnft . General & IncldentalExceuaes.. I ' J AAA A M.I...XI ,ik 4WU.UU Protection1 8500.00 Fire Street Llirhtlntr 2800.00 sewer xax ior interest and i Bonds 1200 00 Sewor Maintenance Tax 1500.00 Water Bond Interest 5000.00 Free Library Fund 1200.00 rant i-unu , ,.1200.00 City Hall Site 2000.00 t $33,3.00.00 inu uuuru revcuuu ior tno past nscui tat n A mm . PHYSICIANS UNO SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement casc3 721-23 North Locu t Telephone No. G42. GEO. D. DENT. Physician and Surgeon, Oflico over McDonald Bank. Vhnnaa I Office 130 Phones residence 115 Nowhere in North Platte will vou find better and more satisfactory five and ten cent, cigars than here. We rnako our cigars nnd know the quality of tobacco that goes in them, and knowing this we can recommend them to an smokers. live our cigars a trial. J. F. SCHMALZRIEH. CoBBeiisears in Horse Flesh and all matters nertainincr to the stnblo have always Deen profuse in their praiso of the harness made by us. Their unanimous verdict is that it is tho best on the market being extreme ly durable and lasting, very stylish in appearance, thorouehlv well made. unisneu ana mounted. A. R FINK. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES Bhopld bo hitched a stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can see a variety of vehicles whoso stylo is unucqiaDie. incy range irom tno pnae ton to tho family coach and are tho equal of any in appearance and build. Thoy are less than equal in prico to most carriages of thoir character. A. M. Lock. Notice. Frank B. Gard will take notice that on tho 30th day of April. 1910. P. H. Su lvian, a justice of the" peaco in and for Liincoin uounty, xseurasKa, issued an ordor of attachment for tho sum of $6.25 in an action pending before him. wherein Richard V. Cox is plaintiff and Frank B. Gard defendant, that nronertv consisting of money in the hands of the Union Pacific Rail Road Company. corporation, nas ueen attached under said order. Said cause was continued to the 21st day of June, 1010, at 2 o'clock. P. M. Dated North Platto, Nebr. May 10th uicnaru v. uox riantltr. Road No. 335. To all whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed for tho purposo of locating a public road as follows: Commencing at tho southwest corner or tne northeast quarter of section 31. township 9. range 27, and running uiunca uuhi. an iihu auction lino to ncau 01 pockot; thence southeastward to sec uon line uotwecn sections 31 and 82. township 9, range 27, and running tnonco souin. and connecting with road No. 230: road to be G6 foot wide: has reported in favor of the location of Raid road with the fol owlmr chancre Said road to be 50 feet wido in the place of 66 feot wido as petitioned, and all objections thoreto or claims for damago must be filed in the oflico of tho ronntv olerk on or beforo noon on tho 17th day 01 Juiy, xuxu. or Bucn road will Do es tabitsned without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb., May 13th 10W. F. R. Elliott, A A. J. AMES. MARIE AMES. A I Doctors Ames & Ames, il Physicians and Surgeons, j U Oflico over Stono Drug Co. 6 Plintina I OfllcO 273 f? Phones RcBjdenco273 t) Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF flour, Feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased tho B. A. Wilson feed store at tho corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of tho ' patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. Go to SORENSQN'S FOIt Furniture Repairing and Cabinet Work Also Wood Turning, Picture Framing Room Moulding, and Window Screens a Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. Notice of Formation of Lateral Sewer District. To nil persons interested:' Notice is hereby given that on April 7th, 1910, there was filed with tho city council of North Platte, Nebraska, n Setition praying that a lateral sewer istrict be formed from the following' de scribed blocks, towit: Blocks 88. 87, 86, 85, 84, 83, 82, 81, 80. 79. 