II1E SfHl-WiEKLY TIME IRA L. BARE, Publisher TERMS J1.2G IN ADVANCE NOltTH I'liATTIS, NBDIIASICA SEEMED TO NEED MORE FIRE Swan, Only Being Cooked for Two Days, Was Not Very Palate able Eating, Ono of the most annoying tliingR nbout nwnnn 1b thnt they live to an extremely great ago, nntl tlint It Is Impossible for the ordinary observer to Biiewi wlint their yeiiiB 'may be. President Orover Cleveland once bud mi amusing experience with Home 8vntia, according to a writer In the American Mngnzinn. Ho had been In the south, nlioollng, and brought home p number ot wild nwang, one of which he sent to ech member of his cabi net and to Home other associate. ' AH tho boy." Buld Mr. Cleveland, Uit.nked me politely for having re membered them, but none of them ueomed to hae much to say how they enjoyed the birds, CarllBle, I found, had him cooked on a ii f slit whfti ho was dining out. Another, when 1 naked him, mild lie hoped 1 wouldn't mind, but he had hc nt IiIb home to bin old mother. T bur lier didn't mention his bird at nil for tvo dnya. Finally I asked him nbout It. " Thurber, did you got that Bwnn nil right?' " 'Yob, air, oh, yes, I got tho swan nil right, thank you and ho bent over his desk and sonmed vory busy. " KJno bird,' 1 said. " Yes, nlr, line bird,' nnd ho wont on working. "'Knjoy oatlng him, Thurber?' "Ho waited n mlnuto, and then ho said, 'Well, air, I guess they didn't cook hltn right at my house. They only cooked him two days,' nnd ho went on working without cracking n Binlle." A "Mite." Tho dlirtcultloB experienced by our forefathers In trying to reckon money In very Binnll proportions appoar In the various values given to n "mlto" in the nlxteenth and seventeenth cen tury books of coinmorclnl arithmetic. The original "mlto" Bocins to havo been n third of a Flomlsh penny, but tho uso 'of the word for tho widow's coin of tho New Testament made Itu regular Kiigllsh meaning hnlf a fnrth lug, and Borne old peoplo may romem tier applying tho namo to tho short' lived nineteenth contury coIiib of thai value. In those old arithmetic books "mlto" stands for varloim values not represented by actual coins, but ob viously used In. reckoning. A work of 1700 maken it one-twelfth of n pen ny, two sixteenth century booka one sixth or a farthing, nnd in 1G7I Jcnke'B arithmetic mado It an little as ono Blxty-fourth of a penny. The Jewelcr'o Dlngnools. "Can you tell mo what'H tho matter with this watch?" Inquired the Aver ago Looking Man anxiously. The Jowolcr Htuok n dice box In his eye and glanced nt tho Instrument's Innards. Then ho looked up. "Ypu llnd It necoHsnry to nhnko H real ftinrd every now and then to start It going, don't you?" he Inquired. "That'll right." "And you find that It gota dusty, don't you Perhaps you don't blow hnrd enough on tho works?" "Oh, yea, I do ovory day." "Well, well! Hut nro you cnteful to start tho balance whool going with a toothpick every hour or two?" "Yes, I do that, too." "And In spite of all your precau tions, it needs about ilvo dollars' worth or repairs. U'h vory strange." Kor the Jeweler possessed a dry and Burctuitlo wit. A Dear Just Mloceo Revenue. Herman Russell, a fnrmor of Hud son township, had a thrilling oscnpo from a den of bears the other day, Bays a Jloyno City (Mich.) dlspntoh to tho Chicago Inter Ocean. Whllo driving along the road his watchdog Kcouted a cub and Herman, seeing the little follow, decided that It would liiako a good pet, Ho accordingly wont over to the cub, but when he uttompted to pick him up he wnn confronted by a big mother bear, who put up a light. Her man took to the first treo, which was a small sapling. Mrs. llruln slr.ed up the situation, then doliborntoly gnawed tho Bapllug until It broke. KubbqII was trnvod by falling Into the brunches of u lurger tree. Many Women Arc Illiterate. There aro 'aid to be between 70 and 80 per cent, of Illiterate women Jn tho provinces in Italy south ol Home. Above HiIb lino many intelll gent women