The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, September 14, 1909, Image 4

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    mri 2 22 2 2 22 2 2 22 3 2 3 22 3 5 S 22
Set of Majestic Ware.
I 3TH.
Mii ' ' l nUJKSTIC NKVIJIt-Itl'ltN COOKKItTKriTKlT, criXILNIIEK AN UltAINrit 11.0 Perforated Cooker, i
r-JJ lyiiUlllli ill Zw?3S2s,fflffia B'&2S?irf . lown In crntcr. liai small fect wlilrli admits water nt tlio liottom. Nothlntt run bum. Food can bo llftcl out
Ir"" UW iflff r '&Jf?r!?'"ftl ll!1. ,Tl,'?rV?BrSl of mam ' nl ol.m.n on Mi, at thn saino timo itraKuiis oil all tlio water. Hio Mrnmrr nr Cullender shown on !
Kin M wiLLOtvt iiKU.V5. ' Till'. MAJKSTIO Pttfa TIIK MAJESTIC Ifl-or. All TIIR MAJIiSTlC II -or.. All
-y7 QWJ?HV,lim15eiZsnl A 'I fI3S JT ' Heavy .Stamped Iron Marlilo- Copper Nickel-plated Tea Copper Nickel-plated t'nffco
r-VJ ? I I 4n9J&'il) 4 1 b I'Kl Kettlo, complete- with cover Kettle. lfnnlnil.. ..I-UaIpJ on Pot. Handsomely, nickeled on
I yr I nnd houdlo that holds on co-cr. outs'do. tlnuo-i onnaldc. outside nnd tinned on Inside.
Majestic Ranges use less fuel; heat more water and heat it hotter; costs practically nothing for repairs; lasts
and give better satisfaction than any other range on the market. If you knew positively that the above statements
Come in during Demonstration Week and we will prove it to you.
Are You Entertaining Your Club?
"Havo yqu selected tho , prizes?
Why Worry about fluch IrifloB, whon
you can stop Into our atoro nnd havo
Urt assist you with our Bugo;o8tionB?
Wo know what is tho appropriate
thing to Rivo, and roalizo it should
not cosh rnuch.
Don't you think n prizo looks
hotter whon it is put up In ono of
our boxes with our namo on it, than
if you buy it in a department store,
whero you would pny just as much
and do not got tho valuos you could
and would if you wero to look at
our collection?
When down town, stop in and . let
ut nhow you. some corroct prizes,
tho ladies will like, anil can use.
Jeweler and Optician.
Phfino 338i
Wc wanl Your Repair Work
L?DR.6." 11. CRESSLER,
Graduate Ucnlisl.
u'.OIUcq vovor tho McDonald
"StntQ Hank.
Vic VonGootz visited friends in Lox
inijtort Sunday.
Frid Hund returned yesterday from
a visit with friends at Uratly.
Wanted A irood compotont pirl for
Ronorul housework.
Mna. W. W. BuiQU.
H. J. Hansen nhippod four cars of
cattlo to South Omaha yesterday.
Mrs. Chas Trovlllo and daughter,
livinrr west of town, wont to Hastings
Bon G. Clinton, of St. Paul, passed
through this morning onrouto homo
from a visit in ucnyer.
Long silk coats at low juices at Tho
Inwoll Qualloy, livinc north of tho
river, lef t yostorday for Grand Island,
whoro ho will bntor tho buslnoss college ,
Mr Tfnhnnn. llvlmr noxt door to thu
steam luundry,
is in a precarious con-'
flnn fn nnftrtP of tho fltomnch.
Now Full Dross Goods. Full lino
now irl at Wilcox Department Store,
Minn Elsio Pedorson returned to
Lexington yesterday after a few days!
visit with Rov. and Mrs. George
Word from Rerkoloy, Cnl, an
nounces tho birtli last Friday of a
daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Chas Osgood,
formerly of this city. ' ,.
Alajostto oei.
Alhort Schutz transacted business
in Kearnoy yesterday.
Stroot and dress hats for fall 1900
tiro now shown nt Tho Leader.
P. A. White has been visltinir in
Donvor for soveral days past.
Tlio stork visited tho homo of Mr.
and Mrs. G. A, Mooro Sunday and lof
n girl.
Monoy to loan on pood real cstato se
curity. Seo O. E. Eldor, Keith thoatra
Rov. Carroll went to tho oast part of
tho stato yusterday to visit friends for
a fow days.
Mr. nnd Mrs. Millard Hosier relumed
yesterday from a visit with friends at
Ames, Iown.
Ladies' tailored suits for tho fall
season aro now on sale at Tho Leader.
Mrs. C. E McClaiu will havo an op
ening of up-to-tlato millinery nt Her
ahoy on Septetnbor 10th.