78 and 77. all in the original town of North Platte Nebraska. Said lateral sewer to be constructed of ten-inch sewer pipe with proper flubh tanks, manholes and ap pliances, commencing at the center lino of the alley running through block 88 intersects the main sewer on the east side of said block on Cottonwood street; extending thenco westernly on tho center line of said alley, through the above described blocks, to the west side of block 77, in the original town of North Platte. Nebraska. That tho council has set said matter for hearing on tho 31st day of May, 1910, at eight o'clock p. m. official time, ut the oflico of the Mnyor and City Council, in the Court House of said city. All parties interested aro hereby noti fied to be present at tho above named time and place, and show cause, if any, why said lateral sewer should not bo formed as and special assessment prayed l. . i ! i u..i f - T uiuivuiicr lt-viuu ua uroviueu ov taw upon tho real estate constituting said uisinct, ior tno construction and main tenance ot the same. Dated May 10th, 1910. Tuos. C. Patterson. Mavor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple, City Clerk. Application for Liquor License. Matter of application of J. M. Pulliam for Liquor License. Notice is hereby given that J. M. ruuiam uiu upon tne utn day ot Aiay, A. D. 1910, filed his application to the Village Board of Trustees of Brady, Liincoin uounty, xseurasKa, ior license to sell malt, spirituous and vinous linuors on Lot 12. Block II. in tho Village of Brady, Lincoln County, Nebraska, from tho first Tuesday of ftiny, iyiu, to the tirst Tuesday of May, 1911. If there bo no objection, remon strance or protest filed with n two weeks fron. May 10th A. D. 1910, said license win ue granted. J . m. I'ULLIAM, Applicant. Road Notice. Establishment of Road No. 33G and Vacation of part of Road No. 120. To all whom it may concern: The commissioner annointed for tho purpose oi locating a public road and vacating a part ot a public road as follows: Part of road to be established. Commencing for tho center 1 no of snid road at a point one thousand six hundred nnd seventy-eight (1C78) feet wubt ui uiu pumiwneru mo nortn ana south Bection line between sections thlrty-ono nnd thirty-two in Township fourteen (14) North, Range Thirty (80) West, intersect and cut a line two hundred (200) feet north of tho center line of tho main track of the Union Pacific Ruilroad Company nnd running thenco north and parallel to said sec tion lino through, over and across that portion of the Northeast quarter of Section thirty-ono (31) nnd S. E. of Section SO TownshiD fourteen (d North, Range thirty (IJO) west to a point wnere it intersects tne soutnern boun dary line of road No 308, being nnd extending in a westerly direction from Twelfth Street in the City of North i'latto, Lincoln Countyr Nebraska. said road to bo sixty six feet in width and forming a connecting link between tho road aloncr the south linn of thn Union Pacific Railroad Company's right oi way in said section Thirty-one (31) ana roaa no ova aoove reiorred to. Part of road to bo vacated. Commencing on section line between sections thlrty-ono nnd thirty-two. Township Fourteen (14) North, Range thirty (30) West, aforesaid; beginning at apojlUon saiq section line .134 feet south of the center line of the main track of snid Union Pacinc Railroad. when measured at right angles thereto anu extenmng nortn along said eection lino to whero said section lino is intersected and crossed hv said road No 308 aforesaid, ha3 reported In favor oi tne establishment and vacation as ubovo set forth and all claims for damago or objections thereto must be filed in tho office of tho County clerk on or before noon on the 8th day of July, 1910, or such road will bo cstab llshed and vacated without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Neb , May, 4th, Case Seed fer Sale. I have a quantity of choice hand picked cane seed which I will sell for 31.00 per bushel while it lasts. Also 8omo milo maze seed. You can got theso seed at the Ritner feed store or at my place. B. A. Wilsok. For Sale about 20,000 acres of Grazing Land in the northwest part of Lincoln and northeast part of Keith counties ot a bargain. Also several improved and un improved farms. Gall on or address, LUCEY BROS., Sutherland, Neb. NOTICE OP SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, s.8. In tho County Court. In tlio matter of tho estate ot Louisa Ilu rid, deceased. To the creditors, heirs lcaatccs and othors Interested In tho citato of Louisa llund. Tttlto notice, that I'red llund has died In tho county court a report of his doings as administrator of said cstatn and it Is ordered that tho samo stand for hearing tho 31st day of May, A. I). 1910, boforo tho court at tho hour of 2 o'clock, p. m., at which tlrou any person Interested may appear and except to and contest tho same. And notlcoof this uroccedlntr Is ordered given In the North rlatto Soml-Wcokly Tribune, for six succes sive Issues prior to May 31st. 1010. Witness my hand and tho seal of tho coun ty court at North Platte this IHh day of juay a ii. iviu. mlO-0 W O. ELDEK. County Judeo. