The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 28, 1909, Image 7

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Breaking In Shoes.
Frederick tho Great had tendor fcot
nnd used to havo nu old double who
foroko 1 nnow boots for him. Hoi
weather la a mad thno to break thorn
In. Every ono should keep old shoes
ou trcca for wet and hot emergencies.
False Pretense.
Mrs. Hyup "I was so disappointed
in Dr. Pulloml" Mrs. Hyer "In
what respect?" "Mrs. Hyup "I un
dorstood ho was a great brldgo ex
port, but ho was only a dentist."
Applied Learning.
Sco tho man!
Oh, yes, tho man Is swearing rap
Now ho Is putting his thumb In his
That Is why ho has Btoppcd Bwcnr
4ng; not becauso his thumb has stop
jped hurting.
. How did ho do so? '
Do you not sco tho book on tho
. It 1b entitled "Every Man His Own
Yes, tho man was holdlug it In his
left hand and reading tho Instructions
for driving nails whllo ho tried to fol
low them with his right hand.
Now ho has removed his thumb
from his mouth and is saying somo
mora tilings.
Ha, ha!
Wo should not laugh so heartily had
wo not smashed our own thumb once
or twice.
Wo learn from this that In tho on
ward march of tlmo wo often learn
that from our misfortunes of today wo
glean our joys of tomorrow.
Is not that helpful?
Let uswatch tho man. Mnybo ho
will attempt somo moro hammering
and wo will bo helped even moro.
A small boy's Ideas of brbwnlcs:
"They llvjo In very hot countries.
They "cat with their fingers and wash
their teeth with sand and water. Somo
nro llko savages, hunt for their prey
and they worship Ideals. Somo boys
nnd girls who havo nover scon thoso
brownies think they aro fairies, hut
of courso they aro not."
Tho extraordinary popularity of fins
whlto goods this summer makes tho
cbolco of Starch a matter of great Im
portance. Dcflanco Starch, being frco
from all injurious chemicals, is tho
only ono which is safo to uso on flno
fabrics. It great Btrongth as a stiffen
or makes half tho usual quantity of
Starch necessary, with tho rosult of
perfect finish, equal to that when tho
goods wero now.
Succinctly Put.
"Ho dances beautifully," said tho
summor girl, "but ho hadn't been hero
a week beforo ho was engaged to bo
married. "Ah!" replied Miss Coy
enno; "ho two-steps better than ho
BWo-steps." Washington Star.
A Practical Youngster.
"Why do you think your baby Is
Buch a clover child?" "Becauso," an'
swered tho sensible woman, "ho just
laughs and plays and has a good tlmo
Instead of thinking up Bmart sayings
for us to repeat to tho neighbors."
With a smooth Iron and Defiance
Starch, you can laundor your shirt
waist just as woll at homo as tho
steam laundry can; It will havo tho
proper stiffness and finish, thoro will
bo less wear and tear of tho goods,
and It will be a posltlvo plcasuro to
uso a Starch that does not stick to tho
shnnM htFlttidhraSnaclillst
Don't trust vour eves to nedlars and
traveling graftors. Call on us and wo
will examine your Eyes Free. We sire the I art
fl mntlllfnff nrnro ttl till tlllfMlf trpftt.
Hutosort optical Co., 213 IOUTH IBIh STRf IT
Nebraska Directory
attention. All supplies (or the Amateur strictly
fresh. Send (or entiilomie nnd finishing prices.
ine KUot h r utmpaxtR co
uua iicrf wiiiuilUt uuui
are tho best; Insist on hftYlug- them.
Ask your local dealer, or
European Plan
ltooniH irom ci.uu up mnpie. ucrui uji uuuum.
