The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 14, 1910, Image 10

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A Sale that
Where are you
means what it
says. A Sale
that says what
it means.
Jones Pays the Freight"
going for bar
gains in foot
wear when this
sale ends.
Next Saturday we start on our second week and the great work goes on. Panic prices reign throughout the store. Were
Big Sale in Footwear Now in Full Blast.
you here Saturday? If you were not why not? It appeared as though the whole community turned out.
Ladies $5.00 and $4.00 Shoes
in Patents, Kid, Gun Metal, Lace and Button, now
25 cent Buster Brown Hosiery for Men, Women
and Children now
Boys' 2.50 and $2.25 Shoes-
Patent and Box Calf, now
Profits aro a thing of the past. We
have made up our mind to cut our
stock in half. It is the cash we are
after. In-order to do this we have
marked our stock down to prices
never before known in the annals of
commercial history.
This sale without question is the
greatest sale of footwear ever held
in the city. You owe it to yourself
and family to make your dollars
go fartherest.
Mens' $5.00 and $4.00 Shoes in Patents, Gun Metal,
Kid and Oxford, Button and Lace, now
i - I flj.yo
Sales Manager.
- I '" '' ' ,, - " ' ! I I I
Misses and Children' $1.75 and $2.00 Shoes now Jfc
Mens' $6.00 High Cuts 16-inch, Tan only now
The Big Shoe Man.
tj Over First Natlonnl. Phono 148
Tho subjects at tho Christian church
next Sunday" will bo aa follows: 11 a.
m. "Tho Bible School." 7:30 p. m.
yBible Contrasts." Tho biblo school Is
making a Bplcndid growth. Last Sun
day's attendance was 94, compared
with 90 tho week boforo and 41 a year
ago. This sorvlco begins promptly at
10 a. in. Tho C. E. scrvico begins at
6:45 p. m. You aro cordially Invited to
bo present at any or all of theoo
Tho marking of trains on tho board
at thu depot causes a good many men
to fracturo tho moral law. For in
stanco, trains No. Cand 11 aro marked
in at nine o'clock; tho trains fall down
in their speed, and keep falling down,
and come dragging in at twelve or ono
o'clock. But this raroly effects 'tho
marking on tho board, tho timo re
mains tho same, and outbound passen
gers aro forced to hang around tho tie
potjjxpocting each minute that tho
train will show up. If tho board mark
ings wore changed as tho delays onsuo,
the passengers might take advantage of
tho knowledge thus gained and transact
business down town.
Safe and Sound.
The stability of this bnnk is
evidenced by it's thirty-two
years of steady growth along
lines of legitimate banking.
It's establishment, on Jun. 1st,
1878. marked the beginning or
one of tho strongest and most
widely known banks in the
tftate of Nobraska.
Possibly, as a depositor or a
borrower, you have need of a
bank. If so, it becomes our
pleasurable duty to invite you
to come to this bank.
McDonald Stale Bank
Commercial Club Elects Directors.
Tho annual meeting ot tho Com
mercial Club Tuesday evening resulted
in tho election of tho following direc
tory: Arthur McNamara, A. D. Mc
Donell, W. H. C. Woodhurst, F. T.
Redmond, A. B. Hoagland, Arthur
Rush, Dr. Quigley, M. A. Douglas,
J. E. Evans and O. E. Elder. Tho
board later organized by the election of
J. E. EvanB president, Dr. Quigley
vice-prosident, Arthur McNamara
troasuror, O. E. Elder secretary and
W. II. C. Woodhurst chairman of the
house committee.
To Oppose Senator Bnrkctt.
Opposition to tho re-election of Unit
ed States Senator Burkptt was launched
in Lincoln Monday night when about
thirty prominent "Insurcont" ronuhli-
cans mot and passed a resolution fav
oring astato organization of progressive
republicans to endorse a candidate for
United States senator to succeed Bur
kott. No candidate to succeed Burkott
was endorsed at tho meeting, but
it is probablo that at tho gathering of
representatives from all parts of tho
Btate, which will soon bo held, a boom
for Congressman Norris will bo started.
It is generally bolloved that Norris will
bo a formidable candidate.
No Aid for Insurgents.
