The North Platte semi-weekly tribune. (North Platte, Neb.) 1895-1922, July 16, 1909, Image 8

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    Serai-Weekly Tribune
Ira L. Bare, Editor and Publisher.
nmiRnniPTtnn uatkbi
Duo Year, cash In advanco
Months, cash In advance 65 cu
Entered at North Platte, Nebraska. Postofflce
as second cubs manor,
FRIDAY, JULY 10, 1909.
T announce mvself as n republican
enndidato for the office of county clerk,
subject to tho decision of tho primaries.
North Platto, Nob., June 1, 1909.
I announce mysolf as republican can
didate for tho office of county clerk of
Lincoln county, Nebraska, subject to
tho primaries to bo held August 17.
William Otten.
I hereby nnnounco myself aenndidato
for tho republican nomination for tho
office of sheriff, Bdbject to tho primary
to bo he'd AugU3t 17th.
I respectfully announce myBclf as n
enndidnto for tho nomination for n
sherifT, subject to tho republican pri
mary. Anv sunoort trlvon mo will bo
nppriclated. A. J. Salisbury.
I hereby nnnoounco myaelf as o
enndidnto for tho office of Connty
Treasurer, subject to action of Repub
lican primary August iy, iwj.
I rosncctful v announce myself ns n
candidate for county commissioner.
subject to tho action of tho V-epubllcnn
primary. A. u. kocken.
I hereby nnnounco mvsolf a enndidnto
for tho olfico of County Commissioner
of District, No. 1, subject to the e.ction
oi tno republicans nc tno primary ciec
tlon. H. li. 1JOUGLAS.
I horobv announce mvsolf ns n
enndidnto for tho Republican nomina
tion for tho ofTico of countv survovor.
subject to tho decision of tho primary
Garfield Items.
Mr. Amblor and son Kelloy took din-
nor with Mr. and Mrs. Ike Smith on
Monday whilo on their way to Arnold
tolottortd the Odd Fellows' supper.
L. P. Smith marketed a load oi nogs
at Maxwell Monday.
Mr. and Mrs. J. u. Joiinson reiurneu
from Nesbltt Saturday whoro thay had
been for a week.
Mr. nnd Mrs. A. M. Hughes and fam
ily attended tho Holiness camp meeting
at Willard Saturday night. Thoy were
accompanied by Rev. Hartman.
O. H. Ilugnes wont to worm riauo
Monday to attend the Wvman salo.
Wo understand that II. P. Stevens
has sold thrco quarters of his land here
to a Mr. riorca of Maxwell.
Mra. Rosa Frnzler of North Platto
visited her father nnd brother Saturday
and Sunday.
Tho recent rains put tno grounu in
fine shapo for the corn. It is growing
vorv ranidlv and ovorybody is hurrying
to trot it laid by beforo it gets too
W. F. Camnboll commenced cutting
Mr rvo Inst Saturday.
Miss Susie Campboll roturncd to her
home Saturday. Sho has bcon ut
Schuyler for tho past two years teach
ing. Sho nas a position in tno in or in
Platte schools tho comincr vcar.
Luther fJlaudson nnd u. u. sivcr
brought out new binders from Max
vo 11.
Born to Mr. and Mrs. Peter Sucraw
on ju v llth twin bovs. unc
of them lived only nbout two hours.
J. JS. llonov. r . M. Joy and Atnos
Rockard took hogs to Maxwell Tuesday,
July, 1909.
'11103. u. I'ATTERSON. Mayor.
Attest: Ciias. F. Temple, City Clerk.
Andrew Hnhn. of Hershoy, trans
acted business in town yesterday.
Mr. and L. P. Krong. of Hcrshey,
spent Wednesday in tho city.
Mr. nnd Mrs. James Dorrnm returned
last nicrht from a short visit with
friends at Denver.
Mr. and Mrs. Wm EvanB. of Hershoy,
were in tho city Wednesday shopping
and transacting business.
John Wilson, of Kearney, was trans
acting businoss with tho real estato I
men of this city yesterday. ,
A. M. Fletcher nnd Mr. Sullv. real
estate men of Minden. transacted busi
ness with O. II. Thoolecke yesterday.
Chas Hurlburr. a kinkado home-
stendor from north of Ogaliala, is
spending a fow days in town transact
ing business.
July 12, 1909.
Board of county commissioners mot
nursuant to adiournmont. present com
mlssioners Kockcn and Springer nnd
countv clerk.
Claim of L. McCluro. ensh for work
to be dona in Road Dist No. 23, 100.00
Claim of I M Aborcrombie, cash to bo
used in Road Dist No 32, GO 00
E E Ericsson, cneh to bo used in Road
Dist No 1G. 7C.00
Tnblo precinct is hereby divided into
two precincts to bo known ns follows:
All of township 1G, Rango 2G, to bo
known as Table precinct.
