The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1909, Image 6

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IRA L. BARE, Publisher
I A Boiling Down of the More Impor-
taut Events Hera and There
Tho Spanish cabinet lias accorded
a freo hand to tho minister In forcing
Mellllu to meet the serious situation
there. A brlgado of Infantry at Sovlllo
has been mobilized, nnd will bo sent
forward as speedily as possible
King Alfonso and Premier Maurn
nro returning to tho capital from San
Sebastian, In connection with tho
bonding of reinforcements to Melllla,
horo heavy fighting has boon going
tm botweon tho Moors and Spaniards.
Tho general opinion among tho gov-oru.-ont
officials and military and
navy officers nt Valparaiso Is that
Chllo will remain noutral In event of
hostilities botweon Bolivia and Argon
tlna. Thcro Is no truth In tlio report
that Chllo Is sending arms to Bolivia,
A company was .formed In Borlln for
tho purposo of or cc ling a great airship
garago, with landing nnd testing
grounds. Tho dlractorato Is mado up
of many persons well known In Ger
many. Six out of fourteen ouffragottes re
cently Imprisoned In tho Holloway J nil
lmvo boon released on account of In
subordination, Tho speeches of Samuel Gompors,
president of tho Amorlcan Fodoratlon
of Labor, dollvored boforo tho French
labor organizations aro arousing In
tonso Interest In labor clrclos. Tho
oxtromo socialists blttorly condemn
lilm as a roactlonnry.
Mohamod All, tho dethroned shah,
who Is now In tho Russian summer
legation, has declined to rocolvo a
deputation to inform him of his de
position. Slpahadar and Sardnvasad,
the loaders in tho nationalist movo
mont, sent a telegram to tlio British
nnd Russian legations requesting thorn
to tlx a tlnio when his majesty mny
rocoivo n doputation notifying him of
tho chango of sovereign.
Senator Cummins Bays it Is csspn
tlnl that duties on manufactures bo
considerably reduced.
Tho United States Is not likely to
mnko great progress In aerial naviga
tion during tho noxt fiscal year ns a
result of lnek of oncouragomont of
forcd InvontorH by congress.
At tho roquest of tho two govern
ments tho Bccrotary of stato has au
thorized tho American ministers nt La
Paz and Buenos Ayres to tnko charge
respectively of tho Interests of Argen
tina and Bolivia.
Tho cholera situation in St. Peters
burg now sooniB to bo woll under con
trol. Hnrry Orchard, murdor of former
Governor Stunonborg of Idaho, ac
cording to his confession, wns bap
tized at the penitentiary.
Kansas City is to got n $20,000,000
Substantial progress In canal con
struction ull along tho lino 1b hIiowii
by reports coming to tho Washington
olllco of tho Isthmian canal commis
sion, That Minneapolis needs 100 women
pollcomou, Is tho opinion of Dr. Anna
Howard Shaw, president of tho Na.
tlonal Woman's Suffrage association.
Charles W. Elliott, president Emer
itus of Harvard, in an address before
tho Harvard summer Bchool of the
ology prophesied tho ndvont of a now
It has boon proclsely decided that
District Attornoy Joromo or Now York
will bo called into the Thaw cntfo
wlion tho homings nro resumed nt
Whito Plains.
Tho Argentlno government has sont
passports to tho Bolivian minister at
Buenos Ayres, ordering him to Icayp
Buenos Ayroa within twenty-four
Tho prosocutors of Harry Thaw aro
criticized and Insanity oxports scored
In a twonty pngo book which Mrs
Mary Copley Thaw, mother of Thaw,
Issued n few days ago. It hears tho
lltle, "Tho Secrot Unveiled."
Acting Secretary of tho Interior
Plorcehns approved tho selection by
tho stato of Colorado under tho Carey
net of 14,852 acres of. land In tho Dot
Norte land district to bo Irrigated by a
canal ByBtem.
