J m. rt Chi TWENTY-SIXTH YEAR. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA, APRIL 15, 1910. NO 24a ' "lt6 lj,tl M . . m DREBERT CLOTHING CO. The World's Foremost Makers and Designers of Men's Apparel have contributed to our immense stock of Clothing, Shoes, Hats and Furnishings for Spring .and Summer of 1910. - - - Right here at Drebert Clothing Company's Store you can select your goods from the products of the best known manufacturers in the country. We handle the best goods and the best known goods in every depart ment. The following lines represent the best there is. You can get their goods inNorth Platte only at this store "MILLERMADE" Princeton Clothing for Men. Ide Collars and Shjrts. Buster Drown Hosiery. , Crown Suspenders. Munsing, Union Suits. Great Western Gloves. Wilson Bros. Underwear. Stetson, Tiger and Tween Hats, French Shriner and Umer Shoes and Oxfords. Fink Special Detroit Overalls. Imported Straw Hats. Each of the above lines represent ABSOLUTELY THE BEST in their line. If there were any $ better we would have them. Come m and see what we, our unequaled values can do for you. T 1 DREBERT CLOTHING COMPANY. irsa Si TOWN AND COUNTY NEWS Rev. Goo. P. Williams spent several days at Gibbon this week attending a meeting of the Kearney Presbytery. Members of the A. tt. Club and their husbands were pleasantly entertained Monday evening by Dr. and Mrs. H. C. Brock. Miss Mary Gutherless made final proof Wednesday on 480 acres of land which forms part of her real estate holdings north of tho river. T. T. Keliher, who had been in Chica go for a week, spent Wednesday in town while enrouto to Cheyenne. Ho will assume his position with the Illinois Central road on May 1st. Rev. S. F. Carroll will return today from Omaha where for several days ho had been attendinS a conference of priests of the diocese of which the North Platte parish is a part. City property continues to advance and vacant lots will never be cheaper than today. Better buy now even if you are not ready to build. We have some to sell on easy terms. Bkatt & Goodman. A formal complaint has been filed against John Shatter, a fourteen years old, asking that he be sent to the re form school at Kearney. Tho boy is somewhat of an incorrigible, and that school is undoubtedly the best place for him. About fifty responded to the invita tion to join tho choral club Tuesday evening, and the interest shown at tho first meeting was such as to warrant the assertion that tho organization will be a most successful one. E. C. Ringer was selected as director and Prof. Garlichs organist. Members of the American Woman's League will remember that a very im portant meeting will be- held at Mrs. Stebbins' Saturday, April lGth, at threo p. m. Bring a friend with you. They will be interested in hearing of the great convention to be held in May. Sunt. Clark, of the child's savings instituto at Omaha was in town a fow days ago and through Dr. Mario Ames made arrangements to have sent to tho institute a daughter of John Shatter, a child of Bessie Easton and a babe of Mrs. John Beatty, who has been de serted by her husband. So very American that it appeals to every American. "Tho Lion and tho Mouse," that famous play which ran for threo full years in New York, and which has been seen by millions of play-goers. It will bo presented in this city by Henry B. Harris at the Keith next Alonday pvening. The production lias had an extraordinary success since its first appearance on tho stage and it would appear from the interest that is being taken in this famous drama of Charles Klein that it will endure for many years to come. Mr. and Mrs. D. B. Loudon returned yesterday from a protracted visit at Salem, Ind. A case of diphtheria developed Wed nesday in the family of Chas. Sandall of the Third ward. Mrs. and Mrs. T. J. Ryan will en tertain the Gorham-JefTers bridal party at a six o'clock dinner Tuesday. Tho Tuesday afternoon bridge club held a very pleasant session Wednes day at the homo of Mrs. J. J. Halligan. If you want insurance that insures and have your loss paid promptly insure with Bratt & Goodman. Mr. and Mrs. L. B. Dick have been in Omaha this