Semi -Weekly Tribune Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher. RnnsaniPTioN hates i Ono Your, cash In advance U.S Months, cash In advance f eta Kntorod at North Platte, Nebraska, I'ostofllco as Boconu class matter. FRIDAY. SEPTEMBER 10. 1909. Would Dispose of Armies. Cyrus H. Street, n former Nortl Platto resident, hns established n monthly paper at Council Bluffs which has for its purpose tho formation of an international! government for tho pre- vention of war. This international government, according to Mr. Street's plan, would bo a complete government embracing all tho nations and vested with plenary, legislative, judicial and executive functions, and clothed with authority to provide for the final dls nosal of ull tho existing armies and navies of the world. "It Is my hope," said Mr. Street, "that I will bo able to prevull upon Congress at tho next session to pass a resolution Instructing tho President to ask all tho nations to assomblo for the purposo of entering into a joint under standing by which war among nations will bo forever banished." Mr. Street is equipped with facts and figures in support of his plea for the nbolition of tho senarato armed forces of the nations. "It costs tho nations of tho world $3,000,000,000 a year for their armicn and navies," said Mr. Street. "I thero was no sonarato armies and navies, that vast nmount of monev could bo devoted to tho peaceful pro gross of tho world. Of this great totul $300,000,000 a year could devoted to the navment of national dubts, most of which aro duo to wars. "Educational institutions could be endowed to tho extent of $300,000,000; an equal amount could bo used in the building of roads, boulovards and parks; tho Imii.ovcment of existing water wavs and tho building of new once could bo carried on at tho rato of $lf0, 000,000 a year; harbor Improvements would benefit to a like amount; the reclamation of arid and submerged lands could bo advanced at tho rata of $150,000,000 a year, and another $150,- 000,000 a year could bo used in consorV' ing and preserving tho natural resources of tho several countries. Ono hundred million dollars a yoar could bo sot naido as a fund for tho rollof of tho victims of catastrophus, such as earthquakes, fires, tidal waves, drouths and plagues, Aged porsons and helpless children of all lands .could bo carrrcd for with $200,- 000,000 a year. "If $500,000,000 of this amount should bo loaned ovory year for the building of railroads and steamships, there would yet romain $700,000,000 a year for further invostmont In tho peace of tho world, "Tho United States alono sponds $500.000,0,10 a year on Ps nrmy and navy. That amouut represents fully one-half tho totul cost of tho govern ment. With only one-half of that $500,000,000 wu could build a 200-foot boulevard from Washington to Sun Francisco und nark It ten foot wldo In the middle along its entire longth." Mr. Stroet lived in North Plutto prior to 1875 and for a time was clerk in the United States land offico under Messrs Goodwill and Langloy. Later ho moved to California, and fifteen years or so ago was marriod to Miss M. S. Honn, a formor city toachor and county supor intondent Mortgage Homes to Buy Automobiles. A bank official in Worcester, Mass., says that his bank alono holds mort gages on acvonty residences of pooplo who havo purchased automobiles. This does not mean that soventy houses havo boon mortgaged to buy automo biles, but merely that tho paying off of mortgago has bean delayed in sov enty cases by tho thirst for the pleas ure given by this sort of vehicle, In many cities both east and west largo BtoricB arc told of tho mortgaging of homos for this purpose. It would bo In teresting to know how many of those talos aro founded on fact. If it is lit erally truo that tho pooplo are plung ing Into rJubt for this luxury of courso wo havo tho seed well sown for another panic, and n real one. Real Estate Transfers. A. J. Foot to A. E, Main BouthwoBt quarter aoction 20-10-20, $1,000. Dora Armltage to II. E Worrol, 'all of Boctjon 29-13-33, $12(8Q0. W.-T. Banks to W. M. Morris lots 7 and 8, 'block 1, South Park Addn, $700. Julia Todd to Elizabeth Rodden lots 7 and 8, block. 