Jainos J, Hill thinks tho host thing
that congress could do would bo to ad
Journ and go homo.
The Wright noropluuo mado a speed
of flfty.four miles an hour throughout
a short flight.
A falling building In Philadelphia
killed Bovon people.
Tho French aviator, Latham, fallod
in attbinpt to cross tho Straits of
Dover in nn neroplano,
Hopresentjlivo Dawson invited Mr.
Tuft to bo present at tho dedication
of tho now Y. M. C. A. building at
Davenport In Soptombor. It la ppa
slblo tho president will attoud,
Frank Carlson of Iron Mountain
Mich., committed sulcldo Sunday on
a Union Pacific train Just wost of
North PlattC, Nebraska.
The national G. A. II. encampment
for Omaha In 1011 is tho object to
ward whlclj actlvo members of tho
local posts havo commonced working,
Tho president's conferenco dinner
settled nothing moro than that every
body wonders what is going to hap
pen. Chairman Aldrlch seems doomed to
loso his point on specific duties on cot
ton goods, and tho ad valorem rates
will bo substituted.
Tho urgont deflcloncy bill was
passed by tho house after four days
of tempestuous debate Tho amount
carried by it Is $404,800.
Mrs. Olivor H. P. Belmont, wlfo of
the mlllonnlre In New York, expects
to attend tho stato equal suffrage
convention in Dcs Moines In October,
Reports from all parts of Moxlco in
dicate that tho sontlmont In favor of
a strlko In sympathy with that of
train dispatchers by tho engineers nnd
conductors of tho merged railroads
of Moxlco, Is rapidly crystallizing.
Wright brothers' neroplano broko
the Amorlcan (light records in travel
Ing seventy miles in eighty minutes.
Lieutenant Adams, with whom Sut
ton was lighting, when ho was killed,
contradicted himself much in recital
In court.
President Fallorlos will appoint M.
Leon Bourgeolso, premier of tho
French cabinet.
Iowa scientists aro excited ovor tho
discovery of n largo numbor of skel
etons to mastodons nnd prehistoric
horses along tho bluffs of tho Mis
souri river In Harrison nnd Monona
Tho war dopartmont has passed
judgment that a soldier whose doath
resulted from nn accident whllo en
gaged in athletic contost encouraged
by the ofllccrs of his regiment was In
tho lino of duty.
Monoy order transactions in tho
postofllcos of tho country havo grown
to so largo an extent In tho last year
or two that It Is now necessary to
maintain n forco of 760 accountants,
bookkeepers, assorters and examiners
In tin omce of tho auditor of tho post-
offlco dopartmont.
Reports from nil parts of South Da
kota contlnuo to givo glowing nc-4
counts of tho oxcollent condition of
crops of nil kinds.
Sixteen porsons, ilvo of them wom
en, mot death by drowning In tho
wators olthor surrounding or in tho
vicinity of New York Sunday.
Edward Haydon, Omaha, head of
tho great dopartmont store, dlod sud
denly In Hint city a few days ago.
iwo killed and a scoro Injured, ono
probably fatally, was tho suddon ter
mination of n basoball gamo In Lead,
whon tho lightning struck In tho grand
Thoro woro 15,410 porsons to each
library nnd nn nvcrngo of seventy-two
volumes to ovor ono hundred persona
In tho United States In 1908, accord
ing to n bulletin Issued by the United
Btatcs bureau of education.
An nggrogato of $380,494,598 in sav
ings doposlts In tho national banks of
tho country Is shown In tho comploto
report Issued by tho comptroller of
tho ourroncy on roturns from tho na-
tlonnl banks, under tho call for their
condition on Juno 2.1.
