Semi "Weekly Tribune Ira L, Bare, Editor and Publiihcr. mrrnannttvrmM IlATKHi One Yer, cash In advance.... :J1'?6 Months, cash In advance ,86 cm Entoied at North Platto. Nebraska, Postofflce an iccona aau miner. FRIDAY, MARCH 18, 1010. Mass Convention Elsewhoro is nublished a call for a uisewnoro is miunsneu u cuii iui- u republican mass convention to pinco m nomination candidates for city offices, The Tribune advocates the renomlnation and re-election of tho present officials, including the councilmcn. It believes inaimese men, uy ruiiaun ui i;i nviurloniui nnrt IrnnutoHcrn nf thn wntflF-1 .1 i v , .... ii,.(M works proposition, are better prepared to handle that micstionUian wouiu new, mnti nnri nra rnnrnmrn ihh iiiiiiiu ui make mistakes that would prove costly to the tax payers. Tho administration ot city uuairs during tho past year ha3 been as good. if not better, than theretofore, and , atiniiM kn nnnnlflnrrwl. Wn I MUB, WIS, DIIVUIU W - I believe that all win agree mar, mo ..miumf la n nnnr tlmn to mvnn horses In mld-stream. Lt us re-elect tho men who have well under way a satis- factory solution of tho waterworks problem; a problem that Is tho most Important that has ever been before tho citizens. Tm r a!. i. .1 iLni 4 1. n rt4swtt in I 11 II I'HLIIIULLITLI LI1UL LI1U DUUCb tUl I X' strike In Philudelnhia has resulted In a loss of $12,000,000 to date, and that this sum is being increased at tho rato of SGOO.OOO a dav. This amount could have been saved had both parties yielded to a compromise, which ap parently they could well allord to do. At a special election held in Kearney Tuosdav for tho nurnoso of voting on tho liquor question, it was decided by a majority of twenty-fivo votes to grant licenses during tho coming year. A full vote was cast, both the wets and drvs cottine out evorv nosslblo vote. During tho past year Kearney has been ury. Tub neonlo no longer If they over did regard tho stoto capital removal as a joko. While it is truo it has to a largo extent been confined to nows papor talk, tho people of tho centra) and western portions of tho stato are boirinintr to wax enthusiastic, and the movement is certain to becomo popular. Tho real camnaitrn will becin when soma legislator from tho east part of tho stato introduces a bill in the next legislature appropriating money for tho repair oc tho present capital ounaing. ATTHB stato county-option held con vention at Lincoln Monday a resolution was adopted callingon all political parties to ndont plunks in their platform pledg ing the parties to the enactment of such n law. This resolution will not bo received with favor bv many, who bo licvo that county option or stato wido prohibition should be put to a direct vote of tho people. Such a course would result in a moro absolute and certain expression of tho pcoplo, as it would bo unmixed with political issues. Despairing at Philadelphia of making further progress toward a settlement of tho street carmen's strike through conference with Ucorce 11. karle. ono of tho city's representatives on tho board of directors of tho Transit com pany, tho committee of ten has ro- nowed its effort to make a general strike moro effective Carrvinir out the notion taken by the Stato Federation of Labor at its convention at .Newcastle last week, State President 12. E. urecnawalt has sent out a call lor a voto on n a Btate-wido strike. LowoII'b Cowboy Bond tho best musical organization in tho stato out sido of Omaha began rehearsals Wed nesday night with about tho same com plement of musicians ns lust season. And right now nrrises tho question what will tno citizens do toward assist ing tho band financially? will they ex pect tho members to oven ko so for as to purchase tho music used at tho open air concerts, or will thoy chip in their dollar toward raising a fund of $400 or $500 for tho band. People of North Platto have contributed $700 or $800 to u traveling theatrical company for one evening's amusement. To bo fair Bhould thoy not bo willing to contributo u into