aro engaged In profes sional work" and nre highly educated Tho feminist niovemont in Itnly I going very slowly owing to thin fact, but n royal ocnunlaslon has recently been engaged In studying it, and there Is hope for the future in tho minds of thono Interested. Peter Thom'o Thistle. Peter Thorn of llarre hns u Scotch thistle in IiIb garden which has reached over eight foot in height. Tho scod from whluh the thlstlo was grown was qbtnlned rrom thistles Ijrownig on tho gravo of Robert llurns. Doorllcld Valley Times. i ' Enormous Sum Spent on Roads. Mr. John Hums stated in tho parlia mentary papera that tho cost of main taining nnd clcansiug the public roads of Loudon In tho year l'J07-'08 was 1,409,291. London Mali BOBERT u BZSNNJBT lLLUJTmTIOM BY MY WALTMJ coPYAicHr .ot r A.i. mcitMoiiQo. SYNOPSIS. The utory opriM with tlt ahlnwrock of :h aU'Atner on which Allan Oem-vlnvo i.t-ailo, mi Amriiciui licireM, i.oni win .hroe, mm llii-flltliinau, ami Tom Hlaki-, . lruaiiia Atnarlt-ftn. were patuwtigrr flu- three wvrn toiil tirmii an unfnlinb- ,ted lalaml and ware th only om-a not frownoii. JiMKn n-covptrd irom a eiritriK--n atiinor. Illako. nlimirnil on the IkidI. iMK-aiiaa of Ida roiwhrn-H:i, li'ame a horn la jirwrrvrr of tin- lx-lplfufl jwlr. Thr Kmrllnlimnn win kuHk fur tlm hand of Miaa itno. inuKc utiiricti to k wnn nar-K io t ho alilp to ncovi'i- what wua left. Blnko iHturiiHl aufi-ly. Wlnlhropi- wnatr-l hit- Inat match on n cliiurr-tle. for whl-h ho wok wool-Mi by Illnku. Their flrat tni-al wna H dead fluli. The trio atarleil n ten 1 mil lilku for litatH-r Inntl. Tliltut nt larkril them. Illako waa romiicllpil to i-arry Jllaa lsUr on nnount of wnri-nr-s. Mo taunted Wlnthro-K Tlioy -n-lorwl tin? JuiiKle. That night waa ii.iam-il ronMlng lilKIl In a iw, Tlio lioxt iiiitii Inx tlmy ili-acptnlod lo tlm open iikuIii. All linen oonatrnrleil liuta to alilnlil Ihem- n-lvoa from tin- ami. Tlioy then fc-tmtnl nn coroiniiiin. tin- oniy tirortiraiiio won. Ml I-"h1Ih Mhnwml n lilttntr for Hluki-. but ili'loHli'd litM roUKhnoaa. Lnl ly Hlnkn (hey (Ulnhllnhril u home In Bomo ollrfn. Hlaka fniinil freah vatrr MprliiK. Mlaa Tcalln fnc-cil an unplcaaant aluintlon. Tliev iihinrieil their ruiniialen. lllnUe re- rovt-red Ida aurveyor'a iniiKnlfyltn; Klaan, thua lnsurlntc lire, lla aturtcd u Jungle. tiro. CHAPTER IX. Continued, niako picked a path along the edgo of the rill, whero tho moist vegetation, though scorched, had refused to burn, Aftor the llrst abrupt ledge, up which Blake had to drag IiIb companions, tho ascent was easy. Hut as they climbed arnunu nn oiitjiittlng comer of tho steep right wall of tho cleft Ulnke muttered a curse of disappointment. Ho could now boo that tho cloft did mot run to tho top of tho cliff, but through It, llko a tiny box canyon. Tho sides roao sheer nnd smooth ns walls. Midway, at tho highest point of tho cleft, Jho baobab toworcd high above the ridge crest, Its gigantic trunk filling n third of tho breadth of tho llttlo gorge. Unfortunately It stood cIobo to the loft wnll. "Horo'fl luck for you!" growled lUlako. "Why couldn't tho b'lamcd old treo have grown on tho other sldo? Wo might havo found a way to climb It, Guess we'll hnvo to smoko out 'niothor leopard. Wo'ro no nearer thoao birds' nestB than wo wore yes terday." "Hy Jove, look here,!" oxclnlmod Wlnthropo. "This 1b our chnnco for antelopo! Hero by tho Bprlng nro bamboos real bamboos and only half tho thicket burned." "What of thorn?" demanded niako. "Hows nrrows and did you not ngico that they would make knives?" "Unipli we'll see. What Is It, Miss Jenny?" "Isn't thnt A holo In the big tree?" "Looks llko It. Those baobabs aro often hollow." ; "PorhnpB that Is whoro tho leopard had his den," added Wlnthropo. "Shouldn't wonder. Wo'll go and see." "Rut, Mr. Dlnko," protested tho girl, "may there not be other leopards?" "Might luivo been; but I'll hot thoy lit out with tho other. Look how tho treo Is scorched. Must lmvo' been stacks