Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. HITTlKCmiPTION KATRSl One Year, cash In advance 11.251 Months, cash In advance Beta rCntfrnd at North PI at to, Nebraaka, PoHtofllco as second class matter. TUESDAY. SEPTEMBER 14, 1909. Sunshine Locals. North Platto Sunshino branch No. 1 will hold ttieir annual meeting at the homo of Airs. Carrie i'oterson. iiil a. Vino atreet, September 28th. Ofllcors will bo elected. All nro invited , Mrs. Rose Owens romombcred Sun- ithino society by donating n generous uunnlv of clothincr. Many thanks to Mrs. Thoo. Lowo for sending out largo bouquets ot goiucn crlow. Throueh tho courtesy of Miss O'Haro Sunshine Society received somo very nico magazines. Mrs. Ed Ahrons, of Sidney, donated a sunnlv of clothintr. Sho has scat- torod a lot of cheer far and wido in this way. ' Mrs. Frank Darnell distributed n luriro amount of clothincr to sovernl needy families, clothing given her by Mrn. Camnbal . who aft town. Don't forget tho mito box for blind babies in Mrs. Jonnio Armstrong's res taurnnt. It has been dpened threo times durlnrr the venr and $8.29 col- 1..,,1 f tn tlin l.lf.t.l l.nlilnii' homo in Now York. Mrs. J. T. Strnhorn in doing lots of irood work helping those in need. She nlso sent u lnrgo packngo to this soci ety. Ouo of our constant workers is Mrs, Till Cnsoy, who kindly donated articles of furniture for a needy family in tho country. This family received a wag on load of furniluro from tho society. Tho moat ardent SunBhlner is Mrs. Sam Richards. Sho sent in a package of clothinc and cravo awav rend nir mut- tor. pictures, etc. The pictures will brighten tho wall of many an invalid's room or lonely homo. VV) desiro to extend thanks to Mrs. Leon for a eenorous sut nly of mag azines and nnnors und for her cheer ful willingness to scatter sunshino In ovptv direction. Tho indoflnito uho of a wheel chair owned by Miss Emma Anderson has beon (riven tho society and is now in ubu where it is much appreciated. Mrs. Seibcrt, wifo of Ilov. Seibert, foromost in overy irood work, sent in a good many things which carried cheer to many n heart ana nomo. Articles donated by hor wero skirts, children's aprons, dresses, coats and a lot of un dorwenr. All of thoso woro vory much needed in order that the. nociuty could rosnond to tho man? ubneals that como in. A pretty shirt waist stii eluded in tho gifts and this mado a very nccontablo erift to a vountr mother who has all shu can do to supply her family with suitablo clothing. Liko a true mother, sho often forects hor own needs and this pro ty drcBS will mako such a nico dross up gown for hor. Shoes, stockings nnd n bat helped to .till tho box nnd proved n groat aid in ) cannot caro for thcmsolvus, 'I his tion to, Sunshino was ono of the rcceiyodi this season nnd wo wish rB would he as tlioughtful as Mrs. art. M yoti know about tho Sunshino r.t roomsf., Kver drop m to sei they wero like? Wo wjll explain to you lust what wo aro doinir and what we hope to do in tho futuro. Sunshino so ciety is filling in nil tho niches loft by tho others. Wo havo no rod tape, so wo can do anything that comos to us to uo quickly nnu choorruiiy. rornaps you can in your way holp us to do what wo aro doing: or bettor still, you mny be able to give us somo now ideas to work on. Si'crotarv ronorts that tho newspap ers havo responded generously giving hoiico whonovor askod; 160 visits wero made to tho sick, CO largo bundles of roud nrr matter wero Bent out. 25 bou- (iiiots woro sent to invalids and others. 