And ull of "township 1G, Rnngo 20,
shun do known ns Hanson precinct.
Tho abovo division wns mado upon
petition prcsontcd to tho county com
rnissioners having a majority of tho
lcirnt voters of Tnblo nrccinct.
ltbad Dist. No 3G is hereby divided
Into two road districts; all of township
15, rango 20, shall bo known as Road
District 3G, 'and all of township 10,
Knntro 20. shall bo ltond Dist No 37.
A potition prcsontcd to tho board by
F P Hoy and others for section lino
rond on county lino botweon Lincoln
county and Logan county on north sldo
of sections 4. 5 and 0. township 1G.
range 20, tho county clerk is In
structed to notify tho county commis
sioners of Logan county to moot tho
county commissioners of Lincoln coun
ty on tho sitn on tho 20th dav of Julv.
1909, at twelve o'clock noon nnd hco as
to whethor tho rond la posslblo or not
plnco of meeting northwost corner of
section G, town 1G, rango 20,
Tho county transuror is directed to
equally divido tho funds of Road Dist
30, und placo one-hnlf of snid fund to
tha credit of District 3G nnd onu-half
of said of said fund to tho credit of
District 37.
Claim of Francis Montague, rond
work District GG, allowed for $2.50
Tho board checked tliu books of tho
clork of tho district court and found
tnem correct nnu approved tho snino.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
July 13. 1909
Bourd met somo ns yesterday, tires
nt Commissioners Kockcn nnd
Springer and county clerk.
Josoph Spies, cash for uho in Road
District No 1. $50.00
Sundry persons, survoying nnd platt
Ing rond No 295 allowed on Road Dist.
Nn 4. for SG9.53.
Murphy nnd Johnson leaso of land
Commisstonor Dist. No 2. $50.00
Bftard commonccd chocking books of
county treasurer.
Adjourned until tomorrow.
Bids Wanted.
Bids aro wanted for bulldlnir nn addi
tion '20x32 feet to tho O'Fallon'n school
building in Dist. 33. Plans and specifi
cations can bo seen by calling on C. R.
Lawrence, Hershoy, Nob. jia-uy
Primary Election Notice 1909.
Notico is horebv irive"h that on Tuos
day, tho 17th day of August, 1909, at
tho voting placo in tho various procincts
of Lincoln County, NobrnBkn, tnero will
bo hold a primary election for tho pur
poso of nominating candidates for the
following duces, to bo voted for at tho
Novcmbor general election.
Threo Judges of the Supremo Court.
Two Rcgonts of University.
One County Judgo.
One County SherifT.
Ono County Coroner.
One County Treasurer.
One County Clork.
Ono County Survoyor.
Ono Countv Sunorintendont of Pub
lic Instruction.
Ono Countv Commissioner. First Dis
Two Justice of tho Peace.
Two Constables.
Ono Precinct Assessor.
Ono Ovorsoer for each Road District,
Which election will ho ononcd nt 12
o'clock m. nnd remain open until 9
o clock in tho evening.
uatou North i'latto, Nobr., this loth
dny of July, A. D., 1909.
.F. R. Elliott, County Clerk.
Potato Bu&s
Cabbage Worms
Chicken Lice
Whatever the pest
we have the Remedy.
Schiller & Co,
1st door north First Natl. Bank.
Jack Service.
The Exnerimentnl Substation has
shipped in a fino Jack which is being
stood for service to n limited number
of selected marcs at a very reasonable
Furniture Repairing
Also Woodturning.
.... A Specialty.
Shop 107 East Fifth.
Statement of the Condition
or tiik
of North Platte, Nebraska, on the 30tu
day or June, tew.
First mortgage loans 1301 000 00
stock loans 4 too 00
Cash 0 000 23
Delinquent Interest, premiums ana
lines mi bu
Exjicnscs anil taxes paid 1 OSS 70
Total t31d 012 29
Capital stock paid up $2M 808 57
deserve lunu..... i viv w
Undivided prollt. 8 000 US
Premiums unearned 4 414 Ml
i 878 W)
A Treat for all
Classes who Smoke.
A Forest King G cent clear in his
mouth for his own delectation, a fow in
his pocket for his friends, is to bo ac
counted ono of tho blest. Resort,
therefore, all yo who aro fond of a
good smoko, to tho cigar and tobacco
emporium tho sin nbovo whose door IB
Bargains Every Day
Advance payments
Total $310 013 SO
llalance on hand JUlv 1. 1008 1172 23
Dues 117 MS 00, premiums, and lines 2:i 3-15 S3
i.oans rcnatu a iu
Miscellaneous ieos zf .-
Taxes nnd Insurance w 0U
Total tlCO 809 30
Loans t OS 700 00
Exnenses 1 310 W
Stock redeemed 00 702 72
Taxes and Insurance. ... vo wi
gash on hand OOOtl 23
Total r S1C9 600 30
Htntn or Nebraska. Lincoln countv. km.
j, Samuel Ooozec, secretary of tho aboro
named Association, do solemnly swear that
tho foregoing statement of tho condition of
said Association Is trim nnd correct to tho
host or my knowiouco and honor.