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 02537. Departmcntot tho Interior. XT. S. Land OfUce at North 1'iatto. Nob. May, 5th, 1910. Notlco Is heroby irtvon that llobert It. And erson, of Homorsot. Nob., who on Juno uth, ih. mane Homestead h.ntry no. zizz4, Bbrlal No. ff'Mr. for tho south half and north east quarter of section , township 10. north, ranee SI, west oi tho 0th principal meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to mako final uvo year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, boforo tho reglstor and receiver at North I'latto. Nebraska, on tho 18th day of July. 1010. Claimant names as witnesses: Jay Lawyor. I'orry O MuUIUln. Georeo W. Clark and Georeo D, Miller, all of Somerset. Nob, BllU-n I. IC. KVANH. llffOIHIAr. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Serial No. 02050 Department of the Interior. O. S. Land OClco at North Platte. Neb. May. 5th. 1910 Notice Is horobv riven that l'errr O. Mulll kin. of .Somerset. Nob., who on Juno 2Utb, 10OI. made Homestead Entry No. 20104. Perlal No. 02059. for northwest Quarter fectlon 14, quarter section iu. townstup iu, norm. ranee isi, west oi tno sixtn principal meridian, has Ulod notlco of Intention to make final fl voyeur Droof. to establish claim to tho land above described, "boforo thu Kcgistcr ana icoceivor at nortn i'latto, Ne braska, on tho J3th day of July, iviu. Robert It. Anderson, Qeoriro W. niark. and ueonro 1). Minor, all of Somerset, nod. Serial No. 01912-02151. NOTICE KOB PUBLICATION DEPARTMENT Or TUB IRTMIOR. United States Land Oflico. At North Platto. Nebraska. May 5. 1910, Notlco Is horebv clvon that Georeo ii bcnaircr, or Myrtio. Nebraska, who, on Nov. 23rd. 1903, mado homestead entry No. 19770. Serial No. 01912, for the southeast quar ter, and on .Inlv tilth. 1001. mado II. E. No. 20378. Serial No. 03151, for tho southwost duar- njr, nvbiui. ii xumiamiJ iw, 41., xiauifu w it., of tho 6th Principal Meridian, has filed notlco or intention to mako final uvo year Sroof. to establish claim to tho land above escribed, boforo tho register and receiver at North Platto. Nebraska, on tho 12th dav of July 1910. uiaimant names as witnesses; William Wahl. William J. Illcklo v and Enireno Ardory of Myrtle. Nob. and James J. Loclthart, of uanuy, jnqd. miu-u j. e. liVANS, ueeister. NOTIOR FOB PUBLICATION. Serial No. 01880-02111. Department of tho Interior. U. 8. Land Oflico at North Platto, Neb. Mar Mh. 1910. Notlco Is horebr irlven that Washington Kdmlstenof llcrshoy Nebraska, who, on Juno ml iw-i. maao nomcsteaa entrv no. lwou. Serial No. Ul8fl. for east half southwest Quar ter ana tots ii ana 4. ana on Juiy otn. imn, maae nomes eaa entry no. zuaui, tjonai no. (Will, for south oast Quarter east half north west quarter, and lots 1 and 2, section 80, township 13, north. Banco 81 west of tho sixiu rnncinai nionuian nas iiieu nonce or intention to mako final flvo year Droof to cstatuisn claim to tuo land aoovo uoscrioea, hororo tho Kotristor ana itccoivor at north Platto. Nob., on tho 8th day of July, 1010. Claimant names as witnesses! Androw Ilahn, and Herman Wendeborn of Ilorshey. Nob., and Albert K Donaldson and Gilbert T. Knotts. of North Platte. Neb. mlO-8 J. K EVAN8,Be(flster. Serial No. 0422s Notlco for Publication-Isolated Tract. Public Land Sale. Department of tho Interior, U. 8. Land OOlco at North Platto. Nob May 8. 1010. . Notice Is hereby clvon that, as directed by the Commissioner ot tho Oenoral Land Oflico undor tho provisions of tho acta ot congress approved Jnnu 27th, 1000 (31 Stats., M7). and March 2. 1007(31 Stats.. 1221). wo willolTor at public sale to the hlehest bidder at ton o'clock a. m on tho 2U day of July, 1010, noxt, at this oflico. tho following tract of landi southeast quarter of section 22, In township 10, north, raneo ai west or tno utn r. ai. Any persons clalraluc advorsoly tho above dobcrlbod lands aro advised to 11 1 o their claims or objections ou or boforo tho time designated for tale. J. E. Kvaks, Beirlstor. Road No 338 To all whom it may concern: The special commissioner appointed for the purpnse of locating a public road commencing: About 25 rods east of tho N. W. corner of S. 1 S. E. 1 of Sec. 19, town 9, range 29, and following road as now traveled N. W. through tho Charles Sanders fnrm to whero it strikes the quarter line between the north and south half of tho north half of Sec. 24, thence following this line as near as practical west to a junction with the county road No 144, has reported in fayor of said road and all objections thereto or claim for damago must be filed in the office of the county clerk on or before noon on tho 22nd day of July, 1910. or such road will be estab lished without reference thereto. Dated North Platte, Nebr., May 17, 1910. 