150 postal cards wero fiont out wliero they meant tho most good cheer, 125 lottors written, 2000 garments given nwnv. $8.29 sent to blind babies homo, SlU 05 oxponded on local work, $ 5 for rent for rest room, ilowors and fruit worn enrried to tho sick and many nep'leu lamlllos remembered with pro- vui ns. wo wish to spoak or and to thank tho press for tho courtesy nnd Mndm'ss shown in communicating to the imbue our notice and our appeals for th ntst year and nbo tho frionds who liuvrt so generously responded und ho'ncd u in any way, Mrs. Mlnnio IVtkins, Socrotnry, Brady News. Trom Uio Vindicator, B.-ndv lllcli School ononod last Mon d iv with u fair "nttondanco und Sunt 'j'ruvs reports that tho prospects are br'jht for an enrollment of 125 boforo i h closo or tho term. Tho combined deposits of tho two If ly banns as miown by tno stnte ni'Mi s In this Irsuo aro $117,278.40. rtv irood for a little town of 2nn population out on tho barren plains of W storn Nebraska. Tl.- meeting of tho stocknum hold in tht' M. W. A. hall wus well attended l.i-1 Saturday and much Intereat was Ink n in tho discussion on tho merits of Jipping cattle, otc. Mr. Hut hoi I wiM go to work and ondonvir to clean un this vicinity. Stueo tho last rain wo notice n do cKicd change In tho opinion of tho farmers as to tho amount of corn thoy will hnvo this vtar. In somo instances farmers, who eaid thoy would not havo any, now think thoy will havo from twonty-flvo to thirty bushels to tho ccro, Fine Ranch For Sale. 8,690 acres of land 10 miles north west from North Platto; 1,200 acres under the Itirchvood ditch, 2,480 upland abova tho ditch. Tills ranch is known an tho Augusta Schapp ranch. Thoro If a good houuo nnd barn; main road running through land. Can bo dlyidod ir to threo fnrms. Party owning this hnd lives in Ohio and will sell at a bar gain. Liberal tormB for part of pur- cnaso prien. AUdroes , , , Joseph" W. Adkins, Ctrcwlllo, Ohio. mm LOCAL MENTION. J. It. White hns sold two blockB in tho Trusteo's addition to Martin Wy man, who will orect n residence thoro on. Through n inlsrnUn nf tho Wostfirn Nowsnanor Union. The Tribuno was 200 papers short on Friday's issue and subscribers to that numoor count not bo served. This error is not likely to again occur. Una hundrod bushels of plums havo beon hnrveotcd from tho Tolllion orchard west of town nnd the trcos nro still woll loaded. A heavy crop of plums aro also ready to pick on the Koch plnce. Tho crop ot apples in tho Ilorshoy section is also good. Constable rtailov. of Brady, brought to town Saturday a fellow named Dan iels nnd lodged him in jail. Daniels while intoxicated assaulted anothor man, and when being arrested was fined $50 und costs. Not having th? money to pay tho fino ho was committed to jail. "Nothtncr comine in and nvorvthlnc going nut; wo'll soon .bo in tho hands of a receiver," i tho way County Ulork Elliott oxprosscd tho business condition yesterday. During tho past week or two verv low insturmeiHs navo boon filed, Practlcullv tho Hamo nuietudo prevails in tho treasurer's ofllco. Tho Bhack ot tho cornor of Seventh and Willow streets, occupied by a colored tamiiy, has been tho rendezvous of crap shooters and other tramblorn for somo time past, but it was not until Saturday night that tno pohco could catch tho players at tho nines. several times recently tno games broko up in n disputes and knives nnd razors woro flourished, but none of tho dlBPutants woro Injured, Tho co orcd womop, however, "took to tho woods" during thoBa melees. Younir ManI Do you know that by Investing SG.00 nor month with tho Nchrnakn Central Ihiildincr & Loan As sociatlon for 112 months, you will hnvu to your credit $i,ihki.uu. xot us ex plain their plan to you. Temple Ukai. Estatb & Inh. Aqknoy, 1 & JJ McUonnld Ulock. Last Rites for Harrinian. Through tho (mito nislos nf tho Bamapoo woods, tho