The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, August 10, 1909, Image 8

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    Semi -Weekly Tribune'
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
One Year. cs1j in advance :,,r5
Months, CMh In advance & eta
Eutorcd t North Platte. NobrasVa.Postofflce
aa second class matter.
s Announcement!.
I announce- myself as n republican
candidate for tho oflko of county clerk,
subject to tho decision of tho primaries.
F. R. Elliott,
North Platto, Neb., June 1. 1909.
I announce myself as republican can
didate for tho ofllce of county clerk of
Lincoln countv. Nebraska, subject to
tho primaries to be held August 17.
William Otten.
I hereby announce myself a candidate
for tho republican nomination for tho
olllco of sheriff, subject to tho primary
to be he'd August 17th.
I respectfully announco myself aa a
candidato for tho nomination for a
shorifl, subject to tho republican pri
mary. Any support given mo will be
appriciatcd. A. J. Salisbury,
I heroby announco myself bb a
candidato for tho ofllce of County
Treasurer, subject to action of Repub
lican primary August 17, 1909.
Ray C. Lanoford.
county commissioner.
I respectfully announce myself as a
candidato for county commissioner,
subject to tho action of tho republican
primary. A. 0. Kocken.
I hereby announco myBcIf a candidate
for tho olllco of County Commissioner
of DIfltrict No. 1, subject to tho r.ction
of tho republicans at tho primary elec
tion. R. L. Douglas.
I hereby announce myself as a
candidato for tho Republican nomina
tion for tho ofllce of county surveyor,
subject to the decision of the primary
election. PAUL G. Meyer.
, Primary Candidates.
Tho primary" o'ection will bo held
Tuesday of next woek, August 17th,
and in accordance with past practice
Tho Tribune presonta an introductory
sketch of tho republican candidates for
nomination for county ofllccs. Owing
to tho legal mix-up of tho law making
county judge and county superinten
dent non-partisan ollkcs, the names of
County Judgo Elder and County Supt.
Ebright will not appear on the primary
ballots, but both will go on tho Novem
ber election ballot by petition. And tho
samo is true of County Surveyor
-u -Meyer, who will bo n candidato ior re-
Perhaps nono of the candidates are
so well known bb I. L. Miltonbergcr,
who seeks a renominntion for ulierill
for a third term. Tho duties of hia ofllce
havo cal!cdhim into ovory precinct in
tho county, and in this way ho has met,
in ono way or anothor, practically every
voter in tho county. And among this
largo. acquaintunco thore is nono who
can say that Mr. Miltonborgor has not
mada an ciilcient officer or that ho has
prostituted hia oflko. Thore may bo a
few we, howovor, know of nono who
havo becomo incensed at Mr. Milton
borgor because in tho performance of
his duty ub an oflicor ho was compelled
to tako action that proved disagreeable
to them, ynt no fair man will cenBiire
an oillcor for doing his duty. Tho only
thing that is being urged against Mr.
Miltonbergcr is that ho seeks a third
term, and whllo thera aro somo who
may not favor such, there aro others
who believe that an oillcor who doos his
wholo duty, as Mr. Miltonborgor has
done, ia entitled to further recognition.
Opposing Mr. Miltonborgor in the
nomination for sheriff, is Arthur Salis
bury, of this city. Mr. Salisbury
moved to Lincoln county with hifl par
ents twenty years ago and located in
Plant precinct. Thero he remained for
ten years, when he removed to North
Platto nnd purchased a half interest in
tho Lock livery barn, later selling out
to his partner and purchasing the
brick barn on Front stroot whero ho
continued in business until a few
months ago, when ho sold to an east
ern party. Mr. Salisbury is a man who
stands well in tho communities in which
ho has lived and tho confidence roposcd
in him Ib well merited, for ho is an hon
est straightforward man with tho abil
ity and courage to well fill tho olllco
for which ho la an aspirant. Mr. Sal
isbury bus been making an activo cam
paign and tho race between him nnd
his opponent promises to bo n closo nnd
clean one. If ho is nominated and
olectcd, ho will prove a worthy success
or to the successful record modo by
Mr. Miltonborgor.
