FAMOUS DOCTOR'S 9 PRESCRIPTIONS EASY T"J- , i wiimi i i ii m iwmiMiiiiiiiiiiw.iniiiiii.iiim.miKi.il m.i- iiiKuimiiMMinwi mniiin I , I i 0) - Wm L I1 1 AP1BS ILLltiTMTOMBYMY Mlffi orfAicr not by A.c.mvLuaa co. SYNOPSIS Tho story opens' with tlm shipwreck of the stcitmur on which M'm Ofnovlevo Leslie, nn American heiress, Iord Wln thropo, nn KiiKtlshumn, tuul Tom Blnke, n tmisquu Amurk-nn, wero passenRera, Tlio three, wero tossed upon' nn uninhab ited Island nnd wero tho only onos not drowned. Blnko recovered from a drunk nn stupor. Illako. shunned on tlio boat, because of hla roughness, beenmo a hero as preserver of the helpless pair. Tho KiiKllalunan wna nulns for tho hand of Miss UjbIIo. Illalte started to swim back to tho ship to recover what was left. Uluke returned safely. Wlnthropo wasted his last mutch on a cigarette, for which ho was scored by ninke. Their first moal was a doud llsh. Tho trio started a ton mllo hlko for higher land. Thirst at tacked thctn. make was compelled to carry Mlsa IxsHo on account of wcnrl nosfl. Ho taunted Wlnthropo. They en tered the JunKlo. That tilelit was passed roostlnp IiIkIi In a tree. The next morn InC thoy descended to tho open nRaln. All three constructed lints to shield them selves from tho sun. They thon toasted on cocoanutH, tho only procurable food. Miss Leslie allowed a lfklncr for Illako, but detested his rouchnens. T.ccl by Blake they established a home In some cliffs. Ulako found a fresh water sprlnc Miss resile faced nn unpleasant situation. They planned their rampalKn. Ulako re covered his surveyor's magnifying glass, thus insuring fire. lie Btarted a Junclo fire, killing u large leopard nnd smoth ering several cubs. In tho leopard's cav ern they .built a small homo. They gained tho ollffn by burning tho bottom of a treo until It fell ngnlnst tho heights. Tho trio secured eggs from tho Cliffs. Miss Ieslle'n whlto skirt was decided upon ns n slgnnl, M'ss Lesllo mrtilo a dress from tho leopard skin. Hlako's ef forts to kill nntelopes failed. Overhear ing a conversation between Dlakn nnd Wlnthrope, Mlns Leslie became fright ened. ' wlnthropo becnmo lll with fover. Blnko was poisoned by a tlsh. JucltnlK nttnckod tho camp that night, but were driven off by Genovlove. Illako returned, nftcr nearly dying. Ulako constructed un animal trap. It killed a hyena. CHAPTER XV. Continued. "Mr. Dialed" fiho exclaimed, "Mr. Wlnthropo is going oft without a word; but I can't onduro It! You liavo no right to send lilm on such an er rand. It will ltlll him!" Ulako mot her Indignant look with a sober sturo. "What If It docs?" ho said. "Bettor for him to dlo In tho gallant sorvlco of his fellows, than to sit horo and rot. Eh, Win?" "Do not troublo yoursolf, Miss Genevieve. I hopo I shall pull through all right. If not' "No, you shall not! I'll go mysolf!" "See hero, ivilss Leslie." said Ulako, somewhat Btornly; "who's got tho re sponslblllty qf kooplng you two allvo . for tho next month or so? I'vo been In tho tropics boforo, nnd I know something of tho way pooplo havo to Mvo to get out again. I'm trying to do my best, and I toll you straight, if you won't mind mo, I'm going to mako you, no matter how much it hurts your feelings. You nco how nico and mcok Win takes his orders. I ox- plained matters to him last night" "I nssuro you, Ulako, you shall hnvo no causo for complaint as to my con duct," muttered Wlnthropo. "I should llko to observe, however, that in speaking to Miss Leslie " "There you aro again, with your everlasting talk. Cut it out, and got busy. To-morrow wo all go on a hlko to tho rlvor." As Winthrono started off, Hlako turned to Miss Leslie, with a good untured grin. "You sco, it's this way. Miss Jen- ny " ho began. Ho caught her look of disdain, and his faco darkened. "Mnd, oh? So that's tho racket!" "Mr. Illako, I will not hnvo you talk to mo In that way. Mr. Wlnthropo Is a gentloman, but nothing mora to mo than a friend