K - II : -i I li 1 'ti$1 ITS SO EASY To take the handle of a Hull Umbrella and put it in a bmt Case or on a new top. Let us show you the finest line of Umbrellas on the market. S2.50 AND UP A full monegram engraved on the handle of each one free of charge. DIXON, The Jeweler. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists tflrst Door North of Flnt National Hnk Charged with Illegally Selling Liqaor. A complaint waa filed In tho countv court yesterday by Rov. Harry E. Tweedy, of Wallace, charging Frank H. Bent, a dnurtrist of that village. with tho illegal selling of liquor. Thero are twelve counts in the comnlalnt. The sales of liquor is charged to have been made at various times between the ICth day of February and tho 2d day of March, 1910. Deputy Sheriff Lowell went to Wal lace yesterday nfternoon armed with a search warrant, and expected to make a search of the premises. Stryker Bound Over. A dispatch from York to tho Omaha ueo dated March 3d is as follows: County Judge Wray has bound George Stryker, who is charged with embezzle ment of funds of tho York Alfalfa Meal company, over to tho noxt term of district court. Evidenco showed that during Strykor's short term of ofllco as treasurer of tho company ho re ceived ?3, 800, and when he resigned thero was only $63 in tho treasury, of which $1,600 was kept, $2,000 paid to his father and the balanco toC. Nelson, luiiucuy ui uranu isiana, wno was tried and found guilty of embezzlement To The Public. 1 tako this method of announcing to tho people of North Platte and vicinity wai i navo purchased tho Yellow Front Shoo Store of Graham & Co. and will conunuo to conduct the business at tho present location. I will nt onco inaugurate tho cash system of doing business and tho store will be known as the Yellow Front Cash Shoo Store. In adopting the cash system I will bo able to sell shoes from fifteen to twonty-fivo cents per pair cheaper than does tho merchant who sella on credit. I will carry a complete line of shoes, in all grades, for men, women and children and will aim to guarantee sat isfactlon in every sale. patronage of tho public Ib respectfully solicited. W. H. DlENKit. FOR SALE OR LEASE -BY- Bratt & Goodman Some of the following lands are for sale and not for lease while some arc for lease only. If interested let ui A share of the hear from you regarding same. The Sty Pilot. Apologies to Ralph Connor for this title, but thero Is no other good way to numo mo maneuvers or tho American hog. On Tuesday tho best hogs iiruui;ui an even ten cents a pound on tho hoof in Chicago. In Cincinnati they went even a triflo higher. At Omaha uio top was $9.65, with the finish not products kept pace with hogs, and pork fe?"?, is uii u wur umu price oasis. What relation these extraordinary prices bear to supply and demand ft will bo possible to show with some definitcness when tho figures of hog markoting for tlitf year ending March 1 are compiled. A year ago hogs were about six cents in Omaha. That waa was after a year when hog receipts at an marnets naa numbered 35,197,000. Two years ago. after a twelve months' receipts of 34,400,000, tho prices hugged four cents. This was the after panic DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Ofllco over the McDonald Stato Bank. Airs, uaipn amiin and little son are visiting relatives in Kearney. Sutherland claims to have shipped out during 1909 products valued at $561,445. Mrs. Blood left Wednesday for Bed ford, la., after visiting her son Mose McFarland for several days. Elsie Waltemath will entertain a number of her little friends tomorrow afternoon on the occasion of her eighth birth anniversary. W. T. Alden