QUEEN OF ACTRESSES PRAISES PE-RU-NA. 'Miss Julia Marlowe " Dm Stlad 1n writ mv ntirtrtrr- meat of the great remedy, Pcruna. I do so most heartily.".. Julia Marlowe. Any remedy that benefits digestion strengthens tho ncrvca. Tho ncrvo centorB rcqntro nutrition. If tho cligpfttlon is Impaired, tho ncrvo con tors becomo ancmlo, and norvoua doblllty is tho result. WESTERN CANADA What Prof. Shaw, tho WelMtnown AsrrU cuuurist, saya Aiicut it: I wobM conor raleo cnttlo In Wer torn vonoua mnn in iuo corn will or tho United Btntos. Feed Is cheater and clltnnts hotter lor tli t'nrpoo. Your nnrkat will Itn- rrovo Inlrr ihnn your nrmcra tll tiniilnco iho uppllta Wheat ran be cronn nne.Mh9Guih iar n fc ma uuin liar nnoi tj io.'(yb xiqrm 01 tbiilntPi-imtiwal bonml i.'ts north of Vnnr ViL'int Innil he. taken i n rata linronu jireeM conoep. tlon. ,Wa bnil enough people In tit. United homes to toio op tills land. daily 70,000 Ameritttis wrlllcntrrnnrtmnhotlidrli'-Vuee In WrMern Cnimila tills Vr. 1000 iirniluctxl nnntlirr lce frop of n'hrnt, ontu nnrt tinri r. u iicldltloii to uhlcli tlio cncVe export wim ntt liniuputo llm Uittlo rnlilnu, dairying, pjlirU fanning nnd nrnln nrntrliia In tia provinces of Mmillouu,uikn climviin anil Albrrtn. l'roo linmrstcnil mill pro-cm fl Uou nrcus. nswoll an Inmls hoy by railway nnd land ooinpnnloa,wlA prnrliln homes for million.. Ailnptntiln nnll, lirnltliful cH mn to. nplrntllil acliools nnd. ctjtirclio. nnd cooil rnlhvnys, .lor ecttlera" rotes, itoscrlptlre lltcritttira "Last Uni West," how to reach tho country nndotherpar. tlcnlnrs, nrlto to Sap't of Iciral. cratlon, Ottawa. Canada, or to tha Canadian Uorernment Accnt. W. V. BENNETT 801 NiwYalc Llf Eldj. Cmzhi.Mtb. ftjan nnrtrc nrnrrst Ton) C) ill 1 n wi I n rwtTF-t Wall 1 1 y I n I cOfjM mm Regard Cuticura Soap and Cuticura Ointment as unrivaled for Preserv ing, Purifying: and Beau tifying the Skin, Scalp, Hair and Hands, for Sana tive, Antiseptic Cleansing and for the Nursery. aianlya. 1.111., 1011. m-"-. .n.ciu, ''"". Bo. Africa. Lrnnnn. Ltd.. Cape Town, etc., VfiJi. Vottcr Drui t Chpm. Corp., Holo I'ropj., Ifo'ton. iMl'ost l'rco. Cuticura llooUlct on tho bUa Paper-Hangers & Painters Von can Rroatly Incrrmo jemr buslncn with no ox trn Intcmtuioot liy olllns Alfrrd l'rnta l'rln Vbllpapcri Wo wnnt ono cixid worker In each vlr'nltr. nnd to thn tlrrt worthy applicant will seno rill'L, by iircnaht oinn-u, flo lnrsro emu pit hook thowlnii 11 S8SO.O0O.UO Will) mi per ritwk for customors to toloct trom. Wa alfrr lIlKral profiti to oar reproBontatltwi. Answnrqalrkly that)ouuu act tho oircncy tn yonr tlclnlty for laid. AUrodl'ouUCo., 141.110 AVubonU A vo., ClUcaao. PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM nieinici and t'u:!03 tlis hair. rromolM a laturiai.t Crovrth. Kevcr Falla to Jlostoro Oray Hair to tts VoulUful Color. Curcf iralp GlfrMri A hair fillioit. fflcsndtUOal l)ri:al ! Best for Children pi V CURE! Gives instant relief when little throats are irritated and sore. Contains no opiates and is as pleasant to take as it is effective. All DruggbU, 26 ecnta. mm mm BBisii Bold throughout tho world. nrnots! tandon. 97, Charlerhomo 8l i Paris. 6. ltua rto la 1'als. Atltra Ha. It. Town .t Co.. Hyiincys India. It. K. l'nul, filrattc; China, nong Hons 1mm to.! Japan, QUEEN ALEXANDRA The picture was taken while her majesty waa at Copenhagen. Tho figures from left to right seated are: The King of Denmark, the Dowager Em press of Russia and the Queen of Denmark. The figures standing are: Prince Gustav of Denmark, Princess Thyra, Queen Alexandra Prince Aage of Den mark, Crown Princess, Crown Prince, and Prince Axel of Denmark. M 0VE FOREST WORK Headquarters Transferred Madison and Chicago. to Products Investigation Horeafter Done at Wisconsin