WATCHES.! Our stock of watches speaks eloquently of good things, and there are many people whose hap py experiences confirm the reliability and worth of them ( Our success as watch sellers has not hnnn f merely fortuitous, but is the result of the unwav- cring integrity and knowl 3 edge gained by long ? years of study. Every waccn we sen is a guar anteed time keeper. Thus you have more reason to consider this store as an object wor thy your seeking. DIXON, The Jeweler Union Pacific Watch Inspector. SCHILLER & CO., Prescription Druggists First Door Norlli of First National Hank Got your gun at Trio Stnr Clothing House; Stato Sup't. Bishop was a visitor at tho Junior Normal this week. C. II. Walter wont to Omaha Tues day night to transact business for a few days. Missionary Scott loft for tho west this morning after visiting in town for a few days. Miss Lillian Sturges returned" to Hastings this morning after spending two weeks in town. Dr. Quigloy returned last night from Scotts Bluffs, where ho addressed tho Chautauqua assembly. L. E. Roach transacted business in McPherson county for a few days tho first part of tho week. Lost Gold Bignet hat pin, with J. L. M. on top. Finder return to this offico and receive reward. C. A. Howo, who had been looking after business matters in town for a week or two, returned this morning to his homestead near Oshkosh. tho right nil sizes tho Hub Carpots nd Rugs, nlways quality and prices. Rugs in 9x12 ft. 12x15 ft., at Clothing Dept. Mis08 Pearl Weeks, Hazel Hunting ton and Jennie Sandal! went to-Herahoy this mornintr to attond tho dance to be given in tho now alfalfa meal mill tonight. Weather forecast for North Platto and vicinity: Partly cloudy tonight and Saturday. Maximum yesterday 86, a year ago 82; Minimun this morning 64, a yoar ago 60. Tho South Platto River has gone very noarly dry and tho river is over run with men and boys, who are catching largo numbers of fish by means of spears and pitchforkB. Rev. Horan, of Maxwell, Mrs. E. W. Mann, Mrs. James Louden, Mrs. Fred Loudon. Mrs. W. S. Leon and Miss Maud Loudon returned today from tho Baptist convention at Dickens. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Redmond re turned this morning from their visit to California. Mr. Redmond said that ho was one of tho party of Elks who pros ecuted a pickpocket but that he was not relieved of any monoy. The proposition to re-voto tho $-10,000 school bonds is up before tho peoplo today. Whilo not much interest is be ing taken in the election, is probablo tho bonds will carry almost unani mously. Help out tho band by attending the Miner concort at tho Keith theatro this Friday evening. You aro guaran teed an evening of plcasuro and besides you help out an organization that has . contributed to vour pleasure in tho past. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Kado aro planning on sponding this fall and winter in Southern California. Mr. Kade will leave for that-section in a few weeks, and Mrs. Kado will follow lator. Tho winter weather in this section is too severe for Mr. Kade's health. J. H. Stubbs, a former district fore man at this terminal, stopped oyer (between trains this morning to visit "friends while enrouto homo from a trip to Seattle Mr. stubus la now super intendent of motivo power on n road runnlntr from Des Moines to St. Paul. and says the position is a very pleasant and satisfactory ono. Junior Normal Closes. Tho Junior Normal will closo today aftr n very successful term tho most successful in some respects of any that had previously been held. Tho students evinced commendablo interest in their work, and tho faculty envo their best endeavor to their work. Under these conditions nothing but success could rosult. This aftornoon will bo devoted to a social a farewell reception to faculty and students. Dr. Lucas Sails. Mrs. V. Lucas received a