A. N. Sagor of St. Louis is In Wosh-
ingion ana lias nlvon It out that an lm
portant movement is on to build up
snipping on tlio MIbsIbuIppI river and
KB triUUtnrlCB. A SlO.OuO.OOu corpora-
tlon will bo chartered in Dolawnrn.
known ns tho MIrsIbsIddI Valley Trans.
portallon company. It will put n now
tyuo of stool stonmora on tho MIrrIr.
slppi and Its tributaries, both on tho
upper anu lower rivers.
Declaring that nnv coruorntlnn
which "kcons lust nnd truo bonltn nt
account,- enn mono up tuo return ro
quired by tho proposed corporation
tax inw and mooting other attacks on
that measure Attorney General wick.
orshnm made public n lottor ho has
written to n Wall Btroot llrm of ac
countants who chnllongo sonio provls
ions or the proposed lnw as "nhnn.
lutoly Impossible of application."
Homo notablo InstnncnH nf thn lln,
ndvnntnROB In which United Htntnn
imports Into Frnnco nro nlacod bv thn
operation of tho ponding Franco-Can
adian tariff nitroemcnt. lust rntmnri w
tuo Kronen parliament aro elvon in
ronorts which havo renchnd tlio ntnt
PostmaBtor Goneral Hitchcock linn
concluded agreements with thn tinstnl
authorities of Denmark and Jnnnn. hv
which uftor August 1, 1900, parcols
oxcuangou with thoso countries mny
bo nccoptod up to' $80 in value, and
olovon pounds in weight. Tho eleven
pound weight limit now applies to nil
countries oxcopt Franco and Sweden.
President Taft visited n. nlclmlmlrm
to 600 lllmsolf in nctlotl on a tnnvlnir
plcturo screen. Tho scones doplcted
woro nt rotersuurg, va,, whoro tho
nres dont wont about a month niro in
assist In tho dedication of tho Fort
Mnnou mounmonts.
M. Brland, an avowed socialist, has
been proforrod tho promlorshlp of
President Taft will go south In Oc
tober, sailing down tho Mississippi.
Dr. Miller, slayer of Bnnkor Snylor
nt Wttlsoka, 111., will havo his trial
In Octobor.
Win. F. Wllloughby has been ap
pointed assistant chlof of tho census
bureau at n salary ofw $5,000 a year.
Formation of a now French min
istry Is now undor way In Paris.
Tho. postmaster genoral announced
tho numbor of clerks and lottor car
riers promotod nt tho Omaha post
An Insurnnco policy for $100,000 on
tho life of 12. H. Harrlman has been
wrltton by Lloyds, Loudon, for a Now
York broker.
Tho roport published In tho Lisbon
nowspapors that King Manual of Por
tugal is tp bobothrothed to Prlncoso
Alexandria of Flfo Is given authorl-
tatlvo denlnl,
Samuel William Johnson, professor
omorltus of agricultural chemistry at
Yalo is dead.
Payne Backs President Taft's Demand
for Abolition of Duty on This
Western Product.
Washington. Bitter words botweon
Sanntor Aldrlch and Representative
Payne Just before tho closo of an
hour's session of tho tariff conferees
following a three hours' session, aro
reported to hnvo followed an nttempt
on tho part of tho former to compel
n Yoto on a motion to mnko hides
dutlablo at 7& per cent, half of tho
existing rate
Tho session was adjourned until at
2:30, wltn the hido nnd leather tariff
still unsettled. From tho variety of
reports concerning tho incident, nono
of which can bo confirmed, It nppears
that tho Bonnto leader was angered by
frequent statements mado by tho
house leader that tho country and tho
president were In sympnthy with tho
nctlon of tho house In putting hides on
tho freo list, nnd that ho doos not
propose to bo governed by what it
majority of tho conferees thought
about tho question.
A formal motion fixing IV, nor cont
nB tho rnto to bo fixed on hides was
mnde. At thut tlmo Mr. Pnyno la ro
portod to havo said that ho could not
connont to tho taking of n voto. Ho
assorted that tho sontlmont of tho
country was In favor of freo hides and
referred to tho expressions of tho
president on tho Bubjoct, Tho motion
was not pressed, but It whs pending
Saturdny, During tho forenoon ses
sion, tho conferees discussed tho par
liamentary situation, but nt night tho
motion wns ronowed. Mr. Payno is
said to havo reiterated his position
with increased ' emphasis.
