The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 30, 1909, Image 4

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will soon bo here. Now la tho time
to do your Christmas shopping while
tho stocks are complete. We have
n larger lino than ever and would bo
pleased to havo you drop in and
look around.
Open evenings after Dec. 1st.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phono 338.
Wc want Your Repair Work
M Over First National. Phono 148 p
a f
Miss Alice Plummor, of Maxwell, Is
tho guest of Mrs. W. H. McDonald.
Colorado Jonathan apples $1.75 per
box at Wilcox Department store.
Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Ell went to Sid
ney Saturday to attend tho wedding
anniversary of a friend.
Salo-One lot of 27-inch Silks, worth
$1.25, at 79 conts per yard at The
Miss Alice Birge, who had been visit
ing jier parents, returned to the state
university this morning.
Tho Baptist aid society will meet on
Friday afternoon with Mrs. J. L. Loudon
on South Chestnut street.
Why wear an ill fitting cloak or suit
when you can got thoso that are right
ly tailored at Wilcox Department store.
Mrs. B. B. Baker and daughter, of
Lexington, wore tho guests of Mr. and
Mrs. Franklin I'calo tho latter part of
Inst week.
For Sale Six room house on west
Nirith Btroet, electric lights, cement
walks, fine shade and lawn. For price
inquire at house. M. HAYES.
Tho wet and muddy weathor of yes
terday and today is yery unusual for
western Nebraska at this Beason of the
year, Ordinarily wo. havo bright days
during tho lattor part of November.
Salo Two hundred Men's Dress
Overcoats, with or without military col
lars, also cravenottcs. nt a discount of
twenty per cent at The Loador.
The C. W. B. M. auxiliary of tho
Christian church will moot Wednesday
aftornoon with Mrs. LcMastors, 215 E.
5th St. All members should bo pres
ent and all who aro interested are in
vitcd to came.
Sophia Ericsson has sold to Charles
Carlson tho cast half southwest qunr
tor and south half northwest quarter
section 20-12-27, for $0,500; and Frank
"Ericsson has sold to thosamo party tho
West half of tho southwest quartor
section 20-12-27 for $3,500.
Christmas is only a little ovor' thirty
days off and now is tho time for early
.shoppers to tako advantago of our com
ploto Btock. Just drop in and look
around and vou will cot Bomo new and
good ideas for Christmas shopping.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
Choice Lots for Sale.
I have ten choico lots in Penniaton's
Addition for salo for less money than
any other lota being offered, consider
ing location and size.
Also thrco lots on West Fifth St,
that I enn soil at $750 for tho three, or
will Bell separate. Phomi 250.
O. R Fi.dkii.
Will ftfnlnnnt? a Imnannttnrt Knolnnan '
in Omaha this week.
Mr. and Mrs. A. C. Howprd are
guests of friends at Lodge Pole.
Miss Ellen McCullough, of Maxwell,
was the guest of friends in town yes
terday. Albert Haspcl, living on the former
Fcdcrhoof ranch, shipped a car of hogs
to South Omaha yesterday.
Mott's Puro Apple Cider 50c per
quart. Stone Dnuo Co.
Mr. and Mrs. B. P. Baker left this
morning for Illinois, where they will
spend tho winter.
Tho next attraction at the Keith will
bo "Sweet Inisfallcn" on tho evening
of December lGth.
For Rent Furnished rooms. Mrs.
Lottie Croncn, 80c west Sixth.
Miss Mary Waugh, of Gothenburg,
spentThurday at the homo of Mr, and
Mrs. Ray Raynor.
Engineer Frank Brctzor, who was
dismissed from service several months
ago, has been reinstated.
400 bushel all metal Corn Cribs $4.00
at Wilcox Department Store.
Miss Mary Johnson, of Sutherland,
has been the guest of Miss Edith Wen-
deborn for several days.
Only 25 of tho $7.00 bowls at Dixon's
to be sold at $3.50. Sec them and you
can't resist. DIXON, Tho Jeweler.
