The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 16, 1909, Image 8

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Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Yoar, cub In advance. l.
Months, cash In advance e&cta
Kntercd at North Platto. Nebraska. Postofflce
as second class matter.
Fireworks are Promise;.
A Lincoln dispatch states that Gover
nor Shnllcnberger will recommend to
the next legislature an initial appro
priation for a thrco million Btate capltol
building at Lincoln. When tho gover
nor doca this, Nebraska will Le treated
to tho greatest display of fireworks It
has over scefl-and it will be the hottest
state in tho union during the campaign.
A majority of tho people living in two
thirds of tho area of the state don't
want tho capital at Lincolu; It is an out
of-tho way location and was first lo
cated there because of Its nearness to
tho ccntcrof the then population. Now
conditions have changed, tho central
and western portions of tho state arc
tho sections that are increasing in pop
ulation, and their demands for a more
centrally located state capital must be
heeded. Kearney, Grand Island or
Hastings are now suggested as the fu
turo seat of tho state government,
either of which would bo satisfactory
to tho people of western Nebraska.
Let tho proposed appropriation for
neW capitol become an issue; central
and western Nebraska aro ready for tho
Fake Nonparlisanship.
The fake nonpartisanship behind
which tho democrats tried to mask in
tho recent campaign In Nebraska was
pretty well exposed beforo the election
But since the election tho democrats.
themselves, arc no longer disguising
the fact that it was a masquerade in
which they wero ongaged. Tho Bee
hi.o onco boforo quoted the following
extract from tho democratic World
Herald under date of October 12:
Tho democratic candidates stand
suuarclv on a nonpartisan platform
Thov aro makinor no partisan anneal
Neither they nor tho party to which
they belong could construo their clcc
tton as a paitikun victory.
Hera is what Mr. Bryan'B Commonci
now says about it:
t In Nebraska tho democrats came
very near electing their judicial ticket,
When it is considered that tho ropubll
can candidates on tho judicial ticket
two vears niro wore elected by ovei
24,000 majority this Ib a gratifying
gain and a promlso lor next year.
Note-that tho Commoner calls it
democratic ; ticket and not it nonpai
tlsan tictfbfcNoto; also, that tho Com
moner regards whatovor meaBuro ol
success may have attended tho nonpar
tisan bunco gamo as a promise inspir
ing democratic hope for next year.
If any republicans permitted them
solves tobo fooled by tho nonpartisan
fake into voting tho democratic tickot
at the last election it is timo for them
Co wako up. Omaha Beo.
Senator Cummings' recent roply to
Spoakor Cannon's attack upon tho "in
aurgonts" defines his attitudo exactly
as to tho general scope of his Insurgon
cy and reiterates his position upon tho
tariff. First, Senator Cummings and
his fellow Insurgonts will continuo tho
'fight against Aldrichism and Cunnonism
land in this will havo tho support and
'ctf-operation of tho progressive clement
both inside and outsido of tho republi
can party. As to tho tarilf ho would
dimply lot it alono for' tho present, or
until expert testimony can bo secured
to aid in tho work of further rovlsion
And last but not least ho makes
.clear that ho will net ontlrely wlthl
tho' republican party on tariff mattors
for tho reason that any tariff measuro
enacted by republicans on tariff lines
preforablo to tho beat tariiT-for-roven
"uo measure tho democrats would en
act. This is tho position identically of
a considerable number of republicans in
Nebraska who havo recently beon
dubbed "standpatters" for refusing
to "insurgo" to tho extent of joining
In a party rebellion, and it is undoubt
,edly tho position of all tho insurgent
sonntors and congressman with tho
possiblo'oxceptlon of Senator LaFol
ette. Kearney Hub.
