had one good point Young Quest It seems to mo that yoju don't object to tho inoauultoos Hinging In your room. Old Guest You bet I don't. Why, when tho mosn<ocs aro singing I to can't henr tho glco club practicing on tho piazza. .'- rr " '.ZZVr " - ?' . UIIIU (lUlllllU Willi BU IUII UOIUIU sending their children to Europo4hnt tho little ones are humiliated by other, who havo already been thcro. Every nolf-rcspectlng parent will bo careful dent Injustice; nt tho same time all wrt tr aiiititnt it la rUHMrnn in r n in nvi. I L unseemly hurry Is to bo avoided. Hm nnnnln nr,w, l,n na Dnnn nn n riiii,! rnn tvniif woii nmi nr.nU n fnw tiocnRRnrv French words, ho should bo placed In n stateroom, next to a private bath, nnd sent to Paris. Oth- era fool Hint ho must nnturallv Iobo much at this ago, and thnt tho proper tlmo is bo' -ecu flvo nnd bIx, when as an American ho has reached his maturity. Probably tho Ideal ago Is about four, At four n child can- easily do Englnnd, Franco and Italy, and got homo In tlmo for tho first night at tho opera. Judgo's Library. Tho extraordinary popularity of flno white goods this summer makes tho cnocoorBiarcnamauoroigroaiira- portanco. Doflanco Starch, being froo fmm nil initirin,.n rhnmirnU in thn onlv onn which In rtnfn In use on flno - i or makes hulf tho usual quantity of Starch ndcessary, with tho result of perfect finish, oaual to that when tho ...i Uuuun nu.u uu.t. . Reachlno Life's Goal. If you want to bo somebody In this world you must assort your muiviu- unllty and assort It In tno right dlroc- uon, so tnni may icau to a goai or nonor lor yoursoir nnu uo nn cxnmpio for othorB. Find out what you ought to do, say to yoursolf: "I must do It," then begin right away wltli "I will do It," and keep nt It until it Is dono. Dpn't abuse tho rich; wo can't all bo paupora. Children Like pi s as E r lira It is to pleasant to take stops tho cough so quickly. Absolutely safe too and contains no opiates. All DniKsUU, 25 cent. uosi oi uniiroaas. . . . I IlBt year $50,000,000 WIW spent by 1 . . II 1 .. I. .. TT..I....1 r... - -. - I mo iuuiuuub oi u.u uimeu ouiiea CrOSS U08. IIIO nOragO priCO O. llll1 lies wns uu coma, v oriy-mroo pel wm ui hid wu wre oi uuh. mm iv per COIll Ol yOUOW piUO. UWing 10 tho growing Bcnrclty of sultablo tlnv our, ou.or wouub "ro ooiub ubou iuioi uuiuium. ui iioi10 i.uaurvuuvUB, j n muiiu uuu nun. iuu .uuu, UHirUUlUU UUK HUB. The Fox Who Had oLts His Tall. A'fox caught In a trap escaped with tho loss of his brush. Thorenftor fool- ing hla llfo n burden through tho rldt- cult to which ho waB exposed, he schemod to bring nil other fooxs Into llko condition with himself, that In the common loss ho might tiottor con- coal his own deprivations. Ho ob- somblcd n good many foxos and nub- llcly advised thorn to cut off their tails, oaylng thqy would not only look much hotter without thorn, but would got rid of tho weight of tho brush, which was a very groat Inconvenience, But ono of thorn, Interrupting him, irnld: "If you had not yoursolf lost your tall, my frlond, you would not thus counsol us." Acsops' Fablos. Seek to Thwart Cupid With Money, A young Now Mexican wants to marry a' girl with mouoy enough to liolp him pay for a ranch. A Los Angeles aviator watnB to marry n girl with money enough to Bot him tip In flying machlnoa. Doth of thoao J . 