body of E. II. Hnrriman was carried Sunday after noon from tho groat houso ho nover lived to soo finished and laid in its last restinir place on tho Arden h llsidc. Tho rulers or wall Htreot enmo trom Now York to pay their last tribute, but tho most prominont part in tho general ceremonies was taken by the men who know him best as u country squlru muster of tho great estate widen covered 43,000 ncrea of hill and valley fnthat. tho most riiRired nunrtor of Oramro county. Hts general superin tendent, his master carpenter, his master mason and tho mnnugers and assistant managers of his dair cs. bin fnrms nnd hm trotting stables wero tho mon who uoro ma coilin, and tno ser vices "vero led by his chaplain, Tho pines nnd oaks that surround the little Eplscopnl church of St. John's, half n milo up tho hill from tho Arden railway Btatlon novor bo foro sheltered such n distinguished gathering an stood bare-heue'ed under their Bhudo by thogravo that mternoon. Tho funeral was privuto and t nly those who woro norsonallv ncauaintcd with tho family and had rffcolved invitation rrom Airs, iiarnman, were ndiuuted. At the mcotinir 'of tho Wyoming state bankers last week, George L. Ramsey, a Helena, Mont., banker, ono of tho sprakers, predicted a financial panic in mi, ana that it wouia no ono of tho wordt the world hna ever known. Ho drew his conclusions from tho nat ural courso of events, and from tho theory that history repeats itself, Ho stated that previous panics hud come at intervals of about 18 years, and us ually after times of unusual prosperity, nnu thought that one was uuo witnin tho next two years. Tho panic of 1907 was simply a danger signal for a greater ono yet to como, ho main tained, and warned bankers to no pre pared for It. . Public Sale. On Soptcmbor 18tb, 1909, at 2 o'clock n. m. at tho north suio nvery oarn, i will offer for sale a miscellaneous lot of property consisting of horsos,"ma- chinery, wagons, buggies, narnesn, otc. Terms cash. H. M. Crimes, Executor estate of W. A. Gnuoo, Dcc'd. MAY PROVE FATAL When Will North Platte People Learn the Importance of It? Backache- is only n Bimplo thing at first; But when you know 'tis from the kidneys; That serious Kuinoy troubles ioiiow; That diabetes, Bright'a disease may bo tho tatal end, You will glady profit by tho follow ing experience. "lis tho statement oi a norm Platto citizen. J. P. Scearcc. Ninth St . North Platto, Nebr., says: "I do not hesitato to tell of tho wonderful benefit that Donn's Kidney Pills linvo brought mo. About six months ago I was sufForing niirht and dnv from tho most severe painn throiiRb my back and kidneys, always more in evidence when I at tempted to stoop or arise from a aitting position. Tho kidnoy sccrotiorrs woro also irregular in passage and annoyed mo grontly. Thoiloctor.a medicine and other remedies I tried irnvo mo no roliof nnd a friond, hearing of my Buffering, advised mo to tako Doan'a Kidnoy Pills, as ho hnd been cured of tho sumo complaint by their uo. I immediately procured a box at A. F. StreiU'a drug storo nnd prompt relief followed their use. In n few weeks my back wus strong and frco from pain and my kidneys wero restorod to thoir normal condition. I am glad to recommond Doan'a Kidney Pills." OHDF.U OK IIKAKINO ON OlllUINAI. I'KOIIATU Ol'' Wll.I.. State of Nehrasliu, Lincoln county, ss In tho county court, September liith- ll'.'