,,. .'While Senator Aldrlch s at Minne
apolis clearing a path for his supposed
central bank Bchcmo the national
grango in session at Des Moines pipes
up with a veto of tho p oject. Tho
.grango claims to havo doubled Its
mumuorpriip jn uie nisi ion years, ami
f lis worn on eucn questions us mis may
ibci 'acquiring some weight. This sod-
foty onco had a million and n half of
j: members, and Its influence on bohaU of
measuniB in-thp formora' Interest, tho
Imftt-itilnir inf vnllwnv nnwiit fur- flxnrrittln.
lived effective a- generation ago. Tho
fannory alliance cast tho grangors in
fto tho shado twenty years ago and split
.on tho rock of politics. Tho grango
' has survived and partly lived down Its
earlier msltako of a similar sort, and
' seems to bo growing to such a .eizo' as
makes 1U declaration 'of political Importance-State
You Can Tell
by merely looking at it whether a shoe
is stylish or not but you have to try it
for yourself to discover whether it feels
comfortable, retains its shape or rend
ers good service. WALK-OVER
Shoes not only look well but are
equally satisfactory in everv particular.
It isn't simply what they see but what
WALK-OVER wearers find out for
themselves that makes them come
Prices $3.50, $4.00, $5.00.
Wilcox Department Store,
North Platte, Nebraska.
Why go out into tho country to buy residence lots whon you can
buy the following choico residence lots in the West End where they
will incJcase in value and always be in demand.
Thrco nice lots in block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition, $350.00 for
all three.
Two handsome lots on Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. $350.00
for both lots. '
Three handsome lots on west Fourth street, sewer in and paid
for, $1200.00 for tho three.
Four choico lots on west Sixth Btreet close in for $400.00, $450.00,
$500.00 and $050.00 each.
These lots aro all close in, high and dry, do not require any filling
and each of them is worth moro money than we are asking for them.
Buchanan and Patterson.
Yesterday dispatches stated that the
total loss of life in tho coal mines at
Cherry, III., will reach 400. Tho fire,
it is believed, has been extinguished but
tho men entombed, if any are alive,
must perish on account of the inability
of tho rescuora to reach them.
Mrs. Margaret Trembly, nee Wallace,
was born in tho state of Ohio on tho
18th day of Dec., 1839, and died on the
9th day of Nov,, 1909, at the homo of
her daughter Mrs. W. T. Dodson near
Ingham, Neb., after a lingering illness
of a complication of diseases. Sho was
married to Nelson Trembly on tho 27th
day of August, 1857, and to this union
was born eleven children, eight boys
nnd three girls, four of the boys hay
ing preceded her In infancy, tho other
children being present with her except
ono son C. II. Trembly, of Decatur
county. Iowa. Sho was a member of
tho Latter Day Saint Church. Tho
funeral sormon was conducted by Elder
G. W. Johnson ot Eustis, Neb., on tho
11th day of Nov., and tho remains woro
laid to rest in tho Plalnviow cemetery
Bouth of Maxwell.
Are You Sure Your Kidneys are Well?
Many rheumatic nttneks aro duo to
uric acid in tho blood. But tho duty of
tho kidneys is to removo all uric acid
from tho blood. Its prosenco thero
shows the kidnoys aro inactive
Don't dally with "uric acid solvents."
You might go on till doomsday with
thorn, but until you euro tho kidneys
you will never got well. Doan's Kid
ney Pills not only removo uric acid, but
euro tho kidneys and then all dangor
from uric acid is ended. Hero is North
I'latto testimony to prove itr
Mrs. C. J. Bowen, W. Sixth St.,
North Platte, Nebr., says: "During tho
past slxyenrs I suffered terribly from
backache, rheumatism and disordered
kidneys. A constant, dull ache through
my back and loins caused mo untold
misery and any sudden movo or miatop
would bring on sharp, shooting pains
that radiated from iny kidneys to' nil
parts of my body. I vaa greatly an
noyed by headaches and to get up quick
ly from n sitting or Btooping position
would bring on n dizzy spell. A few
months ago a friend told mo of tho
benefit she had obtained from the use
of Doan's Kidney Pills. I followed hor
ndvico and nrocured tho remedy at A.
F. Stroitz's drugstore. In a short time
after beginning its uso I felt hotter nnd
tho backaches and other symptoms of
my trouble soon disappeared entirely."
for sale by all dealers. Price 60
cent. Fostor-Milburn Co.. Buffalo.
New York, sole agents for tho United
Kemember tho name Doan's and
take no other.
F. M. Johnson, a traveling salesman
for an Omaha firm, was accidentally
shot at Lodge Polo Saturday evening.