Town and Utilization Be Established In Illinois. Be Washington. Preparations havo boon completed for tho transfer of all tho government's forest products work to Madison, Wis., where tho United States forest servlco products laboratory will bo located, and to Chi cago whero the headquarters of tho oirico of wood utilization will be es tablished. Tho new forest products laboratory being erected at Madison by the Uni versity of Wisconsin, which will co operate with tho government In Its forest products work nnd which Is to cost approximately $50,000, Is now In tho course of construction. The lab oratory will bo a fireproof building of brick trimmed in white stone and Is expected to bo ready for occupancy upon January 1. In tho meanwhllo temporary ofllces will bo located nt 1G10 Adams street, Madison. On October 1 tho Yale timber lest Ing laboratory was discontinued nnd the forest service equipment there shipped to MadlBon. Tho laboratory hero at Washington was discontinued nt tho same time. The timber testing laboratory at Purduo, Ind., will bo op erated until tho middlo of December when It will be discontinued and its equipment shipped to Madison. The olllces having general super vision over all tho work of the branch of products will remain temporarily at vTiirfWigton. W. L. Hall, assistant forester, continues in charge of lilftwch of products, nnd McGarvey Clltie n5H bo director of the Madison laboratory. Tho work of tho labora tory will bo assigned to five ofllces, as follows: Wood preservation, which" will study r.U problems related to tho Impregna tion of wood with preservatives and other substances. Wood chbmlstrywhich will handle nil work boarlng on tho chemical utilization of forest products. Wood distillation, paper pulp and other fiber products, chemical analysis of creo sotes, turpentines, etc., nro tho prin cipal llwes handled by this office. Timber tests, which will havo rchargo of all tests to dotormlno tho strength and other mechanical prop erties of different woods. Technology, which will study tho microscopic structure of wood, meth eds of seasoning and drying it, and uther problems of n purely technical clmpicter. Maintenance, which will have chargo n tho filing and computing. It will also tiQ responsible for tho pur chase of supplies and general care of tho cntfro laboratory, Tho clnss work in the laboratory may bo separated into three kinds, as follows: 1. Tho Investigation of problems in experimental research. 2. Experimental work tn co-operation with commercial plauts to verify laboratory experiments on a commer cial scale. 3. Co-operation with outside parties for tho purpose of assisting thorn in applying principles and processes of recognized commercial valuo with which tho servlco la thoroughly fa miliar. Tho work tl the office of wood utili zation at Chicago will consist of studies of tho wood-using industries of various states, the study of woods In manufacture and of the -methods of disposing of mill waste, tho collection of statistics on tho prlco of lumbor at the mill and at tho principal distribut ing markets of tho country, and tho WITH HER FAMILY study of specifications and grading rules. Tho olhco will nlso secure statistics of forest products of im portance to the experimental work of the servlco nnd tho study of tho move ments of lumber and of the conditions of tho principal lumber markets. TIDAL WAVE BRINGS FORTUNE $20,000,000 Worth of Mahogany Swept to Doors of Poor by Recent Texas Hurricane. . Galveston, Tex. It's; nn 111 wind that blows no good, ntul tho hurricane which swept a tidal wnvo from the gulf to the stnto of Tiibnsco, Mexico, brought down millions of feet of ma hogany and cedar and distributed it over hundreds of miles of that country-occupied by the poor natives