The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 17, 1909, Image 9

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
BunsomrTioN hatksi r. cash In Advance 1 1-55
Months, ctsli In ndvanco Wcm
E;.r. A at North Platte. Nebraska. Poatofllco
an second cUsa matter.
Hogs again reached tlio $8.00 mrtrk nt
S-mth Omaha this week, the bulk sell
in yesterday for $8.05.
Mr. nd Mrs. W. T, Brown write
th-tUliey will return Sundnyfrom their
p olrncted visit In the northwest.
Tho Catholic ladies will hold a social
next Wednesday nt the homo of Mrs.
John Murphy on east Third street.
Tho members of tho M. B. A. will
havo a benefit nt tho Keith picture
show Monday evening, September 20th.
George Mane returned today from
Omiihn where he successfully pnssed
r r
Five full cars of morchandlso of
I a ..linn. Oflhkosh and other towno
v. r- sent out on tho branch train this
School children wavintr 5.000 flairs
win irreot Prosldent Tft upon his nr-
rivdi in umana next monuay auornoon
at fuur o'clock.
All members of tho M. B. A. dosir
b to pay their nsscsBmonts can do
m ly calling on Mrs. Humo nt the
11 r.nur boauinR nouso.
r 5? T.nnilnn. ndvnnco nrronfc for "In
I) -imlnnd," which will bo presented
in rni' K.oit.11 Saturday ovomnu; oi noxi
w. t', was in town yesterday.
SlHrifT MiltonborRor nnd County
f!W'r Hlllntr. Inft tlila mnrnlnir for Wnl-
h.'P, where they will transact business
fo- it day or two. ur course tnoy will
inquire Into political conditions.
Tho will of tho late E H. Harriman
filed at Goshen, N. Y., yestcrdny be
quY'Uhs without restriction all hla real
r I ,-inrannnl nronnrtv to his wlfn. Thn
pp.. -rty is worth botwecn $75,000,000
cii't $iuu,uuu,uuu.
It Edtnnnd Clark, a Bantist min
Uicr nt Wolllleot, filed a complaint
tHH morning HRainst Abncr Butler
c m - nir him with doBturmnir n re
)'ir' is mooting held in tho Baptist
chu h at Woltlcot.
F M. Arnold. Ilvtntr soutn of Max'
wol . is in town totla'y and loft at Tho
Trii mo offleu liberal samples of very
fine s-.vcet potntoes crown by him. He
linn about twentv busholn this eonson.
nnd (i ids u ready oalo for them nt good
Wall street believes u member of the
irntnliate Union Pacific family may bo
i-lo'-ifd president and belioves that that
wir tnav be Julius Kruttschnltt or A.
.. .lohler. KrutHchnitt has been di-
r'0 .n- of ninintenancM and operation
t-ini Mia dav Mr. Harrlmnn brouirt tho
bur nipt nnd and Mr. Mohler loft tho
pro uncy of Mr. Harrlmnn'n Railway
nnd Navigation company to take tho
vicf ircsiuoncv nnd octlvomnnncotnont
of i ho Union Pacific succeeding Ilornce
(1 Hurt, who hold tlio title or pros!
II. J. Ilnnson. tho north sido stock
l' nn, returned thin morning from South
f mahu. whero ho markoted sovernl
.i.i of cattlo. Among tho animals
" .i forty-four lieuil or houors. nvcrnsr
i WJ pounds each which sold for
W i por hundred, which Mr. Hanson
f ir .juers one of tho host sales ho has
iw- nuido. Tho cnttlo wero sold
ihr .unh Burko & Rlckoy, of whlcli
J:rm Uhnrlov liurico formerly or tin
i-'ty a n inombor, nnd Mr. llanson was
extremely well pioasou with tlio wny
thpv handled his stock.
For Sale.
I,nreo nrfifla ouitablo for hancinrr
i' iivy Kates nnd for corners. Also
Mru'tor posts. J, K. Ottenbtein.
A New Shoe
OUR Now Slant Top Women's
Shoo will bo tho Shoo of tho
It is meeting with great
favor nnd it should, for it's
certainly a beauty,
We've several models.
The luntlwrfl uro Patent Colt
nnd Gun Motal Calf.
Kid or Cravenetto Cloth Top.
Short Vamp. Button, Lace or
Blucher cut. Solf supporting
nrch for the Instop.
$3.50, $4, $4.50 to $5.
Refinement and stylo, are
tho characteristics of this New
Shoo nnd it pleases every
Women that sees it.
Sol Hodes.
c WCt i "),' C !:. 2' n ir nai .-''o. It
I Prices
With the approach of Fall the necessity for heavier
Shoes id apparent.