A young man employed by Low Debru-
ner, who was playing with a revolver
which ho believed to be unloaded,
snapped the trigger and shot Johnson
it., i mi. i i
in uio leg. i no aoctor does not appre
hend any serious results nnd the pa
tient is improving.
Kills Her Foe Of 20 Years.
"Tho most merciless enemy I had for
20 years," declared Mrs. James Dun
can, of Hoynesville, Me., "was Dys
pepsia. 1 suffered intensely after eat
ing or drinking and could scarcely sleep.
After many remedica had failed and
sovcral doctors gave mo up, I tried
jiiectnc uuiera, wnicn cureii mo com
pletely, xnow i can ear- anytning, i am
70 years old and am overjoyed to get
my neaun ana sirengtn uacK again, '
For Indicestion. Loss of Aimetlte.
KIdnov Trouble. Lame Back. Temnla
Complaints, its unequaled. Only 50c at
otono li rug ia.
General Practice of
Medicine, Surgery
Together with his.
Specialty, Eye, Ear, Nose
and Throat.
Your Glasses Carefully Fitted.
Ofllco and residence -113 East Fifth St.,
on gruuiui noor, no stairs to climb.
i'hono 550.
North Platte,
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
For Sale
New Five Room House on west 10th
street, ith electric lights, city water
and bath room; an rooms large anu
lately nanercd. Nice lawn and trees.
$1100.00 cash will buy it. Temple Real
Estato & insurance Agency.
is our cigar. The more you smoke the
mora vou'll praise it. because a veteran
votary of tho weed knows a good thintr
when ne nunia u. uniy smoKers 01
these c cars have a match for them
Our five-centers can't be duplicated for
a nickel anywhere else in North l'latte
with a wealthy acquaintance will cause
you no embarrassment If you ore riding
or drivintr a horse from our livery
stable. Wo make it a point to keep
our service as nearly as possible up to
the standard of a private stable, ine
result is that on the road you'll meet
no one you need take off your hat to
A. M. Lock.
Hunting Prohibited.
Notice is hereby rriven bv the under-
sirmed land owners and leases of land
in Ha 11 rrecinct. that no nuntinc is
hereby nremitted on the land owned or
leased, oy us, and any person found
thereon will be prosecuteu unaer tne
law relating thereto.
Schrover & Marlett Geo Konf
H. Waltemath U. W. Hons
Frank Steel Ueo. BhanKs
Fred Malone Blankenburg Bros,
ueo. i. raiicrson umirnu uouinbon
Loren Purdy
Frank Ebele.
V Homeopathic Physician
and Surgeon.
Office: McDonald Bnnk HuiMinr.
Phono 183.
A. J. Amos. M. 1). Mario Ames. I. D-
Physicians and Surgeons.
Ofllco: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Ofllco 278, Residence 273
Physician and Surpoon.
Office: Over McDonald Bank.
) Office 130
j Residence 115
Osteopathic Physician,
Rooms 7 anl 8. McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phono 148.
over Scha1
Phono 8
Office: Cor. Front & Dow" fs.
Not ce is hereby civen. that on the
80th day of November, 1909, the Mayor
anu Lity uouncu ot tne city ot worth
Platte will receive bids for S100.000.00
of water bonds Of tho city of North
Platte, Nebraska, dated October 1st,
1909, duo twenty yenrs from their date
but payable after five years from dote,
at the option of the city, and bearing in
terest at tho rato of flvo per cont per
annum, said bonds in demoninations of
$1,000,00 each, Said bids must bo filed
on or before 12:00 o'clock noon of the
30th day of November, 1909, and
bidders aro required to accompany their
bids with a certified check of $1,000.00
to insure tho good faith of said bidder.
The Mayor and City Council reserve
the right to reject nny and nil bids.
Tuos. C. Patterson, Mayor.
Attest: Chas. T. Temple, Clerk.
Change and Vacation of Part of
Road No. 309.
