The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, November 02, 1909, Image 8

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Large, Level, High Lots. Where the Best Residences will be Built in .the
Future. It is the most desirable Addition in the City and the closest to business
Easy Terms.
Semi-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
Ono Year, cash In advance I1.2&
Months, cash In advance to ct
Bntorod at North Flatte. Nebraska, PostofHcf
aauocond claim matter.
Rural Mail Delivery.
To most of ua tho rural letter carrier
is a poraonal unit, a modern conven
ience who pauses at tho gate once or
twlco a day, establishes tho households
contact with tho outside world and
pnssea out of view and out of thought
until tomorrow. But at large tho rural
letter carrier numbers an army of
42,000 traveling more than 1,000,000
miles of road each day and Borving
4,000,000 families. Only when wo con
sider that tho first experimental routo
waB only thirteen years ago and that it
is less than ten years since the first full
county Borvice was attempted, and we
realize with what suddenness this pro
digious growth has been acquired. That
rural carrier does keep abreast of af
fairs is testified to by his flourishing
national association, at which recent
convention P. V. DeGraw, fourth as
sistant postmaster general, reviewed
some of the public benefits resulting
from the establishment of the service.
Looking at tho gain from only tho
financial point of view, Mr. DeGraw
calculated that tho farmer annually
saves $108,000,000 by having his mail
brought to tho door instead of going
once a week to the postofiko. Since
beginning of tho eervico the govern
ment has saved $20,000,000 through tho
abolition of fourth-class officers and
tho star routes. On tho other hand,
tho service costs tho government
$37,000,000 a year, which is $25,009,000
more than it directly yields in revenue.
It ia to bo noted, however, that tho
'system is steadily developing increased
patronage. Bee.
May Demand Increased Wages.
A dispatch from CloyiriarkV d.&M
Saturday oayu: Crisis tfmotiE railway
employes of tho United States, it ia be
lieved in railway circles, is drawing
near. President Loo of tho Brother
hood of Railway Trainmen, and Grand
Master W. F. Stone of tho Brothqrhood
of Locotnotlvo Engineers, returned horo
today from Chicago, where .th.y-Javg
U'cn in cunfavncu with officiate of tbe
Only Six Blocks South of the Court House
on the Main Street of The City . . .
Prices $150 to
Brotherhood of Locomotivo Firemen
and the Onlor of Railway Conductors.
It is believed the conference related to
a demand for an increase in wages, nnd
that soon the matter will bo submitted
in u referendum to tho members of the
vnrlous organizations. It is further
said that a referendum vote now is in
progress among tho 100,000 or more
mcmbors of tho trainmen's and conduc
tor's association cast of the Mississippi
Deaths on Railroads Decreasing.
A decrease in tho number of casual
ties on rnilroads for tho year ending
Juno 30, 1909, is shown by a report
published today by the Interstate Com
merce commission.
During tho year 2,791 persons were
killed and (33,920 were injured on rail
roads, as against 3,704 killed nnd G8,-
9G9 injured during tho previous fiscal
year. This was a decrease of 973 killed
and 5,009 injured. Tho report shows
that tho number of employes killed in
coupling and uncoupling cars and en
gines was 32 per cent less than during
the fiscal year of 1908.
During the three months ending June
30, last, 588 persons were killed nnd
15,307 injured, a decreaso of three in
the total number of persons killed and
an increase of 2,709 injured, as com
pared with tho number repartcd for
for tho samo period a year ago.
During the quarter there woro 817
collisions and 1,283 derailments, of
which 100 collisions and 172 derailments
affected passenger trains. Tho total
damage to cars, engines and roadways
was $1,703,G42. This shows a decrease
of thirty in tho total number of colli
sions, nnd derailments, as compared
with .tho number reported for the same
period a year ago.
Hershey News.
J. W. Abbott reports tho salo of
Boction 2-13-32 owned by Loyjwldt and
Hungorford to W. II. Potter of Grand
Island a( $-J5 per acre.
