A Wonderful Invention of Modern Times T COOKS WITHOUT FIRE. And it is Free to Customers of Our Store Saves Fuel and Labor. WORTH $10 BUT GIVEN AWAY ABSOLTTELY FREE BY US... FREE! Fireless Cookers and tho art of firelcFB cooking is old, having bwMi us ed in Norway and tho old world, ages ago the oul. diTeronce in that our Cooker iH bu It Hcientilically for any practical purposes. The Cooker retains the delicate flavor of tho food, otherwise lost in constant boiling it retains tho sweotnesH of cereals, soups, meats in fact anything that can bo boiled, may be involved from tho Cooker. r R K The Scientific Cooker is Sanitary--elean. Construction is as follows--case is made of dovetailed, select, kiln dried gumni wood. This is stained a dark mission, it is then waxed, after waxing'tho case is oiled and rubbed, leaving it with a beautiful dull black mission finish. The kettles are of steel with double coat of acid proof sanitary en amel, patent lock covers. One kettle will hold six quarts, another four quarts. TIII.4 COOK Kit In tightly pnckel with about. :(5 to 10 Mm. of mineral wool unit ahestos, iimliliiK it air Unlit, iwcl inline all oiiIhIiIo-air and ivtnhiiiij; tlic heat. Till', TOl' IH OP H1IHI0T HTKI-Hj which Is heautlfiilly emuiieled ami (tecoinU-d Hiving t lie cooker a Ii:uk1soiiu appeal ance. Any lliniitls or foods accidentally spilled on this top can he easily vlpcd tip. IN OPKItATIOX this wonderful Invention Is simplicity Itself. You Hhnply prepare the fond to he cooked in the regular way place it on the .stove and bring it to holi then Immediately transfer It to the cooker.cover it tightly, add tlie Insulated pillow covering drop the lid and let the conker do the rest. After a few hours remove the cover and servo the ineal boiling hot perfectly cooked ami with a taste that will prove delightfully surprising, l.'est results can he hail only by following carefully directions given in cook hook which Is included with each cooker. KOU CUHAIjS that require long Cooking, as oatmeal, It will qrove a ravelatlon prepare the oatmeal at night before retiring, bring it to a bull place It in the Cooker, leave it there all night. In the morulng,oii arising, your breakfast Is ready to be served deliriously cooked. I .N.ST MAI) )l' COOKINd UKANH, ce, barley, peas, and other foodstuffs over a hot fire, which takes hours ami hours and fuel simply In lug your water to a boil, place it in the cooker ami that ends It. How to Get a Fireless Cooker Free. With every purchase we give you a coupon. This registers amount of every purchase you make at this store. When vou have bought $100.00 worth of merchandise of us Ave will give you this wonderful Fireless Cooker ABSOLUTELY FREE, if you will purchase $.50.00 worth of goods at this store and pay $2.95 in cash wo will give you tho cooker under that arrangement, or with $2.00 in trade and a payment of $8.',)5 you may secure this $10.00 cooker or with $10 in trade and a payment of $'1.5)5. The Cooker is now on display at our store call and see it in operation ask to have it demonstrated. With $10 in trade Ave give absolutely free a handsome, highly decorated Vase, or a seven piece set of high grade China ware. We do this to ' advertize our store, our merchandise and our shoe service. Wo Avant every man, Avoman and child to test our shoes. Tho proof of the pudding and (0) a trial is proof positive Avhile otHer evidence is Jiearsay, and remember, its your money back unless you are absolutely satisfied. A NUMBER OF PRIZES TO SELECT FROM. The Best Shoe Store. North Platte, Nebr twwxo i r.i li III Km AN INVITATION. Wo request you to honor us with n visit. Wo nro vory proud of our atoro, our stock and what wo boliovo to bo nn nrtiatlo diaplay of Jowolry, Sil verware und Watches. Whllo wo nro anxious to havo you muko your purchases horc, no per son in our store will