STANLEY AS A FIGHTER. Hfs Revingo on tho Africans For At tacking His Forces. In tho following language Sir Henry M. Stanley describes nn attack of na tives upon his party during one of hli African expeditions: "The fovititliiui bears down on us with racing tweed Us consorts on cither Hank spuitliiji tho wnter Into foiun nnd shooting t: Jets with their shnrp prows. A thrill lng chant from 'O00 throats rw louder nnd louder on our hearing Presently the poised spears art inuncncu, ami n second laicr my riuo respond with a ripping, i mrUIIng :; plosion, nnd tho dark bodies of the cn noes nnd paddlcrs rush past us. "For n short time tho savages aiv parnlyzeVl, but they soon recover. The una tliero Is death In thoso llamititf tubes in tho hands of tho strnugcr and with possibly greater energy tha they advanced they retreat, tho pur sued becoming tho pursuers In hot chnso. My blood is up. It is a mm derous world, nnd I hnvo begun to hnto tho lllthy, vulturous shonls wh Inhabit It. "I pursue them upstream, up to tliel villages. I skirmish In their street drlvu them pellmoll Into tho woods be yond nnd level their Ivory temples With frr.ntlc liasto I Ilro their hut nnd end tho sccno by towing their en noes Into midstream nnd setting them ndrift." COUNTY TREASURER'S STATEMENT Of Collections, Disbursements and Balances from July 1, 19o9 to January .1, 1910 .STATE donornl " School., RAVENOUS EATERS. Gluttony of Soliman and the Appetit of Louis XIV. Touching tho matter of entlng, the stories told by tho old chroniclers and historians of tho abuorraal appetites of certain Roman and drlcntnl men of note fairly stagger belief. Gibbon tells of Soliman, a caliph In tho eighth century, who died of acute indigestion in his camp near Chalcl in Syria, just as ho was about to lead an army of Arabs against Constantino ple. Ho hnd emptied two baskets of eggs and flgs, which ho swallowed alternately, and tho repast was finish cd with marrow nnd sugar. In a pll grlmago to Mecca tho samo caliph had oaten with Impunity at a single meal seventy pomegranates, a kid, six fowl and a hugo quantity of tho grapes of Tnyof. Such a statement would defy belief were- not othors of u similar character well avouched. Louis XIV. could hard ly boast of an appetite as ravenous a Sollmau's, but ho would cnt nt n sit ting four plntcfuls of different soups, wholo pheasant, n partridge, a plate ful of salad, mutton hashed with gar He, two good sized slices of ham. "i dish of pastry and finish this nmplc repast with fruit and sweetmeats. London Saturday Review. Victorian Gods. If Thackeray, with a brain weighing fifty-eight and one-half ounces, had tho biggest head among Victorian writ ers who had tho best features? The cholco would seem to Ho between Ton nyson nnd Henry Taylor. "That man must bo a poet," remarked one of hi Cambrldgo contemporaries when he first saw Tennyson como Into tho hnll nt Trinity, nnd another friend do scribes him In his uudergrnduato day as six feet high, broad chested, strong limbed, his faco Shakespearean, with deep eyelids; his forehead ample, crowned with dark wavy hair: his head finely poised, his hand tho ndml ration of sculptors. But