telegram Thursday morning from Dr. Lucas say ing ho would sail that day on board the "Grosser Kurfurst" for Germany. His routo includes a several days stop over at Bremen, whore ho lands, thenco by boat up tho Rhino to Cologne, from thero to Frankfurt and Vienna, whero ho will spend several nonths doing special work with somn of the world's most famous physicians and surgeons. Tho Doctor has twico done post work in Now York City with the leading men of this country and his widely incroas- ng practice has induced him to take this trip abroad for the solo purposo of specializing. His many friends wish him a pleasant and profitablo stay abroad and bespeak for him a most hearty welcomo whoa he returns, Special Sale on mens' dress shirts, Golf and Negli gee. 1 lot, all sizes, regular pneo 75c, .39 1 lot, all sizes, regular price 1.25, .98 1 lot, all sizes, regular price 1.C0, 1.35 All hnva' nhlrtn In norcnln nr. rn. ducod pricos at THE ilUU CLOTHING DEPT. Alliance 9, North Platte 4. Alliance won from the local team on the ball diamond yesterday by a score of nine to four. Tho game was in no senso a brilliant ono, tho local team having somowhat of an off day, and the dofeat was in a moasuro duo to tho fact that Pitcher Paul arrived from tho west on his run as brakeman just thirty minutoB boforo tho game began, and was not in n fit condition to pitch. As a result ho was touch id up for fourteen hits. Tho visitors mado one run in the first inning, five in tho second after two men wore out, two in tho fifth and ono in tho seventh. They wore credit ed with four errors. North Platto mado three runs in tho first and ono in the oight, mado seven hits and flvo errors. Each pitcher struck out soven men. Tho same teams will play this afternoon at 4 o'clock. You" have a chance to get a good gun at a low price at tho Star Clothinir House. Miss Alice Birgd 'entertained "about thirty young ladies nt a dolightful and unique Mother Gooao party nt her homo Thursday aftornoon. Tho con test Consisted of each guoat drawing a subjct taken from Mothor Gooso rhymes; theso drawings wore then ar ranged on exhibition and- tho lady guessing tho greatest number of sub jects was awarded the prize, Miss Cary recoivtng that honor. The house dec orations and placo cards wcra suggast ive of Mother Goose. At tho closo of tho pleasant afternoon cnjoyablo re freshments woro served nt smnll tab les. Mrs. Donald Goodwill and Miss Dillon assisted in serving. Tho Cheyenne Tribune thinks that so long as that city pays tho Union Paci fic a million dollars nycar for passenger and freight business, tho company is not likely to run its first-class passen ger trains over the Borio cut-off, thus passing up Chcyenno. It doesn't look reasonable, does it. This section and apparently quite n scope of country surrounding tho city was visited by a heavy rain last night, Observer McDowall reporting a fall of 1.28 inches. Some hail accompanied the storm but not enough to do any particular damage. The election to voto bonds for tho erection of tho school house in tho Second and Third wards aro being held today and tho enthusiasm is not very groat. Up to noon tho total voto was 42, 13 in the 3rd ward, 28 in tho 2nd and 1 in tho 1st ward. Seo thoso guns for $2.50 at the Star. On account of tho school bond elec tion today tho saloons are closed, and thero aro thirsty individuals in town. Tho water supply, howover, ia un limited, the wator plant pumping about a million gallons per day. Band concert nt the Keith theatro tonight by tho Minor family, of Chi cago, nn organization that always plcascB its aiidionco. T. F. Watts went oast this morning and will nfllciatG nt several auctions to bo hold during tho next few days. Miss Ella Blnke returned Wednesday from Kearney whore shd had been at tending Normal and visiting friends. Tho bulk of tho hogs sold in South Omaha yesterday