188, $1550, subject to mortgago of $751.33. U. P. Ry Co. to II. W. Neal oil of section 11 and 13-12-33. $2703.60. Tho latest dreFS triqimlngs and but tons avs to be found t,T,heLtmtffr. Burglarize Stores. Somo tlmo during Tuesday night omo fallow gained an entrance into tho Plzer storo by removing an Iron bar on a rear window on tho second floor. Ho ascended to tho hallway of tho building occupied by Martl's meat markot and missing to the rear of that hallway pascd through tho door and climbed over on tho platform in tho rear of tho Pizor store. Ho des cended to the office and with n chisel and hammer nttomptcd to break olf tho knob of tho combination lock. In this, however, he was unsuccessful, for though he bruised and dented it, it would not yield and he failed in get ting the door open Tho thief robbed the cash register of a small sum, but this Is all that Is missing. Tho work was that of amateur, and ho probably belongs in North Platto. Either beforo or after entering the Plzer store, tho thief entered tho McKay store by tho same method Horo ho found rather easy picking for Mr. McKay in closing up his business for tho day deposited $185 In the Bafc, closed the door but neglected to turn tho combination. Tho thiof took nd- vantngo of theso conditions and ab strncting the money, left without dis turbing the stock of goods, evidence that all ho cared for was money. There Is no clew to tho prepetrator of these deeds, and it is doubtful If any can bo secured, Council Passes Ordinances. Tho city council met in session Tues day evening, allowed tho claims on file, passed four ordinances and approved a notice verifying the vote cast at the late bond election. Two of tho ordinances passed authors ized tho formation of lateral sewer dis trict "R" and "Q," both of which nre located in the Third ward. Tho other two ordinances cull for h) construction of sidewalks on Third and Fourth straots. Theso ordinances ns well as tho notlco verifying tho election returns aro published on the eight pago of thin Issue. Pleased With Dr. Elliott. In a card directing her papir to bo sent to Roxburg, Idaho, Miss Ahco Beach writes: "I thought you ml -lit bo pleased to hoar that Dr. Edward Elliott, of tho Wisconsin University, a former worth riatte my, has been vory Huccossiui ns instructor at our joint institute for touchers at Pocatollo. Thero woro about 000 toachors in at tendance and we think he is the best Instructor wo have over had, und wo h ive had many high-priced and noted men from eastern universities." Fine Ranch For Sale. 3,680 acres of land 10 miles north west irom worth natte; l.jiuu acres under tho Birdwood ditch, 2,480 upland abovo tho ditch, This ranch is known as tho Augusta Schapp ranch. Thero is a good HOU30 and barn; main road running through land. Can bo divided into thrco farms. Party owninir this land lives In Ohio nnd will sell at a 'nr- gain, Llboral terms for part of pur cnaso prico. Address Joseph W. Adkins, Circlivllle, Ohio. For Sale. 400 choico brood ewes. Want to close out within next 30 days. Torms easy. MHOS. J'j. UE3KETT. Sutherland, Neb. UHPORT OF TIIU CONDITION or TIIK Bank of Lincoln County of Hcrsliey. Nob., Charter No. 753, (Incor porated) in inc siaie oi jseorasKa. .utile CIOHC Or IMlHIIlfftH AUKUStHlSt. I uw. RESOURCES. Loans ami discounts .. Overdrafts secured ami un secured Hanking liounu, lurulttirc and Uxturcs Current expenses ami laxcn paid Duo from unt'l stato nnd private- hanks und hankers Currency 3,015 00 Silver, nickels and cents ... 20J us Total I.IAIULITIES J.Vi.459.52 mil 4s 1 .500 oo 331 111 7.S50 til K.310 03 W9.78I W capital Mtock paid in 410 ooo oo Surplus fund L'.UUU IK) Undivided protlts Individual depoolts mililect to check W.mOil Demand certhlcates ot de posit 1.1501 7.1 M0 50 TlnieccrtlllcateHor deposit. 13.UI1IW 80.3.11 no Milt payable- , d.Ooo oo Total ti)8.781 IW State ol NohraNka. County of Lincoln. w: I, Karl llrownllolil. cashier of the auovn named hank, do luucljy swear that the above statement h a correct ami truo' i.opyJ nf tliu report made to tlie State UankliiK mum, i.ivnu niiovi ; r i bl.u uasnier L. I. JwsoN. f Directors Huliscrlhed, and sworn to boforo uiuthls nn uayor popieinltor. uw.i. 13. H. (iOOl)MAN', Notary Public. AN ORDINANCE. An ordinanco renulrlng tho construe tlon of sidewalks as follows: Beginuiiur nt tho curb lino on tho oast side of Washington Avonuo. from thenco n an easterly direction along tho north sido of West Fourth streot along nnd in front of tho south sido of lots 7, 8, 9, 10. It nnd 12, In block 19, in tho North Plntto Town Lot Company's addition to tho city of North Platte. Lincoln county, Nebraska, to tho curb lino on the wost sido of Lincoln Avenuo and beginning on tho curb lino on tha east sido of Lincoln ilvenuo from thonco in an easterly direction along tho north side of Wost' Fourth street along-nnd in front of tho south side of lots 7, 8. 