The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, October 19, 1909, Image 1

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NO 77-
A II A X I'll1 XXI X
A. At
November Attractions.
Manager Stamp has booked a fine
lino of attractions for November, and
there is encugh of them to suit all who
yenrn for amusements. They aro as
November 2d The Houso of n Thous
and Candles.
November 10th Sunny Side of
Box. '
November 16th Tho Old Clothes
November 19th Commencement Day
November 22d A Gentleman from
November 2Glh Fifty Miles from
12tlv Tho Man on the
New Store Room to Let.
20x60 feet for Dry Roods, Clothing
and Shoesi Steam heat, electric light.
Modern up to date front. Ready Nov
ember 1st. R. N. Lamb.
Supper and Play.
The Ladies of tho Maccabees will
servo supper and give a play at the
Lloyd opera houso tomorrow evening.
The bill of faro for the supper will bo
as follows:
Veal Loaf, ' Cold Tongue,
Cold Ham,
Cream Potatoes, Salad?,
Baked Beans,
Broad, Cake, Coffee'.
Following the supper a play, "Tho
Bill Poster's Dream," will be rendered.
Supper tickets 25 cents, admission to
entertainment 15 cents.
Hot Drinks.
Hot boullion 10c, hot malted milk 10c,
hot beef tea 10c, hot chocolate with
whipped cream 10c, hot tomato boullion
10c. Wafers served with all hot drinks.
Stone Drug Co.
Notice to Telephone Patrons.
All persons desiring a correction of
name or street address will pleaso noti
fy chief operator at once, us wo will pub
lish a new directory. . Anyone contm
plating putting in a phone should do it at
this time, bo as to get tho name in the
new directory.
North Plalte Telephone Co.
To Lef at Once.
New rooming house, sixteen rooms,
allimprovements,. including steam heat
and electric lights. R. N. Lamb.
Up to yesterday no applicants for
substitute clerk and carrier at the post
oflice had filed nolice of their intention
to lake examination. This is a position
that s' ems to go begging, although the
pay is thirty cents per hour for the
time employed.
E. T. Casey is improving the ap
pearance of his residence on west
Fourth by having it repainted.
Daily Service on Branch. ! MiflS Evn Christ wcllt t0 Kearney,
Beginning yesterday ri dolly train Sunday to visit friends.
service was inaugurated cn the North i Miss Mabel JcfTcrs returned yesterday
River branch; that is there will bo n from a ten days' visit in Grand Island.
train each way each day. Tho service
will extend through to Northport.
Supt. McKeowh went over the branch
the latter part of last week and after
studying conditions, concluded that tho
trafllc justified dailv service This ad
ditional train will be highly appreciated
by tho people of the valley
Fred Fry returned yesterday from n
visit with friends in Grand Island.
Verne Langford, time-keeper on the
North River branch, spent Sunday in
An additional switch engine of the
stardard class was sent to this termi
nal Saturday and placed in service.
M. K. Biirnum, at one time district
foreman at this terminal, spent Sunday
and yesterday as the guest of Mrs and
Mrs. Geo. T. Field.
Orders for 150 cars of sand from the
ice lako east of town were received last
week, but could not be filled on account
of the bottom of the lako being covered
with water which seeped in through the
The daily consumption of coal by tho
Union Pacific at this terminal has aver
aged 32v tons for the past six weeks.
The stock of storage coal in the local
yards is now twenty thousand tons, but
tho stock is diminishing daily.
John Buckhorn, n Second district
brakeman, fell from a car at Brady
Friday and sustained severo bruises.
Ho was brought to this city on the local,
medical attention given hhn, and wub
then sent to his homo in Grand Island.
Tho ico lake east of town is being
put in shape preparatory to filling it
with wuter from which to harvest part
of the ice needed at this tormina). It
is tho intention of tho Pacific Fruit
Express Co., to put in an artificial ice
plant at North Platte in the future,
but probably not in time to supply ice
for next season.
A local official says that tho tonnage
now passing over the Union Pacific is
greater than during 1907, which was
the record breaking year. Last Sun
day there were fourteen froighta frunri
tno west anu twelve trom tnc.east itao
this terminal. This is one train less
than for tho same "date in 1907, but,
tho tonnage per train Sunday waa much
heavier than 1907.