Sixteen young ladies forming the
Monday Evening Bridge Club were
guests of Miss Geraldlne Bare last
Mrs. Jns. Bickcl, nee Blanche Mc
Nnmara, accompanied by her husband,
spent Sundny with friends in town
while enrouto east,
Salo Clothing Depnrtment-Just re
ceived, 200 Men's Fine Dress Suits,
which are on sulo nt a discount of twen
ty per cent at Tho Leader.
Jack Fotch,the roller skate comedian
opened a three-night engagement at
tho rink last evening and amused a
largo audience with stunts on tho little
rollers. The boys band furnished music
during tho evening.
Diamonds are still on the advance but
wo havo some very fino stones that we
bought early and are still offering at
the old prices. They will go higher.
Dixon, Tho Jeweler.
A legal icprcecntativo of the water
works company nrrived here today,
and will probably start something in the
way of legal prcceduro restraining tho
city from delivering tho bonds towhoev
er tho purchaser may be. The time for
receiving bids for tho bonds expired at
noon today.
For Rent My house on west Front
street. Will plnco it in good repair.
with kitchen range, bath and electric
lights. W. V. IIOAQLAND.
The North Platte friends of Mr. and
Mrs. Warren Davis, of Omaha, will bo
interested In knowing that their
daughter Alice gave a musical recital
at tho auditorium in that city last
evening. Miss Davis is a finished mu
sician, having received thorough in
struction f rom the best Omaha teachers.
Wo are after your trado with tho
biggest bargains ovor oltered in our
lino. Wo want you to seo them.
Dlxin, Tho Jowelor.
Mr. and Mrs. Will Baskins enter
tained tho members of tho Coterie
Club and their husbands Saturday oven
ing in honor of their fourth wedding
anniversary. High-five waa the amus
ing feature of tho ovenlng. Tho ladies
prizes wore awarded to Mrs. Robert Mc-
Murray, of Brady and Mrs. Abb Snyder,
Tho gentleman's prizes were won by
John Scharmann hnd Asa Snyder. At
tho close 04 the evening a delicious
lunch waB served and all present report
a very nice time. .
Graduate Dcnllsl.
Offico ovor tho McDonald
Stato Bank.
Railroads Pay Taxes.
County Treasurer Langford this morn
ing received checks from the Union
Pacific and the Burlington railroads in
payment of their personal "taxes for
the year 1909. Tho Union Pacific paid
$54,051.95 and the Burlington $12,112.
90. This is certainly a nice sum to drop
into the lap of Lincoln county, and will
grease tho wheels of tho machinery for
quite a period of time.
Eight Per Cent Money
to loan, nny amount, on good income
property. Bratt & Goodm&n.
Reception Tonight.
A jeccption will be given at the
Christian church tonight to those who
united with the church in tho recent
meeting. A short program and an op
portunity to get better acquainted with
each other, will be the main features
of the evening. There will not bo any
prayer meeting service at the church
tomorrow evening ns we join in tho
union tempsranco prayer meeting nt
the Presbyterian church.
E. R. Goodman transacted business
at Hershey yesterday.
Buy Douglas Cushion Shoes at The
The ladles of the Presbyterian aid
society will meet with Mrs. P. M.
Sorenson Thursday afternoon.
For Sale A coming two-year-old
Coach colt. Inquire at 1011 W. Sixth. I
Mrs. Beck, of Gibbon, was the guest (
of Dr. and Mrs. W. F. Crook Thanks
giving and remained over Sunday,
An 8 day parlor clock cathedral gong
full sized. Marblcizcd finish nt $-1.00
each. Dixon, The Jeweler.
J. R. White left yesterday for Lin-
coin to attend a committee meeting of
the statn association of cement users,
of which he is the secretary.
Mrs. Geo. B. Dent and two sons
leave December 12th for San Diego,
Cal where they will spend tho winter
with Mrs. Dent's mother and sister.
New Moyennge ono piece dresses a
Wilcox Department store.