TvnrmaiTrno all
I 0 16. Willi i E.I1U MAKES
M to H Mtr a iirtcu. Culiur Urns pay.
nianta. ltentKl.rantappIlea. Waalilp
iwij"n. ur trv eirainauon KO m
mu. nnii .or pn uana n mi aoa ontr
v rum
fold tr th Beat Sealers. We will tend to pupils "
teachers on recalpt ot 11 eta. In atarapa, a 15-lnoh, bam
napis.traaacagoaruie. JUHii U. WOODWARD
cu."Tneu;onay men"counouuiuffa, la
n f r- E rt UI iT (ntito Dononn) Dt
VW H B-l I BW VI this jMoVcifc all broken
parts ot mnclitnery made good as now, Welds
cast Iron, cast steel, aluminum, Conner, brassor
any oincr wciai. . u.umuMuu , ci..,, nig.
BERT8CHY MOTOR CO.. Council Pluffa.
Pay Fee Wlion
Established In Omaha 27 years.
Investigate our success, reliability, lion
ftt and honorablo dealing ami off let
whore tho sick uro treated and cured
'REE Symptom Rlunk, Exanilnatlot.
nd Consultation All ailments, no
matter how acquired.
215 S, 14th St., Omaha, Neb, Dfffc
Mfc " mwiiiiM u
Lieutenant Commander Leigh H.
Lieut. Wlllnrd 8. Slmms, as naval aide
Navy Short 1,500 of Sailors Now
Authorized by Statutes.
Fcree Will Not Be Large Enough to
Man New Warships Unless Old
Ones Are Laid Up Injure
Young Officers.
Washington. Tho navy department
Is confronted with n probahlo reduc
tion of tho enlisted forco through fail
ures to ro-enllst on tho part of sea
men and enginemert now in tho serv-
lci, as well ns tho pronounced do-
crase in tho number of now enlist
ments. This condition tho authorities
attrlbuto to tho increasing demand
for modcrnto as well aa high-priced
labor occasioned by tho rising tldo of
business activity throughout tho coun
Tho present authorized strength of
the navy's enlisted for:o Is 44.G00.
The navnl authorities had contemplat
ed urging to congress nn increnso of
5,000 in tho next report of tho depart
ment. It iu questioned whether n
request for oven half tht number can
receive cxccutlvo approval.
At tho present rato or" falling, off in
enllstmcntB nnd ro-cnllstmcnts it 1b
practically certain that there will bo
loss than 40,000 sailormen wearing
Undo Sam's livery on January 1, 1910.
Already tho navy is 1.C00 shy of tho
authorized strength and tho reduction
continues day by day.
According (o tho navnl olllcera,
thoro will not bo n sufficient number
of mon to man tho now ships now
approaching completion without re
ducing tho crows of tho minor cruisers
or putting several of tho older ships
out of commission altogether. Thoy
do not approve of laying up tho now
ships. As fast aB completed they will
go Into commission and Into nctivo
It Is said that oven tho newest shin
when placed "in ordinary" deterior
ates much moro rapidly thnn when at
sea. This Is particularly true of their
engines. Tho only couro open to tho
nnvy is to Bond tho vctoran ships back
to tho navy yard to bu partially dis
mantled nnd laid up until tho stnto
of tho national treasury Justifies fur
thor increaso in tho cost or maintain
ing tho navy and tho projected In
crenso In tho enlisted personnel.
Thoso most hurt by tho enforced
retirement of a part of tho .fighting
forco nro tho youngor officers of the
grndo of captain nnd cwmmnndcr.
Thoro will bo fewer chnnceu lor thorn
to exercise tho commnnd rank that
has boon tho ultlmato aim cf all tho
hard work up through tho grnduB from
midshipman to lieutenant commnuder.
Tho vessels moat likely to bo ro
moved temporarily from tho active list
aro tho veterans Oregon, Indiana, Mas
sachusetts, and lown. This will re
Hovo tho pressuro by reducing tho ne
cessities of tho lino of battle fleet In
tho matter of Beamon by ovor 2,000.
Tho placiug of four or flvo of tho
Parrot Gives
"Don't Cry," Sings tho Bird After All
Danger Is Over Girl Becomes
South N'orwalk, Cone. Caliph, a
parrot owned by Manuel T. Hatch, not
onl"v discovered a lire and sounded an
alarm, but later offered consolation to
tho peoplo of tho house.