of dry brush nrouiul tho hole, 'notigh to smoke out a llromnn. Wo'll look and seo ir thoy loft any Roup bonos lying around. First, though, hero's your drink, MIbs Jenny." As ho spoke, Illako kicked aside nomo smouldering branches nnd led the way to tho crovlco whence tho spring trickled from the rock into a shallow stone basin. When all had drunk their 11 1 1 of the clear cool water Dlnko took up his club and walked straight across to tho baobab, Less than .10 steps brought him to tho nar row opening in tho trunk of tho huge tree. At llrst ho could niako out noth ing In tho dimly lit Interior; but tho fetid, catty odor was enough to con vince htm that he laid found the leopards' den. Ho etui lib t the vnguo outlines of u long body, eroiichod Ilvo or six yards away, on tho far wide of the hollow. Ho sprang buck, his club brandished to strike. But tho expected attack did not follow. Hlako glaucod about aa though considering tho advisability of a rollout. Wlnthropo and Miss Leallo wore staring t him, white-faced. Tho slh of their terror soomod to spur him to dare-devil bravado; though his actions may rnthor have been duo to tho fact that ho realized the futility of (light, and so rose to the renulromeutR of tho situation tho grim need to stand and fnco the daugor. "(let behind the bamboos!" ho called, and as thoy hurriedly obajud, be caught up a stono and tluug It In at tho crouching benst. Ho heard tho missile strike with a oott thud that told him ho had not missed his mark, ami ho swung up his i lub In both hands, (liven half n chanco ho would smash tho Bkull ot tho toinnlo as ho had crushed her blinded mato. Ono moment nftor an otlior passed, and ho utood poised for the shock, tonso nnd scowling. Not ko much nn a snarl came from within. Tho truth Hashed upon him. "Smothered I" ho yelled. Tho other saw hint dart In through tho hole. A moment ator two limp r.rnylsh bodies wero Hung out Into tho open. Immediately aftor Hlako roap pearod, dragging tho body of tho moth er leopard. "It's all rlghtj they'ro dead!" crlod Wlnthropo, and ho rati forward, to look at tho bodlop. a ..MMm& trWntitiKHtHTT P r.A mil i iMft mmm wh- - . , is I x Vv'f y 1 & One Moment After Another Passed, Miss Leslie followed, hardly less curious. "Aro they till dead, Mr..Blako?" she Inquired. "Wlpod out wholo 'family. Tho old cat stayed by hor kittens, and all smothered together lucky for us! Get busy with those bamboos, Win. I'm going to havo these skins, and tho Booner wo get tho cub moat hung up and curing, tho hotter for us." "Leopard meat again!" rejoined Wlnthropo. "Spring leopard, young and tonder! What moro could you ask? Got a move on you." "Can I do anything, Mr. Hlako?" asked Miss Losllo, "Hunt a Bhady spot." "Hut I really moan It." "Well, ir that's straight, you might go on ulong tho gully, and seo If thero's nny placo to get to tho top. You could pick up stlckB on tho wny back, If any aro left. Wo'll havo to fuiulgnto thin treo holo beroro wo adopt It for a residence." "Will It bo long boforo you finish with your with the bodies?" "Well, now, look here, Miss Jenny; It's going to bo a mess, and I wouldn't mind hauling tho carcasses clear down tho gully, out or sight, If It was to bo tho only time. Hut It's not, and you havo got. to got used to It, sooner or later. So we'll start now." "I suppose, H I must, Mr. Hlako Koally, I wish to help." "Good. That's something llko! Think you can learn lo cook?" "See what 1 did this morning." Hlako took the cord or cocoanut li ber which Bho held out to hltn, and tested Its strength. "Well, I'll bo blessed!" ho said. "This Is something into, ir you don't look out, you'll mako quite a camp nato, MIhb Jenny. Hut now, trot along. This Is hardly arctic woathor, and our abattoir don't Includo a cold atorago plant. Tho sooner those lambs aro drossod, tho bBttgr." CHAPTER X. Problems In Woodcraft. T WAS no pleasant sight that mot Miss Leslie's gaze upon her return. The noutest of butchorlng