Tho fourth and fifth irrndes In tho
Central building, taught by Miss
Ericsson, woro transferred yesterday
to the First ward building.
Fori SAM?-A wldo tired wagon. In
quire of J. II. Hnhlor, C20 Eu3t Fifth
A tolcirrum received from A. U.
I Iloagland. who drovo the Nolson car to
ivansas Uuy, announced Ills arrival in
that city Sunday avening.
Clius. Uoguu left last night for Lar
amie on business portaining to tho H.
of It. T. Later ho will louvo for Los
Angeles on wimilur business,
Your furniture needs varnishing and
repairing before house cleaning, Soc
P. M. Soronson, shop 107 E. 5th St.
Engineer Thos. Orton loft last night
for Mountain View, Mo., to visit his
family, nnd they may decide to return
with 'lini and spend the winter in town,
A demonstrator of tho Majestic
range is at Glim & White's this week
Bhowing up tho good points of that
otovo. Coffee and hot biscuits are
served to interested callers.
Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Schipfer, of
Sigournoy, Iowa, who had boon making
a trip through the west and the Yel
lowstone Pari:, stopped ovor in town
from Friday night until lust evening ,aa
tho guests of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. Soo
borger. Children's ready-to-wear dresses, in
sizes from six to fourteen, in poplins,
serges, etc., aro shown at Tho Lender.
Tho firemen's picnic Sunday whr not
as largely attonued as in former years,
but tho fo
uut tlio lorty or more present had an
enjoyablo tim playing ball and other
K"m,;'s: "oirosnmonis mm ueen pro-
' Y'"''" in uuunuuncu mm wure uuty un-
For Rent Ilarn largo enough for
four horses, Inquire at 21G W, Third.
Will llupfcr and Joo Lnndgraf loft
last night on nn extended pleasure trip.
Going to Denver, thence to Salt Lake,
to Portland nnd Seattle, with numer
ous, side trips, thence by boat to San
Francisco. From thore to Los Angeles
nnd thenco to New Orleans, returning
homo yia St. Louis and Chicago,
Til 15 MAJKSTIO Marlile
l.eil i:itnnirta lMuldliiR I'nn.
Mado specially fino for tlio
Nevrr-hurn Wired Dripping
I'iiii. Hl;onf p in MM in. x 20 iu.
WiuIh ipocinlly for the .Majrstin Set.
Dob Oborfedldor, of Sidney, ono of
Western Nebraska's old-timers, visited
in town Saturday. .
The latest dress trimmings and but
tons nro to bo found nt Tho Lcndor.
Tho "MyBtorious Walkor, a hypnot
ist, is tho attraction ,at tho Keith
theatre this week.
Mr, and Mrs. P. II. McEvoy hnvo re
turned from a tf n days visit in Donvcr
and Hot Springs, S. D.
Wanted A good girl for general
Rov. Geo. F. Williams wont to
Overton today to attend the sessions of
tho Kearnoy Presbytery.
Mrs. A. M. Schnrmann and daughter
have returned from n visit with rel
atives at Missoula, Mont. ,
Arthur McNumara left Saturday night
for Chicago to attend the convention of
tho national bankers' association
I havo eight per cent money for
farm loans. Come nnd seo mo whon
wanting a loan.
O. E. Elder.
Miss Mnnrarot Ware, of Blair, spent
Saturday and Sunday in town while
onrouto home from a month's visit in
Geo. M. Graham left Sunday night
for HastingH from which point he
started out as a traveling representative
of shoo houses.
Tho residence on the Cody ranch will
bo remodeled and a heating plant in
stalled. Glnn & White havo the con
tract for tho plant.
Fivo hundred Petticoats in black and
colors, now on exhibition nt The
Arthur Boycd returned last night
from his visit with relatives in England.
Ho reports a very pleasant visit and
enjoyablo trip.
E. S. Davis went to Paxtnn this
morning to assist in tho transfer of tho
Brondman Btock of goods to Mr.
Ensign, tho former owner.
For Sale -5 room house, Inth room,
H foot lot, Fourth stn'i-t, one block
east of central school. Inquire of Will
Hoovor or at house.
J. C. Weir, of Paxton, who was in
town Saturday, says ho will not movo
to North Platto as was intended, but
will take up a residence in Paxton.
District Stlpt. Chamberlain and Rev.
Porter go to Kearney tomorrow to
attend the sR9ion of tho Methodist
conference of the West Nebraska
Ladies', Misses' and Children's Fall
Suits, skirts and iloaks aro now ready
for your inspection at Tlio Lendor.
In tho Philadelphia Press relay race.
which is roforred to olsewhero, John
LoMasters will see that tho mcssengor
is carried from North Platto to Sidney.
