The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 30, 1909, Image 1

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NO 51.
C ' VllMmWn iiir.ii miir
W -tul SSj w nnd never before sold so rapidly. Been tfet- m
You certainly cannot, in justice to yourself, let such a shoe opportunity slip away from you. fi
&t The price has been cut
trations of what we are doing' in price cutting". Read these prices:
ffc All highest grade Oxfords, patent blucher wing tip, military heel, welt,
4 Knob and Cambridge lasts, regular price $5 oo, sale price
jjfi All our $4.00 grades, made in black, tan, oxblood, champagne, grey and
m bronze, in patent calf, colt and kid, vici kid and suecle leathers, now
4 All our $3.50 grades, in black patent kid and colt. -Russia tan, oxblood,
fk wine, black vici, chocolate vici, etc., regular price S3. 50, sale price .
All our S3 grades, in black
button, lace and blucher, concave or iuban heels, ivicls.ay or turn
soles, regular price $3.00, sale price ,
All our $2. 50 grades, made in black vici kid, dull calf skin, tan calf.ox
ffi blood, wine kid, lace or blucher cut, ties and oxfords, low or Cuban
heels, regular price 2.50, sale price.
Jrjj All our $2.00 grades, made in black vici kid, patent kid, Cuban heel,
82 plain toe, common sense heel, congress Juliettes with patent tips,
regular price 2.00, sale price.
5 All our $3.00 gradesin black patent or vici kid, calf skin, .medium pr low
heels, also Russia tan, oxblood, wine, etc.: regular price $3', now
All our $2. 56 grades, made in black patcnt-and vici kid, foot form lasts,
& broad heels, etc., regular price. $2.50, sale price
All our $2.00 grades, all leathers and styles ,
cZ Regular price $2. 00, sale. price
All our Si. 75 grades go at
All our $1.50 grades go at
All our $1,25 grades go at
j! One lot of Men's highest grade shoes, "Crossets Brand" in
$Z calf, vici kid, vclourand box calf, gun metahcalf, etc.,
VI S4.00, 4.50 and 5,00, sale price s. ,7.
ffo One lot of Barefoot Sandals, sizes 2 to 8, at
One lot of Barefoot Sandals, sizes 9 to 11, at
One lot of Barefoot Sandals, sizes 12 to 3, at
Tabor and Cunningham Win Case.
A decision was received yesterday
from Judge Munger dismissing the
Union Pacific suit against W- M. Cun
ningham, Ioy B. Tabor, Trustee, and
tho city of North Platto. At the June
term, af court held by Judgo hunger in
thta city, thoro was presented to tho
court tho plea of Roy 11. Tabor, Trus
tco, claiming that tho land in disputo
was not equal in valuo to $2000, which
is tho jurisdictional amount of tho fed
oral courts. Tho plea of V. M. " Cun
ningham asserting that tho railroad
oompany Bhould havo brought a suit in
ejectment instead of an action to quiet
titlo was also presented at this term of
court. Tho opinion received sustains
both of these picas and dismisses the
This is a signal victory over tho
railroad company, because it choso tho
court and tho lands which it would seek
to regain in a suit which was announced
to bo a test case, and the railroad com
pany was thrown out of tho court be
fore it had fairly gotten started with
tho case.
Tho suit docs not decide tho width of
tho right-of-way but holds that tho caso
was not a proper ono for tho federal
courts. Tho defendant Cunningham
wna ronresented bv attorneys Hoajr
land & Hoagland and tho defendant
Roy B. Tabor by Wm. E. Shuman.
jUR Shoe Sale has
and never before
have on hand and our deenlv cut nriccs on all our i!ood
Shoes will tell you how anxious we are to sell.
on every Shoe in our Store.
patent kid, vici kid, tan calf, ox
Sale Price
Sale Price ..
Sale Price.
Fines Company.
Penalties amounting to $1,250 were
assessed against tho Union Pacific Hail
road company by Judgo W. II. Mun
ger in tho United States district court
Wednesday morning for violations of
tho twenty-eight hour act. Judgment
was confessed in ono caso of three
counts at $200 por count. Another
caso of six counts or causes at $100 per
cause and still another case with one
causo of action at $250 per causo went
against the railroad company on tho
trial of tho cases sovoral montl3 ago.
Omaha Beo.
Union Pacific Stock Soars,
dn Wednesday of this wcok tho com
mon stock of tho Union Pacific railroad
reached a new record on tho Now York
exchange, soveral thousand shares sell
ing for $200 each. Before llarriman
took hold of the road this stock was
selling nround $G0, but when ho began
spending millions for tho betterment of
its physical condition tho Rtock began
to mount upward until today it is ono
of the highest railroad stocks in tho
country, In fact is only surpassed by
ono or two roads.
