A. mi , k 1 Ms TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, MAY 24, 1910. NO 85. JJortlt pattc TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS 8 Tho county commissioners adjourned Friday evening Until Juno 14th. J. R. White and Henry Fulk, of Sutherland, wore visitors in town Sat urday Dan McKee, so well known in North Platte, has been appointed postmaster at Willow Island. Stock inspector Boardman is negotiat ing for tho purchase of the E. D. Owens residence in south part of town. You can make your red stovo lids like new if you uso Stovink. For sale at Schiller & Co'o. Miss Marie Salisbury began her duties yesterday as stenographer for u. tt. Elder and others in tho Keith theatre block. Fremont Watts & Son recently shipped a car of baby beef to South Omalia that brought tho top notch Erlce, and attracted the attention of all uyers. Barney Guynan, of Wood River, has purchased the J. R. W6rthley house on west Third street opposite tho school building for $2,600. Ho will remove to this -city next spring. At a meeting of tho state dental society in Omaha last week Dr. O. H. Crcssler, of this city, was elected vice president. This is evidence that North Platte dentists have a high standing in the profession. For Sale Fivo horse power gasoline cngino in good running condition. Prico cheap. Inquire of J. R. White, at Ce ment Works. Bobert Gary will visit his parents in this city the latter part of next month. "Bob" on account of ill health, waa compelled to give up his position in a Seattle bank and fs now traveling for a wholesale clothing' house. Rev. Geo. F. Williams went to Goth enburg Sunday and delivered the ser mon to the high school graduating class of twelve members. This service was held at the opera house and was of a union nature, all tho churche? closing. About 800 people were present. The young ladies' club of the Catholic church gave a well attended ice cream social at the McWilliams residence Friday afternoon and evening, tho receipts amounting to thirty-eight dollars. Durimr the oveninor music and card games formed the entertaining' xoatures. r June the montlof nwes tho, sea son when nature" smiles benignly the time of wedding bells beautiful pres ents for tho bride gifts for the brides maid momentoes for tho best man favors for tho entire galaxy of atten dants. Exquisite articles in gold and silver, richly mounted gems, superb cut glass a store full from which to make selections. Clinton, Jeweler and Optician. Tho club Nevita will meet with Mrs. J. II. Morrow Wednesday afternoon. Martin McCullough, of Elsie, trans acted buisness and visited .friends in town yesterday. It looks as though Lincoln county could have the Btate senator nomination for tho asking. Does anybody want it? Mr. nml Mrs. .Ins. MoTRvnv wnnt tn fOmaha Sunday where Mr. McEvoy will havo a slight operation performed upon his no3c. Members of tho Saturday afternoon club were royally entertained by Mrs. Minor Hinman last Saturday. Elabor ate refreshments were served. Mrs. Fred Hnnlon was called to Col umbus the latter part of last week by a telegram announcing that her hus band nad been seriously burned by a gasoline exposition. Tbe semi-annual apportionment of state school money, made by State Supt. Bishop Saturday, gives Lincoln county $3,969.40, or eighty-seven cents for each child of school ago. C. A. Howo, of Lewcllen, has been in town for several davs looking after his business interests, lie informs ub that he has in about 100 acres on his homestead, and generally speaking crops look very good. If you want to match a dress with silk glove3 bring is a sample; we will match it. Wilcox Dept. Stoke. Miss Alice Howclls, who gave read ings at the Keith Friday evening under the auspices of the Junior Class, was given attentive hearing by a fair sized audience. She won good words for her excellent work. The receipts were but little in excess of the expenses. Lost A scotch collie bitch: sable and white in color. Finder return to J. F. Schmalzried. Judge Grimes, Reporter Cary and attorneys Hoagland, EVans, Halligan and Crosby went to Tryon yesterday in tho Hinman and Weinganu cars. They took alone a tent in which thev will live while there. Among tho cases to b tried are two 'shooting with intent to kill" charges. Mrs. and Mrs. Ralph Bixler enter tained tho Harmony high Ave club in a delightful manner Friday evening, twenty-four being present. Mrs. O. H. Crcssler and C. S. Clinton won first prizes and Mrs E. T. Tramp and Prof. Garlichs the emblems of consolation. A two course lunch was served. For Sale House and lot at 709 west