tlmo denll none too gently with Tennyson, where as Ucnry Taylor, always a dlstln gulshed looking man, seems to have grown singularly majestic with years Grant Duff, meeting him when ho wn over eighty, notes that "Taylor look moro Hko Jupiter than over," and con temporary memoirs aro full of refer ences to nis Jove-Uko appcaraucoi London Standard. "A No Clianco In History. Mnzziul said that ho did not bellov that chanco existed In hlstorv causo must necessarily undorllo overy event, nllhough for tho moment It muv appear .as tho result of apparently nc- ciuenini circumstances. An Alexander a Caenur, a Nopoleon, aro not the re suits of accident, but the Jnovltnhl product of tho tlmo and nation from which tnoy spring. It wan not Cnes: who destroyed tho Roman republic Tho republic was dead boforo Cnesni came. Sulla, Marlus, Catiline, preced -d and foreshadowed Caesar, but lie gifted with keener luslcht ami m-enim genius, snatched tho power from them ana concentrated it In his own hands For there was no doubt that ho was Utter to rulo than all tho nthoi-x nut together. At tho samo time, supposing no una appeared 100 years earlier, h would uot hnvo succeeded In dostrov lug tho republic. "When ho enmo the mo uau uiready gone out of it, nnd even Caesar's death, could not restore that." Nlcolv Graded. It IS' still a tradition that tho peoplo of Manchester, England, should gibe at Liverpool with tho proverb, M Manchester man. a LIvcrnool contlo man;" but, It Is said, classification is not so, strongly marked in Lancashire as in tho old days. Whou stagecoach es were ruuulng a guard was onco ask ed, "Who has tha gotten Inside, Billy?" Billy consulted lvla list nnd roplled, "A gontleinou fra Liverpool, n mon fra Manchester, u chap fra Owdham and a follow fra WJgau." Words of Different Size. w "Did -they oxchnugo words?" . V.ycs.VbJiC IL wasn't air oven ex change. One spoke In English nnd the other In' Russian." New. York Press. I hnrdly know ho true n work of n Ilttlo mind ns tho scrvllo lmitutJou of utiofuer.-GrovllJc. " University " Rodomptlon " Int. on Collections 7...,,,, " School Land Prln H. , " School Land Int , " School Land Rental , COUNTY Gonornl . , " Rond Comm'r DIst. No. 1 . . , " Road Comm'r Dist. No. 3. " Road Comm'r Dist. No. 3. " Brldgo i " Court Houso Bond " Jnil Bond and Int " SJo. Plntto Br. Bond "t Funding Bonds "' North Platto Br. Bond...... " North Platto Br. Int Soldlors Rollol " Outsandlng Indebtedness District Road Fund " Advertising '" O'Fnllons Br. Slnkmgt ,, " O'Fnllons Br. Int " Brady Br. Sinking " Brndy Br. Int " Birdwood Br. Sinking Blrdwood Br. Int " Nichols Br. Sinking ' ' " Medlclno Rond Sinking " Modlcino Road Int Euroka Br. Sinking . " Suburban Irr. Genornl " Suburban Irr. Bond South Sldo Irr. Sinking...' " South Sido Irr. Int " Horshoy Br. Bonds i " Keith, Lincoln Co. Irr. Gon ; Kolth, Lincoln Co. Irr. Int " Blrdwood Irr. Gonornl " Blrdwood Irr. Intorcst " Boslwlck Br. Bonds District School Fund District School Bond " High School Fund North PlnUe General No.. Platto Electric Lights...