Wanted Position by a Danish middjo
aged lady as housekeeper, country
preferred. Inquire at residence of
Geo. Fiolfl.
set the whole town ngojll
Good Shoes were never before priced so low vft
sold so rapidly. Been riot-
ting your share of the bargains? If you re Vjl
not, be sure to come here, at once. At
We are determined to close out the stock we
We cfive below a few illus- ?aI
$2.85 1
blood, wine,
$1.60 1
$2.35 1
$1.95 1
$1.60 1
$1.20 1
$1.00 1
$2.95 1
black patent
regular price
3c fa
Shoery. I
Road Reaches Bridgeport,
A dispatch from Bridgeport dated
Wednesday Bays: The new North Platto
valley lino of tho Union Pacific railroad
has at least reached this city and tho
chief officials of tho road havo arrived
here to select tho depot grounds and
make transfer arrangements with tho
Burlington. Bridgeport will bo tho ter
minus of tho road for tho present at
Men and Boys Clothing.
Now is tho time you can do yourself
somo good. Wo will do tho right thing
with you. Can't quote prices here ns
they would do you no good In print,
but come in, look over our lino and if
quality, stylo and prices suits then lot us
fit you out with ono of tho host makes
in tho marKet. uomo now wo mean
business. Wo will mako you somo
money. If not already n customer of
ours wo extend you a special invitation
to como in and get acquainted with our
is, ft. quality or clothes.
The Hun Clothing Deft.
Marriage Licenses.
Homor C. McMichaol, ago 20, Bertha
u. apnnter, ago i, uscar uonKosky,
ago zu. ana utruiuca Mmitn ago 17, all
of Wcinioet.
Money to loan on cood real estato se
curity. Seo O. E. Elder, Keith theatro
$2.35 1
: itti'A '.v.".vv..:;;;.::; : unsvevj;
Thoro will bo no evening Borvices at
tho Presbytorian ehurch during tho hot
A. II. Hyan, druggist at McDonoll
uraves has resigned and accoptcd n
position nt Big Springs. Ho is suc
ceeded by Mr. Pcmbor, of Omaha.
Fred McConnoll, of Paxton, was In
tho city Tuesday making arrangomenta
with Hart's orchostrn to furnish music
for a big I. O. O. F. danco on Aug. 12.
At tho republican state convention
this week Ira L. Baro was selected as
a member of tho state central commit
too from the Thirtieth senatorial dist
rict. Mr. and Mrs. Guy Swopo entertained
Wednesday evening nt n six o'clock
dinner in honor of Miss Mary Meredith,
of Clinton, Iowa, and Miss Cora Hcaly
of Denver.
A carload of prossod brick received
tho early part of bhis week for tho
jicw school buildings, wcro rejectod on
account ef being mis-shapen mid
twisted, having evidently boon placed
irt tho kilns while too green or soft.
Mjsa Wilson presented n most inter
esting report of tho recent Inter
national convontion of Christian
Endoavor last Sunday night nt the
Presbyterian church. A largo number
of young peoplo wcro out to hear it.
Moro than tho avcrago nudionco
greeted tho pastor last Sunday night at
tho Baptist church, and a good strong
man gavo his hand as n definite decis
ion for tho christian lifo. All appoint
ments will bo held in regular order
next Sunday with special emphasis on
tfio ovoning meeting nt 8 o'clock.
The Indian Card Club was delightful
ly ontertained Wednesday evening nt
this homo of Miss Hannah Kelihcr. It
was tho first evening meeting of tho
club and tho chango from afternoon to
evening proved pleasant to all. Tho
Hrsfc prizo tho customary fork was
won by Miss Geraldinp Baro.
Tho following North Platto tcachera
havo returned from tho summer ses
sion at tho Kearney State Normal:
Charlotte "Lowe, Mablo Donchower,
Laura Murray, Sylvia Watts, Beth Cun
ningham, Bollo Craigic, Ella Blake,
Alico Allbeo, Florence Antonides and
Gertrude Baker,
Joseph Horshey has put in an . elec
tric motof to run his feed grindor;
John LoMastcr is using a motor, as is
also Tho Tolegraph and Tho Tri-
buno offices. Leo Tobin will also
put in a motor at tho grain houso he
will havo on cast Frout street. Users
of electric pnwer aro highly satisfied
and rccognizo tho advantages it has
over gasoline enginos.
"Jack" Williams, a membor of the
oditorial staff of tho Philadelphia Press,
who is walking from that city to So-
attic, arrived in town Wednesday ovo
ning and remained until last night. He
gavo a lecturo at tho Koith theatre
picture show last evening, these lec
tures being tho only method he is al
lowed of paying his cxponscs on tho
Lucillo Stamp cntortained thirty-five
little folks nt an ovoning party Wed
nesday in honor of her tenth birthday.
