The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1910, Image 5

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    PI 1 R
The Dancing Girls in "The Time, Place and Girl," at The Keith Friday, January 21st
The Iddings Proceedings
Last Wednesday evening Mrs. G. F.
Iddings and J. J. Halligan returned
with Mr. Iddings from Ohio. For a con
siderable time lately, Mr. Iddings has
been in Colorado. When he left North
Platto he ent to a sanitarium at
Boulder and remained there about ton
months. From there ho was taken to
Colorado Springs where he remained for
about six months. During the time he
was in Colorado, he was under the im
mediate charge of his sister, Miss Eliz
abeth Iddings, whom Mrs. Iddings had
placed in charge of him, Mrs. Iddings
paying all the expenses.
For some time Mrs. Iddings had re
quested that Mr. Iddings be brought
home, as he did not scorn to bo particu
larly benefitted by the treatment in
Colorado. Miss Elizabeth Iddings, under
one pretext or another, deferred bring
ing him home until Mrs. Iddings in
structed her peremptorily to bring Mr.
Iddings homo and sent a nurse to Den
ver to meet Mr. Iddings on his way
homo. When these peremptory in
structions were received by Miss Eliz
abeth Iddings, instead of bringing him
to his home, she placed him on the
train and withuot the knowlege of Mrs.
Iddings, took him tq Warren, Ohio. As
soon as arrangements could bo made,
Mrs. Iddings and Mr. Halligan went to
Warren to bring Mr. Iddings homo.
When Mrs. Iddings arrived in Warren,
Miss Elizabeth Iddings refused to sur
render possession of Mr. Iddings, called
in the Chief of Police and an officer
and ordered Mrs. Iddings and Mr. Hal
ligan out of the house. She refused at
that time, to give up Mr. Iddings or to
allow his wife to have anything to do
with him. After some investigation,
Mrs. Iddings and Mr. Halligan went to
Cleveland, about forty miles distant
from Warren and sued out a writ of
habeas corpus, under which the sheriff
of Cuyahoga County took Mr. Iddings
from Warren and brought him to
Cleveland, where on Friday, the 7th,
the trial was had in tho Common Pleas
Court and a judgment rendered, taking
Mr. Iddings from the custody of his
brothers and sister and delivering him
into the custody of his wife.
After these proceedings, Mrs. Idd
ings and Mr. Hnlligan proceeded to
bring Mr. Iddings home, stopping at
Chicago and Omaha to rest. Mr. Idd
ings, condition is much the same as
when he left hero to go to Colorado.
Land Sells High.
Wm Kittenbrink has sold his 1G0
acre farm in Peckham precinct to Elmer
Peckham for a consideration of eleven
thousand dollars, , or a fraction less
than seventy-five dollars por acre.
From this it will bo seen that unir-
rigatcd land in Lincoln county
ing pretty high in price.
is soar-
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
Miss Emily E. Clark resumed school
last Monday morning.
Carfield & Rosse shelled corn for
Hutchison, Ilosse, Jackson and Som
mers this week .
Many potatoes have been frozen dur
ing this cold wintry weather.
C. 0. Hutchinson and A. F. Burke
enjoy grapiiapnone music those long
winter evenings.
H. C. Hartmnn is not particular
whose shoes he puts on in the morning
when he arises.
C. E. Oldfather has been almost off
his feet lately with a crippled back.
My sympathies go with you, wo are in
tho same boat.
B. G. Sowlc is hailing down his hay
from Cottonwood canyon.
The mumps have been loitering
around in our community and claiming
some victims.
On Tuesday evening a few of the
young peoplo in our immediate vicinity
called at Arnold's and' had a tally pull
ing. Fred Ericsson has been buying com
of the farmers near Fort McPheraon
On building a fire to warm the church
in Maxwell, Rev. A. M. Horan exper
ienced quite a blow out. Tho gas
burst open tho stovo doors, blow down
tho stove pipe and filled tho room with
an awful gas smoke.
J. H. Adams will have a sale on Mon
day, January 18th.
Mrs. Campbell, of Maxwoll, has been
attacked with another siege of sickness.
The merchants of Maxwell will start
on a cash basis on February 14th. We
believe this is tho hotter plan. Pay as
you go; if you can't pay don't go.
Sun's Rays Burns Curtains.
A rather peculiar loss occurred at the
W. V. Hoagland residence this week.
Mrs. Hoagland placed seven window
curtains near a window in which stood a
fish globe. The rays of the sun re
flected from the globe to the curtains
and so charred them that they were all
Like Finding The Money.
$25.00 suits and overcoats at $15.00
$18.00 suits and overcoats at $11.00
$15.00 suits and overcoats at $9.00
We'd rather sell than inventory.
Weingand & McDonald.
Baptist Church.