. lit tho mutter of tho estate or Herman Otton, deceased. On roadlntr and lllliiu tho petition of Kltn t kH I Otten, praylm: that the luslrument llhtd on tho 7th day of SeptemlH'r. WA nnd pnrporthur to Ixi the last Will iui.I 'iVstment ottho said deceased, may ho proved, ap proved, probated, allowed and recorded its tho last Will and Testament of tho bald Herman Ottcn, deceased, and that tho execu tion of said Instrument may tx committed and the administration ot said e stat may bo eranted lo Kllnaboth Otten, us Kxecutrlx Ordered. That Oct. Itu. lion, at Hoc lock A M., Is assumed for hearlnit said petition when all persons interest-(I In nuhl matter mny appear at a county court, to bo held In and for fcatd county, and showcauso why tho , prnjvr of pet tloner should not Im itranted. I his order to ho published In tho North l'latto Trlhunn a Noml-WeolOy Newspaper for six successive isiues prior to ociolK'r itli, iwft. g 11-0 W. O. Ki.iiEit, t'ountr Juilee. Biscuit are -more than mere soda crackers. They are a distinct,' individual food article made from special materials, by special methods, in specially constructed bakeries. They are sealed in a special way which gives them crispness, cleanliness and freshness which "crackers" from the paper bag always lack. They are the Na tion's accepted soda NATIONAL BISCUIT COMPANY DHausww. 1 a i i in A Spanking Good Team is at your command whonevur you tell U3 you want it. This livery stable is prepared to supply instantly any kind of a rig you require. While in your service it is as much yours as if you owned it. Tho difference is that you pay only for tho timo you use it, and not for tho timo it is standing in tho stable. That beats private ownership all hollow. A. M. Lock. The Long and Short of II s Hint it is impossible to mnko n bettor fivo cent cigar than tho Korrest King. It contains tho finest tohucbo and tho most of it that tho price pormits. Try a ForreBt King today nnd tolla us whnt you think of it. If you throw it away before smoking it down to tho last puff wo miss our guess. J. F. SCHMALZRIED. GO TO P. M. SORENSON Furniture R e p a i ri n g AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 Enst Fifth. t, - U- 1 Ail Notice ' for Publication. Borlal No.CWir.3. llcpartniciitof Uio Inlurlor. U. S. Land OIUco ot North Platte. Neb. .1 illy SOU), 1009. Nottcols hereby Riven tliat.Iolm Ounclrara, of North Platto. Nob., who on July loth, IWI. mado Homestead Kntry No. 20m, Serial No- lrJ153, for north half and southeast quar ter section 10. township IS, north, rnnco 29. westoi tho nth principal meridian, has Hied notlco of Intention to make final llvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo dcM-Tllied, before tho rciilstor and receiver at North Platto, Nebraska, on the 21th day of September. 1109. Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson II. Combs, Uarflcld Outhcrloss, William Plttman and .7 ml Combs, all of North l'latto. Nob. J2S-U J. e. Kvans. KeKlstor. NOTIOE VOll IMinLIOATION. Serial No. 03JSO. Department of tho Interior. U. K, Laud Olllco at North l'latto. Neh. July a). l'JOU. Notlco Is hereby Riven that Dennis MclCIUIp of North l'latto. Neb-, who, on April It), MM. mado homestead entry No. 21778, serial No. 027W for south half, east half north east quarter, northwest quarter northeast quarter and southwest quarter northwest qunrtor of Section U Township 15 N Iluneo :d W.. of the nth Principal Meridian, has tiled notlco or intention to mako final uvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land alxive descrlU'd, lioforo tho ltctflstcr and Uecclvor, at North l'latto, Nob., on tho M day of September. 1MX. Ulnlmaut names as witnesses: David W. Macomher. William Doebla?, ,1. A. Toops and H. If. DohUc.Ir.. all ot North Platte. Nub. JSHS J. K. Evans, lteuister. NOTICE KOU I'UllLIOATION. Serial No. WM. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllce ot North l'latto. Neb. I Auk. 111. 