Tilf SEMI-WEEKLY TRIBUNE I IK A It. UAIITO, Publisher forms; $1.25 tn Advance. NORTH PLATTE NEBRASKA A Boiling Down of the More Im portant Events Here and There PoreVan Consul Ollvares nt Managua has ro eolved hnd transmitted to tho stnto department n tolegram from tho United States consular agent at Matagalpa, a town of i),000 Inhabitants, n little north of tho center of Nica ragua, stating that tho Americans In that city, numhorlng 100 mon, women nnd children, nro approhonslvo as to tho safety ot thomselves nnd tholr property Harold VnndorbUt of Now York was condomncd by tho trlbuhnl of tho Solno nt Pnrls to pay $4,000 damagos to a harness mnker who was knocked down and injured by Mr. Vnnderbilt'a nutomobllo near Valence in February, 1007. Dr. Charles W. Wallace, who Is In London on Icavo of nbsonco from tho University of Nebraska, granted last October to permit him to pursue Shakespearean studies, will havo tho storlos of his rcBoarch published In tho March number of ono of tho American magazines. Tho duke of Abruzzt loetured at Turin boforo nn nudlonco numbering 10,000 nnd Including tho royal princes nnd princesses, on his ascenslori ot tho Himalayas, which aroused groat enthusiasm, especially his description of hlH climb ot 21.400 feot Tho duko will lecturo In Homo February 22 bo foro tho king and queen. Tho English section ot tho Amorl enn Nnvy lcaguo celobrated Washing ton's birthday by a dinner In London. R, Nowton Craho, former president of tho American socloty, presided, linv- ing on his right John L. Grlfilthn, tho Amorlcnn consul general, and on his loft William Phillips, secretary -of tho Amorlcnn embassy. Tho French Antnrctlc cxpodltlon fitenmer Pourquol Pas, with Dr. Jean M. Charcot, hond of tho, expedition, on board, has arrived at Puntn Arenas, Chile. Tho Frenchmen did not rench tho South Pole. All tho mombors ot tho crow aro woll, but during tho voy ngo thoro woro nomo casos of scurvy nmong thorn. -Tho Pourquol Pas will remain hero a fortnight. General. Frank Y. Dunn, promment for yonrs as a thoatrlcal nnd sporting man, died at his homo In Dorchester, Mass, Senator Tillman Is improving nnd It Is now bolloved ho will fully re cover. Tho houso by n voto of 112 to 88 de cided to muko provision for all Indian warohouscs now exiting.- Prosldont Tnft was tho principal speaker at tho Washington birthday banquet In Now York. Senator Crawford submitted an nmondmont to tho rivers and harbors bill 'proposing to npproprlnto $1,000,- 000 to secure n permanent six-foot channel between Kansas Olty nnd Bloux Olty. At St. Louis William V. Lowo was hold in $20,000 bond for tho federal grand jury nfter a preliminary hearing on tho chargo of robbing tho mails nftor holding up n Missouri Pacific train near Kuroka In January,- Vice-President Sherman appointed a committco to Investigates tho high cost of living. Fighting has boon resumed between govornmont forces nnd Insurgents in Nicaragua. Tho army manouvors In tho Philip pines continue- with groat Interest to nil oxcept tho natives In tho moun tains, who nro frightened. It has bocn learned nt Maro Island navy yard that tho cruisers West V'r glnla and Marylnnd woro both In poor condition when they reached Ban Francisco from tho orlont. aocrotnry unuingor has mndo a temporary withdrawal of lands from tho public domntn pending an invest! gntlon. Tho Mprgan-Guggonholm syndicate explained to n senate committco its activity In Alaska. A bill has been Introduced in tho houso to bring employer nnd employed In closor touch. Sonntor Jeff Davis mado a llory i'vvjwi, umivmiib uuviuui vuvu huu ...v w.. w...,.,. Tho Borneo loaders nro taking stock of the Tnft policy bills and nro propnrJng to anooth out tho crenses, An oxploBlon Jn tho Trojan powder works In California killed and mjurod n numbor of porsonk''' Sonntor Perkins nf California was in his seat in tho Honat 0 for tll llr8t umo in moro than six woeKs. ms uuBcnco una beon duo n ' injury to his splno, received by fallii. m tho Ice, At Springfield, III., the