9. 10, U nnd 12, in block 20, in tho North Platto Town Lot Company's Ad dittion to tho city of North Plntto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to tho curb lino on tho wost sido of Grant Avenue. Bo It ordainud by tho mayor ami city council of tho city of North Plntto, Nebrunka: . .Settlon 1. It Is, humify bYyaVo'd by tho mavor nnd citv council of North Platto, Lincoln county, Nebraska, that ' tho following sidewalk be constructed i within tho corporato limits of Bald city, as provided by tho general sidowollc ordinanco of siiid city, passed and ap proved on tho 21st day of June. 190G: beginning nt the curb lino on tho east side of Washington Avenue, from thenco in an easterly direction along the north side of West Fourth street, along and in front of tho south fide of lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12, In block 19, in tho North Plntto Town Lot Com- r's Addition fo tho city of North Matte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, to tho curb lino on the west ido of Lin coln Avenuo and beginning at the curb line on tho cast sido of Lincoln Avenue, from thence in an easterly direction along the north side of west Fourth street, alone and in front of tho south side of lots 7, 8, 9. 10, 11 and Vi in block 20 In the North Platte Town Lot Company's Addition to he city of North Platte. Lincoln County, Nebraska, to the curb line on tho west sidi of Grant Avenue, ull of which sidewalk shall be constructed on a line as provided for In tho general side walk ordinanco of said city, passed and approved on tho 21st day of June. 190G And all of said sidewalks shr.ll be constructed of hnrd brick, stone llngging or broken stone and coarse gravel and cement, and shall be boarded at the edges with permanent .material in manner as provided by the general ordmnnco of said city, passed unci improved on tho Zlst day ot .June, 1900. Section 2. That tho owners of tho lots along which this sidewalk so cs tablbh-d by this ordinance, as described In section one hereof, are hereby ri quired to construct said sidewalk without delay, and have tlw same completed within thirty days from tho publication or service or nolle i n provided by th general sidewalk ordinance passed und ipproved on the 21st doy of June, 1900 And if any of the owners .sha II fail to comply with this ordinanco and notice when given, the city authorities shall proceed with tho construction of said -Ul.'W.HK at tho cxpenso or ihe tlclln quent owners of said lot as provided In said general sidewalk ordinance pissed and approved on tho 21st day of June. 1906. and tho amount of costs and expenses for the construction of said sidewalk and collection of the same shall bu collected by special as- "CSHment or tax lovled airainst tho lot or lots along which said city is required to construct the same. Section 3 This ordinanco shall take effect and be In force from and after its passage according to law. ntsacd and annroved by tho mayor and city council this 7th day of Sep temher. 15IU9. Tiios. C. Patterson, Mayor, Attest: CllAS. b TEMPLE, (Seal.) City Clerk NOTICE Notico is hereby Kiven that at tho election held August 21th, 1909, in the Citv of North Platte. Lincoln countv Nebraska, at which said election thero was submitted to the electors of said city the question: "Shall the mayor and city council ot tho Uity of North flatte. Lincoln rounty. Nebraska, is suo its water bonds in the sum of S100, 000.00 in denominations of $100 00 each, payable twenty years from date uut payauie ut otiy time live years atte dale, ut tho option ot tho saw city o North Platte, bearing interest nt the rato of llvo per cent per annum, inter est payable semi-annually, and shall tho mayor and city council of tho said city of North Platte levy a tax annu ally sufficient to pay the interest on tho same; ' 71-1 votes were cast at Haul election for issuing said bonds nnd levy ing a tax annually to pay tho interest nnd principal on tho sumo, and Mil votes were cast against issuing said bonds and against levying it tax annu ally to pay the interest nnd principal of tho same, and that sntd proposition, having received more than two-thirds of