The thought Sunday morning will be
"Stick" After analyzing motives, re
solution, and getting them on a sure
and abiding foundation then "stick"
to them.
Make good use of the hall in the
severity of the weather as was done
last week and come to all services.
Evangelism will be prominent again
at night. R. B. Favoright.
'Wanted. .
A delivery boy. Inquire at Wilcox
Department Store.
Card of Thanks.
The relatives of tho late L. E. Pease
desiro to thank the friends and neigh
bors and tho members of the Odd Fel
lows lodge for the many acts of kind
ness shown during the illness and at
tho burial of tho deceased.
"The Time, Place and the Girl."
The Denver News of January 10th
says: "The Timo the Place and tho
Girl" has visited Denver several times,
but never was appreciation of the tune
ful comedy more strongly shown than
yesterday afternoon at the Tabor
Grand. The stars are capable, tho
rendition of the two leading parts
being especially pleasing; the chorus
girls arc pretty, and their voices, as
well as those of the male members o
tho chorus, are far above'those of tho
average musical comedy.
The usual crowed house greeted the
play. Standing room tickets were sold
and chairs wore placed in tho orchestra
pit and in some of tho aisles. The au
dience was loud in its appreciation of
tho work of Robert Pitkin, as Johnny
Hicks the straight gambler; and Eliza
beth Goodall, head nurse at tho "Cure,'
The main theme of the plot surrounds
tho gambler and the nurse. To get his
friend, a rich man's son, on easy street
with his sweetheart, Margaret, Happy
Johnny Hicks, tells that ho "beat up'
the brother of tho nurse in a brawl
Because he is a man, the rich man
son tells tho nurso that he was tho one
who did it, and despite this, wins Mar
garet, and Hicks wins the nurse.
The scene is a sanatorium, where a
quarantine for smallpox throws all the
lovers togothor. They cannot help see
ing each other and do tho hospital
work together when the help leaves
after tho first warning of smallpox,
Clean-up Sale on
We have a few Base Burners that we will close
out at the following Reduced Prices:
2 No. 18 Retort Oak Base Burners; regular price
$32.00, cut to $25.00.
1 No. 218 Retort Oak Base Burner; regular
price $40.00, cut to $30.00,
1 No. 316 Regal Jewel Base Burner; regular
price $55.00, cut to $45.00.
1 No. 61 (3flue) Round Oak Base Burner; regu
lar price $65.00, cut to $55.00.
The Story
of the
Cherry Tree
Is generally associated with
Waihington's Birthday. Lit
tle George chopped down
the Cherry Tree. You know
the test of the story. We
have another cherry stoty that
will interest you and we want
to tell it to you. It is about
, wis-
Pho Johnson's Cash Store. Norlli Platte, is now in possession of the Omaha
& New Yoik Salvage Co., under contract to sell every dollars worth of goods in this
tore within 22 ias h inning Wednesday, January 19th at 10 a. m. . This fine
new 325,000 stock of Drv Coocls. Clothing, Shpes, Furnishings, rtc. vHyelftctiinllv
slanghtt-recl. The Omaha & New York Salvage Co., is organized InrjjufptiriMjse
of closing out bankrupt slocks and helping merchants in financial difficulties yWhen
we get hold of a brand new staple stock like Johnson's, wc have nolluWcultv in
Cherry Juice Cough Syrup
It' a tart and tasty ryrup that doesn't upset your stomach nor derange your
digestion as most cough remedies do but it doci cure coughs and colds quickly,
A tingle dose will rcliave tha tightest and most stubborn cough, (our closet
will stop your couching and n 25e. bottle will break up the worst cold you ever had.
Sold in tlucu popular rues, 25c, C0c, $1.00.
Sold by McDonell & Graves.
quickly distributing it among the people, as we always put on prices lessfcthalv half
actual .value. We simply plunge in our knife and cut both ways. The original cost
of the goods is a second consideration with us, we put on prices that must' move the
goods and do it quick.
Nothing Reserved. Everything Goes.
If you miss the greatest money saving opportunity of your life blame yourself
and not us. The stock is so large that we cannot quote prices. The following is
approximately what we arc going to sell.
300 Men's, Boys' and Children's overcoats, including Furs,
600 Men's, young Men's and Children's fine Suits.
200 Ladies', Misses' and Children's Cloaks.
50 Ladies' fine tailor made Suits.
2000 pairs Men's and Roys' Pants.
1400 pairs Men's and Boys' Overalls.
3800 pieces Men's, Boys', Women's and Children's Underwear.
1600 Men's and Boys' work, wool and dress Shirts.
2000 pair of Shoes, Arties, Rubber Boots, etc.
380 dozen Men's, Women's and Children's Hose.
82 dozen Men's and Boys' Suspenders. ,
1 1000 yards of Percales, Ginghams, Flannellcttes, etc.