Kovl JnmoB III Kayo, former nnnto.. nt . p 'V- tfiMn church nt Lincoln, 111., wjo v,'nB WNlvJeted of countnrfnin.,.. i tpneed to six inonlhu In tho Vt CONDENSED trtE2r Thoro is ft pian on root to urcaK tho deadlock Jn tho Mississippi legis lature. ,, Governor ahallonbcrEor ot Nebraska says lie' will bo a candidate for re-elec- jUon. The "grub stoko" homestead bill, permitting homesteading, ono porson living on tho clnlm and n partner earning money to support his home steading comrade, was Introduced by Senator Ilurkott. A gonoral movement toward tho gulf coast country Is creating .heavy demand ftir emigrant equipment' on tho railroads, Joseph A. Graham, a widely, known editor and author, died at Ills somo In Salisbury, Md. Ho. was wldoly known In thh west. Stern measures were adopted by tho pollco to quell tho disorders and riot Flvo persons woro arrested chargod with inciting to riot. Two women woro shot by stray bullets and many Injured persons were taken to tho hos pitals. Rumors aro afloat regarding dam ago to tho winter wheat crop ot No braska by cold weather. Republican leaders in Now York aro dotormlned to extend tho bribery in vestigation. President Taft Is dissatisfied with tho progress shown In some of the bills in tho senate. Mrs. Anna Christian Sprcckles, widow of tho lato Claim Sprccklos, died in San Francisco. Former Vlco President Fairbanks was tho luncheon guest ot Ambassa dor Hill nt Borlln. President Tnft promised a special committco ot tho military order of foreign wars to go to Now York on March 15 to havo tho inslgnn ot tho ordor conforred upon him. Tho lowu Brprcnto court of Iowa uphold tho constitutionality ' ot tho Coson romuval Inw which provides that public officials may bo removed for intoxication. Congress ndjourncu promptly on loarnlng tho death of Representative Loverlng of Massachusetts, Tho French stonmer General Chnnzy, was -wrecked off tho const of Minorca and ono hunlred nnd fifty-six Uvea woro lost. Tho dedication ot a now gymnasium building was tho chief fcaturo ot tho celebration of founders' day at tho KansaB "fltnto normal school at Km poria.i Tho houso concluded consideration of tho Indian appropriation bill, which it passed practically in tho form recommended liy tho committco on In-- dlnn affairs. General Sickles Is 88 years old and tho oldest living corps commander in tho union nrmy. It Is now proposed Mint ho bo placed upon tho retired list ot the army with tho rank nt lieutenant general. Tho general lost a leg In battle. Washington. Regulations oxtondlng until May 1G, tho time for homesteaders to establish re'sldonco on lands in sovornl western states, woro Issued by tho interior de partment, in accordanco with nn act recently passed by congress. To mako Jamaica bny tho groatost harbor In tho world, tho rivers and harbors appropriation bill provides $550,000 as an Initial sum and author izes tho expenditure by the federal government, as needed from tlmo to time, ot $7,000,000 for this project nlone, conditional upon tho city oC Now York Bpondlng an additional $10,000,000. The house committco on military af fairs reported a resolution re-electing tho following mombara of tho bonrd ot managers ot tho ltomo for disabled volunteer soldlors: Hnmes W. Wads worth of Now York; Henry E. Pnlmor, j Nobrnska; John M. Holloy, Wisconsin and Henry 117 Mnrkhnm ot California. A btll making eligible for pensions widows of tho c'vll war, married since 1800, was reported to tho senate from tho committco on pensions, The sending of halt n dozen senators and halt a dozen raprosentntlvoa to tho north polu to look for records left by Peary wan auggestod by Represen tative Butler (rop., Pa.), n member of tha naval nffalrH committee of tho house. Ho Advanced tho idea be cause the committee had decided to defer action regarding tho promotion of Peary until Jho oxploror had fur nished congrosn with proofs that ho did Indeed find tho pole. Tho ponnto passed a bill "designed to deal with Urn question of hazing at West