''Don't Forget to Mail the Letter" or bring home the jpwelry your wife, g.ivo junto have repaired,v otherwise y u will get yourself Into trouble. We wish to remind you of both as they ore very important matters. You know you have the quickest and best work done at Clinton's nnd you may just as well take the work homo with you, which we usually manage to get out within a day. Our repair department will set stones or solder your broken brooch, hatpin, etc., within a very short time. You do tho damage, wo do the rest. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. Phono 338. Wc wnnl Your Repair Work 8 DRS. BROCK & CROOK, I DENTISTS. W Over First National. Phono MS Mrs. II. C. Brock will bo hostess to tho Birthday Club Monduy afternoon. Tho Indian Card Club will meet with Mrs. J. F. Clabaugh next Tuesday afternoon. Mrs. T. C. Patterson will entertain the members of t e Birthday Club at her homo tomorrow afternoon. Wanted A competent girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. W. II. McDonald. Dr. D. T. Qufglcy.was taken over to Wallace today by Arthur Hoagland to attend n boy wuo aa Ills nip broken. The Philathea Club will meet this evening with Miss Vivian Knox, 315 west Third street. Arthur DeWolf and Ruth Norman, of Brady, wore given lugal permission to wed Wednesduy. Percy O'Brien went to Omaha yes terday where he will complete his apprentteeship in the Union Pacific machine shop. Sale Twenty per cent discount on Woolen Dress Goods at The Leader. The five men on trial at Omaha for holding up the Union Pacific mail train near that city, were found guilty as charged yesterday. Colorado Jonathan npplcs $1.75 per box at Wilcox Department store. The wage schedule of machinists in the local ahotis was advanced three cents an hour beginning November 1st. The Btandard pay Is nowforty-ono cents an hour. ' I 400 bushel all metal Corn Crlb3 $4.00 at Wilcox Department btore. i C. F. Scharmann, who is at Battle Mountain, Nov., writes that the mine in which he is interested looks just as good as ever and the stockholders are sanguine that they havea wonder. For Sale-Section 9-10-30. $5.00 per acre, bee U, l-J. bluer. Langford & Bcycrlo sold thirty head of mules this week to a Kearney party. They wero yenrlings and colt and brought $83.50 per head. The animals wore raised by Langford & Beyerlo. Silc Twenty per cent discount on Furs at The Leader. When W. A. Howard docs your tuning you know it's all right. All work throughly gurantced. Leave orders at Newton fl Book Store or at rcsidonco G02 W. Gth St., Phone C27. Sale Dr. Denton Sleeping Gowns will bo found at The Loader. Buys Gaunt Property. I Yesterday Julius Pizcr purchased the II. L. Gaunt blacksmith property on Locust street forty-four feet frontage, for $3,000. Mr. Pizer is confident that Locust street will become a good busi ness street in the future, and he ex- Cects at some time to erect a two-story rick block on the site. Locust street is the main thoroughfare from bridge to bndce and will no doubt become one of the main thoroughfares of the city. Sunday Dinner at Enterprise Bakery. Oyster Soup Roast Chicken Cranberry Jelly Roast Veal Dressing Mashed Potatoes Brown Gravy Baked Sweet Potatoes Waldorf Salad Olives Pickles Celery Cherry Pie Apple Pie Lemon Pie. Fruit Salad and Whipped Cream. Price 35c For Rcnk-A 412 East Third. barn, M. V. Mitchell, Tho Episcopal ladies will hold their annual lair nnd BUppur at tho Masonic hall next Wednesday evening. You can got h good supper for twenty-iWo cents ;nt tho Masonic hall on Wednesday evening of noxt week. Wantod-'A girl for general house work. Apply to Mrs. Fred Marti, 121 west Fourth streets Weather forecast: Portly cloudy with snow nurries tonigni or oaturuay. Max irnnm temnornture vestordav GO. onu year ago 27; minimum temporaturo this morning as; one year ago X4. Tho time, Wednesday, Nov. 17th, nt 5:30; the place, Masonic hull; the occa sion anuual fair and supper of tho la- die of thQ Episcopal church. or two in town this week visiting his brothers. In comt any with John Builoy ho lett yestoruay lor Lowellen to in vc3tigato n tract of land which he may purchase. Salo-Ono lot of 27-inch Silks, worth $1.25, at 79 cones per yard ut The Leader. Chlof Engineer Schemmorhorn, of Omnhu, was in town n day or two this week, coming hero to confer with the engineers who are making the survey for the double track between this terminal and Julesburg. Men, wc sell tho best $1.00 shirt made in this county at Wilcox Department q tore. "Tho Man on tho Box" was pre sented at tho Keith lust evening to u good-sized audience. The pluy proved a strong one, and Boyd Trousdell and Joan ward as Mis3 Annosly proved to bo as good players as u North Platto audlenco, haa seen in many days. Tho kensingtons