To AH Whom It may concern t
Tlio fnmmlt'tdont r appointed to loeat a
changu and vacate a part of Kad No. UOii, ha
roiorlfd in favor of Hld change, lightning
at section 20 of nald mad No. $(, running
t hence In a southeasterly direction to the
Mat iH'tween hccilotiH II and 12 of old road
No 309, thencu In a northeasterly direction
to connect with hint Ion 11 ot Itoad No. SOU:
bo haw also ri pened In favor of vacation of
that part of mad No. SOU, ljlng between the.
terminal pnlnts ot tho change and all ob
jection thereto or clulms for damage must be
tlhd In tho ofllee of tho county clerk tut or
Is'foro noon on the iHih day of December,
HOV. orMich roBd will bo eotabllslied with
out reference therein.
Dated North l'latte, Nubr., Oct 25. 1W.
V, It Elliott.
County Clerk.
Thnmni flnlio'rt. do endant. will take notlco
Dial on the lOtli day n Ocmlier. itOO. Wellman
II. Paddock, plaintiff herein. II ltd his tril
lion In (In' District Court or Lincoln
County, Nebrka. ncnlnst Thomas ShIsjIiI
nnd the Souih finite Umii & Trust uo. till'
object and prnji r of wlik'h am loobtnln a
(li cue lit ici i iitr mat a crrinin nuirtuairo
executed I y Freeman V Hlddous on Uio
Southeast H of Section o. Township v. icaniru
82. In Lincoln count v. Nebraska, lo tlio
South I'lattu I-oan & Trust Co.. and by tbu
South I'lattu Loan tc Trust Co. nssht-ncd to
tho defendant Thomas Sulxild which mort
gago Is for tho sum of 8150 00. dated t-ep
ttmber nth.. lSNi. ami recorded in hook "or
Mortpatfcs. at Toko Ml, has been fully paid
and sat lulled, and for a decree cancelling
the same of record and for a further decreo
hndlnathat a certain morlsntrc executed by
Freeman V Slddous on tho laud aforesaid.
10 tliu South I'latto Loan Trust Co.. fur
IH7.MI on September 5lh.. IWI, and recorded
in nook or .Milrinones, at rairoiw. lias oeen
fully nald and satisfied and for a decreo
cancelling and sallsfylnir said morteairu of
record, and nlnlnliir nrnis that his tttiti to
said laud be (itileti'd as aitalrst nil claims of
i ho defendants. Thomas SkIniki anil irccnuin
V. Sldrtous. and Hint tiny bo excluded ftotu
any Inter, M, in and to tii land aforesaid
Vnn nm reoulred to tin-wergild tieilllouotl
or In-fore the IHlh day of December, HW.
Dated Oct. ai, iviw II. rAIlDOCK.
My W'tu-nx & IIai.i mN. Ill AllorneyM
,lnncN II Ifnorr. I'lnlnllir. vs Hamilton
txiati and Trust Company and Ileimon F
Knimons. llefelidHiils. 8umn0"n.
TIiHdtifendiinlH Hamilton Loan and Trust
Company, and Herman !'. Ernmuns. will lake
ioMcu mat on inn iwm any ot uctoncr.
ilt'9. the plaint Iff tiled Ids petition In the (IN-
rlct court of, Lincoln County, isetirnsna.
inilnst von. tho said, named defendnn Is,
lie object and prayer of which are, that a
licttooi court ! emend adjuUKltur tun in
itr to b" the owner or ttm west hair or south
Bht (iiisrliT. and Cast Intlf of south west
quarter, of section thirty-four, township six
teen. raiiKu twenty-six, Lincoln county, ro
hrasKa, and further as acainst defendant
Hamilton Loan fc Trust Company, that a
certain niortirairo noon said land madu by
ono Kobort II. Kllmur, .Ir and wife, for
.fwuuoin invorof said loan and trust com
pany and duly recorded in the, otiico or tho
Uocelverof deeds ,luno2Stli, 18RS. In Hook 7.