all of the votes cast at said election, has been dnclared adopted by the may or and city council of tho City of North Platte, rnd notico is heroby given that on tho 1st day of October, 1909, said mayor and city council will issue said $100,000.00 of tho water bonds of tho City of North Platto, bearing interest at tho rnto of five per ctnt por annum, payable semi.nunually, said bonds ma turing twenty years from the date thereof, and payable at any time after fivo years from the dato thereof, at the option of tho said City of North Platte. Thos C. Pattehson, Mayor. Attest: Chas. F. Temple. (Seal). City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. Being tho levy of taxes on tho prop orty within tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, for tho purposo of paying tho interest coupons maturing April 1st and October 1st, 1910, on $100,000 00 of water bonds of said city said bonds and coupons to bo dated Octobor 1st, 1909, boaring interest at tho rate of 5 por cent por annum from date, payable semi-annually, said bunds maturing twenty years from the dato thereof and authorized to bo issued by the electors of tho city of North Platte, at an election held on tho 24th day of August, 1909. This levy is made to pay said intorost pursuant to the th authority given at snid election, to tho mnyor ana city council ot tho city of North Platte, to levy taxes to pay tho interestund principal on said bond. Bo It ordained by the mayor and council of the city of North Platte, Nebraska: Section 1. Taxeo nro heroby levied upon nil of the property within the jm its of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln county, Nebraska, nt the rato of seven mills on tho dollnr of th assessed val ii it t it n for tho purpoio of paying the Interest that matures April 1st, nnd October 1st, 1910, on $100.01)0 00 wnter bonds of tho city of North Platte, authorized to bo issued by the electors of tho citv of North Platte, at an election held August. 24th, 1909. This levy of taxes is made to pay tho inter est thoreon, maturing in 1910, pursuant to tho authority given to the mnyor and city council of the city of North Platte nt said election to lovv taxes to pav tlio interest and principal on said bonds. Section 2. This ordlnnnco shall take offect and bo in forco from and nfter its passage, npproval and publication according tp law. Passed and npproved this 7th day of September, 1909 Thos. C Patteuson, Mayor. Attest: OtiAO. F. TCMW-a , J (Soul) CttyCfoVV, QQ TO P. ffl. SORENSON FOR Furniture Repairing AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS . A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. AN ORDINANCE Providing for the construction of lateral sewer district to be Known as Lateral Sewer District "It", in (insist of Blocks 68, 57, 50,- f5, fil, 63, W. 61. 60, 49. 48 nnd 47 of the original oi North I'latte, Nebraska: mid lateral sower commencing where the ext. nsion of the center line of the alley in Block & intersects tho main sewer, running thenco in a westerly direction on the center line of the nllcv in 6id blocks 68, 57, 5G, 65. 51, 53, 52. 51, 50, 49, 48 and 47, of the original plat of the City ot North mute, Nebraska, to where tho center lino of said alley Intersects with the west lino of said block 47; to be constructed of sower pipe 10 inches in diameter, with proper Hush tanks, man noies una propur appliances; pro viding for nn ostimato of the cost thereof and for bids and for making n contract for said lateral sewer: also providing for the levvincr ntrainst the abutting lots according to tho front footage thereof, along the line of sairi sewor, special assessments to pay the cost of constructing the somo. Ho it ordained by the Mayor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nebraska Section 1. That a lateral sower dis trict, to bo known ns Lateral Sower District "It , bo formed from blocks 58, 57. 50. 55, 51, 53, 52, 51, 50. 49. 