Tho car used will bo one that has boon
rebuilt at tho LoMasters Bhop. It i3
expected to cover tho. !U0() miles bo
twoen Philadelphia and Soattlo in sev
en days or an avcrago of nineteen
miles nn hour for the entire distance
Nctr-llurn Wired Urlppliu:
Pnlsv H7.n of pun 0 In. x 12 In.'
Made socially for tlio Majcatiu tict.
W H 1
Mr. Goff. of Fairburv. is tho truest of
his daughter, Mrs. II. C. Rrock.
Charlov Brown loft this morniner for
Green River to resume his worlc as
baggage agent.
Fall of 190D dress troods. with trim-
Lrnings to match, ate shown at Tho
Mrs. N. .T. Mo.Tnt.vri wlin rinrl lioon
visiting Mrs. Burke, left this morning
ior qi, rciorsuurg, ria.
W. C. Ritner is transacting business
in Sidney nnd other towns in the west
part of the state.
Mr. and Mrs. Williamson and son
Eugene, of Pennsylvania, aro guests of
Dr. and Rev. Cressler and families.
Tho Lutheran aid socioty will moot
Thursday nfternoon with Mrs. Huffman
and Mrs. Fedorhoof on West Fifth St.
The latest novolties in men's and
boys' fall suits aro shown at The
Charles Graham arrived from Iowa
last week and will assist at the Yellow
Front shoe store during the absence of
Geo. M. Garham.
Mrs. A. C. Vernon, who had been
visiting her brother Dr. Crook for a
month, returned to hor homo in Hamp
ton, Iowa, Saturday.
Mrs. C. M. Newton loft Inst night
for Denver, to which city Mr. Newton
had preceded her a day or two. They
will sight seo in Colorado for n week.
Horshey Welch, of this city, lias pre
pared plans and estimates for a water
plant at Ogalalla and a water and
electric light plant nt Cozad. Definite
atopa for tho erection of these plants
have not yet been taken
Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Bixler, who
woro married in Iowa several weeks
ago and went to Indiana on a wedding
trip, nrrived in town Saturday and are
receiving congratulations of friends.
Mrs. King, who arrived from Los
Angeles a week or so ago to visit
relatives, is critically ill with pneumonia
at tho Wendebom home in tho Third
ward, and her husband haH been wired.
Mrs. King contracted a bad cold
while unruuto here.
The Luzemo and Mentor Underwear
for men. women and childron, tho kind
you read about in tho magazines, for
sale at Tho Leader.
North Platto is now a meeting point
for six passenger trains. In tlio morn
ing No. 11 and No. 10 meet hero, in tho
evening No. 12 and No. 7 and at night
No. lo and ISO. i. in case one ot these
trains is Into tho other ia held, with
tho result that tho yards are more or
less blocked and switching is dono at n
What Bralt & Goodman Can Do.
Sell your nrouorty. Writo your (ire,
(lightning, tornado, eyclono, and wind-
siorm inurnncu 111 uiu su unjust um
line companies at lowest living ratosj
loan you oight per cent, monoy to as
sist you in securing n home or farm;
caro for your property and collect your
rents; rent you a safety deposit oox;
storo your goods. Try them. They
will treat ynu right. .
If you call nt our store during our Majestic Demon
stration Week and allow us to show you the many ad
vantages and superior qunliiities of the Great and
Grand Majestic Range, and will purchase one nt the
regular price, we will give you FREE the beautiful and
useful Souvenir Set of Ware illustrated in this adver
tisement This ware is made to match the quality of
the Majestic Ranges, and we know all ladies will see
the utility of this set, especially the first three pieces,
which are entirely newand cannot be had alone by
purchase, except at a very high price. The prices of
Majestic Ranges are the same, but we give the set
FREE with each Majestic Range bought during demon
stration week only.
Reasons Why the Great
Majestic you Should Buy.
1st. It has the reputation of being the best range
money can buy.
2d. It not only has the reputation, but is the best range
made, and we will prove this to you if you'll let us.
3rd. It is constructed of Malleable Iron (material you
can't beat) and of Charcoal Iron (material that
'resists rusts 300 per cent greater than steel) is
rivited together air tight No heat escapes or
.cold air enters range, thus uses very little fuel to
do perfect work.
4th. The reservoir, alone is worth the price of the range
over any other reservoir made. It boils 15 gallons
of water, is heated like a tea kettle, with pocket
against left-hand lining, and is movable, and sets
on a frame, hence cannot wear out. When water
gets too hot it can be moved away from fire.
three times as long1; bake better; easier to keep clean
were true, wouldn't you buy a Majestic at once?