1 1 1...1. Il.nan n..nM ntHn luon IUUIUI )QII UliVs uiuiu uuiui nuo a blggor fool In Uio world than tho f ool who speculates In matrimony Marry the girl for tho girl's own sauo Vnnd fofi.nc; qttier reason under .the j;un. f-t .i-1, ,r''il' J1 . w-, VEST - POCKET RANCH j Crops on Irrigated Farms Almost Miraculous in Productivity. Alfalfa Is a Sure Winner Under Irri gation and Immenso Yields of Bar ley. Rye, Potatoes and Other Crops Crown Profitably. By M. A. DEP.EMAN, Editor of Farm cr8' Voice. For vnnrs thorn linvn hnnn a nnm bfr of Rinnll Irritated farmB In tho mid section of thn west. IvIiik closo the streams whoro prlmitlvo sys- clnB 0f lrrlgntlon havo been followed, Their limitations of wator nnd their Isolation hnvo knnt thnm from bolnc dflilrnblo homeH nnd real ilnvolon- "nt of tho country was possible tin- til. In a largo way, tho government segregated such lands as could bo wa- tored nnd under tho Carey net opened grown on tho little, vost-pockot 1 1 1 ' 1 1 1 ii ii lur KtiLLit uiitni L. i nil uiuua I ranches nro nlmost miraculous m Minlr nrnililntlvltv. Wlirmt often nihH nn lilch nn fill lnmlinln nnd oats 125 IuihIioIh nor ncrn. Alfalfa is a suro winner under Irrigation nnd Immense yields of barloy, ryo, potntoos and ntlinr rrnnn nrn crown wherever tho muglc touch of wntor Is applied. It H hnrd for farmers In tho east to nmnnrnlinnil tlmsn hie vlolds. Thov iln nnt nnnrnnlntn thnt thoso lltor- mmintnln nnlln nrn nfton a hundred fcot deep, waiting for centuries, un- touched In tholr virginity, for modern rrlcntlon methods to unlock tho troas- rn l.mtm nf tl.nlr wnnllh. If tho av- orngo Now Englnndcr or corn bolt farmer woro to visit somo of these places ho would never go back to the - 7 V0n iit0 If tl oy oiu, iniiospitumo conditions, u racy would npply horo tho snmo careful nnu pninstaKing inotuuus tnuy wuuiu ..... ... ii .i.i i moan oi wormng into a uruuRo six months out of tho year In order to struggle urougi inooinors.x mo una, tnnv wntiiii nn tun nntnni nxnmnu cn- -- .. tion or tno saying: tickio uio sou wllh a nlow nnd It will lnuch a liar- vest." Instead of conserving tho soil niui BDondlnK profits on fertilizers thoy would find thoso Irrigated soils ot tllc ntorniountnln region Inoxhnust- ii,i0 Anothor peculiar fact which eastern era unacnunlnted with westorn llfo cannot underBtnnd, is that western ng rlculturnl products tiocd not bo shipped to tho groat commercial centers of tho eilHl UUU IIUUIIIU WliHl 111 UIUUI ll UUU I n market. Onn fanner sold $300 worth of but- nr n vnnr from six fecrub Hereford- Shorthorn cowb with udders about tho Blzo of n dimrt cup. Poultry, eggs, jnnlk. lia, grams, potatoes nnd every nnr.lmi vrtcntntiln crown north of Ma- p - -- I nnn unil D sr.n'H I nn pan lio crown with profit nnd tho local domand is called on tho United States depart nwny out of proportion to tho supply. jnont ngrlculturo to oatabllsh oxper- Rnngo Block hnB fattened on tho hoavy grnss nnd tho nbsonco of sago brush will mnko nn easy job for tho Bottlors in getting crops under cult! vation noxt season. This country, ow lug to its goqd ransc and equablo ell ninto, has boon tho greatest cnttlo country in tho Unltod StatoB. Hun ,im,i- nf iinonr,,iH nf 'iinrai. oniMn and sheep havo boon fattened horo and tho cnttlo baron has been tho lit tle lord of crontlon. Now that Irriga tion has mndo bo much of theso lands nvntlublo for gonornl farming, tho land Is too good to wnato as rnngo nnd tho wlro fonco nnd pormnnent homes nro driving tho rnngo cattlo clsowhcre. BERRIES ALWAYS IN DEMAND Price Makes It One of the Best Fruits to Plant, But It Is Very Hard to Harvest. The' blackberry crop Is In demnnd nt four cents n pound. This prfco mnkcB it ono of tho very best frultw to plant; If ono can got four conts for 11. In l.nMt. nn.l lin.. rtnl 1 n.tnnlnl.l It Him UUU.T 1IIIU IlilD DUII MUlllllUlll 1U1 lit , ... . , . , jmn,nn. I,,, hn nhniilil lm rnrnfnl not ' ' to mnko a mlstnko, for it Is a