can hardly bo tormed neBthotlc; and Hlako and Wln thropo lacked both skill and tools. Ho twoon tho ponkuiro nnd an linprovlsod blado of bamboo, they had Hayed tho two cubs and hagglod off the lleli. Tho ragged strips, splttod on bamboo rods, wero already scaring In the Horce sun-rays. Miss Losllo would hsvo slipped into the hollow or tho baobab with her armful or fagots and brush; but Hlako waved a bloody knlfo nbovo tho body of tho mother leopard, and beckoned the girl to como nonvor. "Hold on a minute, please," ho said, "What did you Hnd out?" Miss Leslie drowfow steps near and Hc Stood Poised for the Shock. er, and forced herself to look at tho levoltlng sight. Sho found It still moro dinicult to wHhstnrd the odor of tho frc3h blood. W'lnthropo was pale and nauseated. Tho sight of his dis tress caused the girl to forgot her own loathing. She drow a deep breath, and succeeded In countering Rlako's oxpoctant look with a half-snillo. "How woll aro you getting along!" sho exclaimed. "Didn't think you could stand It. Hut you've got grit all right, if you aro a lady," Hlako said admiringly. "Say, you'll make It yet! Now, how about tho gully?" "Thoro Is no placo to climb up. It runs along llko this, and then slopes down. Hut thcro is a cliff nt tho end, as high ns these walls." "Twenty foot," muttorcd Hlako. "Confound tho luck. It Isn't that jump-off; but how In how are wo going to got up on tho cliff? Thero's an everlasting lot ot omolettos in thoso birds' nestB. ir only that bloom In' how's thnt, Win, mo b'y? that bloomln', blawstcd baobab watt on t'other side. Tho wood's almost soft as punk. Wo could dilve In pegs, nnd climb up the trunk." "Thoro aro other trees beyond It." remarked Miss Leslie. "Thon maybe wo can shin up " "I fear the branches that overhang tho cliff aro too slender to boar anv weight." "And It's too Infernally high to climb up to this overhanging baobab limb." "I sny," ventured Wlnthropo, "if, we had an ax, now. wo might cut up ono or the trees, and make a ladder." "Ob, yea; and If wo had a ladder, wo might climb up the cliff!" "Hut, Mr. Hlnke, Is there not somo way to cut down ono of the trees? Tho treo itself would be a ladder If It roll in such a way as to lean against tho cliff." "There's only the penknife," an sworod Hlako. "So 1 guess we'll havo to scratch eggs off our menu card Spring leopard for ours! Now, IT you really want to help, you might scrapo tho soup bones out or your boudoir, and fetch n lot moro brush, It'll tnke n big lire to rid tho holo of that cat smell." "Will not the treo burn?" "No; Ithese hollow baobabs, have green bark on tho Insldo as well as out. Funny thing, that! We'd have to keep n tire going a long tlmo to burn through." "Yet It would burn In tlmo?" "Yos; but wo'ro not going to" "Then why not bum through tho trunk of ono of thoso small trees, In stead of chopping It down?" "Hy hook, Miss Jenny, you've got an Amorlcan hoadplece! Como on. Sooner wo get the thing started, tho bolter." Neither Wlnthropo nor Miss Leslie was reluctant to loavo tho vicinity of tho carcasses. They followed close arter Hlako, around tho monstrous holo or tho baobab. A llttlo beyond It stood a group of slondor trees, whose trunks nvurugod eight inches at tho base. Hlako stopped at the second one, which grow nonrest to the sea ward aide of the cleft. ' Here's our ladder," he Mid. "Got somo llrewood. Pound tho bushes, though, before you go poking into them. May bo snnkea here." "Snakes? oh!" cried Miss Leslie, nnd she stood shuddering t the dan ger she hnd already Incurred. Tho 11 ro had burnt Itself out on a bare bdge of rock betwe?n them and tho bRobnb, nnd the clumps of dry brush left standing In ibis out! or the cleft wero very suggest lvo of Bnakew, now that Hlnke had called attention to the possibility of their prosence. He laughed nt his hesitating com panions. "Go on. go on! Don't Bqtieal till you're bit. Most snakes hike out, If you give them half a chance. Take n stick