Extra jjood lots, Very cheap. Buy
before the raise. See Bratt &. Good
Parties having
Bratt 8c Goodman.
idle money see
Mrs. W. L. Lanning will entertain
tho Methodist aid society Thursday
Seo thoso new Glove Silk Jersev
Waists. Tho latest craze. At Wilcox
Department Store
M. J. Walsh, of tho car repair gang,
accompanied by his family loft this
morning for a week's visit in Omaha.
Lost Saturday night, a white satin-
lined Electric seal skin fur. Return to
this office and receive reward.
Dnnl. R. Clark, of Garfield, and Miss
Ida Lenore Joy, of Gandy, were united
in marriage by Judge Elder last oven
Men, we sdll tho best $1.00 shirt made
In this county, nt Wilcox Department
Young Girls Are Victims.
of headnche, as well as older women,
but all get quick relief and prompt cure
from Dr. King's New Life Pills, the
worm 's best remedy for sicK and
The trustees of the First Presbyter
ian church will receive applications for
janitorship of tho now church building
up to December 1, 1909. All applica
tions must be seut in writing to Mrs.
Mattie Prosser, secretary and treasur
er of First Presbyterian church, North
Platte, Nebraska.
A Scalded Boy's Shrieks
horrified his grandmother, Mrs. Maria
Taylor, of Nebo, Ky., who writes, tjjat
when all thought he would die, Buck
len's Arnica Salve wholly cured him.
Infallible for Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Cornp,
Wounds. Bruises, Cures Fever-Sorer,
lions, OKin eruptions, umibiains, (Jhnp
pod Hands. Soon route Piles. 25c nt
Stone Drug Co.
vous headaches. They make puro blood, 1 of said business, and to do and
and strong nerves and build up yi
hoalth. Try them. 25c. at Stono Di
Notice is herebv -liven that on tho
I3th day of November, 1909, Thomas
Rowley, Frank England, Herman
Wendcborn, Fritz L. Weinburg and
Gub F. Meyer, associated themselves
together as a body corporate, under tho
name and style or the "Farmer's Inue
pendent Telephone Company." The
principal place of transacting the busi
ncss of said company shall bo at the
school house in School District No. 122,
located on the Southeast 1 of Section 8.
Township 13, North, of Range 31, West
in Lincoln County, Nebraska.
The general nature of the business
to be transacted shall bo to construct,
own. operate and maintain a main tele
phone lino in Lincoln County, Nebraska.
extending from Section 2, in Township
11, Range 33, in Lincoln County, Ne
braska, to the City of North Platte,
Nebrasks, with lateral and brahch
lines and extensions of the main line,
nnu tor sucn purposes may own, lease,
purchase, sell and convey such rca
estate as may bo necessary, or incident
to tne prontaDle and proper conducting
Safe Deposit Boxes
are Just the Place to keep
You Valuable Papers.
Rental $1 to $5 -per year.
Access at any time during"
business hours,
McDonald State Bank.
form such other acts and thincrs as
may bo incident and necessary to tho
main powers oi ine corporation.
Tho nmount of the capital stock au
thorized is $2000.00, divided into 40
shares of $50 each, of which canital
stock, not less than 14 shares shall be
subscribed at tho organization of said
comany, all of which shall bo fully
paid up at tho time of subscribing. The
date nt the commencement of said cor-
E oration shnll bo tho 1st day of Decem
er, 1909. Tho highest amount of in
debtedness or liability to which tho cor
poration is at any time to subject it
self, shall not exceed the sum of $200.
The affairs of said corporation are to
managed by a board of three directors,
together with a president, vice-president,
secretary and treasurer, together
with such othor subordidato agents and
servants as other officers may appoint
and hire.
Signed November 13th, 1909.
Thomas Rowley,
Frank England,
Herman Wendehorn,
Fritz L. Wienharg,
Gus F. Meyer.
w" m Wtom
' $
: $
The Board of Directors of the
Northern Colorado Mining & Milling (o.