Fourth street. Inquire at house or shoo shop. , t. C. ,Nevvm Barber, u former resident of the south part of the county, who be came mentally unbalanced and was sent to the Lincoln asylum, died at that institution last Friday. The de ceased was the fathor of Mr. Barber, who conducts tho Third ward meat market. The son went to Lincoln and brought the remains to Wellfleet for interment. Feriesal Mealies. Joo McGraw, of Denver, is visiting friends in town. Mrs. Roscoe Zimmer, of Sidney, is visiting friends in town. C. T. Whelan and son Kenneth left Saturday noon for a month's visit at waddtngton, w. x, Mrs. Anna SryferthMs visiting her daughter. Mrs. Will Mcuiono in ucn vcr, leaving for ttaat city Saturday. J. S. Hoagland returned Saturday night from Fairbury, where he at tended the G. A. R. encampment. Misses Kate Gilman, Laura Murray and Orilla Gilman wore guests at tho Hendy ranch at Maxwell Saturday and (Sunday. Misses Bessie Smith and Miss Sarah Brand went to Kearney Saturday to attend a house party given by Mrs. Lawrence Wornett. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Garlow were call ed to Omaha Saturday by the receipt of a telegram announcing tho death 01 Mr. Garlow's father. Report comes from Excelsior Springs that Julius Pizer and W. T. Wilcox are not only having a pleasant time, but are beginning to feel as frisky as a twelve year old boy. J. C. Fogg, now living at Kensing ton, Kan., where he is farming 400 acres, spent the latter part of last week with friends at Sutherland and in this city. Miss Margaret Ware, who had been visiting friends in town for aoveral weeks, returned to her home in Blair. Sho was accompanied by Misa Helen Patterson, who will visit there for some time. Miss Helen Alice Swarthout, form erly of this city, is a member of the graduating casa of tho convent at Con cordia, Kan., cards to the graduating exercises having been received by her friends in town. Teachers Rejigs Miss Weikland, who has been teach ing in the Second ward and was re-elected, has resigned and .will accept a position at Kimball at a higher salary than she receives here. Miss Gertrude Baker has tendered her resignation and has accepted n position in the Gothenburg schools for next year. She was given a year's leave of absence and has been attend ing tho Kearney state normal. Sho was elected to teach in the local Bchools the coming year, but was offered' more money at Gothenburg. Short Horn Built for Sale. Owing to the bad weather on our Bale day we did not dispose of all of our bulls. We still have six head of service able age that we are giving very low prices to make room for younger stock comingon. If you are interested, these Can bo seen at our ranch two miles west of North Platte. Come early and get the good ones. Fiiemont Watts &'Sons. WHEAT FLOUR CHEAPEST' AND BEST FOOD U. S. GOVERNMENT TESTS PROVE IT. ARTICLES. ENERGY 10 CENTS WILL-BUY. Eggs 385 m ' Beef, sirloin ;..- . . . 410 mm '-';$f' Mutton, leg r. 440 warn :C ". Milk ,....,;.;... 1030 mmm v v! v?'' ' . Pork, loin 1035 M , " Cheese..-., 1185 mh x Butter ' 1365 memmm - . Wheat Breakfast Foods ..1489 mmmmm ' - nn m t - Potatoes 2050 mhm. WHEAT FLOUR ....... 6540 ''hhmmhhhiphhh " (U.S. Department of Agriculture Farmers Bulletin No. 142.) Energy Muscle and Strength Giving Qualities. One pound of Flour costing 2l to 3 Cents, will go as far as two pounds of Meat costing 15 to 20 cents per pound. The above table should prove to you beyond a doubt that the value ofWheat Bread as a food is away Up; also thatits cost, compared .with other food, is away down. There ia no better .flour on the market than Be'sl XXXX anti Gold Crown, manufactured by tho North Platte Mill & Groin-Co. It is the flo'uf of the classes and within the reach of the pocket book of tho masses. t FOR SALE BY ALL LEADING GROCERS. J North, Platte & Grain Co. I TP THE M CORSETS They Ince in front as a result tho abdomen is releaved of all pressure. Support is given to tho organs and deep broathing ia encouraged. They cmpliosizo tho long graceful lino of the back, which artists agree is tho most beautiful line in art. They gently but surely compel a correct standing position and a graceful carriage. Wo invite you to investigate these wonderful corsets. WILCOX DEPARTMENT STORE. m m m m m m A Visit to the Dcmpcy Ranch. A party of forty-ono North Plntto people enjoyed tho hospitality of Mr. and Mrs. I. N. Dempcy .nt their ranch thirty-eight miles southwest of town Sunday., Thirty-six of tho party made the trip in automobiles, the other fivo rode motorcycles. Tho drivo to the ranch was made by