at uauo DUO. bo adludired lo havo been full.v
paid, that said mortKaire 1x3 canceled of
record, anu tiiat piatuiiti-8 tiuo to said land
Ih-nuleted as ncnlnst mortiraeo Hen nf said
' erendiiiit,. Tliul as niralnst I no deieni ant
ll.,t.nnM l. T,1...,..,.., ,1... rnl,iii- .i.n..,w nt
liliilntllT's petition asks that his title In said
real estate be estabtlslied as pilor and super
l.t'.iiiuii i.tii.iiuiin, inv iui iiit.ji-
ior as against any adverse, claim or said do
endani thereto ny reason of ih-iiii; the nus
band of one Harriet .1 Fmtmms, a suIim-
iiuent owner of an Intorest In said land hj
liiberltancuos theilau&hteror one .lumas II
lleckwllh. wild diud st (red or said Intel on or
hikhh. tlieSlsi day .f Auttust. W. and Mild
Harriet .1. Lmmnn eonveyintr her inter' st in
said and to PluHitllrs craulor. tho defendnni
not Jolnlnir In snld convey anee. and further
asking tlecreo thai defendant !n bnrred and
estopptd irom huvlnir or clnlmlmr any lu-
erest udveiso to ptaintltcs line tneiein. or
hose eliiltnlniMjr holding by or ibroUKb him
in and to sa il tenl esinte. tuu tliu sa d
alKive named defendants and each of lou are
required to answer said potlllon on or before
Deccmtier 'uib. iw
Dated this zsin day or oc.iober. m
.Tamf II. Knokii. I'lalntlff,
d 2-4 Hy J H Dpnn. Ills Attorney.
Htatoof Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss.
In tho county court November 'st, 1WX).
In the matter of tho estate of Mary Lam
nltiL'li. deceased.
un rendlnif and u line tho petPion or aiary
M. llarrlrnrton. uravlnir that the administra
tion of said estate maybe granted to John
llerrod as Administrator
Ordered. That November SM. nm. at iu
'clock a. ni.. is asilened for hearlne said
putltlon. when all persons Interested in suld
matter mar appear at. a county court lo Is
held In and for said county, and show cause
why the prayer or petitioner should not he
granted. Tills order to Us publl-hed for six
successive Issues In tho North I'latto Tribune
prior to November 22d. IDOU.
w u. lihDKii. uounty .tutiee
Notice for Publication.
Serial-No. 082W.
Department of the Interior.
U. 8. Land Olllco at North l'latte. Nob.
October, aih. IM9.
VnHin tu liorntir clrnn Hint Ptinrt,k li Wit
Itlnson.of North i'latto. Nob., whoon October,
hith. iw)l. mado Homestead ICniry No. 2urK,
Serial No. 0!f3. for north east Quarter ant
south half of southwest quarter, section 20.
mwnshln 13. north. rnnirn Hi. west
... n.i. .t .... i ... i . i .i i n ni...i
nottco of Intention to maku final llvo year
nroof. to establish claim to the and alxiv
doscrllied. beforu tho rcirlster and receiver at
North I'latto. Nebraska, on tho 2Sod day of
December, iwv.
Claimant names as witnesses: u. I'
Mover. Arthur Conner. Carl llroedur. and
L horn ns Zimmerman, all or North l'la'te, Nub,
osu-ti .1 K. KVANs. lleirister
State of Nebraska,
Lincoln County. t-"
In tliu County Court.
Tho statu of Nebraska, to delsees. leira
tees and heirs and to any others inturcstu
in said matter:
You aru huroby notified that an Inst rumor
iiurnorllni! to bo tho last will and testameu
of Mary Ki.Kl.m-i, c'.cceased. Is on lllu In sold
I'ourt, and also a pennon prayim; tor the
probatu of mi Id instrument, and for t ie ap
tKJliilment of Krank It. KtiKland as executor.
Thai on thoiiuthdayof Novemt er. WW. at
o clock a tn said petition and tbu proof
tho execution of said Instrument will bo
beard, and that If you do not then nppoar
and contest, said court mar nrobnto and
record tho same, and trrant. administration of
the estate to I' rani; it. K iicianil.
This notice Hliall bo nub shed for six sue
ccsslvo Issues In tliu North I'latto Tribune
oitoi to said hcarlnir.
Witness mv hand nnd nfllclnl seal this Bll
day of Novemlsir. ml). W. (J. Hi.dkh.
n " uounty .luden.
Department ot tho Intorlor.
United Stales Laud Otllce.
North l'latte. Nebraska.
October Wth.lWJU.