such as any young wom an" "That settles it! I'll take your word for it, Miss Jenny," broke In Illako, and nprlnging up, ho set about his work, whistling. Tho Jiirl K'AzcA at his broad back and orect hoad, uncertain whether sho should feel rellovcd or anxious. Tho moro sho thought tho mattor over, tho more uncertain sho became, and tho moro sho wpndorod at her uncertain ty. Could It bo posslblo that sha was becoming Interested In a man who. if her ears had not deceived her But do! That could not bo posslblo! Yet what a ring thero was to his volco! so clear and tonic after Win thropo's prociso, modulated drawl. And hor countryman's firmness! Ho could ho rudo f ncod bo; but ho would mnko hor do wiiat ho thought was best for hor health. Was it not posslblo that sho had mlsundorstood his words on tho cliff, and so inis Iudgcd wronged him? that Wln thropo, so oagor to stipulato for her hand But then Wlnthropo had moro than confirmed hor dread Jul conclusions takon from Illako's words, and Wlnthropo was an English gentloman Sho ended In a state of utter be wilderment. CHAPTER XVI. The Savage Manifest. 3 WINTHROPB had suc ceeded in dragging him self to and from tlio head land without a collapso, tho following morning, as soon ns tho dow was dry, Ulako called out all hands for tho ox podltlon. Ho was in tho best of hu mors, and Hhowed unexpectod consid eration by presenting Wlnthropo with Uncertain Whether She Should a cane, which ho had cut and trlmmod during tho night. Having sent Miss Lesllo to fill tho whisky flask with spring water, ho dropped thrco cocoanut-shcll bowls, a ploco of meat and a lump of salt Into ono of tho enrthenwaro pots, and slung all over his shoulder in tho onto lopo skin. With his bow hung ovor tho other shoulder, knlfo and arrows in his Wit, and his big club in his hand, he looked ready for any contin gency. "We'll hit first for tho mouth of tho river," ho said. "I'm going on ahead. If I'm not in sight when you como up, pick a treo whoro tho ground la dry, and wait." "But I say, Blnko," ropliod Wln thropo, "I sco auimnls over in tho cop pices, nnd you should know that I am physically unable " "Nothing but nntolopo," interrupted Blnko. "I'vo seen them enough now to know them twico as far off. And you can hot on it they'd not bo thero if any dnngerous beaat was in smell ing distance." "That is so clever of you, Mr. Blako," remarked Miss Leslie. "Slmplo onough when you happon to thluk of it," responded Blnko. "Yes; tho only tiling you'vo got to look out for'a tho ticks In tho grass. They'll keep you Interested. Thoy bit mo up in groat shape." Ho scowled at tho recollection, nodded by way of emphasis, nnd was off llko a shot, Tho edgo of tho plain beneath tho cliff was strewn with rocks, among which, even with Miss Losllo's help, Wlnthrope could pick his way but slowly. Before thoy woro clear of tho rough ground, thoy Baw Blako disappear among tho man groves. Tho ticks proved loss annoying than thoy had apprehended after Bhiko'8 warning. But when thoy npproachod tho mouth of tho river, thoy woro alarmed to hoar, above tho roar of tho surf, loud snorting, such as could only bo made by largo animals. Fearful lost Blako had roused and angered somo forest beast, thoy veered to tho right and ran to hide behind a clump of thorns. Wlnthropo sank down ex hausted tho moment thoy renched cover; but Miss Lesllo crept to tho far end of tho thicket and poorod around. "Oh, look, hero!" sho cried. "It's a wholo herd of elephants trying to cross tho river mouth whoro we did, and they're being drowned, poor things!" "Elephants?" panted Wlnthropo, and ho dragged himself forward l.csldo hor. "Why, bo thoro aro; qulto a drovo of tho boasts. Yet, I must say, thoy appear smaller ah, yes; boo their heads. Thoy must bo tho hippos Blako saw." "Thoso ugly creatures? I onco saw somo at thu zoo. Just tho same, thoy will bo drowned. Somo aro right in tho surf!" "I can't Bay, I'm