"1 could not wait until to In filled by n mere thumb pressure on Croscent-Flllcr. No mussy dropped no putts to unscrew. Writes with rare smoothness and case. Special nibs for bookkeepers, stenographers, manifolding, etc. HARRY DIXON, DR. 0. II. CRESSLCR, Graduolc Dentist. Ofllco over tho McDonald Stato Bank. AUcbUob Carpenters. Forty centa an hour will bo paid for good insMo finishers, pply at Dixon's Jewelcry store. Mrs. Louise Peters ha3 gono to Kansas City to transact business for a week or two. For Sale My residence property at 514 west Sixth street. House has six rooms with bath. A. J. Salisbury. 0. H. Smith, of Kearney, visited friends in town Sunday and left yestor day for Sutherland to kill a few geese. Wilson Tout spent tho latter part of last week at Farnam attending tho meeting of tho high lino teachers' association. Miss Gertrude Waldman, of Lincoln, former reporter for tho Telegraph, has been the guest of her aunt, Mrs. A. P. Kelly for several days. Quito a number of people residing at Brady, Maxwell and Hershey havo phoned for seats for "The Clansman" Thursday ovening. Tickets went on sale yesterday, and the advanced sale indicates a large audience. Attorney Muidoon informs us that condemnation proceedings have been completed for tho right-of-way of the North River branch for a distance of forty-five miles' west of Northport. This takes tho lino within ton miles of the Wyoming state line. It is presumed that grading on this forty-five mile stretch will begin soon. Wanted A good woman to do wash ing at house. Wash house has all modern improvements. MltS. 0. H. CUESSLER. Conductor L. E. Hastings leaves to night for New York City where he goes to give evidence before tho board of inquiry which is sitting in the case involving the dissolution of tho Union Pacific and Southern Pacific railroads. Other employes from other divisions of the roads will also go. They will prob ably bo absent several weeks. Supt. Tout has taken a personal in terest in investigating Peter MacQueen, going to tho extent of paying $3 for his latest book "In Wildest Africa." His report is that if tho lecture is as good as the book, North Platte people cannot afford to miss it. The admission is 50 cents. The balcony will be opened for reserving without additional charge. Febr. 19th, at 8:30. For Sale Bargain. Now ten room houso. also four-room house on same lot. Tho two rent for fJO. per month. Lawn, shade, side walk, electric lichts. West olfht Kr $1400 will handld this; balance same as a C v WALK Shoes.1 SHOE Patent Vamp, Dull Kid Top, Blucher Boot and Junior Model, Price ffiS.OO. Wilcox Department Store. morrow, George, to show you. what I have got tor you." The very pen he's often heard about and wanted. Equally ap preciated by the ladies, too. TO Fillinci Fountain Pen SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door North of First National Hank Boxing Contest. Manager Kubik of the opera houso announces a boxing contest for next Monday evening, the principals to bo Fitzgerald of South Omaha and Kid Gilsey, of Denver. This is a match that was arranged by the sporting editor of the Denver Post, and this can bo taken as evidence that tho "go" will' bo a fast one. WANTED. Three hundred cattle to pasture. Have plenty range all under fence, three wells with storage cisterns. Seo me or write. W. H. Turpie, North Platte, Neb. ' Association Wis Game. In the game of basket ball at tho opera houso Friday evening botween the Y. M. C. A. and tho high school teams, the former won by a score of' fifty-one to forty-seven. Tho gamo was a spirited one and was in doubt al most to tho final play. A good sized audience witnessed the contest, at the close of which a skating party was held. Sand for Sale. Have opened a sand pit on the Cody ranch. This sand is full of grit and gravel. Anyone wanting sand for building or sidewalk purposes phone F. H. Garlow at Cody ranch. Price 75 centa per yard delivered, or 15 cents per load at pit. ..Homesteaders Time Extented. Under an act approved January 28, 1910, persons who have made homer steads where the period in which they were or are required by law to make entry under declaratory state ment or establish residence expired or expires after December 1st, 1909, are granted until May 15, 1910, within which to make entry or establish resi dence upon land so entered by them. This