"Fire, lire, llro! Pour on water,
pour on wutor!" screamed tho parrot.
It was u frautic expression of tho
bird, but It wbb givon with Buch frau
tic appeal that Mrs. Hatch rushed out
on tho plazu. "Look, look, look!" said
Polly, as ho stood on ono foot and
with the other pointed to tho roof of
tho homo of Georgo A. Whllploy, next
A paper balloon bad landed on the
roof und sot llro to It. Hatch sum
moned the tire department by tele
phone und the firemen were nolo to
Palmer. U. 8. N., who haa succeeded
to President Taft.
smaller crulsors out of commission
would glvo opportunity for furthor
economizing to tho extent of about
1,800 men.
Man Jumps In Front of Train to Save
the Children's Pet Which Had
Wandered on Tracks.
Chester, Pa. At tho risk of his
own life Chnrlcn Doughorty, n young
man of Lelpervlllo, Jumped In front of
nn approaching train on tho llnltlmoro
& Ohio railroad to snvo tho llfo of a
goat belonging to his neighbor, which
had wandered on tho tracks. Seeing
tho animal's danger, Dougherty
grabbed tho goat from tho track ns
tho trnln wnB within n fow yarda of
Tho goat is a genoral pot among
tho children of tho neighborhood, and
knowing that tho llttlo ones would bo
grieved If "Billy" was killed, Dough
orty performed tho daring net.
Twice Fatlwr of Twins.
Cleveland, O. John Rcsolf, 23 yonrs
old, caused much Burprlso in Judge
Philips' court tho other day when ho
said that, although ho had been mar
ried but six years, ho was tho father
of eight children.
"Four of tho children wore born In
two Hots of twins," ReBolf explained
when tho court expressed surpriso nt
tho largo number of children.
Itcsolf applied for naturalization pa
pers. Tho cxninlnors snld they were
proud to mako him n citizen.
Pest Spread
Experts Discover They Are More Dan
nmmtio In .Qnraarl r f n 1 1 Ur n tr
Plague Than Rats.
Washington. Marino hospital hmv
Ico experts who discovered that
ground squirrels aro nn agent In tho
Hpread of bubonic plague on tho Pa
cific coast assert that thoy aro oven
moro Insidious nnd difficult to deal
with than tho rats that for a tlmo
threatened Snn Francisco and tho
other largo cities.
They seem to have becomo particu
larly Infected InContrn Costa county,
nnd If given tho chnnce, It Is feared,
will spread the Infection throughout
tho west.
Tho ground squlrrolB havo been long
n milsanco on tho Pacific coast and at
various times havo caused great dam
ago to crops. Tho 'squlrrolB havo
been regarded as good eating up till
recently, hi tho regloiiB whoro thoy
most abound people havo salted thorn
down In lnrgo quantities for winter,
and havo regarded their meat as u
staple article of diet.
It was discovered during tho earlier
part of tho crusndo against plaguo
Infccted rats In San Francisco, that
tho ground squlrrol could bo Infected
Fire Alarm
put tho blazo out after a stubborn
fight. In tho oxcltomont Miss Nolllo
Trowbridge, a nleco of Mr. Whllploy,
became hysterical, whereupon Caliph
said: "Don't cry, Nellie, dear; It's all
over now."
Keeping Chickens Costly.
Washington. Of chickens young,
aud chickens old, chlckena tondor and
chickens tough, chickens hot and
chlckons cold, Washlngtonlans havo
had enough. Owing to tho enforce
ment of tho now health saultury regu
lations concerning chlckon coops and
barnyards and tho flro regulations,
owners of egg producers In tho city
havo found It moro profltablo to kill
off tholr fowls than to moot tho now
roqulrementH. Ab a result chicken
dinners havo become a fnd with tbo
residents of the national capital.
RO 0 I I
Shah's Missing Pearl Garment to
Go to Miss Anita Stewart.
Europe Has Mystery in Announcement
That American Girl Is to Receive
Mlsolng Troaeure When 8ho
Marries Miguel.