.'-A sufficient contest atllduvlt havlnir been
filed in this olllco by Albert tlreen eonleslant.
acaltiHl homestead enlrj No 2HIH Serial I I130,
mado October tlth. IM lor northeast quarter
southwest quarter, south half nonhwest
quarter, section H. township 14, raniro 27, by
helis of ltlchard O Edwards contes'eo. In
which It is alleged that:
1. The atxivo named claimant In Ills life
tlmo never cultivated any portion of tho
above described land.
2. Raid claimant hover In Ids lifetime es
tablished resldetico upon said laud or resided
3. rtald claimant has wholly failed to live
or reside uikjii said land and has been absent
therotrom for six months and ono day last
4 Pnd absenco from said land was not
duo to claimant employment Iu tne army,
navy or murine corns ot tliu United States,
during any war n which the United States
has been enKAKed.
b Tho said claimant died alxnit two years
aiio and contestant has lvcn unable to find
out whether ho loft any hulrs. Sln'.-e tlio
death of said claimant no ono has resided
upon said land or cultivated any portion or
used any portion whatever for any purpose.
Neither has tlio land been Improved In any
way slnco tho death of said claimant.
Kadi and all of said defects now oxlst.
Said parties aro hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching said
alletratlons at ten o'clock a. m on December
II. I WW beforo the Heulsler und Ueeolver at
tlio United States Land Olllcn In North
l'latte, Nebraska
Tho said contestant havlnir In a proper
afllilMvit, tiled October lit, 1IKM set forth fuels
which show that after due'dlllnence personal
service, of this notice cun. not Imj mudu It. Is
hu e I iv ordered and directed that shell notlco
boulvcu by duo and proper publication.
.1 K. Evans
It 'irNtpr
Htatoof Nebraska, Lincoln County, s.
In ihuCtiunty Court Novemlier 1st,
In tliu matter of tlio estate of Isaac Lamp
laugh, deceased. On readlni; and llllni; tho
petti Ion of Mary M. llattltiKton. praj Itur that
tho administration of said estate may bo
urnnicd lo.tohn llertod as admlnlslraior.
Onh red. That November L-.'nd. IWli. at 0
o'eliH'k a. m , In asshtiit d for lieurtnu said po
tlllon. when all iktsoiis Intcres'ed in said
matter may oppearat a county court, to Ihi
held In utid for said eoumy. und show cause
why the prayerof puililoin r should not bu
granted. This order lo to published for six
successive issues in tho North i'lattu Tribune, , hand and otSclal dual, this 2t)th day of Octob
prlor to Nov. a2nd, iikw. , or.lWt).
n -n W. O. HMJicn. Countr Judtro. ' W. O. Eloer, Couutp Jullpo.
FF.NDANT8. To Ratnnol nell. Kate J. Snell, Sarah
tlratnrh Unaidlati, and lots one, two, three,
four, five, six, seven and u'Rlil In block six
teen, of tho orlilnal city of North l'latte,
Lincoln County, Kubrajka, noii-resldent de
fendants. You and each of you ore hereby notified
that on llio 23th day of October. lWfl, 8.
Olllan. plalnltir In said cause Hied bis petition
In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against you and each of you. tho ob
ject and urayrr of which Is to foreclose a
certain tax lien ution tho property described
as follows, situated In tho County ot Lincoln
and oiaiu ui iiuuriiiHu, iuvii,, miduhu, inu,
three, lour, live, six, seven and cikih in uiock
sixteen, of the original city or mtrin I'taup,
In Lincoln County. Nebraska- Said tax lien
s based unotl a tax salo certllicaio numiier
28IU Issued by tho County Treasurer of Lin
coln Count) iM'iirasKa, on ;ovemier . iwi.
tothu plalntltr herein for toxes levied anu
assessed iiirulnst said premises for the years
18t'4 lo l Inclusive, wiin interest anu penal
ties addid, toether with subs (jueut taxes
ox Id theieoh for thoyears IIWI to HH)8 Inclu
sive awretfiillhtMtiosuin of t'MM) together
lib Interest, therecii at tlie tate or iu per
cent iht aiiiium riom tJCU'ts'r i.
r a nil r nravs ror t h'Croo or r rectosure or
said tax lion and attorney fees of 10 percent
t the amount recovered, and costs or suit,
nd that, defendants Is- icon I red to pay suld
sums, mid In defuult of such paj muni said
premises Is) sold lupny'.he amount round due.