succeeds Dan McKeo as traveling representative for Allen Bros, in this territory. Mr. Alden has been on the road for the Dolan Fruit Co. Mrs. W. T. Alden nnd Mrs. C. P. Alden left yesterday for a visit with friends in Grand Island, in which city they resided before coming to North Platte. The Lenten teas given by the Episco pal guild are proving very popular, the one held at the home of Mrs. J. S. Hoagland yesterday afternoon being largely attended. P. H. McEvoy has been confined to the house for a week with hemorrhages of the lungs, a trouble which ho had years ago, but from which of late years he has been free. A phone message from Wellfleet this morning held out no hope for tho recovery of Miss Lela Dunn. Rov. Car roll, C. T. Whelan, and Misses Lucy Dunn, Evelyn Jeffers and Mabel JelTers loft for Wellfleet this morning. While in the east part of tho state this week, Butler Buchanan learned authorativelythat the report current here that W. O. Gamble had died, is in correct. Mr. Buchanan talked to Mr. Gamble's son over the phone and the latter said his father's condition was better than it had been for months. Hogs a Little Lower. T rt ii . toritof..iMMT.T. 2W,W' North Platte, Nebraska, . - y j , v . "u'" march 4th, 1910. price, a drop of six cents in tho pro- t nnin- L ui .ui vious day's price The receipts fothe sTfi "Si'r5?:??? P'trons and the public, in caso ol fl Z;::::..! tho foowi"E rules have been S6.3G " 8uBBcstion of th niuutui nie city. f " " "4 rr.raT P. March 1, mi, during the pS ...... BWUu uiuiiwiy nu is lying in panic boom, tho price was n Httlo under ju nciu Mwuiung a now trial. seven cents though the year's receipts . had been only 30,978,000. That this StaT.? S" ?S srr sassr tr ssssa is s Office of the North Platte Telephone ceipts since January 1 have been 372.- nnn jn7 n . ism 8 against in tho some period last year a loss of about twelve per cent. But liko fieures from twontv outer murKuis win no required to estnb- nsn me iuu ration oi decline. adopted fire depart- Tho singlo case of hogs illustrates tho omplications involved in getting at the present cost of living. Fast Basket Ball. The basket ball team of the Salt Lake Athletic Association, which is making an eastern trip, will play the Y. M. C. A. team in this city on Friday evening of next week. This will be an opportunity to see fast basket ball playing, as tho Salt Lake bunch is said to be one of tho fastest teams in tho west. Charged with Wife Desertion. Georgia Finney has filed a complaint in tho county court agairfst her liusband William H. Finney charging him with the willful abandonment of herself and 1 1. i ... . uuce ciuiuren agea respectively six, 1 L IT 1 . auui uuu iwu years, no nas, she corn- All reports of fire in the city should bo mnde by calling No. COO at telephone exchange, give tho location of firo by street and number if possible, or part of street for instance "West Second Street" or "East Second Street" as the case may be. When a fire report is heard at Cen tral, tho following parties will bo ad vised at once of tho location of the fire. Tho Water Works Company, tho Super intendent of the Water Works, tho Firo Chief, and if tho fire is in tho busi ness part of tho city, the owner of the property involved and adjoining prop erty owners. Inquiries from Firemen or the hose houses will-receive prompt attention. No attention w ill bo na d tn ai.'r!. Southeast nr ! All . V. 3 Northeast qr 17 Northeast qr 29 Southeast or sj? Northwest or ! South half 29 Northeast qr 30 Northwestnr !ir AH 25 1 Southeast or in Northeast qr 13 Northwest qr 19 East hf 21 Northeast qr 22 South hf 29 Southwest or Jlfi Northeast qr 5 Northwester 1.1 All ; 13 All 9f, All ai Northeast southeast nr. . 