The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, April 29, 1910, Image 4

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Now Hat Pins.
New Bags in Silver and Leather.
New Collar Pins.
Now Bolt Pins.
New Neck Chains, extra long,
with the long lockets.
New Back Combs.
New Fobs ,for Ladies and Men.
Now Rings.
New Button Sets.
New Bracelets.
Diamond's, a big line of Diamond
. The
Vfk M
M Ovor First National. Phono US
Confirmation Services.
Confirmation services will be held at
the Episcopal cnurcn next &unany
evening. Bishop Anson R. Graves will
n nrainnl lollvnr n nprmnn nncl rnn-
firm a class of about thirty that will be
a t - - r
prcscntcu oy itev. mr. unnpmun.
Miss Irene Stuart is visiting friends
in Sterling, Col.
The bulk of hogs in South Omaha
yesterday Bold for $9.08.
Verne Mann and Stanley Swopo went
tr i 1 A a ...i ...111.
to ncarncy ycaiuruuy to iry uui wiui
tho Kearney ball team.
The D. of II. Social Club will meet
with Mrs. Joe Fillion. enst Fourth
street, Tuesday, May 4th.
Whiley Crane, who has been making
umana ins name ior Buvorui munuia, m
HI m l 1 .
visuing irienus in iowii.
Public sale of Shorthorn cattle at tho
Watts ranch two miles west of town
Wnlnnaflnir nfrnrnnnn
11UA l ITUUIIWOUUJ huuiviii .
postoilice, hasgono to.Beatricc to spend
n Urnnba' vnpflflnn
Mrs. Edward Hcinzle and Mrs. Lena
Tuclier.vof. Denver, are guests nt tho
W. C, Elder homo while enrouto east,
Al Tift finished his grading contract
east of BIrdwoou yestoruay ana today
moved his outfit to Ognlalla, where ho
takes another section.
Martin Waltz und Bon Al and Mr,
Knvle. - of Weeping Water, uro tho
crucstB of Mr. and Mrs. W. T. Brown
Mr. Waltz is a brother of Mrs. Brown
Jcsso Grable, night policeman, was
removed from ollko yesterday and
"Butch" Trout appointed to succeed
him. Tho lattor will no doubt accept
ably fill tiro position.
There will bo called a meeting of the
Mothodist nid society in tho church
parlor Saturday evening, April 30, at
oight o'clock to which an members are
invited to bo present.
Weather forecast: Gonorally fair to
night Saturday much coldor tonight
Maximum temnoraturo yesterday 94
one year ago 70. Minimum temperaturo
this morning 62; ono year ago SO.
Tho. Birthday Club mot Wednesday
afternoon and decided to contlnuo tho
club during tho year. Four additional
mcmbors wero received, making tho
present membership sixteen.
Wo aro requested to announce that
tho declamatory contest this evening
will bee n nromntlv at cicht o'clock
nnd that no ono will be admitted during
tho recital of a contestant but will be
twecn numbers.
L. Carnenter. who was in from tho
south part of tho county yesterdny
bovb tho dry woathor and high winds
has retarded tho growth of small grain
A good rain Is rather badly needed.
W; V, Hoogland roturncd yesterday
from Channe II. Oca alia and Julesburir,
attending court at tho two former
nlnces nnd delivering an address bo
l'oro the Odd Fellows' lodgo nt the
lattor town.
Tho North Platto roller mills, whic
have been idle for a short period, will
beixin operation next week. Wheat
will bo shinned n from Gothenburg or
Lexington, as thero ia no grain being
marketed hero.
Found A nocknt book at tho Pros
byterinn church. Owner enn have same
by calling at the Pacific hotel.
Judae Grimes returned home yostor
day from holding court in Deuel and
Keith counties. Monday no leaves tor
OBhkosh to hold court. This will bo
the first term of district court in the
now county of Gnrden.
Tho work of building tho Kinkniders
Mutual telephone line which runs in
from McPherson county is now in pro
gress, and olTorta will be made to got
it completed as soon as possible. Ex
tending over something like a forty
milo territory, this lino will givn quito
a numbor of ranchers and farmers
opportunity to Keep .in touch with
town. Sutherland Free Lance.
Tho bankers, who meet hero in convention-
May'12th wil' probably havo a
busy day, but W. H. McDonald, pres
ident of.tho group, hopes to find time
to take them out, to tho state experi
mental farm during the nftornoon.
Bankers others than those included in
this group ore expected to bo present.
Quito a number of thoso who will bo
present haye never visited North
l'latto, and they have a desire to sizo
' up the town and tho surrounding
Married Last Evening.
In the presence of sixty guests. Miss
Mary Elizabeth Strahom was united in
marriage last evening at 8:30 to George
Aubrey Zentmeyer at the home of tho
hrido's parents on west Second street.
The ceremony wns performed by tho
Hev. Mr. Williams, and tho ring ser
vice of the Presbyterian church was
used. To the strains of Mendelsohn's
wedding march rendered by Miss Iler
ma Zentmeyer, of Schuyler, sister of
tho groom, tho wedding party entered
the parlor, tno bndo on the arm ot nor
father and attended by Miss Bessie
Salisbury as maid, followed by the
room with Mr, McCoy, or umaha, as
best man. The bride wore a simnle
gown of white mullo and lace and car
ried bride's roses, and tho maid a gown
of white and pink organdio and carried
pinK roses.
The house was nrettilv decorated with
white and pink carnations, and follow
ing the ceremony a buffet luncheon was
served, tho Misses Sorenson, McKay,
Johnson md Kitner serving.