11. P. Elliott, County Clerk Vacating Part of Road No 285. To All Whom It May Concern: v , The special commissioner appointed, lor tho purposo of vacating a part of a public road as follows i Commencing at N. E. corner of the S. W. i of Sec. 1, T. 12, R. 29, and running thenco one half mile west and terminating at tho N. W. cornor of S. W. i of Sec. 1, T. 12, R. 29, has re ported in favor of tho vacation. All objections thereto must bo filed in the oflico of tho county clerk on or before noon on the SOth day of June, 1910, or bucIi road will bo vacated without foferenco thereto. ' Dated North Platto, Nobr., April 23, 1910. F. R. Elliott, CtormyCMricv Wills J Redflold, M D J B McKlrahan, M D Drs. Redfleld & McKlrahan Pkiiclaai and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones 642-644 Office at P. and S. .Hospital. NOTICE OV PBOBATEOFWILL. Tho State of Nebraska, Lincoln County, as In tho county court. sees and Legatees ot GoorRO Stovons, do ceased, and to any others Interested In said matter) . you aro noreoy notiuoa mat an instrument purporting to bo Uiu last will and testament ot George Stevens, deceased. Is on fllo In said court, and also a petition praying for tho probato of said Instrument, and fortho ap pointment or Artnur oicnamara as exocutor That on tho lOthday of Juno 1010, at U o'clock A. M.. said Dotltlon and tho Droof of tho exe cution of said Instrument will bo heard, and that it you do not then appear and contest, aid court may probate and record tho samo, anu grant auminisirauon oi tno estate 10 Arthur McNamara. This notlco shall bo published for six tuc cosstvo Issues In tho North Platto Semi- wrekly Trlbuno prior to said hoaring. Witness my hand and ofllclal seal this ,25th day of April 1910. W. O. Ki.deh, awu uounty juagc CONTEST NOTICE. Sorlil No. 08000 Department of tho Interior. United States Land Oflico North Platto, Nebraska, ' April . 1010. A sufficient contest affidavit havlne been filed In this oflico by Claronc" K. Groves. contestant, against homestead Entry, No. . WW made Nov. 14, imr for all of Sec 10, Township 15. N Banco 32 V. of tho 0th P. Meridian, by Klmer E. Ilrown Contesteo, In which It Is alleged that said Elmer E. Brown has never established his rcatdenco on said tract: that lie has failed to cultlvato or Improve said tract from dato of entry to tho present time, ana nas wuouy ananaonea saia tract for mora than six months last natt. Bald parties aro heroby notified to appear, responu ana oner eviaenco touenmg saiu al legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on Juno 8. 1010, beforo tho Beglstor and Bccctvor at tho United States Land oflico in North Platto, Nebraska. rrkn ..lit nA.nB... 1.. ..I - . -ii davlt Ulod set forth facts which show that alter uuo aiugonco personal sorvlco of this notlco cannot Is heroby ordered and directed that such notlco be given by due anu proper puoiicauon. J. K. I'.VANS, Beglftor. IN THEOIBCUIT COUBTOF THE UNITED STATES FOB THE D18TBICT OF NE BBA8KA, NO.BTH PLATTE DIVISION. American Water Works U Ouarantco Com pany, a Corporation, Complainant, vs. North Platte Water Works Company, a corporation. Bespondont. . UUIJEB. It lsordored that all uorsons holdlnc claims or domands of any kind against tho North riatto waierworscsuompany. except holders ot bonjl8 and lntoicst coupons, secured by a deed of trust upon tho property, fllo a veri fied statement of tholr claim with tho clork of tho Circuit Court of tho United Statos. at norm riaue, noorasKa, on or oeroro tuo Uth day of Juno. 1910. All ucb claims will bo audited for all wance or rrjoctlon by tho court, on tho 13th day of Juno, 1010, at tho hour of ton o'clock In tho forenoon, In tho court room In thn city ot North Platto. Nc- orasKa, or at sucn later uato as tno coun may at that time appoint. AH claims not filed aa herein ordered, and audited and allowed by the court as heroin provided, shall bo barred from participating In the proceed' of tho receivership, and from any and all claim against tho assots In tho hands of thn re ceiver. It Is further ordered that a copy ot this ordor bo published In tho North Platto Trl buno every lssuo during tho month ot May, 1910. Dated, at Chambers, In Omaha, Nebraska, April 80th. 