Point mllltury academy. An effort by tho tipper Missouri rlvor delegations, including Nebraska. iowa. tho Dnkotas nnd Montnnn. to securo coustderntton for tho Missouri rlvor needs In tho river nnd harbors bill 'failed In tho hoqSo. Personal. Farmers all ovor Nobrnskn nro tnV. up (no corn losu ; t . iiruBuiu jwir win see soma Tho presont yonr will boo' notable contests for.sonnto oento President .Tnft called 8onntorB Smoot nnd Aldrlch on tho carpet. Critics scoff at tho statue ot Senator Harlan, recently Hot up In stntuary hall, W. J. Bryan was given n rocoptlon ftt Santiago and dined with President Moult, Wnnh melon's b rlhdnv wnn milts I gonerally celebrated throughout the country. Officials of. packing companies do- I claro competition nnd not cnmblna tlon llxes prices of meats. Six hundred policemen listened to an address from President Tnft at th IWnldbrf-ABtorla, Now York, SEED III IS NEAR ALL CORN FOR PLANTING SHOULD DE TESTED, km-Y HIAlf Ten n t anmill iw BEST WW 10 GO ABOUT IT By Observing Carefully Directions Fol lowing Farmers May Reap Where They Have Sown. - Tho best way to test seed corn Is In a germination box. This Is n slmplo affair nnd can bo mado by anyone in an hour's time. Tako a box six Inches deep and about two by three feet In Blze. Fill tho box about half full of moist dirt, sand or sawdust. Press It woll down bo It will havo n smooth, oven sur face. Now take a white cloth about tho nlzo of tho box, rule It off checker board fashion, making squares one and a half inches ench way. Num ber tho checks 1, 2, 3, and bo on. Plnco this over tho sand, dirt or snw dust. Tako tho cars to bo tested nnd either lay them out on tho floor and mark n number In front of each or nttach n numbered tag. Now tako off about six kornols from each car (not nil from tho same place, but at gov cral points on all sides.) Put theso kernels on tha squares corresponding In number to thoso placed on tho ears ot corn. Bo careful not to get them mixed. Keop tho cars numbered to correspond EXACTLY with tho num bers on tho squares ot cloth. Aftor tho kernels have been placed carefully on tho cloth which covers tho moist sand, dirt or sawdust, cover thorn with another cloth, considerably larger than tho box; cover this cloth with nhout two Inches of tho snmo moist sand nnd kcop tho box In n warm place. It must not get cold. Tho kornols will gormlnnto in four to six days. Remove tho cover carefully to avoid misplacing tho kernels. Examine them cnrofully. Somo will havo long sprouts, but almost no roots; others will not hnve grown at nil, but tho kernels from cars which will produco corn If planted will havo both sproutB nnd good root systems. Compnro tho numbers on tho squares with thoso on tho cars. Put back Into tho feeding corn bin tho cars which correspond In number 4.0 tho numbers on tho squnres whero tho kernels did not grow or whero they Bhowed only weak roots. Tho cars numbered corresponding to thoso on tho cloth which showed strong signs of Ilfo nro the ones to prcsorvo for seed. Evory korncl from thoso ears should produco a stalk, ov- cry Btnlk an ear. Supposo ono dead car Is planted. Tho planter falls to got ono thousand Btnlks of corn almost twelvo bushols ot corn lost. A number of seed corn testers aro manufactured for sale. Thoy nro all good any implement dealer or seed house will know whero to got them, Word was received at Gothenburg of tho death of O. Bergstrom. In Ten- nosseo. Mr. Borgstrcm was tho founder of Gothenburg nnd took an nctlvo Intorost In Its growth. tamed too much moisture. It has been my opinion thnt corn which re mained In tho Held would bo In tho best condition, but I may ho mistaken in this nnd wo aro going to test oyory oar of corn beforo wo plant It. Hill to Be at Lincoln. James J. Hill, oinplre bulldor, will nddress tho Commercial club at Its annual banquot this spring. A tele gram to this offoct-was received by Secretory Whltton. , Chancellor Cancels Dates. A sovero attack of throat troublo has forced Chuncollor Snmuol