At the same time Fall Shoes must possess a distinct
Style in harmony with the season. Our new Fall
Shoes not only possess these merits, and add to your
general appearance, but will jive you n high degree
of comfort. Come in now, select your Fall Shoes,
nnd be ready for the change in the weather.
$3.50 to $5.00
The Big
Shoe Man
Another Sunday School Convention.
All Sundav school workers of this
city nnd thoso interested nro to meet
1'riuay night, aoptomber 17, In the
Presbyterian church to orgunizo a dist
rict association. This will bo auxiliary
to tho county association. There will
bo a full corps of officers and all tho de
partments will be included the same na
u tho county work.
It is desirnblo that all the workers bo
present so thnt every church in the
city may have a part in this matter and
shnro in the benefit of this orgnnized
effort to build up tho Bible school in
uov. Chr.8. II. Lewis nnd Mum Brown
tho state workcru who wero hero in the
county convention over Inst Sunday will
uo prciont ngnin lor this r rldny night
mcoting. Good things nro promised.
Lot every ono who wilt come.
it. u. l'-AVOniOUT,
President pro tern.
Paid Fifteen Cents a Mile.
A vouni' follow walked un to thn tick
et oflico at the Union Pacific passenger
depot on Tuesday iniornooii and wanted
logo to brand island, iheru was no
train on which ho could travel until Into
that evening except tho Ovetland Lim
ited und this train carries only inter-
state passengers, nnd ustdo from that
ruilmanlnra must be paid und tho lonst
taken for birth rato is two dollars. Tho
fnro to Missouri Valley is $1.55. Tho
young fellow was g'amo und said ho had
to get to G. I. so ho planked down
$0.55 nnd wont to his dostiuution on tho
Ovorlnnd Limited. Fifteen cents a
mile to rido on tho Union Pacific rails.
Keiirnoy Hub.
Select Cliadron.
Tho Nebraska Aerin of Eagles hold
their state convention at Benson Tues
day, elected officers and decided upon
a plnco to hold there next convention
Tho delegates decided to mnke n fight
on threo roforms state autonomy, a
new mcinou ot mauing laws, and a
hotter way ot taking caro ot tuber
culosis victims. Resolutions recom
mending theso changes to the grand
ncrlo wero adopted.
A Shininft Example.
Nebraska is wido awake in tho
matter of providing its H'oplo with
books. Free circulating libraries in
every school district will soon be in
order, because jf u law which conipola
each district to set asido annually tho
sum of 10 cents por pupil of school ngo
for tho upbuilding of a library. This
will yield from $3 u year to an amount
several times ns largo in thn villages,
und in tho smaller cities of tho state,
up to a point whoro there nro 5,000 or
moro pupils whon the compulsory,
fenturo fails to operate. In nddition
to tho smnll libraries that will be built
up hi tlio rural district und small towns
the state traveling library commission
is working in co-operation with tho
school authorities nnd will send ccl
lections of books nround tho circuits of
schools desiring them to supplement
tho homo library. In order that the
stato and county school authorities may
get u right Start in library building,
both in tho choico of desirable books
and in instructions to tho pupils as to
how to uso them, tho county school
institutes nro devoting attention to ex
pert instruction concerning libraries.
Springfield (Mass) Republican.
For Sale.
Pure bred Duroe Jersey hogs,' both
sexes, eligible In registry. Also our
registered herd bonr. All nt reason
able prices. Inquirn of or address
Ulankicnikiiio linos.,
North Platte, Neb.
Public Sale.
On September 18th, 1909. nt 2 o'clock
p. ni. at tho north sido livery barn, I
will offer for snlu a miscellaneous lot
of proporty consisting of horses, ina
ohlnory, wugons, buggies, hnrnes otc.
Terms cash. II. M. GlilMKtf,
Executor otnto of V, A. GnKOO,
Several tcnchorH uro taking examin
ations ut tho county superintendent's
office today.
Nolico for Dids.
Notico is hereby givon thnt scaled
bids will bo received at tho office of
tho city clork of North Plntto, Ne
braska up to fiyo o'clock p. m., Octo
ber 5th, 1909, for tho construction of n
lateral sower, In Sowor District E In
said city according to plana nnd speci
fications now on filo in thn ofllco of tho
city clerk of paid city.
Approximate post of sownr lateral aB
por rooort of city onglneor is ?U03.00.
Local labor to bn cmnloved ns far iim
Certified cheek on loenl bonk of two
por cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired ro insure cntoting into contract.
