The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, January 07, 1910, Image 1

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    emt-ISEieelfg 8Mtmt.
Annual January Clearing Sale
Commences Tuesday, January 11th.
This sale is "always anxiously awaited by the people of North Platte and vicinity because they realize that they
g;t the best bargains of the year. To make room for our spuing and summer stock wo must make a clean sweep.
Twenty Per Cent Discount
On Everything in our Store Excepting Queen Quality Shoes.
Twenty-five and fifty per cent discount on all Ladios Misses and Children's Oloaks,. Tailored Suits; Furs and
Twenty-five and fifty per cent discount on all our Men's Fur and Cloth Overcoats,
Our spring line of Lacos, Embroideries Insertions, French Ginghams, Wash Goods, Prints of. all descriptions
Muslin Underwear are all in and to start out the new year with a pushing trade, discount of twenty per cent will be
1 f
given on these goods.
These Discounts, A.pply to Cash Purchases Only.
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North Platte, Nebrasto. "p H ' r ; L A Q R
Mr.. Fred Louden left thi3 morning
foi u visit with friends in Denver.
C. T. Whelan went to Omaha last
night w ere ho will transact business
for a few dayB.
Marshall Orton ccme over from Wal
laie last evening and went to Grand
Island this morning.
P. A. White left lart night for Chi
cago and other Illinois points where ho
will combino business with pleasure.
ElS:harmann fell from an engine
at t in round house yesterday and sus
tained a severe scalp wound and a
broken finger.
G. A. Walker, employed at the round
house, Blipped and fell into ono of the
pits yesterday, receiving sovore bruises
on the face.
Wanted to trade, good Colorado land,
under irrigation, for good shoe stock.
Ad'lrcts 612 No. A St., IndianolH, la.
Commissioner Springer came up from
Brady yesterday and attended the
mnne of the board, but was called
homo this morning.
It is said that the Union Pacific will
issue an order today annulling for ono
month the Los Angeles limited on ac
count of the condition of the San Pedio
The county commissioners began
checking the books of the county
treasurer today, a woik that will re
quire the grea.texpart.of.jhqir.timci.for
a week. ,
All our overcoats on spec
ial sale Saturday.
Drebert Clothing Co.
Joe McGraw left yesteiday for
Helper, Utah, where he will take n
position as switchman. He came here
to have his railroad rocord clean!, but
was unsuccessful.
Tho books of County Clork Elliott I
W jro checked by tho county commiss
ioners yesterday was found that
tho exoqss fees for tho.year were
118.95, This moans that the receipt
of tho office were nearly a hundred doN
lira month greater than the expanses.
Tn s Ji a good showing for Clork Elli
ott. S. H. Young, a resident of the Third
ward, slipped and fell while going
throairh the railroad yards Monday night
and broke his right leg below the knee.
He managed to crawl to near tho water
works where his cries attracted tho at
tention of Messrs, Heyso and Sandy,
who conveyed him to his home. Had fie
been exposed to the cold an hour longer
bo would buvqroeoa to dooib.
Miss Hazel Lierk has been engaged a3
bookkeeper in the central telephone
Miss Ituth Streitz returned to Oma
ha yesterday to resume her studies at
Brownell Hall.
You will need "Never-Slip" shoes for
th s ice. Get them at Van Clcave's.
Chief Dispatcher Zentmeyer wrs
called to Schuyler tho early part of the
week by the illness of his father.
Charley Dixon, who is attending tho
Ke-o-ney Military Academy, returned
to that institution yesterday.
Mrs. W. A. Tanner returned to Lex
ington the early part of this week
alter visiting ner parents for two
Mr. and Mrs. James Corrigan and
children, of Shelton, who had been
visiting Mrs. Burney, have returned
to their homo.
Miss Sheridan, of Chicago, arrived
the early part of the week and will
have charge of the surgical nursing in
tho Physicians' and burgeons hospital.
All our overcoats on spec
ial sale Saturday.
Drebert Clothing Co.
Because of washouts in southern
Nevada and Utah, it i3 probable that
no through trains will run over tho San
Pedro, Los Angeles and Salt Lake road
for thirty days.
The Episcopal guild held its annual
meeting Wednesday alternoon. Re
ports for tho year showed earnings of
ulwut-eight.. hundred -dollars.- Officers
for the tnsuing year weie. elected as
follows, President, Mrs. Edward
Dickey; vice-piesident, Mrs. J. S.