Avery ot tho Stnto university to enncel a largo number of engagements for ad dresses over the Btato. lie was hooked to dollvor llfteon speeches dur ing tho next two weekH, hut will not ho nblo to dollvor any ot theso. Dur ing tho last three months tho chan cellor has boon on "sovornl speaking tours nnd tho strain of speaking ovory day has proved too great a strain on his endurunco. His physi cian has advised him to cancel all speaking engagements. Boy "Flunkcrs" Predominate. A list ot failures In tho various de partments of tho stato university for tho last Bcmostor shows thnt of tho total numbor of "llunkora" 80 per cent nro boys and only 20 per cent girls, Fivo boys rniiou to pass m one or moro studios during tho semester for ovory co-od that could mako n pqr cent of CO tho passing grndo In her clnsco. In other years tho failures among tho boya havo nlwnys outnum bered thoso of tho co-ed3, but tho vavl- nnco has novor been so startling as that rovoalod by figures for tho first scmostor of the present school year. Claims of Foreigners. From tho assistant secretary of stato Govornor Shnllonbergor a lew days ago received n copy of tho claims tiled by tho foreign citizens ot South Omaha fur dniunges sus tnlncd by tho riot thoro In 1909. The government olllclal asked tho gover nor what ho bolloved would bo tho at titude ot tho state In tho matter. The claims aro as follows: Austrla-llun gnry, $3,134; Turkoy, $454; Greece, $0,900, personal Injuries; $u,;iC8.20 porsonnl property and $220,502X4 bus! ness proporty, a total of $248,118.81. NEBRASKA NEWS AND NOTES. l'ems of Interest Taken From Hera and There Over tha State. Tho armory of Company F at Madi son was considerably damaged by fire. Flvo buildings in Edison woro de stroyed by fire. Loss $20,000 to $25, 0t0. TlttnttAfct'd nnttr Itnmtr litlllrltnrr Wftct ivuuuiu a hh ttn, uuiiuino uttu zs a Ecnornl recoi,t,OQ ' 111V WillitVlinr Edwin R. Todd, a pioneer ot Cass county, died last week from a stroko of apoplexy. J.' B. Smith, a dairyman of Beatrice, sold fifteen head of fine Jersey milch cows to n dairyman In Utah. Threo men wero killed at Omaha by an explosion at tho smelting works. They wero all terribly burned by mol ten lead, Tho principal business block at Hemlngfoni burned. The building loss is $10,000; tho Btock loss $20,000. Tho Insurance was for $14,000. Tho Wornans' Commercial club of Scotts Uluff delightfully entertained their husbands and a few lucky bachelors at the" home ot Grant Shum way. Prices for poultry in Cuming county nro soaring. At' tho Bato ot J. J. Byrne, north of West Point, last week, his chickens sold for an averago of $1 each. For tho first tlrao In mnny years a woman secured a marrlago Hcenso at tho county Judge's ofilco In Beatrice. Tho purchaser was Mrs. Carrio Wash burn of Tecuraseh. Sho Is to bo mar ried to Edward Jones, who will ar rive from Illinois. Tho Homo Savings bank of Grand Island, organized less than six months ngo, has already such a number of ac counts that tho bucccss of tho under taking Is assured and tho stockhold ers contemplato croctlng tholr own building in tho near future Arthur Anderson, tho negro youth who killed Henry Nowcll, a white boy of Hastings, by striking him ovor thfc head with n billiard cue, is at largo, with a prlco upon his head. Adams county will pny $250 for his capture Between tho Auburn Tolophono com- pany nnd somo of tho farmers thoro Is a movo to securo government weathor forecast by telephono, tho forocast by mall goncrally reaching tho farmors nfter they havo had tho oxporlenco, Goorgo Hnrrott, aged 18, n barber, recently of Grand Island, was found dead In his Bhop nt Alda. Harrott was In good spirits tho ovenlng beforo and with other boys of tho vlllago was practicing high kicking, this prcsutn- ably causing a hemorrhage, Moro school room is needed in Grand Island, dcsplto tho fact that nbout flvo yearB ago a $00,000 high school building was erected and Is now occupied by somo over 200 scholars Tho board Is considering