extension of time does not shorten the period of commutation or of actual residence unaor the homestead law, nor does it apply to an adverse claim established by entry and residence after tho expiration of tho time allowed for establishing residence of the first entryman, and prior to tho passage of the act. Homestead entrymen or settlers upon the public domain are granted a leave of absence from their land for a period of three months from tho date of the approval of the act, provided that the period of actual ab sence under the act shull not bo do- ducted from the full time of residence required by law. For Sale. Standard make typewriter, nearly new. A bargain. (J. u. thoei.eckh, - OVER SAYING No. 1 Exery dollar does its duty when you buy a pair of Walk Over Shoes. The Walk Over man on the sole is the sign of satisfaction. 8& $3.50, $4.00, $5.00 We are sole agents. Scene from "The Clansman", to be presenter Cold Weather in Sight. Weather forecast for tonight is snow and a cold wave, with a stiff northwest wind tomorrow. Tho maximum .tem perature yesterday was 07, one year ago 9; minimum this morning 24, ono year ago 15 bolow zero. Notice for Bids. The Board of Education will receive sealed bids until 6 p. m. March 7, 1910, for any part or all of tho Third ward framo school buildings and foundation stone. Possession given when vacuted. The right to reject any and all bids is reserved. A. F. Streitz, Secy. Firemen Promoted. Locomotive firemen Gutherlcs3, Golden, Weaver,' Axtcll, Roach, Con nelly, Lake and Scharmann success fully passed tho mechanical examina tion Saturday and yesterdny and have been "marked up" as engineers ready for service., They havo been a "bunch" of good firemen and ought o make good engineers, at least here's hoping that they will "make good" and long continue in service. Notice. Ladies desiring first-class sewing should call on Misses Wcndling and Kauffman, room 9, Bratt & Goodman block.' Sergeant Casey Wins Medal. Sergeant Ernest Casey, of tho high school cadets, won tho medal for the third successive time in the competitive drill Friday and will retain possession of it. This medal has been contested for at regular intervals for the'past five or six years, and this is tho first time it has been won three times in succession by any cadet. Under theso conditions it is therefore much to the credit of Sergeant Casey that ho has won tho coveted prize, and he has been receiv ing the congratulations of friends. Public Sale. O. H. Eyerly, living two miles east and onb mile north of Hershey, will sell nt nutilic snlo on Wednesday. February 23d, beginning at eleven o'clock, twelve head of horses and colts, ten milch cows and heifers, and a largo lot of firm machinery. HOES Of Equal Excellence When you're out walking with that "one" girl, you naturally desire that your foot wear should compare favor ably with hers for the shoe is the one finishing part of a man's apparel that makes him well dressed. A pair of "Our Founder" shoes will place you on an equal footing with the best dressed person in the world and also place you on a foot ing equal in comfort to the most easy pair of old shoes you have. In lasts that have snap, style, real shape holding qualities. THE SHOERY, Sol Httftos. pa S Ten Men Wanted. This office is in receipt of a letter from C. F. Scharmann, who is nt Bannock, Nevada, in which ho desires to interest ten North Plntto men in a mining proposition which looks good to him. The proposition which ho sub mits is one that would require an out lay of $25 per month per man for de velopment work on the claim until tho main body of ore is reached, after which the' expenses could bo met with ora shipments and dividends declared from the surplus. Tlioso interested can read Mr. Schartnan's lottor by calling at this office. "The Land of Nod." A beautiful production of musical comedy and extravaganza will occupy tho stage at the Keith Theatre, Tues day, Feb., 2nd, when "The Lond of Nod" will be presented. This is ono of those massivo organizations which aro characterized bp a plentitude of comed ians, singers and dancers, and numer ous chorus and ballot, and in which scenery, costumes and "effects" nre lavishly displayed. 