Hongfund, Becretaiy, Mib. W. M. Cun
ningham, tieasuter, Mt'a. John Duy.
Wanted Within the next two
months, two or three modern furnished
r.oma for light housekeeping. Close
KYfl Tl
Over I'lrst National. Phono HR
in. Best references.
Mrs.- C. S. Clinton and Mrs. J. F.
Clabaugh 'oru hostesses last evening
at the sosBion of tho J. T. Club
at tho homo of tho former. Soven
tables wore in use, and tle
tho evoning proved a delightful oho.
First priiefi wore won by Mis," Garllsch
and Mr. Waltemathj and lhb boobies
by Mrs. Hart and Mr. Beeberger, the
lattur cutting cuids with Mr, McNu
mora to decide a tic.
The wedding of Miss Clara Bonl to
Franklin Hamilton Bcnn ccurted at
the Trinity chapel in New York Wed
nesday loicnoon. Colonel Cody, giand
father of the bride, was present at the
ceremony. Tho biide and groom
sailed for their home in London Wed
nesday afternoon.
See our Saturday Special
Sale on Overcoats.
Drebert Clothing Co.
A. F. Streitz took his seat as county
commissioner yesterday. Ho is the
first democrat in a long term of years
to fill that office from the North Platte
district, and good democrats are happy
to know that they are represented in
the official family of the county. In
t ie discharge of his duties however M.
Streitz will not recognize politico; he It
one of our best business men, and with
him the uppermost thought will be,
how can the people be best served at
the least cost.
Messrs. Bco'cr, Ganson and Ekland,
of Hershey, nro visitors in town today.
Wanted At onco a dish washer at
the Enterprise Cafe.
Mott's Pure Apple Cider GOc per
gallon. Stone Dnuo Co.
W. H. JenkinB and D. S. McConnel),
well known valloy farmers, were Tri
bune visitors this forenoon.
Lost Dog.
Lo3t in North Platte Decembor 13th
n yellow co lie dog, with dark stripe
on back, black nose, brown eyes,
drooping ears; named Coyote, which he
would recognize. Had on leather strap
with iron ring. Liberal lo waul will bu
pnld for return of animal to the brick
i twuy otuUe, North Platto.
Safe and Sound.
The stability of this bnnk is
evidenced by it's thirty-two
years of steady growth along
lines of legitimate banking.
It's establishment, on Jan. 1st,
1878, marked the beginning of
one of the strongest and most
widely known banks in tho
Btato of Nebraska.
Possibly, as a depositor or a
. borrower, you have need of a
bank. If bo, It becomes our
pleasurable duty to invito you.
Id come to this bank.
HcDiiiiiilil Skill! Bank
, ,
job printing.
St., Phone 84.
Wanted Carpenter work
country. Apply at this office.
The Presbyterian choir will meet for
practice with Mrs. I. L. Miltonberger
omorrow afternoon at 4 o'clock.
Editor Reynolds, of the Sutherland
Free Lance, is transacting business in
town today.
Wo do plain fancy
Hinman Block. Dowoy
Rasmussen Printing Co,
In recognition of tho excellent in
struct'on given them, the boys' band
recently presented Prof. Gnrlisch with
a handsome brass smoKlng set.
A large crowd attended tho Keith
lost eveninp; to see the motion pictures
of tho Johnsnn-Ketchell prize fight.
Tho films showed up tho movement of
tho men in good shape.
For Sale Half dozen Plymouth Rock I
Cockerels. Address P. W. Ohon, North
B. 0. Franzen, of Wheatland, Wyo.,
is visiting irlenas in town. Ho cam
down from Wyoming ,to nttend tho
wedding of his sister, which occurred
at Sutherland Wednesday.
Weather forecast: Fair tonight and
Saturday, warmer tonight. Moximum
temperature yesterday 17;1 one year
ngo 5 below zero. Minimum this morn
ing 2; ono year ago 10 below',
Sec our Saturday Special
Sale on Overcoats.