Mr. Aldrlch is roportcd to havo up
braided Mr. Payno for his "obstinacy"
nnd to hovo said ho was tired of "dic
tatorial" methods to defeat tho will of
a majority of tho conferoos. Mr.
Pnyno was unrelenting. Whon It was
Been that nothing could bo dono, Mr.
Payno's fllgnaturo bolng noceEsary for
tho pairing of a roport, tne conference
Tho lntonso feeling exhibited leaked
out through confidences given by con
ferees to other mombors of congress.
After tho adjournment of tho confer
ence tho Iioubo mombors continued in
session, and It was decided that a can
vass should bo mado to nscortaln tho
sentiment In tho houso concornlng vC
rulo of that character.
Whllo tho houso conferees wcra In
sosslon another conferenco attended
by Senators Warron nnd Clark of
Wyoming, Sutherland, Borah and Dick
was held, Earllor In tho day Senators
Smoot nnd Cartor had met with their
wostorn associates. Theso sonators
decided that thoy would insist upon
tho Bhoo men fulfilling their ngrco-
mont to permit loathor goods to go on
tho freo list in roturn for tho treat
ment of hides.
Passenger Train Crashes Through
Bridge Near Kansas City..
Kansas City. Seven lives lost nnd
throo persons porhnps fatally injured
is tho result of tho wreck of Wnbnsh
road passongor train No. 4 when It
plunged Into tho Missouri river thirty
mllos onst of hero. Tho train left
Kansas City at 9 o'clock Saturday
night and was duo In St. LouIb ten
hours Intor. Of the eight cars which
mado up tho train, flvo and tho onglno
nro now In tho rlvor, with tlio water
covering all of them oxcopt ono end of
tho Dos Moines slcopor,
Former. White House Lady Dead.
Winchester, Vn. Mrs. Ellzaboth
Taylor Dnndrldgo, ngod 85 years,
daughtor of Prooldcnt Zachnry Taylor,
twolfth presldont of the United States,
died hero Sunday ovonlng after n brief
Taft's Father-in-Law III.
Cincinnati. John W. Horron, fnther
In-law of Prosldont Tnft, Is sorlously
111, following a mild stroke of paralysis.
Owing to Mr. Horron's advanced ago,
84 yonrs, It 1b Bald tho stroko may
.provo sorlouB.
Oklahoma Editor Mysteriously Shot.
Tulsa, Okla. Mark Bassott, editor
of tho Tulsa Dally News, wns found
lying In a locnl printing ofllco shot
through tho bond. Opinion Is divided
as to how ho was shot, but tho pollco
say It was nn attomptod murdor.
Carj) Destroy Potato Bugs.
York, Neb. Carp Baved Mr. Nolson
a farmor, living nonr York, a nlco
flold of potntoos that wcro about to
bo destroyed by potato bugs. Tho
honvy rains caused Boavor crook to
overflow Its banks nnd just enough
wator ran Into tho potato Hold to
allow tho carp to swim in and devour
ovory potato bug.
Harrlman Gets Good Land.
Now York. Tho long contostcd tltlo
of A, K. Von Dovontor, troasuror of
tho Southern Pacific company, ropw
Bontlng tho Interests of B, H. Harrl
man to vnlunblo land cronted at Rock.
awny Point, L. I., by tho wind, waves
and tides, hns Just boon conflrincd by
j Judgo Chatflold in tho United Stntos.
circuit court. Tho proBont worth of
tho point, consldorablo In itsolf, Id of
minor Importnnco whon compnrod
with its potential worth as tho baso
of the great railroad and shipping ter
minals which It Is to bo.