Wo do. not think nny ono will dony
tho assortlon that F. R. Elliott has
mado an efficient, -palnfltaklng nnd econ
omical county clerk. Ho has conduct
ed his.ofllco in Buch n manner that tho
records aro cloar, comprohonsiblo and
irnnt un to date: instruments aro filod
tenanccd or allowed. These assertions
will be verified by all who havo occa
sion to uso tho records in the county
clerk's office. During the past three
and one-half years incumboney of the
office or from January 1, 1906, td July
1, 1909-Mr. Elliott received as fees
$13,250.00. and during tho samo timo
tho exponses wcro $9,070.09, leaving n
balance of $4,149.91 to bo turned into
the general fund of the county treas
ury. Had Mr. Elliott been Icsh ener
getic or afraid to work, moro clerical
help would havo been necessary, and
tho net amount turned over would havo
been correspondingly loss. Cortainly
his record has been ono of efficiency,
and liko In tho case of Mr. Miltonber
gcr, tho only chargo is that ho ia can
didato for a third term.
Wm Otten, who opposes Mr. Elliott
for tho nomination for county clork, is
tho son of Herman Otten, one of the
plonoor residents and farmers of Lincoln
county. He is a Lincoln county boy
born and raised in tho county, educated
in our schools and u graduato of the
North Platto high school. Sinco leav
ing school ho lias divided the years
between filling clorical positions with
North Platto business houses and
helping with tho work on his fathor's
farm in the valley west of town. This
writer has known Will Otten since ho
was a kid, and ho has no hesitancy in
personally endorsing him as n straight
forward young man of ability, indus
trious and if selected hb tho republican
nominco can go out in tho campaign
and make a winning fight. That Will
Otten is a Lincoln county product nddH
to his popularity as candidate, and
because of this and his known ubility
many will rally round hia standard.
Ray C. Longford, as a candidate for
renomlnatlon for trensurer, haB no op
position, and tis well, for nny opponent
would not be in the runnim?, bo efficient
and popular has Mr. Langford proven
during tho first torm incumbency of the
For tho offico of county commissioner
from tho first or North Platto district,
there are two contestants for tho nom
ination, A. O. Kocken, tho present in
cumbent, nnd R. L. Douglns. Mr.
Kocken ia ono of tho pioneer residents
of North Platto coming here whon tho
town was in its infancy nnd Lincoln
county nothing but a cattle rango, He
has' scon tho wonderful development of
both town and county, has noted the in
creasing needs of both, and this with
his past exporionco of two yoara aa
county commissioner, ho is certainly in
a position to know tho best needs of
tho people As county commissioner
his ono aim haa been to bo fair with tho
people and do that which was for the
best interests of tho greatest number.
His opponent, Mr. Douglas, has been
a resident of the county for n long torm
of years, rosiding in Myrtle precinct,
until a year or so ago when ho pur
chased proporty in this city and re
moved thereto. Mi. Douglas is well
known as a man of intogrity nnd honor,
has good business ability and ns county
commissioner would fill tho position
creditably to himself nnd to tho best
interests of tho taxpayors.
many voters will not lose their votes by
having their ballots thrown out. Too
many men never do learn how to mark I
their ballots, oven when a system has
been long established, and when a new
way of voting is being worked out it is
a Bafo wnger that many will go wrong.
Lincoln Stnr.
Homeopathic Physiciun
nnd burgeon.
Office: McDonald Bank ItuiMinjr.
Phono 183.
R. B. Brumct, of Myrtle, transacted
business in the city on Friday.
John C. Huoy, representative of tho
Crystal Soap Co. of Denver, visited
tho local merchants Suttirday.
A. J. Arncs. M. I). Mario Ames, tt. I).
PhyBicians nnd SurgeonB.
Office: Over Stone Drug Co.
Phones: Office 273, RcHidenco 273
Here's a Certainty.
We arc established right hero where
you live and would not daro promise
your money back for tho mero nsking
If Rexnll Kidney Remedy fails to satis
fy you, except we are certain it wil
do ob wo claim. Try it at our entire
risk. Price GOc.
McDonell & Graves.
flEO. B. DENT,
J Physician and Surgeon.
Offico: Over McDonald Bank.
Phonos l Office 130
1 nonea V IlcBillcnco 11G
Osteopathic Physician.
uooms 7 nn'i . McDonald
State Bank Building,
Phono 148.