. 1800 yards of extra fine Dress Goods, Silks, etc.
1S5 dozen silk and cotton Handkerchiefs.
800 pieces of China, Albums, Dolls, Toilet Cases and Fancy Goods.
69 dozen Men's, Boys', Ladies,' Misses', Gloves and Mittens.
1000 dozen of various small wares such as tablets, pencils, pins, soap, thread,
collar buttons, collar pins, etc.
50 Ladies' Furs.
54 dozen Towels and Napkins.
160 dozen Men's and Boys' Caps and Hats.
50 Bed Spreads and Sheets,.
200 fine hand tied Comforts.
140 wool and cotton Blankets. .
Several hundred gross Buttons, Hooks and Eyes, etc.
100 dozen Neckties, Night Gowns, etc.
10000 yards of Lace, Embroidery, etc. i
100 dozen Men's, Boy's, Women's Wool Underwear.
100 Ladies' Skirts. " .
50 dozen muslin and summer Underwear.
The prices we make will move the goods like wild fire. Come and hitch your
Dollar to the biggest load it ever drew. All the stock cannot be displayed at once
but will be brought forward as fast as possible.
The Omaha and N. Y. Salvage Company
C. A. MORIAN, Manager.
Selling Johnson's Cash Store, North Platte.
It would require 7.C55 miles of froicht
cars to haul the trrain. hnv. notatoos
live stock, etc., produced In Nebraska
last year. It would requiro 41,000 cars
each loaded with 1.200 bushels, tn
ntnsport tho wheat grown, and ovor
00,000 cars to haul thp corn.
Wanted A girl for general house
work. Apply to Mrs. A. B. Hoagland,
west Fourth street.
(BsSSfe. DR. F.f.MS
General Practice of
Medicine, Surgery
Together with his
Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
Your Glasses Carefully Fitted.
OHieo and residence 413 East Fifth St.,
on grounu uoor, no stairs to climb.
Phone 559.
North Platte, - . Nebraska.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 Kast Fifth.
You Needn't Mind the Storm
even if you have calls to mako or
shopping that must bo done. Call up
this livery stable and order a carriage
to holp you fulifill your duty. Then
you can call or Bhop as long as you
want to in both comfort and stylo. You
como back untired and with dry shoes
and skirts. Well worth our moderate
charge for tho carriage isn't it?
A. M. Lock.
Htfttp of Nebraska, Lincoln County, ss.
In tho County Court December 27th, 1IM.
Ill tint Hind., f .l.ii ... 1.. V. ,."
lon fir .Inhitnti .1 I tiiirii. r u.n.t.... 1 1
. vuaiiun ' null"
ror praying thai tliu administration of said
estate may to irrantoil to llonry O llupfor
as administrator.
OnlltflWl rl'lmf 1 n r. i. r. .... IQ.I. Kiln
.il l ' ifMI.UttlJ tnui IUIU, Uly ti
tui 'V "' ' ashlif neil for hoorlm? said po-
n 1 411 iwrsuiitr interested in satll
iiiottormay appoaraia county court to Ihj
hold In mid for said county, and show cause
UilV till Itniviir.if iwilltl.,.... .1.,..., .
1 rii, ".'' ..jiiv. milium iiut IIO
irrniiUM . This order to no null liietl W ktv
successive Indium prior to January 18th. 11)10
11 tho North PlattuSomi-Weekly Tribune, a
K'h'a.L,, wsmippUi?iioi1 In said county,
d d-a -w. c. Kr.PEii. County Judge.
Serial No. 01223
II, K. 21210
Department of tho intorlor.
United Status Land Olllco
North IMatto, Nebraska.
. , Docombor II, 1009.
Mod In this olllco by Jacob L. Harden,
contestant, against homestead Entry,
No. yi210 rnado May 20, IW05. for HEU.
Mt,cJ-1!owns!'lt, V1' N- Ilno3l W. of tho atli
which It Is alh'ift'd that nald Las Nellson
na nuvur established his residence on said
tract: that ho lias unM trr.( fur
ln?.ro. t.lla" months last past and has
flllllwl 111 mi 1 H linli. n I ...1 . .
,11 iiinnuiu sum truer,
bald parties, aru hereby uotltled to unnoar.
respond and oiler evldenco touchlnu said al-
IlilTnllin 111 nl.lnnl. . .. , ' I . .
I"1", hefpro tho Itcirlster and Kecelvor at the
united fitatos Land olllco In North I'latte,
T,.' alc!. contestant having, in a propor affi
davit lied sot forth facts which show that
after duo dltlcenco porsonal sorvlco of this
........ v.,,,,,iralu,u,(u ia iiuruuy oruurea
and directed that such notice bo elvon by duo
unu iiruiwrpuiMieaiion.