Itoms of Interest Taken From Hers
and There Over the State.
The tonth nnnual sosslon of tho
Futlcrton Chautauqua assembly will
opon in Fuller Park, Aug. 13.
Tho lrst Regiment band, Nebraska
National Guard, of Bloomfleld, left for
Ashland, Neb., for tho ten days' stato
Cecil Davis, son of Mr. nnd Mrs.
R. L. Davis, was drowned in tho
Union Pacific pond, n mllo cast of
Grand Island,
There Is an oil fight on in York,
and consumers nro nblo to buy kero-
Bono oil for 10 cents per gallon and
tho best gasollno for 13 cents per gal
lon. L.awrenco Barrett, a 14-year-old boy,
wno drowned whllo swimming In Salt
creek near Lincoln park. Tho body
was found shortly afterward In 12
foot of wntor.
The York .Chnutauqua will com
mence Friday, July 30, and closo on
Sundny, Aug. 8. Tho manngement Js
presenting a duo array of talent this
Tho Masonic fraternity of Grand
Island purchased tho Hold cornor,
and contomplato tho erection of a
much moro protontlous building thnn
Its present headquarters, at a cost of
A prosperous farmor named Sam
Laruo, living at or near Ingham, com
mitted sulcldo by shooting himself
with n 44-cnllbor rovolver, n few
yards east of tho Burlington dopot In
Holdrego. Ho Is thought to havo
boon mentally unbalanced.
William Lnno was arrested In No-
braska City nnd placed in Jail on tho
chargo of wlfo desertion. Ho will bo
held until his wlfo roaches thoro from
Blanchard, la. Tho wlfo has been
trying to locate her recreant spouso
for some time.
Juno 21 was tho fifth anniversary
of tho going into effect of tho Kin-
knld homestead law, and thoso "Kin
kaldors" who filed tho flrBt few days
now havo completod their flvo years'
residence. Many of them will provo
up this summer and fall. Thoy nro
required to havo $800 In Improve
ments. Ono of tho lnrgest public sales in
that part of tho stato has just takon
placo nt tho Molton ranch, seven miles
Bouthwest ot Dickons. Ovor $10,000
worth of stock, implements, ote, was
sold. Twonty-flva head of yearling
mules sold for $90 n hoad, which is
tho highest price paid thero for mules
for Bomo tlmo.
James Barry, tho village black
smith nt Odoll, was arrested on n
chargo of bootlegging, un Indictment
being returned against him by tho
grand Jury. Harry was arraigned bo
foro Judgo Peinberton, pleaded not
guilty nnd was hold to tho district
court in bonds of $1,000, which ho
Tho first wheat to bo marketed In
Kearney out of this year's crop was
brought to tho Koarnoy Milling com
pany last weok, direct from the
thrashing machine It was of excep
tionally good quality, tested Gl
pounds to tho bushel, and Is Bald to
havo yielded about 40 bushels to tho
Word has beon recolvcd at Table
Rock of tho recont death at tho Is
raelite colony at Benton Harbor,
Mich., of George W. Myers, who lived
In Table Rock until ho loft for Bon
ton Harbor Bomo two or threo years
ago, after giving away to this soot
practically all of his property, consist
Ing of several thousand dollars.
Tho dlvorco suit of Luclo Blakoly
of Long Branch, N. J., a former
Bnntrlco resident, against Charles
Blakoly was called In tho district
court, nnd after tho ovldenco of Mrs,
P.lnkely had beon Introduced Judgo
Raper granted hor a dlvorco aud all
mony amounting to $25,000, on the
grounds of cruelty, Tho Blakelys
woro for years prominent residents
of Bcntrico.
Molbourno Carrlker of Nebraska
City Balled from New York City for
South America, In tho Intorcst of tho
Cnrncglo Institute, nnd will bo gono
for n yoar or moro, nnd will travel
ovor tho major portion of that south
cm country. Carrlkor is a gradunto
of tho Nebraska University, and this
is his third trip to forolgn countries
in the Interest of tho largo lnstltu
Uoiib of this country.