1WM. Not leo Is horehy clven that Walter If. Cov fll of North l'lntte. Neb.. wli. on Oct, 10, KW, tnndo hotnesteni entry No. SU7I. serial No, U3UU for KH section I, township II, N. raneo lid. W of the HIM l'rhiclual Meridian, lias tiled notlroof Inlintlon to make tlnal llvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land aliovo described, boforo tho lioclstcr and Itecelver at North l'lntte, Nebraska, on tho UHh day or Octolier. I'.wti Clnlmnnt names as witnesses: Oeortre I'atlerson, Dennis llreen. Harry Lamplaueh, L. 8. iMacomber. all of North l'latto, Noli. .1. E.Evans, ltewlster. Serial No. 0181)2. Notice for Publication. Department of tho Interior, U. H. Laud Olllco at North l'latto. Nob. .fulyi'Uth, IlKKi. Notlco Is hereby idvcn that John (lundrnin. of North l'latto, Nebruska, who, on AuKtist . iwi. mai o liomestead ontrv No. m on. Serial No. own, for southwest quartor section in. Township 1.'', north, ltntitro west of tho Sixth Principal Meridian has tiled notice of Intention to mako Hnal llvo year proof loes- taiuisii Claim to tno lanit atsivo described, Iwforo tho Itet'Istor and Hecelver at North l'lntte, Nob., on tho 'Jlth day ot Soptemher, I1KHI. Claimant, names as witnesses! Wilson It. Combs, Uarlleld (iutherloss, William Plttman mill J ud Combs, nil of North l'latto. Neb jaj-ti J. E. EVANS. Hosrlstor. NOTIOE OK INCOIil'OUATION, Notice is hereby ilven that a corporation to be known as the Trl-County Telephone Company has been Incorporated under tho laws of tho state of Nebraska, that the prin cipal place oi transacting tho business of said comratlon Is ut North Platte, Nebraska, nnd the general nature ot tho business to bo trnnsncted Is tho const i net Ion, operation and maliiteiiatu'o of a telephone and telegraph system In the city of North l'latto and sur rounding country. The authorised capital stock Of said cot IKiratlon is 510.000 common stock, and preferred stock: that more than $l,Wn.l of tho common stock has Wen sulocrlU'd and paid for by the stock holders, and tho remainder of said common stock and tho preferred stock is to bo Issued undor tho direction of tho Hoardof Directors upon tho payment thoro for by tho sutHcrlberti- Thu time for I ho commencement of said corporation Is May lit, MA. atn sou eortKiratlon terminates Hfty yetis irofti said date. Tho highest ainount ot IndobtiKlnests or liabilities to which said corporation Is at any timo to bo subject shall not exceed SO per cent. of ttiecapnltatstook of said corporation, exclusive of tho preferred htoek lsned. Said corporation Is to bo managed by a Hoard of llvo Directors and a President, vice President. Secretary and General Manager. TIM-COUNTY T I : LEI'HONE COM PA N Y. Ity Oliarle llrotertiltr, President. W V Uoagland, Pecretary, NOTIOE OK SETTLEMENT, Tho Statu of Nebraska, la Lincoln County. S In tho County Court.- In tho matter of tho estate of d'red Gels deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others lntorcstcd In tho estate of Fred Gels. Tako notice, that John Gels Jias filed In tho county court a report ot his dolnes as administrator of said estate and It Is ordered that tho Bantu stand for hearing tho 18th day of Soptcmlwr. A. D. 1V09, bo foro tho court at tho hour ot'' o'clock p. in., at which timo any person Interested may ap pear and c.xcoptrto and contest tho samo. And notlco of this proceeding Is ordered trlvcn In the North l'latto Tribuno for six successive Issues prior to September IS, 10OU Witness my hand and tho seal ot tho county court at North l'latto this 30th day of Aticust A. D. 1001). a liO-d W. O. Er.DKii. County Judito. NOTIOE KOU 1'UIILICATION. Serial No. WiX Department of thu Interior. 1J, S, Land Olllco at North l'latto. Neh. Aup. It). 