Mrs. Margarot Eves was shopping in
North PJattc Thursday,
P. A. Anderson will conduct tho
management of tho new alfalfa mill
hero, and A. G, Linden hay charge of
tWmll at Mitchell.
Tho Hallowe'en Social given by tho
Presbyterian ladies Friday evening was
very well attended, tho ludlos clearing
at luast $25.
Miss Pearl Lawrence who attends
the North Platto High school Bpent
Saturday und Sunday with Misses
Regina nrid Ethel Declor.
Piiui Luwrvr Wvrrt to Piator Em!uy.
Big Cash
Office in
Miscs Maud Moore and Ivadell Miller
spent Saturday in North Platte.
O. P. Leister and two automobile
loads of relatives run down to North
Platte for supper Saturday evening.
Some of the Hershey boys attended
tho bronco riding in North Platte Sat
urday. Walter Brown nnd family arrived
from Denver Sunday. They expect to
locate in Hershey.
Mrs. Frank Eshleman returned from
Lodi, California, Sunday where she has
been visiting her mother.
Mrs. L. P. Krong is expected to
return this week. She will be ac
companied by Mrs. Clarence Priddy
who will visit hero a short time.
Henry Christinson returned to Her
shey this morning.
For Sale.
A dairy farm of 680 acres four miles
north of North Platte, two frame
houses and outbuildings, two windmills
and wells, a few fruit bearing trees nnd
shade trees, half mile from school;
seventy acres under cultivation. Part
cash, rcmnmuer in easy payments at
six per cent Interest, or will accept
town property as part payment. For
further particulars inquire or address,
W. K. Coville,
North Platte, Neb.
a North Platte Citizen Knows
.How Sure They Are.
Nothing, uncertain about the work of
Doan's Kidney Pills in North Platte.
There ia plenty of positivo proof of
this in the testimony of citizens. Such
ovidenco should convineo the most
skeptical doubter. Read tho following
Mrs J, T. Hollenbcck, Dewey St,
North Platte; Neb., says: "During the
past two or three years I suffered from
a dull, grinding ache through tho small
of my back directly over the kidneys
and in my limbs and on nccount of it,
1 con a nanny urag myseii around, in
tho morning when I got up there was
an extreme soreness across tho small
of my back nnd it would bo hours be
fore 1 could walk with any degree of
freedom or stand erect. Tho kidney
secretions were also very annoying on
account of thojr Irregularity in pasBBgo
About a year ago when I was feeling
very miserable a friend adviecd mo to
try Doan'e Kidney Pills and I procured
a box at A. F. Stroitz'n drug store. In
a short time, after commencing their
U80 I improved nnd it was not long be
fore I was completely cured. I have
ainco had no return oi kidney trouble."
For Bale by all denlers. Price .00
cent. Fostor-Milbum Co.. Ihtltnft;
New York, sole agents for tho United
Romoaibor tho nurmj Doan'a and
tako rfo othvr.
Odd Fellow's Block.
Ill the mattoi ot tho estate of Herman
Ottun, decoased.
In tho County Court of Lincoln county. Ne
braska. October lbth. I MO.
Notice Ik hereby given, that the creditors of
said deceased: will moot tliu Executrix
of saliJ estate, liefnro tho County Judge of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, at tho county
court room In xahl county, on tho 13th day of
November. I WW. and on lliuKUh day of May,
1U10, atu o'clock a. m. each day, for tho pur
pose or presenting their claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six mouths
are allowed for creditors to present tholr
claims and ono year for the Executrix to
suttle said estate, from the 7th day of Septem
ber. I'M'. This notice to bo published for eight
successive Issues In the North l'latto Trlbuno
prior to Novombort IStli, Woo.
nll'-H County .lm1irr.
Notick To Non-Rkhident IHkknpanth.
To Adam 11, Hsher and lots ono und two
In block eighty-four of tho original City of
North Platte. Nebraska, defendants!