Willi interest an ' penalties ami atiorm.v ices
ud costs, and t int each and nil or bald de
fendant Imj foreclosed of all eaulty of re
demption In and to said premises and for
itch other tullur as may bu Just and KlUH-
Yon arereonlreil to answersnld petition on
orl)-foro t belli li da of Decemlier. iwn,
Dated this sub duv or Uctoher. uw. at
North l'latte, Nebraska-
o.'-4 S. Y OILLAN. I'lalntlff
Hj'Ilo(it,tNti & Hont.ANti. Ills Attys.
Ilerlrnnd lVlls-r. Melvlllu KellsT. Arthur
Vlber, Isaac Kelber, Tilllo IVIljer. Corrlno
elber Shaffer. E. Cut I, belt SchaetTer.
nil hi Irs of August Ketlior, do
ceased. Oliver Crlssey, Marparet Crls-
ssey, Oklahoma Hlblo ,v nook uoncern, a
corporation. Thomas n. ward and nernara
lleer. defendants, will toko notlco that on
tho 21st day of October. 1WW. Union ncalty
Trust Co.. a corporation, plaintiff herein. Hied
Its petition In tho District Court of Lincoln
'outity, Nebraska, airainst said outenuants,
ho object anu prayer or winch aro to quiet
hu title of tho plaintiff In and to tho north
east quarter of section township 13 N..
rant'e 31 West, of tho tlth p. in-, In Lincoln
P unity. Nubraska. In llm said pit In Iff as
tiRttnsiench and allot the defuudHii lereln.
and to exclude each and all of the suld hw
'endants from any Interest, title, claim or
lemand in and losald lands
Von me n oulred to answer said petition on
or beforfthi'lllli dsy o' December. 100U.
Di.teil (let Zlst HH It.
o 2il-4 lly WtMinx fc ItAI MOAN. ItN Attys.
In the mattui o tho estato ot Herman
Ottun, deceased.
In tho dimity unnrt or Lincoln countr. Ne
braska. October lBth, IM9.
Notice is hereby tflven. that tho creditors or
said deceased will meet tho Executrix
of suld estate, boforo tho Uounty JmU'o of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho countr
court room In said county, on tho 13th day of
.iiivcmi'cr. iwi'.nnu un moi.iin aay or aiay,
lido, at 0 o'clock a- m. each day. for tho pur
pose of prosontlnc thelrelalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. 8lx months
aro allowed for creditors to present tholr
claims and ono year for the Executrix to
settle, said estato. from tho 7th day of Beptem-
oer, nun'. Tins nonco to do puoilsticu ror eight
successive Issues In the North l'latte Trlbuno
prior to xNovcmucrt mtn, iwv.
W. O. ELDEn.
nlfl-S (lonnt.y .Tudirn.
Notice To NonUIfbidekt Defendants.
To Adam 11. Klsher and lots one nnd two
lii block elKlityfour of tho original City of
aorui 1'iane, ieurasKa, uerenuants:
You aro hereby notified that on the 8th duv
of October, im S. Y. Olllan. plaintiff In said
cause, illed his petition In tho District Court
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, aaahist you
and each of you, tho object and prayer of
which Is to forecloso a certa'n tax lien upon
the properly described as follows, situated In
tho County of Lincoln and Statu of Nebraska,
to-wlt: lots ore and two In block eurhti'-four
ottlio original City or North l'latte, Nobras
ka, said tax lion Is based upon tax salncertlfl
cate No. 2874 Issued by the County Treasurer
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, on November 7,
it w to the plaintiff herein ror taxes levied and
osessed against said premises for the year
lslK) to 1003 Inclusive with interest and penal
ilesuddi d. together with the subsequent taxes
paid then-oil ror tho years 1P0I to 1PU8 in
clusive, aggregating tho sum nf $110.00 to
gether with Interest thereon at the.
ruto or iu per cent per annum
from the date of llllngsnld petition.