Games were played and rofrcshmonts
were enjoyed at her home and at 8
o'clock they wcro all taken to Tho
Keith for a theatre party, She was
tho recipient of many useful and beau
tiful presonts.
Tho Trustees of tho Prosbytoriarl
church will mako n selection of furni-
turo for tho now building within tho
next tvo weeks, and it will require
from sixty to ninety dayfl to havo it
mado and shipped. It will thcroforo be
nbout November 1st boforo tho now
church will bo ready to bo occupied. It
is probablo that a pipo organ will bo
secured during tho winter and Rev.
Williams hopea to. dedicato tho
church next March freo of Incum
branco of nny nature. Tho cost of tho
church complcto will ox'cocd twenty-
fivo thousand dollars,
Dr. P, Jucklnoss, State Veterinarian,
of Lincoln, Nob,, with Dr. Howo, U.
S. inspector in charge of tho animal in
dustry, and Dr. W. P. Gobs and G. B.
Ray and state inspectors with head
quarters at North Platte, Neb., today
called upon County Attorney Geo. E.
French for tho purposo of making ar
rangements for tho prosecution of all
persons not complying with tho stnto
law in regard to Infected hords of ani
mals and persons violating tho orders
of tho board, Tho federal government
is expending largo sums in Nobrnska
to aid In stumping out contagious and
infectious diseases among tho llvo
stock and is nsklnc for a rui Id enforce
ment of tho stato laws and regulations
and all porsons rofusing to comply with
law and aid in tills work may look for
a visit from thtf hhorifi nt any timo,
Miss Blancho Mudd left last night
for her homo in tho east.
P. A. Norton roturned yestorduy
morning from a short visit in Omaha. '
M. C. Wcstfall is nponding a fow
days with fiicnds In Maxwell and
Albert Muldoon mado a professional
visit to points wost of hero on Wed
nesdny. J. R. Whllo loft Sunday night for
Denver whoro he will transact businosa
for a fow days.
Sam Richard went to Omaha Wed
nesday to transact business, making
tho trip in an auto.
Richard Hoagland and wifo nf Gandy,
aro visiting nt tho homo of Mr. and
Mrs. J. S. Hoagland.
W. T. Banks nnd wifo loft yesterday
morning fdr an extended visit nt Sonttlo
and California points.
Miss Jossio Workman roturned to
Hastings yestorduy morning after n
ton days' visit nt homo.
Miss Forn Stamp returned Tuosday
ovoning from Kearney, whoro alio Iibb
been attending normal.
T. C. Pntterson roturned Wednesday
from Lincoln, whoro ho nttondod tho
republican stato convontion.
Miss Mnudo Mollyncaux will leave
soon for a month's vacation in Ken
tucky and other eastern states.
Mrs. W. J. Stuart und Bon Harris
aro expected homo tomorrow from
thcit visit in Chicago and St. Louis.
J. R. Nicholson und C. W. Graham,
of Gothenburg, visited friends in tho
city tho first part of tho week,
Miss Nollio Workman returned homo
Tuosdny night after completing the
summer term nt tho Kearney normul.
Mrs. and Mrs. Isaac Watts nnd child
ren returned to Corning, Iowa, Wed
nesday after visiting relatives for sov-
era! weeks.
J. S. Hoagland went down to Cen
tral City yesterday morning to dolivcr
an address nt tho G. A,- It. reunion,
which is being held there.
Alex Adamson and family arrivod in
town from tho cast Wednesday and uro
visiting relatives fdr a few days cn
routo to their homo in Arizona.
Mrs. Jnno Mitchell nnd littlo grand
daughter went to Lexington Tuesday
afternoon, after visiting for a week
with Mr. nnd Mrs. Mooro Mitchell.
Charles Stevio left last night for
Sheridan, Wyo., whoro ho will visit his
son Otto nnd family. Ho was accom
panied by his son Richard.
Ralph Bixlor loavos tho early part of
next month for Indiana whoro ho will
bo united in marrlago to Miss Swcnson,
formorly employed as milfner by Burko
W. C. Kennedy of tho Union Pucific
secret scrvico spent a fow hours in
town Wednesday morning, on his re
turn from tho Elks convention nt Los
Supt. Whitehead, of Gothenburg, in
structor in tho Junior Normal, spent
yesterday nt his home. Ho oxpocta to
loavo In a fow daya for an extended
visit at Vancover, B. C.
F. R. Stroicker, of Adams County,
was a visitor at tho county superin
tendent's ofllco on Wednesday. He was
on his way to Horshey, whoro ho will
apply for tho principalship of tho pub
ic school.
Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Stono left
on No 1 Tuesday for Sheridan
Wyo., nnd from thoro to Portland, Oro-
gan, baattio, wash,, nnd other points.