You are hereby noillled that on the 8th day
of October. 1MW S. Y. UUIuii. plaintiff In said
cause, tiled his petition In the District Court
of Lincoln County. Nebraska, against you
and each of you, tho object and prayer of
which Is to foreclose a certain tax Hen upon
the property described as follows, situated In
tho County of Lincoln and Stale of Nebraska,
to-wlt: lots oimi and two in block olghty-rour
of thu original City of North IMatte, Nebras
ka, said lax lieu Is based upon tax salnce rtlll
cote No. H7I Issued by the County Treasurer
of Lincoln County. Nebraska, on Novemlier7.
1101 to the plaintiff herein for tuxes levied and
assessed against said premises for the year
1MH1 to I WO Inclusive wiih Interest and penal
ties uthh d, tniretlicr with the subsequent taxes
paid thereon for the years IWI to WW In
elusive, aggregating tho sum of $111100 to
net her with Interest thereon at the
rate of 10 per cent per annum
from the date of tiling said petition.
Plaintiff prays for decide of foreclosure of
salil lax lien and an utlornev fee of ten tier
cent of the amount recuveted and costs of
suit, and Unit defendant Imi required to pay
said sum, ami in default of such puyineiii
-aid pnnl-is I sod in pm the iimoimt
round uiie 1 h Urn ii si hi d pi miitli s nun h
ioiikj d'l-iinil xsis, him out tneli anil all
il said dcteiuliills be inn ( IhmmI ii all quliy
of redemption In und lo said premise mid
for such other relief as may bo equitable and
Yon aro required to onwer said petition on
before! he V.'nd dayof November, 1WU
Dated this Nth day of October, at North
Platte Nebraska
s. v. oiixan. riuintirr.
lly llougluud & Iloaglund, ills Attorneys.
Notice of the Hearing of the Probate of
Foreign Will
In the County Court of Lincoln County,
To all persons Interested In tho estate of
Charles Couie-elman. deceased,
Whereas, .loiinlo E. Counsolnian and Sey
mour Morris, of Cook County, Illinois', havo
II I id In myolllce a petition praying to havo a
duly authenticated copy of what purports
t lie the last will mid testament of ono
Charles Cotiiiselman, who died III Cook coun
ty. Ill,, on or alkiut the iuth day of March,
1101, admitted to probate as a foreign will,
which will purports to havo been admitted
to probate by tho piobate court of Cook
county. Illinois, on or about the ltd dayof
May, IWI, which will relates to Iwlli real und
personal estateaud especially to tho south
east quarter of section -7 township lit north,
raiuro ill. west of tliu Sixth I' M., in Lincoln
county, Nebraska.
I have therefore appointed Monday, tho 1Mb
day of November, HU'J, at "o'clock In tho fore
noon, at the county court room In said
county, as the time and place, for the hearlnt'
of said petition, at which time and place you
and all concerned may appear and content
tho aiimlttlngot said will to probata as a for
eign will,
It Is further ordered that sold petlllonerH
clve notice to all pel sons Interested In bald
estate, of tho pendency of this petition and
tho time and place of the hearing of tho
same, by causing a copy of this order to bo
mihllshed-ln tho North Platte Semi-Weekly
. Tribune, h ihiwsiinier nrliileil und niibllslieil
ln said counlbv for three weeks successively,
ami mo uuro sot inr bearing.
In witness whereof. I have hereunto set my
hand and olllclal seal, thlsMth day of Octob
er, WW.
W. 0. Eltj'eiii County JuUir&
Per Lot
Perfect Title.
FENDANTS. To Samuel Snoll, Kate J. Snell, Sarah
Ilraugh Guardian, and lots one. two, three,
four. live, six, seven and eight In block six
toon, or tho original city of North l'latto,
Lincoln County, Nebraska, non-resident de
fendant!!. You and oach of you aro hereby notified
that on tho th day of October, UW, 8. Y.