given by Mrs. C. F. Tracy and Mis. D, A. DoFord on Tues day and Thrusday afternoons at tho homo of tho former proved vory enjoyable- functions to tho ninety ladies pres ent. A delicious two course luncheon was served nt small tables. The Misses Scrahorn, Payne and Sitton assisted in serving. Tho Rev. II. L. Yargor, D. D., A' . chison, Kansas, will occupy the pulpi. , of tnd L unorun church next Sumta mo.ningiind evening and install u n vV'i.anor. Tho nad e&s to the pas.o. will o! (L'lwered in ill J morning and cu act ot , installation peilormt-tl. The chnigo to the congregation will Lt given In the evening. Tno evening sor vico will be held at 7 o'clock, a hnl; hour eurly on account of tho V. M. O. A. mass maoting. At the Presbyterian church Sunday morning tho pastor will speak on tho theme: "ino untircii anu the Man." In tho ovoninc wo will unite with the other churches in the union services at tho Keith theatre. Buy Douglas Cushion Shoes at The Star. According to the table nrenarcd by the bureau of statistics tho acreage of corn in Lincoln county this year was 50,070. tho average yield twentyrflve buBhols per acre, and the total pro duction 1,401,(750 bushels. Bear in mind that on Nov. 17th at tho Masonic hnll the ladies of the Episco iml church will serve an excellent supper for a quart r. Everyqne is cor dially luvitcd. County Treasurer Langford informs us that all of tho 1908 personal tax ex cept $380 has bceij. paid, and nt tho de linquent tax solo hold November 1st an the realty taxfor 1908 was cleaned up. hia is certainly a good showing for too treasurer oiuco. Miss Jennie Scanncll arrived from St. Louis last evening. Mrs. C. F. Iddings returned yester day from n week's visit in Boulder. Miss Mary Guilliaume has as her guest this week Miss Agnes Jenkins, of Cheyenne. For Rent Furnished rooms. Mrs. Lottie Cronen, 30c west Sixth. Mrs. Ruth Stnnard, of Iowa, is visit ing Mr. and Mrs. Fremont Watts, west or town. Smoko "U. North Platte. P." Specials made in w ' Wanted-Cattle to Winter. Sixty head of cuttle to winter, good sheds, plenty feed and water. Inouiro 'f or address D. G. Tibbies, North Platte-, Nelir. Dr. Morrell, the land man, went to Hershey this morning to close a real estate land deal. C. R. Osgood left yesterday for Jerome. Idaho. Mrs. Osgood and child rcn will remain here until Christmas. All members of the D. of II. arc requested to be at the meeting Mon day night. Business of importance, The American Order of Protection will trivo a banquet and reception to supremo officers of tho ordcrnext Wed nesday evening. Will Huebnor has sold his farm three milc3 south of Hershey for fourteen thousand dollars, which includes this ycar'B crop. Three carloads of Colorado sheep were received Thursday and will be fed for market at the stockyards by the stockyards company. There will bo a splendid opportunity for tho ladies to purchase Christmas gifts at the fancy work booth at the Masonic hall. Nov. 17th. The sale will begin at five o'clock. Don't miss it. Notice to the Public- Notice is hereby given that bids will bo received Mn the office of the County Clerk of Linco n County. Nebraska. for cash rental for tho year 1910 for the use of tho following real estate, south east nuartcr section 14-13-31. All bids to be filed in tho office of the Connty Clerk on or before noon on the 3d ilnv of Tlornmhor. 1909. Dated North Platte. Neb., November 2d, 1909. F. R. Elliott, County Clerk. THE First National Bank, of North Platte, Nebraska. UNITED. STATES DEPbSITARY. Capita! and Surplus $130000. ARTHUR McNANARA, President, E, F. SEEBER0ER, Vice-President, F. L. M00NEY, Cashier. To Catch Your Eye. Wt want to catch your oye nnd bting to your notlco tho fact that to secure tho purest, most exquisitely flavored confectionery you should purchase OURS. Wo uso only pure cono sugar, puro flavoring, extracts, etc. and manufac ture In one of tho cleanest establish ments imaginable. Don't purchase an Inferior product buy oars, and -socuro tho finest-at o higher price. DICKEY BROS., 4Scete fr031 .The 0Id c,olhej Man.. vhJch comej ,0 lh(t Kcith Thealre Mon. Confectionery ana Bakery, j day Evwing of axt week with a strong coeap&ny. With a Monarch Range in the Kitchen there will be true Thanksgiving in the hearts of cook and guests alike. A woman's pleasure in using this perfect range quite equals her pride in serving the.faniily and guests with the delicious food it prepares. Why not make this a Genuine Thanksgiving in your home? Whatever your cooking arrangements may be, you can improve them and you ought to do it. It's not as though it were an extravagance to buy the "best range possible" as a matter of fact you can't afford to use anything else! The Monarch actually does its work with so little fuel