tcdl- nllu frlf Imrvnnt. vnl If l lnrr-nlv nrnn w,nrn M,n crnwnr rnn hnrvnHt jt with tho help of hla family. An- nlhnr mlRlnkn nm.ln liv miinv In In pinnUng tho blackberry In rich, moist yalloy boIIs. Tho blackberry, to do b08t( wnnts a ,Quorntoly rich upland boh, icop nnd looso, with most thor- ough culturo nnd not too mnny canes Itlll ni.nnmlu flnnlv n Irrlrrn. tion, yot on deep, looso, sandy loams it glvos n most satisfactory crop with thorough culturo nlono. Tho dewberry i giving thoso who planted it grent satisfaction nnd nlso thoso who buy It in tho market. It Is going to bo u favorlto nnd prolllahlo fruit, rlponlng It does two to thrco weeks beforo tno nmcKDorry nnu ueing superior In flavor and succulence It will bo n primo rnvoruo. it is too soft to ship whon fully ripe. There nro Bomo won- dorfully lino blnckborrles and dewber- rlcs not yot Introduced that will cro- mo oxciioment wuou iney no become known. New Crone of Hogs. Tnmworth bows, jx now cross whleh ,1b resulting well at tho Agricultural collogo, Is that of n breed known ns tho Largo Illnck upon I'olnnd China. The Largo Black la nn English bucon breed of vory unprepossessing np- pearanco. Thoy nro long, narrow nnd leggy with onormnus ours. Their worst fault 1b that they nro very hnrd to drlvo or handle bocnuso their oyea .1 x. u, n.tmnlnlnltt 1... . t I i uiu ou n(iiinuiuij iiiuuuii uy lllUlr cars. Tho only placo tho lirge Black la llkoly to find In this country la for purposes or crossing, aa tho puro .brods pobscsb no niorlta sufficient to I" uranL uiBiutiuniK 1,-Hinuiisueu ureeos, CR0P rotation and dairy Cows, with Sugar Beets and Alfalfa, Has Proven to Be an Almost Ideal System. Dairy cowb with n crop rotation of nugar boots nnd alfalfa lias proven to bo an almost Idonl system. A grcntor part of tho food values that tho boot takes from tho soli Is returned by tho alfalfa nnd tho cow. It In n enso of carrying out tho Japanese maxim, which Is: "Tho greater portion of that which I tnko from tho soil Is re turned by nature, tho rest must bo re turned by mo or tho soli will be robbed of its fertility and becomo worthless." A plcco of land upon which nlfalfn "ns uoen grown makes tho best boot i""'1 nnd nlfalfn will produco moro VonnA for pound when fed to n'ry stock thnn uny .other food stuff, tho three branches of farming work l,, l I...J lm"V ,nmrnnntM nurntrnn S 1 1 ,i.nS to tho soil and tho manure from tho y, when nddec to the soil, decays, carbon dioxide formed has a tendency " -o ""b iuuii imunu uuu nsh Constituents Into nvallablo form. Tho mnnuro also forms n hu ,naB wlllc makes tho soil porous nnd B'VPB tho n'r a chanco to circulate through it. This sweetens tho soli a"'l WantlB It; nlso Increnscs Its ca- twdty to hold wator, which is ncccs- snrv 10 uwsoivo mo ioou containcu in tho 8"11 nnd Pt it in nn nvallablo rm or mo pianis use. This Is not a system which calls for an oxtra outlay of money to put it into effect. On tho other hand, it is one which brings money to tho pocket of the farmer evory month In tho year. Tuoao monthly payments credited to tho cow because of her cream chock w' onawo me rarmor to do nis misi osa upon a cash basis nnd thereby innov got moro ror mn money. nut inn rnrmor cmmim inv tun rnw LIf ,"r l,,! lor "k aj ; " V,r"n Ar ....o..it, - ,, ,,,. .,, ,,, ,ll, "t", other by-product of your dairy, upon which to feed them NEVADA EXPERIMENT STATION Considerable Progress Mado In DIs covering Crops and Methods Best Adapted to Conditions. Through tho construction of largo storage reservoirs, and Irrigation v.i.vwu uvu.u . ............ sorvlco Is preparing for agricultural usefulness largo areas of land In tho "rid region, of tho west. As these ln"uB nro largely taken up by settlors from tho older stntes farther cast who '""w "ttlo or nothing about tho dim- CUltlCS they Will lmVO to IllOOt, tho I ,,.. I 'wm"iun bii.o buu.u nmu .ib" "ul i '"b uut tho problems Involved In theso now conditions. A number of such farms hnvo been established and it appoars that tho results of this experimental work will bo of great value One of theso irrigation schemes, known na tho Truckeo-Carson project, b located In western Novnda and cov. ,3B0' 00 ncrca of n-snblo land. Alfalfa, corcnlB and mnny vegetables and fruits can bo successfully grown. But tho peculiarities of tho desert soils and especially their lack of or ganlc matter, mnko farming on theso soils n difficult task for tho Inexperl onced settlor, Tho Truckeo-Carson experiment fnrm wns established on a tract of dos ort land near Fallon, Nov., In tho fnll of 1906, tho United States department of ngrlculturo and tho Nevada oxperi mont station being co-npprntors In Its management. Experiments in crop growing were begun In 1907 nnd tho operations hnvo been grently onlnrged sluco. Considerable progress has been mndo In discovering tho crops nnd inothods host adapted to the condl I !.... Il..,nin. Il.n Avtin.lninnl.il I LIUUM. I1U U)U . lllll V A I1U I 1 IIIUI! Ill I . ... nmi,,t .. nn,v linuim ntwl II will Inlm nnvnrnl vnnrH I rl " to fully dctormlno tho Hold nnd gnr .ton crnnu ntwl tl,n fnHlu wlilMi ran lm mimt nmllliililv cnltlv!iiil nmi llin host mothoda of boII mnnagemont SUCCESS IN ALFALFA SEED Heaviest Yields Are Usually Obtained on Adobe Land, from Slow or Dwarfed Growth. Much speculation exists why west orn farmers do not succood better In nlfalfn need production. Tho heaviest yields, which run up to 18 bdsholB tho acre, nro usually obtained- on ndobo hind, from Blow or dwarfed growth. New nlfnlfa Ib considered host for seed production, ns an old stand has too groat root development, luduc ng too rapid growth which is not con dudvo to seed nroductlon. Two and three-year-old atiinds glvo best results, such may bo obtained from olthor tho flrHt or socond cutting, but tho latter givea moro uniform ripening. Tho Held should bo Irrigated whon In full bloom to glvo tho greatest ylold. More nnd hotter seed la usually to bo had when the plants nro not crowdod. Whon tho aeed Is sown In rowB, bet ter results nro to bo had than when broadcasted, as cultivation can be given and tho crowns of tho plant uro not bo readily Injured. Feed for the Calf. After tho cnlf Is ton days to two weeks old, supplement tho skim milk diet by feeding clovor hay, corn, bats and flax seed. Tho flux seed should flrst bo boiled and then nllowed to cool, when It will settlo Into n Jelly like substance, nnd this Is mixed in small quantities wllh tho milk. BOOMERANG FOR POPULAR USE One Recently Designed by English man Describes Big Circle and Then Returns. The boomornng and Its peculiarities nro generally known, but nn English man has designed one for popular use nnd In this connection thcro Is some thing now to bo said. A rcnturo 1n a large circus now touring tho country is the boomerang thrower. The boom erang when thrown by tho performer describes a clrclo of about 1&0 feet In diameter and returns to tho spot from which It wbb thrown. Tho lllustra tion gives an Idea as to how they may he constructed. They are mado of a strip of wood about half nn Inch thick nnd two Inches wldo and from tip to tip mensuro about 12 Inches. On one end and In the middle they are An Aboriginal Weapon, rounded. Tho prlnclplo of the boo'm crane was understood years ago by the native tribes of