London. Europe has n mystery in
tho announcement thnt Mrs. James
Honry Smith has purchased tho miss
ing pearl robo of tho former shnh for
her daughter Anita. This is a marvel
ous garment composed of thousands
of pearls, and no traco of it can bo
discovered In Persia since tho shah
ceased to rule. Tho story goes that
Mrs. James Henry Smith heard tho
orstwhllo monarch was anxious to din
poso of much of his personal property
In Jewels rntlier than thnt thoy should
go to hts successor, nnd that she
promptly sent nn agent to Intorvlow
htm on tho subject, ns alio desired
Anita to havo some wedding present
tho like of which no brldo of this cen
tury was ovor able to display.
Tho story also Bays that the gem,
tho "World of Light," Is also In tho
posscsslou of tho mother of tho future
princess. This sho proposed to havo
set In tho center of tho amazing tiara
which Is to bo ono of tho scores of
gifts this adoring mother will glvo to
her daughter.
At Tulloch castle, where tho bride
elect and Mrs. Smith nro now enter
tnlnlng Dom Mlguol, tho flanco, there
Is n host of French artists In frocks
nnd millinery designing tho trousseau.
Thoy havo brought with thorn from
Paris oxqulslto silks, satins nnd bro
cades, not to speak of specimens of
priceless laces nnd embroideries, hntB
and cloaks. Mrs. James Honry Smith
nnd her daughter decided thnt they
would not break up their house par
ties by rushing to nnd from Pnrls for
tho trousseau, so thoy nrrnnged to
bring Pnrls to Scotland Instead.
One wholo wing of Tulloch castle
has been set .aside as show rooms.
Mother, dnughter and flanco rim
through every morning to Inspect tho
fresh "creations" which havo arrived,
or to glvo an ordor. Several hours
each day havo to bo given up to fit
ting by tho prospective brldo. Sho
says sho la weary of it and will bo
thankful when tho wedding Is over, If
only to oscapo from tho tyranny of
tho dressmakers, whom Bho considers
veritablo mnrtlnots.
Mrs. Smith Is now moro reconciled
to tho mnrrlago thnn bIio wns nt first
aud sho Is throwing horsoir heart and
soul into tho preparations. According
to present arrangements, tho wedding
Is to tnko place in London. Although
tho rolgnlng house of Portugal haa
been at daggers drawn for years with
tho family of Dom Miguel of Bragan
za, young King Mnnuol nnd tho future
bridegroom nro tho beBt of friends,
nnd It Is expected that tho ruler will
bo present.
Tho brldnl dross is being mndo after
tho stylo of thoso worn by royal
brides with a semi-low cut neck nnd
short alcoves. Loco which belonged
to Mario Antoinette and was pur
chased by tho late James Honry
Smith for his wlfo when thoy wore on
their honeymoon will composo It.
by Squirrels
by tho samo ilea which cuusod tho
Bpread of the bubonic plnguo among
tho rata. Ab early hb 1903 tho caso
of ono mnn wnB noted, in Contra
Costa county, who died of tho plnguo
without having been In any of tho
larger towns, but who wuh known to
havo been hunting ground squirrels.
Sorgt. Rupert llluo of tho marlno
hospital Bervlco noted this case, and
ns other eases dovoloped, simpleton
wiib moro nnd moro directed townrd
tho squirrels. First a boy and several
other men, who had been hunting
them, wore attacked by tho plaguo and
flnnlly nn oxamlnutlon wns mndo
showing conclusively thnt tho Bqulr
rols wero tho hosts of tho plngue-pro-duclng
From thlB tlmo on a wnr was waged
ugalnst tho ground squirrel and now
regular shipments of them uro mndo
to the laboratory of tho marlno hcnlth
service, In Snn Francisco, whero thoy
nro examined ns carefully aa aro tho
rats when there Is u hubpIcIoub out
break of tho plaguo.
Ono hundred and soventy-olght In
footed squlrrols havo been diBcovorod,
and this nlnno shows tho danger tho
hunters run In collecting tho speci
mens. Aged Couple Wed In Boat.