sure, Miss Gone vlovo, but I havo an Idea that tho beasts are qulto at homo in tho wa- Feel Relieved or Anxious. tor. I fancy thoy enjoy surf bathing a3 keenly ns ourselves." "I do bellovo you nrc right. Thero is ono going In from tho qulot wator. But look at thoso funny Httlo ones on tho backB of tho others'!" "Must ho tho baby hlppoB," replied Wlnthropo, iudifferontly. "If you nlcasc. I'll tako a null at tlio flask. I am very dry." When ho had half emptied tho llask, ho ntrotched out in tho Bhado to doze, But Miss Lcslio continued to watch tho movements of tho 3iiorting hippos, amused by tho ponderous nntics of tho grown ones In tho surf, and tho comic nppearanco of tho barroMlkc Infants as they mounted tho backs of their obeso mothers. Prcsontly Blako camo out from among tho mangroves, and walked across to the beach, a fow yards uway from tho hugo bathers. To all ap pearances, thoy paid as Httlo attention to him as ho to them. Mtsu Lesllo glanced about at Wlnthrope. Ho was fast asleep. Sho watted u fow mo menta to seo If tho hippopotami would attack Blake. Thoy continued to lg noro him, nnd gaining courage from tholr indifference. Bho stepped out from behind tho thicket, nnd advnnccd to whoro Blako waB crouched on tho bench. Whon sho camo up, sho saw besldo him a heap of oysterB, which he was opening in rapid nuccossion, "Hello! You'ro just In tltno to help," ho called. "Whoro'B Win?" "Asleep behind thoso bushes," "Worst thing ho could do. But lend a hand, and wo'll Bbuck thoso oyHtors boforo rousting him out. You can rluso thoso I'vo oponed. Fill tho pot with wator, and put them In to soak." "Thoy look very tomptlng. How did you chanco to find them?" "Saw 'em on tho mangrove roots nt low tldo, first tlmo I nosed around here. Tldo was well up to-tlny; but I managed to got theso all right with a Httlo diving. Only trouble, tho skeots most nto mo allvo." Miss Lesllo glanced at her coin pan lon'u dry clothing, nnd camo bnck to tho oysters themselves. "These look vory tempting. Do you liko them raw?" "Can t say i llko tiiem much any way, as a rulo. But if I did, I wouldn't eat this moss raw." "Yes?' "This must be tho dry Beuson hero, and tlio rlvor is running mighty clear, Just tho tmmo It'a nothing moro than liquid malaria, Wo'll not cat theso oysters till they've boon pastourized." "If tho water is bo dangerous, I fear wo will suffer before wo can roturn," ropliod Miss Leslie, and sho held up tho flask. "What!" pxclaimed Blako. "Half gone already? That was Wlnthropo." "Ho was vory thirsty. Could wo not boll n potful of tho rlvor water?" "Yes, when tho obb gets strong, If wo run too dry. First, though, wo'll mako a try for cocoanutH. Let's hit dut for tho nearest grovo now. Tho main thing la to keep moving." As he spoke, Blake caught up the pot and his club and started fpr tho thorn clump, leaving tlio skin, togothi er with tho meat and tho salt, for Miss Lesllo to carry. Wlnthropo was wakened by n touch of Illnke's foot, nnd nil thrco woro soon walking away from tho seashore, Just within tho shady border of tho mangrove wood. At tho Ilrst fan-palm Blake stopped to gnthor a ntunboT of lenvos, for tholr pnlni'loaf hats wero now cracked nnd broken. A Httlo farther on a ruddy antolopc, with lyrnto horns, leaped out of tho bush boforo them nnd Unshed off toward tho river before Illako could string his bow. As it In mock cry of his lack of roadinoSs, n troupo of largo green monkeyB sot up a wild chattering In a treo nbovo tho party. I say, Miss Jonny, do you think you can lug tho pot, If o go slow7 It isn't far now. "Good for you, Httlo woman! That'll glvo mo n chnnco to shoot quick." They moved on again for a hundred ynrda or moro; but though Blako kept a sharp lookout both above and below, ho Baw no gamo other than a fow snmll birds and n pair of blue wood- pigeons; When ho sought to creep up on tho latter, they flew Into tho next treo. In following thorn, ho camo upon a conical