During the past month or so there
has, owing to heavy traffic, been many
deluyato passenger trains on the Second
district, and Assistant Master Mechanic
Likert has been at Grand Island for
several davs helping to expedite mat
tors. The Third district with its single
track, has fewer delays than tho
Second with its long stretch of double
Leo Grifnes spent Sunday with his
parents and loft fer tho west ycBtorday
J. E. Baker has returned from at
tending the sessions of tho Prosbyteriun
synod. '
Miss Ruberta Hoy came up from
Lexington Saturday to visit friends for
a few days. t
Mrs, Mary Bakor is enjoying a visit
from her daughter, Mrs. Phi'ip Font,
of Grand Island.
Mrs. C. E.Hoffhinc. of Cheyenne, is.
visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. O.
B. Eraser.
Mr. and Mrs. Ray Ray nor returned
Sunday from a viiit with friends it
Nam pa, Iduho.
Mrs. W II. Tanner came up from-
Lexington Saturday to visit her parents.
for a few dys.
P. T. McGeor, now of 'Lincoln, is:
spending this week in town settling up
business affairs.
Mrs H. M. Grimes leaves Thurjday
for Ord. where she will bo n member
of a houso party for n week.
Mrs. VV. A. Gregg will leave tho lat
ter part of this week for an extended
visit with friends ut Greenwood, Ind.
V. V. Hoaghind went to Omaha Sun
day and from there will go to Lincoln.
He will return tho latter part of the
Miss Goodin nrrived from Kentucky
tho latter part of last week and takes
tho position of vocal instructor at tho
parochial school.
Drs. Brock and Crook went to Kear
ney today to attend tho meeting of the
Western Nebraska Dental Association.
They will return tomorrow night.
Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Trotter, of
Bradv, and Mr. and Mrs. Don Hinckley,
of Gothenburg, came up Saturday even
ing to attend ' Tho Man of the Hour."
Dr. N. McCubo expects to leave this
week for Chicago to attend tho national
association of Railway surccons. to
which he has been appointed a delegate.
Miss Carroll, who had been spondinn
tho summtlr'ihiladeTphin,"ai rived Sat
urday and will remain during tins
winter with her brother, Rov. S. F.
Judge and Mrs. J. S. Hooglond, Mr.
and Mrs E. S. Davis and Mrs. S. W.
VanDoran went to Lincoln Sunday to
attend tho s'tuto assembly of tho
Rebekah Degree of Odd Fellowship.
They will nu absent until tho hitter
part of tho week.
THE fact is, Gentlemen, we are showing1 the best
Shoes at $3.50, $4.00 and $5.00 that these prices
ever bought.
'jpHEY aro certainly something more than "Just
. Shoes, " for they were made to our spechl order by
a maker with a reputation for making the best of shoes
E'VE every size, width and shape of last that's
. tiglit, anckpur- splendid shoe service and exper
ience". Vill insure you perfect shoe satisfaction,
- :
Are those who use their own judgment and not hesitate arid procrastinate ,when a(
good opportunity is offered. The big profits in any business or investment are made
by those who BUY AT THE INCEPTION OR BEGINNING of the enterprise who
GETS IN ON THE GROUND FLOOR not by the man who waits until the price
reaches the top, nor the one who takes everyones' judgment but his own although the
party appealed to may not know anything about the proposition in question and per;
haps not much of anything else.
No Proposition was ever Knocked and Atagoriized
more persistently andnvicious.than the Drainage. of the Everglades, and those who pre
fer to get information in lieu of all the proof, indorsement and information furnished by
reliable authorities better not waste their time nor ours.
We are colonizing. 180,000 acres of DRAINED EVERGLADE LAND lying on
the east coast of Southern Florida between Palm Beach and Miami. Rich, deep muck
soil; in fact, there is no better soil in the world, an ideal climate, very profitable crops,
good market, intelligent people, and we are selling this land at a price that does not
bar anyone. U is an exceptional opportunity for a profitable investment or a home to
those who are willing to use their own judgment, and they are the ones that always
The state of Florida is draining this land; and the drainage of the Everglades is
past all question and doubt, and has be come to those who know, another miracle to
this great world of progress.
At the beginning of the drainage of the Everglades, men who were well posted
said if the Everglades land can not be drained you will lose if you buy at $i.ooper
acre; when drained you would be stealing the same" at 100.00 per acre.