amount lor n sories ot weekly concerts that will oxtend from June 1st to September 15th? Lot's show our appreciation or bowcirs uowooy nana, Strike Averted at Last Moment. A Chicago dispatch dated Tuesday was as follows: Dangor of an immedi ate striko of 27.000 locomotive firemen. the throwing out of employment of moro than 125,000 other employes and temporary suspension or business on practically every railroad system be twecn unicago and tno t'acitic coast was averted today through tho accep tnnco or oilers ot mediation from tho federal authorities at Washington. At tho request of tho irencral mana gors of tho forty-seven westorn rull roads involved, ijliuirmrm Murtin A. Knapp of tho Interstate Commerce commlslon and Commissioner ot Labor C. P. Nelll telegraphed nn offer of federal meditation to tho union olllciols This offer was accepted, W. S, Carter, president ot tno urotneriiood ot loco motivo Firemen and Enginemcn, stlpu idling, However, mat action must be uin without delay. Tho appeal to Washington, wub taken as an oieventh-nour movo to prevont a walk-out which, it was declared. threatened tho greatest railroad strike sinco that of 1894. Thirtv-soven mom bers of tho western federated board of tho brotherhood at midnight last night formally voted for a Btriko. Tho hour for strikincr had been set for next Monday morning and the members wero prepared to start for their homes-somo 01 tnem as lar as tho Pacific coast to nut tho striko into nction, when the mediation stops woro tniten, . . t Herbert Stock Farm will sell at auction on Saturday, April ICth, com- menclng 10:30 A. M. at Overland Park, uenvor, twenty-nvo ueou 01 trotters and pacers. Many of them ready to race tins year. T 10 choicest lot ot horsea with extreme speed ovor offered for salo In fho West. Write for catalog. j six Mtiroertv cminuy uoiui, uenvor. Put a Little SUNSHINE in Your Home Sunshine Finishes AT House Cleaning Time. .. r. i r ..A"u.v-'"i r"4 " . all of the following purposes and ar- II trPJ, whether new or old: Floor. . ;nt.r:nP woodwork nictnrc ,ntr,or w5?:. Cf?l mnn niflff rrainfi nrpiipri. iiiiiiinia I """"" ----- ir hnnlc rfltPf. mhinptl. CHAirs. tabourets, refrijjerators, sewing ma- , ( , of . v baby carnages, go-carts, walking sticks, um- ' ... . - i oreua nanaiest onc-a-orac, ioyi, iieara nn(j waler pjpe. radiators and regis . . . . i j- waicr ianK, " Bna iaraP " tUrCS. . every uumti wi u mun cics wincn. tnroucn wear anu tear uo not moke the appearance tney anouid. but which the housekeeper cannotafford to replace with new articles, nor stand tho expense ot sending mem out to do refinlshed. This condition need no longer bother anyone, because witn sunshine T?!Inlm flin m ftiirnor onfl hnof fl nlflhna llllOUCOa UIU liunto niiU wot iiiiiuiivu for all classes of articles and Interior decorations, old and marred surfaces may bo made to look like new with but slight expenso and little worK. Just iret a can of SUNSHINE of the shado desired, a brush of tho size adapted to tho surface to bo finished and you will bo surprised and pleasod with tho improvement made. SUNSHINE Finishes are made of tho hichest arado of durablo varnish and color so combined that when applied to a properly prepared surface they will perfectly produce natural wood effects. SUNSHINE Finishes cmbroco the height of durability, hcauty, utility and ease of working. SUNSHINE is as durablo as it is nossible to make a finish of this kind. It f ormB' nn elastic coating which with stands tho hard usago to which floors and furniture are Bublectcd. In beautv. SUNSHINE is unexcel ed. It Is made In seventeen rich and brilliant colors, which assortment per mits of a choico of shades in keeping with nnv surround nor. SUNSHINE is adaptable to every known class of interior wood work, furniture, bric-a-brac, and especially adapted to iloors, ovor which it makes one of 'tho most durablo and beautiful finishes it is possible to obtain. As a furniture and bric-a-brac finish it is tho best article made. It gives perfect