Office over Sella1" Clothintr
Store. Phono 8
Offico: Cor. Front & Dov" aB.
Notice of Water Bond Election.
A Treat for all
Classes who Smoke.
A Forest Kinir G cent clear in his
mouth for his own delectation, n few in
his pocket for his friend9, is to be ac
counted one of the blest. Resort,
therefore nil vo who are fond of a
good smoko, to tho cigar and tobacco
emporium the sin above whoso door is
Notice is hereby triven that on tho
24th day of August, 1909, a special elec
tion will bo held in the city ot worth
Platte. Linco n Countv. Nebraska, tho
polling places to be as follows:
For the First Ward, nt tho hoso
house in snid ward.
For the Second Wnrd, at tho hose
house in said ward.
For the Third Ward at tho hoso house
in said ward, at which election, tho fol
lowing proposition will bo submitted to
the voters ot bbiu city:
Shall tho city of North Platte, in tho
County of Lincoln, in tho State of Ne
braska, issue ita water bonds in tho
Bum of ono hundred thousand dollars
($100,000.00), In denomlnntionsof ono
thousand dollars ($1,000.00) each, to bo
dated October 1, 1909, duo in twenty
(20) years from their dato, but payable
nt any time af tor five years from thoir
date, at tlie option oi saiu city; saiu
bonds to draw interest at tho rato of
five per cent per annum, interest
payable semi-annually; and in
terest payable at tno riscai
Airency of tho State of Nebraska in tho
city of New York. Said water bonds
to be used for ttio purpose oi obtaining
money with which to erect, establish
and construct n system of waterworks
in the city of North Platto; said system
of wutorworkB to bo owned nnd con
trolled, operated and maintained by tho
city of North Platte, for tho uso and
benefit oi snia city, ami tno mnnui
tnts thereof. And shall tho proper
officers of said city be authorized to
levy and collect n tax ill tho same man
ner as other municipal taxes may bo
levied nnd collected, in an amount suffi
cient to pay tho interest nnd principal
of Bind bonds ns the samo mature; satu
The Home You Have
Longed For
may be ynurs if you say so. If matters
not on what loeation you havo Bet your
heart we have tho property and can of
fer you tno terms you can meet.
The Home You Now Occupy
you are buying for
us show you a plan
buy it for yourself.
tho landlord,
whoroby you
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estntc and Insurance.
j 2 (
harness made by Fink will last for
years, for tho nimpln reason that in
the first instauco nothing but thorough
ly tanned, stout Block leather oak
tnuued whenever that's tho best to use
goes idto it, and becnuso tho neces
sary cutting, sewing, riveting and ad
justing aro skillfully done by exports
at tho business. Fink'n harness is al
ways n good investment for any dvvnet
of a horse.
To nlll ptuoiiH Interested:
Notice is nerony given mat on mo utn day
of July, WW, there wax (lied with tho City
Council of North Platto. Nebraska, n petition
praying that a lateral Mtwcr district ho
formed from the following doscrllied blocks,
to-wlt! (ft. 01, 115. "(I. 07, 08, 0.1,70. 71,72.73. 71
nnd i of the original tilat ot tho Haiti city ot
North Platte. Nebraska
Said lateral sower to bo constructed of ten
Inch hewer pipe, with proper Hush tanks,
I ... 1 .1 ft .1.... .
Let I tho center line of the alley running through
can moeic k intersects tno mam sowor on tno east
sine or said diockou i.'ottonwooa strcot, ex
ternum; tnonco westerly on tno center lino or
said alloy through the above described blocks
to tho west sldo of said bloek7.".
That thu council has set sujd matter for
hearing on tho 10th day of August. 1900. nt
eight o clock i). in. official timo. at tho olllco
of tho mayor and city council In tho court
houso of sulci city, All parties Interested aro
hereby notified to bo present at tho abovo
named time and plnco and show eaur.o, If any.
why said lateral dtstrlctshoutd not bo formed
ns prayed, and special assessments thereafter
levied as provided by law upon the roil os--Into
constituting said district for tho con
struction and maintenance of tlio same.
Dated July II. I'.W
tikis. CPA n rcitSON. Mayor.
Atlests CIIAS. F. TEMPLE, CltyClerk.