HAMUKI, uoozr.E. BccroinrY.
BnliscrllM'd nnd sworn to boforo mi) tlilsOth
day of July.lWW. . ....
ui.AiiK uuciiANAN. notary ruunc.
Viorou VonOortz, I
John K. Ci.auauoii. Directors.
Lestku Walk )
Pianos, Organs,
Furniture, S.'ovea,
Sowing Machines, Bicyclos,
WagonB, Buggies,
Harness, Saddles,
Guns, Revolvers,
Watches, Clocks,
Everything you uso nt a low price
Second Hand Store.
Corner Cth and Locust Streets.
In tho matter of tho estato of William
JolTcrs, deceased.
In tho county court of Lincoln county, no
hraskn.Julv 1000.
Notice. Is hereby given that the creditors of
said decoasvd will moat tha Executor and
Trusteo of said estate, beforo tho County
Judge of Lincoln county, Nobraska. at tho
county court room. In said county, on
tnu iuui (lav or Atiirust. ivuv. ami on
tho 10th day of I'obruarr. 1010, at V
o'clock a. m, each day, for the purposo of pro-
sentlnc their claims ror dxaminatton, adjust
mcnt and allowance. Six months aro allowed
for creditors to nresont their claims, tho Ex
ecutor and Trusteo to sottlo said estate In
accordance with provisions or tho last will
and Testament of William Joffers, decoased.
This notice to Iks published for Bsuccesslvo
issues in tho norm i'latto tnuuiio. a tecai
nowspapor, prior to Aupust luth, lww.
VV. a. KLDEIt.
J 13-8 County Judco
Cottonwood and Vicinity.
P. J. Jorgonson's brother Goorgo"
visiting tno lormcr.
Miss GracoSpeich, of Sutton, is visit
ing her cousin vospor Arnold.
Mrs. Kerr nnd sons nttended tho
Chnutnunun laut Sunday night.
Mr. Petors tho well man of North
Platte put down a well for I). G. Sowlc
' Or. Jones, tho oyo specialist, wns In
our vicinity Friday of Inst wook.
Mr. nnd Mra. Ferris, Miss ForriH nnd
Mr. una Mrs. Tlbbott,, of Cottonwood
canyon, were nttendunts nt McPhorson
Bchool luiuao Sunday nftoriioon nt Sun-
dnv school and preaching.
MrB. Mooro, tho mail currier, took u
load of teuciiers on her routo up Lot
tonwood ennyon luesday morninir.
Mr. Hobinson, of North I'luilo, tho
M. U. A. district manugor, wns in our
vicinity Tuesday working up members
for that good insurnnco company.
James Itoso met with a little ncc
Uunt with a horse unit lott mm a
Mankotcd for awhile.
Mies Huoy Slianor, of Kowance, ill.,
Is v siting friends and relatives in our
Mr. Barbeo, thojiotol man of .Mine
wall. ie nuttintrui) a harness shon. '
The 6dd Fellows Will nut up a build
ing in Maxweli. Mnlsen Bros, hayo tho
Will Hnll ii building a houso just bo-
rrrw tho church. '
Tho orchestra had n rctrular organ!
Nation of that musical bond on 'rdosday
Notice to Oycraeers.
Wo desire to call the attention of the
overseorH of tho various road districts
in Lincoln county, Nebraska, that you
should get tho fire gunrds plowed and
in good condition, so that tho county
may uo properly protected lrom llro.
ueinir tno ucnora low or tnxeH on
tho proporty within tho city of North
Platte, Nobrnskn, for revenue purposes
uuring mo nseni year ot vm'J.
Uo it ordained by tho muvor nnd
council of tho city of North Platte.
Section 1, Taxes are horobv levied on
all of tho property within tho limits of
tho city oi North i'latte, Lincoln Coun
ty, Nebraska, nt tho rate of 8 mills on
tho dollar of tho assessed valuation
thereof forsrenoral rovenuo mimosas of
t a
8nui city during tno itscai year begin
ning ino iourtn uay oi May, iuui).
Soction 2. Taxes aro herobv levied
on all the property within tho limits of
said city at the rata of 3 mills on tho
dollar of tho assessed valuation thereof
for the lighting of tho streets of said
city during tho current fiscal year,
auction is. Taxes aro horeby laviou
on all tho property within tho limits of
snid city at tho rate of G mills on the
dollar of tho assessed valuation there
of, for tho purposo of providing nnd
paying for lire protection tor sum city
during tho current fiscal year.
bection 4. I axes uro herob v loviod
on nil tho property within tho limits of
Haiti city ut tliu rnto.of mills on tho
dollar of the assessed valuation thereof
for tho purpose of paying tho interost
and principal upon tho JliO.OOO.OO sower
bonus herotoforo issued by said city.