each of you, and pound the bushes." Thus urged, both started to work. Hut neither ventured Into tho thicker clumps. When they returned, with large armfuls of sticks and twigs, they found thnt Hlako had used Ills glass to light a handful of dry bark, out In tho sun, and was nursing It In to a small Hie at tho base of tho tree, on tho side next tho cliff. "Now, Miss Jenny," ho directed, "you're to keep this going not too big a tire understand? Same tlmo you can keep on fetching brush to fuml gato your cat hole. It nccdB It, all right." "Will not that bo ralhor too much for Miss Losllo?" asked Wlnthropo. "Well, If sho'd rnthor como and rub brains on tho nklns, Indian tan, you know, or " . "How can you montion such things before n lady?" protested Wlnthropo. "Heg your pardon, MIbs Leslie! you see, I'm not much used to ladles' com pany. Anyway, you'vo got to seo and henr about these thlng3. And now I'll havo to get tho strings for Win's bamboo bows. Come on, Win. We'vo got thnt old tabby to peel, and a lot moro besides." Miss Leslie's first linpulao was to protest against being loft alone, when at nny moment some awful venom ous serpent might como darting at her out of tho brush or tho crevices In the rocks. Hut her half-parted Hps drow firmly together, and after a mo ment's hesitancy, Bho forced herself to tho task which had been assigned her. The flro, onco stnrtcd, required llttlo attention. She could give most or her time to gathering brush for the fumigation of tho leopard den. Sho had collected quite a hoap of fuel nt the entranco of tho hollow, when sho remembered thnt tho plnce would first havo to bo cleared of Its accumulation of bones. A glanco nt her companions showed that they wore In tho midst of tasks oven moro revolting. It wns certalriy disagree able to do such things; yet, ao Mr. Hlako had said, others had to do them It was now hor tlmo to learn. Sho could seo him smllo nt her hesitation. Stung by the thought of his half contemptuous pit", sho caught up a forked stick, and forced hcrsolf to en ter tho trcc-cave. Tho stench met her llko a blow. It nauseated and nil but overpowered her. Sho stood for sov oral moments In tho center or tho cav Ity, sick and faMit. Had It been oven tho previous day, she would havo run out Into the open nlr. Presently she grew a llttlo moro nc customed to tho Btonch, and begun to rako over the soft, dry mold of tho den floor with hor forked stick. Hones! who had ever dreamed of such a mess or bones? big bones and little bone3 and skulls; old bones, dry nnd almost burled; moldy bones; bones still bnir-covorcd with bits or llosh and gristle tho remnants of tho leopard family's last meal. At last all were scraped out nnd Hung In a heap, thrco or four yards away from the entranco. Miss Les lie lookod at tho result of her labor with a satisfied glance, followed by n sigh of relief. Betwcon the heat and her unwonted o::orclso, nho was great ly fatigued. She stopped around to a shadlor spot to rest. With a sta'rt she remembered tho Are. When sho reached It thoro wore only a few dying ombers loft. Sho gathered dond loaves and shreds of fibrous Inner bark, and knelt bosldo tho dull coals to blow them Into life. She could not boar tho thought of hav ing to confess hor carolessness to Blake. (To m: coNTiNt'nn.) Drudgery In tho Kltcnen. The path ot progress Is clear. There Is no moro reason why tho woman in modem civilization should scrub and cook and dam and dust than thoro Is why theso things should bo done by men. Tho dovolopmont of Im proved machinery and tho growth of labor saving dovlces of nil kinds will fitmlly obvlato tho necessity ot doing theso things oach day In oach homo through the land. Co operation, which wo aro slowly learning to greet ns a rrtend, will overcome tho drudgery and mako tho llfo of a woman as en Joynblo and eventful ns that of tho man. Noarlng and Watson In "Eco nomlcs." Help uc to lemombar that greater than any church or 4rced Is kindness, To Memory Dear. "SInco I've come back I llnd I'm forgotten by all my friends." "Why didn't you borrow niwey of them boforo jou wont away?'