0 Southeast nr 7 North hf southwest qr... 7 South half .....19 Northeast qr 20 All 2Ti North half northwest qr.28 All 29 Northwestnr an South half 33 All 11 All IE All 17 All 23 All 1 Southwest qr 11 Northeast ar 11 All 19 Southeast or 97 Easthf NW, Whf NE..30 Southwest or .Tfi All 15 All 17 com causes at tho A packing trust is evidently not tho direct cause of all tho rise in tho price of pork. Tho high prices paid tho farmers prove that. But how far it is indirectly responsible who can Bay? When tho panic broke, tho packers do pressed tho price of hogs while raising a farmer sold off his stock in disgust at ?u& hal 8ut"west qr . 36 16 being in a business that placed him thus eaaP (Ir 5 10 at tho mercy of a middleman. That, wof 1 r 1 2 as well as tho hitrh mien Af com. mimf I"08? ,uv 7 account for tho present scarcity of hogs, ureat scarcity there obviously is, wnen a price 01 ten cents draws only nine-tenths as many hogs to the umana marKet now as six cents lured iorth last year. Tho situation contains little prospect of early rel'ef for tho bacon loving consumer. It is likely tho new crop of nogs win 00 sman, owing to depletion of Dreedine stock under nresauro of hich prices for corn and hogs. Of that crop ror n-iz1 rj T. a;;;th ; t b. ' - - "- .... tut) me next year s stocKing 11 tne Bupply f-nln nnrl rx-mtwln f tm I ftm until nfn. m.i r 1 1 . I e ..! J j. P I . 1 r If iui uuauiim vcurs is 10 do increased. Not for three years at least is tho sup- tain and provide for them, supposed to bo at or near Wyo. rinney is Evanston, blow Worthley Ranch Sold. John R. Worthley sold his ranch of 520 acres northeast of tho city this week to W. E. Clark of Osceola, Iowa, for a consideration of $16,000. Posses sion will be given in the spring of 1911. Mr. CJark will, however, move to this city and reside until he get3 possession of the ranch. This property was sold sold under contract a number of months ago, but tho purchaser for some reason failed to complete tho deal and for feited the earnest money. For Rent- Eighty acres under a complete system of irrigation at Keystone, 40 acres in cultivation the rest is hay land. A new house, stable and well. Inquire of Welpton lumber company, Keystone. Weather forecast: Fair tonight and tomorrow. Moderate temperature. The maximum temperature yesterday was 68; a year ago 45; minimum this morn ing 31, a year ago 30. firo until after the Water Works their "Fire Out" whistle, It is only by the enforcement of this rule that the Telophono Company will be able to render their patrons tho service they are entitled to during tho progress of a fire, and wo earnestly re- iiui-01, mo uuuriy co-pperaiion or our patrons in tho enforcement of these rules. ply likely to return to tho relation to demand maintained when hogs were six or seven cents. Lincoln Journal. WALK -OVER Shoes. SHOE SAYING No. 4 or comfortable stylish and Not stylish or durable, but comfortable and durable. No "breaking in" and no break ing out. That's the Walk-Over Shoe S3.50, $4.00, $5.00 We are Sole Agents. Wilcox Department Store. Above is published a copy of tho new rulo that will be enforced hereafter when a fire is reported to the Central Telephone Exchange. It became necessary to adopt this rule for the reason that heretofore as soon as the fire whistle blew 500 or more phone users would call at onco on central to give them tho location of the fire. It was a physical impossibility for Central to wait on these all at onco and while they wore trying to anower these curiosity calls tho firemen would be waiting at tho hoso nouses