At Plattsmouth John Clnrenco wns
sontenccd by Judgo H. D. Travis to
serve n torm of fourteen years In tho
state prison nt hard labor, Tho
Judgo overruled tho motion for a now
trial. Clarenco was found guilty of
killing John P. Thakor by shooting
him with a. revolver in a fight about
80von miles south of thoro. The men
woro working nbout a corn shredder
nt tho tlmo. Thnckor lett a widow
and Bovoral small children.
Sheriff F. M. Monnugh of Stockton,
Kan., arrived in Nebrnska City, hav.
Ing in chargo James Rankin, an in.
snno man, and attempted to turn him
ovor to Sheriff Fischer, claiming that
ho was n chargo bolonglng to Otoa
county. Tho officer refused to ac-
copt tho prlsonor, and whon tho Kan
sas sheriff attomptcd to lcavo with
out taking his prlsonor with him he
was arrested nnd placed in jail, bolng
unablo to glvo ball. Ho Is charged
with attempting to dump a pauper on
this county.
Tho pollco of Nebraska City arrost
cd a man who had beon soliciting pic.
turcs for onlargomont and collecting
lu advance for tho snmo, and mado
him refund tho monoy. Tho man
was then, escorted out ot tho city
This old schomo has been worked
thero Bovoral times, nnd tlfo police
havo beon instructed to put a stop to
it in tho future
Jainos Hart ot Clny county complet
ed tho first; threshing of tho sexton.
Ills crop yielded thlrty-olght bushels
por acre. It was hauled from the
macldna to tho elevator, and ho ro
colved $1.02 per bushel.
One County Comes to the Front With
Seventeen Automobiles, Offsetting
8ame With Seventeen Dogs.
Tho stato capital correspoadont of
tho Omaha Bco, who has been Inves
tigating Nobraska assessment rolls,
finds that the automobllo may outdis
tance tho horse- and tako his placo in
tho affection of jtho driving public, but
It will havo to go somo to got ahead
of tho Nebraska dog. According to
reports of county assessors now on
file with the Stato Board of Assess
ment the dog is much moro of a fa-
vorito than tho automobile, snvo in
ono county. In old PaWneo tho auto
mobile has caught up with tho dog.
Tho people of that prosperous county
own, according to their county asses
sor, Bovcnteen dogs nnd seventeen
automobiles. In Rock county tho dog
and the automobllo aro closo rivals
for tho affection of tho people, be
cause tho assessor reports $80 worth
of automobllos und $8.40 worth ot
dogs. Just how many dogs $8.40 will
buy in Rock county is not known by
tho state board, but the assessor
reports ono automobllo. Douglas
county pooplo also glvo evidence of
caring about as much for dogs as they
do for automobiles, for tho nssessor
roportcd 44G automobiles and 482
dogs. Lancaster county refuses to do
away with "man'B host friend," for
thoro was returned 4,113 dogs, against
241 automobiles. Lancaster tops tho
state with its dogs.
Sallno county's dogs population has
increasod from 2,580 to 2.G01. which
makes it the second largest dog coun
ty In Nebraska. Its automobiles havo
also Increased from eighteen to
Thomas county reported $17G worth
of automoolles and $20 worth of dogs,
but just how much this amount ol
money will buy of olthor commodity
In Thomas county the board has no
Idea. Morrill county, the youngest
county In the state, has sovdn auto
mobiles, but lines up with 62G dogs.
Chorry .county only has two automo
biles, but It has 154 dogs. Colfax
county has $2,015 worth of auto
mobiles and 1,314 dogs.
In most of the counties the doggie
Is worth $5, or rather it is valued at
that by1 the assessor, whllo tho auto
mobllo ranges from $80 to $175.