Has voted to sell jjj
100,000 Shares of Treasury Stock fli
To drive an 8oo foot Tunnel on the property. (ft
: -TVis, Stock, .will be sold Jit 10 cents per Share.
An opportunity for' big; "returns .oh a small invest- ft
The Stock will be .taen, "off the market after a ft
limited amount has been; pold.
Northern Colorado Mining &. Milling Co, (ft
t S; Rjlore, Shies Agent, jjj
) 1 ' W RJom21, uPi'Hotel. ft
You Can leii
y merely looking at it whether a shoe
is stylish or not but you have to try it
for yourself to discover whether it feels
comfortable, retains its shape or rend
rs good service. WALK-OVER
Shoes not only look well but are
qually satisfactory in every particular.
It isn't simply what they see but what
WALK-OVER wearers find out for
themselves that makes them come
again. (
Prices $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
Wilcox Department Store,
North Platte, Nebraska.
What to Buy a Smoker
The best thing is a smoke
he will like.
Few women know just
what kind of cigars their
husbands smoke.
Few men know just
what kind of cigars other
men smoke.
It is our business to
know the preference of
all customers at the cigar
If you want a Christ
mas box of cigars for a
friend, come to us.' We
guarntee to suit him.
We sell you a box with
the understanding that if
the man does not like that
brand he may return the
cigars, after trying them
and exchange for a box
of his own choosing.
Cigars from "50 cents
per box up.
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Nntl. Bank
There Is no prettier patterns of eiU
ver made than tho Wild-Wocd. See ono
of our $12 chests In the show window.
Teaspoons 90 cents per Bet. Table
spoons $2 per Bet. Sugar Spoon and
Butter Knife, 90 cents per pair, about
half the usual price.
Dixon, The Jeweler.
1 1 Til I
We cnll attention to tho difference In
our candies. Not the sickening kind of
sweets that ono generally buys when a
low price is paid, but pure healthful
confectionery that IS homo made only
in the cleanest of candy kitchens by
Let us show you what it means to
develop candy making into an art.
Gdt a pound of our Homc-Mnde for
proof. A fresh stock of Lowney's and
Chases' fancy box candies just received
at popular prices.
Makers of
Home Made Candy.
111 il 1 1T1 111 ifct iti 1T1 ."l. !. .. t A .t. .T. 11 i"fci 11 iTti tl!i ili 111 iti itt 111 itj
I A Word with You.
You will buy a Christmas Gift for some friend
0 or relative this year. It's time you began to look 4fr
vfr around. We have the largest floor space in town W
1. .?.
Some article for the
KitchenConvenience '
i Dining Room Splendor
& Library Comfort
J - Parlor Delight
Chamber Restfulness
a Such as Kitchen Utensils, Table Cutlery, China
J Sets, Sectional Book Cases, Parlor Suits, -Beds, 0
f Mattrasses and Springs
v All articles registered, cared for and delivered
tf? nc rpmifcf-rl Yt rnr nntrnnc
We are here to show you our stock.
0 over whether you buy or not.
Look it
Ginn & White.
First National Bank,
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital and Surplus $130,000.
E. F. SEEOERGER, Vice-President,
F. L. MOONEY, Cashier.
Why go out into the country to buy residence lota when you can
buy tho following choice residence lota in tho West End where they $C
will incjcaso in value and always be in demand. K
Three nice lota in block 17, Town Lot Co'h Addition, $350.00 for C
all three. )?
Two handsomo lota on Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. $360.00 K
fotbothjota. g
Three-handsome lota oh woat Fourth atroot, sqwor in and paid C
for, $1200.00 for' tho throo.- C
Four choico lota on west Sixth otrcot clpao In for $4ob.b6, $450.00,' HS"
$500.00 nnd $650.00 each. H?
These lota are all close in, high and dry, do not roquire any filling Hj
and each of them is worth more money than wo nre asking for them. Xj
Bucianan and Patterson. S