Section r. Taxoa aro hereby levied
upon tho real estate proporty within
tho limits of said city ut the rato of
ono hnlf of ono mill on tho do War of
tho assessed valuation thereof for tho j
purposo of paying tho oxpensos of I
maintaining tno system or sowcrugo
herotoforo adopted und constructed by
said city.
Section G, Taxos aro herobv lovied
on all tho property with'n the limits of
Butu city nt tno rate or z mills on tho
dollur of tho assessed valuation thoro-
of for tho purposo of purchasing and
improving a-city park or parks.
Section 7. This ordinance shall tako
effect and bo In forco from nnd after
its pnssugo, approval and publication
nccnrdlnor to law.
PuSBcdiind tipproved this 6th day of I
Serial No. CJOOO.
Department of tho Interior.
II. H. Land nflle nt North i'latte. Noli.
Juno 3. 1009.
Notico Is hereby kIvoii that Charles II. John
son ot iinriiem, hod., who. on .iuno za iuui,
mndo homestead entry No. iuxv). sorlal
No. OJOOO for south hnlf nnd northeast
tiuartorof Sectional. Township 10 N., Itatiee
i V. of tho 0th Principal Meridian, has tiled
notico or intention to mauu llnai live year
nroof. to establish claim to tho land above
described, beforo thu ltcL'Istcr and Kecelvcr.
at north I'latto. Neb., on tho 5tli day or
Auirust WW.
Claimant names as witnesses: Abraham L.
Aubln, of Onrlleld. Nub.. V. It. Elliott, ot
North I'latto, Nob.. 1). P. Moyers, Gus Klump,
uoth ot uartiuid, incu.
js-u j, n. l.VANS, ltesistor.
In tho matter of tho estato of Asa P.
Lrnvn. deceased.
In tho county court ot Lincoln county. No
hmska. .Iiitm Utti. 1U00.
Nixlcn Is hnrMiv irlvun. that the creditors
of said (biceaseil will meet tho administrator
I of said estato, boforo the county Judco of
Lincoln Countv. NobrnsKa. at tliu county
court room, in said county, on tho loth day ot
July. mm. and on the iuui nay ot January,
llliu. ntl) uV lock A. M . one h day. for tlio nur-
poso of presentlnir thelf claims for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance. Six months
am 1 lowed tor creditors to tiresent their
claims, and ono ytmr for tho udmlulstrator to
I Kut tli Kultl est ute. from tho 12th day of May.
ituo. This notico ut bo published ror ettrnt
I successive Is-.ues In tho North I'latto
Tribune a loiral nowsnanor nuhlls led In
coin County, Nobraska. prior to July 10th,
j 15-3 W O. Emiku. County JudBo.
Notico Is hereby riven that on tho 30th day
of July. 1009. a special election will bq
hold In tho Bchool District or tno city or
North I'latto in the county or Lincoln, in
tho Stato of Nobraska, tho polllmr places to
bo ns follows! For that portion of said Dis
trict north of tho track of the Union Pacific
Railroad Company at tho Hoso House In the
Third Ward In tho City of North Platte. Lin
coln county. Nebraska! for that portion of
said district south ot tho track of the Union
Pacific Itallroad Company and west or uowoy
ft. and Public ltoad No 0. which Is a con tin
nation of Dewey SU at tho Hose House In tho
Kpcfintl Ward of said Cltv of North I'latto!
and for that portion of said District south or
tho track of tho Union Pacific Itallroad Com
pany nnd east of said Dowoy Ht. and Public
ltoad No. 0. the same belnir a continuation of
Dowoy St. at tho Hoso House in tho Mrst
Ward In tho said City of North I'latto,
At which Nnld nlnctlnn thn following nrono-
sltlon will Ira submitted to tho rotors of said
School District!
"Siiau tuo Bcnooi District or tno uny or
North I'latto. In tho County of Lincoln. In tho
Stato of Nebraska. Issuo Its negotiable bonds
In tho sum of liS.UJO, In denominations of
1,000 each, dated on tho 2d d a yiof Auirust. 1009,
ooarimr interest at tuo rato or nvo por cunt
tier annum, naval) in semi-annually, unnciuai
and interest payablo at tho I'lscnl Asoncy ot
tho Stato of Nebraska In tho 31ty of Now
YOrk- and payable as follows, to-vlt: in
twonty years from tho dato thereof, but may
lie nalil nt nnv time after ten venrs from tho
dato thorcof, at tho option of the Hoard of
Kducatlou of said bchool District.