I'lalntlff pravs for deciee of forcclosum nt
said tax llun and an attorney fee ot ten par
cent of tho amount recovered and costs of
suit, and that defendants bo required to pay
said sum, and in dufault of such payment
said premises be sold lo pay the amount
found due with Interest and penalties and at
torney fees and costs, and that each and all
of said defendants bo foreclosed o all equity
of redemption In and to said premises and
for such other relief as may be equitable and
You aro required to answer said petition on
iH'foruthe'J.'nd dayof Novomber, 1V0U
Dated this Bth day of Ociobor. at Nortli
I'latto Nobraska.
,, , P.Y. On,, Plaintiff,
Ily Uoagland It Iloagland, Ills Attorneys.
Road No. 328
Tr nil wlmm It ,nni. n.rt ...-.. .
Tho comml-stonur appointed to locato a
public road, commencing about S. rods east
of the 8. iV. comer of section 31-0-26 and run
Inn thence north about feu rods, thenco north
east about 40 rods around head of canyon,
thencu north about 80 rods, thonco northeast
about 30 rods, thenco north 100 rods, thencu
northeast lo Insliam, Nebr.. on section
211: this road to counect with road No. 210
south of railroad und to bu 40 feet wide, has
reported In favor of tho location of said
road, and all claims for daraatro or objections
thereto must bo tiled In the ofllco of tho
county clerk on or Iwforo noon on the 38th
day of December. "" or such road will bo
established without n f jrencu thereto.
Dated North l'latte. Nebr.. Oct. 26. 1909.
E. It. Elliott.
Countr Clerk.
Department or the Interior,
U. S, Land Olllco at North I'lattu Nob ,
. . . October 18th, IMM.
Serial No. Oiouu.
Notlco is heruby Klven that Alphous Jl.
Wilson, of Maxwell. Nebraska, who on June.
28t h, 11)01, mado II. E. No. 201ltt. Serial No.
O200U, for northeast quarter and southwest
quarter. section 20, township 14 N raniro. 28
West of tho tltti Principal Meridian, has filed
notlco of Intention to make Unal flvo year
proof, to establish claim to tho land above
described, before tho Ueelsterand Keceiver.
at North I'latto. Nubraska. on tho tStbdayof
December. IKJU.
Claimant names as , witnesses: Fred M,
Kusur. of North Platte, Neb.. Ernest. E.
Snkraw. Clinton M York, ot Maxwell. Nob.,
anu Peter K.Sukraw.of Wlllard. Neb.
o .1 V. Evan. ItUtor-
Notice of the Hearing of (he Probate pf
Foreign Will
In tho County Court of Lincoln County.
.to on persons interested in tho
norsons Interested In tbn mliii nt
Wherens. .lennln E. Counselman and Sey
mour Morris, of Cook County, Illinois, havo
(lied In my olllco a petition praylnc to havo a
duly authenticated copy of what purports
to bo ihe last will and testament of ono
Charles Cuunsulman, who died In Cook coun
ty. 111., on or about the 2Uii day ofMarch,
admitted to probate as a rorulen will,
which will pumms la havo been admitted
to probate by Uio. probate court of Cook
county. Illinois, tin or about the 2d day of
May. IMH. whlMi will relates to both real and
jiersonal estate and especially to tlio south
east uuurter of section i'J. townubln l.t nnVii,
franco ai, west of tho Bmb P M iu Lincoln
county, N braska,
, I havo thoreforoappolntcd Monday, tholoth
day of November, lion, at ('o'clock in tlio forv
noon, at tho countr court nmm in tiM
cuunty, as the thnu and placo for the hoartnir
of said petlllott, at which tlmn and placo you
aim an lunuunieu uiai'
nay appear and contest
tne atimittitiffofsald
i win to prouatd as a for-
u un win.
It Is further ordered that said petitioners
Blvo notice to all persons Interested In said
estate, of tho pendency of this putltlon and
tho time and ulacu of tho beurlmr of iim
same, by caushnf a copy of this order io bo
published In the .North i'latto Heml-Weekly
I'rlbuiie, anipaper printed and published
In said c juiiiy, for three weeks successively,
nii, i hit ii mo wfc it i r lien riiiK,
l.i iulii....u I. ... . .