-. ... North Platto Water " No. Platto Water Special North Plntto Special No Plntto Water bond Int " North Plutto Sewor Maint " No Plntto Sow. Bond Int North Platto Sowor Lat " North Platto Judgment No. Platto Wat. Bond Int v" - North Platto City Park ' Village of Wallaco ; . Village of Sutherland : " Village of Brady " Village of Horshoy I,. . . i " Villago of Maxwell , " Condemnation Fund Estrny Fund y... " MIscelJnnijous Foes ; " Fines and Licenses " Speclnl County Road.... " Special Brldgo Tax Sales and Redomp " Doposlt Intorcst Special Sidewalk. ... , , . , , ;,, , - i- i ,, liKSS OVERDRAFTS .". Balanco Collection Dlsburso- Balanco July 1st, monta Jan. 1st 1009. I aiXM0B- six Moa. 1910. 2471 70 126G4 2G 4481 01 I 10G44 94 1 23 2 40 04 3 G9 GG9 42 2836 27 1369 96 202G 73 GG8 26 450 65 962 52 55 39 47 29 12G 60 173 89 459 40 4227 97 2059 87 2627 50 340 96 2G99 02 857 40 2082 G8 054 49 2781 02 2652 36 1183 15 6871 02 20236 18 26402 24 614 06 1208 35 1508 13 1265 91 1460 57 690 83 1G08 26 2449 00 "10 01 1738 90 1G08 29 2092 99 11G4 26 1885 60 6206 75 . 6558 76 1533 69 1 58 2 68 10 4 16 7 97 2 34 09 10 22 43 81 02 1 22 5229 13 4 47 . 20 5233 40 1351 40 8G0 23 33 16 2168 47 132 95 - 120 40 12 55 246 15 283 65 211 06 318 74 36 57 01 92 9967 48 8320 18 5963 18 12324 48 154 31 132 60 3 18 283 73 714 27 2 20 05 716 42 232 35 01 232 34 2043 83 34 09 2008 53 70 '29 491 90 60 51 431 39 1450 50 108 83 H 79 1547 54 239 64 01 239 63 1 56 27 02 1 81 1423 09 1002 40 420 69 181 84 30 22 151 62 9497 18 1646 87 2420 30 8723 75 325 35 .1193 43 1396 42 122 36 3528 51 1118 36 2854 98 1701 89 160G 62 252 41 35 35 1822 68 60 34 30 44 ' 19 90 3937 17 1335 90 342 86 4930 21 1178 78 2010 25 1745 39 1443 64 14-7 11 2712 42 2290 98 018 GG 31 06 136 09 97 4G 09 70 8G0 18 206 16 44G 43 010 01 960 4G 2G4 73 129 21 1075 97 28944 26 57271 72 37969 35 48246 63 4933 43 2291 94 3419 92 380G 45 2197 93 1555 50 448 61 3304 82 212 09 3052 79 2027 67 1237 21 133 58 1085 32 841 75 377 15 189 47 ,1900 92 1586 08 570 31 21 44 41 02 21 83 1 82 1 82 5 31 13 02 5 42 132 88 196 72 258 64 70 96 1103 72 935 80 639 44 1400 08 455 14 095 70 1026 13 124 71 6 36 07 01 6 42 2088 35 49 91 2038 44 - 596 68 314 32 282 36 89 43 122 77 4 16 208 04 79 07 220 93 7 52 292 48 35 18 328 24 8 21 355 21 296 97 . 7 12 289 8G . 362 87 12 71 350 16 190 81 67 00 123 81 14 38 14 38 1159 39 4827 28 4110 96 . 1866 71 72 60 108 50 163 09 18 01 358 51 3 29 350 08 11 72 55 11 61 54 60 662 42 4693 75 4592 09 764 08 3901 12 1461 92 64 30 5298 74 91 83 2 20 89 63 1088G7 28 161429 80 130G30 02 140000 37 aio oi 1397G6 46 SCHOOL DISTRICTS School Dist. No. I, Rny C. Langford, tronsuror of Lincoln County, Nebraska, do swear, that to tho host of my knowl edge and bullof, tho above is n true statomont of all tho funds of tho Treasurer's offlco of Lincoln County, NoUraska. I I 1 3 f t IlAY ' LANQFORD, County Tronsuror. . .1 County of Lincoln Stnto of Nobraaka Subscribed mid sworn to boforo mo this i0th duj of Fobumry, 191(1. F. R. ELLIOTT, County Clerk. Wo do hereby certify that tho :abovo statomont of Ray C. Langford, County Treasurer of Lincoln County,. Nebraska, Is a comploto nnd Jtccurato summary of all his collections and disbursements as County Treasurer of unld county, from iho first day of July 