Australia, who have long used it ns a weapon. These nntivea are so skilled In its use that they can hit their mark almost every time. HER LITTLE GRAY SQUIRREL Lover of Pets Writes Entertainingly of Small Animal She Tamed Without Using a Cage. A Ipver of pots writes entertalngly about a gray Bqulrrel that sho had tamed without shutting it up In n cage. Sho says, among other things: "Whenever I sat down on tho plaz za stops with a handful of nuts in my lap, my little gray friend was suro to appear. Ono day I saw him hotly pur Bued by another Bqulrrel, which w3 ovldently much enraged. They dart ed from treo to tree, and from branch to 'branch, until my Cracker saw m. when ho Instantly mado n wild leap In my direction, sat down closo bcsldo mo on the steps and hurled vltupera tion at Ills foe. Tho latter dared not come near, and presently slunk away leaving my pot victor. "As his fear woro away, Cracker began to show himself a veritable Oliver Twist; ho was nevor satisfied with tho number of nuts I brought nnd thon I showed him my empty hnnds to convince him thnt I had no moro, ho would jump up on the step nbove mo nnd clnw nt my sleeves, evidently thinking that bushels of nuts might bo concealed in the! folds. "Ono afternoon n friend nttomptei to tnko n photograph of Cracker sit ting on my kneo, but that gentlomnn was so much Interested In the camera that for somo tlmo I could not Induco him to look nt mo. Ho examined tho camora carefully on all Bides, took tho cord which held the cover In his little blnck pnws, and showed a dls position to sit on top of tho case, "I coaxed him to como to mo, but whon the Bhutter of tho camera closed with a llttlo click ho whlskod up tree and chattered nngrlly at us, ns If scolding us for n brench of faith." COIN AND CARD ON FINGER Simple Trick That Puzzles Many After Much Effort, Is Easy for Others. Thla la n slmplo trick that many enn do at tho first attempt, whllo oth ors will fall time uftor timo. It is a good trick to Bpring upon n company casually If you havo nrnc tlcod It boforehnnd. A plnylng card Is balanced on the tip of the forefinger nnd a penny Is placed on top immediately over tho finger end, ns shown In tho'skotch With tho right-hand forefinger and thumb strlko tho edgo of the enrd eharply. If dono properly the enrd will fly nwny, lenvlng tho penny PQlscd on tho finger ond. Thrifty. "I hnvo heard n good many stories Illustrating thrift," romnrkod a Now Yorker, "but tho Janitor of somo now Btenm-hcatod flats told mo ono thnt boat them all. On Sundays tho ton ants havo a great many visitors, and tho jaultor discovered that theso vis itors paid tho tonnnts two cents each for the privilege of taking n hot bath; flvo cents If thoy did not bring their own towels," L,1,0 OF HloTUHti DOOK3. In tlio Land of Picture Hooks Aro open roads and shady nooks, And sandy plnucB by thn sen. And fairy rings 'neath gprcudlnu tree. Thero la n world of girls nnd boys, There nro many tools and toys; Something new when'er ono iooko In tlio Land of I'lcturo Uoohm. Curious children Rather thero I'Tom over sens nnd everywhere. And dress bo queer, nnd strangely play- Uut I know everything they say. Deasts and birds ono never sees Upon our lawns or In our trees, Throng tho slKht. whono'er ono looks In tho Land of I'lcturo Books. CHILDREN LIKE WAR STORIES Teacher Urges Retention of Entertain Ing Tales of Battle In Schools to Interest Scholars. A Chicago school toachor, writing about the nntlonnl peaco congress, recently held In that city, says: "Wo bollovo In peaco, wo all honor tho men and womon who nro devoting so much time to Its real establishment on earth, but to