No. :tr.v
at North Platto. In tlio Stato of Nnlirnska. at
tlio uloso of business. Soptonibor 1. MOD.
Loans and discounts... tMI.U.j.Kl
Overdrafts, iecurod and
unsecured "11.32
U. S. liomls to socttro
circulation 50.M0.00
U. S. bonds to secure
U. 8. deposits 1.000.00
U. S. bonds on hand HMOO.OO
Promlumson IT. M. bonds - 1.MW.00
llouds, securities, etc.- ri7.MI.0H
llnnklni; liouso, furni
ture, and fixtures S.'.SOO.OO
Other real estato owned 1,800.00
Duo from national bank's
(not reserve agents)... 1,015311
Duo from stato and pri
vate banks and bankers
trust companies and
savings banks 1,120.40
Duo from approved ro-
sorvo atrents 72,S3li30
ClieeUs and otlior cusli
Items 7J1S.SS
Notes ot oilier national
bauks . , H70.00
Kractlonal paperourrcn-
cy. nickels and cunts.. s 188.88
Lawful Money Reserve
In Hank, viz;
Local-tender notes I.0I0.IX) il0.'i0.tl5
Redemption fund with
U. S, treasurer (5 nor
ccntotclrculatlon).... ' 2,rno.oo
Capital Mock paid in..
Surplus fund
Undivided prollts, less
expenses and taxes
National . Impk notes'
Duo to. state and private
banks and hankers
Individual duiioslts sub
ject to check
Demand certiorates of
Tlmo cerllllcates of de
posit Corillled checks
Cashier's checks out
standing United States deposits.
Total ftl22.058.0i)
Slate of Nebraska, County of Lincoln, ss:
I, 1 L- Moonoy, Cashlur of the alxvo
u nmed baulc. do.folemnlyswear that thua)M)ve
statement Is true to tho Isist of my knowl
edge mid liellof,
V. L. Moon nv, Cashier.
Subscrllied and sworn to liefore mu this 10th
day of September, lttju.
lli' lliu'ii an an, Notary Public.
Correct-Aticst t
AllTlllMt McNamaiia I
.Ioiin.I. IIai.i.ioan Directors-
K. V. Sin:iu;ii(it:u )
Notice For Bids.
Notice is hereby irivon that sealed
bids will bo received at tlio ofiico of tho
city clork of North Platte, Nebraska,
up to 5 o'clock p. m., October 5th. 1909
tor the construction ot u interal sewer
in Sower District "Q" iu said city, ac
cording to plans and specifications now
on file in tho nflico of the city clerk of
said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of
lateral scwor as per report of city en
gineer is $3900.00.
Locnl labor to be employed as far as
Certified check on local bank for 2
por cent of amount of bid required to
insure entering into tho contract.
Satisfactory bond to bo given when
contract Is signed.
Mayor and council reserves tho right
to reject nny nnd all bids.
By order of. tho city council.
Chas. F. TEMpnn,
City Clerk.
Thai Dream
of a Home
of your own can bo made to como trup
if you want it to. What is needed. is
not cash so much as determination.
We'll Sell '
You a House
that you can movo right into upon tho
payment of u small sum down. Then
what you would pay for rent you pay
off the balance of the purchase price.
Think it over. Thou come and see.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estate & Insurance.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo" received at tho ofiico of
tho city clork of North Platto, Ne
braska up to fiyo o'clock p. m.. Octo
ber 5th, 1909, for tho construction of a
lateral Bewer in Sewor District E in
said city nccording to planB and speci
fications now on fiio in tho ofiico of tho
city clork of said city.
Approximate cost of sewer lateral aB
per report of city engineer ia $803.00.
Local labor to bo employed as far as
Certified check on local bank of two
per cent of amount of bid will bo re
quired to insuro entering into contract.
Satisfactory bond to bo given whon
contract is signed, ,
The mnyor nnd council reserve , tho
right to reject any and nil bids..
By order of tho city council.
Chas. T. Temple, City Clerk.
Notice For Bids. .
Notico is heroby given that seated
bids will bo received at tlio oifico of tho
City Clerk of North Platee. Nebraska,
up to 5 o'clock p. m,, October 5th, 1909
for the construction of a lateral sewer
in Sewer District "G 1" in said city
according to plans and specifications
now on file in tho ofiico of tho City
Clork of said city.
Approximate estimate of cost of lat
oral sower ns per report of city engi
neer ia $1143,00.
Local labor to bo employed as far ns
Certified check on local bank of two
per cent of amount of bid required to
insuro entering into tho contract..
Satisfactory bond to be given" whon
contract is eignod.
Mayor nnd council resorvo tho right
to reject any or all bids.
By order of tho city council.
Chas. F. Temple,
City Clork,