Drebert Clothing Co,
Small, tho big shoe man, inaugu-j
rates his onnunl clearing or reduction
Bale tomorrow. Ho hao flung his ban
ners in good shape and evidently means
i L. .L- i r 1 1 . i .. . ( - t u
uj yuan inu Bum iur nil inoru iu in Hi i
LostA whlto greyhound With yel
low cars; about ono year old. Will pay
n liberal reward for flriy Inforraatjoa
lending to his recovery.
Maxwell, Neb.
Dr. T.wlnem was called south of Her
shey yestorrlnv to trnnt a scar
let fever patient at the Iv rr f Henry
KosImu. Tho Doctor nlso ound n case
of the disease at the Hershey hotel.
Pupils of the city schools who were
neither absent nor tardy last month,
wio dismissed an hour earlier thiB
afternoon. This hour's vacation was
given in order that it might encourage
others to be more punctual cud rculu
Miss Gertrude Baker returned to
Kearney Tuesday to resume her studies
at tho Rtate normal.
Samples of oranges grown on tho
A. L. Davis fruit farm near Los
Angeles are on exhibition at Schiller &
Co'8 store. They were brought east by
J. B. Jeter.
, Frank Sturtavnnt is sufferintr from
an attack of scarlet fever, having be
in the come infected with tho disease while
nursing tho late Lafayette Pease,
wnose deotn was uuo to that fover.
Tho funeral of tho Into Lafayatto
Pease was held from the Wilson resi
dence this afternoon nt two o'clock.
Tho deceased having died of an in
fectious disease, tho funeral was
, Contractor McMichael completed the
six room addition to tho Cody ranch
roBidcnco this wecK. The improve
ments made, including the heating
plant, cost about thirty-five hundred
dol ars.
I Members of the city council are
soliciting expressions f torn citizens as
to the proper location for tho pumping
station of the new water plant. To tho
averago citizen it probably docs not
I matter much whore the station is
SuDt. Tout informs ua thnt durincr
I tho month of December ten per cent ot
I the pupils in each room woro absent,
this computation being taken from tho
daily averago attendance. So great
a ner cent of non-attendance is dis
couraging to the teachers and against
the bost work of tho schools.
Lafayette Pease, son of S. P. Pease,
and brothor of Mib. B. A. Wilson, died
i ac tno uotne ot tno luttor early yestor
terday morning af tor an illness of but
I a few days. The deceased came hore
ooveral yoars ago from Myrtle precinct
nnd was employed at tno Btockyatds
, and later at tho brick barn on Front
utreet. Mr. Pease was about filty
years of age.
"Right of Way" Not Coming.
Owing to n mix-up of telegrams relr
live to the open nights nt tho Keith
lhat standaid play "Tho Rigl t of
Way," will not bo presented in North
Platte on January 11th. Tho compary
had an open ante for that day, ana not
v understanding the situation here, Fold
I ho date to the Manager of the Gothei 4
Uirg opera house. The piny will prob
iblybo presented hero later in the
See our Saturday
Special Sale on
Drebert Clothing
A Wretched Mistake
to endure the itching, painful distress
cf Piles. There's no need to. Listen:
"I suffered much from piles," writes
Will A. Marsh, of Slier City. N. C.
till I got a box of Bucklen'a Arnica
S alve, nnd was coon cured." Burns,
lioifs, Ulcers, Fever Sores, Eczema,
(!tits, Chapped Hands, Chilblains, van
ish before it. 25c at Stone's Diug Store,
Sunday Dinner at The Enterprise.
Oyster Stow
Roast Chicken Cranberry Jelly
Uoaat Voul , . Dressing
Mwhtai Potatoes Brown Gravy
Oweot; Potatoes
Olives Celery Pickles
Apple Pie Lemon Pi Minco Plo
Ice Cream
Tp Coffee Milk
35 cepte
Having just opened a job printing
establishment in t,he Hinman Block,
Dewey St. Wo respectfully solicit a
share of yourpatro tago. Ourmuchineiy
and material nre absolutely new ana
up-to-dato and workmanship guaran
teed. Phone 84. Very Respectfully,
KxeuusssN Punting Co.
Break-Up-A -Cold
A ronsiblo treatment for Colds
and LaGrippe. They contain
tho right ingredients in' the
proper proportions tp relieve
the aching and feverish con
dition of colds. The tablets
are chocolatt coated, pleasant
and easy to take.
25 Cents a Box.
Sold only by
.Family Prgftvu-