week, where Mr. Dick is taking treatment for gastrical indiges tion. W. H. C. Woodhurst will pass the fiftieth mile stone in life's journey next Sunday, and he has invited a dozen men friends to spend the evening with him. Mrs. Maurice Fowler entertained a score of ladies at a kensington Wednes day afternoon in favor of Mrs. II. L. Walsh, of Pittsburg, Kan., who is visit ing friends in town. G. II. Branz and Miss Annio Glynn, of Brule, were married at the Halligan residence Tuesday evening by Rev. C. H. Chapman. The bride is a sister of Mrs. H. J. Halligan, of Brule. Farm loans for a term of years can be secured from an eastern loan com pany through Bratt & Goodman. If you want to make a loan or pay ofT an old loan, it will pay you to see them. Part of tho furnishings ordered by Mrs. Louisa Peters for tho Timmer man lodging houso was received this week. Mrs. Peters hopes to havo the rooms ready for occupancy in about two weeks. Fremont Watts & Sons will hold their annual sale of Short Horn cattle on May 4th at the ranch two miles west of town. Their offerings will bo fif teen one and two year old bulls and iU'teen cows and heifers. For Sale Single Comb Rode Island Red and Single Comb White Leghorn Eggs. $1.00 for 15. Wm. Otten, 900 west Fifth street. Tho foundations for the two cottages to be erected by Wm. Moloney on Sixth street in the Trustee's addition havo been laid, and the carpenter work will at onco begin. Picard Bros, aro making excavation for a residence they will erect in the same block. Judge Dean, of Broken Bow, has filed his petition with the secretary of state as a democratic candidate for congress from this district. Recently ho was a candidate for supreme judge. Ho is said to bo popular and a vote getter. Hastings. Grand Island nnd Kearney havo appointed committees to confer with other central and western Ne braska towns relntivo to tho campaign for tho removal of tho state capital to a more central location. Tho capital removal is no longer a joke, Ed Murphy, of Brady, was in town yesterday on business connetced with the probate court. Arthur McNamara went to Omaha lastnight where he will transact busi ness for a couplo of days. County Supt. Ebright attended the Brady high school declamatory contest the early part of the week. The several contestants acquitted themselves creditably. Tho trap Bhoot between the Gothen burg and local gun clubs was postponed from yesterday until today, tho North Platte team going to that place this morning. Tho electric light company is now in stalling the fixtures in the Timmerman building. These fixtures are very hand some and in keeping with the interior finish of the building. The work of remodeling tho Bratt residence will begin next week. In ad dition to an entire change in tho interior a large rear addition will be erected and now und wider porches added. N Tho owner of the steam plow now breaking 1000 acreson tho former E. W ranch has taken a contract for break ing out a tract on tho Ebright ranch southwest of town. Tho Wilcox Dept. Store has ordered now fixtures for the section of floor formerly occupied by tho hardware de partment. Tho ready-to-wear depart ment will be increased in size and a carpet and rug department will be added. For Sale One of tho best paying business propositions in North Platte. Good reasons for selling. Inquire nt this office. John E. Evans, administrator of tho estate of tho lato W. H. Wolty, made final distribution of the funds of the estate yesterday, thus settling the mat ter in a little over a year, The estate amounted to abont $8,500, one-fourth of which went to, Mrs. A. J. Miller, the remainder to heirs in Now York, state. . Architect Shaeffor is now getting out tho detailed plans for tho Elks building and hopes to have them in tho hands or contractors oy tho lirst of May. Tho building will have a very pretty ex terior and nicely arranged interior. W. S. Rodman, landscape gardener for tho Union Pacific, has a' gang of men employed in setting out one liun dred thousand catalpa trees on the company's tree plantation east of town. These are being sot ont on cultivated ground. Joseph Mikuleck, a globe