Mr. and Mrs. Zentmeyer left on a
night train for a three weeks' visit in
Omaha and Schuyler, and upon their
return wil! bo "athomo" in the Baker
house north of tho Episcopal church.
ino out-oi-town guests wero Mrs.
Porter, of Dodeo. Miss Irish of Cozad
and three young lady sistora of the
the bride Ib ono of North Platte's
most accomplished and popular nirls:
ono who has crown from childhood to
womanhood in our midst. Graduating
from the high school with tho class of
04. she sunnlcmcntcd this education
with n four year course at tho state
university. Bright and attractive, and
a favorite In social and church circles
the croom is certainly to ho cnntrrntu
latcd. Mr. Zentmeyer is a younc man
of Bterling worth who for some timo
past has been in tho service of tho
Union Pacific as chief train dispatcher.
ucai wisnes aro extended.
The Park Banquet.
Omaha Bee: Vice-President Willinm
L. Park of the Illinois Central railroad
was banquotcd Wednesday night at the
Omaha Club by his former associates
of the Union Pacific and was heralded
as tho man who grew up with tho great
Ovorland route, starting as a boy
freight brakeman and ending as the
general superintendent.
Tho banquet room was beautifully
decorated with carnations and palms,
and directly over the place at the head
of the table, whero Mr. Park was
seated were two American flags hang
ing from a buffalo's head. Tho menu
cards wero elaborate with a photograph
of the former general superintendent
on the front and a picture of tho Union
Pacific station at North Platto on the
back cover, representing tho place
Mr. Park first went to work for tho
Harriman system. Theso onenincr par
agraphs wero followed by a gist of tho
addresses and the name of those pres
ent, which included nearly all of the
Union Pacific officials.
Garfield Items.
Mrs. McRobcrts and pupils will trive
an entertainment and box supper at
tho hall Friday evening, May 6.
Evengellst Jacobs and wifo were
suddenly called homo on account of the
death of his mother, A. M. Hughes
taking them to North Platte. Rev.
Chamberlain of Trinity M. E. church
of Kearney, camo to carry on the
meetings which will close Friday even
Adam Scnsel and Mark Smith wero
North Platto visitors this week.
Adam Schaad and Rov. Chamberlain
were at Gandy Wednesday.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. uoodnow aro
happy over tho nrrival of a ten pound
daughter April 22d.
Tno high wind of last week unroofed
Mr. alver'B barn.
. Prescription Druggists
"Idrat I)ooiNorth of
First JSatlonal Manic
Wear out many shoes each
season? Whether you've been
buying cheap or high priced
shoes, WALKOVERS, at a
medium price, will make it
possible for you to save
money and you'll still be able
to wear shoes that cannot be
beaten for style, comfort or
$3.50, $4.00, $5.00
Wilcox Department Store.
20 Per Cent Discount
nic juadi if ecu ui lug um uaic.
The twenty per cent discount sale inaugurated by
i The Leader April 16th is proving a wonderful success, as t
V 1 ,1 1 f! 1 ' Jl J.. ..I' J.I. J.., W
nity ro purchase goodsat one-fifth less than, the regular
selling price. Some people were at first skeptical about
this sale, they thought it strange that a discount sale
iii i i i i i i iii.i i ill w
wouia oe puu on rignt in tne neai-t or tne spring traae, dux,
they are satisfied now, for they find it is a bona fide sale.
Everyone who does not attend this sale is losing L
money. Don't delay, for the sale won't last long, only a
1 1 .1 1 1 i i i IV
A weeK more ana your cnance to purcnase goods at twenty
per cent discount will have passed and with it the oppor-
C portunity to save yourself money on first class seasonable C
merchandise, the kind The Leader always sells.
15 Bulls from 12 to 24 months old. 15 Cows
and Heifers.
Wednesday, May 4, at 1 p. m.
These are all young cattle with all the use
fulness before them. These cattle carry the blood
lines of such noted sires as Sentinel 126262, Imp.
Royal Archer 144755, Great Scott 182756, a Ca
nadian bred bull and Imp, Merry Hampton 132572
Terms: Cash or its Equivalent.
Sale at ranch two miles west of town. No post
ponement on account of weather, as the sale can
be held under cover. Parties from a distance can
arrange for conveyances at Lock's barn.
Fremont Watts & Sons,
North Platte, Neb.
X See
That X
X. Fit :S
vmhw h mm m 2 vs gjrH
See our Line of
Brass Bedsteads.
Automatic Refrigerators
A serial story in eight diopters.
Chapter lV--Pure Ice Water.
Prices range from $3.00 $30.00
The Vault without a fault-Conceded Best in the World.
It is waterproof, reinforced with steol throughoutr
finished with aluminum, nnd can bo obtained from
your undertaker, at unreasonable price. It is a sat
isfaction worth' inoro than tho cost, to know that the
remains of your friends and tho caBkqt containing
them are preserved from tho waters of tho earth
ns they cannot ho when buried in any other way.
The North Platte Vaidt Co., G. W. Prosser, Afit.
V.,,Ty..ocf r
source of a 1
glass of ice 1
cold water
The Automatic Refrigerators
all have a cast water tank that
you may have ice cold water
that is not melted ice. See
them at the store.
Derryberry & Forbes.
In freshness and purity are our bakery
e;oods. No matter wnat tho purchase
may bo either Bread, rolls or any
thing in tho cake line, you nre cer
tain of securing the quality of goods
that cannot bo excelled for the money.
ConfouMunury, Pramra Bakury.