Incidentally tho board is very much
put out because so many nssossors
havo neglocted to follow the plain lot
tor of tho schedules furnished them,
and somo ot tho assessors may yot bo
lerked"ui for an explanation. Several
of tho officials liavo neglected to put
In tho number of animals or com
modity, though tho schedules provide
a placo for this Information. Others
havo reduced real estate without say
ing why, when roal estate was valued
last year for four years.
Land Values.
An analysis Of the returns made by
tho county nssossors to tho State
Board of Assessment shows that sov
eral assessors havo returned tho valuo
of lands this year less than last year.
Just how this can be tho board Is un
ablo to figure. Land Is assessed only
once In every four years and each
year the Improvements made thereon
Is assessed. Every county, therefore,
Bhould show an incrensed valuo of
lands, As far as reported the dc-
reaBos are as follows; Boone, $10,000;
Dawes, $G,000; Greeley. $10,000; Hook
er, $G,000; Lancaster, $34,000; Logan,
$1,000; MerrJck, $3,000. Furnas coun
ty lands Increased just $1, while
Knox county lands were roturncd at
exactly the samo valuation as last
Premium Statute Void.
Judge Stewart of the district court
held -null und void tho statuto which
prohibited tho placing of premiums ir
food packages. J. R. Burleigh, a
merchant of Lincoln, wns arrested foi
selling food packages In which thort
was a slip which entitled the buyer tc
a book. Tho court hold such a statute
was unconstitutional and the merchant
was discharged.
Will Not Be a Candidate.
Judgo John M, Rngan, In whose
namo was started the suit which do
teatod tho nonpartisan election lav
said ho decided not to bo n candidate
for suprome judgo because ho was
sdvlsed that his health might bo Im
periled by the confining work which
would bo his 'portion if olectcd.
Concessions at thr Fair.
Secretary Mollor of tho state board
ot agrlculturo has up to date recolvcd
moro from concessions nt tho state
fair than has over been rocelved up
to this date This Indicates a pros
perous year for tno fair, although it
Is tq bo hold this yenr for tho first
tlmo In a "dry" town.
Butter and Egg Crops.
Creamery managers statu that tho
butter production of Nebraska Is still
bolow tho normal and that tho coun
try's supply is no mora than enough
to meot tho demand. Tho last state
ment of tho associated warehouses, nn
organization covering tho principal
cities of the east, showed that on
July 1, tho amount of butter In stor
age was 8,000,000 pounds less than a
year ago. Tho same source of tnforma
tlon rov.oaled un egg shortage of 97,.
000 cases, as compared with a year
Council for State Arguo That it
Should Stand.
Copies of tho brief propnred by C.
O. Whedon in defense of tho guaran
ty banking- law onactcd by tho lato
legislature havo been filed in tho fed
eral court In roslstanco to tho appli
cation for a permanent Injunction to
prevent tho law becoming effective.
..fter a lengthy discussion of tho
pollco powers of tho state, Mr. Whe
don arrived nt the following conclu
1. That no case decided by the su
premo court of tho United States, nnd
no principle of law cnunclntod by that
court sustains tho contention that
tho Nebraska statuto of 1909 deprives
the plaintiffs or any of thorn, of rights
guaranteed undor tho constitution of
tho United States.
2. That tho stato mny, in the legiti
mate exorclso of Its legislative, or po
llco powor, prohibit Individuals not
Incorporated-from ongnglng In tho
banking business, within Its jurlsdlc
tlon, and that It infringes no logrl
right by so doing.
3. That as tho legislative net In-
questlon oporates upon nil individu
als alike, and docs not prohibit them
from ongaglng In tho bnnking busi
ness, but merely proscribes tho terms
and conditions upon which they may
engago In that business, it is valid.
