BUYING K II CAIRO it's a Risky C-usincss For thv. Man V!o ?fles,'t Knflw. LURING ON AN "EASY MARK." Tim annual distribution of seeds 1b now beinK mndo by the government tli rough tho fongrcBsmen. This is a farco that seems impossible to throw out. Perhaps it is the only way of lett ing constituents of certain congressmen know that they, tho congressmen, aro alive. Luther Diuke, tho Omnha banker, is quoted ns saying that postal savings banks would sweep away one-half the banks in Nebraska and cripplo the other half. That seems liko a sweeping assertion, ono so strong ns to make it seem incredible. This, however, is an ago of experiments, why not try the postal bank plan? President Taft says: "If tho en forcement of tho law fs not consistent with the present methods of carrying on business, thcirtho business methods must bo changed to conform with the law." That seems to bo laying down tho gauntlet to tho trusts. Lot tho latter conduct their business in a law ful manner and feeling against them will vanish. With V. H. Thompson a candidate for U. S. senator, Attornoy Ashton seeking the nomination for congressman, Ed Ewell asking for tho railroad com missionership nomination and State Auditor Barton a candidate for re election, Grand Island seems to be quito a town for statesmen. Now if thoy will includo Mayor Schuff as a candidnto for govornor the list will be com'ploto. A twenty per cent stock dividend has just boon issued by tho Pullman car company, this in addition to tho regu lar annual .dividend, and in addition to tho thirty-six per cent dividend de clared in 1000. In other words tho com pany has declared flf ty-slx per cent ex tra dividends in four years, this repre senting tho surplus after paying regu lar dividends. The great Pullman company charges the traveling public so much for its servico that it can't keop Its enrnings down to a do cont amount. LOCAL AND PERSONAL. F. H. Gnrlow expects to leave to morrow for Omaha combining business with pleasure Mr. and Mrs. P. II. McEvoy re turned Wednesday night from a visit with friends in' Denver. Tho American Investment & TruBt Co, Has purchased section 10-12-30 of John Johnson, u resident of California, Our lino of Dress Goods, worth up to $1.00, to close out at 43 cents per yard. The Leader J, J. 'Sullivan, of Omaha, stopped over between., trafns yesterday while enrouto homo from a visit with hta son at Salt Lake. . . Spring Percales and Ginghams at The Leader. Building, operations in North Platte this year promise to bo brisk. Contrac tors aro already figuring on quito a number of residences, and several busi ness buildings. Men's and Boy's Spring Suits at popular prices are "shown at Tho Leader, Sam Richard; who is now in business Ht'EuBtis, says ho has a larger trado '.Uian;i.he had in North Platto. Eustis has about 250 people, but it draws trailo from a distance of twenty-flvo to thirty miles, One of the big Bcenes in "The Land of Nod" at the Keith Theatre, Hogs sold in tho local market yester terday for $8.85, tho local butchers pay ing $8.45 delivered at the slaughter houses. It is predicted that within sixty days hogs will reach the ten dollar mark in tho South Omnha markot. Spring Embroideries, Laces and All overs on sale nt The Leader. Contractor Gates is now figuring on tho cost of tho prospective addition to tho rooms occupied by Tho Leador and nlso tho building east of tho McDonell & Graves store. It is not certain that these will bo built by Mr. Keith, but the chances aro favorable. Stmt. Ebright announced in his monthly school pnpor that ho would furnlBh a pock of seed corn to each of the first ono hundred boys who would apply, this corn to be used as seed for specimens to bo exhibited noxt fall at the county school boys' corn contest. So far thirty-five boys have mado ap plication, This seed corn is offered to thoso who do not think thoy have seed that is satisfactory. It looks ns though thero will bo many entries at tho com exhibit next fall. The Loader is closing out a number of lines of winter goods at a decided re duction in prico in ordor to mako room for tho mammoth spring stock which is nqw nrriving. Call nt Tho Loader and examine tho bargains. Some idea of tho real estate deals that will bo closed March 1st can be gained from tho fact that $200,000 will pass through ono North Plnttc bank alono on March 1st in settlement of contracts mado last fall and during tho urtntflw ii .1 m O r A AAA -.