1 'The Land of Nod" has impressed itself strongly on all who have witnessed it on account of its de cidedly unique character creations, such as "tho Man in tho Moon," "Welsh Rarebit," "Sandman," "King and Queen of Hearts," "April Fool," and similar unusual personages. Tho localo in which they move is only encountered in talcs of fairyland and in Arabian Nights. It is all clever and interesting and its comedy is whole and good. Tho musical score contains plenty of tho jingling, catchy sort of composition which enlivens and satisfies. Practically the somo excellent cast which mado "The Land of Nod" so conspicuous among New York successes constitutes tho present, company, including Knox Wilson, who will bo seen in his original part. Prominent in the cast are Neil McNeil and Anna McNabb. The sale of scats begins Saturday, Feb. 19th. Peter MacQueen. The next number of tho lecture course is Peter MacQueen of Boston. To toll all that Mr. MacQueen has dono would be to take up space and time that could not be used that way. When we say that he was with Roosevelt at Santiago, with Lawton in tho Phillip pinos, with K nigcr in South Africa, with Kiin' George in Greece, and Unit ho has just completed a trip through central Africu over the route which Roosevelt covered besides travelling at spare times through Siberia, Japan, Venezuela and Panama, one can get an idea of tho wealth of information and tho richness of oxperienco which Mr MacQueen has at his command. The lecture next Saturday ovening will be on his travels in Africa and is entitled Ihe Land and the Game Where Roosevelt Hunts." Tho lecture is il lustrated by many colored views but would be a wouderful lecture if there were no pictures. Every.boy and girl in tho city, who studies ueoRranhv should bo given a chance to seo this man and hear him talk. At tho Keith Saturday evoning, February 19, at 8:30 o ciocic. uring tickets marked "W. General admission 50 cents. Children .10 cents. MEN ot proTenblllty and character cau c cure an txclualre cou. tract an manauert fur local terrltnrr on fltlirr alsrj or commission, or both, To arum ueiuj tfiTe reicrencet In nril letter. Apply to Th. von Rolf, a. A., Northwaatarn Mutual Ufa In a. Co., Omaha, Nab. WANTED at The Keith Thursday Evening, February 17th. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President. E. F. SEEBERGER, Vicc-Prcsldcnl, M. KEITH NEVILLE, Vice-President, ' F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. Steel eiNroecto fl01iiygoor-r TRACK MARK BEST IN THE WORLD As a burial vault nothing heretofore can compare with The National Steel Reinforced Waterproof Cement Vault It is all the name implies First: -"Steel Reinforced" throughout with expanded Sheet Steel makes it strong and Ghoul Proof. Second: The National is water-proofed hy special process. The cover sealing to the hotly, hy u visible seal that shows the seal ing is absolutely perfect, making it absolutely Sanitary, Everlasting, Vermin Pi oof, Ghoul Proof, Water Proof, and that will last for ages, there being nothing to rust or decay. The National is manufactured in North Platte at tho Cement Works of White & Lesky, Front street, where it may ho seen and are for sale by your undertakers at reasonable prices. THE NORTH PLATTE VAULT COMPANY, Geo. E. Prosser, Agent. Lee's Stock Tonic Keeps your stock healthy and they will increaso in weight with less feed. 25-lb Pail $1.60 Lee's Hog Remedy is the best worm expellant the best hog medicine on tho market today. 25-lb Pail $2.00 Lee's Poultry Remedies HWe have a complete stock SCHILLER & CO., Special Agents Some Cigars smell good, and taste bad. Others taste good, and smell bad. combines both delicious flavor and elu gant bouquet. 5 Cents, Worth 10. STONE DRUG COMPANY, DEPOSITARY. To give you tho beat of baking knowing how in tho first place find having tho most complete of up-to-date equipment means giving you tho delicious home-made bread that you want for your table. Try ua noxt time, let us have to day's order for bread, roola or cake. DICKEY BROS. Confectioners and Bakers. DOtJBLES ITS PAID-UP CAPITAL STOCK. Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell, ' Nebraska. Notico is hereby given that on Jan uary 12th, 1910, tho Maxwell State Bank of Maxwell, Nebraska, by a vote of all of tho shares of stock cast at its annunl meeting, increased its paid-up capital stock from $5,000.00 to the full $10,000.00 authorized by its Articjes of Incorporation. MAXWELL STATE BANK. By W. II. McPoNALPi Pres. AttVit; At C. vlmmt, dartnVn 1