If you want to profit by development and the advance in price, buy now and you
will never regret it. We will be glad to give you any further information, and
kindly invite you to call and talk this proposition over with us.
Florida Fruit Lands Company,
W. A. CAUFFMAN, State Agent, Odd Fellows' fitting.
Transients in thu city will find clean,
npatly furnished and heated rooms nt
thu LoMnsters apartments, 315 east
Sixth street.
Tho plate glass windows for the
Lamb new double store building on
North Locust street were received yes-
terday, and the building will bo ready
for occupancy by November 1st.
N. E. Workman, who has been tak
ing treatment for rheumatism at the
Therinopolis, Wyo., hot springs sinco
September 10th, writes that he is much
improved. He expects to return homo
about November 1st. '
Machinist Swartzonhorg loft Sunday
for Kimball to bring back an automo
bile which will be rebuilt at the Le-
Misters' machine shop. Another car
will bu brought dwn from Orchard,
Col,, for the tame purpose.
Mis Gertrude Minshall wishes to an
nounce to tho ladies of North Platte
and Lincoln county that she will open a
Keister Tailoring nnd Dressmaking
School. about Nov. 1st in the Keith
Theatre building where ladies enn mnke
their own tailored suits and dresses
under comnotant instruction. This Is a
branch of tho famous Keister college
of St. Louis, tho largest school of iu
kind in tho world. Tho system used is
ranked among tho best nnd its use en
ables ono to get most graceful lines ami
curves and insures a perfectly fittng
The Presbyterian Christain Endeavor
is arranging for a novel entertainment
Friday evening of thin week. They
have an itinerary that puts Cook'o
tours in tho shade, You can visit the
land of wind-mills und dykes; you max
ever, get a glimpse of that wonderful
princess; tho country of tit and rlco
and flirt with the slant-eyed maidens,
In thu Lmuralu Inlu where they eat
tatio hkiiis arm may maito goo-gnu
eyes ut thu luHoiea und kiss tho Blarney
atone, or vlcu'Versa. Then visit tho
gypsy camp and have your fortuno
toiu ty ineiu nusKy rovers, u it's n
flue tiip all right and you will think mi
too. louritti urn expected to meet ut
Tho Methodist aid society will meet
Thursday afternoon with Mrs. Cham
berlain. The brick work on tho Second ward
school building was completed Friday,
and tho workmen were transferred to
tho Timmorman building.
C. A. Aldrich has filed his petition in
tho district courf praying for a divorce
from his wife on the grounds of un
faithfulness. Tho parties reside at or
near Sutherland.
Will Votnw, captain of tho foot boll
team, is suffering from a severo attack
of sciatica rheumatism in his left hip
H' d leg. It is hoped, however, that ho
will bo in shape for the next game.
While enrouto to tho homo ,of Mrs.
R"bt Weeks in company with Dr.
Dent Saturday, Mrs. J E Weeks was
thrown from tho buggy by the team
running away and sustained a badly
sprained leg.
Ex-senator Sibley, after an experi
ence at night on thu road leading from
the experimental farm to town, thinks
tho people of North Platto ought to
t ine up ns one man and demand a do
c 'nt road.
Bernard Daly, thu eminent Irish
singer anductor, will appear in "Sweet
IiMiisfollen" nt tho Keith December
Ifith or 16th. Mr. Daly is said to bo
thu equal of Andrew Muck or Chuuncey
Mrs. Robert Weeks is in a serious
condition ut the home of J. E. Weeks,
th result following an experience she
had with a tenm which became fright
ened while passing an automobilo on
the South river bridgo n few days pgo.
"Tho Mun of the Hour", pleased a
largo audience at llin Keith Saturday
evening, the play in its entirety prov
ing ono of thu rnout satisfactory ever
given on tho locnl stage. Tho play
portrnys tho story of right over might,
und each-character wits' woll sustained,
Appointments for census enumerators
vill'btrmnde by1 tho district auporvisor.