finish to new work and makes old cracked and dingy surfaces look like now. SUNSHINE Is so mado as to bo handled with case, and if used accord ing to directions the application Ib simnlo and results satisfactory. SUNSHINE is not affected by moisture and dries with a high luster. Wo carrv tho SUNSHINE finishes in seventeen different colors and all slzo cans. Visit our storo and allow us to explain their easy application. YOU CAN APPLY IT. SCHILLER & Cd. Family Druggists. Garfield Items. Mrs. T. C. Gill iBvlsitinghor daughter Mrs. u. V. Meyers. U. (J. blver and daughter Alaud were at North Platto tho latter part of last week. Mrs. W. F. Campbell has been aulto sick the past week or so, but is a little bettor at this writinc. Mr. Majorwitz and Mr. Kassier went to North Platte Sunday. Mrs. McLauchlin and children have been visiting her father Mr. Majorwitz and her sister Leona. John Combs was in this vicinity laBt Saturdav. Mr. and Mrs. Lester Joy and mother Mrs. u. u. omitn went to uanawny Sunday to visit relatives. Maden Hughes returned to North Platto last week. A. L. Ablo has purchased a Mammoth Jack from parties at Grand Ifland. n red urnst and u r. smith navo moved into thoir now store buildinc. Mr, Joy has commenced work on tho collar and foundation for his now house, Co. Supt. Ebricht visited tho Bchool last week. C. E. Lockwood. of the Hull & Lock- passed through North Platto by auto Saturday enroute homo from Albion. lie says thoy sell No. l farm land tor $8 to $15 per acre on easy terms. Good soil, good climate and good crops. On mam line or u. i'. u. it. Taken Up. Stray cnlf. Owner can have it by paying keep and for this notice Tho union btock Yards Co. North Platto, Nob. or John Uratt. ECHELBERY'S New and Second Hand Store. fWnpr fith nnd T nonit Sts TM ID!) orner UU1 Qna L0CU8t &t8. Ael- tvery Uav a Uareain Uav. !st y m -w a- nunos, urgans, an Kinus 01 Aiusicai in- i 1 ni. t. . sirumcnts ana otnnRs. LiiocKB. watcnes. Bicycles, Sewing Machines and Needles. Guns. Revolvers. Ammunition. Snort- I rl . V 1 K fit n itevoivcrs, Ammunition, Ing Goods, Harnoss, Saddles, Coooking Utensils. Dinner Sots, Ranges, Stoves, Stovo Ronairs, Beds and ucddlng, Hardwaro, Tinware, Trunks and Suit Cases. Everything vou usu bouimt untl enlil nuro. Mm. Andrew Hahn, livintr southwest of town, died Monday evening and the funoral waa held Wednesday. Death was due to cfTccts following child birth, which waa accentuated by pnenmonia for several days preceding. The de ceased was the mother of ten children, two by a former nusuand. Wall Paper AT mm mi 7 lyl Ml AWT ATI Q lIAo IIVYY IUH O IJur IQIO 'V stock is larger tnan former years and very complete at prices that are right. Snmp. vptv nattnrn?; nt . i I ioc, i2ac ana 15c ana our tcr ier Anr nnrl enr nnnp J ' -" ' . t I I nrp much prettier than ever ? t rr ueiur . Call and let US show I REMNANTS at 5 to ioc roll. C. M. Newton. A QUESTION OF NECCESS1TY. A crood horse costs anywhere from $150 to $500. Wo will sell vou a (rood warm blanket for $1.75 to $5.00. Isn't it much the best plan to invest in the blanket and save in the cost of horse flesh by preventing colds or pneumonia with the resultant vcterinary's and druggist's charges? Our lino of blan kets and horso goods generally is very complete. Like to see it A. F. FINK'S GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR ' Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS & r t. I . . . . A Specialty. I Shop 107 East Fifth. LEOAL NOTICE. Alliert A. Adams, and tho southeast auar- tor (SEW) of section thlrtv-flvo (35). townntiln sixteen (1A), raiiKo thirty-one (31) west 0th l. m. In Lincoln Countr. Nobraska and all Dor- sonsciaimmir any richtsor interests in sain lands win tako notlco that on tno nth day or March, luio. David F. I'arker as pla ntlir. 