Sorlol No. 0:iR2.
Department of tho Interior.
IT. 8. Land OMco at North I'latto. Neb.
Notlco Is hereby el von that William
CI. Edls. of North l'luttc. Nob., who on July
Mth. 10OI. made Homestead Entry No. !MI42.
Ferial No. tcirtJ. for east half, east half
northwest quarter and east half southwest
quarter of section 8, township 11 north, range
-"i west of tho slxtn principal meridian, has
filed notlco of Intention to mako dual live
year proor, to establish claim to tlio land
abovo descrllietl. before tho Iteglster and
Kccelvor at North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho
Hth day of Sopt.. UW.
Claimant names ns witnesses: Martin .Top
son. of Denmark, Nob., Alex llrown. lledgy
Van I'olt. Arthur Wheolor, all ot North
Platte. Neb.
J20 0 J. 15. F.vanh. Iteclstor.
r n taxes to bo levied upon all ot tlio prop- - w
rUmitUre Repairing erty within said city as shown and
I vniiinM ntinn inn nasnsnmnnr. rmls nf tno
Also Wootlturning.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
assessors of eaid citv. in nddition to all
other taxes, provided and authorized
by law. Saiu bonds to bo negotiable in
The ballots to bo used in mud election
shall havo printed thereon:
"1'UK issuini: ono nunureu tnousanu
dollars ($100,000.00) of wnter bonds of
the City of Worth i' tno county ot
t t i.. :.. ii... c,i r fr.
Specialty, the purposo of obtaining money with
which to erect, establish and construct
u system of waterworks in said city,
Primary Voting.
It is not too early for all who desire
an honest expression of the public
will (o begin calling attention to tho
fact that under tho now primary law
voters aro not allowed to mix their
tickots In declaring thoir preferences
for candidates. Thoro ia nothing to
prevent a member of ono party voting
in tho primary for candidates of the
other party, but if ho does so ho must
not vote for tho candidates of his own.
lie can only be a member of one party
whon ho goes into tho booth nt the
primary and can only aid In tho selec
tion of tho candidates of ono party. If
ho votes for candidates of two pnrtics
Ids ballot must bo thrown out as worth
less. Under the provisions of the new law
tho candidates of nil tho parties ap-
pear on tno Bamo uniiot, grouped m
columns according to thoir respective
parties. Ballota upon which tho voter
seeks to express Ills preference for
candidates in moro than ono column
will bo cast aside. Thoro will bo blank
lines upon which ho may wrlto in
nnmon of those whom ho may prefer to
those wli03o names appear printed
uponltho ballot, but ho must not write,
in tho column In which appenr tho
nnmes of thoso regulnr candidates for
whom he winhes to vote, tho nnmo of
a candidato appearing in another col
umn on tho ballot. If ho does so his
ballot must be thrown out.
Tho purpose of this Is plain. It is
to prevent tho adherents of ono party
helping to nominate strong candidates
for their own party and wonk ones for
tho opposition, orvicovcraa. Whon a
man goes into tho primary booth ho
cannot belong to two parties, and ho in
presumed to bo voting only for tho
candidates of his own.
Any effort mado to-dircat altonton
of voters to this fenturo of tho law will
A Spanking Good Team
is at your command whenever you tell
us you want it. This livery stnblo it
prepared to supply instantly any kind
of n rig you require. White in yotn
service it ia ns much yours ns if you
owned it. Tho dilleienco ia that you
pay only for the time you use it, nnd
not for the time it is standing in the
stable. That beatu private ownership
nil hollow.
A. M. Lock.
not bo wasted. It seems hurdlv tiOBslh e
nnd recorded ob rnpidly an received nnd to n,nj0 B0 much'noiae about it betweon
dilatory methods havo not been coun-1 this time nnd primary day that a groat
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bakery goods aro not excelled
in Western Nebrualca. Wo uso tho
best Hour, tho best ingrediontn of all
kinda. Why nllow your wife to over
heat herself baking when you enn buy
such excellent goods of us nt such low
prices? Try us.
MrB. Jennlo Armstrong, Prop.
Serial No. 0202H.
United States l)aud 'Olllco,
At North I'latto, Nebraska. July U, 1000.