1WJ Notlco Is hereby ulvon that William II. Turplo of North l'latto, Nob., who, on July it. Mil, made homestead entry No. 20311, serial No. OWKl. for NMHWM. NK BEH nnd NWH. section 2H, township 12, N, ram:o 31. W. of tho Hth Principal Mcrldan, has tiled notlco of in tention to mako Until llvo year proof, to establish claim to thu laud abovo described, Ixiforo tho Reels! or and Itecelver at North Platte, Nob. on thu lOtli day of Oct. llHW. Claimant names as wltnsssos: John Schar rann, Curtis E. Illinium, Carl llroedor, Hugh Sonuer, all of North l'latto, Nob. nsi-ii J. E. Evans. Ueclstor. Serial No. 02179. NOTICE KOll PUULIOATION IIKPAHTMKNT Of TtlK lNTKUIOIt. JJnlted States l;and Olllco, At North l'latto. Nebraska. Sopt, 3. 100. Notlco Is hereby clven that William linns berry, of Oarfleld, Nebraska, who, on July Hi, lWt, tnndo homestuad entry No. 2(di!3, serial No. 0217U. for east half soiithuat quartor, section 'D und west half southwest quarter, Section -1, Township 1(1 N., Huiiko M W or tho tlth Principal .Meridian, has filed notlco of Intention to make final flvo year proof, to establish claim to tho land abovo described, before tho reulstor and recelvor, at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho Uth day of November, 1WW. Claimant names as witnesses: Jonas N, liasler and Frank Hoy, of Garllcld, Nub., llert Kilmer and John Hayes of Kllmor, Neb. s7-0 J. E- EvanB. Ueclstor, Serial No. oifiW. NOTICE KOU PUULIOATION. Departmont of tho Interior, U. B. Land Ofllco at North Platte. Nob. Sept St. 1IH Notlco Is horohy given that William Uatislierry, of Garllcld, Nob., who on August nth. lttw. mado Homestead Entry No. W7tl. Serial No. UIS'JO. for cast halt southeast quarter section 17. and east half northeast quarter of section -M, township 1U north, rango :.M west of the sixtu principal morldlan, has Hied notice of lutontlon to mako final llvo year proof, to establish claim to tho laud abovo described, before thu Iteglstor and Hecelver at North Platte, Nebraska, on tho th day of November. )M. Claimant names as witnesses; Jonas N, HnMorand t'rnnk Hoy, of Gnrllold, Neh. Ilort Kilmer and John Hayes ot Kilmer, Nob. s7 0 J. E. Evahs. Ueglster, NOTICE Oi' INCOHl'OHATION. Notlco Is hereby given tint a corporation to bo knuwn as the farmers Mutual Telephone Company has been Incorporated under tho laws of the stato of Nebraska, That tho prin cipal place ot transacting tho business otsnld corporation is at North l'latto, Lincoln. County. Nebraska. Tho general nature of tho business to bo transacted by said Tele phone Company Is tho construction and oper ation ot a telephone line and exchange In tho vicinity of North l'latto, Nebraska, for tbn mutual lieueilt of thu owners of tho capital stock of said coriwrotlon. Tho amount of cap ital stock authorized by said corporation lsiv O0U. divided Into ouo hundrod shares of $.V) oach tobositbse rllied and paid for bythestock holders, of which sum morn than $o.V) has been subscribed nnd fu'ly paid for. Said cor poration has further power to lsssuo 51,000 of preferred stock of tho corrxjratlon to bo do vlded Into shares of ilO each, said stock to bo Issued undor tho direction of tho Hoard of Dlrcctore upon payment, therefor. Said cor poration commenced business on tho '-1st day of May. MM, and terminates on tho lirst day of April. lKtl. The laigest amount of Indebt edness or Uabtlltlrs to which tho corporation is at any timo to subject Itself Is limited to two-thirds ot tho paid up stock of tho corpor ation, Said corporation Is to bo managed by a Hoard of threo Directors and President, Vtcu President, Secretary and Treasuror. KAUMEH8 MUTUALl'ELEPHONB CO. Hy Charles Tlretorntta. President, O, M, I'eckham. Secretary,