most of tho cars in one hour and forty minutes, which is good time "considering tho tortuous nature of the road for a distanco of a dozen miles Up Snell Canyon, Arriving at the ranch they round about twenty other people present, nnd also that Mrs. Dempcy and her daughters had prepared a splendid dinner for all. This hospitality on tho part of Mr. and Mrs. Dempcy was not expected by tho visitors from North Platte, and it was therefore very much appreciated. The ride had sharpened their appetites and we felt rather embarrassed, over the rapid firo manner in which Piatt White. Minor Hinman, Otto Thoelecko and Ray Lancford divested tho tablo of its burden of good things. lho object of tho trip was to witness a hill climbing contest by cars, Mr. Dempcy announcing his intention of purchasing a car that could success fully climb the hill leading west from his ranch. This hill is about a half mile lone:, has an average grade of eighteen per cent, and with a maximum grado of tRlrty-fivo per cent for tho last 200 vards. It was expected that a number of different make cars would enter tho contest, but the .expected agents from other ffiwns' were not present and tho contest narrowed down to the Bulck cars taken over by Messrs Davis & Chorpenning, of this city. . The "thirty" Buick started up tho hill with six passengers and made the trip without hesitancy, ana later took ten passencrers un the steepest incline of the hill. Tho smaller Bulck nlso made tho hill, as did also tho Whito Buick owned by Ed Walker. Other cars owned by North Platto parties mado the attempt but the pttcn 01 the hill threw the gasoline away from tho car buretor, hence there was no compres sion or power. Minor Hinman obviated this difiiculty by backing, and reached tho top. Mr. Dempcy was so well pleased with tho work of the "thirty" Bulck that he gave a check for its purchase. The Dempcy ranch is situated in a very rough country, n succession of sand hills, nnd very norrow draws be tween. The ranch includes about -1,000 acres on which 300 head of cattle and a number of horses nro grazing. The barns are large and well constructed, and the house, which is located on a high elevation,, is a very comfortable one, prettily ana attractively furnished, and evidently tho family is musically inclined for a piano, violin, mandolin and phonograph were in evidence. Cer tain it is that thoinmntes or tho Demp cy homo are among tho most hosplt ablo peoplo on earth, WEI I Eighth Grade Graduation. Tho graduation exercises of the Eighth grade of the Lincoln county schools will be held nt tho high school auditorium on Friday after noon or this weok beginning nt two o'clock. Two hundred and thirty pupils havo successfully passed this exam ination, and are therefore ready to take up tne nignor gruues. The program at these exercises will bo as follows: Selection Music of Waters Chorus. Invocation Rev. W. S. Porter. Music Selected, Address to Class Rev. C. F. Chapman. Music K I D Girls Chorus. Presentation of Diplomas Prin. E. C Ringer. Music Selected. Announcements Co. Supt. Ebright Childrens' Wash Dresses The styles for these little tots were never more stunning than those shown this season. Come and look them over Be fore vou buv vour materials and make up these tedious little garments. You will be surprised at what handsome frocks you can buy here for a little money. No matter how little or how much vou want to pay, there will be some- .11 tmng here to please you. WHcox Department Store. SUEDE PTJMPS. Your wardrobe is not complete if it does not contain a pair of them. The latest creations in artistic footwear at the YELLOW FRONT SHOE STORE, DIENER & FLEISHMAN. Ship in Sheep., ! County commissioner C. II, Walter arrived from New Mexico last week with 4,000 head of sheop which ho has placed on pasture land north of tho city. Ho also shipped 3,000 to Wallace and will pasture them in that section. Track.Meet. .Tho-students of the . Sutherland and North Platto Bchools held a field meet Friday afternoon in this city under tho supervision of Co. Sunt. Ebright. Tho meet was open to all schools of tho county, but representatives from only Sutherland and North Platto contested. The former secured a total of 271 points and the latter 37J points. Improved Train Service to Chicago. Six trains daily in each direction be tween North Platte, Lexington and Chicago, via the Chicago. Union Pacific and Northwestern line including the superbly electrical-lighted Denver Spec ial which leaves North Platto at 5:35 every evening, reaching Chicago at 1:30 p. m. tho next day. A solid through train with