tako from our Bchool books the war talcs which make them bo lntorsting and which do bo much to awaken Uio spirit of patriotism in our children would bo going a stop too far. Tho men who spoko of tho bloodless books should sco our boys when they read aloud or roclto about tho achievements of our array of tho armies of other lands. Could stories of tho greatest scientific achieve monts move them as they do? Let tho war stories stay, oven when peaco has come tho chUdron will bo bet ter for having read tfiem." TOY FOUNTAIN IS AMUSING Water Spouting Up Continuously by Use of Siphon Principle Pleases the 'Children. If tho children of n generation ago wero set down In n nursory of to-day thoy would doubtless bo ovcrcomo with wonder. Indeed, oven their par ents would not understand tho nech- nnlsm of many of tho wonderful top3 that arauso tho youngsters of mod ern America. Among1 theso elaborato playthings Is something now in tho wny of a toy fountain designed by a Missouri man. This device consists of a toy houso with a front yard. In tho center of tho yard, with tho walk Pleasing for Children. 3weoplng around It, la a .fountain vhlch plnys continuously through the iso of tho siphon principle. Tho tank 3 in tho houco nnd tho water which pouts from tho fountain is caught In tho basin of tho lattor nnd Hows back Into tho tank, which has n lift pump attached. Tho siphon, tho prlnclpl of which Is well known, and would havo been understood by tho old-tl nors beforo mentioned, keeps roplen Ishlng tho supply of wator as fast at It flows Its courso. "THERE WERE PLENTY MORE How Miss Smith Was Cruel to a Llttl "Blackboy" Plant Very Common In Australia. Thero Is a common plant 1 Australia known ns the "blackboy and hero Is a story about It Two young American army ofllcon wero visiting In n small Australia! town nnd both hnpponed to moot th sumo young lady. They wero talk Ing nbout her ono evening and om said to tho other: "I think Miss Smith Is a very Bwee girl." ' "Oh, do you," replied his brother "It BceniB to mo that sho Is tcrrlbl, cruel. Why, what do you supposo sh told mo? Sho said sho was riding yes terdny morning, nnd thnt sho was si much Interested watching a parnd that Bho rode right over a llttlo blacl boy and killed It! And when Inskei her If she didn't feel dreadfully abou It, Bho laughed and said; 'Oh, no, shi didn't think It mado any difference there wero plenty more.'" III III PUBLIC LAND DRAWING Lamar, Colo. Tho prlco fixed by tho Colorado Stato Hoard ot LapjsJ Commissioners for land and watch rlghtB, undei tho Two Iluttcs Caroy act project, Southeast of Lamar which will bo allotted by public drawing Oc tober 21st, is $35.50 per acre. Only 5.25 por ncro has to bo paid at tlmo of making entry. Tho sdttlora being permitted cloven yeara' tlmo to com- pleto tho payments. Any adult citi zen of the United States may 11! o on 40, 80, 120, or ICO acres. Final proof may bo mado at tho end of 30 days' residence. Tho soil on this tract la a sandy loam of grent depth and fertil ity. Tho nltltudo Is 4,100 feet Tho growing season 1C0 to 180 days, and tho climate Ideal. A new townslto has been, established and a town lot salo will bo held on October twonty-soc-ond. Ilnth tho land drawing nnd tho town lot sale will be held at tho now townBlto of Two Buttes, which Is reached via Atchison, Topoka nnd Santn Fo It. It. to Lamar, Colorado, from which point transportation will bo provided at reasonable rates." LATER REALIZATION "I don't seo why you mako such a fuss over every llttlo bill I run up. Bo- foro wo woro married you told me yod wero well off." "So I was. But I didn't know it!" TOTAL LOSS OF HAIR. 