"Said bonds to be issued for tho miruoso or
crcclltifr and furnlshtnir ono eight-room
school bulldlnir In the Second nnrd of tho
City of North Platte Nebraska, on lilock iw
In snid ward, and erecting nnd furnlshlntronn
enrm-room school buiid nir in tnoThini warn
of tho City ot North I'latto, Nebraska, on
lilock i)2 in said wnrd.
"And shall tho Hoard ot Education of tho
School District of tho City of North I'latto in
thn Cnuntr nf Lincoln. In tlinHtntnnf Nnlirns-
ka. lo authorlted to causa to bo lovied and
collected a tax annually, In an amount sufll
clent to bay tho Interest nnd nrlnclnal of said
bonds, as tho same mature in addition to tno
taxes now authorized to bo lovied by law, on
all tho property within said School District."
Tho ballots to bo used at said election shall
have urluted thereon; t
"For Issulnc $10,000.00 of tho Iwnds of tho
Pchool District of tho City of North Platte. In
tho County or Lincoln. In tho stato or No
braska. far tho mimosa of erectlnc and fur
nlshlnir ono clitht-room school bulldlnir on
lilock ii In tho Second Ward of tho City of
Forth I'latto. Nobraska. In said District, and
oroctlnir and furnlshlmr hub eleht-room
school bulldlnir on lilock &'.', In tho Third
warn, in tno uity or north riatto, within
said District. Said bonds to la negotiable in
form, and to boar Interest at tho rato of Uvo
nor cent net- annum, navablo semi-annually
nrlnclnal and Interest nayahln nt tho FIscn
Acency of tho Stato Of Nobraska. In tho City
ot New York, and which said bonds shall bo
duo as follows: In twenty years from tho
dato thereof, but may bo paid at any tlmo
after ton years from tho dato thereof nt tho
option ot tho Hoard of Education ot said
scnooi District Ann ror levying anu
collecting n, tax annually, in an amount suf
ficient to pay tho Interest and principal ot
said bonds, as the samn mature, In addition
to tho taxes now authorized to bo levied by
law, on all proporty within tho said School
"Against Issuing of tho bonds of
tho Pchool District ot tho City Of North
I'latto In tho County of Lincoln in tho
Htato of Nobraska, for tho purposo of orcct
Ing and furnishing ono eight-room Bchool
bulldlng.on lilock 1M In tho Second Ward
ot tho City of North I'latto, Ncbrnskn. In
said District; and erecting and furnishing
ono eight-room school building on lilock M,
in tno 'iiiirn waru in tno uity or worth
1)1..... , 1 ,, 1 . .hI.I.I.i n.lil T 1 1 . . . .. I .. u.1,1
i laiiu. tiuuiuaitu. niiimi buiu msiiiLb. oaiu
bonds to bo negotiablo In form and to bear
Interost at tho rato of flvo per cent per
annum, payable semi-annually, principal
and Interest pavablo at tlio Fiscal Agency of
tnowtatoor Nobrasxa, in um uity or now
York, and which said bonds shall bo duo as
follows: In twonty years from tho dato
thereof but may bo paid at any tlmo attor
ton years from tho dato thereof, at the
option of tho Hoard of Education of said
Hcnooi District. Ana against lowing ana co
looting a tnx annually, in an amount snf
llclont'to pay tho Interest and principal of
said bonds as thoy mature In addition to
tho taxes authorized to bo levied by law, on
nil Yirnnerf.r wltliln sum HClinni l llRt.rlct "
Thosa voting In favor ot said nrobosttlon
shall mark their ballots with an "" after tho
naracranh beginning "For" Issuing tho 210.
ouo.oo of tho bonds of tho School District of
tho city of North riatto, in tho County of
Lincoln, in tnentata or Nebraska. '
Those voting against said proposition, shall
mark tholr ballots with an "X" after tlio
n&ragrabh beginning "Against" Issuing
Il0.0uo.00of tho bonds of tho School District
ot tno uity or North riatto. in tho county or
Lincoln in tno state or noiirasica."
said election to opon at oight o'clock a, m.,
anu continue oncn uutu six o'clock d. m,
contral tlmo, on said dato.
Dated this 7th day of July. won.
Hy order of tho Hoard ot Education,
Fiiank E. Hur.T,Aitri, President,
A. F, STiiniTZ. Secretary.
Ray Menzcr will tako notico that on
the 19th day of Juno, 1909, P. II.
Sullivnn, a Justico of tho Pcaco in and
for Lincoln uounty, rsebrasKn, isiuou
nn order of attachment for tbo sum of
$5.00 in an action pending boforo him.
wherein Mrs. Vovn Stevons is plaintiff
and Kay Monzcr defendant, that pro
perty consisting or money in the nanus
of the Union Pacific Railroad Com
pany, a corporation, has been attached
under said order.
Said causo was continued to tho llth
dav of August, 1909, at 10 o'clock A. M.