convenient schedules and all travel conveniences. Full information on applcatlon to tho Ticket Agent Union Pacific R. R. County Bank Deposits. May 11th, wtfhi the last statement was called, the banks of Lincoln county outside of North Platto showed de posits exceeding a half millidn dollars. Theso deposits wero distributed among the sovcrnl banks as follows: Sutherland Bank $115,482.78. Wallace Bank 100,802.14. Bank of Brady 95.C86.00. Bank of Hershoy 81,150.11. Maxwell uanK D5,J2.5y. Brady State Bank 51.4D0.48. There is also a bank at Wellfleet. I uut wo nave not seen the statement issued by it. G. A. R. Memorial Service. Stephen A. Douglas Post No. 69. G. A. R . extends n cordial invitation to all veterans of the civil war. Spanish war veterans, W. R. C, sons and daughters of veterans, all fraternal orders, all church organizations and citizens ol this city to join with the veterans of such post in tho obser vance of memorial exercises, SUNDAY MAY 29TH. at eight o'clock p. m., at Keith's theatre, there will be hold a memorial service Roy. Goo F. Williams, of tho Presbyterian church will conduct tho service. All veterans of the civil war, Spanish American war and Women's Relief Corps will meet at G. A. R. hall at 7:30 sharp that evening and march to tne piaco oi service. MONDAY MAY 30th. A't 9 a. m. nil veterans of tho civil and SpaniBh-American wars and mem bers of the W. R. C. and school child ren, who havo been selected to place flowers upon the graves of dececsed soldiers, and uch civic societies as de sire to attend this exorcise will meet at the G. A. R. hall and proceed to the cemetery where, with appropriate ser vices, tho graves of deceased veterans and frienda of thoso participating will bo decorated. At G o'clock a. m. a delegation, in charge of Col. Ruddy, of tho G. A. R. and W. R. C, will properly observe the foregoing ceremony at tho South Side cemetery. MAY 30th, 2 p, M. Without any parado prior thereto. memorial services will bo held at tho Keith theatre in accordance with tho following program: Music-ll Malo Quartette Messrs. Ringer, Cresslca, Mooro and Yost. Lincoln's Gettysburg Address Vic tor Halligan. Recitation Memorial Day Miss Irma Huffman. Solo Mrs. Dunlap. Address Rev. Allen Chamberlalp, Solo Miss Loretta MUrphy. Malo Qunrtotto, J . . Rocitation-rMiss Myrtlo Beeler. Closing Song Amorlca Audienco Benediction. At tho McPhorson national cometory appropriate services will bo hold in tho afternoon of May 30th. Tho W. R. C. of the Dopartmcnt of Nebraska havo appropriated money and ordered $25 worth of flowors for tho decoration of tho eight hundred soldiers' graves at Ft. McPherson, and n good program has been arranged for tho proper ob servance of tho day at tho national cemetery. J. E. Evans, Chrm. Com. Coming Soon. Tho great American drama "Tho Girl From tho Golden West," an oil star metropolitan cast thirty peoplo including Reed'a Solo Band and Symp hony Orchestra, traveling in their own Pullman car "Caroline."' ''The Girl From the Golden West" had a run of soven hundred consecutive per formances in New York and over 500 in Chicago. Tho success of this drama has been so pronounced that this company will play throughout the woat for twenty weeks in their mammoth water proof nravilion theatre. Tho same being thoroughly equipped with elevated stage and ten full sets of special scenery. "The Girl From tho Golden West", as everyono knows, is a four act western drnmu, thrilling, romantic and full of clean comedy, Btrong in dramatic situations and climaxes. A beautiful lovo story that pleases every body. Don't class this show in tho same company as the questionable "Fly-by-night" aggregations that havo played your city before Don't fail to witness tne largest nnd best dramatic show on tho road today. Clean, moral unu ruuncu. unuorseu oy press, clergy nnd tllllllll Onn nlrrlit- nnlir Mni-tf. Platto May 27. Popular prices. Seats iur iow people. Lake Ice. I am prepared to furnished pure lake ice at 40 cento per hundred pounds. Orders may bo loft at Schillera' drug store. Levi Edis. Song; a' Band. H tmj Fdrti AuuhJrrcV CARPETS. The sprincr is still vounc yet we have already sold dozens of carpets. We attri bute the most of these sales to the low 'prices we are ask ing. The only other reason we can think of is that the. stock is very complete now and that there is a greater range of patterns to select from than has usually been shown. But whatever it is we know that people are more than sat isfied with our assortment and prices, You will be too if you will pay this department a visit. Wilcox Department Store.