trying to get connection with Central and got tho location of tho fire, which was impossible to do on account of the demorilization of the telephone t t ... . n 1 . t uaciiuhj; uy me iioou 01 cans. Heretofore a firo call has, for the reasons heretofore stated, put the telephone service out of business. In case of sickness or injury it would not have been possible to secure a doctor. No mntter how the service might havo been for its patron the company could not have rendered tho service. With the adoption of the now rules the company will bo able to take cure of tho firo by furnishing Information promptly to tho firo department and the person immediately interested and render efficient service during tho firo to all of its patrons. The telephone company aro entitled to tho hearty support of all its patrons in this effort to improve its service. Supt. W. P. Snyder, of tho experi- mental sub-station, shiped a car of hogs to Omaha Tuesday. They wore Notice for Bids. The Board of Educatioiuwill receive Bealed bids until 6 p. m. March 7. 1910, for any part or all of tho Third ward frame school buildings nnd foundation stone. Possession given when vacated. Tho right to reject any and nil bids is reserved. A. F. Stueitz, Secy. PERSIAN CREAM Counteracts March Winds A certain relief for chapped hands, face and lins. Not sticky or greasy but dries im mediately, leaving the skin soft, white and smooth. If you have trouble to keen your hands in good condition a trial of Persian Cream will convince you of Its merits. 15c per bottle. SCHILLER & CO.. 1 f Family Druggists. 10 in Southeast qr 9 10 North hf 15 10 East hf northeast or 22 in North hf south hf 23- 10 SW NW, NW SW 31 10 All 1 11 All 3 11 All 7 11 Northwest qr 8 11 All 9 11 All 17 11 Southeast qr 20' 11 All 29 11 West hf west hf 30 11 West hf 6 12 East hf 7 12 West hf 7 12 Northwest nr If? 12 All 33 12 East hf 2 1 Southwest qr 4 14 Northeast 17 a All 13 15 A 19 15 All t23 15 EhfMW, WhfNE 24 15 Soutnwest 34 15 Southeast 5 16 All 7 ir. Northeast 19 16 Northwest 21 16 South hf Southeast 17 19 North hf Northeast 20 9 TWP. nOE. Northwest 28 12 26 Northoast . 6 14 26 Southeast.... 9 14 26 Northwest 9 24 26 Northeast 9 15 26 Northwest n 10 26 All ;.. 1 16 26 Northwest 19 10 26 W hf NE, SE NE 30 0 27 West hf west hf...; 36 10 27 Northeast 21 15 27 South hf south hf 32 16 27 Southeast 35 16 27 Southwest 85 16 27 NESW.WhfSE, SE SE 2 16 27 South hf 3 16 27 North hf northwest. 27 10 27 East hf 30 16 27 Northeast 35 9 28 West hf northwest 7 0 28 All .13 10 28 All !.!!!!l6 11 28 West hf northwest 17 11 28 Wcsthf 31 11 28 Southwest 5 13 28 Northwest 17 lj 28 South hf northwest 25 i 22 Nort, ,lf northwest 25 ' 16 28 Southwest 25 16 28 All ..,.85 16 28 Northwest. 6 16 28 Northeast 6 16 28 Southwest 8 16 28 Northwest 20 16 28 Northwest 29 11 29 Northwest 33 11 29 North hf north hf 1 11 29 Southeast 6 11 29 Southwest 9 14 29 Southwest 10 14 29 West hf Southeast. 19 Jr $ Weat hf Enat W SE 19 15 29 Northwest 27 15 29 Northwest 30 lp 29 EhfWhf, NWNW....31 IB 29 NorthonHt ..12 16 29 Southeast 20 10 zv Knst hf R 29 Northwest 5' 30 Southeast 29 30 Westhf 29 30 Southwest , 6 30 Northeast.. 14 30 E hf NE, Nhf SE 24 30 Southwest 9 30 East hf 1 30 Southeast 6 30 Southeast H 30 Southwest. 29 30 Southwest 4 30 Southeast 6 30 Northwest 17 30 Southeast 23 30 Southeast 25 30 North hf southeast 33 30 Northwest fi 30 Northeast 9 30 North hf northeast 11 30 Northwest 14 30 Northwest 25 30 All . 