48 and 47 of the original plat of the Citv of North Platto, Lincoln coumv. Ne brasku. Section 2. That a lateral sewer be constructed of 10 inch sower pipe nt tho proper depth and on a erode re quired by tho present sewer system of said city, commencing whore the exten sion ot tno center lino ot the alley in Block 58 intersects the main sewe onsc oi saui uiock, running thenco in a westerly direction on tho center lint of the alley in Blocks 58, 57, 50, 55, 54 53, 52, 51, 60, 49, 48 and 47. of tho orig innl plat of tho City of North Platte Nebraska, to whore the center lino of said nlloy Intersects the wost lino of said Block 47, together with tho nec essary manholes, Hush tanks, nnd nec essary appliances, along the line oi said proposed lateral sewer. Section 3. Thnt the engineer of said city at onco prepare nnd file with the clerk thereof nn estimnto of the total cost of said proposed lateral sewer. Soction 4. Thnt after snid estimat is made and filed as herein provided that tho cleric ot salu city proceed onco to advertise in manner and form required by Inw for bids for the con struction of said lateral sewer nnd np appliances, reserving to said city th right to reject any and all bids there for. Section 5. If nn npproved bid bo made for said work, that n contruct bo entered into by tho mayor of said city, attested by tho clerk, with th necessary provision protecting tho in tercsts ot snul city, upon tho contrnc tor furnishing a bond in sufficient amount tor tho faithful performance of the sam contract. section o to pay tno costs ol con struction of snid lateral sewor, Hush tanks, man holes nnd appliances, a snc ial assessment shall bo levied according to Inw ajainst tho lots abuttinir ui.on the line of said lateral sewer, according to tno i root tootago thereol. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and bo in forco from nnd after its passage, npproval and publication Passed and approved this 7th day September. 1909. Thos C. Patteuson, Mayor Attest: UHAS. f. TKMI'LE. (Seal) City Clerk AN ORDINANCE. Providing for tho construction of Lateral Sewer District, to be known us Lateral Sower District "Q" to con sist of Blocks G3. 01, 05, CO, 67, 68, 09, 70, 71, 72. 73. 74, ami 75, of tho original pint of North Platto, Ne braska; said lateral sower commencing where the extension of the center lino of tho alley in block 63, intersects the mnin seWer eust of snid Block and running thenco in n westerly direction on thu center lino of the allev in said Blocks 63, 64. 65, 00, 07, 08, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75 of the original plat of tho city of North Platte, Nebraska, to where tho center lino of said alley Intersects with tho west lino of Block 75; to bo constructed of sewer pipes 10 inches in diameter vith proper flush tanks, man holes and proper appliances; providing for an estimate of tho cost thereof und for bids and for making n contrnct for said lateral sewer; also providing for tho lovying against tho abutting lots according to the front footage thereof, along the lino of said sower, special assessments to pay tho cost of constructing the 6nme. Bo it ordained by tho Mnyor and City Council of tho City of North Platte, Nobraskn; Suction 1. That a lateral sewer dis trict, to bo known us Lateral Sewer District "Q", bo formed from Blocks 63, 01, 65, 60, 67, 08, 09, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74 and 75, of tho orlginnl pint of tho City of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebraska. S lotion 2 That ,a lator il sswor hi constructed of 10 Inch sewor pipes nt the proper depth nnd on a grade re quired by tho proaont aowor system of snid city, commencing where the ox tension of tho center lino of tho nlloy in block 63 intersects tho main sewer enst of said block, running thence In a westerly direction on the center lino of said alley in Blocks 63. 61, 65, 60. 67, 68, 69, 70. 71, 72, 78, 71 nnd 75, of tb o original plat of the City of North FTa'tVtt, NbbVaWa, fo whtn-a thu carter no of said alloy Intersects the west lino of said Block 75, together with tho necessary man holes, Hush taiiks, and necessary appliances, nlong tho lino of said proposed lateral sewor. Section 11. That the engineer oi said city, at onco prepare and file with tho (Jlerk thereol nn csttmato ot tno totul cost of said proposed lateral sewer. Section 4. That nftcr snid estimnte made and filed as herein provided, that tho Clerk of said city proceed at once to ndvortiso in manner and form cnuired by law, for bids for the con struction of said latoral sewer and appliances, reserving to said city the right to reject any and an bins tnere- for. Section 5. If an approved hid bo made for said work, that n contract therefor bo entered into by tho Mayor of said city, attested by the Clerk, with the necessary provisions protect- ng the Interests of said city, upon the contractor furnishing u bond in suf ficient amount for the faithful per formance of tho said contract. Section C. To nav tho costs of con struction of snid lateral sewor, flush tanks, man holes and appliances, n special assessment shall bo levlod ac cording to law against tho lots abutt ing upon tho lino of said latoral anwer, according to the foot frontage there of. Section 7. This ordinance shall take effect and bo in force from nnd after its passage, npprovul and publi cation. Passed and approved this 7th day of September. 