NtWtS'f AMEkICAN 'iORPEDO.fBOAT DESTR0JER MADE WELL AND STpG By Lydia E. Pinkhmu's Vegetable Compound (r - AND OTHER Parrot Used as Collector of Bad Bill -i ir ' rnikj i NEW YOItK A credit man, upon tho beginning a his connection wllh n larKO ulioleAnlo cropRrv hmisn. found on the bookd an account of longH tunneling, ninounclng to boiuo $700, against tho proprietor of n goneral fltora In a western state, Tho mer chant was a man nnanclnlly nblo to pay thoblll ten times over and never miss tho money. On account of Bomo erjevanco ngnlnst the house thoy wero unable to Btralghton It out be cause ho would never tell them what It wns the oid man flatly rcftiEOd to pay and told them to sue for their money. Tho new credit man wns n follow who bollevcd that every man llko Achillea of old and his heel had a vulncrablo spot somewhere and he set himself to the task of discovering tho weak spot In the mnkeup of tho eld merchant. He found It It was IMrrotal The oM man had a hanker ing for parrots. He loved parrots, owned a round hatMozen of thorn and could talk parrot from six o'clock In tl'o morning Until the tinkle of tho supper boll and still J;now something else that he would Ua to oay about them. The credit man thoight tho matter over: then ho went ot and bought n parrot nnd, giving contain directions about Its tutoring, le.'t It with tho blrd-storo man for GO days. Two montbB later tho old merchant T $5? ThiePs Arrest Reveals Honest "Cop" ,pHICAGO. There Is nt least ono po Vs Uccman In Chicago who Is abso lutely on tho square. In fact, ho Is so honest that an attempt to present him with part of tho proceeds from a net job of "frisking" startled him, nnd ho simply gasped for breath.. Tho doctors say his heart may have been injured by tho shock. Tho policeman Is "Honost Pat" Duggan of the Desplalnes street sta tion. Ouggan was standing at South Jefferson and West Madison street talking to Henry Habalt, an old friend of the honest copper. Knuto Gabrelson. a friend of Hnbalt, but evidently a stranger to Duggan, approached and Joined in the conver sation. Now, oven if Pat is honest, his eyesight might bo a llttlo bad. At least he did not see Gabrelson ex tract $60 from Habnlt's pocket while directing tho Intter's attention to a Chicken Explodes, N3W YORK. It would disconcert anybpdy to have a roast chicken, nicely browned, cxphdd with a loud nolso just as the kn'.fe was inserted In it, and It would -startle tho most lntropid epicure if tho explosion was followed by n gas that drovo every body from the room. Therefore. It Is not to be wondered at that Mrs. Elizabeth Jones or Brook lyn was much agitated when a chick en she had bought from Butcher David Kahn and which was bought, dressed and cooked under her person al supervision, should burst liko a black hand bomb just at the instant sho was about to carve it. Mrs. Jones had invited company to dinner and got tho chicken for tho es pecial benefit of her guests, Mrs. Night Watchman "Worked" by "Coeds" CHICAGO, Even policemen are hu man, although they do not always show it. Jf anything can bring out their human qualities it seems that a lot of fair but sometimes rocalcltrant "co-eds" would. This Is why somo ono has advanced tho theory just theory, mind you that somo of tho girls nt Wlllnrd ball, tho girls' dormitory nt Northwentern university, havo bo placed themselves In tho good graces of tho night policeman stationed at the door thut they may cume In a lit tle Into and not be reported. Tho theory came to tho notice of Miss Mary Ross Potter, dean of wom en, and Rhe lec'urid the girls collec tively and some individually about the recolved a handsomo South American parrot with the compliments of tho