Thoso who aro opposed to republican
doctrines nnd policies as interpreted by
tho present administration can expect
no support from tho regular wing of
tho republican party.
Such warning to tho insurgenta was
sent out to tho country Tuesday in a
statement by tho republican congress
ional campaign committee. Tho state
ment is issued, it was explained, to
moot tho allegation that tho committee
is attempting to prevent tho rcnomin
ation of thoso Insurgents who have an
tagonized tho organization of tho house
of representatives,
The inferferenco is that tho state
ment fias tho endorsement of President
Tnft. It is said to havo been written
nftor a conference of tho leading mem
bers of the committee at tho White
House and that tho sentiments ex
pressed in tho statement aro thoso of
tho administration exactly.
While tho circular admits that it is
beyond tho privilego of tho committee
to take part in tho contest for nomin
ations, it holds that It lias tho riirht to
criticiso and condemn those who op
pose the Taft administration and tho
acts of tho republican party.
Wanted Position as housokcopor by
woman with ono child. Address,
Box 29, It. F. D.,
Horahoy, Neb.
Famous Specialists will Make a Short Visit to the Pacific
Hotel Monday, Jau. 24thf and Tuesday, Jan. 25th.
The daily papers throughout the
country aro continually publishing re
ports of the wonderful cures that have
been made by tho United Doctors. Re
cently an account was given In an Om
aha paper of tho caso of Mrs. M. Brad
ford, who lives on R. R. No. 3, South
Omaha, Neb., in which Bho saya in
"Ten years ago my health began to
fail and J-gradually grow worse until I
was confined to my bed half tho time
with terriblo pains in my stomach nnd
bowels and violent vomiting. For
years I did not know what a well day
was. Could eat no food that other
people ato. Could got neither sleep
nor rest on account of tho awful suffor
ing. I trjed all tho physicians in reach
but only, got worse, until a council of
my family physicians decided I had
Gall Stpnes and that nothing would
save my life but an operation, and tho
surgeons could not promiso that even
an operation would relieve or save me.
Abouono year ago I began to hear
accounts, of tho wonderful work of the
United jPoetors in Gall Stones. With
death' rind sure-con's knives stnriinr mo
in-thoFaco it seemed that I ought to
sco them anyway.
After a careful examination thov
pronounced tho caso Gall Stones and
said they could relievo me at onco and
cure me normanentlv, I thought llmt fnr
such results -their price would bo very
nigh nnd l would not be alilo to take,
their treatment, but I found them
and considerate, Their price was a
reasonable one. One fee paid for ev-
orytning, including the medicine, until
I should bo entirely cured, regardless
of how long it took.
Now, for over six months 1 have not
had an attack of my old trouble. I can
ent anything I wnnt and my digestion
seems as good as ever. No more vom
iting spoils. No more awful pain. No
more morphine from tho family phys-
Ician. No more starvation. I owe mv
recovery to tho United Doctors and to
them only. Thoy havo cured me. Since
I havo been cured a near neichbor of
mine has also been cured of finli
Stones. I want to say to all people
who have Gall Stones Go to tho Unit
ed Doctors."
Porter II, Beeson, 940, N. 24th St.,
Omaha, Neb., who had Nervous. Stom-
ach, Bowel and Kidney trouble for two
years says;
Word has been received that tho
Chief Consulting Physician of the
United Doctors has decided to pay a
short visit to North Platte and while
hero will stop at the Pacific hotel,
where ho will receive and examine pa
tients. The United Doctors aro tho special
ists whoso wonderful cures have
caused comment by the press, pulpit
and public, not only in Nebraska, but
all ovor tho country. These 'specialists
havo founded a now School of Mediclno
which embraces all of tho good points
of tho Old School and leaves out tho
bad. Thov uso Allonathie dm era wlfnro
thoy aro needed; thoy uso Homeonathic
drugs where thoy aro needed and Elec-
tic drugs whore thoy aro needed and in
some cases they uso a combination of
Electic drugs with Homeopathic or Al
lopathic drugs in the same case. Hence
tho name United Doctors thov h nvn
united tho various "schools" and "Isms"
of medicine to form a perfect svstem
of curing disease.