mounu or unru day, ucarly four foot high. "Hollo; this must bo ono of thoso whlto nnt-hllls," ho said, and ho gnvo tho .mound n kick. Instnntly a tiny object whirred up nnd struck him In tho face. "Whco!" ho exclaimed, springing back nnd Btrlking out "A hornot! No; it'B a boo!" "Did it ating you?" cried Miss Les lie. "Sting? Keep back; there's a lot moro of 'cm, Sting? Oh, no; ho only hypodormlckcd mo with n red-hot darning needle! Shy around hero. Therc'B a wholo swnrm of tho Httlo dovlls, nnd they'ro hopping mad. Hear 'cm buzz!" "But where is their hivo?" asked Wlnthropo, as all thrco dVow back be hind Uio nearest bushes. "Guess tlioy'vo borrowed that ant hill," replied Blako, glngorly flngorlng tho whlto lump which marked tlio Bpot whero tho bco had struck him. "Wouldn't It bo delightful If wo had como houey7" exclaimed Miss Leslie. "By Jovo, Hint really wouldn't bo half bitd!" chimed in Wlnthropo. Maybe wo can, Miss Jonny; only we'll need a flro to tacklo thoso buz- zors. Guess it'll bo us well to let them cool off a bit also. Tho coconnuta nro only a Httlo way ahead now. Hero; glvo mo tho pot." Thoy Boon camo to a smmII grovo of cocoanut palms, whoro Blako throw down his club und bow nnd handed his burulng-glnss to Miss1 Leslie. "Here," ho Bald; "you and Win start a lire. It's early yet, but I'm think ing wo'll nil bo reudy enough for oyster Btow." "Haw nbbut the moat?" asked Miss Leslie. "Keep that till later. Hero goes for our dessert," Selecting ono of the smaller palms, Blako spat on his hands, and began to climb tho slondor trunk. Aided by previous experiences, ho mounted steadily to tho top. Tho dcflcent was mado with oven moro caro and Bteadl nesB, for ho did not wish to tear tho skin from IiIb hands again. "Now, Win," ho said, as ho nonrod tho bottom and sprang down, "leavo tho cooking to Miss LcbIIo, and husk somo of those nuts. You won't moro'n huvo time to do it boforo tho stow 1b ready." Winthropo'B responso was to draw out his ponkhifo. Blako stretched himself nt onso In tho shade, but kept a eritical eyo on his companloiiB. Al though Wlnthrope's lingers trembled with weakness, he worked with u pre cision nnd rapidity that drew a grunt of npprovnl from Blako. Presently Miss Leslie, who had been Htlrrlng tho stew with a twig, throw in a Httlo salt, nnd drew tho pot from tho lire "En nvunt, gontlomen! Dinner is Borved," sho called gayly. "What's that?" demanded Blako, "Oh; sure. Hold on, Miss Jenny, You'll dump It nil." Ho wrnppod a wisp of grass nbout tho pot, nnd illlod tho threo coconnut bowls. Tho stow wna boiling hot; but they llshod up tho oysterB with tho bamboo forks that Blaku had carved Homo days since. By tho tlmo tho oyutorfl woro eaten, tho liquor in tho howl was cool enough to drink, Tho process was repeated until tho pot had been einptlod of its contents "Say, but that was something llko," murmured Blako. "If only we'd had pretzels nnd beer to go with It! But theso nuts won't bo bad." When thoy finished tho cocoanutB, Wlnthropo asked for a drink of wa tor, "Would It not bo best to keep It un til lator?" replied MIhs Lesllo, "Sure," put in Blako. "We've had enough liquid refreshments to do any ono. If I don't look out, you'll both bo drinking river wator. Just boar in mind tho work I'd havo to carvo a pair of gravestones. No; that JlaBk has got to do you till wo get homo. I don't Hliln up nny moro telegraph poles to-duy " (TO OK CONTINUED.) Mrs. Hcnpcck Did you over hear of anything worso than a man who who smokes in tho liouso? Mr. Hcnpcck Yea. A smoking lamp. Ask mo another! Origin of Word "Qlble." Tho word blblo Is dorlvcd from tho Latin nnmo blblla, which was treated as a singular although It comes from tho Greek neuter plural, meaning "Ht tlo books." This Greek dlmlnutlvo was dorlvcd from byblua, or papyrus, tho famous material on which ancient books wero written. Tho title "Blblo" was llrst used about tho mlddlo of tho second