Satisfactory bond to bo givon when
contract is signed,
Tho muyor and council reserve tho
right to roject any nnd nil bids,
By order of tho city council,
Chas. T. Temple, City Clerk.
High School Students
Should be Supplied With a
A new idea in a self
rilling pen allows tho use of
any ink and will not blot.
Guaranteed to give entire sat
isfaction. Tho price is lower than
others of equal grade
$1.25 and $1.50.
For sale by
Schiller & Co.,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
Docs He Kick?
Wo mean your horse. Doou his har
ness fit him or dooH It chnfo his back,
his breast or any tender part that
miiKos mm uncomiorini)iir men bring
nun to tnis store wnon you nny nun u
now harness and wo will fit jour horso
perfectly with light driving, coach, cart
or dray harnoss. We hnvo everything
in tho lino of horse goods ut
The Long and Short of It
b that it is impossible to mnko a bettor
five cent cigar than the l'orr. st King.
It contains tho llnost tnhnclm and the
most of it thnt the price permit -. Try
n Forrest King today niul tells us what
you think of it. If you throw it away
buforo smoking it down to the Inst puff
wo misH our guess.
Fall Specialties,
. . a
Furniture, Hardware, Stoves, Paints, j
Wc have just received a car of up-to-dnteTFurn- H
iture. We have many nice articles at a bargain. IT
We carry full line of Moulding and make a ?
jcialty of framing" pictures. js;
We are headquarters for Rugs, Linoleum and
Mattings. g
We have the largest, most complete and up-to- S?
date Hardware Stock in the city and can fill all jg:
orders on short notice. ,
Our Fall stock of stoves are here ready for your
inspection' We carry the Jewel and dole's Hot g
Blast Steel and Cast Ranges also Cook Stoves. Ji
We handle the JEWEL and ROUND OAK
hard Coal Base Burners. For appearance and effic- fV
iency of work they are second to none. A$
For soft coal stoves we carry the Retort Oak-?
Magazine Burner, the Original Cole's Hot Blast, the y
Round Oak and Marion Oak. These Stoves have a j
world wide reputation and are the best stoves on the ay
market for the monev. fi;
We carry a complete line of LINCOLN PAINT f&
consisting of outside and inside paints, porch and (?
floor paints, linseed oil, varnishes, oilstain, tintolac,
japalac, glasses and brushes. Tj
Wc ask you to visit our stores and sec If wc
can't supply your wants. ' ff
Workman & Denybeny. 1
of North Platte, Nebraska.
Capital -Surplus
Stockholders' Liability
Guarantee Fund for Depositors $225,000.00
(Not considering quick assets nnd casli resources)
E. F. Scebcrgcr, C. F. McGrew, J. J. Halligan,
F. L. Mooncy, Arthur McNamarc.
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Clio fHato of Nolira.Hl.a, I
Lincoln Countr. f
In tlio County Court.
In tint mnttir of the cstato of Krtl Gels
Icceasnrt. To tlio creditors. In-lnt. Irpntuos nnd
tlii-rs Interested in thn ostatoot Krod Ocld.
in lio notice, that John Uuls has
lied In tho county court a loport of hln
lolmri ns ndmlntnratar ot said ewtato nnd
.t Is ordered thnt tho samo Htand for hrnrlncr
ho iHth day of Suutomhor. A. I). KW, bu
foro thr court at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. n..
at w dull limit nnv tiermin lntiirrsti il mnv nn-
itear and i-M-ppt to and contest thn name. And
notico of ihU liroooedlnj,- Is ordered Klvcn
.11 uio iNorin rintto rribuno for six succcsslvo
Issuuk lirlor to PoptHinhor 18. 1009
Vltni-KH m.v hand nnd tho final of tho count v
court at North I'latto this SOth day ot August
A. li iwu
a w)-t! w. o. nmmt. County .ludco.
no ricrc for rmiuoATioN.
Hurlal No.0US3.
Department of tho Interior.
I'. 8. Land Ofilco at North I'latto. Nob.
Autr 10, wijii.
Notico li hereby ulvon that Wllllnrti II.
Tiitiile of North I'latto, Nob., who, on .July w,
luil, mado homostoad ontry No. 20311. serial
No. 011. for NM8WM. NH SEW and NWW,
section 2H. (ownsliln 12. N. rniuroai. W. of tho
Olh I'rlncllial Moridaii, has filed notice of In
tention to tnnkc mini live year prOo', to
establish claim to tlio land above, described,
boforo tho Itcttl-stor and Hecolvcr at North
I'latto, Nob. oiahoKith day of Oct. 1W.