fl-m with which he was at outs n beautiful bird, finely feathered and in telligent looking a much better speci men than any of those which ho al ready owned. It took tho parrot about a week to get uccu to tno surroundings, then, one morning when the old man was play fully stroking the back of Its head nnd admiring Its beautiful plumage.. It cocked one cyo up at him knowingly nnd In guttural, croaking tones In quired: "Why don't you pay Blank's bill?" Tho old man nearly foil from his chair. At first ho was furious, but llttlo by little the funny sldo or tho situation grow upon him, and It final lr awakened oven IiIb dormant senso of humor. Ho smiled, then ho grinned, ho chuckled, then ho actual ly laughed! Tho Ico broken, ho kept on laughing, until tho tears rolled cown his rugged cheeks nnd his stin ging sides ached from their unaccus tomed use; and tho parrot, evidently Hppreclntlvje, Joined in with a gleeful cackle alternated at frequent inter vals with the platntWo repetition of its one accomplishment In tho con versational line: "Why don't you pay Blank's blli.T" The next day tho old merchant sat himself down nnd penned a lcttor to Blank & Co., whoso credit man gave every cvldenco of exoesslvo plcasuro when he opened, for It rpad: . "Find Inclosed checU to balance my account Send down your traveling mnn and we'll kiss and mnko up again. I ucss, nftor all, that you'ro no big ger robbers than tho rest or them. That parrot Is a bird?" pretty girl In n window across tho street. As Habalt walked away Gabrelson approached Duggan with perfect con fidence nnd flashed the $50 before his eyes. "Geo, but that was dead easy. Say, I feel like 1 had grabbed a baby's hot tlo. That guy Is so green that ho will looso his balanco If ho loafs around here long. ' "And you ought to ee tho roll. I bet he's got 200 bears in his Inside pocket, which won't worry him by night. Here, you takf. $25 or this nnd when I got tho roll I will split Havo a drink." When Gabrelson began to talk tho policeman smiled a wfso smile nnd twirled his club m, ho assumed a pose. Of courso tho fellow wns only fooling. He wouldn't daro teH n po liceman anything Hk-J that But as tho fellow KoceedeO with his lino of talk something Vnn to loosen up In Duggan's head and ho turned palo. Then ho gasped and finally grasped a beor sign ror support By tho time Gabrelson had finished tho policeman had recovered enough to connect Gabrelson's hend with a night stick and call a patrol wagon. Butcher Is Sued Jones Jabbed tho fork Into ono of tho wings or tho fowl to steady the bird, brandished the carving knlfo aloft, and In her most winning way asked: "Mrs. Smith, will you havo somo or the white meat?" Mrs. Smith smiled her ncqulcsconco and Mrs. Jones plunged tho point of tho blade Into tho chicken Just below tho breast bone. Instantly there was an explosion like that of a big firecracker, and tho Interior decorations of tho bird were scattered to the colling. Mrs. Jones and her guests pulled away from tho tablo immediately nnd looked nt tho chicken with bulging oyes. Mrs. JoneB went out and got n po liceman and told hlui to go Into tho dining-room and seo for himself. Ho did so. and by nn exhibition or un paralleled heroism got the fowl Into a bag and took It to tho station house. Then Mrs. Janes got out a warrant for Butcher Kahn, and. ho wob ar raigned In the Now Kersey avenue station. Magistrate Hylan held him in $500 for explanation. rule that they must be in by 10 p. m., unless hnvlng spocinl permission otherwise. Sho nlso has enforced more strictly tho rule governing young men callers. Each night when tho young women leave tho hall they aro required to register their names In a