Masslllon, O. Mrs. Auuu' Dovorc,
agod G2, thrlco u widow and for 24
years tho occupant of a canal boat,
has married Jacob Eckert, aged 78,
who tor tho. past eight yoars has boon
an lnmnto of tho Soldiers' and Sailors'
homo in Marlon, Ind. Tho couplo
know each othor years ago, but then
sho would not ontortaln any proposals
of marrlago. A second attempt ou tho
part of Eckert to win tho woman's
love was successful. Tho couplo will
resldo In tho brldo's canal boat. Shu
gets $20 a month rent and ho draws
$20 a month pension from tbo govorn
mont. This tho brldo Bays will keep
them comfortably.
Guards for tho Blind,
London. Through tho Intervention
of tho board of trado tho Great East
ern Railway Company has withdrawn
tno uomand that blind passengers
should bo nccompanlcd by guardians
or required to mako a special con
During tho early days In tho po
rlod of tho growth of tho grain crop In
Western Canada, as well ns throughout
tho ripening and garnering period,
thero Is yearly growing an increasing
Interest throughout tho United States,
as to tho results when harvest Is com
pleted. Thcso mean much to Uie thou
sands ot Americans who havo mndo
thole homes In somo of tho throo Prov
inces thnt form that vast agricultural
domaln,nnd aro of considerable Interest
to tho friends they havo left behind.
Tho year 1000 Is no disappointment
Tho crops ot whent, oatB nnd barloy
havo been harvested and It Is now
snfo to speak of results. Careful es
timates placo tho yield of spring wheat
A Central Canada Farmer Finishing
at 30 bushels per acre, wlntor wheat nt
over 40 bushels, and onto oxcocd CO
bushels per aero. Parley also has
proved an abundant yield. What will
attract tho rending public moro than
volumes of figures will bo tho fact that
thoso who havo boon induced through
tho Influence of tho Govornmcnt to ac
cept of 1C0 acres of froo grant land;
or, by tho persuasion of frlonds to
lonvo their homo Stnto of Dakota, Min
nesota, Iowa, Illinois, Michigan, In
diana, Ohio, Nebraska or tho othor
States from which peoplo havo gono,
havo done woll. Financially, they nro
In a hotter position thnn many of thorn
ovor expected to bo, and In tho mat
ter of health, In Boclnl conditions, thoy
havo lost nothing.
Ono person who hns Just returned
from a trip through
tho Lethbrldgo Dis
trict, whoro wlntor
wheat has a strong
hold with f armors,
"Wo saw somo mag
nlllcont sights. Tho
crops wore, In fact, nil
that could bo desired.'
In a fow years from
now thcso great plains
over whoso breadth for
years r o v o d
herds of
tic, touowlug tho millions of buffalo
that onco grazed their grasses, will
bo n solid grain Hold covering a
torrltory of ovor 30,000 aquaro miles,
nnd very llttlo of It but what will yot
bo worth from $40 to JC0 per aero. Al
ready tho homestead and pre-emption
Innda aro bolng woll filled.
In tho district ot Cnlgury, south, east
and north, which comprises Nnnton,
High River nnd other equally Impor
tant districts, a correspondent of tho
Winnipeg (Manitoba) Froo Press
ouys: (Aug. 21) "Tho grain in this
district Is going to mako somo monoy
for tho fnrmors this year. All the
crop In now crowding along and Is good
on both Irrigated and unlrrlgntcd lands."
Thero nro to bo found thoso who
spenk of a "pioneering" Hfo In west
ern Cnnnda, but as ono mun said, "It
A Specimen Group of Eleva
Many Towns In
this Is pioneering I don't for tho llfo
or mo sco what our forefathers bad
to complain of," Ho didn't know,
though, for tho pioneering of his fore
fathers was discomfort and hardship.