-Stray Stories. Don't depe yourolf for every little pain. 1. onlv I.urts your stntfuich. Such pain comes 'inuallv from local Inflam mation. A little rulditng with Tlamlini Wiiard Oil will Atop it Immediately. Don't forget tnnt a dlvorco suit costs nioto than n wedding suit. Mm. TVIinlow'a Rootltlng PjTtin. Vor rtilltlren teettilnn, wiftrnn tlio R'lnu, reiliirei In minmatiuu,alli)pulu,cufc wlniluullu, Xaabuttle. Tho world Bprinkled $1,000,000 worth of pepper on Its food In 1903. Tell the Dealer you want a Lewis' Slnsle Hinder cigar for Us lich, mellow quality. During her courtship no girl Is in favor of disarmament. During Change of Life, says Mrs. Chas. Barclay Oranitevillc, Vt "I wns passiiiK through the CliaiiROof Lil'o atulsuil'oral from norvottsnesB nndother annoying symptoms, ami I can truly say that LydiaE.l'inkliam'a vogotnblo Com pound has proved worth mountains of cold to me, as it restored my health and strength. I never forget to tell my friends what LydlaE.rinkham'3 Vegetable Compound lias done for mo during this trying period. Complete, restoration to health means so much to mo that for the nnko of other Buffer ing women I am willing to mako my troublo public so you may publish tliia letter." 31ns. Chas. Uaiiclay, It.F.DGranitevillc, Tt. Ko other medicine for woman's ilia has received mich wide-spread and un qualified endorsement. No other med icine wo know of ha3 such n record of cures of female ills a3 has Lydia E. Pinkham'B Vegetable Compound. For moro than 30 ycare It lias been curing femalo complaints such aa inllammution, ulceration, local weak nesses, fibroid tumors, irregularities, periodic pains, backache, indigestion aud nervous prostration, and it is unequalled for carrying women safely through the neriod of chango of life. It costs but" littlo to try Lydia Ji. Pinkham's Vegetablo Compound, and, ns JIrs.I)arclay sayn.it is "worth moun tains of gold " to suffering women. Nebraska Directory MARSEILLES GRAIN ELEVATORS nro tin- lioHt ; InMM on lmvluj; tliem. Ask your locnl Hauler, or JOHN DEERE PLOW CO. OMAHA M. Spiesbcrger. Wholesale The BcstlnilieWott & Son Co. iliinerv 0 171 AH A, NEC. KGDAKFINISHIHQ1.. tli-n tlon. All su pj iex for ibu Amateur Mt riot I y fn-Rlu foiiil for ciitnloRiio nml rlnl.lilu.' nrlcpH. THE ROBERT DEMPSTER CO., Cox 1197. Omaha. Nob. ' H o e iUlnv Euroncan Plan Kooinn from ?I.U0 mi Mut-ir, ?." cents up double. CAFE I'KECEU ASONABLE h JYPEWPPS Jukes !?ifflSK I'KTIts. Hi-llUl.iiita.plt. ;)., X"?KM:""J',,.,,,ri' l"t1n-eamlii.Uoii. hoci O'il'i..." U rn- i ,r I, . birmn ii.i ...a ,.!!,, u- ,. r r.. .,,. is, llM.laiamlt ,llili. Sold by tlioPnft I)mlfr. AVowlllfiJ to pupil aim te'.'l)cr on uvi ,,t of i&ct.i. in Kinijx, n iv-ip, hinl ma.,!f l.mo-i.li-rln If. JOIIII G. VOOSVAMO & CO."ThoCnndy Mnii"Councll Kluf In, 11. nnaa Fistula- mi A.l n i i nr Vi.fl fuu ncuiu: mac gut: ii The book I. u. it ...,..!. . i r.V.i 7i K'. ',n. '?'" ' lie. i J - .. . . it I'urivry a i .. . ...... vlIk , -b Ia , u iuiii iti pcrrnj. i . tun iiuiorv at n,i :i,7,: ' t i convince ou tluf inynicllioilii Ihoiifiji Pnv Wh JP:ix'' Lll!e Jl'l offer I cjii possibly nukr V , 'vo ii you inj I uo at I my. lou ius nothlnu. you pny noiliinitiniil Un cut. I... been ccooipTiilin). Ihcn I tw. vm, u wrlnciiBViranico (u-oo.1 sa lona e vou llv.) il.n Ins euro will bo prrmatirnl. Slioul.l ihv Itouble trtr return or inir of ho symptom, appear crjin after I pronounca you curr.l. I will llrst yon 4jd Slveyou the beslolientlon at my comiiunJ, free ol lre-. until vry iymptom Ins rllssppejirinl 1 hat s lair and square, li s t'ia most liberal off,, vermsda. Why not accept It en J rid yourself ol I i Como and sse me about your cast, lfyoicannot coma Just now, wilte for my Ireo book. Address , DR. E. R. TARRY, "0 Deo nulldlncr, Omaha, Ncbra&lzn. WORM MOUNTAINS of mm This J, 4 V r n Mir