book with tho maid. When ten o'clock comes tho maid writes In a emnller book tho names of thoso not yot In nnd hands It ..to tho policeman. He. Frank Krueger. is supposed to check oft tho tardy ones, Nobody, so far ns Is known, has chnrged Ofllcer Krueger with neglect or duty, but It is known that somo or the girls havo staid out late MIbh Potter admits this and says eho knows more than the girls suspect "Of course," said ono, "I can't recall the names or any girls who stay out after casing hours, but there aro plenty or them that have a 'stand-In' with that policeman and they make good use or It. too," Q UINCY. MASS. Swift progress is being mndo In tho completion or ttrnVlI" Dnfltna tfin Infn.f I Ttnnln O ..... lit.l . t . . -...wjw . v. ..., iuV iuivoi ui uuwu uuiu a iiuju wur vusbuib 10 us launcncu. wiiun tno rerKins sua uown the ways into tho wntcr recently, It was christened by Mrs. Lnrx Andcrfon, n leador or society In Wash Ington. The boat will bo ono or tho rastcst and best equipped in the world. IS "VISITING COOK" Willing Woman Instructs Moth ers In. Preparation of Food. Philanthropists Teaches Housewives How to Buy Most Nourishing Foods, How to Cook and Servo Them What to Avoid. Now York. To tho end that school children should not bo sent oft In the morning with n breakfast or green peppers nnd coffee, and go homo in tho middlo of tho day to feast on crul lers and boiled tea. Miss Winifred Gibbs originated tho "visiting cook" philanthropy. Sho goes Into tho tenement houses nnd tenches tho bomemnkers, whether they be tho mothers or llttlo, mothers of 12 or 13 yesrs, how to buy the most nourishing foods, how to cook nnd servo them, what to cat and whnt to avoid. "I have been nt thn wnrV thrnn years now," sho told a represcntntivo oftho Evening Tolegrnm, "nnd in all that time I havo been repulsed In only ono home. I consider that a remark able record." It Is no wnnrlnr flint Minn nititia a welcomed on every Bldo. Sho Is ns cliecry as can bo. nnd hnB n warm personnl reeling ror tho pcoplo for whom eno Is working. She has scores or friends In tho ECctionn whnrn slin has held classes, among mothers who havo learned to reed their small babies after they have stonncd nurslnc thom and brides whom she has taught to mane nttractivo homes. "Before this movement wnn nfnrtn1." she explained, "charity breakfasts In tho schools wero tried nnd several other methods or getting proper rood to school children. Nono or them, however, tended toward tho final bet terment or conditions. Wo decided that tho best thlnir to do wnulrt hn tn tench tho pcoplo In their own homes wnat suouid be dono. "I never teach nnythlng that cannot .bo done when I am not thero with tho housowire. only practicable things that VIII always be userul to know and fol low out. I always take tho ramlly In come ns my working bnBls and work out a dietary that can bo followed with ease. I teach the homcmakers how to buy what I havo suggested and how to cook It "The avorago midday meal for school children in tenement districts nil over the city." Miss Glbbs con tinued, "is broad and boiled tea. I asked a llttlo Italian child the other day what he hnd had for breakfast 'Oh. wo had peppers nnd coiree.' ho re turned, 'and papa had peppers and beer.' $200 Pearl for Few Cents Hungry3allor Luckily Spends Last of His Money for Oysters and Is Rowarded. Now York. "Here's tho last quarter I'vo got In tho world. Glvo mo some oystors, nnd go ns rar ns you llko," was tho combination or announcement and roquest with which John Olson, a Bnuor employed on tno Scandinavian American line, greeted William Gnu. proprietor or a market In Hoboken, as ho entered that establishment a row days ugo. Mr. Gau