nnd by plantation owners who losf their crops by tho flood. The amount of timber is ostlmated nt about flGg.OQO tons, valued at $20, 000,000 and bolongs to the unfortu nates upon whoso premises It was wnshed by tho storm tide. This vnlu able timber, the accumulation of n half a century, had fallen Into ravines and other inaccessible recesBes from tho mountain sides, whoro It would hav6 cost more than its value to have recovered by machinery or tho con struction of railways. The tidal wave, assisted by the heavy rains, filled tho ravines with a powerful stream, which swept tho tim ber out Into tho open country nnd over miles of territory. Whllo food and clothing nro being rushed to tho atorm sufferers, many of them nre wealthy with tho stock of timber which they will soon be ablo to dis pose of nt good prices. Corn Salve Is Axle Grease. Morocco,. Ind. Farmers southeast of here havo lost faith In corn salves in general and in tho painless kind in particular. Recently when a corn doctor appeared among them, offer ing for sale a salvo guaranteed to yank out by tho roots tho most stub born corn without pain, thoy bought largely. After using tho salvo for n week without any npparent results It was examined moro closely, nnd was found to bo common axlo grease. Peach Looks Delaware Farmer's Fruit Very Much Resembles a Young Chicken Emerging from an Egg. Orange, N. J. A ponch which re semblos a young chicken Just emerg ing from tho egg wns raised In Dola waro this year. Tho oyes, bill, fuzzy coat and Jagged lines of tho broken shell, nil plainly aro visible. Emll Worner, nssistnnt chef In the Park ho tel hero, who has ono of tho now vnrl oty,of poaches, even assorts that when ho first took tho freak from tho basket ho distinctly heard It chirp llko a young chicken. Ho has tho chicken peach on exhibition in the hotel and It Is attracting much attontlon. Being of an Investigating naturo, Worner Is in corrospondonco with tho Dolawaro farmer who raised tho peach to ascer tain by what horticultural process It was accomplished. Even Luther Bur bank, wizard In tho fruit and vege table worlds, novor mado any protonso that ho could graft young chickens and broken egg sholls on poach trees, and carry with them all tho propertloa of tho delicious Dolawaro poach, Worner received a basket of peaches from Delaware.' Ho pourod tho peach os from tho original packago Into an other basket to see if thoy -woro nil right below tho top layor. His friends say that as ho did so ho heard tho chirping of a chick. Lookins cloeor ho TRUANT GIANTESS IN COURT 190-Pound Girl of 14 Years Refusos to Attend Sohool Because. Chil dren Tease Her. Now York, Maglstrnto Houso had a truancy cnnu before hint. In front of his desk stood Truant Ofllcor Ml chaol Dracher and near him was a giantess, six feet tall nnd weighing 190 pounds. "Mrs. Antonio Cnlobaro of 31 Oli ver street, has failed to Beud her 14-year-old daughter Maria to school," charged tho truant officer, whllo' tho giantess shot n fierce look at him. "I havo here n letter from Mrs. Mnry K. Davis, prlnclpnl of school 1, In Vando water street, which says that tho girl is a constant truant. "Furthermore, I have hero n letter purporting to como from tho glrl'fl fa ther, which says: 'My dnughtor Is In Europe nnd I don't know when sho will return. If sho returns soon I will send her to school." Truant Officer llrncher said ho had reason to bcllovo thnt Marin herself had written thnt lettor. Tho giantess near him scowled nt hlin. "Whero Is the child?" asked Mngls trato House. Thoro was a titter from tho rear benches and a little woman caino for ward, stood besldo tho giantess nnd, pointing to her, said: "Why, that's her, yer honor. That's Marin." Little Mnrln was the biggest person In the court room. "Why