FOUR DAYS SPECIAL SALE If Saturday, Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, April 1 6th, 1 8th, 1 9th and 20th. We will hold a Special Sale on the following seasonable articles TURKISH TOWELS. Bleached or Unbleached, size 22x47, good heavy quality, sold by us in a 4 A regular way for 25c, sale price. ... 1 yC RUB DRY TOWELS. Regular Grade that is sold every where for 25c, nale price LINEN HUCK TOWELS. Size 17x32, Oxford Linen Huck Tow els, over 70 per cent pure Linen, cheap at 15c, sale price 19c He LADIES' VESTS. 20 dozen Ladies' Vests, taped neck and arms, regular price 10c, sale Fjl price 2C 15 dozen Ladies' Vests, made from fine combed cotton yarn, regular 4 4 IIL price 15c, sale price. 20 dozen Ladies' Vests, made from mercerized yam, regular price 25c, sale price . . 19c Children's Knit Waists, Waist Union Suits Children's knit waists, the famous M make, made with tape buttons around waist and Hankins patent pin tube for the hose sup ports, trimmed with edging in neck, regular price everywhere 25c, sale price 19c Waist Union Suits, made exactly as the above waists except having the drawers at tached, answers the place of three garments, the handiest child's garment ever made, regu lar price 50c, sale price. 39c CHILDREN'S HOSE 60 dozen Children's fine 1 and 1 rib double knees regular price 15c sale price I I cents 1 odd lot heavy ribbed hose, broken sizes, regular price 25 cents, sale price 1 9 cents Only One Dozen of any Article to a Customer. Wilcox Department Store q: y q: SPRING NOVELTIES. Now HatPIna. Now Bags in Silver and Leather Now Collar Pins. Now Belt Pins. Now Nock Chains, extra Jong, with tho long lockets. Now Back Combs. Now Fobs for Ladies and Men. Now Rings. Now Button Sots. Now Bracelets. Diamond's, a big lino of Diamond Kings. CLINTON, The Jeweler. jf -v hnx- m4m mH M nn UK. n. U DKULIt, CI nrvTicT Over First National. Phono 118 HIGH AS THE SKIES In freshness And purity are our bakery goods. No matter wnat tho purchase may bo either Bread, rolls or uny thing in tho cake line, you aro cer tain of securing tho quality of goods that cannot bo excelled for tho money. DICKEY BROTHERS, Confectionory, Pinnoa Bnkory. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Suracon, Office over McDonald Bank. Phonos I Office 130 i nones RoSdonco 115 Will J Itcdflold, M 1) J It McKlrahan, M I Drs. Redfield & McKiralian Phsicians and Surgeous. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phwcu 042-044 Office at P. and U. Hospital. C. F. Perry returned this morning from a business trip to Omaha. Mrs. II. M. Grimes is entertaining tho Birthday club this afternoon. J. J. Halligan returned Wednesday from Sidnoy where ho nttended dis trict court. Dr. Geo. B. Dont was called to Big nell yesterday to treat a caao of small pox In tho Roso family. County Supt. Ebrlght wont to Goth enburg this morning to attend tho de clamatory contest. P. M, Soronson left this morning for Kcnnaru, Neb., to vlBtt his lather, who is ninety-two years of ago. Wedding gifts, Dixon, Tho Jeweler. "It's worth while to buy a paper now romarKeu win lost touay; "tho bnBQ ball season has opened." The wonthor man predicts a heavy frost for tonight. If you desire to aavo your fruit: cover the trees with blan kets. O. H. Thoelecko has about decided that ho can uso an automobilo to ad' vantage and will probably .order i Kissel car. It does not rain under Hull Umbrel las. Dixon, Tho Jeweler. John Mellcn, of tho Northwestern road, transacted business in town yes terday and made an advertising contract with Tho Tribune. E. T. Tramp, Ray Langford, E. S. Davis and Sam VanDoran attended an Odd Follows meeting at Pnxton Wed nesday evening. John Deoro Implements and Weber & Stoughton wagons at Hershoy's. Hog prices nro on tho downward olldo, tho bulk soiling in South Omaha at $9.6-1 yesterday, a decllno of about one dollar since tho first of the month, For Saturday and Sunday only wo oiler white carnntions at 50 cents a dozen, colors at GO cents. C. J.PAsis. Tho North Platto Cowboy band will meet at tho Y. M, C. A. rooms nt 8:1G east timo tonight. Bring music racks; no uniforms, C. A. Lowell, Director. J . W. Abbott camo down from Hor shey last night and returned this morn ing accompanied by his son who had boon at tho Cunningham hospital for n few days following an operation for his tonsils. Col. Bill Dledrich camo to town with out Bhoes Wednesday. This is con clusive ovidenco .that Bpring has ar rived. This is no surer sign of ap proaching warm weather than Bill barefooted. Hf vnwlinfrlno rC n vnmr rrtuA ntinltftr aro selling in the local market today for twenty-five cents per quart box. Mr. nnd Mrs. Butlor Buchanan re turned last evening from Gibbon, where they attended tho session of tho Kear ney presbytery. Tho advance atront for "St Elmo". which will bo presented at tho Keith on Friday ovenlne or next week, is in town today distributing advertising matter. Tho street commissioner used the split drag on some of the streets to good aavnntago iollowing tho rain yes terday. Many of the country roads