proceeded to opon oysters Tho Bailor looked hungry, so ho made haste. As tho third oystor was pried apart Mr. Gau uttored un exclamation. There was a big ponrl. "Well, that'B tho best luck I'vo had In n long time," he ob served. "Isn't It n boautyf" "Walt a minute." piped up Olson "Didn't I buy tho oysters and didn't you take tho money? My oyster, my ponrl. Hand 'er over." Tho oystermnn protested, but tho snllor argued so convincingly that Mr Gau finally acquiesced. They Jour neyed at once (o a Jeweler, who ap praised tho Jewel at $200 and threw In nn oxclamnMon or admiration upon its whltu color lor gopd moasnr-A. H "I frequently, whero It is possible give lessons to groups of sovcral wom en of a tenement In tho kitchen of ono of them. When I do this, tho children are likely to be playing on tho floor nearby. Ono day recently I wnB going through tho hall of a tenement niter a lesson, when I ran Into a number of llttlo girls playing with their dolls, Tho doll children were seated at a table nnd ono or tho llttlo mothers was laying down tho law to the rest In a Bhrlll voice tolling thom what was good ror tho dolls to cat with a manner as nearly llko mlno ns sho could make It. So. you see, my work Ib absorbed in somo degrco even by tho youngest children. "People of tho lowest class will not understand that it Is bettor to buy two eggs for ton cents than a lot of cheap stufT. They can't comprehend why qunntltleB or coffee nnd boiled tea nro ruinous to their stomachs." Miss Glbbs believes that the reason sho is so welcome In tho tenement homes is that sho and tho poor moth ers havo so much In common ob bIio presents llfo to them. "They llko mo to take it for granted," sho sagely commented, "that they nro interested in the tOnlCB Of tlln dnv. Nnl snrlntnirv or comets or anything so dcop as that. out. ior instance, tills boycotting of meat all over tho country. I got ns much from them nB they do from mo, for wo nre nil a part of tho same prob lem and working ror tho same end tho betterment or tho human race. "Some day I hope tho city will bo divided Into mnny sections, ench under a capablo teacher, so that thero will How Error Makes Trouble Transformation of Word "Farm'Mnto "Franco" Leads to Lawsuit Over Small Boy, Chicago. Although habeas corpus proceedings lnstltgnted by Mrs. Thur nau to compel Mrs. William R. Rad moro to relinquish possession of sevemyear-old Kerlln Thurnnu wero dismissed In tho circuit court, tho liti gation disclosed an Interesting story. Several years ago, Mrs. Radmore snj-8, Mrs. Agnes Thurnnu, accom panied by her Eon, who wns 111, ap plied ror rooms at her boarding house, 1511 West Adams street Tho mother admitted to Mrs, Radmoro that aho was a -circus nnd variety perrormer and said she wnB tho wiro or Edward D. Thurnnu. a publisher. Alter nearly a year the mother went to tho Pacific coast, leaving1 tho child In Mrs. Rad morc'B caro. weighs about throe carats, nnd tho sailor thinks ho will not havo to worry about getting square meals ror somo time. Famous Axteo Camp to Go. San Antonio, Tex. According to G. S. Lcaverton or Austin tho ramous Artec camp at Mammoth, Arl is bo Ing demolished in order to make room ror a mlno. It was nt UiIh camp that tho AztecB aro said to havo rested sev eral years beroro entering Mexico, whero thoy conquered tho Annhuans and Toltecf, who wero then the mnsters or tho country. Although tho city thoy built wns destined to bo only temporary. JtB remnlnH nre still In a good Btato or preservation. Time Checked by Wlroleio. Boston. The iiteamshlp Bulgaria rxrbanged Greenwich time by wire ltsi with the Kalsor Wllhelm dor Grosfle, while tho ships wero 200 miles npurt. u has boon necessary