33 30 All 25 30 aii :.:::::.:..:.29 80 Northeast 19 30 Southwest 19 .30 Southeast 12 30 NESW,ShfNE,NWSE32 30 Lota 2, 3, 4, Nhf Nhf.. 33 30 Lots land 3 , 34 30 SouthweBt 36 g Nhf, NW, E hf NE 29 30 Northeast 17 31 WhfNE, S hf NW 29 31 Northoast 10 9 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 13 13 15 15 15 15 15 16 16 16 16 16 16 9 9 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 ' 13 13 16 9 9 9 9 10 10 10 10 10 10 11 11 11 11 11 11 16 16 9 9 12 14 14 14 16 17 18 18 9 3 3 3 3: 3 3 3 3 3 3: 31 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3 3! 3 3 3 3t Si 32 3: 3! 33 34 31 34 3: 3: 32 32 35 35 3: 35 35 85 85 35 85 35 35 35 3.' 3! 33 83 33 33 33 33 33 33 33 33' 33 33 33 33 33 34 34 34 34 34 34 34 26 27 29, 35 BRATT & GOODMAN, North Platte, Neb. Public Sale. At L. C. Mitchell's, nt Myrtle, on tho Gandy mail route, on March 8th. Fifteen horses and colts. 8 shorthorn bulls, 2 Bteero, 30 hogs, corn, cobs, millot seed, sweet corn nnd bees. WANTED. Three hundred cattlo to pasture Have plenty range all under fence, threo woIIb with storage cisterns. Seo mo or write. W. H. TURPIE, North Platto, Neb. sold on Wednesday's market brought $9.77$ per hundred. nnd How Good News Spreads. "1 am 70 vears old ami travel nms I J a , T . . . " w WWb 01 me time," writes B. F. Tolson. of iMiznoemiown., ivy. everywhere I go I recommend Electric Bitters, because l owe my excellent health and vitality to them. Thev effect time." They never fail to tono the stomach, regulate tho kidneys and bowels, stimulate the liver, invigorato me nerves anu nunry tho blood. They work wonders for weak, run-down men anu women, restorincr strnnrrHv vnn 1 ui. it-... .1 Pti. . :!" DR. HUMPHREYS' SPECIFICS. Ein.ll... llk tuk Till la Nt. U(a.(. infll!jb,GMmin,SpnlJh, Portuguese nd rreacb. NO. t OR PriM 1. Fever, Congettloni, Inflammation! 35 S. Worm. Worm Fever, or Worm DImim..'J5 3. Colic, Crying and Wakefulneu of Infant .SB 4. Diarrhea, of Children and Adulti US O. I)yenlcry, Griping'. Dlllom Collo 2S 7. Coutlii, Coldi, Jlroncuitln 25 8. Toothache, Faceache, Neuralgia 20 9. Headache, Rick lleodncuo, Vertigo 35 10. Dyipeptla. Indlgejtlon, WeakStomaou it 13. Croup. Hoario Cougu, LarjngltU SB 14. Ball lOieum.Eruptloni, Eryilpolai,, 35 10. Tlheamntlim, or lllioumatla I'atni 25 10. 1'erer and Ague, Malaria .... , 35 1 7. I'll ei, Wind or Weeding, External, Internal, 3 5 18, Ophthalmia, Weak or Inflamed Eye 9S 10. Catarrh, Influenza, Cola In Hood , 35 20. Whooping Cough, Spasmodic Cough US 'It. Atlhma.Oppressed, Difficult Ilreathlng 'J 5 37. Kidney DUeaio, dravel, Calculi 35 8. JVrrvoui Debility, Vltnl Wcaknrsi 1,00 2tK Poro Moulh. Fever Boreecr Canker 25 30, Urinary Incontinence, Wetting Bed 33 It. Hore Throat, Qulmy and Diphtheria, 5 I j. Chronlo Congenllont, Uoadachet , 25 )", Crlppc, llay Fever ami Summer Colds... .25 A. small Ifttto of Pleaiant Vellets. (Its the veil kt .. told by drugctt. or ncut ou receipt of price. MMIcal Hook sent tcye. STCfi RElNfORCtD WaTEbphoop j- TRAD! MAHK BEST IN THE WORLD As a burial vault nothing heretofore can compare with The National Steel Reinforced Waterproof Cement Vault It is all the name implies First: "Steel Reinfnrrf.fi" tlunnrili makes it strong and Glioul Proof. Second: The Nntlnnnl a The cover sealing to the body, by u visible seul that shows the seal- niS o uuDuiuwijr funcui, niuftuiy 11 uuauiuieiy oanuary, jcveriasunn Vermin Proof, Ghoul Proof, Water Proof, and that will last for ages there being nothing to rust or decay. The National is manufactured in North Platte at the Cement Works of White & T-eskv. Frrmr Rtrpor uihom ft u j , , v , ; , ' v.w" fc uu occu uuu are for sale by your undertakers at reasonable prices, THE NORTH PLATTE VAULT COMPANY, Geo. E. Prosser, Ag'ent. mm. v f tu nn wmg uuu. oauaiucuon is guaranteed 1 uy aiuiiu urug io. ..i uul John blrocw.Nuw Vwrlc '