No examination will be required, but
thu enumerator must of courBO be
qualified to perform thu dtition required,
The iippolntmunt of enumerator for
truiiMportmlutiB gun. W" I "U will probubltba wade
4 upvn rucoBMiummllUfi
Uncle S mi's depot 2M flfih St..
whTe tickets and
,tb DtivtiruiL
Only thrco mil a of tho thirty-two
of the Harriman lines, cut-off between
Onaga and MaryBville, Knns., remain
to lay with rails. Tho lino will bu put
in use by tho 1st of December ut thu
Another automobilo was added to the
North Platto list Thursday when Minor
Hinmnn arrived from Omaha with a
Chalmers-Detroit roadster, a car that
"looks good" to local automobilu
At the mooting of tho Modern Wood
men Thursday ovoning a class of forty
will be initiated. Theso new members
were secured by Stato Organizers
Woodley, Kuster and Nelson, who also
secured largo classes at Hershey and
E. M Bird sold 'o James W. Hiles
228 head of cattle last Thursday for
$9000. Mr, lilies will feed three hundred
head this coming winter. Ho has con
siderable corn nnd plenty of alfalfa
and will try his luck at feeding this
season. Gothenburg Independent
I make n specialty of looking up non
resident owners and buying land for
Lincoln County people. If there is an
thing joining you or in your vicinity
that you wunt, wrlto me.
O. E. Eldeu, North Platto.
C. F. Hall and Nora L. Hall both ol
Pleasanton, wore united in marriagi
by Judge Elder tho latter part of last
wcok. Theso parties wcro divorced
three yenra ago, but patched up their
differences und woro again legally
Tho caso of Strykcr against Markce,
which involves differences in tho HOttle
ment of a partnership, was called in
tho county court Friday morning und
tho taking of evidence continued until
ono o'clock at night. Thu arguments
will be madu November 3d,
Ladies, Huvo you tried "Bempro
Glovino" for tho skin. Wo carry this
elegant toilet preparation. 60 cents
per package. Stonb Dnuo Co!.
In tho game of foot ball at Kearney
Friday botwoen the North Plattohlgh
school und tho Kearney Milltury
Academy thu score was n six to six tie.
Thu North Platte boys put up a good
uamo, but were .conilerubly outclassed
liivthu.matter of "bi'Of,"' tho' uuTtmy,
nya vvum iivmvj wuihuib.
N. E. AriyersonoTMearcTnef prf.
clnct, transacted business in town Sat
urday and made The Tribuno office a
Dennis Kilpatrick and Miss rtessio
Donue, both of Pleasanton, were
unitoJ in marriago by Judgo Elder Saturday.
J. E, Burgncr was
Frlduy attending a
Miller's Protective
which hn is secretary.
In Grand Island
meeting of tho
Association, of
A. P. Rldtre. n former North Plalto
l..ln rll.n.lnll.i. Una a n n .1 n J. ... T .....
store In Chappell, where he has resided
I or several years.
Choice Lots for Sale. 4
I have tun choice lots in Penniston's
Addition for sulu for loss monov than
any othur lots being offered, consider
ing location unu size.'
Also three lots on West Fifth St.
that I can sell at $750 for tho threo, or
win sun separate, rnono zou.
To Judges And Clerks of Election.
Under tho now orlmarv law tho
judges and clerks of elections are ap
pointed uetoro tno primaries, and such
tippohitmont extends to all general and
pcial county elections during tho year.
inu juugus ana ciorks or election
ihut served at tho primaries will there
for bo and nnnear at tho regular Doll
ing placo in there respectivo precincts
)n tno Und day of November, 1009, to
nerve us such iudires and clerks at an
election to bo holdon at such time and
pluco pursuant to law.
Geo. E. Prosser,
Clerk of District Court.
Auction of School Lands.
Notico is hereby given that on tho 8th
day of November, ,1900, at Z o'clock p.
m., ut thu office of the" county treas
urer of Lincoln county, the Commis
sioner of Public Lands and Buiidinga or
his authorized representative, will offer
for lease at public auction, all educa
tional lands within said county '..upon
which forfeiture of contract has been
declured, as follows:
NortheHBt quarter section 36,tovVri
ship 16, range 82. W B. McNoel. p
E. B. Cowlbs. ,
ComtnUaionor Public Lands' & Butldfogs.
, Eftray mK'a t
Token up on section 83-18 29,vbf tho
undoHgnedvho tlfere resides on Oct.
4th, 1909, ona milch cow. rod in color,
with light spots oh euch side above,
shoulders, had on halter and. rope,;,
giving-eomir milk-. Owner is requested
fo cnli, puy tharuo'a und tuko' animal
away, K. SoVSKHA.
?L . ' ' ' ' "