Christian century in tho so- called second epistle of Clement (xlv., 2). Laundry work nt homo would bo much moro satisfactory If tho right Starch wero used. In ordor to got tho desired stiffness. It Is usually uoces Bnry to uso so much starch that tho beauty and flnonoss of tho fabric Is hidden behind n paste of varying thlclcnass, which not only destroys tho nppearanco, but also nffocts tho wear Ing qunlity of tho goods. This trou bio can bo entirely ovorcomo by using Dellauco Starch, an it can bo applied much moro thinly because of its great er strength than other makes. Secret of Happiness. I havo lived to know that tho great Bccrot of human hnpplnoss 1b this: Novcr Buffer your energies to stag nate Tho old ndngo of "too many Irons in tho flro" convoys nn untruth you cannot havo too mnny poker, tongs nnd all keep thorn going. Adam Clark. HAvn voir niin.iii.AiNST If no. you will welmmn Perry UitU" liilnklllcr,nlUi iLKouihtmtnnri lipaMiiReRpct, ICqunllynxnlfnrrlu'U tuatl5ui,luiobui:oorfrotblloi. lno,aic, Wo bottloi. Smith So tho will wnB read? Jones Yes; but tho air wns bluo. Mnny who used to smoke 10c clgaw aro now smoking Lowia' Single Hinder utraight Cc. Tho only wny to got something for nothing Is to start a light about it Dr. Plerco l'lcanant l'ellptu remilMo anil Inrlc- tr.ito stimmcli. liver ami linwiils. BUtfur-ooatod, tiny iirauulos, uaur to tako n cacilr. After breaking a $5 bill tho ploccs aro Boon lost We know o no other medicine which lias been so suc ccssful in relieving the suffering of women, or secured so many genuine testimonials, as has Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. In almost eveiy community you will find women who have been restored to health by Lydia E. Pink'ham's Veg etable Compound. Almost every woman you meet has cither been benefited by it, or knows some one who has. In the Pinkham Laboratory at Lynn, Mass., tire files con taining over one million one hundred thousand letters from women seeking health, in which many openly state over their own signatures that they have regained their health by taking Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound has saved many women from surgical operations. Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound is made ex clusively from roots and herbs, and is perfectly harmless. The reason why it is so successful is because it contains ingredients which act directly upon the female organism, restoring it to healthy and normal activity., Thousands of unsolicited and genuine testimonials such as the following prove the efficiency of this simple remedy. Minneapolis, Minn.:" I Avas a great miffcrcr from fcmaTo troubles which caused a weakness and broken down condition of tho HyHtcm. I read ao much of -what Ijydla IS, Pinkham's "Vegetable- Compound had done for other suf tcrlntr women, I folt sure It would help me, and I must Hay It did help mo wonder fully. "Within threo months I Was a perfectly well woman. "I want tills letter mado publio to show tlio bencilts to bo derived from Ijydla U. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound." Mrt.Jolma.Moldan,211fi Second St.NorthMlnneapolis,Miun. Women who are suffering from those distressing ills peculiar to their sex should not lose sight of these facts or doubt the ability of Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Compound to restore their health. FOR PINK EYE i imMgBBTHK OIL SICK HEADACHE Positively cured by theso Little Tills. They also relieve DU tresmfrom Dypcpla,ln tllffcsttou and Too Hearty Hating. A perfect rem edy for Dizziness, Nau sea, DrownlncsR, Had Taste In the Mouth, ConI cd Tongue, Fain In tlio BldO, TOltriD Z.1VEK. TUey regulate tho llowols. Purely Vegetable. SMALL PILL. SMALL DOSE. SMALL PRICE. 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Bold by nil drngglaU and homo uoods bouet or kcut exiireaH paid, by the manufacturer. SPOHN MEDICAL CO, Chcml.U, GOSHEN, INDIAN&" THAT PINETnflTCaB