-.Ml kiiikji. umi uvoi fuu,uw win puss through tho Hershoy bank in similar settlements. If the other banks of tho county show as well, the total trans actions will not full short of a half million Hollars. PUBLIC The undersigned will offer at public sale at the Major Walker ranch four miles north and one mile west of North Platte on MEDNESDHY, MKRCH 2, 35 Head of Horses and Colts, ranging in age from one to ten years, and weighing from 600 to 1400 pounds and among which are fine geldings and mares, One 6 year old Missouri Jack; weighing 1,000 One Grade Shire Stallion 9 years old, weighing 1400 Farm Machinery. consisting of Mowers, Rakes, Sweeps, Wagons, Buggies, Plows, Harness, etc, COL. T. P, WATTS, Auctioneer. Six Drinks Tie up U. P. A Rawlins dispatch to the Bee Bays: Six drinks of whisky, distributed equally between two telegraph operators at Daia, tied up tho wholo Union Pacific system in Wy oming Saturday, according to admis sions made today by the railroad officials. Tho operators were not until Satur day familiar with the effects of whisky, and did not imagine that such a small amount could put them "under tho table." Tho day was Lincoln's birthdny and thoy decided drinking whisky was the only proper way of colcbrating. "Lot's go aftor more booze," sug gested ono of them after tho celebra tion had progressed so far as tho six drinks. "Sure," ngreed tho other. "But how about tho trains?" "I'll fix'em," said tho first, and ho at onco swung tho red signal board to hold all the fast mail trains, and hung out a signal on tho station door, saying: "This station is closed." "Now, then," said the second opera tor, "this is Lincoln's birthdny, and tho Union Pacific will havo to get nlong without us for today." A good timo was had by the opera tors, but tho road officials could not see things tho way thoy did, and tho two were arrested. They will bo prosecuted, charged with delaying the malls. Public Sale. J. II. Atherton will sell nt his resi dence nlno miles west of North Platto on March 4th, commencing nt eleven o'clock, seven head of horses, four milch cows and three yearlings, and a large amount of machinery, also four teen stands of bees and somo house hold furniture. SALE Langford & Beyerle. Tuesday. February 22d. In keeping with the established De Laval custom of making the De Laval Cream ' Separators as much better each year as possible, the Do Laval machines for 1910 show even greater perfection than they have in the past The dairy farmer who buys a 1910 De Laval can feel assured that he has by far the best Cream Sepa rator ever made anywhere at any time. The dairy farmer who lets the year or even the month pass by without at least seeing and examining the 1910 De Laval will be doing himself an 'injustice. The opportunity of examining and trying a 1910 De Laval right at his own home is open, free of all cost or trouble, to every dairyman who will simply say the word. Next to a De Laval machine is the De Laval cata logue, free for the asking and containing a separator education in itself. J. W. LeMasters, Agent. 215 EAST SIXTH STREET. NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. DOUBLES ITS PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK. Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell, Nebraska. Notice is hereby given that on Jan uary 12th, 1910, tho Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell. Nebraska, by a vote of all of tho Bharcs of stock cast nt its annual meeting, Increased its paid-up canital stock from S5.000.00 to the full $10,000.00 authorized by its Articles of incorporation. MAXWELL STATE BANK. By W. II. McDonald, Pres. Attest: A. C. Plumek, Cashier. John S. Twinem, M. D., Ilomeopalhic Physician and Surgeon. Special attention to Obstetrics and Children's Diseases, Office: McDonald State Bank Building, Corner 6th & Dowoy Sts. Phones: Office 183. Residence 283. Phone 268 FOR ALL KINDS OP Flour, feed, Grain or Hay Haying recently purchased tho B. A, Wilson feed store nt the cornor of Sixth and Locust Sts. I respectfully invito a share of tho patronage of tho public. Frompt delivery. J. R. RITNER. THE 1910 DE LAVAL CREAM SEPARATOR. W. A. Howard, EXPERT PIANO TUNER AND REPAIRER All work guaranteed. Best of references. .Country orders receive prompt attention. Residence 6o2-west Fifth St., North Platte, Phone 627. Please leave orders at New ton's Book Store, phone 261. GO TO P. M. SORENSON FOR Furn iture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth, The Story tf II: n RIili Ameiican Was Won- J by a Gofi Orlintsl SaltEmon--' m'cr the Mystic Spill of tho C1..1. ft'ifgiou U)ht. Vi-IIik of "The I'nxHlnji'of the An tliiue Hwa" In flu' (Vntur.v, John KItli borly Muinfoid