1UW. ' thos. U. I'ATTEIISON, Mayor. Attest: (JUAB. 1 TEMPLE. (Seal.) City Clerk. AN ORDINANCE. Requiring tho construction of side walk, as follows: Beginning on North Llin street and from thence along the north sido of west Third streot nnd from thuncc along the south side of lots 5. 6. 7 una o in UIock 162, and 7 and 8 in mode loa or tho urlulna Town, now City of North Platte, and Lots 7, 8, 9, IU, it nnd U2 in lilocK Vl hots 7. 8. 9. 10, 11 and 12 in Block 23; Lots 7. 8, 9, 10. 11 and 12 in Block 24. und Lots 4. 5 nnd 6 in Block "C" in the North Platte Town Lot Company Addition to tho City of North Platte, all in Lin coln County. Nebraska. Be it ordained by tho Mayor and City Uouncil of tho City of North Platte, NcbrasKa: Section 1. It is horeby ordered by the Mavor and Citv Council of North Platte, Lincoln County, Nebrasku, that the following sidewalks he constructed within the corporate limits of oaul city, as provided tor by tho general sido wulk ordin nee of said city as passed and approved on tho JJlst day ot June, 190G: Beginning on North Elm street and from thence along tho north side of west 1 bird street, nnd nlong the south auio of lots 5, 6, 7 nnd 8 in Block 152 nnd 7 nnd 8 in Block 153 of the Original Town, now City of North Platte, and Lotn 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 22 Lots 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 in Block 23 Lots 7. 8. 9. 10. 11 nnd 12 in Block 24 and Lots 4, 5 and 6 in Block "C" in the North Platte I own Lot Company's Ad tlition to tho City of North Platte, all In Lincoln County, Nebraska, ull of which sidewalk shall be constructed on n line as provided for in the general sidcwnlk ordinance of said city passed anu approved on tne zist day of June 1906, und all of said sidewalk shall bo constructed of hard brick, stone flnEir ing or broken stono and conrse crave! and cement; nnd it shall bo bordered at tho edges witli permanent mntenal in manner as provided by tho general or dinance of said city missed nnd np proved the 21st dny of June, 1900. Section 2. That tho owners of tho lots along which this sidewalk so es tabhshed by this ordinanco and do scribed m Section 1 hereof aro herebv required to construct said sidewalk without delay and have tho sam com plote within thirty days from tho pub lication, service of notico as provided in the general sidewalk ordinance passed nnd approved on tho 2lst day of June, 1900,. nnd if any of tho ownors shnll fail to comply with this ordinance atui notice when given, tho city author lties snail proceed with tho construct ion of said sidewalk at tho expense of I I. - If .. . A V . . ine iieiitiquuni owners or snid lot as provided in said general sidcwnlk or rhnanco passed and approved on th 21st day of Juno, 1906, and the amount of tho costs and expenses for tho con struction of snid sidewalk and in eon nection with the same shall bo collected by special nssossment or tax ncrainSt tho lot or lots nlong which said city is required to construct the same. section 3. This ordinanco will take ellect and bo in forco from and nfter its passage and publication according to law. Passed and approved by tho Mnyor and City Council thi 7th day of Sep tember, 1909 Thos C. Patteuson Attest: Chis. F. Temple, Mayor. (S al City Clerk. Serial No. 01832. Notico for lnblicAtion. Department of tho Interior. U. S. l and Olllcu at North I'latte. Nnb July 20th. HW. Notice Is heroby Blven that John Ottndram, of North I'latte, Nebraska, who, on Anirust SM. IW4, madB homestead entry No. HUOO. Serial No. OlKH. for southwest ouarter section lo. Township 15. north. Hanco 20 west of the Sixth Principal Meridian has died notice of Intention to make Dual live year proof to es tablish elalm to tho land aliove described, before the lletrlster and Ilecelver at North IMatto. Nob., on tho '.'4th (lay of September. Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson II Combs, (larlleld Outherless. William l'lttwan and .lud Combs, all of North Platte, Neb. J22- J. K EVANS, Iteglster. NOTIOE OF INCORPORATION. Notice Is hereby u veil that a corporation to bo known as tlio Trl-Count.v Telephone Company has been Incorporated under the laws of tho Male of Nebraska, that the prin cipal place ol transneiliitr the business of snid coriKiratlon Is at North Platto, Nebraska, and thotreoeral nature of thu business lo Ik) transacted Is thoconstriicllon, operation and maintenance of a telephone and tolcirraph system In the city of North Platto and sur rounding country. Tho authorized capital stock of said cor poration Is iio.000 common stock, nnd S3.000 prefeired stocks that moro than Sl.uuo of tho common slock has Imuii sulmcrlbed and paid for by the stock holders, and tho remainder of said common stock and tho preferred stock Is to ho Issued under tho direction of tho Hoardof Directors upon the payment there for by the sulwcrlbers Tho time for thu (oiiiineiiemiient of said corporation Is May 21, W. ami said corporation terminates llfty yecrs rom said date. Tho highest amount of Indebtedness1 or liabilities lo which said corporation Is at any time, to b subject shall not exceed .V) p,ir cont of the capallul stoel; of sild eoriKirutlon, exclusive of tho preferred stock Issued. Said curixiratlon Is to bo in audited by a Hoard of llvo Directors and a President, vice President. Secretary and (leimral Manager. Tm-fOI'NTV TICI.Rl'ltONK COMPANY. . ,JtNjtl.Urt'teroltr, FrsViaurrr. . V Hoitfliwel, Kgcitftorvi A Spanking Good Team is nt your command whenever you tell us you want It. This livery stnblo is prepared to supply instantly nny kind of a rig you require. While in your service it is as much yours ns if you owned It. Tho difference is that you pay only for the time you use it, nnd not for tho time it is standing in the stnblo. Thnt beats private ownership all hollow. A. M. Lock. Notice for Publication. Serial No. OJIR3. Ouimrtinuntof the Interior. . Land Olllco at North I'latte. Neb. .lull- sotli. toon. U.H Notice Is hereby clven tliat.lohn Cliimlram, of N'otth i'latte. Neb., who on July 10th, Hi) I, mnilo Homestead Entry ro. zonw, serial No- ic'IM, for north halt ami Mjutlicnst uuar ter section 10. township 15, north, ramro 20. westoi the ntii principal meridian. lias tiieu notico of Intention to make final llvo year proof, to establish claim to the land above described, before tho reclsicr and reeelver at North I'latte, Nebraska, on tho V!lth day of September. IVKW. C'lalmnnt names as witnesses: vwison 11. Comlw. Oarflold Outlierless, William I'lttman and .lud Combs, all of North i'latte, rob. J23-0 .1. k. kvans. Keifistor. NOTICE I'OU publication! Serial No- ftii'M). Department of tho Interior. IT. S. Land Olllco at North I'latte. Neb. July a). 100V. Notico Is herein-clven that Dentils McKlllln of North I'latte. Neb., who, on April 10. llioo. mane Homestead entry so. zinn, serial No. OJ(W) for south half, east half north east quarter, northwest tiuartur northeast uarter and southwest ouarter northwest quarter of Section 26, Township 13 N.. IlatiKO :il W., of tho 0th Principal Meridian, handled notico or intention to inaKu iiuai live year nroof. to establish claim to tho land aiiovo described, lieforo tho Heidslcr and Uecelvcr. at iMortn Platto. Nob., on tlio d day or September. 1W.'. Claimant names as witnesses: David V. Mncombcr. William Doehke. J A. Toops and II. V. Dobke. Jr.. all of North I'latte. Nob, JS3-n J. K. Evans. Iteclstor. NOTICE l'"OU PUHMOATION. Serial No. KMW. Department of tho Interior, U. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb. Atiir. It). UKAt. Notico Is hereby l ven that Walter K. Cov ellof North Platte. Neb.. wh, on Oct. 10. 1W)7, made homestoar. entry No. 2.1471. serial No. 08650 for K section!, townsjdp 11, N, ranee i-i uiuuiii rrincioai .irwuan, uas nieti notico of Intuition to make llnal llvo year proof, to establish claim to thu laud abovo described, tioforo tho Ucu'lstor and Receiver at North Platto,. Nebraska, on tho 10th day of Octobor. 1WJ. Claimant names as witnesses: Ocorco Patterson, Dentils Itreen, Harry I.ariplaucli. I.. S. Macomber, all ot North I'latte. Nob. J. E.Evans. Reulstcr. NOTICE Ol-' SETTLEMENT. Tho State ot Nebraska. 