4. That tho right of tho stato to
onnct such legislation is sustained,
not only by the supremo court of tho
United Statoa, but by tho clear and
undoubted woight of authority by tho
courts of last rosort of tho states, tho
one case from South Dakota bolng
tho only ono which counsel for plain
tiffs havo been nblo to find to tho con
trary. In discussing tho guaranty sccUon
of tho law, tho brJof said:
It is said that the effect of this law
Is to tako tho money of ono bank to
pay tho dobta of another bank. Let
It bo supposed that thoro aro In ono
county of tho stato ilvo Individuals
who aro incapacitated by reason of
age from earning n living nnd aro de
pendent upon tho public for support.
Orlglnnlly each possessed $5,000. Let
It bo further supposed that in tho
samo county wcro flvo banks, In ono
of which theso individuals .deposited
the $5,000 possessed by each. Tho
bank holding tho deposits ot theso in
dividuals failed and tho entlro depos
its were lost, and nB a consequenco
theso depositors beenmo public
charges. Could any of tho othor four
banks. In tho county which did not
fall successfully resist the levy or col
lection o tho poor fund tax, tho pur
pose of which was to support these
live individuals? I think not And
vet this would bo taking tho property
of the solvent, bnnks to pay the. rosult
uf tho Iocs of tho solvent ono.
In conclusion tho brief sets up:
First: That tho statuto, tho consti
tutionality of which is hero ques
tioned, does not deprivo tho unincor
porated plaintiffs ot any rights guar
anteed to thom by tho constitution of
tho United States, or tho constitution
of the state of Nobraska.
Second: That nil banks In this
state, whether Incorporated or pri
vate, may bo required to comply with
the guaranty features of tho law.
Third: That tho state may, in tho
exorclso of its power of sovereignty,
cnnflho nil of tho bunking business ot
tho 8tno to corporations.
Fourth: That tho incorporated
plnlntlffs have, and can havo, no. con.
tract with tho stato which preventn
tho legislature from placing addi
tional duties and requirements upon
thorn, oven to tho extent of requiring
thom to set aside n per cent of their
deposits for tho purposo of securing
Fifth: That tho act is connMtu
tlonal as n wholo, but If unconstitu
tional ns to paying rewards out of
the guaranty fund, or in any of Its
provisions, those provisions nro sep
arable, and tho othor portlonp.' of tho
net nro valid.
Sixth: That tho temporary Injunc
tion heretofore granted should be dis
solved, tho demurrer sustnlned, and
tho bill dismissed.
Makes for Saving Wheat.
Ono reason why farmers this 'year
seem moro desirous than usunl to
thresh and sell their wheat Immedi
ately Is declared by grain men to bo
tho fear that It It Is stacked tho ber
ries will shell out upon tho ground.
Rainy weather delayed cutting tho
wheat over n largo section of tho
stato, and It was ripened beyond tho
proper point when harvested, Whor
avor this condition exists, some of tho
grain Is llkoly to bo lost with each
handling. Tho farmers, therefore,
think It to their ndvantngo to thresh
from tho shock and haul nt onco to
tho elovator.
Makes a Great Record
A. E. Walter, a Koarnoy dealer In
motorcycles', demonstrated tho -possibilities
of a machlno whon ho start
ed from that city on a two-cyllndor
motorcyclo nnd raced Union Paclfio
train No. 2, ono of tho fastest trains
on that great road. Waltor started
tho samo tlmo tho train did and went
west following tho road and got to
Shelton, a distance of nlnoteen mllos,
heforo tho train.-
High Freight Rates.
According to O. R. Thompson, atato
senator from the Seventh district,
tho Northwestern Railway company
has a clovor way of extorting high
freight rates. In a complaint filed
with tho stato rullway commission ho
assorts that tho railway mou chargo
for sheep weights far aboyo the abil
ity of tho Bhlppers to crowd tho anl
mnls Into tho cars. As a rosult, the
Shippers aro compelled to pay a muoh
higher freight rate. The matter will
bo brought bofBro tho railway com
mission for early adlustmeut