Notlco Is horeby irlvon that Clinton M . York
of Maxwell, NubrasUa, who, on .Juno 2mh,
IVO I. mado homestead entry No. 20I4-',
serial No. 02020, for south half northwest
quarter, lots .1 and 4, southwest quarter and
southeast ciuarter. section 4, xownsblp ll N
Ran en 28 W.. of tho Oth Principal Meridian.
has tiled notlco of Intention to make
llnal live year proof, to establish
claim to tho 'laud abovo described, before
thu reiristcr and receiver, at North I'latto,
Nebraska, on tho 10th day of September. lWU,
Claimant names as witnesses: r, si.
Kusor.of North I'latto. Neb., Will Loncpro.
and A. M. Wilson, of Maxwell. Neb., and
(lien Ponjuson, of North I'latto. Neb.
J.u-n .1. is. r.VANH. JCcKlstor.
Notice of petition for drciee of court llnil
Inir who the heirs ure. and for assignment to
them of thu rual estalo, described In tho
Tho Slato of Nebraska. Lincoln county, ss.
In thu County Court.
)ti tho matter of thu estate of Jatnus A.
Sullivan, deceased,
To tho creditors, heirs and others Inter
ested In tho estate of James A. Sullivan,
deceased. Tako notice, that Francis Joseph
Sullivan, has II led In tho county court, a pet
ition praylnc for a decree, assleului; said
estate to the holrs as provided bylaw. And
It is ordered mat tlio same stand for hoarlnc
the 31th day of August, WO!), boforo tho court
at tho hour of (I o'clock, a.m., at which timo
any person Interested may appear and except
to and contest the same. And notlco of this
proceeding is ordered ulven In tho North
I'latto Tribune a legal newspaper, for six
successive Issues prior to August :11th, 1V0U.
Witness my hand and tho seal of tho county
court, at North l'luttc. this 3rd day of August,
1W, W. 0. El.nmt.
ISKAl.l County Judge.
John Bitty and Elllo J. Baty, his wife,
will tako notice that on tho first day of
July, 190i), I'. II. Sullivan, a Justice of
tho Peace in nnd for Lincoln county,
Nebraska, issued an Order of Attach
ment for tho sum of $20.00 in nn action
now pending boforo him, wherein
Ames & Amos are plaintiffs and John
Baty and Ellio Baty, his wifo, nro de
fendants, that property consisting of
Ono "White" Sowing machine, house
hold goods, cooking utensils nnd sun
dries, also money in the hands of Paul
II. Smith, garnishee, has been attached
under said order.
Said cause waa continued to tho 31st
day of August, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Dated North Platto, Nebraska, Aug.
5th, 1909. Am i:s & Ami:s,
By Albro Ames, Plnintiits,
Gcorgo L. Benson will notlco that
on tho 10th day of July, 1909, P. II.
Sullivan, n Justice of tho Pcaco of
North Platto Precinct No. 1 and In und
for Lincoln County. Nebraska, issued
an order of attachment for tho sum of
$50.00, in an action pending boforo him,
wherein cnaries rianer is rinintui ami
I George L. Benson, Defendant, that
property consisting of money in tho
hands of tho Union Pacific Hail Road
Company, a corporation, has boon at
tached under said order. Snid cause
was continued to tho 6th day of Sop
tembor, 1909, nt nt 10 o'clock A. M.
Dnted July 27lh, 1009.
To nil tiersons interested:
Notlco is hereby given that on tho Othday
of July. lliOV. thero was filed with the City
Council of North I'latto. Noliraska. a petition
praying that a lateral sower district bo
formed from tho following described blocks,
towlt: IW. f7. 50. S5. SI. BH. 5L. 01. W). 4H. 4S and
47, of tho original plat of tho st.ld City ot
North Platto. Nebraska
Said lateral sower to be constructed of ten
Inch sewer n no. with proper llueh tanks.
tnan-holes and appliances. Commencing at
tho renter lino of tho alley running through
block f8 Inlorsects tho main sewer on tho oast
sldo of sa d block on Cottonwood street, ex
tending thunco westerly on tho center lino of
said alley through thu aliovo described blocks
to the west sldo of said block 17.