hereto fore lor ships to bo near enough to mnko tho exchdhgo or time by signals. Tho chronometer or the Bulgaria showed only three seconds dlfftronco when compared with tho tlmo flashed by the Kalsor Wllhelm dor Grosse, nnd only" ten minutes wore consumed In sending tho roquest nnd tho roply. tho United States torpedo boat do- t 1 t . .. - . . .... be no homos whero tho regular dinner, prepared by a twelve-year-old girl. Is pancakcB and tea, as I round condi tions In a homo recently. Intcrost In this visiting cook philanthropy Is wTdo spread. A similar movement Is being started now tn Provldcnco and when I was in Baltlmoro a fow days ago I found that tho people with charitable Inclinations there were planning work along tho samo lines aa mlno." UNIQUE WAY OF KISSING GIRL Philadelphia Man Arrested on Com plaint of His Nelnhbor, Who Watches Servant Philadelphia. That ho might kiss tho pretty Borvant girl next door through a hole In tho party wall, John Kysel of Eleventh and Pino Btroots.. Camdon, mutilated tho property, and wbb held In $200 ball by Justlco Bud noy. Tho testimony tended to Bhow that Kysol Is not on good terms with tho ramlly of Felix Rudsln. his neighbor, whoso sorvant ho admired. Aa a re sult tho servant w,as watched too rlnnnlv fnr Tfvaul in mnnt , .kw. iug, uui BurruLr tltlously. Thero seemed only one thing to do. nnd Kysel did It Ho used n brace and bit in the wooden partition In tho roar kitchen, nnd ror doing this Iludsln had him arrostcd. Kysel admitted ho kissed tho girl through tho holo in tho wall," nnd .that almost every day they passod notes to each other. Rudsln caught tho girl with hor llpa to tho holo. Not until sho mqved nwny and he Baw tho holo did ho understand tho situation. Ho then sworo out tho warrant About two wooks ngo. Mrs. Radmoro pays, Sho Was nrnnnrlnir ir tho country for tho summer when sho receivcti rrom Mra. Thurnnu a tele gram asKing that sho send tho child to i.os Angeles at onco. Sho replied ihui hho coum not get tho child ready and wnntcd to tnkn him to it,. rnrm for a month beforo sending him west m mo telegram tho word "farm" read "France" when received by Mrs. Thurnau. and whn Mra Tt,.,.nn.. that sho tolegrnphed to her Chicago .nnjHiejrB iu oegm naueas corpus pro ceedings. As soon us Mrs. Radmore's story " iuiu mo proceedings wero dropped. The child will bo sent to Its mother as soon as tho farm outing Is over. IMPROVE IN ELECTRIC AGE Uco of Steam Power Held Responsible for Industrial Llfo Evils In Italy. Milan. Pror. Enrico Forrl, Lorn- broso's most illUBtrfmin rllatfnln In criminal anthropology, attributes tho BTowm or cniid crimo In Italy to steam. DIscusBlnc: modern " HMwi,. luiiaui in relation to tho phenomenon or youthrul crimo, ne expressed conviction thnt tho breaking un or family lir gonerncy in malo physlquo, ongulfmont ui women ana ciuidren in whltu slnvory nnd other evils, wero traceable to mo uso or steam power. This appalling state or things, ho said, wbb destined to disappear wtth tho coming reign or electricity, which would bo universal, whon, ns sclencn roresaw It, man hnd discovered how to convert the hent or the sun by dlroct moans Into electrical energy, Ha stated that already In parts or the United States and Belgium sowing mnchlno work in ractoiles had boon nbollshed, and women wero ablo to work shorter hours In their own homes with machines driven by cloo triclty. Within a fow yonrn, ho said, progres sive government would bo nblo to shorten the working time of thoso em ployed In Industrial occupations nnd. what was still moro imperative, rrom a criminological standpoint, to abolish night work. Jefferson, Iowa. "When hit baby was just two month old I was com