at $7.25, a drop of fifty cents In eight dnys. Sup't Gibson, of the Gibbon school, wai a visitor At Sup't Ebright'i ofllco on Wednesday. Honry Deoring, of Missoula, Mont., is visiting relntivos and friends in town. Miss Mario LoDioyt will leave Mon day for a two wcckB vilt in Donvor. Leo Tobin left last night on a busi ness trip to Omaha. With Bayonet U.S.SpringfieldRifle $2.S0 a it ft iii iJUjf Guaranteed free from rust and in good order. Cost U. S government $i 8.. oo, retails at $25.00. Carries cart ridge 45-70. Will shoot shot equally as well as bullet. The above will be " ft ft ft or will be sold for a short time $2.50 each. Now is your time; get busy. Of ma Given Away Free with any Purchase of $25.00, THE STAR CLOTHING HOUSE, NORTH PLATTE, NEBRASKA. ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ft ' COMING St THE BEST ONE THERE IS--- BLONDIN'S BIG SHOW 3 UNDER CANVASS. ft ft X North Platte Monday, Aug. 2d ft ft ft ft IN THE NEW SCENIC PRODUCTION, X X "The Cowboy, Indian and The Lady." ft ft With Betz's Military Band and a Superb Orchestra. The Largest aivd Best of all Teat Shows, TWO SPECIAL CARS. PARADE AT NOON. Performance at Night Only. ft ft ft ft ft Bryan Vill Nove To Texas. Today'B Omaha Boo says: William Jennings Bryan is going to leavo Nebraska. Ho will conso to bo a citizen of tho Antclopo stato after thia fall, but will make Texas his home. Mr. Bryan him self is authority for this. At Bcilofon taino, O., yesterday morning ho said so preceding the delivery of his lecture. Ho declared ho Intondeu to movo to Tuxas following a South American tour on which ho expects to atart this fall. "I am not to seek election to tno Ben- ato from Nebraska." ho said, "I nm not going to bo a Nebrasknn, for I nm going to movo to Texas. I oxcebt .to continue in politics in Toxas." Excellent progress is being mndo on tho grading for the doublo track be tween Watson's ranch and this ter minal, and next year ho grent Over land road will bo using two tracks between Omaha and North Plntto and probably by tho end of another year will havo doublo track between Omaha and Ogden. Get a good gun with each $25.00 pur chase, or buy one outright for $2.50 nt Tho Star Clothing Houso. Mr. and Mrs. W. V. Hoaglnnd left this week for a visit in St. Paul and other points in Minnesota. Tortured on a Horse. "For ton years I couldn't rido a horso without being in torture from piles," writes L. S. Nnpier, of Rugless, Ky., "when nil doctors and other remedies failed, Buck'en's Arnica Salvo cured mo." Infulliblo for Piles, Burns, Scalds, Cuts, Boils, Fover Sores. Eczema, Salt Rhoum, Corns, Guaranteed by Stone Drug Co. Notice. Persons who are indebted to Gaunt & Wymnn, please call and settle immedi ately. Notice to Overseers. Wo desire to call the attention of tho overseers of tho various road districts in Lincoln county, Nebraska, that you should get tho flro guards plowed and in good condition, so that tho county may bo properly protected from flro. County Commissioned. RESintlMF LOTS 1 f Adjoining City Park. k $ TERMS AND PRICES RIGHT. f i FOR SALE BY WM. E. SHUMAN. Band Benefit This Evening. At the Keith Theatre. DR. J. K. ELMS will hereafter take up tho General Practice of Medicine, Surgery and Lying-in Cases, together with HIS SPECIALTY Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Your Glasses Carefully Filled. Office and Resilience 413 E Fifth St, on ground floor, no stuirs to climb. Phone 559. Qn ...,.... ..i s Roy Louden, of McDonell & Graves, is off duty on account of sicknoBs. DR. HUMPHREYS' SPEflFICS. Mr. tlloM llk rk Tltl U Flit llmtitu. English, German, Spanish, PortuQuoss and French, No. I'OR rrlce 1. Form, Conjrcstlons, Inflammation!,, 33 2. Wonin. Worm l'cver, or Worm l)lncaa..U8 3. Collr, CrjIiiR and Wakefulness of Iufanti.35 4. Dlurrhon, ot Children ami Adulti UH 5. Ityienterv, Griping?, Bilious Collo 3d 7, Coiiclm, Colds. llroncliUU, 23 8. Tontlinclie, Face.U'lio, NcuralgU 35 V, HcHdnclio, Blclcllcadaclifl, Vertigo 29 10. Di'ipepria. Indigestion, Weak Stomach 35 13. Croup, Hoarse. Cough, Laryngitis 33 I t. Ball Klietim. Kruiitlons, Kryilolaj 23 in. ltliriimntlsm.or itliuumatlo Talus 'JS 1U, l'oer and Abiia, Malaria, . 