Dated North Platte, Neb., JunoUVth,
It is a Well Known Fact
that our bakery goods aro not excelled
in Wostorn Nobraska. Wo uso tho
best flour, tho best incrcdionts of mil
kinds. Why allow your wlfo to over
heat herself baking when you con buy
such excellent goods of us at such low
prices f Try us.
Mrs. Jonnlo Armstrong, Prop.
Andrew A. Dnadsgaard will take
notico that on tho 23rd. day of June,
1909, P. II. Sullivnn, a Justice of tho
Peace in nnu ror Lincoln county, Ne
braska, issued an order of attachmont
! for tho sum of SG.00 in nn action pend
ing beforo him, whero Harry Dixon is
1'lulntilt anu Andrew a. xJaausgaaru
is Defendant, l'hat property of tho
Defendant consisting of. money in tho
hands of the Union Pacific Rail Road
Company, a Corporation, has been at
tached under said order.
Said causo was continued to tho 12th,
duy of August, 1909, nt Ten O'clock
A. ftl. llArtUY DIXON.
In thn matter of tha estate of Sarah
E. Slack, deceased.
In tho county court or Lincoln county, Ne
braska. July 12th. 10OU.
Notico Is hereby given, that tho creditors
of tho saltl deceased will meet tho Exccutcr
of said estate, beforo tho County Judgo
of Lincoln county. Nebraska, nt tho county
court room In said county, on tho nth day of
August, nw. and on thoutnuay or February,
1010, atO o'clock a- m. each day, for tho pur
doso of nrcsdntlng tholr claims for examina
tion, adjustment anu allowance, six months
nro allowed for creditors to present their
claims and ono year for tho Executor
to Kettle said estato from tho luth day
ot. May, 10UU. This notice to bo published
ror eight successive issues in tho North
I'latto Tribune a legal newspaper, prior to
August 0th. UW.
J18-S- W. O. ELDEIl. County Judgo.
Notice for Publication.
Serial No.(WW7.
Departmentof tho Interior.
II. S. Land Otllco at North Platte. Nob.
.InnoS. 1DOD.
Notico Is hereby given that Carl V. Mc
O'row, of North i'latto. Nob., who on Juno SO.
1001, mado Homestead Entry No. Serial
No. on, for east halt and south west iiuartur
Miction 8. townshln IS. north, rango 'i0. west ol
tho nth principal meridian, has llled notico of
Intention to makollnal flvo year proof, to es
tablish claim to tho land abovo described, be
fore tho register and recolvorat North riatto
Nebraska, on tho -Hit dny of August, 1000,
Claimant names as witnesses! w. it. uonius.
W. A. Htearns. O. Max McQrew. Adolph
Itudolph all or North I'latto, Nob.
jH-o J. E. Evans. Iteglstor.
to nobody. We tako off ours to no
body either when it comos to offering
the finest carriages at rcaso3ab!u prices.
Why not celebrate the couritry's birth
day with ono of thorn. Como and linvo
n look at and n talk about it anyway.
A. M. Lock.
Notice for Bids.
Notice is hereby given that sealed
bids will bo received up to six o'clock
n. m.. July iota iuu'J. by tno under
signed for tho erection of a frame
school house, llixzo, ton foot ceiling,
cement block foundation, in school
District No C. Hall precinct. Lincoln
county, Neb,, nbwut seven miles north
east of North I'latto. Plans mid
specifications can bo had of the un
dersigned, or uiny bo soon at The Tri
bune olllce. Thu school bonrtl reserves
tho right to reject any or all bids,
Hy order ot tno Hoard.
E. IIuhaiut, Director.
Estray Notice.
Taken up on or about April 5th, 1909,
on section 23, town 12, rango 30, by tho
undersigned who there resides, ono
brown mare colt, nbout two yearn old,
nma!l, no brands. Owner can havo
same by proving property nnd paying
), ti; CLmRENlllUrtbi
North Pldlto, P. O.
Notice for Publication.
Jim Brown, first and real nnme un
known, will tako notico that on tho 8th
duy of July, 1909, P. II. Sullivan, Jus
tico of tho Peaco of Lincoln county,
Nebraska, issued an ordor of attach
ment for tho sum of $30.00 in an action
pending beloro him wherein Stevo Ral
qrcs is plaintiff and Jim Brown, first
and real namo unknown, is defendant
and that property of tho said Jim
Brown, first and real name unknown,
to-wit, monoya in tho hands of tho
Union Pacific Railroad Company havo
been attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the 19th
day of August, 1909, at 10 o'clock a. m.
Signed at North Piatte, Nebraska,
this 12th day of July, 1909.
Steve Balqhks. Plaintiff.
Stato of Nobraska, county or Lincoln, ss,
in tho county court .iuno -uu. uw.
In tho matter of tho ostato of Frederick
DIolil. deceased
n reading and tiling tho notition or lowis
II. Dlehl braying that tho administration ot
said estate may bo granted to Henry J.