Glllan. plaintiff In said cause Died his petition
In tho District Court of Lincoln County, Ne
braska, against you and each of you, tho ob
ject and prayer of which Is to a
certain tax lien upon tho property described
as follows, situated In tho County of Lincoln
and State of Ncbratka, to-wlt: Lots ono, two,
three, four, five, six, bovon and eight In block
sixteen, of tho original city of North Platte,
In Lincoln County. Nebraska, Said tax lien
Is based upon a tax sale certificate number
2810 Issued by tho County Treasuror of Lin
coln County, Nebraska, on November 7, 1901.
to tho plaintiff herein for taxes levied and
assessed against .Said premises for tho years
1HU4 to UKj:i Inclusive, with interest and penal
ties added, together with subsequent taxes
paid thereon for tho years IWI to 1008 Inclu
sive aggregating tho sum of $215.00 together
with Interest thereon at the rato of 10 per
cent per annum from October I, 1000.
Plaintiff prays for decree of foreclosuro of
said tax lion and attorney fees of 10 percent
of the amount recovered, and costs of suit,
and that defendants be required to pay said
sums, and lu default of such payment said
premises be sold topayMio amount found duo
with Interest ami penalties and attornt-y fees
and costs, and that each and all of said de
fendants tie foreclosed of all equity of re
demption In and to said premises and for
such other relief as may be Just and equit
able. You aro required to answor said petition on
orb-fore thotlih day of December, IW9,
Dated this 2Mb day of Octotier, 11HJ9. at
North Platte, Nebraska.
oM-4 S. Y OILLAN, Plaintiff
lly Hoaolani tc Hmm.ANP. Ills Attys.
llerlrand I'YUier. Melvlllo IVlber, Arthur
l'Vltier, Isaac Kelber. Tllllo Kelber. Corrlno
I'cllei Shaffer. E, I'ull.litil Schueiler.
nil In Irs of August I'ellier. do
ri used Oliver Crlssey. Margaret Crls
ssey, Oklahoma lllble & Hook Concern, a
corporation. Thomas II Ward and Itemard
Hi er, defendants, will take noilco that on
the :11st day of October. 1WW. Union Realty &
Trust Co., a corporation, plaintiff herein, tiled
Its petition In the District Court of L Incoln
County, Nebraska, against Bald defendants,
Ihuobject anil prayer of which aro to quiet
tho title of the plaintiff In and to Ihu north
east quarter of section -7. township 13 N
l angn ai West of the tlth p. m , In Lincoln
Canity. Nebraska, In tho said plrln Iff as
agiinst each and allot the defendaii icreln,
and to exclude eacli and all of the said de
fendants from any interest, title, claim ar
demand In and to said lands.
You ate required to answer said petition on
or lieforn tin mh day of December. IlW.
Dbted Oct 21st HUt).
o 2H-4 Ity Wilcox & II ai moan. Its Attyu.
Serial No. 0177
II. K. :!IMrt
Department of tho Intorlor.
United States Land Office
North Platte, Nebraska,
October , IW.
Asulllclent contest aflldavtt having Iteen
tiled lu this otllcu by Qlddlngs II. J, Heer
lover contestant, against homestead Entry,
No. "15H1, made November 15, IMS. for all of
Section 1. Township Is. Range SO W. of tho tlth
P. Meridian, by Alfonso Slater, Contostee, In
which It Is alleged that said Alfonso Slater
has never established bis residence on said
landithat has ho abandoned the samo for
moro thanBlx months lat past. That bo ban
failed to Improve said tract In anr manner
and has failed to cultivate auy part tnorvof,
Said parties aro bornby notlUod to appear,
respond and offer evidence touching bald al
legation at 10 o'clock a. m. on November IS,
lliiy. before tho Register and Receiver at tl o
United States Land oHlcu In North Platto,
The aid contestant having, In a proper affi
davit, "tiled October i. WW, set forth facta
which show that after duo diligence personal
service of this notice cannot Ih made, It Is
iiereby ordered aim airectea mat sucn not-
lev be givcu'uy auu anu proper pupiioaiton
J- P.