That tho council has set said matter for
hearing on tho 10th day of August, 100!). at
eight o'clock p. m. olllclal time, at tho olllce
or t io Mayor and utty council in tno
court houso of said city. All parties Inter
ested aro iiorony notnicd to bo present at tno
aoovo named timo anil place nnd snow cause
if any why sain lateral district should not
bo formed as prayed, and special assessments
thereafter lovleil as provided by law. upon
tho real estate constituting said district for
tho construction and maintenance of the
Dnted July II. IflOfl.
Attest: GIIAS, K. TlCMl'i.i;, Ulty Clerk.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No. WJIM.
Departmentof thu Interior.
IT. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob.
July "0111.11100.
Notlco Is hereby given that John (,iindram
of North I'latto. Neb., who on July 10th.
UK) I, mado Homestead litttry No. mm, serial
No. 02ir3. for north halt and southeast tiuar
ter section 10. township l north, range 29,
westot tho 0th nrlncloal morldlan. has Illed
notlco ot Intention to mako llnal live year
proof, to establish c alm to tlio and anove
described, ueiorotlio register and receiver at
North I'latto, Nebraska, on tho 21th day of
Sontombor. IWX
Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson II
Combs. Garfield Guthcrloss, William l'lttman
and Jutl Combs, all or North i'latto. Net).
J23-0 J. E. Evans. Register,
John I.antz and Frank l.autz. I'lalnllirs.
Hello Jacobs and I. aura Hood Defendants
Hello Jacobs und Laura Good aro hereby
noMllod that they have been sued In thu Dis
trict four Lor Lincoln Cnuntx. Nebraska. Iiv
John I, ant, and 1'ranlc Lanlz. who huvo lllrd
a duly verified notltlon in said court tlio ob
ject and prayer of which U to secure tho
partition among suld plaintiffs ami deferi
(lants. of tho west half ot tho north oast
quarter and thn west halt ot tho south oast
quarter In section No. twelve, In township
No. thirteen, or rango No tweut.v-olglit.
real estate situated in said Lincoln uounty,
Nebraska- on are required to atuwor said
petition on or boforo tho tlth day of Septem
ber. A. II., XI".'.
John I. ant, and 1'iiank I. a nth. I'lalnllirs,
ny it. o. ui,anvim.u. thoir Atty.
be owned nnd operated by said city, and
for levying nnd collecting a tax annual
ly to pay tho interest and principal of
said bonds aa they mnture."
"AUAlNbT lSFUintr ono hundred
thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of water
bonds, of the City of North Platte, in
tho County of Lincoln, in the Stato of
Nebraska, for the purpose of obtaining
money with whicn to erect, cstnblisn
and construct a system of waterworks
in said city, to ue owned and ooernted
by said city and against levying nnd col
lecting n iti.v aiiiuiiiuy iu ).iy uiu 111
tcrcstnnd principal of Baid bonds as they
Those voting in fnvor of said proposi
tion, shall mark their ballots with an
(a) atter the paragraph, beginning
l'or issuing ono hundred thousand
dollara (100,000.00) of water bonds of
tho uity or worth riatte;" those vot
ing ngainst said proposition, shall mark
their ballots with an (X) nftcr the
parauraph beginnim: "Agninst issuing
one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000)
of water bonds of tho city of North
Platte." Said election to bo opened
nt 8 o'clock a. m. and continue open
until G o'clock p. m., central standard
time on the day of election.
Dated this 27th day of July, 1909.
Thomas C. Pattekson, Mayor.
Charles P. Temple, City Clerk.
. In tho matter of tho estate of Frederick
nlobl. deceased.
In tho county court ot Lincoln County. No
braska. Julv 27th. 1000.
Notice Is heroby given, that thu creditors
of said deceased will meet the administrator
of said estate, before the County Judgo ot
Lincoln county. Notirasxa, at tno county
courtroom, In said county, on the iitli day of
August. ltXiO. and on tho 2Mb day of I'Vbruary,
1U10, at U o'clock a. in, each day, for tho pur
pose or presenting tlieir claims forexamlna
tlon, adjustment and allowance, Six months
aro allowed for creditors to proswit their
claims, nnd ono year fortno administrator to
settlo said estate from tholMlli day of Juno,
lOOO. This notlco to lie published in tho
Nortli I'latto Tribune, a legal uonsimpcr.
for eight successive Issues prior to August
t i, tuw.