don't you go to school 7" Mag istrate Houso asked her, "I don't want to," answered tho glnntcss, slicking her fist Into hor left eye and beginning to mark figures In tho court room floor grlmo with tho point of hor No. 0 shoe. "I'm too big. When I go to school the little children make fun of me. I can't do anything. I'm afraid to hit them I might smash om." "Why don't you mnke your daughter go to school?" Mnglstrnto Houso asked turning to Maria's mother. "You see for yourself," sho an swered, shrugging her shoulders. "I'll fine you ono dollar this tlmo and If this enso comes hero again I'll fine you $50," sntd tho magistrate INSANE TREATED WITH CATS Beautiful White Specimen Sent to Pennsylvania Asylum to Test Theory of Chlcagoan. Chicago. That tho care of animal pets, especially cats, havo n quieting and bcnollclal effect on the Insane wns tho statement inndo beforo tho Hero ford Cat club by Mrs. Clinton Locko, president of that organization and vice-president of tho American Cat as sociation. "I firmly bollevo that tho care of animals, particularly such decoratlvo lovoly pets ns cats, will sootho tho troubled minds of tho Insane," said Mrs. Locke. "For thnt reason, nnd boenuso this opinion is advanced by friends of mino Interested In tho enro of tho Insane, I havo sent ono of my finest animals, n beautiful whlto female, to an asylum in Pennsylvania, whero a test Is bolng mndo of this uso of pet animals and birds. "Wo try to arouse interest in our annual show among tho working poo pie, that they niny take good caro of tholr pots nnd compote for our prizes. "Cats aro bettor than dogs. Thoy aro cleaner, thoy will stay at homo, and "do not need constant wntchlng. Thoy nre moro useful, and thon thoy nro so much quieter. Now, a cur dog Is always n cur dog, and can never bo made anything elsco. nut you tnko n real scrub cat, reed It, brush It, and pot it, nnd tho doar crcaturo will look liko a boautiful painting. A dog Is al ways such a dirty, untidy thing." Old Men's Club Unique. Lewes, Del. This town possessos ono of tho most unlquo organizations In tho stato In tho Old Men's club, composed only of men who aro 70 years old or over, and despite their years, Its members havo as much fun ns tiny club In this section. Dnnquots nro frequent and songs, speechos and oven dances form pnrt of tho pro grams. Like a Chick it- discovered tho young peach chicken, with Us head sticking out of whnt looked llko a broken pink shell. Wor rier's theory ia that a sitting hon, hav ing no eggs on which to sit, flow into a pench treo In tho orchard, snt thoro for throo weeks on tho peach and hntcheil It partly when tho fnrmer plckod it from tho treo and sent It to Ornngo with tho other peaches In tho basket. Cat Files In Man's Face. Chester, Pa. Returning homo tho other night, William J. Mack, Jr., was attacked by a cat, which sprang upon him from tho top of a fence, lit on his shoulder nnd scratched him on tho face, Inlllctlng deep lacerations. After a florco battlo Mack succeeded in get ting tho cat off. Ho hurjied to tho nearest drug store, whoro his wounds woro cauterized. Blood poisoning is feared. Losco Cow; Kills Himself, Oborlln. Grief over tho death of a favorito cow is believed to havo boon tho inotlva which caused Dr. J. F. SIddall, 80 years old, to end his llfo by drowning hlmsolf In a cistern. Mrs. SIddall said that her husband had been mourning tha loss of. tho cow and that tho family became bo alarmod over his condition that ho was watched. . . Silence! The Instinct of modesty natural to every woman ts often n (treat hindrance to the euro ol womanly diseases. Women shrink from tho personal questions of tho local physician which seem Indelicate. Tho thought of examination is ab horrent to them, and so they enduro In silence a