33 17. rilrs, Ullurt or Weeding, l'xternal, Internl.25 18. OphtliBlniln, Weak or Inflamed Kjrei US 10, Cularrh, Influenza, Gold In Head , 29 20. Whooping Cough, Hiasmodlo Cough,., !J3 21. Asllmiu.Opprosaod.Dinicult Iircathlng VI 5 27. Kidney DUrnst), Gravel, Calculi 29 tli, IVrrrous Ilelilllty, Vital Weakness 1.00 20. Horn Mouth, I'over Sores or Canker,... 23 1(1, Urinary Incontinence Wetting IM,. 33 11. Born Throat, Quinsy nnd Diphtheria. 1-7. Chronic Ciiiuesllonn, Headaches. .......... 28 7. Grlpp:, Hay rcur mid Summer Colds.. ..26 . mnsll lKitlle of Vleaoant I'cllets. fits thn vest L;t. liold hydruuglsts, or ronton receipt of price. 31 deal Hook eont free. iirjii'iiiinvs' noil no, HrorriHB co comer f IITa ii and John ttlreeta.New York. NOTICE TO OltEtUTOllH. Ill tlio niftH rtr nt Ilia natiitn .t lM.l..frtl. ntohl. deceased. Xn .tno fPitniy court of. I.Incoln Coumy. Nti-' irnsUn. .lulv'th. lWtf. NiilliiA I. I...MI,., .1... iii... linn , .lira, tuab nm crvuiiuni of Halil docoaNcd will moot tho admlulatrator h ii TOimi', ln'iurii uiu V.OU11W J UUCO l)f .Int'fllll f.ntltttt.. Vnlirnul'M court roonii In aald enunty. on thotolh ilny of ,V.f wi;m ?' o tlio mil day of Kojjrtxtry, 1UI0, at II o'clock n. in, each day. for tlio put liosoof proHontlnir tholr claims for examina tion, udjustmont and allowance, Hlx nunithn nrn nllnuriwl ft- .....lti.. ... ... plftlmu. ftml nnn vnnr fin.4l.ji .il...lnl.i..l... ... .......,.,., vu,,i,i au. ..iu l.lllllllJbiailll V" si'ttlo said ONtato from tho 21th day of Juno, lr".. 'Hi. .'"".IF1?. 110 I'liminiou in tno North l'lntto Tribune, a legul newspaper. !F,eiM& "Uccosalvo lssuoH Drlor to Aucust i'--H W. 0. Ki.dkii. County Judco. NOT10H TO ( NON-UESIUENT DR .loli ii Lantz and Trunk l.anu; l'lalntllfs. I IlollnJacobsand Laura Hood Defondantx. I tlflt.lfliwl flinl. lit.... 1t..n Imn.. I.. .1... nt.. trlct court of Lincoln County. NobrasUa. by Joint Lanlz and rrjink Lant., who lmvn llli'd a duly vorlllcd uetUlon In said court tho ob ject and prayer if wliluli It to secure tho liartlllfiii niiiiiiitr vkIiI nlnlniirr nn., i..r..,.. dants, of the wcxt half of tlio nortb uat nuarter nnd tho west half of the south oast tiunrtor In suction No. twnlvo, In towiuhlo m. tnirieen. or rnngo No twonty-elcht, ral estate situated In aald Lincoln County, iiuiirasHn, niiinru rcnuiruu to answor sad petition on or Iniforo tho Oth duy of boptom bor, A. I).. WW. .. ,,,,lJi I,ANTZ nm1 l'"ANK Lantz. IMalntllTs. Ily It. O. (H.ANVIM.K, tholr Atly.i It is a Well Known Fact that our bakery Roods nro not excelled in Vcstorn NebraBkn. Wo uso tho best Hour, tho best inRredients of till kinds. Whv nllniv vnur wlfn tn nvnr. heat herself baking when, you enn buy hui. VAbCllllllb (uuiia Ul UQ Mb DUUII IUW pncesi Try us. ENTERPRISE BAKERY, Mrs. Jennlo Armstrontr,', Prop. Hot Weather Comfort. Use Talcum Pojvder It has medicinal prop erties of great value, is antiseptic, absorbent, wonderfully soothingf and will speedily heal chafing- Buy Colgate's New Package. A new idea fresh from' the factory double the 25c size for 35 cents. CHAMOIS SKINS COLD CREAMS . Schiller & Co:, 1st door north First Natl. Bank. GO TO P. M. SORENSON KOU ' Furniture Repairing , AND CABINET WORK. Also Woodturning. WINDOW SCREENS .... A Specialty. Shop 107 East Fifth. UNCLE SAM TAKES OFF HIS HAT to nobody. Wo tnko off ours to no body oithor when it comes to offering tlio finest carriages nt rcasosable prices, Why not colebrato the country's birth day with ono of thorn, Cotno and hnvo a look nt and a talk about it any way A. M. Lock.