J-'I -B W. O. EraiBit. County Judge,
Serial No.OlSd,
Notice for Publication,
Department of tlio Interior.
IT. S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Nob.
Jiny sum, nw.
Notlco Is hereby given that John (luudram,
of North I'latto. Nebraska, who, on August
Sid, IW2, made homestead ontry No. lHluo.
SerlalNo. OIK'H. for southwest quarter section
10, Township IS, north. Range 20 west of tho
Sixth Principal Meridian has lllcd notlco of
intention to mako llnal live year proof to es
tablish claim to the land above doscrllied.
boforo tho Register anil Iteculver at North
Platte, Nob., on tho iilth day of September,
Claimant names as witnesses: Wilson II.
Combs. UarJIoldduthorloKs, William l'lttman
and, lud tomlw, allot Nortli I'latto, Neb.
J2XM1 J. E. EVANS, Register,
SerlalNo. IWWO.
Doimrtnient of the Interior.
U.S. Land Olllco at North I'latto. Neb.
July so. MM.
Notlco Is hereby given that Dennis McKlllln
or North Platto, Noli . who. on April io,
made homestead entry No. 21778. serial
No iwuu for south hair, east naif north
east quarter, northwest quarter northeast
quarter and southwest quarter nor t Invest
quarter of Section a). Township 15 N., Range
Ul W., of tho nth Principal Meridian, has tiled
notlco ot Intention to inaUe final live year
proof, to establish claim to the land above
described, lieforo thn Register and Receiver.
at Nortli Platte, Nob., on tho -"M day of
September, nw.
rl IW. I ....... . . n ... u. Aa ibIIhAwh., In.t.1 A
UlllUliailb imillio ni,uni, 1tlViU t
Maroinher, William Doebko. ,1 . A. Toops ami
ii. i'. iiouxo, ,ir., an or norm i'latto, noo,
Jist-o J. E. Evans, llcelstor.
Primary Election Notice 1909.
Notice is hereby given that on Tues
day, tho 17th day of August, 1909, at
tho voting plnco in the various precincts
of Lincoln County, Nebraska, there will
bo held a primary election for tho pur
poso of nominating candidatca for tho
iollowing ollices, to bo voted for nt tho
November general election.
Throo Judges of the Supremo Court.
Two Regents of University.
One County Judge.
One County Sherill".
One County Coroner.
One County Treasurer.
Ono County Clerk.
One County Surveyor.
One County Superintendent of Pub
lic Instruction.
Ono County Commissioner, Firat Dis
trict. phecinct officers:
Two Justice of tho Peace.
Two Constables.
Ono Precinct Assessor.
Ono Overseer for oach Road District.
Which election will bo oponod nt 12
o'clock m. and remain open until 9 .
o'clock in the evening.
Dnted North Plntto, Nobr., this lCth
day of July, A. D 1909.
F. H. Elliott, County Clerk.
Eslray Notice.
Taken up on or nbout April Cth, 1909,
on Hection 23, town 12, range 30. by tho
undersigned who there resides, one
brown marc colt, about two years old,
small, no brands. Owner can have
samo by proving property nnd payinp,
L. li. ULINKEmlEArlD,
North Platto, P. O
ROAD NO. 3185.
To all whom it may concern:
The commissioner appointed for the
purposo of locating a public road as
Commencing at tlio southeast corner
of lot 5 of "County Clerk's" Subdivi
sion of lot 1 and southeast quarter
northenst quarter of section 4, town
ship 13, rango 30, in Lincoln County,
Nebrnskn, a"d running thenco north on
section line to tho southeast corner of
lot 2 of said County Clerk's subdivision
nnd running thenco west on the lino be
tween lota 2 and 3 nnd between lots 12
on tho nortli, and 10 nnd 11 on tho south
of finitl County Clerk's subdivision, and
terminating at tho southwest corner of
lot 12 of said County Clerk's subdivi
sion, lin.3 reported in favor of tho loca
tion of said road, anil all claims for
damage or objections thereto must be
filed in tho olllco of tho rounty clork by
noon on tho 30lh day of September A.
D., 1909, or fitich road will bo estab
lished without rofcrenco thereto.
Dntod North Platto, Nebraska, July
29-09. F. R. Elliott, County Clork.