1 ed his petition in the district court ot Lincoln County. Nebraska airalnst said Albert A, Adams and thn southeast auarLer of section thlrty-flvo (35.) township slxtoon (10.) raniro tlilrtyono (31). west flth V M. In Lin coln County, Nebraska ns doftndants. Tho object and prayer ot said petition Is for nn accounting or me amount uuo tho iilalntllT unon his tax sain cer tltlcato for said lands Issued by the Gountv Treasurer of Lincoln t'ountv. No braskn on November 2. 11IUI to J W. Whlflln and unon tho subsouuont taxes paid bp said .1. w. win i n ann tho tuamti r unvid f I'arker, the said cortliicato or tax saio bav in 1: been duly asalened by the said .1. W, Whllllu to tho plaintiff hornln and also to foreclose tho Bald tax sale cortliicato and tax Hon and to bar tho dofondants and each ot tlicm ot all claims, tlllo and interest In thn said described land. Tiin (loronuanta aro reoutrou to answer said petition on or boforo the 20th day of April, itfiu. DAVID 1'. 1 A1CKK1I. riaiiuiii. lly wm. 1'.. Hiiuman. ills Attorney, 8orlal Nos. 01833-02301. Notice for l'ublication. Denartmentof the Intorlor. V. H. Land Ofllco at North I'latto, Nob. March Uth. 1010. Notlco Is hereby trlvon that Dennis J. nrcen. of North I'latto, Nobraska, who, on .luly 280,. J0W1, mado homestead entry No. 1W1W. honai no. uimis, ror southwest ijuarter anu on Feb. ltlth. 10O.1, mado II E. No. 0011, Sorlal No. 02U01, for north west quarter, and .north ... nlM,lnn 0.1 'P. 1. 1 ,,..!, ltamrovo. west or tho sixth rrincipal Meridian has tllod notlco ot intention to mako final 11 vo year proof to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, beforo tho Ileglstor and ltecolvnr at North I'latte, Neb., on tho 17th day or May luio. fll&lmant names as wltnosKesi Walter K. Covell, Fred J llromer, Orbon lj.Covell and Kusrono uanricm 1 or North riatte. nod. Ullig v jinn, ivv-Kisiur. 1 j 1 r n mriUu 11 Notice To Delinquents. Notico la hereby given that tho rentals unon lease contracts on school lanaa described beiow and set oppistto tno name ot tno no oers Miereot. nro I delinquent for a period of n montlis or moro nnd if tho amount now duo is not paid within GO days from tho dato of this notice said contracts will bo do- ciarea loneiteu py me uoara 01 .uu cational Lands & Funds, and tho Bold iorioiturcs entered 01 record as pro- vided bv aw. I . 1 . A Lease northeast quarter, nortnwest 1. i 1 r tt n quarter, soutnwesc quarter aec. vu, Tp. 10. R. 30: R. ,W. Uafforty, Lin- . -T coin Countv. Leoso southeast quarter Sec 30, Tp. 10, R. 30; Timothy Uallerty, Lin- coin Countv. Dated March 14, 1910. E. B. CowLES.- tn$.mm,38lonor PuWic LBnU3 and Bulw" Notice to Patrons of The Farmer Line of the Tri-County Telephone Co- On and after March 1st. 1010. all parties owning phones on said line will be held responsible lor all messages sent over these lines by outsido parties from their phones. Kate is 20 cents for each message. All bills must be paid in full monthly. Choosing a Cigar is larcrclv a matter of luck or faith at first. If you choose a "Forest King" vour trust will lin rownnlnd. Tho first whifr you toko wm tell you that you have struck'u nrlze. And vou'll find ,,n - anf 1tl,n , 111,1.,.., tlnr. t,4. - nii fhn rim Trv nno tJkv nnfi you'll want two tomorrow. Every I trior hns thoRnmn nxnnnpnco. J. F. SCHMALZRIED, Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OF Flour, feed, Grain or Hay Having recently purchased tho B. A. Wilson feed store at the corner of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of the patronage of the public. Prompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. BEHIND A FINE PAIR OF HORSES should be hitched a stylish looking carriage. At this repository you can see a variety ot vehicles wnose style is undeniable. They range from the phae ton to tno lamtiy coacn and aro tno equal of any in appearance and build They are less thin equal in price to most carnages 01 tneir character. A. M. Lock. NOTlOE. Hiram llardtnir and Mrs. Illram Hardlnir. wlfoof Illrarn Hardlnir. defendants, will tako notlco that on tho -1st day of June, linn, tho DlalntllT herein lllcd hor petition in tho dis trict court or Lincoln county. Nobrasua, against said defendants. Imnleadcd with A. .). VanAnda