could bo improved by the uso of tho drag. "Tho Lion and tho Mouse," is one of tho strongest nlavs of recent veurs. and with the capablo company which pre sents it, there should bo a large audi ence at tho Keith next Monday evening, This issue of The Tribune ought to provo a most interesting one for the person who finds fault with high prices. The local merchants ndvertiso special prices on many seasonable goods, thus providing a money saving chanco to tho purchasing public. Vernon, tho hypnotist, who has been at tho Koith for the past three even ings has not been drawing very largo crowds. He Is said, however, to be very good in his line, He will close his engagement tomorrow evening. A game of ball between tho North Platto and Gothenburg high school teams was scheduled for today at the latter place, but on account of tho rain was called on", A number of tho players went down, nowovor, to nttend tho declamatory contest. Cane Seed for Sale. I have a quantity of choice hand picked cone seed which I will sell for $1.00 por bushel while it lasts. Also some miio maze peed. You can get theso Beed at tho Rltner feed store or nt my place. B. A. Wilson. Club Favors Capital Removed. Tho board of directors of tho Com mercial Club held a meeting last even ing and passed a resolution favoring tho removal of the state capital to a more central location. While the selec tion of a site will follow a vote for the capital removal, the club directors went on record as favoring North Platte as tho capital city. A committee was appointed to draft a resolution' favoring the passage of the bill which has been introduced in the senate providing for the creation of a national health department, the presiding officer of which shall bo a member or the presidential cabinet. This resolution will be forwnrded to tho Nebraska delegation in congress. Tho directors made a call on Genl. Supt. Ware, who had been spending the day in town, and had a nice visit with him. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should bo hitched a stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can boo a variety of vehicles whoso stylo is undeniable. They range from the phae ton to tho family coach and aro the equal of any in nppenrnnce and build. They aro less thun equal In price to most carrluges of their character. To Cigar Smokers who have not yet tried the Forest King cigar wo believe they will provo a rev olution. In all our experience we never know a better five cent cigar than the Forest King. It is tho finest combina tion of good tobacco nnd skilled cigar making we havo ever Been. Try ono and you'll want more. J. F. SCHIuALZRIED A M. Lock AH Ready For Summer Driving you will be when your horse Is togged out with ono of our fly nets, ear nets. fancy light, singlo strap harness, and fino round leather, open or blind bridles. Wo have a fino stock of summer horso goods, lap robes, that wo aro selling at reasonable prices. A. F, FINK. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEBERGER, Vice-President, V M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, F.'.lL. M00NEY, Cashier. c E U rt a o a 2 i ti mi t mi ill i ill i fwitl W 3 3 The Vault without a fault-Conceded Best in the World It is waterproof, reinforced with steel throughout, finished with aluminum, and can bo obtained from your undertaker at a reasonable price. It is a sat isfaction worth more than the cost, to know that the remains of your friends and the casket containing them aro preserved from tho wnters of tho earth as they cannot be when buried in any other way. The North Platte Vault Co., G. W. Prosser, Agt. STEtL RetNfORCED TRADE MARK 1 A. J. AMES. MAHIE AMES. fj J Doctors Ames & Ames, a 6 Physicians and Suroeons, U Office over Stone Drug Co. it ii pv,. 1 Office 273 g g Phones Rc8dcnce 273 ji r John S. Twinem, M, D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Uhliaren s Diseases. Office: McDonald State Bank nuilding, Comer 6th & Dewey Sta. Phones: Office 183. Reaidenco 283. Got thoso pictures framed now Soronson 107 East Fifth street. NOTICE O P PKOHATE OP WILL. Tho Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, m. In tho county court. ThoIHtato ot Nebraska to tho Dovlsoos, Legatees, Holrs and Oredltorsof Jacob Itleli lger. deceased, and to others Interested In said matter: . . . . You am hereby no tinea That an Instrument purporting to bo tho Last Will and Testa ment of.lacob lttchlser, deceased, Is on lllo In said court, and also a petition praying for tho probato of said Instrument, and for tho appointment ot Albort ICIchlcor as executor. That on tho3rd day of May, lUtu, at!) o'clock A - M., said petition and tho proof of tho exe cution ot said Instrument will bo heard, and that If you do not then appear and contest hald court may probate and record tho same, and grant administration ot tho cstato to AllMirt Ulchlgur This notice shall ln published for six sue ccuslvo Issues In tho North l'latte Beml-week-ly Tribune prior to said hearing. Witness my hand and oulclal seal this lliu day of April Wio. w. o. Emjbu. County Judge