1909, to tho firBt day of January 1910. Wo further certify that each collection has been correctly entered and tho vouchors and othor Koran of credit wfuro in proiior form and correctly entered and the vouchors wore rocolvcd by tho Chairman of the Hoard of County Commissioners and the footlngB wroo vortiflod by us and found to bo correct. And tho nhovo statomont of ' balanco ngroes In iW particular with said ucrouuts In Bald County Troasur I'r'M gononil I.Mlgnr. E. II. SPRINGER C. II. WALTER A. F. 8TREITZ , r I .f.7,f i' ! 4 i ' .!4 County Coinmlsslonora , Balanco Jan. 1st Balanco Jnn 1, 1910 1 2 3 , 4 5 6 7 8 ,j 9. . . . , 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 ... 1 8 , 19. ... , 20. ,. . i . . . . 22 . . 23 ... i 24.... 25. .. . 26. ... , 27 .... 28 on v i 30 3 1 3o 33 34 ... . 35 ... . 36 ... , 37 .... 38 .... i 89 40. . . . 41.... 42.... 43 t 44.... 45. . . . 40. . . . 47.... 48.... 4 9 ... 50. . . . 51. . . . 52... . 53.... 64 ... 55. . . . 56 ... . 57 G8 69 60 01 62 63 64 GG 66 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87.. 88 89 90 91 6686 134 427 413 3751 1983 3155 364 1694 162 897 107 144 290 199 320 57 112 248 109 129 699 530 126 296 141 131 167 104 1G3 177 215 1478 290 476 286 1299 373 94 218 84 ' 351 214 103 127 600 105 G05 125 348 120 181 702 120 1380 987 i$ 500 ,'rC f k o o a u ...' ' ' i 92 93 91 95 90 07 08 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 100 107 K!:::::: no in....... 112 113....;. Hi no no 117 118...T.. 119 180 121 122 123 G Dnw. O 51 DaV. O 59 KG 45 45 36 38 69 03 47 07 57 10 24 83 13 66 27 16 82 13 11 20 12 04 22 45 82 94 17 44 53 58 24 92 7G 22 16 71 05 39 58 44 83 62 36 71 50 14 77 04 11 56 22 61 03 36 07 Balanco Jan. 1st. 2110 60 40 40 274 7G 8 91 77 7C 902 69 70 46 78 53 25 59 05 20 39 01 85 08 92 46 95 71 1R9 121 190 337 525 168 103 427 308 013 109 259 108 149 221 207 101 16 310 41 208 27 275 20 73 84 34 99 150 76 234 87 290 40 43 93 43 40 85 22 110 41 83 84 03 03 210 32 3G8 47 110 79 71 10 8G 09 154 95 J 17 42 643 44 300 24 ooo o w M U UM 115 10 132 G6 131 67 332 95 45 03 305 89 324 05 166 66 245 29 249 87 203 68 63 48 117 07 704 94 170 49 18.8 10 99 89 100 20 308 08 140 lp 121 01 08 57 0 4G 03 36 &3 23 71 24 4 70 00 3 u J efl Q o ea o o a u 01 58 30 12 f z 3 09 J o o to U CO 17 26 36 B 31 76 10 80 16 i: ' 185 14 18 73 ..... . CO 37 2 41 Road Districts Road 8 17 2G 54 Balanco Jan. 1st Dist. Nos. N. P, 463 31 399 32 502 04 1071 47 437 79 90 54 123 78 104 96 156 83 260 53 108 67 208 88 130 0G 446 10 301 36 136 34 309 61 226 09 152 79 206 24 310 26 343 96 94 40 19 09 124 63 666 86 465 05 459 33 405 64 130 07 20 52 294 19 183 22 G72 67 60 24 311 13 1 4 5 7 8 0 60 G6 88 00 10 11 12 14 15 1G 17 14 23 64 49 8 48 18 20 21 22 23 24 25 20 27 28 30 30 50 67 53 23 31 CG 30 31 32 172 8P 33 34 3G 76 G3 9 53 220 34 36 . . . t . 37 GO 00 134 21 167 47 109 6G 143 18 414 20 144 83 26 3G 256 31 67 25 972 03 10G 11 312 06 80 3G 210 32 83 07 103 76 12324 48 38 30 40 41 42 129 69 41 02 43 44 46 47 40 50 51 54 55 30 13 57 58 50 10 39 87 5 04 38 00 50 16 70 2 32 49 48 21 7 98 10 8 1. 1 & 0 30 4 47 35 3 0 18 28 28 HI 8 108 .68 . . . 4 . . . I i . . 30 12 2 85 18 52 'l '