pletely run down and my Internal or gans were in tern IblOBhnpo. I begnn Itaklntr Lvdla E. Hrinkham'a Vcgeta- oio uompounti, ana mother wrote and told you just bow I wbb. I began to rain 1 at once and now I Jam real well." Mrs. V. II. JJubqer, 700 Cherry Bt, Jefferson, Iowa. Another Woman Cured Olenwood, Iowa. " About three years ago I bad falling and other fe male troubles, and I was nothing but Bldn and bones. I was bo sick I could not do my own work. Within six months I was made sound and well by Lydia E. Plnkliam's Vegetable Com pound. I will always toll my friends that your romcdies cured mo, and yon can publish my letter." Mrs. O. W. " Dunk, Olenwood, Iowa. If you belong to that countlosa army of womon who suffer from some form of fomalo Ills, lust try Lydia E. Hnk ham's Vegetable Compound. For thirty years this famouB remedy has boon tho standard for all forms of fomalo Ills, and has cured thousands of womon who have been troubled with such ailments as displacements, fibroid tumors, ulceration, Inflammation, Ir regularities, backache, etc. If you want special advico writ for it toMre.Pinkham.Tjynn,MaM. It Is f rco and always lioipf ui. Make the liver , Do its Duty Nine time fa tea wKsa Um tint it lUil kV ..J t i. i. CARTER S LITTLE UVER FILLS gently but Snsly coat- pel a uzy nrer to aa iu duty. Cure. Co- Upatioa, Indiges tion, Side litadacl, b4 DbtrM after Eatkkg. Small PO. Saudi Data, SmaH Ftfca VCJUIINC. sua bear Hgaaturet t ALLEN'S FOOT-EASE Stake Into Year Sboca Allen Foot--IU, the aatlcoptlc potviler fnr Ilia feet. It cnrwi frtmfnt. woll.n. wnrt(n,iirron Utt, aad liUatlr. UIim tn iiId( out ol comndbnnlon. na tUo irrent eat conirort dUroToryof tho it. AJln' Fout Enmillthl nuinr er an thoet ImI auj.lt l a eartaln ear I or lniolijf n.ili, wfit n, callout and tin!, aching (ml TTO-UAV. Bold.Mrwbre,l. lo not nrrent any aubitltota. tntbBiill lor a&o. la ttimua. FREE2llaVACI"01, ftlOTIIllU (3 It POWIIliUti. thm Fernlth. iokly 01 ItAY'a 8WBBT bot madiclu lot ObUdmu I) rait lit (rrwhora. Dull! ALLUtf B. OLUBtlf D. La .toy. w7 V. Till l'l W. L. DOUGLAS Q5. $4, 83.50. $3 & $2.50 $2.008o O II Ufidl), 42.60 A $2 W. L. Douglas shoes nro'voru by moro men thaa any other make, CEOAUSEi V.UnnRluaS.OO ami B).uuiuuaaiiual, in atyle, lit aud wnar, other make ooatlng , 0.00 tn 8.00. I W.UInuRla VSJtO, X00,-.00 anil 83.IM) hoes nro tha lovrekt prloe.quiillly onndd- j ereu,uitno uona. Fait Color Euiliti. Th qi-nuliK. IitW. f D001U1 nm and ilce tamnedonilie bottoin, Tak. N Nnl .llliitr. A.U your itrulrr for V.l.l)oii8i,ho. II Hit re not for fiil In ronr town write for Mll Ordfr Uat aloa. irlrlnit full rtlrertloni how to ordrr br mall. Bhort ordf nut dlrort from fartory dllTerrd to trie nranr all cliarL-ca repald. W. U UOUUtAB, llrocktoo, IUI. FREE l Send postal for Froo Pncknge i of Paxtine. Defter and more economical than Ilqald antiseptics WOU ALL TOILET USES. Girei one n tweet breath clean, white. Borm-ires teem antlirptlcclly clean nioum ana uiroat purine the breath nf rr.nl.l.. ,tl..t. .11 Jf . t.f - peripiratlon and body odor much op- iirauura ay aotntj women, v qui cm rerncuy tor torn cyo and catarrh. A llttlo Paxhna powder dia. olved La a glu of hot watet make a Jeltghtful antiieptls kv lutloa, poamiio extraoidlnar deaminj, gcrrokxlal and beaU ing power, and abtolutely harm leu. Try a Sample. 50c a large box at druadA or by maJL THE PAXTON TOILCT CO., BorroH. Maaa. Know SkiYiag Comfort NO STROPPING NO HONING dyBBRfeti KNOWN THSiaBPwortLD OVER Q flTCMTC Wataou R.folirnon,Wah IT O. I r.Il I lnuin.U.C. Uuoa.irve. Illr MB a-i a aj m tvfereacca. Ikat rtoulta ii m lit lit r.imsr BranTeHc ..ggVIVlTTLK IIVER FILLS. gVlS-i r In a pinch, Fot-Eate"