and Mrs. Oortrudo IC VanAnda, dofondanU. tho object and prayer of which Is to foreclose a certain mortgasro executed by .lohn Nation and Magglo J. Nation to Farmer's Loan ac Trust Company or Kansas nnon tno southeast, Quarter or section 7. in township 10, north, ranee 23, in Lincoln Coun ty, iiuuruaKii, iu aucuru iuu iiuyuiuiib ui a cur tain promissory nolo dated January 1, 1B"U, for tfie sum of $VW.OO to tho Formers Loan & Trust Comnanv. signed by John Nation and 1. duo flvo roars from date MaKffle.l. Notion, duo tlvo years thereof: that Bald noto and mortgage has been assigned to tho DlalntllT. which said mortirairo is recorded In book IC of mortgages at Dace 4l!0 In tho County Clork's olllco of Lin coln County. Nobraska, and there Is now duo on said mortgago tho sum of $1100.20, for which sum with interest from tins ciato Dlaln tllT nravs lor a decreo that defondants bo re quired, to pay the same, and that said prom ises may bo sold to satisfy tho amount found duo. and that tho defendants and etch of thorn lie barred or all euuity or redemption in said promises and that plaintiff have tho right to redoom from tho Hen ct a tax deoil upon said promises to tho defendant A.J. VnnAmla. You aroronulred to answorsald petition on or before tho iwi dayot April, ivio. llatnd March 1. nnu. Ci.aiia II, IIauvkv. I'lalntlff. lly IIOA(lt.ANl) & UOAllI.ANI), llor Attys. NOTlOE OF SETTLEMENT. Tlio Stato of Nobraska, Lincoln County, s.s. 111 1 10 county uourt. In the matter of tho estato ot Anulo M. 1'enlston, deceased. To tho creditors, holrs and others Interested In tho estato of Auna M, 1'cntstou, Tako notue. that Carrie K. Marti lias lllcd In tho county court a report of her doings au administratrix or said estate and It Is ordered that the samo stand for hearing tho 28th day of March. A. 11, ion), boforo the court at tho hour of J o clock, p. m., at which tlmo any Dei-son Interested mar appear andexcent to and contest tno same. Anu notice or tins proceeding is ordered given in 1110 North I'latto Seml-Weokly Tribune, a legal nows- papor printed in said county for six succes sive Issues prior to March sotli. 1010, Witness my nana anu tno seal or tno coun ty court at North I'latto this 7th day ol March A. D. two. mtMl W C. 1. county Judge NOTlOE. In tho matter ot the estato ot Lafayette E- l'easo, (locoased. 111 tho county court or Lincoln County. Ne braska. March 7th. 1010. Notlco is horoby given, that tno creditors ot sold deceased will moot tho administrator of said estate, beforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln county. Nobraska. at tho county court room, In said county, on tho 1th day of Anrll.1010 and on the uti day ot October. 1010. at 0 o'clock a. in. each day. for the nur noso of presenting their claims for examina tion, aajusiment ana allowance, six mourns aro allowed for creditors to nrestnt thoir claims, uud one year for the administrator to sottiosaiu estato rromtho istuay ot .March, 1010. This notlco to bo published tn tho North i'latte Komi-weekly Ttibuno a legal newspaper, printed In laid county for eight successivo issues arier Marcii uu, iviu. mn-i w i, Kr.PRR. county .iinign. SHERIFF'S HALE. lly virtue of an order ot salo Issued from tho district court of, Lincoln county, Nebras ka, upon a decreo of foreclosure rendered In said court wherein S. V. Glllan Is plaintiff and Samuol Hnoll, ot ol, aro defend ants, and to mo directed, 1 will on tho mth day ot April. 1010, ot 1 o'clock p. m. at tho east front door of tho court houso In Nortn I'latto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, sell at public auction to tho highest bidder for cash, to satisfy said decree. Interest and costs, ino loiiowing noscripcu proioriy, io-wiii U)ts 1. 'J. 3. 1, 5. 