condition Of disease which surely progresses from bad to none. It has been Dr. Pierce's prlvllc&o to caro a rcat many women who havo found a retake for modesty la his otter of JFItCtJ connalta tlon by letter. Hit correspondence Im held ea sacredly contldentlat. ilddreaa Dr. K. V. Pierce, Butalo, X. Y. Dr. Pierce's Favorito Prescription restores end regulates the womanly functions, abolishes pain nnd builds up and puts tho finishing touch of health on every weak woman who (Ives It fair trial. It Makes Weak Women Strong, Sick Women Well. You can't afford to accept n ucrtt nostrum e substitute for this non-nlcoholio medicine op known coMrosmON. WonrW.L. Douglas comfort ablo,ensy walking, common sonoo shoos. A trial will convlnco any ono thnt V. L. DouqIob shoos hold tholr shapo, fit hotter and wear longor than othor mokes. Thoy aro mado upon honor, of tho host leathers, by tho most skilled workmen, In all tho Intost fashions, shoos In ovory stylo and shapo to suit men In all walks of llfo. UHU I lull 1 DoogUs namoand prioo stamped on bottom, which nnamntMS lull valuo and protects tho wcoror agiinst high prices and inferior shoes. IMIWk WV From Arctic Solid brass font holds 4 quarts of oil sufficient to give out a glowing heat for 9 hours solid brass wick carriers damper top cool handle oil indicator. Heater beautifully finished in nickel or Japan in a variety of styles. Every Dealer Everywhere. It Not At Yours, Write for Descriptive Circular to the Nearest Agency ol the STANDARD Oil. COMPANY (Incorporuteil) A Few Acres In California In one of the rich valleys along the line of the Union Pacific Southern Pacific mean a comfortable living, an as sured future and money in the bank, For complete and reliable information get our illustrated booklets on California land. Call on or address E. L. LOMAX, G. t asm On. ililnm.nt Mill nrnrfn.. mm tht it par tho blgbrit prices for fun from TOT. to 40 inoro In f Hint cum thin on othrr iiptuk, Vtt do not Dad ournrlrnllittiLiinitii the trapper, but inada parh akin lioiiMlIy an4 pay the klgliaat pileos ?,wlw vti ua va.iv. Wo furnlih trara, lialt aut otbar poppiiwavvoii. ntoaukianorifreo OataloK U and llarkat ltoportaapd FnBtsnDroi.&Co. , 143 F.ba St. , St. Louis, Ho. WBWM nltt'Ulnmtnt titr tltrlud for imiU cLJlrta. Kuclmtuif, sucations. U their caua in jour nose ecna iokjjt i Ml f tlui lcndll material, av ftarit. Vidad for JJ cant!. twin (tsrur, ifftH iuuicine W KTFUTO WatsanU.CaiutnaavrMtM rm 5 FN B Jiuswd.d.O. liogkiir; iiiu. t nt mat I VW Mfarnum iital reulia. 11K mm ,"Jrappr Uulda," ooutalnlna If ljJO pasta ot valnahlo tlpa and ts. largest ia tut rtotld In our lino. 1 Wlwi'iu. HUBailTUTlif to Tropics in Ten Minutes No oil heater has a higher efficien cy or greater heating power than tho PERFECTION Oil Heater (Equipped with 8mokeless Dcvlcs); With It you can go from the cold of the Arctic to the warmth of tho Tropics In 10 minutes. The new Automatic Smokeless Device frevents smoking. Removed In an nstant for cleaning. P. A., Omaha, Neb. Murder! Ono gets it by highway men Tens of thousands by Dad Bowels Ho dif ference. Constipation and dtad liver make tha whole eystera sick ETery body knows It CASCAfiESTS regulate cure Dowel and Liver troubles by simply doing nature's work until you got well Millions use CASCARETS, Life Saver! SM CASCAKUT8 ioc a box for a week's treatment, all druL-zUls. Ulrctst seller tn the world. MiuToii tuxes a luontu. Turlock Irrigation District of California OPrOUTUNlTIKS TJuHurimksed, A-t Una. A III I IV 1 1 A IN I' WATBU At flW llAltlifi,l Ollmute. Krerytlilnir Orows. Strawberries at ChrlHtmna. No tiuclter Necrssury for stock on coldoat day or uluht. The DAIRYMAN'S XAB AJJISlt. Write fur I I.I.Ub'l'KATttD liOOJCLET. Otpl u, TUHLOCW D0nD Of lOADC Tuilsok. Cat