ovor urge you to buy. A jowolry storo should bo a dis play room nn exhibition pnrlor, und tho wares should thcmnolvos cry out "Buy Mo." Honor us with n call lot us bIiow you what you may bo intorostcd in. Wo havo a magnificent collection, and ono well worth inspection, ovon though you nro not ready to buy. CLINTON, Jeweler and Optician. I'hone m We wanl Your Repair Work DR. 0. II. CRESSLER, Graduate Dcnlisl. Oflko ovor tho McDonald Stato Bank. Loiir silk coats nt low prices nt Tho Louder. Jim Clinton and Oscar Sundall were Kearney visitors yesterday. Sam Delatour, of Uouol county is transacting business in town today. Full line Walk-ovor Shoes just in at Wilcox Dop'artment Store. Muster Mechunic Wm. Niland, of Cheyenne, is in town today on business connected with his official position. For Sale Good second hand piano; $10 if taken nt-onco. Inquiro nt 821 west Fifth. Messrs. CunniiiKhnm and Day, of Glenwood, Iowu, nro intending to busi ness in tho probate court today. Miss Elizabeth Bonner ontortoinod nt n six o'clock dinnor lust evening in fa vor of Miss Grnmor, of St. Paul, Nob. Ladies' tailored suits for the fall season oro now on buIq ut Tho Lender. Mr. nnr Mrs. Fred Gurlow and little daughter, Avho' hud boon traveling with the Wild West show for u week as tho guests of Colonel Cody, returned homo luBt night. week, whero he express und bug- Ilnlph Graham has sold lot 7, block G, Miller's nddition, to Elln Stntcs for $200. Frunk Murrny wont to McPhorson county yestordny to look over u bunch of cnttlo with u view of buying. Tho latest dress trimmings nnd but tons are to bo found nt The Leader. Prairie chickens nro said to bo full grown nnd plontiful, but local hunters by tho exorciso of will power nro restraining themselves from starting the extermination. Exchungo; Fino stnndard brod pac ing stallion, record 2:12, for grazing land. Snap. G A. Hobson, Fnirfiold, Nebruskn. Willis Record, who is down from Puxton today, suys corn in Keith county that has been well cultivated is in good condition, whilo tho revorse is trua of that which has not been well tended. Buttermilk during hot weather. Ask your doctor, 5c ut tho fountnin. Stone Drug Co. Chnrloy Brown, who relieved Ex press Agent Hensolt during his vnca tion, will return to Groon River the early part of noxt holds tho position of gage ugent. North Plntto people who attended tho Wild West show nt Kournay yos tcrday report u very lurgo nttondunce. A number of our citizens called on Col onel Cody nt his tent and they were very cordially received by him. Men's, ladies' nnd children's swont-o-8, in all thn latest designs, are shown at Tho Leader. Miss Orllla G'lmnn gave u vory on joynblo three courso luncheon in fnvor of Miss Ailcon Gantt Thursday. Tho guests wero seated ut small tables and found their places by tho means of novol placo cards which doscribod each ones' nppenrnnco. Tho Misses Kato Giltnun, Murray and Ileudy assisted in sorving. Ladies', Misses' and Children's Full Suits, skirts and "looks are now ready for your inspection ut Thu Lcadqr. William D. Tully, udmlnstrntor, nnd Flora Tully, noxt of kin, hnvo filed a petition in thoolllco of Clerk Langmnn, of tho District court, suing tho Grand Island Telephone Company, tho Grand Island Electric Company nnd tho Fair mont Creamery Company for damages in tho amount of $13,7:12, on account of tho death of Stewart Tully, who was killed by a live wire near tho Fair mont Cranmery Company's plant Homo veeka ugx. Gruml Island Independent Architect Curl Shaffer returned this morning from a business trip to Omu hn, to which city ho journeyed Monday night. Children's rendy-to-wenr drosses, in sizes from six to fourteen, in poplins, serges, etc., nro shown at Tho Leader. Miss Anna 0'IIaro will open her dancing school for adults at Musonic hall noxt Tuesday evening. For partic ulars phono 30!). New