0, 7 and 8. block 111. of the original city or North i'latto. Lincoln Ooun- IE? i ty"u PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS HOSPITAL. A Modern Institution for the treatment of Medical and Surgical Cases. Grad uate Nursing. Physician in attendance day or night Special accommodations for confinement cases 721-23 North Locmr t. Telephone No. 642. GEO. D. DENT, Physician and Surgeon, j Office over McDonald Bank. 5 Office 130 2 f Residence 11C Phones IMIMM, A. J. AMES. MAHIE AMES. Doctors Ames & Ames, B Physicians and Suracons, Is mm 0 Office over Stone Drug Co. p. a ) Office 273 Phones Re8iUenco273 John S. Twinem, M, D., Homeopathic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics' and Children's Diseases. Office: McDonald Stato Bank Building, Corner uth 61 uewey ate. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. DR. ELMS, General Practice of Medicine, Surgery Together with his Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., on ground tloor, no stairs to climb. Phone 559. North Platte, Nebraska. DOUBLES ITS PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK. Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell, Nebraska. Notice is hereby (riven that on Jan uary 12th, 1910, the Maxwell State ttanK 01 Maxwell, Nebraska, by a voto of all of tho shares of stock cast at its annual meeting, increased its paid-up capital stock from $5,000.00 to tho full $10,000.00 authorized by its Articles of incorporation. MAAWHiLilj STATU HANK. By W. H. McDonald. Pres. Attest: A. C. Plumer, Cashier. W. A. Howard, EXPERT PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER All work guaranteed. Best of references. Country orders receive prompt attention. Residence 602 west Fifth St., North Platte. Phone 627. Please leave orders at New ton's Book Store, phone 261. Notice of Garnishment Suit. Alex McNear will take notice thnt on tho 21st. day of February, 1910. W. C Elder, justice of tho peace of North Platto, Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued an order ot attachment for tho sum of lifty dollars In on action pend ing beforo him wherein Albert Tolle is plaintiff and Alex NcNear is dofendant, that property of tho defendant in tho hands of the Union Pacific Railway Company, towit money due the defen dant as wages has been attached by garnishment under said order. Said cause was continued to tho 11th day of iprii, i-jiu, ac y o ciock a. m. Albert tolle, Plaintiif. PltODATE NOTlOE TO OREDITOItS. In tho mattor of thn estatn nf Ten nr. Lamolugh. deceased. In the county court ot Lincoln county, No braska. February 2th. 1010. Notlco Is horeby glvon, that tho creditors ot tho said decoased will meet tho Adminis trator or saia estate, ixirnrn tun ivumiv Judgo of Lincoln county, Nob., at tho county i uuri. ruuiu in sum county, on lliu itli (lav of March, lino, and on tholthdnv nf Kmitnmtw, iow, i iu o ciock a m. oacu ooy, ror tno pur- ikjsuui presenting moir claims ror examina tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months aro allowed for creditors to nn-sent claims and ono yoar for tho Administrator to hemo said estate rrom tho uth day ui iwurunry, tins notico will DO pub- iisueu iu mo Huriu i'latto oomi-weekly Trl' buno. a legal newspaper, prlntod In said tuuiHi', xor eiEni. successive issues on and after March 1st. 1010. and bv thn slinrin rr Lincoln county, Nebraska, posting a copy of this notice In four public places lu said county and filing In his return thereof in thl Luurt. ml-H W. V. ELDER, County Judge. Sorlal NO. 0200(1. NOTICE FOR l'UnLIOATION. Department of tho Interior. U.S. Land Ofllco at North I'latte. Neb. Notice Is hereby given thatMary dither less, widow of John II. Outhorloss, deceased of North I'latto, Nob,, who on Juno-'Oth. 10OI mado Homestead Entry No. 20201. ii m OSWiii. forsouthwott quarter northeastquortcr! nortnwest quartor bouineast quarter, north hair southwest quarter, south half northwest quarter, and lots 3 and 1. section 1. township. 11. north, rango '20, west of tho sixth principal meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make ilnal flvo yoar proof, to establish claim to Clio land abovo described, beforo the Register and Receiver at North I'latte. No- vnnu.iii es K.