ti'lN this Mftiry: It Is lie.voml (ti('stl.i:i cheaper to buy in America your nig and the Ingenious tnle thiit goes with It than to wait Jin til you vMt Constantinople or Smyrna or Cairo or Tlllls. They are much more skillful and Insinuating' over there. They have the advantage of local color and environment, and your common sunsu M under the spoil of the oust to begin with. Here Ik an Incident to Illustrate. A party of rich A'merlcnns urrlvod In Cairo 0110 day several winter ago on a yachting trip and passed a week or more In sightseeing. Oue of them had Just I dished a palatial house not far troni New York nnd throughout Eu rope had bought marbles nnd bronzes, woodwork and velvets for It with a lavish hand. Tho Journey to Cairo was mado in order to secure rugs. What hnppencd In best told In thr words of a dealer In the bazaar, from whom I had It. "There was a fellow In our con cern," he said, "who was nlways buy ing nightmares, nnd I hnd to work myself black In tho faco to get rid of them. The week before the Ameri cans came this chap had taken In a shockingly bnd pair of Rinnans, enor mously big. new nnd. to my mind, ut terly unsalable. When the head of the house saw them he held up Mi hands and shouted. 'Get rid of those things for n hundred pounds to the first person who'll buy them.' "So I rolled them up and put them one side. Intending to send them to a commission man In the bazaar to un load. Next morning In came Money bags from New York with his wholo company. He said ho wanted to see tho best carpets I had, aud he saw them. I turned tho place Inside out. Nothing pleased blni, for the reason that I mado tho common mistake of showlng-hlm too much, no thought I had something hidden away, so he winked mo over Into ono corner and told mo who ho was, 'Now,' said he, 'I want you to limber up. I want the best, and I don't mind prlco If I get what suits mo.' "I was- In despnlr, for I had actually shown tho man every carpet I had. All of a sudden I thought of theso two freaks baled away thd day before. I almost laughed In his face, but Anally I pulled my mouth down and begnn salaaming and asked him why In the world ho hadn't told mo who ho was In tho beginning, then 1 shouldn't hnvo wasted his time and nbused his pa tience so. "IIo grinned triumphantly. 'I thought you had them,' ho said. "'nut.' snld I, 'it will tako a llttlo tlmo to get at them, nnd J must ask you nnd your friends to wait pa tiently.' "They waited, and 1 tell you for the next half hour tho men around that shop earned their pay. Wo went up stairs and unrolled thoso two rugs. Wo hud a great big curtain of green plush, which wo "hung against the wall. Then wo pressed the carpets out and put them up ngajnst the cur tain. That, you know, Is worth CO per cent to the looks. Then we adjusted tho lights and stationed men all around to look n3 solemn as worship ers. Nobody was to speak above n whisper, and every man was to mur mur 'Mashallahl' at appropriate Inter vals. "When everything wus ready I ush-" ered tho customers up and on tiptoe led them In. There Is no doubt about It, the effect was tine. At first every body wns still. It was like a church. " 'Ah,' said tho great man. 'that is what I came for. I knew you had them. You needn't tell mo tho price. Just send them to tho yncht at Alex andria.' "That night I went up to the hotel where they were Btopplug und got his check for 00,000 frnucs for the pair. And that wnsu't tho best of It. I had got luto my strldo then, and while he was busy unuexlug tho Klrmans 1 hud tho porters bring up seven of tho car pets ho had refused downstairs and showed them In that dim religious light, unrolling them ns If they had been sacred nnd sighing soulfully every ov aud then. IIo bought tho whole seven and to tho day of his deith fullv believed that I was tho orlglnnhw'lznr.V of the east." Etiquette of Letters. Eighty years ago the etlquotto of letters was far more rigid thou now Even the twopeuny post was not con sidered good enough for correspond ence addressed to persons of nuy standing. In her "nomlnlscenccs of an Octogennrlan" Miss Louisa Pncko tells us that when her father had oc casion to write to Londoners In his own class of llfo tho letter wns al ways conveyed by n servant not for nuy reasons of urgency, but becnuso tho post was considered a vulgar me dium of communication for persons residing In the same city and only to be used for tho conveyance of letters to tho eountry.-London Chronicle. A hopeless mau Is deserted by him self, and ho who deserts himself ii soon deserted by his frlendB.