PV tL dJ ii J -Our Great SemiAnnual Sale Is now in full blast, but it means more than the ordinary sale this January since a dissolution of partnership will take place February 1st, 1910. We are going to make a strenuous effort to cut down our immense stock and convert our winter goods into cash in order to make a proper settle-ment- between us. Buyers will reap a rich harvest during this great sale. Nothing Reserved Everything Goes. This is an extraordinary bargain opportunity for you, The cost of raw material and manufactured products is steadily advancing and we are offering you High-Grade Dependable Goods at prices that will be hard for us to duplicate at wholesale prices for our. next winter line. There is many a dollar here you can make without working for it. "Wise heads'" that know are taking quick advantage of these prices. Get in line with the "wise heads," and secure your share of the benefit now. Copyright I9Q9 The House of Kuppcnhetmer Chicago Prices reduced from 20 percent to 50 percent. No room to quote prices here. Come to our store and see the hig reductions. Weingand & McDonald. NORTH PLATTE, DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dentist. Office over the McDonald Stato Bank. The Oriole Concert Co. nppoared before a largo audience at the Koith Wednesday evening and rendered a pleasing program. Tho reader and the cornotist wore especially good. Call and seo what Miss Boyerle offers in pyrography. Now lino just received. Room 3, over Schiller's, drug store. II. L. Baker, of Omaha, spent tho early part of tho week visiting his son Dick and inquiring into the business conditions of the C. F. Iddings Co., in which he is interested financially. Chas. McDonald arrived in Lincoln county fifty years ago this month, and has resided in tho county continuously since. In point of residence he is un doubtedly Lincoln county's oldest in hebitant. 500 men's and boys' suits and over coats at one-fifth less than regular price. Every garment up to date. Come quick before sizes are broken The Hud Clothing Dkpt. Members of the Harmony high five club were entertained Tuesday evening at the Clinton home and the gathering Droved a most pleasant one. The sue cessful prize winners were Mrs. Henry Waltemath and G. S. Huffman, and the consolation emblems were awarded to Mrs. Julius Pizor and Fred Waltemath, Enjoyable refreshments woro served. Woman of middle age wants work, house work or laundry. Address P. O. Box 173. North Platte. 'The Little Johnny Jones" company came in from the west this morning and will appear at the Keith this evening. Wanted Carpentor work in tho country. Apply at this office. The Tribune said last week that Dr. Twinem had found a case of scarlet fever at the Hershey hotel, but in- a letter to this office the landlord denies that there has been any sickness at the hotel. Wanted A copy of Tho Tribune, or cutting therefrom giving, an account of tho fire that swept the west part of town, April 7th, 1893, when 16 houses burned. A. R. Adamson, Box 581, City. Co. Supt. Ebright is in Lincoln at tending tho state convention of county school superintendents. He will re main in Lincoln part of next week in order to attend the state corn show at which Lincoln county has exhibits. He will therefore not bo in his office Sat urday. Ladies' Tailored suits at one-third less the regular price at The Hub's Big Sale. Geo. L. Carter, formerly a North Platte merchant, later state game warden and now traveling for the Poters Cartridge Co.. snent a counlo of days in town this week visiting friends and transacting business. Last year Mr. Carter's firm shipped into Nebraska six carloads of shells, evi dence that the Peters products are popular with hunters and trap shooters THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED STATES DEPOSITARY. Capital and Surplus $130,000. ARTHUR McNAMARA, President, E. F. SEEDERGER, Vice-President, M. KEITH (SEVILLE, Vice-President, F; L. MOONEY, Cashier. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists Klrst Door North of First National Hank Commissioners Take Recess. The county commissioners, who had been in session for sovcral days, took a recess Tuesday until January 24th. Owing to the illness of his deputy in the postoffice, Commissioner Springer could not attend thojjsessions of the board, hence the recess. Harold Hershey Married. Cards received in town Tuesday an nounced tho marriage of Harold Her shoy to Miss Edna Lucilo Snepp, of Kansas City, the ceremony occurring at the bride s home December 31st. Harold is employed in a bank in Olathe, Kan., which will bo tho future homo of the couple. COMMISSIONERS' PROCEEDINGS. January 10, 1910. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Walter and Streitz commis sioners and county clerk. Bond of G. A. Schrcconcost. justice of the peace, Well precinct, not ap proved for reason that bond was filed too late. Petitioners and remonstrators an- pearing in behalf of road No. 3194. tho board being of the opinion that it is necessary to view the proposed road in order to determine parts of tho road being practical, wo therefore sot March 2, 1910, as tho day to view said road; that part of road to bo viewed is found in section 20-10-27, sections 12 and 13-9-27 and sections 17 and 18-9-2G. Hoard appoints Win A. Holderness Announcement. Havintr ju3t opened a job printing establishment in the Hinman Block, Dewev St. We respectfully solicit a share of your patrouago. Our machinery and material arc absolutely new and up-to-dato and workmanship guaran teed, rnone hi. very uespecuuuy, UASMUSSEN PllINTINO Co. Complaint for Assault. T. O. Anderson, of Spannuth, was in town Tuesday and filed a complaint for assault against Bert Newman, also of Spannuth. Anderson was attending a C. E. meeting one evening about Jan uary 1st, and was called out of tho room by Newman, who proceeded to strike him, causing bodily injuries. Holds annual Meeting. The annual meeting of tho stock holders of the First National Bank was held at the bank. Tuesday afternoon. Tho former board of directors with tho exception of C. F. McGrow, of Omaha, was re-elected, M . Keith Neville being elected to succeed Mr. McGrew. Mr. Neville also succeeded Mr. McGrew as vice-president. The officers aro Arthur McNamara president, E. F. Seeberger and M. Keith Neville vice-presidents ana l . u, Mooney casnier. Horse Buyers Coming. W. A. McGuiro & Co., horse and mule buyers for the eastern markets, will be in North Platto Saturday, Jan. 15th. from 11 a. m. to 3 p. m. at tho Besack barn. They will buy horses and mules that are fat and weigh from 900 to 2000 pounds, and irom 3 years past to 20 years. Bring in your horses and mules and get the higest market price. They come to buy and not to visit, llemembor the date, January constablo for Plant precinct, and bond of Wm A. Holderness is approved. Ray C. Langford: You arc hereby authorized to cancel tax against Eli Walker in Medicine precinct on ac count of double assessment for 1909, same property having been assessed in Buchanan precinct. Claim of Lylo Harden for $10G.0O as witness in case of Stato vb Wallingford, disallowed for $20 and allowed for $86. Bond of McDonald Stato Bank as depository for county funds approved. Board adjourned until tomorrow. January 11, 1910. Board met pursuant to adjournment, present Springer, Walter and Streitz, county commissioners and county clork. Board continued checking county treasurer's books. Board proceeded to and did select names for tho March term of district court. Tho North Platto Tribune and North Platto Telegraph aro hereby designated us tho official papers of Uio county for tho year 1910, to receivo one-third of tho legal rate. Tho board takes n recess until Jun-' uary 24th, 1910. For Sale. Five Jncks, from two to seven years old. and from Mi to 16 hands nigh. Will price them low, quality considered. Inquire of or address, II. L. Douglas, 207 E. 11 th St., North Platto, Neb. Lndio3 misses' and children's coatH and jackets at 30 per cent loss than tho regular price at The Hub's Big Salo. II Trade on the North Side. Announcement Store Open Evenings. T O T LI El P U B .Li I G . The North Side Dry Goods in the Lamb building is open for business with a full line of dry goods, clothing, ladies' and gents' furnishings, shoes, etc. Nothing but the very best merchandise will he handled here. We respectfully solicit the trade at large, especially all those who reside on the north side, to come and pat ronize this store. We aim to carry a full and complete line in your wants in wear ing apparel, which will be very handy for yourself and in case you wish to send your children it will not be necessary for them to incur the dangers of crossing the rail road tracks. We respectfully call your attention to our shoe department. We will carry the most select line for men, women and children. The manager has had a life long ex perience in the shoe business and will take particular pains to fit the feet as nature intended. As for prices we can outsell the south side, as our expenses are small and our aim is to build up our business with the motto "Live and Let Live." Boost the North Side. We invite you to come and see the new store now open for business, whether you buy or not. Yours for courtesy and good treatment, H. G. FLEISHMAN, Manager. 15th. ,