1910. u v, II, Mukoeiu Judge. LEGAL NOTICE. Sylvester M. Glllesplo will tako notice that upon tho 20th day of January, 1910, Hattlo A Qlllcsplc. as plalntltT. filed her snlt In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Nebraska against said Sylvester M. Glllesplo. as lo tendant. tho object and prayer of plaintiff's petition being to securo a dlvorco from tho ban. s of matrimony from tho dofondant for tho reasons that tho defendant being of sufficient ability to provide sultablo maintenance for the plaintiff, grossly and wontooly neglected to do so and that tho said defendant was physically incompetent atthotlmoof said marriage and that tho said marrlago was never consumated and that the plaintiff und tho defendant never co-hablted togother and that tho dofondant was a married mat, bavlug a wlfo living. from whom ho had never been divorced, at tho tlmo tho said defendant married tho plalntltr. Tho said dofondant, Sylvester M. Glllesplo Is required to auswor this petition on or be foro thn 15th day ot June. 1910. liATTlEA. GlLI.KSl'IB. Plaintiff. NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. Tho Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss. In tho County Court, In tho matter of tho estate ot Sarah E. Slack, deceased. To tho creditors, legatees and othors Interested In tho ostato of Sarah E. Slack. Tako notlco. That William W. Blrgo has filed In tho county court a repoi t of his doings as executor of said estato and it Is or ered that tho samo stand for hoarlng tho 7th day of Juno A. I)., 1010, boforo the court at tho hour of 0 o'clock a. m., at which tlmo any person Interested may appear and oxcopt to and contest tho same. And notlco of this Proceeding Is ordered given in the North latto Trlbuno. a seml-weokly newspaper, for six successive Issues prior to June 7th, 1010. Witness mv kand and thn annl nt thn rnun- ty court at North Platto this loth day of May A. D. 11)10. mU-6 W. O. Eldeh. County Judge. NOTICE FOB PUBLICATION. Sorlal No. 024(17. Department of tho Intorlor. U. S. Land Ollice at North Platto, Nob. May 18th. 1010. Notlco Is heroby given that Arthur Todoii boft. of North Platte, Neb., who, on March Oth. 1905, mado U. E. No. 210tM. Serial No. 02107. for all of section 4. Township 10 N.. Bango 80 West ot the Uth Principal Meridian, has filed notlcnof intention to make final Uvo year proof to establish claim to tho land above described, beforo tho Beglster and Bo colver at North Platto, Neb., on tho IStb day ofJuiy.lOtO, Claimant namos as witnesses: Harry Cal ender, D.N. Callenderand Henry Blckley, ot Tryon, Nob., and E. Mayfleld. ot Nesblt. Neb. J, E. Evans. Beglstor. OBDEBOFHEABINO ON PETITION FOB 8UMMABABV ADMINIPTBATION. Stato of Nebraska. Lincoln County, ss. In tho county court. In tho matter of tho estato of Nicklos Uuioll, deceased. On reading and filing the petition of Carolina E. Tolltz. praying that tho regular administration ot said estate. b waived as provided by sections bWi, (03, and 5201. Cobboy's annotated Statute for the year Ordered. That June 7th. A. D. 1010. at 3 o'clock p. m aulgned for bearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said manor may appear at a county court to bo bold in and for said county, anu show caubo why tho prayer of tho potitionor should not bo grantcdi and that notlco ot tho pendency ot said potltlon and tho hearing thereof bo given, to all persons interested in said mat ter by publishing a copy of this order in tho North Platto Tribune, a Semi Weekly nows paper printed in said county, for six succes sive lusues prior to said day of hoarlug, Dosed May Wth, 1010. wl7:3 . W. 0,'Ei.DitB.Oounty Judge. ; ' nya , NOTICE OF SETTLEMENT. The State dfNouTaakBi L. "TOCoVnty: f ra TrtMcPuney Court. , R.JIP'JPly mot fWJcSftatb of Ernest ToUW.ecfagvd. To the creditors, lfgatevs arid othors Interested in tho estate ot Ernest Tolltz. Tako notice, that Caroline Emlll Tolltz has fllod in the county court a report ot her doings as Executrix ot said estate and it Is ordered that the same ntund forharlng the 7th day ot Jun. A. 1). 1910, bo foro tho court at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. m., at which tlmo any person Interested may ap pear and except to and contest tho samo. And notlco ot this proceeding Is ordered given In-tho Nortlrt,ltewsofhl-woo1Uyrrrbuno for six successive Issues prior to Junu 7th 1010. Witness my hand and tho seal ot the county court aNortU Platto this Wth day of May, yiV4r ' V 0. EriAM. CduW tfuMl. iVIV. B K. C.LLIOTT, CxAratV Clerk'. aAimy'DWrtf.