trotter, ar- nveu in town luesuay evening, lie started from a point in Austria February Cth, 1900, and so far has tramped, in a zig zae couruo. somo twenty-five thousand miles. He visits the capital of each state and secures tho autograph of each governor. Ho makes hfa expenses by selling postal cards. J,. D,: Drake, ving south of Max well, died the early part of this week. Genl. Supt. Ware came in from tho west yesterday morning nnd spent the day in town. Ho was accompanied by Mrs. Ware. Miss Lillie Graham, who had been visitincr her nnrontn in thn unntl. nnf of the county for several months, has returneu and resumed her position, at the Vienna. Dr. Vnnrh - -M-ww UUbUO UUIIVM 11UIH Liverpool last Saturday and is oxpected to reach New York tomorrow. He will arrive homo tho eariv nart of next week. During tho past ten days several let ters havo passed between Colonel Cody nnd Mrs. Cody, and it is now pretty certain that a reconciliation botween theBo two will occur. Tho Colonel has promised to visit Mrs. Cody at his first opportunity. Missess Irma HufTmnn, Myrtle Beeler and Agnes Bukewell, accompanied by mombors of the high school faculty went to Gothenburg this morning to attend tho declamatory contest. Miss Huffman will represent the local school in tho contest. In tho county court next Monday tho rilrhtS Of thf RpnHqll rlnlmnnta in Hin estate of the late W. D. Lylo will bo determined. Tho claimants affirm they aro distant relatives of Mr. Lylo und they were discovered indirectly through tho efforts of A. R. AdamBon, of tills city, who caused a notice to published in almost every nowspapor in Scotland. Picture frames to order. First class work, reasonable prices. Soronson, 107 E. Fifth street. An aged German woman nrrived from Boone county yesterday to in vestigate 160 acres of land which she had purchased with the understanding that it was within three miles of North Platte, when in fact it is located in tho sand section in Somerset precinct, about twenty-five miles from town. She desired to sell it for $2,000, and was much surprised to learn that it was not worth half that sum. For the Best Hail Insurance. Mr. Farmer, do you know that there has been a big reduction iu the hail insurance rates for this year and that you cannot afford to let your crops go uninsured and when you write this in surance why not get the best? Write it in the "National," a company with Total Assets (Jan. 1, 1910) of 9, 328,707.25 and know that your loss will be settled promptly and liberally. TEMPLE REAL ESTATE & INS. AGENCY. C. F. Temple, Mgr.. 1 & 2 McDonald Block. Cummings Almor' Electrocuted. Ray Cummintrs cmo near belntr tho victim of n fatal picctrocution Tuesday evening, and asf.t was, his condition for a timo wns somewhat critical Tho wires of tho electric company had become short circuited nnd Mr. Cum mings started out to ascertain tho cause. Ho found tho trouble in tho rear of tho Timmerman block, vhero old wires used a year or so ngo to convey olection returns to tho opera houso had been left dangling from tho cioss arms and had crossed the electric light wires. Cummings was in tho act of climbing tho polo to freo theso wires when his foot slipped and throw ing out his hand to savo himself, grasped tho old wire which proved to bo a livo one, and at the same timo one of his legs slipped into tho coil at tho end of tho wire and ho fell to tho ground. Ed. McOawloy, who Is em ployed by the telephone company, was near nnd ran to Cummings' nsaistnnco, as did also a number of other men, who attempted to grasp Cummings and null him loose, but were nushed off. by McCuwley, who know that con tact with Cummings meant n stronger current nnd his probably death ns well as ofthoso who touched him. McCnwley found n dry board nnd standing upon it cut tho wire nnd released Cummings. Ho wns conveyed homo and Dr. Droitt summoned, who found him imrtinllv paralyzed, but ho responded to treat ment and under subsequent treatment it ia believed ho will fully recover. Next week we will open our Carpet, Rug and Linol eum Department showing the nicest line of this class of goods in the city. Wilcox Department Store. Desires to be Popular. Tho