tho purchase of another block of renl estato flvo or six blocks from tho present high school building. That oil has been struck by tho borers of tho deop woll at Nebraska City Is an assured fact, but Just what tho flow will bo cannot bo told until tho woll Is cased further down and tho cavlngs Btopped and tho water pumped out. Tho drill Is now down over 1,400 feet nnd tho oil keeps com- ing to tho top of tho water, Horses aro In great demand around Dorchester and aro bringing high prices at public farm sales. A young maro sold a fow days ago brought $300, whllo Henry Nelson received $290 for one. E. G. Maxflold got $290 for n 4-yoar-old mare, $380 for a team of 8 and 9-year-old mares and $115 for a 19-ycar-old maro. Nows baB reached Fremont that Lostcr L. Carter, who formerly trav eled on tho road for tho Hammond Printing company, has been sentenced at RuBscll, Kas., to serve tf term ot sovon years In tho Kansas stato peni tentiary. Carter Is charged with pass ing checks bearing tho name of the Hammond Advertising company. Dan F. Klser, a prominent Cass county farmer, gave his experlcnco In testing corn for Beed this year, which was grown last year. He mado threo different tests. Tho first was from 120 ears of corn nnd only tho corn from twenty-four grow. Out ot tho next 120 earn only fourteen ears camo up to tho requirement. Ho stated that somo of tho kornols showed Ilfo ondugh to start, but failed to havo sufficient vi tality to continue to grow. Tho Hastings Board of Education has formulated plans for periodical medical Inspection ot all pupils In tho city schools. Aphyslclnn hns been omployed at a salary ot $250 a yoar. Somo forty or moro laymen ot Td- cuniBoh, representing all church de nominations, attended a meeting at tho Commercial club rooms in tho In terests of tho National Laymen's Mis sionary Movement. Tho convention for that section pf Nebraska will bo held nt Lincoln March 15, 1C and 17. J. S, Pockham, who 1b nonrly 80 yoara old, received 0C0 post cards on hla last birthday, February 11. "Undo Joshua," as ho is known, llvos ten rnllQ3 southeast of Gothenburg and tn splto of tho fact that ho Is ap proachlug tho century mark, ho may bo seen coming to town, driving his own nutomobllo. Goorgo Boulton, a woll known farm or of Adams county, dropped dead whllo unloading grain. Ho had been stricken with npoploxy. A largo numbor of tho farmers in tho vicinity of Dorchester havo con alderahlo corn still In tho fields. Thoy aro paying hiiBkora from 6 to 10 cents per bushel. At a public farm salo a fow days ago forty acres in the Held sold for $0 por acre. A six weoks' religious servico has just closed at Ruskln, during which a jreat chanco was wrought in the moral tono of the town. labor in mm NATIONAL BODY IS MAKING SLOW PROGRESS. NO TALK OF ADJOURNMENT It Is Believed, However, That the President's Measures Will Finally Recelvo Favorable Action. Washington Although concress has been In session nearly, threo months nono of tho leaders of either party has como forward with a prediction of when final adjournment may he ex pected. Tho uncertainty Is duo chiefly to the opposition that has developed against somo of tho ad ministration mensureB and tho fact that debnto Is likely to continue for many weeks In connection .with nenrly every ono of the president's bills. Regardless of tho fact that tho Tils- cusslon probably will bo extended over n long period on most of tho bills on which the president hns his heart set, it is believed thoy will ultimately be enacted Into law. This Is true as to tho lnterstnto commerce bill, two of tho conservation measures, court Injunction legislation .and pos tal savings banks. Statehood bills, It Is feared, will bo mndo tho objects of sovero attack, but Senator Bevor- Idge, who will report tho senate mcas uro, expresses the opinion that It will not fall. Tho sensatlonnl testimony given by former Chief Forester Plnchot beforo the secret Invostlgntlng committee ap pointed to sift tho charges and countercharges