Claimant names as wltiisssos: John S-'clmr-man,
t'urils I". Illnman. Carl 1 1 rood or, llu&h
fomrer, all of North I'latto, Nob.
a'-n-U J. IC. Kvans. Rciflstor.
Serial No. 02170.
Unlred states Land Olllco,
At North riatio, Neliraskn Hoot, 3. m.
Notico In hereby riven that William Hans
berry, of OarfloUi, Nebraska, who, on July iir,
1WM, mado homestead entry No. 2018'J.
serial No. Oiiru. for cast half southern
(liiarter. section Su nnd west half southwest
dunrtor. Section "I. Townshli 111 N., Range 0
Y.K,or tlio uin l'rliieipal .Merliilan, lias llled
notico of Intention to make linnl II vo year
i proof, to establish claim to tho land alxivo
I described, lioforo tho register nnd rccolor.
at rortu i'latto. ourasKa. on tno utn (lay
of Novcmlxjr. 1W.
Claimant names ns witnesses: Jonas N.
Raslor nnd l'raul; Hoy, of Oarllcld. Neb.,
Ilert. Kilmer and John llayiu of Kllmor, Nob.
b7-0 J. E. Kvans. Register.
Serial No. 01S99.
Doonrtment of tho Interior.
U. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob.
" HeptSA, UHKI
Notico Is hoieby given that VVllllaui
! HanslHsrry, of Carfleld, Neb., who on August
ISth, UWI. mado Uomostoad Entry No- U'Tn,
Sorlal No. U1SV9. tor oast half southoast
quarter section 17, and east halt
' miartor of section tt), township 10 north, rango
! Li) west of tho slxtn principal meridian, ha.s
Elastic Dollars
XXXX Best Flour. ....... I $1.45 per snck
St Louis Flour .' -. v. 1.35 per snck
Purity Flour '. . 1.35 per snck
Gold Crown Flour. . . . v. .... . . . 1.35 per snck
Crenin Flour ,. : 1.15 per snck
Extrn Fancy Flour .'jf.-. . .lvSy-.f 1.00 per sack
Graham Flour, 24 lb. sack!. ; .'. , G5 per snck
Corn meal, 24 lb. sack .T."!T. ..'iW ..55 per sack
Shorts, 100 lh. sack ..,. . . . .V. .'?. .... .,.. . 1.10 per sack
Bran, 100 lb. sack , . .'; .. 1.00 per sack
Lamb's -North Side,
General Practice of Medicine, Surgery' and Lying-in Cases,
together with HIS SPECIALTY
Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat
Your Glasses Carefully Filled.
OOice and Residence 413 E Fifth St.,
on ground floor, no stairs to climb.
Phono 559.
Tlio ONLY non.nnrcotic nntl lawful Pilo Cure, because tho U. S. Dispon
entory siiyn ovory iiujrediimtof LJ-IUJ-SA is "Ruitnblo for tlio purpose for which
it Is sold (Piles) nntl tho snm-j authority condemns tho injurious nnrcotic
(dirm) pilo medicines. Only rullablo, up-to-d.Uo dniKgialH soli E-HU-SA tn
North I'latto: Schiller & C. Stone Drupr Co., up-J McDonnell & Graves.
n3Ir nTULA--Pay When mm
4gP M M FLXi vjjrj aii uccui diseases curea without n surgical
I m A fcTSS oparation. No Chloroform. Ether or other nen-
I MM oral nneasthotlc used. CURE GUARANTRRn
to last a LIFE-TIME, examination free.
PH. C w. TAHRY, 324 Boa Bulldlns, Omaha, Nebraska
filed notice of Intention to mnko dual (lro
yc-nr jiroor. toostabllsli claim to tlio land
lUtovn dtiscrllied, ljforo tlio Krclster and
Kr.cclvor at North I'latto, Nobraska, on tliu
Vtli day of November, 1U0H.
Claimant names as witnesses: Jonas N.
Uaslur and I'rank Hoy, of Ciarllolil, Neb. liort
Kilmer and John llaycsot Kllmor, Nob.
s7 0 J. V.. Evaks. Uetrlstttr.
Notleu Is hereby Klvcn thnt a corporation to
bo known as tho 1' armors Mutual Tolontiono
Company has lieeu lncornoratod under the
laws of tliu state, ot Nubrajka. That thonrln
elpal placu of trans -tctlnir tho business ot said
corporation Is ai North I'latto, Lincoln.
County. Nebraska. Tho ceneral nature ot
the business to Ik transacted by said Tolu
phono Company Is thn construction and oper
ation of a teletihone line and exchancu In tho
vicinity of North I'latto. Nebraska, for tho
mutual ln-nellt of the owners ot tho capital
stock ofsnld rortxttatlon. Tho amount of cap
ital stock nuthorl'ed by said corporation lsS".