1 Iieceivor.
In tho matter of tho estate of Mary
England, deceased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. December 16th, 1009.
Notice Is horoby irlven, that tho creditors of
said docuasod will moot tho Executor
of said estate, boforo tho County Judgo of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, at tho county
court room In said county, on tho 17th day of
January, 1910, and on tho mh day of July,
1V10, at 9 o'clock a, m. each day, for tho pur
poso of presontlnir thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and onoyear for tho Executor to
sottlo said estate, from tho fith day of Novem
ber. lOUU. Tbis notlco to be published In tho
North Platto scml-wcokly Tribune for olcht
successlvo Issues prior to January 17th. 1910.
o1"8 County Judgo.
Notice for Publication.
Worlal No. 01S"3.
Dcpartrnontof tho Intorlor.
U. Hi Land Olllco at North l'latto. Nob.
...... , . December, 18th, 1W9.
Notlco Is hereby si von that Daniel W. K'un
. of North l'latto. Nob., who on February
lltli. m, made Homestead Entry No. 10550,
Horlal No. 01S3, for west hair southwost
quarter, southwost quarter northwest quar
ter and lot i, section 1. township II, north,
ranirn HI. west ot thu flth principal meridian,
has llled notlco of Intention to mako final
Ivo year proof, to establish claim to the
land alKivo described, lieforo tho reirlstor
and renoivor at North l'latto, Nebraska, on
tho 18th day of Koburary, 1010,
Claimant, names as wltnessesi Frank
1 VV"?'!'1 Urutit Tlbhlos. iHith of North
I'latte. Neb., nnd John Pulls and P, II, Uar
moojl both of homersot, Ntb.
J. K. Kvaks. Ueirtster.
Horlal No. 003.1.
Department of tho Interior.
U. 8, Land Ofllco at North Platte, Nob.
.... ... . Dec. Bth. 100P
Notlco is hereby given that William
II. Turpio of North Platto. Nob., who on July
Bth. 1004. made Ilomostoad Entry No. 20311,
Borlal No. OOM. for north half nouthwon
quarter, north half northeast quarter and
northwest quarter, section 28, township 18
north, ranjre 81 west of tha sixth principal
meridian, has Olod notlco of Intontlon to
mako tlnal live year proof, to establish claim
to tho land above described, beforo the
Ueirlstor and Itocolvor at North I'latte, No
braska.on tho ltb day of January, 1910,
Claimant names as witnesses! Carl llroodor,
IIukIi Homrer, John Hcharmanu and Curtis
lllnuiau, all of North Platte. Neb.
(17 H 1 li R.VANM. KenlNlnr
Tho unknown" heirs of John Ilardau, de
ceased will take notice, that on the lath day
of Juno, 1000. Isaac Dillon, plalntlir. herein
tiled his petition In tho District court Of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, airalnst tho unknown
heirs of John ilardan, deceased, tho object
and prayer ot which said petition aro to qutot
the tltlo of tho plalntlir In and to tho north M
ot tho northwest H and tho southwest H of
tho northwest U of section 14, township 11,
north of ranue 81, west ot tho Oth P. M In
Lincoln county. Nebraska, and thf, thh tin.
creo rendered In said action, bo ot tho same
uiruo nun oiroct ami taxo tuo place or a cer
tain dcod of conveyance from tho said John
Ilardan, deceased, to V, II. Loneley, of said
luuds and whleh said deed Iiuh luiiin liwt imi
destroyed and has not been placed on record
In tho records of tho County Olork of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
You aro required to answer.sald petition on
or before the 17th day of January, 1010.
uaicu uecemoerDin, ivuii.
Ity Wilcox 4 Halluran. his attorneys.
Serial Nos. 01783-02003.
Notice for Publication,
Department of tho Intorlor,
U. S, Land Olllco at North Platte. Neb.
....... . Jn. 10th. 1010.
Notlco Is horeby clven that Sarah Ostorhout,
of North l'latto, Nobraska, who, on Juno
1st. 1903, made homestead entry No. 19050.
Serial No. 01b8. for east half southwest quar
ter and south half southeast quarter, and on
Juno 89th, im, rnado 11 E. No. 2010u! Borlal
No. 0?oi, for north half, west halt southwest
quarter, and north half southeast quartor,
section 14, Township 15, north, ltanco 29 west
ot tho Sixth Principal Meridian has died
notlco ot Intention to mako tlnal 11 vo year
proof to establish claim to tho land above
described, beforo the Uog Istor and llecelvor
at North I'latte, Nob., on the loth day ot
March 1910.
.Claimant names as witnesses) Oeorzo
Moran, of .Myrtlo. Nob., Willis Combs. William
Plttman and GarlMd Uuthorlcss, all of
North .Platto, Nob.
J12-8 J. E, EVANS, RefUter,