Dlcner ns administrator.
Ordered, That July i. iww. at o'clock
a. m., is assigned for hearing said petition
when all persons Interested in said matter .
may appear at a County Court to Ik) held In
nnu tor said Count), and show causo why
tho nrayor of notltlonor should not bo
granted. This notico to Ira published for
six succcsslvo publications In tho North
I'latto Tribune, prior to July 13th, 1WW.
w. u. Jihnnn,
Ji-fi County Judge
Sorlal No. O'MK
Department of tho Interior,
U. R. Laud Olllco at North Platte. Noll.
Juno 21, UW.
Notico Is horobv given that Hugh L. flaunt.
of North Plat to. Neb., who, on May SO. 1001,
mado homestead cntrv No. 1SV&0. serial No.
0500 for cast half northeast quarter and east
hair southeast quarter, section 10. township
1 north, rango ill, west, of tho sixth
Principal Meridian, has filed notico ot Intui
tion to make llnnl llvn rear tironf. to
establish claim to tho land abovo described,
bororo tha iteglstor and Kecelvcr at North
I'latte. Nebraska, on thn 2d ilnr of Aucust.
Claimant names ns witnesses William
Doohko. Honrv Doehkn. Jacob Mnvnrs.
OcorgoMacumbor, all of North Platte Nob.
Serial No. 01018.
Department of tho Interior,
U. S Land Olllco at North Platte Nob.
Juno a. 1000.
Notico Is hnrnhv clvon tbnt. .Tnsenh V.'.
Flshor. of North i'latto. Nob., who. on May
Wth, 1004, mado homostoad entry No. Itw2.
sorlal No. O1018. for south half northeast
quarter and north half southeast quarter
section 34, township 12, north, range AO, west
or tho 0th Principal Merldan, has tiled notico
of Intention to mako llnal flvo year proof, to
estaunsn claim to tuo iann nbovo aescrihcu,
boforo tho Register and Receiver at North
I'latto. Nob., on tha 5th day ot August. MOO.
Claimant names as witnesses! Krnd lllnhl.
James Shuck. Carl Sonuerman, Qua Dlehl.
all of North Platte Neb.
J. E. ETAytfc
In the matter of tha estntnnf WUllnm A.
Gregg, deceased.
in tno county court ot Lincoln county. No
braska, July 12th, 11HAI.
Notico Is horobv given, that tha creditors nf
said deceased will meet tho Executor
Of said estate boforo tho County Judgo of
Lincoln county. Nebraska, nt tha countv
court room In snid county, on tho 0th dny of
August, iw.'. nna on tno utn day or nobruary,
lulu, at j o'clock P. m. each dav. for tho mir-
poso of prosontlng thelrclalms for examina
tion, adjustment and allowance Six months
aro allowed for creditors to nresont tlmlr
claims and ono ycai for tho Executor to
sottlo said estate from tho 14th day of June
iwv. xiiis notico to bo published ror eight
successlvo Issues In tho North I'latto Tribune
a legal nowspapor, prior to August uth. 1000.
W. II. F.LTiRlt.
jlS-8 " County Judge
Serial No. 02103.
Department Of tho Interior.
TJ. S. Land Olllco at North Platte Nob.
Juno 3, iOou.
Notico Is hnrehi irlvmi Mint'. .Incnnh W
Fisher, of North Platte, Neb... who, on July 2.
loot, mado homestead entry No 202U3. orlal
No. 021U1. for south hnlf Rnnthnnsr. niinrt-or
section 01, township 2, N, rango W, of tho
0th Prlnclual Merldan. has tiled nntlcn ri tn-
kcntloit to mnko flnol flvo year proof, to
establish claim to tho land above described,
liofnrn tha Rrflitnr nml ltrnti'i,r nt. TMnrtl,
I'latte, Nob, on thoftth day of August, 1W.'.
. Claimant names as wltnssses: Fred Dlehl,
.tamos miiuck, carl Nonnormau, uus Dlehl,
all of North I'latto, Nob.
J-t .1. li. EVANS. Register.
To tho Somerset Land Svndtcnta; Thn
southeast quarter section 'l. townshln 10.
north, of rango 3, west, sixth P. M the un
known owners of said trnct. Alfred ltlnlfn
Oeorgo Cnrtor. Mario Emma Chnndlor.oxccu-
trix or ino csiaio or u. m. unandior, deceased
Mario Emma Chandler. John WUllnm Ilrrs-
dale Charles Elliott. John Lancaster, John
tceason. iTouoricKCi William Hhorroy, Ed
ward W. Sims, George F. Truman, Sr.,
11. Tvdeman. llrst namo unknown. I'pinr
Wallace Robert Wallace. A. Wlllltnr.
first namo unknown. John Wothorspoon,
Johy E. L. Ogdon, Mrs. Sarah Column.. Wil
liam Anderson Sillier. Ellsha K. tlnshlnn nnd
James Ovens: Yon and each of your aro
horoby no tilled that Dosta E. McConnoIl, ono
ot tho defondants In tho case ot Somerset
Laud Syndicate vs. D. E. .McConnoIl and
Edward E. Davis, bonding In Lhu district
court of Lincoln County. Nobraska, lllcd a
cross petition In said action asking for tho
foreclosure or a tax Hon held by her against
tho said southeast quarter bection -I. town
ship 10. north, rango ill, west, sixth P. M.
under and by vlrtuo of tax certlllcato No.