000, divided Into ono hundred shares of S0
each tobosubscrllHid and paid for by tlio stock
holders, of which sum more than has
been subscribed and fully Dnld for. Sold cor
poration has further power toJ.ts.suo $1,000 of
jirefertcd stock of tho corporation to bo do
vlded Intoshaiesof Jl'leach, said stock to be
Issued under the direction ot tho Hoard of
Directors upon payment therefor. Bald cor
poration commenced business on tlioiist day
of May. 1W.. and terminates on tho first day
of April. 1K1I. The laigost amount of indebt
edness or liabilities to which tho corporation
Is at any time to subject Itself Is limited to
two-thirds of tho paid up stock of tho coriior
atlon. Hald corporation Is to bo managed by
a Hoard of three Directors and 1'rcsldont.
Vlco President, Hecrelary and Treasurer.
lly Charles llruternltz, President.
O. M, l'cckham. Secretary.
Serial No. U.W.
Doparlment of tho Interior,
U. S. Land Olllce at North I'latto, Nob.
Autr. l. 1WJ.
Notico Is hereby t'l ven that Walter K. Cov
eliof North I'latto. Neb., whe. on Oct. 10. 1107,
mado homestead ontry No. '.3171, serial Np.
U3J5U for KH section I, township II, N, ranco
30, V ot thollth Principal Meridian, has tiled
notico of Intuition to make llnal live year
proof, to establish clulm to tho laud abovo
iles-rllH'd. before the lteulstur and Receiver
at North I'latto, Nebtaska, on tho lUth day
of l)ctol;r. 1WM
Claimant names ns witnesses: Oeowo
Patterson, Dennis linen. Harry Lampluucii,
L. H. Macoml)cr. all of North I'latto. Nob,
.1 E.ICVANH. ilet'lstcr.
Notice Is hereby riven that a corporation
to bo known as the Trl-County Telephone
Company has been Incorporated under the
laws of tho statn of Nebraska, that tho prin
cipal place of transacting tho business of said
corporation Is at rvirlh I'latto, Nebraska,
and tho k'onoral nature of tlio business 10 bo
transacted Is tho counructlou. operation nnd
maintenance ot a telephone and tolecraph
system In tho city of North I'latto and sur
rounding country.
Tho authorl7ed capital stock of said cor
poration Is JlO.Oini common stock, and s."00
preferred slock: that tnoro than 81,000 of l.l.u
common stock bus been subscribed and paid
for by the stock holders, and tho remainder of
said common stock and the preferred st-k
Is to be Issued under tho direction of tho
Hoard of Directors upon tho payment there
for by tho suhscrlbwrs- The time for tho
commencement of saltl corporation Is May il,
1WA, and hahl corporation terminates llfly
yoais Lrom said date. Tho blithest amount
of Indobtediiescrfi or lliMlltles to which said
corporation Is at auy Mine to be subject shnll
not exceed SO percent, of the rapattalstoi 1. of
said corporation, exclusive of the profurrrd
stock Issued.
Said corporation U to bo manaKed by a
Hoard of live Directors und u President. Ice
Piesldent. Serii iiy und Uetieral Manacer,
lly Chsrlotf Hroteiultz, President.
V. V- Hoaiflapd, Secietary,
Stato of Nebraska, Lincoln county, ss
In tho county court, September l.'lth. 1109.
In tbo matter of tho estate of Herman
OtUMi, deceased.
On roadlm; und llllnc the petition of Eliza
beth Otteu, iiraylnu that tho Instrument
llled on tho 7th day ot Beptombor, 11W, and
putiiortlnir to Ixuho last Will and Testment
of tho snld deceased, may bo provud. ap
Pioved, probated, allowed and recorded as
tho last Will and Testament ot tlio t.aid
Herman Otu-u, .ai il, and that tho execu
tion ot said Iiistru'tient may 1 commltteil
and the admtnisti .11 i-m of ald estate nmy
bo granted to El.abeih Otten, a Kxecutrh
Ordered That Oct tth, HW, at Uo'clock A.
M., U ' 1 heaiiner sa.d petlli"ii
win n all pt in. ills luterrsfd In su.d
matter may appear at a county conn,
to bo held n and for said comity,
and show cause why tho prayer of pe'
tlonor should not bo (.'ranted. This order to
lie published In 1I10 North I'latto Trlbnno a
Soml-Weoltly Newspaper for six successive
Utiles prior to October tth', ltvU.
s n-ti w. O. Elubii, Comity .ludtro.