MJTho United Doctors havo many in-
luHtlltou oof nl.lluUn.l ! 1
niniuiionuu III lliu imui CUIUS
ot tho United States. Their Omaha
Instituto is locnted on the second floor
of tho Neville block corner of ICth nnd
Harney Sts., Omaha, Neb.
Tho object of tho United Doctors in
making this short visit to North Platto
is to secure a fow cases in this com.
munity, but they wnnt thoso cases to
be only the most difficult ones, Thoy
know that if they euro a few of tho
worst cases hero that others will hear
of it and go to their Omaha Institute
for treatment. A cured patient ia
their beat advertisement.
Whilo tho doctor is at tho Pacific Ho
tel for this short visit on Monday, .Ian
uary 24th and Tuesday, ' January 25th,
ho will examine air patients free of
charge but will accept only curable
cases for treatment, ns it would not bo
a good advortisement to treat any case
unless they wore sure of a euro. To
tho cases Bolccted for treatment a spec
ial reduced prlco will bo mado.
Tho diseases treated by tho United
Doctors aro diseases of the nerves,
Blood, Skin, Heart, Stomach, Kidneys
and Liver, including Rheumatism, Paiy
alysls, Neuralgia, Loss of Nerve Force,
Goitre, Constipation, Catarrh, Epilep
sy, Indigestion, Dyspepsia, Weak Back,
Bloating, Dropsy Eczema, - Scrofula,
and diseases of Women and diseases or
"I was simply wastinc awav and cot
so baa that I could not work and could
not eat nor hold anything on my stom
ach nor digest it. I came home to my
mother a skeleton and am satisfied I
would not have lived to exceed two
weeks if I had not been persuaded by
my mother and friends to go to tho
United Doctors for treatment. I com
menced to improve at once and within
a week after commencing their treat
ment was eating everything I wanted,
anu digested it perfectly. In two
weeks I went to work at my regular
occupation, that of brick layer and
have been working over since.
I cannot speak in high enough praise
of their treatment of my caso. which I
feel was practically hopeless when I put
it in their hands."
Mr. Frnnk Coffelt, of Silver City, la.,
who had suffered for years with chron
ic indigestion, stomach trouble and
rheumatism, in speaking of this new
treatment says:
"I was doctored by many physicians
and did not get any relief, and as for a
cure, I had given up all hono of that.
Tho United Doctors said, after exam
ation, they could euro me. I did not
bollovo them, but, like a drowning man
grasping at a straw, I commenced their
treatment. I might havo known that
if they could not cure mo thev would
say. bo,, for I have known of cases they
haye refused to treat, because tho suf
ferer had waited too loner, before seek
ing the right trentment."
These are oniy a few extracts from
tho hundreds of testimonials on filo in
offices of tho United Doctors through
out the country.
Whilo tho United Doctors will not
accept any incurable cases for treat
ment, no one should give up hope
flimply becauso their doctors havo fail
ed to help them. It must be remember
ed that this new system of medicino
has quickly cured many cases which
could not be helped by other doctors or
Tho United Doctors treatment is all
homo trentment so that frequont visits
to our oilices aro not necessary. This
treatment may be used in any home
anywhere, without inconvenience,
publicity or annoyance, and without
detaining tho patient from his or her
usual occupation.
This wonderful now system of treat
ment is whnt tho nntrxl ilnpf nr la
bringing to North Platte. He will be
noro nut two days on Monday Jan. 24
and Tuesday Jan. 25 and while hero
will receive patients at tho Pacific
Hotel parlors.
For Sfle or Trade.
High Grade Pcrchon Stallion 4 year,
old weight 1800. Address Lucoy Bross
Mcma Neb.
in our five cent cigar for thoso who
wish to enjoy a smoko that will 'give
pleasure and gratification at low cost.
Our fino brands of cigars are tho acme
of fino flavor and quality.
of which your horse will be justly
proud, and yourself well pleased, is a
pew set of harness from Fink's. Tho
reputation of our harness for general
excellence steadily increases as the
years roll on, and the coming of 1010
will show marked improvements in
style, finish and workmanship over
year past.
Phone 268
flour, Feed, Grain or Hay
LIavin,Uicent!y Purchased the
B. A. Wilson feed store at the
corner of Sixth and Locust SU.
I respectfully invito a share of
the patronage of tho public.
Prompt delivery.
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