Tho opening up nnd development ot
western Canada, with its railroad lines
to carry ono to nlmost tho uttermost
part ot It, tho telegraph line to flash
tho news to tho outsldo world, tho tel
ephone to talk to ono's nolghbor, tho
dally and weekly mall sorvico which
brings and carrlos lot tors to tho
trlcnda In distant parts; tho schools
headed by collegc-brod and highly cer
tificated teachers; tho churches
manned by brilliant divines; tho clubs;
tho social and rostlvo llfo; what 1b
thero about any of this to glvo to tho
mnn who goes thero to mnko his homo
tho credit of being a ploncor? Noth
ing! Ho might as well bo In any of
tho old middle-west States. In other
,r -BiJEmSSSimmss I City Church
fWTlrYWBHPfflk In C""ral
:lltilitilfflamftt: 'i! Canada
parts of tho world tho production of
whont Is diminishing today; but as It
diminishes Canada's will Increaso;
therefore, it Is safe to predict that In a
fow yenrs from now n lnrgo part of tho
world will bo looking to western Can
nda for its wheat supply, and espe
cially will tho United States. In many
parts of western Canada It is posslblo
to havo n hundrcd-mllo squnro of
wheat, without a break. A wrltor says:
"We wero driven west nnd north ot
Moose Jnw through 20 miles of dead
rlpo wheat, acres of ntoclts and well
worked summer-fallows. Ono of thoso
fields would yield 40 bushels to tho
ncrc, and anothor man had oats that
would yield SO or 100 bushels to tho
aero. In this district wheat will aver
ago 30 to 35 bushels. Tho conditions
Cutting Hit 70-Aero Field of Wheat
wero nover bettor and throughout tho
district tho peoplo aro assured ot n
most prosperous yenr."
It would bo unfair to closo this ar
tlclo without quoting from nn expert
crop-corrcapondcnt regarding tho two
Dnttlotords in Contrnl Saskatchewan,
ou tho lino of tho Canadian Northern
Railway. Writing on August 18th of
tills year, ho says:
"It Is necessary to drivo nbout six or
seven miles out of tho town of North
Dattlcford In order to sco tho best
crops of tho district This morning I
was driven about 20 miles to tho
north and west of tho town and In all
tho drtvo did not sco a poor crop. I
caw ono whoat crop which tho ownor
estimates will yield 40 bushols per
aero, and I bollovo IL"
Ho then crossed tho Sas.
katchowan rlvor to tho South
town, or Dnttleford propor,
and continues his report:
"Conditions nround tho old
town nro as good if not hot
ter than thoso to tho north
oi tho river. This district has much
tho best wheat crop prospect of any
I havo Inspected this year, consid
ering snmplo nnd ylold. Tho wenth
or conditions for tho wholo season
havo been Ideal and tho result Is what
might easily bo termed n bumper crop.
A samplo sheaf brought In from tho
farm of Georgo Truscott was shown
to mo which spoko for Itself. Thin
farmer Is said to havo sixty acres
which will yield 4C bushels per aero.
In stntlng an nvcrago for tho dis
trict ot South Unttloford I would say
that tho wheat will ylold 3G bushels
per acre. Tho oats will yield about
45 and barloy 3G bushols per aero."
A correspondent summing up n trip
over tho Canadian Northern Railway,
from Dauphin to Ilnttloford, says:
"As I inspected tho crops In tho va-
tors That May Bo Seen
Central Canada
rlouB districts 1 found tho farmors and
othor citizens without oxcoptlon
filled with expectant enthusiasm ovor
this year's prospects. No district was
round which could not boast of Holds
of 35 bushels por aero whoat, or CO to
GO bushels por aero oats, and of 40
bushels por aero of barley.'
It is not an unusual thing In many
parts of western Cunada for a farmer
to havo 10,000 to 30,000 bushels ot
wheat. In tho Rouleau district it Is
said that thoro aro soveral farmers
who will havo 20,000 bushels of oats
any many fields will roturn ono hun
dred bushels to tho acre.
It takes an army of mon to handlo
thoWostern Ctinada crop, and It Is es
timated that 30,000 peoplo havo been
brought In this year to asHlst In tho
great undertaking; thero bolng excur
sions from tho outsldo world nearly
oyorv any lor tjip paBt, glj wjjra.