botween Mr. Plnchot and soma of his associates and Secre tary Balllnger nnd some of his assist ants in tho Interior department is nt trnctlng unusual attention. Mr. Pln chot will continue on tho stand when tho committco resumes Its session Tuesday. The committee will meet Tuesday, Friday nnd Saturday of this week and tho Indications nro no other witnesses will testify during that tlmo. Tho senate cost of living Investiga tion committee has completed Its working program nnd It Is likely thnt day and night sessions soon will bo held. Thcro la still a minority va cancy on tho committee, no democrat having been found willing to succeed Senator Chamberlain. It has been suggested that Senator Percy may hnve this Important task thrust upon him when ho arrives this week to succeed Colonel James Gordon of Mis sissippi. Practically no busincss"wlll bo dono in the senate excopt tho con sideration of appropriation bills until after tho voto on Thursday on the postal savings bank bill. Senators hav ing chnrgo of tho administration measuro do not caro to bring them up until the postal savings bank bill Is out of the way. Tho next bill of importance to bo considored Is tho lnterstnto comraorco measuro. Already It has beon report-, cd from tho committco, but tho report of tho majority has not been prepared. Tho fact that It will ho accompanied with tho views of tho minority fore casts a bitter fight. Whothor tho democrats will Join Senators Cummins nnd Clnpp in opposition to tho Tnft Wlckersham bill 1b not yet clear. Tho democrats thomsolves Bay It probably will bo necessary for them to hold a conference boforo nny party program can be announced. An explosion In tho Trojan powder works In California killed nnd Injured a number of porBons. Tho sonnte leadors aro taking stock ot tho Taft policy bills and are preparing to smooth out tho creases. Secretary Wilson Authorizes Placing of Seven Hundred Thousand Head. Washington. Tho amount of stock which will bo authorized to grazo on tho national forosts during tho Benson of 1910, In accordance with the deci sion of Secretary of Agrlculturo Wil son, shows nn Increase In tho totnl number, ns compr'ed with last year, of approximately 200,000 cattlo and horses and 500,000 sheep nnd goats. Tho total allowanco for tho coming grazing season Is 1,957,000 cattlo and horses and 8,323,000 shoep nnd goats. Bryan on the Way Home. Buenos Ayros. William Jennings Bryan left hero Sunday for the United Stntes by way of England. Tariff Issue, Says Mack. Buffalo. Chairman Norman Mnck of tho domocratlo national commltteo innkes It evident In tho Mnrch num her ot his magazine, tho National Monthly, thnt ho believes tho tariff nnd the high cost of living nro to bo two of tho principal Issucb ot tho democratic congressional campaigning of tho presont yenr. Still Believes In Cook, Washington."! Bhall bollovo that Dr. Cook, tho oxploror, Is an honest mnn until thero Is dotlnlto proof to tho contrary," declared Maurice F. Egan, minister of Denmark, In an address hero to mombors of the Uni versity club. Another Bomb In Chicago. Chicago. "Bomb No. 3C" wns ox plodod Sunday night In a West Sldo grocery Rtoro. It was said tho bomb followed iQttora 4lomnndlng "money. TEST OF SEED CORN. What Is Shown by the Omaha Com mercial Club. Results of First Test of 200 Ears. Number germinating strong with good roots 65 Number not growing nnd show ing no signs of life 40 Number olive, but weak, small roots and sprouts 03 Number mildewed, somo sprout ing beforo rot started - 42 - 200 Actual numbor fit for seed.. 55 Ears worthless for seed..... 145 If all the seed corn which Nebraska farmers Intend to plant this year 1 in ns poor condition ns 200 samples tested by tho Omahn Commercial club, Just 27V6 per cent of It will. grow nnd tlio Btnto will have Just n llttlo hotter than ono-fourth ot a crop. It was really a sad sight when tho Commercial club germination box wns opened recently. Six kernels had been taken from each of two hundred ears last Thursday and