Tribune Btnted Tuesdav that Wenther Regulator McDowall could win greater admiration if he would give us rain within n week. Mr. Mc Dowall. like everybody else, an- prociates popularity and he hastened gain more. Ho wound tin his rain producer before tho ink on the Tuesday Tribune had dried, and gavo us n sprinklo that evening, just to seo if tno prouueer worked. Wednesday morning no oueu arounu, set tno machine in motion with tho result that wo had showers throughout Wedncsdny and yesterday forenoon. TJianks, Mr. McDownll. City and County Enumerators., Tho enumerators appointed toviako tho census of North Platto nro William Hoyso for tho First ward, Theo. Lowe for tho Second ward, and Clyde Hollingor for tho Third ward. Theso enumerators began their work today. To assist theso enumerators in ooijur ing an exact census of every person in town, tho citv council hna emnlnved John Frazior to make a canvass of tho city, nnd when ho has completed his work ho will check up with tho en umerators to seo if tho reports tally. In this way it is believed a very completa census will bo taken. Tho enumerators for tho districts in Uio county outsido of North Platto and tho precincts included in each district are ns follows; Antelope, Garfield, Harrison and Table precincts V. W. Richmond. Birdwood. Lemon nnd Rnaecinln nre. cincts Miss Ruby Hoyse. liucnannn, Plant and Well precincts -G. A. Schrccongost. Cottonwood nnd Fox Crock precincts -H. H. Rodgcrs, rnv un.L.T... t ii i D. L. Hopkins. " ' Tnn frnrtL f!nolln nrl Ta(Tmi cincts Miss Birdie Stanloton. Dickens, Nowell. nnd Willow pre cincts O. M. Jenkins. Hinmnn and Osgood precincts E. B. Ream. Hall and Myrtlo precincts E. C. Al lison. Hooker and Wallace Frank E. Woods. Kern, Miller nnd Sellers Watson Kunkle. Medicine and Somerset Mrs. Viola Burton. Peckhnm and Walker vacant. Sunshine and Sutherland precincts David C. Wilson. prccincts-.preclncjjj precinct- prccincta Erroneous Report. A report wns current in town this week that following an order of re trenchment grading for tho Union Pacific double track west of Paxton would be discontinued for tho present. Inquiry of Engineer Stimson, in charge of tho double track work, brought tho responso that no such order hud been issued, and that tho grading would bo extended to juiesburg ns rapidly as possible. Work on the grade is be pushed with much speed. being For Sale. Two houses on west Second street. ono house on west Third street, and home residence in tho west end. For terms nnd prices call nt my residence. MRS. VV. !'. UODY. Forty Acre Tract For Sale. Roy B. Tabor, trustee, has for sale a 40 acre tract about one-half mile from city limits and just south of the right ef way purchased by the Bur-, ington railroad. Price $1200. For sale by W. E. SHUMAN. Dramatic Rtf&tal Miss Allen's class wiil give a recital at the Keith Thoatro, Friday evening, April 29th, A varied and interesting program of readings, dramatic scenes and physical culture work is being pre pared. Miss Allen leaves for Cozad this morning and will bo in Gothenburg to attend tho declamatory contest' where Irma Huffman her pupil, wllj giyo scenes from Les Misorables. The. reading wns arranged by Miss Allen. Just received n full lino of picture, and room moulding. Soronson, 107 E. Fifth street. t To the Public. I dosiro to announce that during tho season I will handle the Lamplugh spring wnter ice. moso desiring good uiuuk wuwjr ice. xnoso ueainng gooa. puro ice can phono 1C1 nnd orders will' e promptly tilled. Joseph Spies. T t The Brilliancy of Sunlight is more neatly approached by the new General Elec tric MAZDA unit than by any other lighting fixture on the market excepting an electric arc lamp. It is des tined to put electric light in every store, however small. No illuminant can compare with the G.E. MAZDA light in low cost or high efficiency for electric current. The Small Storekeeper Can Save Money by installing three or four or five of these units to illu minate his entire premises. They are unrivalled for show window lighting. Consult with us about our spe; cial offers for store lighting with G.E. MAZDA lamps. North Platte Gas & Electric Co. KB