2138 Issued to hor by tho treasurer of Lincoln
county. Nebraska, on the third day of No
vember, I00X and for all subsequent taxes
paid by her. That thu nmouul claimed duu
on sold tract of land Is J7S.H1 and tho said
cross potltlouer asks that said tract ot land
Im sold for thu payutunt thorcof.
You and each of you aro roqulred to an
swer said cross petition on or beforo thu Uth
of August. WOO,
Dksta E. McCONNiu.r,.
Hy George E. French. Hor Atty.
To every person In uctual possession
or occupancy ot tho premises below
described and to Jonnlo M, Hlngstun,
J, West I Houston Trusteo, and Romalnu
James Hlngston In whoso amo thu tltlo of
said premises appears ot record In tho olllco
of tho Register of Deeds, In Lincoln County,
Nebraska, and to you and each of you aro
hereby notllled that on thu 4th day of Mo-
vonibor. iwit r, w, Aiwuian purchased ut
Notice For Publication.
Jim Brown, first nnd renl namo un
known, will tnko notico that on the
llth duy of June, 1909, P. II. Sullivnn,
Justice of the Peaco of Lincoln County,
Nebruskn, issued an order of attach
ment for the sum of $30.00 in nu action
pending before him wherein Gust
G ruche:) is plaintiff and Jim Brown,
first and real namo unknown, is de
fendant, and that property of tho said
Jim Brown, first and real namo un
known, to wit, money in tho bunds of
tho Union Pacific Railroad Copipany,
huve been attached under said order.
Said cause was continued to the llth
day tif August, 1909, at 10 o'clock
A. M,
Rlgnod at North Platro. NobfaHka,
this third dov of July, 1909.
Gust Grucjies, Plalnlid.
public salo tcortllca( No. Kn8) ut the County
iruusurer s unicuoisaiu count
log described real
county, tho" follow-
estato, towlt: lots seven.
eight and nluo (7. 8 and 0) In block twentv f0i
In tho North I'latto Town Lot Company's
Addition to the city of North Platte, Ne
braska, for tho delinquent taxes duo thereon
for tho year 1WM, for thu sum of J7H.S0 and on
tho "1st day ot Soptemlier, 1004, paid thu sub
sequent taxes assessed against said promises
for tho year 10u7 for tho sum of ii.ft! and on
tho 17th day of May. 1000, paid tho subsequent
taxes assossod "against bald premises fur tho
year UW for tho sum of $.t; that tho tlimv
for redemption will expire on the 4th day of
November. IWJ, and If tho tald promises aru
not redeemed on tho 5th day of November,
louo, from said tax salo tho undersigned will
apply to thn County Treasurer for deed to
'ald premises.
Dated this 7th day of June HHW,
T. W. Nawman.
Referee's Sale.
Hy vlrtuo of an order of tho District Court
ot Lincoln County. NuhrusUa, made on tho
0th day of Juno. iwm. In a partition suit then
pending wherein Wtlheinlna Rlepo s plain
lllf and Henry Ivleemoyor, Kleemoyer his
wife, first name unknown, Casper Kleemoyer.
- ICIeenieyer his wife first namo uukiu.wn,
1'red Kleemoyer, Kleemoyer his wlfo llrst
namo unknown. Jetty Kleemoyer, Henry Mil
ler, LUzIo Dulan. Mary Jones, Louis Miller.
Fred Miller. William Miller. Sim Dulan. -Jones,
husband of Mary Jones llrst namo un
known. 1' rod Echtenkamp, Wllllum Eohtoii
kamp. Henry Euhtuukamp, Jetty Smith, Ed
Smith, Laura Osmoyur- Osmeyer her hus
band, first namo unknown, Ktta Lutktnholdur
and llllam Lutklnholdcr aro dufendams.
and directed to mo. (ieorgo E, French as
referee I will on tliu -ml day or August, MOW,
at two o'clock p. m. of saltl day, at thu east
front door of tho court house lu said county
ot Lincoln, loll to tho highest bidder tliu
northwest Quarter ot icctlon thlrry-rl (85)
and the southeast quarter of tmctlon twantjy
fpnr(2ialiintowns,htntBn (loj it, ot ratlins
GEO. E. FnEst'rt, ftbKfcl.