Mrs. Stono is a sister of Mrs. Burney
and has been visiting in North Platto
for tho past six weeks,
W. IL Johnston, u formor well
known citizen of North Platte, but for
tho past threo years living nt McCook,
arrived in town Wednesday for n visit
.with friends. It is needless to nay that
his old acquaintances are glad to moot
him .
Wednesday ovening just boforo .tho
saloons closed, two men who wero in
ono of them began to quarrel over tho
ownership of fifty cento. Tho police
Immediately headed them cast nnd in
company with three other follows they
started for tho stock yards. When in
front of tho Cunningham residenco on
east Front street tho two began a fist
fight, in which ono of them was knocked
down and apparently killed. Thft threo
follows skipped. Tho unconscious man
was taken to tho Pulvor hospital and
Policeman Grayblo landed tho pugilist
in jail. At tho end of seven hours tho
follow enmo to and later in the night
got up nnd departed. Judgo Elder
discharged tho prisoner after giving
him a good lecturo.
For Solo Horses, mowors, rakes and
sweeps. Inquire of J. C, Richards,
west Sixth St.
Hotel Committee Meets.
Tho hotel commilteo appointed by
John Evans, chairman of tho citizens
mooting, mot tho hotol men in tha
Commercial Club rooms Monday morn
ing but duo to tho unavoidable absence
of John Halligan, they adjourned until
Tuesday morning.
W. G. Collins and Frank Hoi ahoy
wcro present and with propositions,
ono to form a stock company nnd ona
for a bonus. After a consideration of
tho matter, tho coinmittco decided upon
a bonus of $10,000 nnd chairman Halli
gnu appointed tho following finnnco
commltlco: W. II. McDonald, chair
man; Thoa C. Pattoraon, E. F. Seobcr-
gor, 11. M. urimcs nnd J. q. Wilcox.
This committco aro to find out if it Is
possiblo to raiso tho required bonus.
If the $10,000 bonus is raised and
given to.tho hotol mon, they will coma
to North Plntto nnd build a modern
hotol of from GO to 75 rooms and to
cost not less then $55,000 nor mora
than $75,000. In tho beginlng It will
bo two stories high, but tho walla will
bo made bo that additional stories can
bo put on hq needed.
A letter from tho civil servlco com
mission states that North Platto has
bcun Bolocted as a placO at which nil
civil scrvico examinations In Nebraska
will bo given. Up to a Bhort timu ago
an applicant for n civil servlco position
could tnko tho examination in any
state, rcgardlcsa of his rcsidenco. Un
dor tho now rulincr tho examination
must bo taken in tho stnto in which
tho applicant resides, and this will in-
crcaso tho number of examinations
given in Nebraska. Grand Island and
Omaha havo been tho only placca in
Nebrnskn whero examinations wcro
held, but in tho futuro North Plntto
will bo on tho list. -Tho lists and dates
of examinations will bo posted or? tho
post ofllco bullotin board from timo to
time for general information.
Special attention is again called to
the band benefit concert to bo given to
night nt tljo Keith theatro by tho
Miner Concert Co. of Chicago. All
proceeds, in oxcess of tho quarantco to
tho company, go to tho band fpr tho
purposo of purchasing new - miiBlc and"
paying for tho' uw suits. Tho band
will play in front of tho theatro at 7:30
this ovening nnd Director Lowell
desired a large attendance both outpido
nnd inside. Tho band has furnished
tho peoplo with music freo of charge
nnd they now havo tho opportunity of
showing their appreciation of it.
Jack Service.
The Experimental Substation lina
shipped in n fino Jack which is being
stood for service to n limited number
of selected marcs nt a vory reasonable
price r
For Sale.
Tho Gub 1I0H80 homo. Two full Iota.
fino nhado trees, fruit trees and shrub-,
berv: nnxious to soil nt oncd. Onolmlf
in cubIi, good timo on balance For par
tlculars call on Arthur McNnmaru, H.
M. Grimes or J. E. Evans.
Goorgo L. Bonaon will notico that
on tho 10th day of July, 1009, P. H.
Sullivan, n Justice of tho Pence of
North Plntto Rrccinct No. 1 und in nnd
for Lincoln County, Nebraska, issued
an order of attachment for tho sum of
$50.00, in an nction ponding beforo him,
wherein Churles Hunor is PlaintifT and
Gcorgo L. Benson, Defendant, Hint
property consisting of monoy in tho
hands of tho Union Pacific Rail Road
Compnny, a corporation, has boon at
tached under said order. Snid causo
was continued to the Gth day of Sep
tember, 1000, nt at 10 o'clock A. M.
Dntcd July 27th, 1009.
The Home You Have
Longed For
may bo yours if you say so. It matters
not on what location you havo set your
heart wo havo tho property and can of
fer you tho terms you can meet.
The Home You Now Occupy
you aro buying for tho landlord. Lot
us show you u plan whoroby you can
buy It for yourself.
Buchanan & Patterson,
Real Estate and Inturaace.