-i .witnesses; ueorgo Long. Auorcromuio and JOSH Ltinir. Wllllnm I'llfrnun ,..11. ... ' I Wills J nodflold. M I) .T R McKlrahan, M I) Drs. Redfield & McKlrahan Phsicians and Surgeons. All Calls Promptly Answered. Phones U4i:-b44 Office at P. and S. Hospital. Portal No. 02250. NOTIOK IfOIt PUULIOATION DEl'AHTMENT OF TUB INTKUIOIt. United States Land OITJco. At North I'latto. Nobraska.. Fob. 5.1910. Nollfn Ik linrnhr fflvnn tlmt llnhnrt Yankon, ot Maxwoll. NobraHkA, who. on Bout. 27th, leot.mado homestead ntry No. 20.VM, aortal No. 022.V),, for frutli oast quar tor. Hoction WJ. Township 14 a,, Mango ai W., ot tho 0th Principal Meridian, has died notlco of intention to mako final llro roar Sroor, to cHiatiiisn ciaim to tuo iana auovo oscrlbed, Iwforo tho register and recolvor at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tno vth day of April 1010. , . Olaimant names as witnesses s j-rcu Younc, Samuel McCalir. John NokIo. William Wilson, allot Maxwoll, Noli j. 1. f.vANB, ueRistor NOTlOE TO OllEDITOnS. Tn tlm matter of tho estato of John O. llupfcr, deceased. In tho county court or Lincoln county. No braska, February 14th, 1910. Notlco Is liorobv bIvpii that tho creditors of said deceased will moot tho administrator ot of said estate, boforo tho County Judeo of Lincoln county, Nobraska. at tho county court room, In said county, on tho i.un day 01 march, lvio, ana on tho 15th (lay ot Aueust. 1010, at U o'clock a. m. each day, for tho purnosoot pro sontlmr their claims for oxamlnatlon, adjust ment and allowance Hlx months aro allowed for creditors to present thoir claims, and ono yunr for tho administrator to sottlo said estate from tho 'ilth day of January IB10. This notlco will lx) published in tho north I'latto Tribune, a genii-Weekly nowsnaner. nrlntcd In Raid cotintv for four weeks mm- cesslvoly, on. ami after February 14 1010. 5-P County Judge. CONTEST NOTIOK. Serial No. 03(K Department of tho Intorlor. United States Land Ofllco North I'latto. Nebraska. February 12, 1010. A sufllclcnt contest aflldavlt havlmr been Hied In this olllco by Olarcncn K. Groves. contestant, against homestead Entry, No. S3M mado Nov. 14, iwi. for allot Hoc 10, Township 15, N- Itanno32 V. of tho Uth 1'. Alorlu an. by l.l mer E. lirown Contcstee. In which It is allotted that said Elmer K. Itrown has novor established his rosldonco on said tract: that ho has failed to culttvato or lmprovo said tract from dato of entry to tho prcsont tlmo, and has wholly abandoned said tract for moro than six months last past. Said parties aro horoby notlQod to appoar. respond anu oirer oviuence touching said al location at 10 o'clock a. m. on April 0, 1010, boforo tho Register and Ilecelvor at tho United States Land ofllco In North I'latto. Nobraska. Tho said contestant havinir. in a nroDer afll davlt. tiled sot forth facts which show that after duo dllltrnnco personal service of this notico cannot bo mado. It is horoby ordered and directed that such notlco bo given by duo anu proper publication. J. t: b.VANS. t 15-6 Register. 1'KOIIATE NOTlOE TO OUKDITOK8 In the matter of tha estato of Miirv Lnmplucli, deceased. In tho County Court of Lincoln county. No braska. February ffltli, 1010. Notice Is horoby irlvcn. that tho creditors of said deceased will meet tho Administrator of said estato, boforo tho County Judgo of Lincoln county. Nebrasxa, at tho county court room In said county, on tho -Uth day ot match, mu, anu ontho.'vtii day of boptombcr, 1010, at 10 o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur pose of presenting thoir claims for examina tion, adjustment and allowance Six months aro allowed for creditors to nrosent their claims and ono year for tho administrator to settlo said estato, from tho 25th day ot Feb ruary, iviu. This notlco to bo published In tlm !ltn Kpml.Wnnlfltr IVIhntin n I lcffl newspaper printed In said county, for oiKut buccossivo issues on anu oner iuarcu 1st, 1010, and by the sheriff ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, uo.stlnir a copy of this nocico in four public places In said : Places in said cout