Fall Dress Goods. Full lino now In ut Wilcox Department Store, Engineer Liddoll Is off duty, having wrenched his back whilo moving n stove into the house he recently pur chased of N. A. Davis, Money to loan on good real estate se curity. Seo O. E. Elder, Keith theatre building. Wonthor forecast: Unsettled weather; probable showers toi ight and to morrow. Maximum temperature yes terday 8G, a year ago .82; Minimum this morning G2, a year ago 02. Next Monday being Labor Day, und u stnto legal holiday, tho two bunks of tho city will bo .closed. Those in terested "hould muko their arrange ments urcordingly. Fivo hundred Petticoats in black nnd colors, now on exhibition utj.The Leader. F. A. Stroup roturnodyostorduv from Scotts BlulT where he conducted a lund seekors' oxcursion. Mr. Stroup will leave tomorrow on a business trip to Chicago. Streot nnd dress hnts for full 1909 nro now shown ut The Lender. Tho stnto trcusurer bus signified his willingness to purchuso tho North Plntto water bonds and give a libera' premium. This removes tho doubt expressed by somo as to whether tho bonds could be readily sold. In speaking of the Wild West show, which exhibited ut Kearney yesterday, The Hub makes this personal mention of Colonel Cody: Colonel William Cody is still lithe und strong and the long white hair adds much to his pictur csquenoss of his character Buffalo Bill Is now sixty-four years of ago nnd although ho hns been nt tho head of tho big bIiow for twenty-five years or more ho has missed but threo perform ances, which is truly remarkable and ho is more enthusiastic over the show now than ho was years, ago nnd np pears in tho arena seven tinus during the performance. Arthur Hongland left Wednesday night for Mitchell to drivo an automo bile through to Kansas City. When ho reaches here he will bo accompanied to Knnsus City by Perry Carson. Fall of 1909 dress goods, with trim mings to match, nro shown nt The Leador. Mrs. F. W. Miller returned today from Denver, whero she hud gono to visit her mother. She found the latter gotting along wonderfully well nnd will bonblc to leuvo tho hospital in unother week. Balers Wanted. Wanted at once, two baling outfits to bale stackod hay. L. F. ToniN. For Sale. House und lot on West Sixth street. Threo blocks from Dewey. J. F. Clu-bnugh. Strawberries. Fino young home grown plants for full setting. M. A. White, m. W Gth St., Phtfne Red 187. I -- I GOING AFTER THE i I LICE. 1 R You need somcthlnj; to clean up I disinfect nnd kill parasites. tt I KRESQ DIP 1 will do the work. I 1 INEXPENSBVE 1 'III A8YTOU8E. Ill I l wo nave a special boolc- I HI let on diseases of Foul- III I try. Call or write for one. Ill VVVVWWWVvVVVVVVVVVVV wvwwwwwwvvwv Spring and Summer Necessities. Hardware, Lawnmowers, Garden Tools, Wash Machines, Grindstones, Grass Catchers, Knives. Refregerators, Glasses, Pictures, Furniture, Picture Frames, (made to order.) Art Squares, Rugs, Mattings, Curtains, Draperies, Couch CoversWindow Shades. Plumbing and Heating. GINN & WHITE. talir orma . Low one-way rates to San Francisco, Los Angeles and other points are in effect daily September 15th October 15th, 1909, via Stone Drug Company TT7 I UNION PACIFIC "The Safe Road to Travel." Tickets are good on comfortable through tourist sleepers, on payment of berth rate. Klectric block signal protection. Dining car meals and service "Best in the World." For Tickets and General In formation, Call on or Address E. L. LOMAX, G. P. A., Union Pacific Railroad Co., Omaha, Nebraska. 1T 51 FISTULA 'Pay When CURED LJI AU "ectai Diseases cured without a surgical I ll operation. No Chloroform, Ether or other Ken- JHL MM. eral aneasthetio used. CURE GUARANTEED x to last n LIlrE-TIME. "examination pres. F WRITE I'OU BOOK ON P1LKS AND RECTAL, DISEASES WITH TESTIMONIALS DR. E. R. TARRY, 224 Boo tJulldtn?, Omnho, Nobrnska 4 'X