placed In tho box which was kept In tho stenm heated rooms until this morning. Forty ot tho llttlo cups wero with out n sign of Ilfo, which means twenty per cent of tho corn will not grow at all. In Blxty-threo cups tho kernels had sprouted, but somo had no roots nnd othora had roota bo weak thoy woro not worth consideration. But tho worst looking cups wero tho forty-two which wero filled with rotting corn somo cups nlraost full of mildew. Thus tho result ot tho test shows that 145 out of 200 ears nro unlit for seed. Somo might produco stalks, but would never glyo tho farmers cars. Whllo thlB percentage Is low, It would havo been lowor had not ono sample of ton ears como from a pro fessional corn grower who tests his seed, and tho sample was either previ ously tested or taken from stock which had tented high. All ten of theso cars grow and showed tholr ability to produco strong roots. , Other thnn theso tho boBf samples hf corn camo from tho Watson ranch near Kearney. Tho samples tested wero rrom Petersburg, Blair, Koarnoy, Nowraan Grove, Waterloo, Norfolk, Hadar, Clay Center, Clnrkson, Concord, Wakefield, Colrldge, Omaha and two samples from grain companies whtch did not, glvo Information as to whero tho seed was secured. As low as tho Nobraska corn, tests, It gave in thin test threo times as many strong cars as a test of Iowa corn mado by tho Dos Moines Cap ital, which showed only, eight cars In 100 would produco strong' roots and sprouts, indicating its ability to pro-, duce corm In n samplo of twelve ears from Petersburg but two ears wero fit for seed. From Clay -Center,! camo a samplo lot of ten cars, nil of which sprouted and throw out roots, threo ears of which wero weak. Threo lots ot ten ears each from Newman Grovo gave this result: 13' strong, 12 weak and worthless, 5 no sign of life. Ono of tho best samples camo from Clark8on. It wns In two lots, seven teen ears nltogether. Only ono failed to show life; nine wero good strong cars and seven rather weak too weak to plant. No mildew was pres ent In nny of tho samples from Clarkson. Samples from Kearnoy and vicinity wero nlso freo from mil dew, whllo from Concord, Wakefield and Colrldge enrao samples which mildewed badly and would rot In tho ground If planted. Douglas county samples showed 52 per cent good seed, but somo samples of yellow corn mildewed qulto badly. This test was mado in ono of tho patent testors, but said by exports to bo ono of tho best which can boi used. Moro thnn 100 banks In Iown have used the tester tho-last month in demonstrating that Iowa corn must bo tested. Tho kernels woro takon carefully from each ear, four from around tho contor on various sides, ono from near the tip and another from near tho butt of the ear. Placed in tho tester, water at 90 degrees was placed ontlrely over tho corn nnd It wns soaked for llfteon hours. All tho wntcr was dri)wn off not a drop bolng nllowed to remain in tho cups with tho kernols, Aftor twenty-four hourB tho trays woro Bprlnklod nnd all tho water drawn off. The room wns from 65 to 88 degreos during the threo days tho samples were In tho germlnntor. Salem Essy, living In northern Gar field county who has been considered a harmless lunatic for somo time; be enmo violent and killed his brother, Thomas Easy, at whoso homo ho was staying. Some fow weeks ngo Salom Essy wan boforo. tho Insanity board, but tho commlsioners did not find him serious onough, as thoy thought, to Bond to the asylum and his brother I and sister ngreed to care for him. Prevent Crop Failure. Corn growers face a crisis this yoar on account of tho sovero curly frosts which seriously Impaired tho seed corn, says Prof. Holden. If this frost bitten seed Is planted this year, tho yield will fall far below what it was last season nnd will be' a serious loss to tho farmers. If I could glvo but ono order to bo carried out by ovory corn grower In Nebraska and Iowa It would bo this: Mako u thorough germination test of all Deed corn to ho UBed for plnntlng this seuBon.