Tho unknown heirs of John Hardan. do
coased will tako notice, that on tho 18th day
of Juno, 1POT. Isaac Dillon, plaintiff, herein
filed his petition In tbo District court of Lin
coln County, Nobraska, against tho unknown
heirs of John Hardan, deceased, tho object
and prayer of which said potltton aro to quiet
tho title of tbo plaintiff In and to tho north M
of tho northwest M and the southwest U of
tho northwest H or section 14, township 14,
north of range 81. west of tho 0th P. M.. In
Lincoln county, Nobraska. and that tho de
cree rendered In said action, bo of tbo samo
force and effect and tako tho placo of a cer
tain deed of convoyanco from tho said John
Hardan, deceased, to V. II. Longley, of said
lands and which said deed has been lost and
destroyed and has not been placed on record
In tbo records of tho County Clerk of Lincoln
County, Nebraska.
You aro required to answer said potltton on
or beforo tho 1st day of Novembor, 1V09.
Dated September 17, 1009.
... Isaac Dillon,
lly Wilcox Ilalllgan. his attorneys.
Serial No. OtKM.
Department of the Interior,
United Statos Land Olllco.
North Platto, Nobraska.
. , Sept. :th. IW.
A sufficient contest affidavit having been
tiled In thif. offlco by Calvin Mather, con
testant, ar,-atnst homestead entry No. ?H34,
made March 'IB, 1U0A, for all of soctlon 8,
township 18 N., rango Si W Bth principal
merldlbn. by Lester M. Strong, contestec,
In which it Is alleged that Lester M Strong,
has wholly ab ndonou said tract for more
than six months lust past: that bo has failed
to cultivate said tract from dato of entry to
tho present time and has placed no Improve
ments thereon excepting a small house which
Is not lit for occupancy. Said parties aro
hereby notified to appear, respond and offer
ovldonco touching said allegation at 10
o'clock a.m. on November, 4, 1WJ0 boforo the
Register and Receiver at tho United States
Land Olllco In North Platte, Nebraska,
The said contestant having, In a proper
allldavlt, filed Sept. 28. Mm. sot forth facts
which show that after duodlllgunco poraonal
service of this notice can not bomauo. It Is
hereby ordered and directed that such notice
Im given by due and proper publication,
nt- W. H. O. WoonnnnoT. Hecelvor,
Department of the Interior.
United States Laud Olllco,
North Platte, Nobraska.
October lHth.lVOO,
A sufllclcnt contest allldavlt having boon
tiled In this olllco by Albert Onion contestant,
against homestead entry No UMi Serial VM0,
mudti OctoborUth, 1W0 lor northeast quarter
southwest quarter, south half northwest
quarter, section H, township 14, rango m, by
heirs or Richard O. Edwards contestec In
which It Is alleged that:
1. Tho above named claimant In bis lire
time nover cultivated any portion of tbe
abovo described land.
'J. Said claimant never In his llfo time es
tablished rcsldenco upon said land or resided
8. Said claimant has wholly failed to llvn
or reside upon said land and has been absent
inereirom mr six months ana ono day last
4. fiald alisenrn from sulri linrt s nnf
due to claimant employment In thu army,
navy or marine corps of tho United States,
during any warm which tho United states
nas noon engager),
6 Tho said claimant died about two yoars
ago and contestant has been unablo to find
out whether bq loft any bolrs. Since the
death or said claimant, no one baa resided
upon said land or cultivated any portion or
used any portion wbatovor for any purpose.
Neither bau thu land boon Improvvd in any
way nco tbo death of said claimant.
bach and all of said doreota now oitst.
Said parties are hereby notified to appear,
respond and offer ovidenco touching Bald
allegations at ton o'clock a, m- on December
II, 1100 li fore tho Register and Receiver at
i no united states Land otuco in Norm
Platte, Nebraska,
The said contestant having In a Drouer
allldavlt, Hied October la. im set forth facts
which show that after duo diligence perronal
service of this notice pan not bit madt it U
ho i y ordered and directed that such ntntco
be irtvutt by aw tju vrvytujoiu.