that it soon pays back its cost in real money. The things that a man with a Monarch Range in his kitchen has to be thankful for Some features of the Monarch Range that makes the Woman who uses one truly thankful It Pleases His Wife Thoroughly A woman who uses a Monarch Range is more than merely satisfied. She is pleasedenthusiastic about it She appreciates that she has a range far superior in every respect to the so-called "steel ranges" that her friends arc using. It Cooks his Meals Promptly and Perfectly No unexpected delays hecauso "the oven wouldn't heat." No spoiled meals that are usually blamed on the cook when the range is really at fault. Uses so Little Fuel it Pays for Itself Here's the important thing. This makes the Monarch the range for rich and poor alike. It saves Its own cost in a short time and continues to save year after year. It's an investment that yields big returns regularly, long after the principal has been paid back. The Polished Top perfect condition clean and shiny. Nevar requires any stove blackening yet is always in finish without tho use of Most lasting material known Wellsville Steel Body Always retains its splendid stove biacKing or paint. lor rnnge Domes. The Duplex Draft A device found on the Monarch alone which does away with the sifting ashes and keeps the oven unlfoynly heated An Air-Tight Oven With patent non-warping bottom. Seams can" never open up to admit drafts, ashes and dust as in a- so-called steel range. Assures perfect baking which can be done only in an air-tight oven. Lower Warming Closet A convenient storage compartment underneath tho oven. With tho door open it heats the kitchen like a base burner and can't interfere at all with tho baking oven. SOLD BY JOS. HERSHEY, i Locust and Fifth Streets. Phone 15. The North Platte Telephone Co., who purchased the Otralalla Kevstone Telephone Co's. 'lines, are preparing to re-Duiiu the entire system. Manager Warner Is now at Omaha buying material for this Work and as soon as it arrives n large force of men will be put to work and push the same to an early completion. A now switch board will bo placed at central, new phones will be installed and a cable carry all tho wires now in town. It will be a metallic system and instead of yelling into the phone a whisper will do as well and better. He hopes to have the entire line rebuilt by January the 1st. Ogalalla News. Sale Twenty per cent discount on Men's, Women's and Children's Under wear at The Leader. That moisture which we have so long desired arrived today in the form of a snow storm, which was sufficiently heavy to cover the ground notwith standing much of it melted as it fell. THE KEITH THEATRE C. H. STAMP, Manager. Monday, Nov. 15. Gilson and Brownfield offer James Kyle MacCurdy's Great Play, "The Old Clothes Man" -WITH- rierbert DeGuerre and Florence Thompson, SUPPORTED BY A STRONG COMPANY! You'll Like "The Old Clothes Man"-See if you don't. PRICES $1.00, 75c, 50c and 25c. Seat sale starts Satuulay, November 13th, at box office SACRIFICE SALE OF TOWN LOTS. Why go out into tho country to buy residence lots when you can buy tho following cholco residence lots in the West End where they will increase In valuo and always be in demand. Three nice lots in block 17, Town Lot Co's Addition, $350.00 for all three. Two handsome lota op Block 12, Town Lot Co's Addition. $350.00 for both lots, ' Three handsome lota on west Fourth street, sewer in and paid for, $1200,00 for tho thrco. Four choice lota on west Sixth street close in for $400.00, $450,00, $500.00 and $650,00 each. These lota are all closo In, high and dry, do not rcquiro nny filling and oach of them is worth more money than wo are asking for them. Buchanan and Patterson. SCHILLER & CO.'S Hard Water Soap. A soap that lathers quickly and freely, con tains no free alkaline to rough the skin. A splen did soap for toilet and bath. Swiss Rose. A sweet scented glycerine soap. Kepps the hands from chap, ing .8-oz Cakes 10c, 3 for 25c. Bath Brushes, Bath Mitts, Bath Sponges, Bath Towels, Bath Perfumes, Bath Sea Salt. Everything for the Bath. Schiller & Co., FAMILY DRUGGISTS. 1st door north First Natl. Bank DR. ELMS, Medicine, Surgery Together with his Specialcy, Eye, Ear, .Nose and Throat. Your Glasses Carefully Fitted. Office and residence 413 East Fifth St., on ground floor, no stairs to climb, Phone 659. North Platte, - . Nebraska. htm MJ 8 mm -mm iWWWWU A. F. FINK'S Does He Kick? We mean your horse. Does his har ness fit him or does It chafe his back, his breast or any tordnr part that makes him uncomfortable? Then bring him to thiH store when voti buy him new harness and we will fit your horso perfectly wjth light. driving, coach, cart or dray harness We have everything in the line of horse goods at