1. . Lincoln County. f s" In tho County Court. In tho matter of tho estatu of Ered (!uls deceased. To tho creditors, heirs, legatees and others Interested In tlio cstato of l'rcd Gels. I'ako notice. that John Oels has (lied In tho county eourt a report of Ids dolntrs as administrator of said estate and It Is ordered that thu samo stand for hearing tho 18th day of SeptemlHir. A. I).' 1101). bo foro the court at tho hour of 2 o'clock p. in., at which tlmo any person Interested may ap pear and except to and contest, tho same. And notice of this proceedhiu Is. ordered clven ;n tho North Platto Tilbuno for six successive Issues prior to Soptomber H, 1W0 Witness my hand and tho seal of tliucoun.y court at North Platto this 30lh day of Auuust A. I) lOOU. a SO-t) AV. C.'.it. County .Tudiro. NOTICE VOH PITHMCATION. Serial No. 0M.1. Department of tho Interior. T. S. Land Olllco at North Platto. Neb. Auir 10, IWD. Notico Is hereby irlvnn that William II. Turploof North Platte. Nob., who. on July V. lfOI, mado homestend entry No. 20311, serial No. OWU. for NMSWIf. NViSEWand N Wii, seel Ion 28. township 12, N. range SI, W. of tho 0th Principal Mcrldau, has filed notice of In tention to make Una! llvo yoar proof, to establish claim to thu land alsjvo described, tioforo tho Register nnd Receiver at North Platte. Neb. on tho 10th day of Oct. 1W.', Claimant names as wltnsssesi John Schar man, Curtis E. Illumiiu, Carl llroedor, Hugh Sanger, all of North Plntto, Nob. avo-tl .1. E. Evans. Register. Serial No. CJ179. NOTIOE l'OK PUBLICATION IIHI'AHTMKNT OP TUB INTfHlOlt. United States LNind Olllco, At North I'latte. Nebraska Sept, 3. 1WJ. Notice Is heroby given that William Hans berry, of (larlleld, Nebraska, who, on July 25, Ilk) I, mado homestead entry No. 20133, serial No, 02170, for east half southeat iptarter. section 20 and west half southwest ouarlur, Section 21. Township 111 N.. Range 20 W of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has tiled notico of Intention to make llnal llvo year proof to establish claim to thu laud aliuvo described, beforo tho register and receiver, at North Platto. Nebraska, on the 0th day of Novomlier. IWW. Claimant, names as witnesses: Jonas N. Rasler and Krank Hoy, of Garfield, Neb.. Itcrt Kilmer and John Hayes of ICIImor. Nob. J-'O-B .I.E. Evans. Register. Serial No. 01800. NOTICE KOIt PIIIILIOATION. Department ot the Interior. U. 8. Land Olllco at North Platto. Nob. Sept 86, lUOii Notico Is hereby given that William Hanshorry, of Oarlluld, Nob., who on August Wth. 11HM, mado Homestead Entry No. 10711, Serial No. OIS09. for east half southeast (iitarter section 1". and east half northoast nuarterof nection '.V, township 10 north, tango m well of the slxtn principal meridian, has bled notice of Intention to make final five year proof, lo establish claim to the land aiiovo described, beforo tho Register and Receiver at Norlb Platto, Nubraska, on tho 0th day of November, IMA'. Claimant names ns witnesses: Jonas N. linslernnd frank Hoy, of UarUeld, Nob. llort Kilmer and John Hayes of Klltuor. Nob. J20 6 .T E. Evanb. Register. NOTICE OF INCORPORATION. Notico Is hereby given that a corporation to he knowt. as the Partners Mutual Telephone Company has liecn Incorporated under tho Inwsof ihestateof Nebraska, Thatthoprln clpal place of transiting the business of said corporation Is at North Plane, Lincoln. County. Nebraska. Tho general nature of the business to bo transacted by said Telo phono Company Is the construction and oper ation of a telephone lino and exchange hi the vicinity of North Platto. Nebraska, for the mutual benefit of the owners of tho capital' suockofsald conoratlon. Tho amount-of cap Itol stpc-H authorized by said corporation Is $V ooo, divided' Into ono hundred shares of 310 pach to bosubscrlbcd and paid for by thostock holders, of which sum more than iti'O has been subscribed nnd fully paid for. Said cor IKiratlon has further power tolsssuo JI.U0O of preferred stock of the corporation to bo do yidud Into shares or 0 each, said stock to Lo Issued under the direction of tho Hoard of Directors iiikui payment therefor. Said cor poration eommenced business on thoSist day of May. IW0. and terminates on tho Hist day of April, lt'31. The largest ntmunls: Of UnleXrt edness or liabilities to which ttirt corporation sat any tlmo to subject Itself Is limited to two-thirds p' the paid up slock of tho oormir allon. Said coiM)ration Is to bo managed by a Hoard of threo Directors and President. . i, . Vf.y'V: U iT.V 1 a T' nml Treasurer. I'AUMKKS MUTUAL TELEPHONE ("O. n ir A,tfi"rJ Hrunsfnuv, WsVdUnt.