8eemed Imminent Scalp Was Very Scaly and Hair Came Out by Hand fuls Scalp Now Clear and New Hair Grown by Cutlcura. "About two years ago I was troubled with my head being scaly. Shortly after that I had an attack of typhoid fovor and I was out of tho hospital possibly two months when I first no ticed tho loss of hair, my scalp being still scaly. I started to uso dandruff euros to no effect whatever. I had actually lost hopo of saving any hair at all. I could brush it off my coat by tho handful. I was afraid to comb it. But after using two cakes of Cutl cura Soap and nearly d box of Cutl cura Ointment, tho chango was sur prising. My scalp Is now clear and, healthy as could bo nnd my hair thick er than ever, whereas I had my mind mado up to bo bnld. W. F. Stccso, 5812 Broad St., Pittsburg, Penn., May 7 and 21, 1908." rotter Drug A Chem. Corp., Bolo Props., Bo (tool Poverty and Consumption. That poverty Is a frlond to consump tion is demonstrated by somo recent German statistics, which show that of 10,000 well-to-do persons 40 annually dlo of consumption; of tho samo num ber only moderately well-to-do, 66; of tho samo numbor of really poor, 77; and of paupers, 07. According to John Burns, tho famous Englishjnbor lead er, 90 per cent of tho consumptives In London receive charltablo relief la their homes. Shoor white goods, In fact, any flno wash goods when now, owo much of their attractiveness to tho way they nro laundered, this bolng dono in a manner to enhance their textilo beau ty. Homo laundering would bo equal ly satisfactory if proper attention was given to stntchlng, tho first essential being good Starch, which has sufficient Btrongth to stiffen, without thickening tho goods. Try Deflnnco Starch and you will bo pleasantly surprised at tho improved appearance of your work. The American Cat-Tall. Tho cat-tall of tho American Bwampa Is nlmost exactly tho samo plant as tho Egyptian bulrush. It Is no longer used for, making paper, ns It onco was, hut from Its root Is pre pared an astringent medicine, whllo its stems, when prepared dry, aro ex- cellent for tho manufacture ot mats, chair-bottoms and tho llko. How's This? We otter Ono llimdrnl Dollars Keward for any mm ot Catarrh that cannot bo cured by llall'f Catarrh Cure. ' P. J. CHHN'KY A CO.. Toledo. O. We, tho undereluncil. havo known K. J. Cheney for the bat IS years, and bolk-vo him perfectly hon orable m all business transactions and financially kblo to carry out any obligations made by bis firm. Waluino, Kinnan fc Mahvim, Wholesale DruzxIsU, Toledo. O. nail's Catarrh euro Is taken Internally, acting directly upon the blood and mucous surfaces ot the system. Testimonials sent tree, 1'rlce 75 cents per bottle. Pold by all Druewlats. Talo mil's Family rills for ronstlpatlon. Against Pretenses. Away with nil thoso vain pretcnsoB of making ourselves happy within our selves, of feasting on our own thoughts, of being satisfied with the consciousness of well-doing, nnd of de spising nil nssistnnco nnd nil supplies from external objects. This is tho voico of prldo, not of nature. Hume. A Rare Good Thng. "Am using Allen's Foot-Easo, and can truly say I would not have been without It so long, Imd I Known tho relief It would Blvo my aching feet I think It a rare pood tlilnR for nnyone lmvltiR sore or tired fcot. Mrs. Matilda Holtwert, Providence, It. 1." Bold by all Druggists, 20c. Ask to-day. Appropriate. First Milliner You hnvo designed tho north polo hat? Second Milliner Yes, U will bo a matter of dispute between the put chaser and her husband. j' Drug Store Color. Geraldino My faco la my fortune. Gorabi I can eee tho color of your money.