county, and tiling his return thereof In this court. ml 4 W. O. ELUEH. County Judco. LEGAL NOTlOE. Eftlo W. Reed will take notlco that on tho sth day ot February, 1010, an action was com menced in tno county court ot Lincoln county, Nebraska, in which Louis O. Drost was plaintltr and Klllo w. Hold was dorond and In which said plaintiff sued said do fendant for tho sum of SK) 00 and that an order ot attachment for said sum was mado to accompany summons and tho Mcuocaiu Stato Rank, of North I'latte, Nebraska, gar nlshccd for tho money of tho defendant in their possession, and that upon February IU, 1010. that being the return day of the sum mons, said summons was roturncd not served and It appearing to tho court that said sum mons had not boon and could not bo sorved on tho defendant within said Lincoln county, Nebraska, said causo was continued to March 31st, 1010, at tho hour of 0 o'clock, a, in., by order ot tho court. Lonis o. DU08T. rialntllT. ml-.'l Ry E. II, Evans, his Attorney. ORDER OF HEARINO ON PETITION FOR aUMMAKAIti ADMINISTRATOR. Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln County, s.s. Iu tho county court Fobruary )rd 1010. In the mattor of tho estate of Eliza beth 1'. Stobblns, deceasod. On reading and 11 ling tho Dotltlon of Hen rietta S. Rentier, praying that tho regular administration of said estato bo dispensed with as provided by sections 6:202. K.U1. and 5201, Cobbey's StaUito 10UO. Ordered. That March 21st. 1010, at 0 o'clock a. in., is assigned for hearing said petition, when all persons Interested In said mattor may appoar at a county court to be hold in and for said county, and show cause why the prayer of tho potltlonor should not bo granted. This order to bn nrluted for six successive ssuos In tho North I'latto Seml- weokiy Tribune, a legal nowspaper prior to Match 21, 1010. ml-3 W. C Ki.DKit. County Judge. Notice for Publication. Serial No. 011131-02172 Department of tho Intorlor, U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob. Fobruary. 20th, 1010. Notlco is hereby given that Arthur Conner, of North I'latto. Neb., who on July 20th, 1003, mado Homestead Entry No. 10003, Serial No. O403t, for tho southwest quartor, and on July 22. liui, mado Homestead Entry No. 20tlu. Sorlal No. UJIT2. for tho northwest quartor ot soctlon 20, township 12, north, rango 80. west oi the 0th principal meridian, has llled notlco ot Intention to mako Anal llvo yoar proof, to establish claim to tho land alwvo descrlbod, beforo the reglstor and receiver at North I'latto, Nobraska, on the 27th day of April. 1W0. Claimant names as witnesses: William W. Hunter. Francis Montague James L. Schuck and Fraak Powers, all of North Platte, Nob. nil-o .T. E. Evanh. Register. Road No. 333. To all whom it may concern. Upon a petition ot Geo. C. White, W. F. Smith and others, the county commissioners declare the following section lines n public highway. Commencing at tho northeust corner of section G, township 13, rnngo 33 and running thence westward to the north east corner of section 2, township 13, range 31, thence southward to the northeast corner of section 23, town ship 13, range 31. All claims for damage must bo filed in tho office of tho county clerk on or boforo May ICth, 1910. Dated North Platte. Nebr., March 10th, 1910. F. It. Elliott. County Clerk. ' NOTICE FOR PORLIOATION. r. o Department of tbo Interior. U. 8. Land Olllco at North Platte Neb . , . January 15th, 1810. . . . Serial No. UWI0. Notice Is hereby glvon that Minnie M. Roso. ?.B.AJkel o' .Maxwoll. Nebraska, who on Jan. 3rd lOJft. mado H. K. No. 20337, Sorlal No. ftJOlO. for all of section 11, township 11 N rango 20 West of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has tiled notice of intent on to mako ilnal flvo year proof, to establish claim to the land afwvo described, beforo tho Registorand Receiver, at North ; I'latto. Nobraska. on tho 10th day of March, 1010, uiaimaut names as witnesses! Isaao M Oust Rosentreter, of Max- ru jeiiseu anu ruivr Nob. . J. E. Evans,,